Apart From The Usual Ceremonies One More Ceremony

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—_ ~we one more ceremony, Apart from the usual cer S¥eegarappudumal is also performed by Nattukkottal chettiar®« particularly the There have been many cases of familii In the Hindu society in gene- rich ones having no male issues Fal and among Chettiars in particular, a son is considered erform essential to enjoy the properties and more than that to perfor! the funeral ceremonies, Chettiars who have no sons, adopt ones the custom is to adopt a boy from the same temple circle and gub-circle; such adoption alone is valid. Some families adopt a lad of five or six, educate and train him in thtir family. But most adoptions are at the age group of eighteen to twenty and the boys marrisge is held within a few weeks of adoption. Usually, the adopting parents insists on the boy's marriage with their daughter's daughter and only on such acceptance, adoption is confirmed, A price is usually paid for the adoption, The adopting Parents give a certain amount of money to the family which parts with the son. The amount depends on the status of adopting family and the needs of the other family.The later ask for money as reimbursement of expenses incurred for the son's education and expense of a daughter's marriage. The deed of adoption is entered into between the parties and signod on the day of adoption, Early morning on that day, the adopting father and the pangalies go to the boy's house with gifts for his natural parents, The boy is 2385 adorned with Jovela brought by his now father his family and taker tural rele roo! He prostrat bore tho members o: leave of them The entire party including all the nal are invited tfons of the boy, who have gathered in his how in como- by the adopting family and taken to the boys new home ro with tradition al monial procession, They are welcomed the hospitality. The boy prayere taken in proc Me Sets foot in the home to be received with alathi, Poornay kumbam, garlands ete, as mark of special honours. The boy then deci- prostrates before his father who calls him by the new m ded by the family. He adopts thie nam from this day onwards. A function similar to the Pudumst takes place on that day, After two or three days, the natural parents and ali the reLatives take Leave of the boy and the new parents assures thom that they wail take good care of the toy. Loaded with presents they depart. ‘There are tvo important jewellaries for Nattukko ttat Chottiare. Makard, ie one of them, It consists of a thick gold belts usually of two foot item with rudraksha beeds, coral and dons like marriage. If the family pearls, It is used on rare oce does not ovn one, effort is made to get it from some other family for a day's use, Posession of Makari is considered a sign of god luck, - 39 attone Aimpadi Talt is qnother ornanant that commands oUF tion, It ‘The TaLt among Nagarathars is known as Aimpadt Tals- AP & necklace consisting of five emblems of Thirumal namely sonch(@Ri®), vheet (@iegi), crud (aging axe (@ms) bow (nats) Mmatever the value of the gold in the Tall, these five omaments an ate Secured only through a thread coloured with Turmeric! The Nattukkot tai Community seem to be particularly organised for carrying on the essential service of banking. It has numerous caste megulations vaich are meant only, to fecilitate the effi- elent discharge of the duty fr a society as a whole.From the varied re eraddle to the grave the Nagarathar community observ Uigicus cerenonies which reflect their economic status as well their practical wisdom and belief in tradition. its Somadloy !