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David’s Talent


Narrator/Enchantress Prospera



Satine (Tatiana’s friend)

Ariel (Island Creature)

Nino (Acrobat/Gymnast)

Marcey (Gymnast)

Mercedes (Circus Owner)

Arlecchi (Clown)

Diva Carlotta

Giselle (Singer)

Camellia (Impersonator/ Mime)

The play starts with David reading a book, in a tableau.

Narrator: Today, I am here to tell you a story of courage, a story that changed the life of our
protagonist, David forever. Looking attentively at him you’ll realise he is an insecure boy, afraid
to stand out, who sees himself as being a total failure. Despite his own perception about
himself, he was, in reality, a talented student who does quite well at school. He, however,

found great difficulty in socialising with his peers, particularly with girls… thus instead of facing
the problem and making amends he sought refuge in his room full of books, whose protagonists
were people endowed with courage...

David: I'd love to be one of those heroes fighting evil… saving the damsel in distress!

Narrator: Well, you would be surprised to learn that one day David’s dream became reality…

At this moment David is sucked by the book. He ends in a new mysterious world. Here we meet
the character of Ariel; she is singing some tune, while playing with an imaginary creature...

Ariel: If I was a rich girl (During the song David wakes up and starts
wondering around, only to find himself face to face with Ariel, who in her turn starts to
scream...) AAHH!!!! And who in the name of all the creatures of this island are you!?!?!

David: (mumbling) I’m… I’m…

Ariel: Oh, your name is ‘Im’ well quite a strange name! But who am I to speak about strange
names?! (Laughs)

David: No… Im…Im…

Ariel: Yes I understood that you’re ‘Im’, I’m Ariel, pleased to meet you!!

David: No!!! I’m David, where am I!? What is this place? And who are you!?!?

Ariel: Well I guess you are one of those tourists who come along once in a while!!... (Changing
posture and voice) This is the island of pleasure, leisure and entertainment. A mysterious and
haunting island! The very island where sometimes dreams become reality!! The island where
those who are not bestowed with true courage are left to die! (Laughs) But let me be your tour
leader for one day and introduce you to the island and its exciting inhabitants!!

Scene changes to a circus where we meet with the ensemble… The first character we meet is
Mercedes who is practising her opening speech…

Mercedes: Ladies and gentleman, young and old - tonight you will assist to a marvellous show,
where the artistry and valour of our performers will keep you on the edge of your seat yearning
for more... (She trains her voice and speaks in different tonalities)

Ariel and David sneak in without being notice. After watching the antics from the circus leader
Ariel starts laughing…

Mercedes: Oh my!! Who’s there!?!? Oh!!’s you! Weren’t you supposed to help the others!?
You’re the same old braggart who is good at nothing!!... (At this point she notices David who
until that moment was looking around) And what is this boy doing here? Is he another survivor?
Speak! What’s your name? What brings you here?

David: Are you talking to me?... Well my name is David and I have absolutely no idea why I’m

Ariel: True, when I met him at the shore he was totally dumbfounded, couldn't speak a word!

Mercedes: Well, he seems like he has found his tongue!! I hope you’re not here to disrupt our
preparations for the show. I am Mercedes, owner and leader of the Cirque de Freak! In our

circus, only those who prove their talent and, most importantly their valour can become part of
our ensemble!

Ariel: Oh I'm sure that he is up for the challenge! He seems to be quite talented in the art of
stammering and staring into the void!! (Laughs)

Mercedes: Another boy good for nothing!! Ariel take him back to where you found him, I have
no time for this nonsense!

David: What?! Look I…I…am more than capable of proving my worth to you…

Ariel: Yes Madame we should give him a chance to prove his worth… I am sure he can give me a
hand in the preparations…

Mercedes: Indeed, ok you can help in the proceedings. But Ariel, if something goes wrong you’ll
be held completely responsible, there is no time for mistakes! Now boy let me introduce you to
our ensemble…

At this moment we have the singing and dancing number from the whole ensemble. At the end
of which they all introduce themselves.

Mercedes: Ok enough with the buffoonery everyone back to work!

At this moment there is the sequence of interactions between the various members of the
ensemble during which David stops staring at Tatiana, who is singing and dancing. Arlecchi
notices this and purposefully pushes the boy next to her…

David: I’m sorry I was…

Tatiana: No worries, but watch your steps… you could end in trouble...

David: What do you mean?

Tatiana: Nothing, just be careful to what you say and where you go, there are mysterious
creatures wandering around.

David: Thanks!

Tatiana: Don’t put on such a terrified face now, I was only joking! We are here to entertain!
Watch the number we’re working on...

Here Tatiana sings a song and is joined by the rest of the cast, even David gets involved.
Everyone is enthusiastic to see David's talent and they all urge Mercedes to let him make a duo
with Tatiana at the end of the show.

Giselle: Well done David, you have a beautiful voice!

Nino: Not as good as Giselle’s but very good indeed!

Diva Carlotta: Indeed, charming...

