Angel's Secret Garden

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Angel’s Secret Garden

Michela - This is Pierre our baker, he makes the most delicious cakes and
muffins. I always start my day with a muffin from Pierre’s.

Pierre - This is Danielle, the sweet-seller. She sells colourful sweets. All the
children can’t stay away from her shop.

Danielle - Hey Don, have you caught any fish today?

Don - Yes 5.
This is Don, the fisherman, he sells the fish to the villagers I hope
you’ll have enough fish for the whole village.

Don - Hi Becky, What lovely flowers you have today?

Becky - Thanks would you like a bouquet?
Don - Yes please and make it a colourful one.
Becky - Ok, Red, Yellow, Green, Orange, White, Purple and Pink

Becky - Phew! Just in time. This is Jasmine our bus driver. She’s always on
time and will take you anywhere you want around the village.

Jasmine - Good Morning Nicole, do you have any tasty meat today?
Nicole - Of course.
Jasmine - Nicole’s butcher shop is the busiest place in the village. She sells
sausages, burgers and chicken nuggets.

Nicole - Help, Fire Fire, no just kidding. This is Michael, with him around the
village is a safe place to live in.

Michael - Sarah is the toy maker; if you come into her shop I’m sure you’ll find
something that your children would love.

Sarah - If you park your car badly, Matthew will definitely give you a ticket so
watch out for our policeman, he will show you no mercy.

Matthew - Dear Kylie, a true portrait please. But hide the mole on my cheek, the
bump on my head and make sure you colour my eyes blue. Thanks.

Kylie - Hi steve
Steve - Shhh
Kylie - What are you hunting for?
Steve - Can you see that in the bushes? That’s our dinner. So be quiet.
Kylie - OH. So we’re eating rabbit tonight?

Masquerade - January Mini Production - Red Class 2003/2004 - Daphne 1
Steve - I hope so.

Steve - Shaun, is my car ready yet?

Shaun - No not yet, I’m afraid I have some bad news.
Steve - What?
Shaun - You’re going to have to buy a new one.

Shaun - Many shoes to repair today Anthea?

Anthea - Yes loads, I hope I can finish them all by tomorrow.
Shaun - I’ll leave you to it then, goodbye

Anthea - What lovely vegetables you have growing in your field Matthew?
Matthew M - Thanks, I look after my field and make sure all the vegetable have
enough water that’s why I have good vegetables. Do you need any?
Anthea - Oh yes please

Matthew M. Good morning Leanne, Oh all your clothes are on sale. Better not tell
my wife and daughter because I won’t have enough money left for the
rest of the month.

Leanne - If you want to change your style for a special occasion then Krista’s
hair salon is the place to visit.

Krista - Good morning Mr. Professor, do you think you can help me with my
maths HW.
Maths maths maths , no no no.

Noelle Dear Teacher, your student seems to be having problems doing her
maths hw, can you please explain it to her, I have no time to waste.

Everyone walks around and form a circle with Pierre in the middle

Pierre It’s a girl

Nicole On that day Angel was born.

Everyone was very happy.
There were very few children in the village
So everyone felt Angel was a special child

Jasmine Her grandma loved her dearly.

Angel grew up into a beautiful little girl

Matthew She helped everyone around the village

And we all gave her small gifts in return.

Angel (Kylie) walks around the village doing chores for the villagers, they all give her
a small gift in return.

Masquerade - January Mini Production - Red Class 2003/2004 - Daphne 2
Don Unfortunately one day her grandma was very ill
Krista Angel never left her bedside and just before she died she gave her a key

Leanne ‘This key, my dear, will open the door to a garden which now belongs
to you. You must visit the garden every Monday before you go to
Steve Angel took the key and promised her gran she would do as she had

Pierre So off she went to the SECRET Garden for the first time in her life

Students take up positon for the garden (PLAN ATTACHED)

Pierre Everytime Angel got to the garden she followed her grandma’s
Leanne - Knock on the door three times in a row
All (whisper) Knock on the door three times in a row
Leanne - Turn the key three times to your right
All (whisper) Turn the key three times to your right
Leanne - Stand back and the door will open
All (whisper) Stand back and the door will open

Matthew M Everytime Angel entered the garden, the green bushes full of flowers
woud greet her in their own special way.

Bushes Shhh,Shhh! Lovely to see you pretty girl, here’s a flower for your hair.

Angel - Thanks, bushes. Good Morning trees.

Trees - Good Morning Angel.
Orange Tree Don’t forget to take home some of our juicy oranges
Banana Tree Our bananas our just right, come over and pick a few.
Apple Tree Remember dear girl, an apple a day keeps . .
All Kees the doctor away, yeah we know.
Angel Thanks to all of you I’ve started eating a lot of fruit and mum is very
pleased with me.
Animals Hello Angel,shall we sing your special song today, while you water the
Angel Yes, sure.

SONG - My grandma’s Garden - BEATRICE

Michael Angel kept her promise and every Monday before school she came to
visit the garden
Becky Until one day Angel was very sick and her mother did not let her go to

Masquerade - January Mini Production - Red Class 2003/2004 - Daphne 3
the garden.
Sarah So for two Mondays in a row Angel did not visit the garden.
Danielle When she got better she couldn’t wait for Monday to arrive. She was
scared something bad had happened to the garden. So on Monday she
got dressed and ran to the garden.

Anthea She knocked

All 3 times
Shaun Turned the key
All 3 times to the right
Stood back
And the door opened.
The bushes were brown and they didn’t have any flowers
The trees were bare without any fruit
Noelle And all the animals were sad because the garden wasn’t beautiful
Angel Mrs. Sun, where are you? I need your help. What has happened to my
Nicole Oh Angel, you’re back? What happened to you? We thought you were
never comig back. I tried to tell them to try to live but eveyone missed
you so much
Angel I was very sick, I couldn’t come to the garden. Now look what’s
happened. What am I going to do?
Nicole Oh don’t worry my dear. I want you to close your eyes and believe that
the garden will be beautiful again.
Pierre So Angel did as she was told and Mrs Sun asked her cousin Rain to
help out. And in no time at all, as if by magic the garden was beautiful
once again.

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Michela & Jasmine Pierre & Michael

(Banana Tree) (Apple Tree)

Shaun & Steve

(Orange Tree)
Bushes with


Sarah Birds
Don, Krista, Danielle,

Noelle DOOR
Matthew & Matthew

Kylie (Angel) will walk in through the door and go next to the people speaking to

Masquerade - January Mini Production - Red Class 2003/2004 - Daphne 5

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