~ Chattimadim Tovmidum P39, + the ND sTLAR Prostrations of Ganesh By the grace of Lord Shiva MATRIM( aoe" ONAL AGREEMENT entered into this day between (2) son of = ras village of Chottior of are ~ Sub-cirele sm, region of the party of the First Part, (2) ------. vildage of -. - Chettiar of ~ Sub-eircle i or -Tonple circle ===" Second Part- Cpgugmeree oa region of the Party of the = son of the Party of the first = daughter of the party Part has today married of the Second Part, ‘The Second Party has given (has agreed to give) the following gifts: Gold Coils = ----. (number) Go1d=Copper alloy metals (vet ent) Dowry -. (equal to gold value of) Silver ---- (weight) Cash payment for cattle Cash payment being Donations by relatives. The Party of tho First Part agrees to give the following gitter Written in the hand @&-----end held in duplicate, by each of the signatories (Party of the First Part) Party of the Second Part) Note: The words still used to denote jewels and gold coins are Pallava and Chola coins and currencies. opp-Cils $+ Samolay . P.zo! SUAPTER - Ty R SLTEON oF NarrucKornar cHETTEaR WOM The Tedten of Nattukkot tat communi ty occupy a0 important Lace in 0 Piase in thetr comunity though thotr place in carly times ¥a# confined to on and fo thetr homes, they were not given much education ® Were no S ROE allowed to go with thelr husbands outside their terrt ‘ory. Thies have changed now, Now as the whole Indian women Sockety 49 advancing ant marching forvard, the Nattukkot ‘at Chetty Ladies also started going to Colleges and have become srvanced Because of their association with the members of Bther socities. Now there are number of Nattukkottai ladies occupying important positions, ‘The Chettiars are called Nagerathars because they belong ‘© certain Nageram or township nine in number, At the head of each of those Nagaram there is a temple which is maintained by the common fund of the werathars. The married couple Pulli form the social unit of tho commu- nity amd each euch unit of the community has to contribute to BULLI varat or Asti varai of tho temple! As s00n as the son gets married, he should live separately along with his wife, cook separately ami eat their meals, though they live in the same house. Bven the widow is no exception to 1. Raja Sir Annamalai Chettiar Commemoration Vol. p. Sil. a +36. the rute, Unmarried » arent ss OMe and daughters live with thelF P' By FY married 4 Persons of moans had his own business: “ 8000 a8 he te ay, thus @ “"rL0d he becoms independent, The Chetty caps t@ US deposited 4 ee vonen and widows, Ly the money of the married women al Che tty vo re 7 receive Large sum of dowry at the ti thet mares ee, and! thd» money is generally placed in deposits with mmber of tions Nattukkot; Ona. ai vomen £3 also as thrifty as their menfolk. Tey are eco, ° economic at not home in domestic expenditure, They will allov anyth: SENG tog waste or unaccounted for. They Will not spend money unnec, Serily. The money spent for festivals aleo will not exceed Shetr Limits, Aas soon as the baby eirl 1s born to a Nattuke kottal chet ‘st chetty parent the mother of the baby will start gathering articles and ornaments needed for her daughter's marriage, This Process of saving for the daughter helps to accumulate a substan- tial Wealth and it is intensified actor the girl atteins her puberty, This kind of saving is made for every daughter separately. Generally Nattukkottai house wife used to bul provisions (grain hal, chillies ete) for one year and preserve 1t most economically ‘and enillies once in every by cleaning and drying the cerele, pul: month. Customerily her spare time is spent in making artistic and house hold materials 14ke Tuadukiu (square mat) baskets etc. and is dyed and printed ina ‘This is made out of the palm Leavy most attractive manner. Some women are also engaged in weaving during their spare timo, All this shows that the women are also -97- y de) industrious ey. e enthough they are thrifty in thet expemtiture, Hosp: se Mompitality te great tradition among chortle ‘radi tion 4s kept up at home by the chettiar ¥7 piraren 4 by the vaen and © or gues, quest to a Chettiar home is welcor na tyou are welcome also With greetings ‘Yanga! 