Marcey: Yes boy, you have a talent!

Satine: We should talk to Mercedes about letting him be part of the show!

David: What?! I don’t think…

Camellia: Good idea, he would make a great impression!

Arlecchi: The audience would be ecstatic! But unless Mercedes approves this is a no-go.

David: Guys, I appreciate, really, but...

Tatiana: David you should give it a try. Showcase your talent and be proud of it!

Ariel: Yes David, believe me we've seen much worse!!

David: What do you mean ‘much worse’!?!

Giselle: Nothing he’s just being a pest!

At this moment Mercedes walks in…

Mercedes: What's all this shouting about!?

Arlecchi: Well David would like to ask you something…

Tatiana: Yes I think you should listen to him, go ahead David...

David: Well, Madame, my friends here, would like me to be part of the show...

Mercedes: And do you think you are worthy of such an opportunity? Our circus is the most
prestigious and those coming to watch expect nothing less than the best!

Ariel: Oh don’t worry Madame we can always emend by killing him right after the show!

Silence from everyone

Ariel: Oh c’mon I was only joking!

Mercedes: So boy, do you think you’re deserving of such a chance? Do you consider yourself
capable? Your performance will be scrutinised by those watching!

Tatiana: C’mon David I’m sure you’ll make us proud.

Rest of the ensemble: Yes.

David: …Ok I’ll give it a try. Even though I knew what I was capable of, I never dared taking a
challenge for fear of being judged. But I think now is the time to show my worth to all those

Satine: That's the attitude.

Arlecchi: Indeed, show them your guts!

Mercedes: All right then, so be it! I'll give you the chance to perform. I'm placing my trust in
you, everyone is placing their trust in you I really hope you don't disappoint us. Everyone back
to work!

Everyone continues with their work miming

Ariel: That was very brave of you David, I’m impressed. Sometimes you do give the impression
of being a coward!

David: Thanks Ariel, you have your own way of complimenting someone…

Ariel: I know! Love me or hate me for whom I am! Anyhow, before, I saw you talking with
Tatiana, be carefully with her.

David: What do you mean?

Ariel: The fact is that Tatiana has a curse on her head…

David: A what?!

Ariel: A curse!

David: But…

Ariel: A long time ago, Tatiana’s mother, being an enchantress, put a curse on her daughter so
as to protect her from any malevolent suitors. Anyone who dares to kiss Tatiana and doesn’t
posses the necessary courage and valour will be transformed in a hideous creature and bound
to live on this island forever.

David: That's impossible.

Scene shifts to the day of the show

Mercedes: Ladies and gentleman, Welcome to the Cirque de Freak where the imaginative
borders on the real…Let the show begin!

During the coming scene each performer goes through his/her number miming

Ariel: It’s soon time to go out.

David: Thinking it over, I believe it’s better not to perform. I don’t want to raise havoc or let you

Tatiana: I’m sure you’ll make everyone proud, we’ve all seen your talent.

David: I don’t think I’m capable of performing in front of so many people.

Ariel: Yes boy you are, you just have to believe in yourself.

Tatiana: As much as I believe in you…

David: Yes maybe so, I can’t back down…

Ariel: Go and prove your worth!

Onstage David has a moment of hesitation; everyone is watching and anxious to see the
outcome. Ultimately Tatiana and David sing a beautiful duet and receive a rapturous applause.
Everyone is ecstatic.

Giselle: Well done, great performance!

Satine: You were amazing!

Arlecchi: Boy, you made a great impression!

Mercedes: Good job boy, you surely didn't disappoint!

Tatiana: You were simply great, I had no doubts about it. I'm proud of you!

David: I wouldn‘t have managed without your help.

As they draw close to each other everyone stops what they’re doing and watch in apprehension
to what might happen.

Marcey: Oh no, this is going to be bad!

Camellia: Sure thing! Are you both mad?!

At this moment Prospera appears.

Tatiana: Mother!

Mercedes: The wizard is back to take her due!!

Diva Carlotta: Oh my… (She faints, falling on Nino)

Nino: Carlotta!! Wake up!

Giselle: What do you think you’re doing, get off my man!?!

Arlecchi: This is turning out to be a great after-show!! (Laughs)

Prospera: My child, it has been a long time since I have been here before you, but I never
stopped watching over you, protecting you from any malevolent forces. But today I’m her to lift
off the curse… David has proven himself as being a worthy boy endowed with true courage, I’m

very happy you have come to know each other. I hope that you will cherish this experience for
the rest of your lives...

While everyone is celebrating, David finds himself back in his room.

David: But?!?!... So all that happened was just a dream… but it seemed so true… so real…

As he stands up, a letter slips from the book.

David: But what’s this? Dear David, you might be asking yourself if all that happened was real
or just a dream. Believe me there are times when dreams become reality; you just have to
believe in them. Believe in yourself, in your talent; never be afraid to express yourself, and
maybe one day we will meet again in the land of nowhere where dreams become reality!
Sincerely yours, Tatiana.


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