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Preparation of Roadside Design Report Widening & Strengthening of Meerut to Haryana Border via

Baghpat Section of NH-334B, Section Ist of project road from Ch.0+000 km to 41+360 km in the State of
Uttar Pradesh



This drain report has been prepared to provide an efficient drainage system for the
widening and strengthening of Meerut – Baghpat Road in Urban Areas. The Project
road consists of four laning in urban areas with median and paved shoulders. M/s
Raj Shyama Construction Pvt. Ltd. has been appointed & entrusted by National
Highway Authority of India for the construction of said project under the supervision
of M/s Chaitanya projects consultancy Pvt. Ltd. as the Authority Engineer. On
behalf of the Contractor, the independent drainage expert has been assigned to
design the efficient and robust roadside drainage system.

The total length of the road alignment is 41.36 km out of which 11.61 km falls
under the urban section/built up area. Two types of typical cross section (TCS-2 and
TCS-3) of the carriage way have been adopted for the roads falling in built up
sections. The width of carriage way for TCS-2 and TCS-3 are 19.5 m and 18 m
respectively including the paved shoulders and the length of the road sections
with TCS-2 & TCS-3 are
10.110 km and 1.50 km, respectively. The details of applicable TCS for each
section of the road in built section is given in the following Table-1.

Sr. No. Design Chainage, km Length, m Applicable

From To TCS
1 0+000 1+500 1500 TCS-3
2 2+200 2+800 600 TCS-2
3 3+600 4+200 600 TCS-2
4 7+300 8+900 1600 TCS-2
5 13+500 13+900 400 TCS-2
6 15+400 16+300 900 TCS-2
7 18+100 18+700 600 TCS-2
8 23+900 24+400 500 TCS-2
9 29+800 30+850 1050 TCS-2
10 35+650 37+200 1550 TCS-2
11 39+050 41+360 2310 TCS-2
Preparation of Roadside Design Report Widening & Strengthening of Meerut to Haryana Border via
Baghpat Section of NH-334B, Section Ist of project road from Ch.0+000 km to 41+360 km in the State of
Uttar Pradesh

In the second package from Ch. 45+840 to 48+300 km, the urban section is from
45+840 km to 46+210 km i.e. 370 m. One type of typical cross section (TCS-6) of
the carriage way has been adopted for the road falling in built up section. The width
of carriage way for TCS-6 is 19.5 m including the paved shoulders and the length of
the road section. The details of applicable TCS for each section of the road in built
section is given in the following Table-2.

Sr. No. Design Chainage, km Length, m Applicable

From To TCS
1 45+840 46+210 370 TCS-6

The built-up sections i.e. individual households along the road alignment have their
own drainage system and draining to open/covered drains running parallel to the
project road. As the ROW is extremely limited, the individual drains in the built-up
sections need to be discharged into the proposed road drainage system and the
same shall be designed to take up the extra load. So, the proposed drainage
system has been planned in such a way that the existing household drain levels are
not hampered and discharge freely into the roadside drains. The sewer drains/soil
wastes are not part of this drainage system.

As such, development of a drainage system on micro area basis and integration of

the same with the overall natural drainage network of the area shall ensure effective
drainage of the whole area and the highway as well.

In developing the localized drainage systems, the issues which have been
addressed are as follows

1. Identification of local depressions / channels crossings the proposed

alignment and naturally attracting overland flow towards them

2. Assessment of flow direction from localized areas

3. Identification of local ridges - natural or manmade canals etc.

4. Distances between local depressions and nearest local ridges and

corresponding land slope

5. Identification of natural storage areas like ponds, lakes etc.

The Roadside toe drains form the part of this road drainage system. There is no
median drainage in this project. Roadside toe drains have been provided to
Preparation of Roadside Design Report Widening & Strengthening of Meerut to Haryana Border via
Baghpat Section of NH-334B, Section Ist of project road from Ch.0+000 km to 41+360 km in the State of
Uttar Pradesh

discharge from road surface and ROW of the road on either sides (Households)
and carry it safely to the nearest outfall point ensuring safety to the road toe,
which is the area most vulnerable to erosion / failure. Roadside drains shall
generally be provided on both sides of the road to safely carry the discharge from
the road without jeopardizing the safety of the toe. For limited stretches,
particularly near the approaches to rivers where the existing ground slope is
steep enough to carry the upstream discharge up to the rivers, roadside drains
shall be discontinued. Otherwise, these drains shall be carried on both sides of
the widened road alignment. The shape and size of the roadside drains shall be
decided based on length of embankment being served by the drain up to the
nearest outfall point.

For stretches passing through urban areas, rectangular covered drains has been
provided for safety reasons. As per the Contract Agreement with NHAI, the size
of roadside drains have been mentioned. The minimum and maximum height of
drain shall be 1.0 m and 1.5 m respectively whereas the clear width of drain shall
be 1.4 m.