1¢ m Cooking 1s no staple affair in Cottiar familtors "any items are prepared on the oceasion of greeting « viaetory 7° guests are seated on (Thadskin! and served with deldctau® food prepared specially, on the big plaintain Leaves: Nattukkottai Ladies are mostly vegetarians until « f¥ decades back. Now a days non-vegctarian dishes are also popula® This could be due to the influence of monfo1k od whey, they were on busi- Tey offer among the adie: who were habited to non-vegetarian fo ness tours. Chettiar women are highly religious. prayers to get children with god's blessing; they undertake long pilgrimages to holy places on the river banks, near the falls and on the @a coasts, To facilitate such pilgrimage, the Chettiars have built Chatrams in the important ar Every day they used to take bath in the early morning and go to the temple along with thelr children. They are saivites, Their women folk also worship ninor dieties like Atyanar, Nuneeswer ‘and Karuppen. They are also said to worship two village goddesses called Sellathamman and Kennudianman at Nattarasan Kot tai”. 2, Ramanathapuram District Gazeteer p. 146. _ — + 38 There are . thoes adams trom vnore the Hattvnxoteal nett !? are 4 Mitfated into religion, Tulavur is one of the madam from wher 7 Mere the Ladies of the community are Anttiated £24 Peligion, Nattul hea Hkottal Vonen do not accompany their husbands Wit the ancient Tamil 11te~ they Y © out for business, 'Tholkappiam' Fature prohibits merchants from being accompanted by wonee £7 of keeping 3. This age old tradition travel has been scrupulousiy follewed +7 Every Nattukkottal Chetty had iis ow establishment at hone also. Tt was not possible for then to Leave thetr belongs and go to foreig countries along with their families for for tunes.So the vomen remained at home to look after thelr property and other house hold duties, The husbands used to visit the family periodically and add to the investments in their native place, With the loss of business in Burma and Celon some poopie st life who were settled there, cane back home penniless and almo: less. Women cheered them up by giving them whatever Jewellery they had to build-up new 1ife from the beginning. It ie around fifty years back they started taking their wives along with them. Rani Lady Annamalai Chettiar vas the first Lady in the community to cross the sea and Ranis exemple vas soon followed", When 3. Somalay: Chettinadum Tamilum, p.22. he Raja Six Muthiah Chettiar 60th Birthday commemoration Vol. P.91. = 99 griond® ody Rani returned home sound an wind amd imo, BOF _ nor 99F' ei relations nenved an audibie alah of Feltee gorse travel in thos? return. Such was their distrust of foreke! me perso he period which has since intervene distant Lands of all ite terrors and cnet tt present day fty or oatt to the ends of earth S187" o resulted £2 ¢ experience o pecoming oom days Improved communication hav ¢ chettiar world and the widening of the range © on. women and men, Long residence abroad are 7°™ 5 ig propibited+ Remarriage anong Nattukkottat chetty 1adte wanted members eon auspicious ¢ the Widows were treated as neglected and 2 fanily ond they wore not allowed to participat customs prevented them from occasions, festivals and rituals: flower ete. wearing coloured cloths, gold ornaments, POFttr ‘They generally lead a simple and austere 11fe+ enerally one piece of cloth Tt has been remarked and ‘The dress of the Hindu women is 6 wrapped round the waist covering the body- surprised at ite simplicity, 9 with which Indian ottad that the Eurepean ladies will be that the security, the comfort and the eleganc It is the ease among Nattukk: are remarkable wears her dres: even about fifty years ago they do women algo. In olden days or not wear bodice or blouse. Nowea-days they dress Like any other women in the Indian Society. 5, Pudukkottai Manual 1921 P-154. otos ose The savential ornasente of evens marctad WORh uae a8 ee husband 19 alive te her tals anton 22 attached 1° © « and Tere are apoctal ornaments for nosey arty "eM! a p (anni) runctione ‘ope ( Oysos aie a beads and fing! Nagarathar vonen wore at special on their e. heir ears along with Mudichy Kaduleks a silver Laatchurt (deudah) vriet band made oF ©2877) white wrict anklots * a rudraksha 0 eted symbol of won Ir coral, silver rings on hands and feet, np her ‘The Widows does not wear all these exceP neck, Kaahuthuru, 1s the most auspectous and °° font ad PERS pas as egcenecd es RARER? permanent investment which could aot be converted into liquid cashe vt ceapect to. shake elders 2P@~ atner-in-1ev). No ¥! Nattukkottai vonen give ere! clally to their in Lave (aother-dneLow f oS inelaw and the will call them by name. The name of the mother father-An-Lev ere invariably elven to their grand opaidrens The ames invent new names and call and Sulanthel. women, to avoid pronouncing th them by such pet names like Raja, Thargal wattauuet(aa adilde’ wero ob eivenimuon sauontionitn (°07 7 Gaya, Until 1950, the chottiars rarely sent their eirt® £0 schools. qiis Look of schooling veel nate up by, vordlyjexpersenceriicl™ a sense, business acumen and literary movledge handled down from generation to generation. They took up to composing song sf fish to water. Though they have not been systematically educated, they s on Patterns of Marriage in Tamil 6. Somalay. Reports of Seminar Society, 1979, P+ 175+ oul th aensat oor OFF* Nany o ow od 6° any of them are exponents of Tamil. Thaker An-nate Me Pe Literary ther erery aptitude ang tinguietic taient wre reverted Y ongs of natural an * 4 Anstinetive 1niiabies and in spontance’® ase sorrows, ness one F Se at the spur of the moment when a dear OF ses away, they have been pi ‘ed on from mouth to mouth and they have is able fd permanent value, The cradle songs contain a nuaber of # bring out thoughts and ide impor tant opinions, + They expre: t© public imowledge the penances undertaken by the Lady to Pesee @ child, the affection with which she has brought up her ohizdres ay thing? under difficult circumstances, the costly toys and pl gifted to the child by the uncle and other maternal relations ete. In richness of content and simplicity of lenguage end goin the heights sions, these cradle song? of Tamil Classics, though there are occasional grammatical Lapses here and there, For example Oss Qpae Drow Bop rwderaa *pibnms Ayanmy anager - eo8) Ound apeele Nendningey pomy ™ 3h Sangean -gas, Brg pass cenan nna” 7. Alagappan, R. Thalattukkal Inuru - p, 107. - hee aver In 6 not & arly days Nattukkottal Chetty women * pesmat? formal educa nat ner © tion becouse the elders believed 4 1008 place Was he family F house and she has to wok for BY ; me ginnin’ ° ade in the be g Nat 0 y devote after her ehitar jhe ildren, Oren, Attempts were mi tok ‘wentioth century itself to educate them Mar. wetted Ghettiars wire schoote for giriay on one cores?” Laying foundation for q girie school at Karasnudt 49 [2° your oss * x boys the 1910. RY M.S.m.M, Chockalingam Chettiar in nis addr aid following vords, "Side by side with the education of aiso showid PO Xt occurred to me that the education of our girls tit best to impr iiinai®. ove dev. eloped, and for that purpose, I though and endow the existing inatitution for girls in Kare: Similar attempts were made by various leading Nateukkot ted ‘The leading anoné Chettiars to improve the education of girls. lai Chettiar them being Dr. Alagappa Chettiar and Raje Sir Annam od in the promotion of women's education: who were keenly intere At present there are number of Nattukkottai Ladies occupying good positions, In Chettiar family there 19 a ceremony for girls stepping into adulthood, Qusten demands that each youth should undergo this ceremony vefore marriage and during her teenages. This cere- mony can be held only in Tamil month of margazhi?. pe 64 8. Fifteenth Tour of Lord Pentland to Rennad, ys Supra = Pe 262% Me aie The day of the wosk and the time Wnt? the age are preci astrologer is called upon to Pre?’ 1 for this cope of maturity), Some parties may o* during marriage negotiation a is overs & ee ai advertt ted about eribed pollution pert© a matrimons nig corlec somont After the pr is arranged, It is something like anviting families of relatives. Informatio) 4, edvoa- the phyesoai-contarss, gsneralvoommoty 77° on et ssed and pas rror special ‘tional and other qualifications of the girl otery ba (Gop the santana toarpaceysateent peer aero ay's in the month od husband. 4 (Jury prayers at nights on Tuesd: ei Ayes i e. august) seeking early marriage and 0 8° at person to be sent ately after- When the girl comes off age, the S47 6 her aunt. use to give tho trl for and informed of that event 4 Tamed Words, the aunt rushes to her brothers ho the other Kith and Kin a ceremonial bath and make presents. iso way ‘call on the girl and convey ther good wiches angie ually toilet articles. he maternal grand mother form of token gifts ui ‘The major that 18 valuable and costly gifts are from t! and her sisters. From now on, the girl is kept under the constant wardshiP of ner mother, She 18 given sore training in the household work, Like cooking and housekeeping, how to keep family traditions etc, y SS — = he Marni eee is fo next 19 the fret tage im rating « familys 7 Be pogetting ie Ging virth to chitdren and upbringing them children is 48 considered « gri cording to Hinduism & ne t gift. Ac spectal respo . S*PoneLbiLity rests on parents to find a suitable match fo: ta * thelr daughter and give her in marriage at the a0pFePT! s age. In or ‘tnate delay in carrying out this duty whit caste ® shadow eX of misfortune and unhappiness over the entire family ‘The paren} 2 Parents therefore should not put off dischareine this °Ptt Soa fo respect, reali- but take quick and serious ateps in thi sing the urgency of it, That 18 vny in the Nattukkottat Chet tit Famtiien Girls got married at the early age, Usually themeriages condu 20, Now-ar are conducted from four to five days in the early times” + No Gays on account of improved transportation and commntation faci Lities and the influence of austerity measures the epan of marriace ceremonies are cut short to two days. The ladies of Mattukkottal community occupied very important position in their house in early days although they were not Given formal education, or allowed to go outside her territory. Things have changed, the men of Nattukkottai community began to fect that their Ladies should also be given proper education in par with the society, ue to the generous help and encouragement of the great philonthrophists and educationalists of this community the status and outlook of Nattukkottal thetty women has also been changed gi more and more girls undertake higher education and involve in the social activitte: 10. supfa, P+ 22 G29 CHAPTER =v THEIR No srst KOTT, According to Francis, tof ail the Cnetthars pernar? baad kottal Chettiar® most distinctive and interesting are Nattuk who are vealthy money Lenders with hoad quarters £9 TETUPPAt! anathapur am and Devokkttai division of Sivaganga and Ram tmportant Zemindaries"™, 1, indegenous bankers play a YOry part in the economic life of India. The Nattukkottat Chettiars SE one Of the most remarkable banking committe? in Tasil Nadu and most of then live in Ramnad and Pudukkottet Districts. They have extensive business in various places in Madras Presi- dencies and in the eity of Madras, Ceylon and Indo Ghinay th? parts of whole of Burma, the vhole of Malayan Peninsula and +8 Sumatra, With the opening of Suez Canal and the Laying er eteca st and the west rose tric telegraph cable, trade between the to eddy hetghts and handsom profite resulted to cvitivator? traders and financiers, There was not only the flow of gods and money, but also a canetant flow of 1900, 0 two way Saf StSs which broadened the mind and broke down barriers. Nattukkottal Chettiars have been conducting business for d principale and methods. They centuries on certain well organi. had high reputation for the fact that their methods have stood ting the test of time clearly prove that they have been condu their business on right principals, ys of Southem India, Vol.Y, ly Edgar Thurston ~ Caste and Trib pe 249. = hb Nattukkottal Oh re told and most amusing stories are & qneir ereedy y usually 19 peir 2 vearthy they may bey the 9s thel! yous manner, and they wit? a ail have a penny teft o long as they sh 5 to their ral to make amend! to devtorsy pacity © However) work of of earning ones gre in the habit of spending 16769 quarity. and whatever the faults SA7 bo, they are met excellent ees The Che ttiars were $0! and in Burma, men in business’ n their dealings? straight forvard i! e national econe! ously fair and elped to strengthen ths my by their personal 3 financial assistan they'h striking testimony farcourt Butlers example and generou ro to their help was borne, among ofherty by Sir Hi who once observedy tyithout the assistance of e achieved the covernor of Burm the Chettiar banking system, Burma would never hav f the last twenty five years+ to thirty five wonderful advance ©: ericulturist ssary finance to the he Ghettiars provided the nece: jn practically every village in the province, and while onatne is production, they have af the to greatly increase hi nomy by their insist- the Burma none time inculeated ideas of thrift and 000 ing on regiiar payments as regards both principal and interest? meir record in Malaya vas not Less praise Worthy: We have Sir compton Neokenzies testimony in hie Realms of Sitver That" the ttiare maintained the reputation won by Chettiors Singapore Che shrewdness and inte! 4 erity'. ‘elsevhere of being business men of 2, Madura Manual, Part-II, P. Ole 3, Raja Sir Muthiah Chettiars 00th Al qbid P.67. Birth-day Commemoration Vol.P.67- = ing business 1 =i The Nattukkottat chettiars did a roa a mone: Rending money in Ceylon and doing thelr important bust ° jou th Piece goods otc, "me Nattukkottat chettiars of dia are * India ere the only money Lenders in Ceylon, They have os tabld hed themse! ia selves ali over the Teland and transact any and every pusiner? They ha 'y Rave Brought into Ceylon enough capital of their own. They have utilise, Alised their credit facilities with the banks to the full xtent. The; - ‘They have established pawn shops. They finance the move- ment of goods in and from the interior, They have also under taken tate fi: estate finance. They obtain and supply requirements on credit to estates, Luropean and Suropean alike. Chettiar have gone to South Africa and Maurtive in the nineteenth century. But chettiars who went to these countries of the Nattukkottat were few and far between, The Hanking busin Chettiars in Burma, Malaysia and Ceylon have shrunk in recent years. Their business in the countries of Burma and Ceylon have almost ceased due to restriction imposed, by these countries. in the nineteen thirties it became the fashion to charge Burma Indians with exploiting Burma, Indians especially Chettiars, it is well known, did well out of their investments in Burma but so ‘Their position gradually worsened after the did the Burne Second World War. The Indian Chapter in Burma nearly closed. ‘Their banking profession may be traced to centuries past; but the exact date of its origin and the founder of the system of Banking are matter lost in the midst of antiquity®, 6, Ramanathapuren District gazeteer, p. 379+ $+ Cagten Bamberg Commenion Rupert. Vol T. Pile, + MB an alternative feature of the Nactukkottel Pa they Live amongst the stability of the borreWer*” resuiting fron OM saves thom from mich of the 10s tho failure to ask the debtors to repay Like the agents in big commercial bank®s the Chetty Banke are easily approachable ponsed with accommo datio indi geno position chet ti Bankers have successfully a9 tions and red tapism and hence financial spanking as a result the 9 keep its own nt stock banks be got without much loss of tH! dystem of Nattukkottai Chettiars is able re powerful Jou inspite of the completion from mo: 5 comprehenst enes® and other financial institutions due to it: ys ds. They do not S# siness to chang: 2 and the elasticity of the metho sox to out on! dry rules of banking but adjust their bu: ing si tuar ode. 4 money for short as wel riod riculturis ty 1 as long Pe tion and needs, They len the wale They finance the industrialist, the agi oney* sale traders, They also act as agents for the transmission of ™ ¢ that characterise efficiency and enterpric ing their eo not attained by middl: eir sons and succes Such high level of the Nattukkottai Chetti Bankers ar uit by the conscious training of thi way through bt young Chetti boys from the a sors in the art of Banking. The go of gets trainky in double entry ays ten of book Keeping: anil as "Vaddi kkadat" oF elf into the business, eight, The banks are known in t Attie boy he begins to apply hins ttends the shop of his father. cboys, the long and "Thavanai kada". as al The simple learns accounts, and al strict training which they give to ttiet but ship which even the sons of richest among them tedious apprentice

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