The objective of his report is to summarize the hydrological and hydraulic

analysis performed by the drainage expert and to demonstrate that the proposed
roadway alignment will have no anticipated negative drainage impact on the
surrounding area and that adequate drainage is provided within the project limits.

It has also been aimed at to provide Rainwater Harvesting structures at places

where locating the cross-drainage structures was not practically feasible due to
site constraints. Rain harvesting structures help to improve the natural ground
water level and thus assists in the sustainability of the environment and boon to
the local area.


The Meerut – Baghpat road falls under the Upper Indo – Ganga Plains Subzone
1e, a flood estimation report developed by CWC. The mean annual normal
rainfall in Meerut and Baghpat areas for the last 30 years is about 639 mm and
905 mm respectively based on the statistical analysis of daily normal rainfall
performed by IMD.

The climate of Baghpat is sub-humid to subtropical with maximum and minimum

temperatures at 43 and 3 degree Celsius respectively. About 86% of the annual
normal rainfall takes place in the month of June to September due to South –
Preparation of Roadside Design Report Widening & Strengthening of Meerut to Haryana Border via
Baghpat Section of NH-334B, Section Ist of project road from Ch.0+000 km to 41+360 km in the State of
Uttar Pradesh

monsoon. Based on the CWC flood estimation report and other cited references,
the 25 – year 24 hours rainfall value for Baghpat has been taken as 240 mm.

The climate of Meerut is similar to Baghpat which is sub-humid to subtropical with

maximum and minimum temperatures at 43 and 1.5 degree Celsius respectively.
Like Baghpat, about 68.7% of the annual normal rainfall takes place in the month
of June to September due to South – West monsoon. Based on the CWC flood
estimation report and other cited references, the 25 – year 24 hours rainfall value
for Baghpat has been taken as 280 mm.


The design discharge (25 Year Return Period) for the shoulder drains at the
roadside drains has been estimated based on Rational Formula while the
hydraulic design has been done with the help of Manning’s Formula.

Steps involved for design of shoulder drains and roadside drains are as follows:

a) Computation of the Average coefficient of runoff (Pav) for composite

surfaces. Pav = (P1*A1+P2*A2)/ (A1+A2)
Where, P1, A1 and P2, A2 are the respective runoff coefficients and
contributing areas applicable for paved road portion and adjacent built up /
agricultural areas.

b) Computation of the Time of Concentration (Tc) has been done taking extreme
boundary of the ROW as the remotest point.

Tc = Inlet time (from adjacent land) + Flow time in the drain.

c) Computation of the Catchment area (At) contributing flow to the drain.

At = (width of paved surface + width of adjacent land) * length of road under


d) Rainfall analysis – 25 year, 24-hr point rainfall has been taken from the
Isopluvial Map of the area, as given in CWC Flood estimation report for Upper
Indo – Ganga Plains Subzone 1 e.

However, Latest value of 25 year, 24-hr point rainfall i.e. 2 80 mm and 2 40 mm

have been considered for Meerut and Baghpat Areas respectively.

e) Computation of rainfall intensity (It)

The design intensity of rainfall for duration equal to the time of concentration
Preparation of Roadside Design Report Widening & Strengthening of Meerut to Haryana Border via
Baghpat Section of NH-334B, Section Ist of project road from Ch.0+000 km to 41+360 km in the State of
Uttar Pradesh

(Tc) and 25 Year Return Period has been estimated by the

equation: It = (F * (T + 1)) / (T * (t +1))


F = Total rainfall in a storm in cm falling in duration of storm of ‘T’

hrs. t = Smaller time interval in hrs taken as time of concentration.

f) Computation of Design discharge using Rational

formula i.e., Q = 0.028 * Pav * It * At
Where, It is in cm/hr, At is in hectare and Pav is the composite runoff coefficient.

g) Once the Design Discharge has been determined, Manning’s equation has
been used to determine the bed width, flow velocity and depth of flow
required to pass the design discharge.

Q = (1/n) * A * R 2/3
V = (1/n) * R 2/3
*S 1/2

Q = Design Discharge, m3/s
V = mean velocity in m/s
n = manning’s roughness coefficient

R = hydraulic radius in m = A/P

P = Wetted perimeter of Flow, m

S = energy slope of the channel, which is roughly taken as the bed slope of
the drain.

A = area of flow in m2.

h) The flow velocity is checked to ensure a non-silting / non scouring velocity in
the subcritical regime.

i) A Free board of 150 mm has also been added to the depth of flow to get the
depth of channel section.
Preparation of Roadside Design Report Widening & Strengthening of Meerut to Haryana Border via
Baghpat Section of NH-334B, Section Ist of project road from Ch.0+000 km to 41+360 km in the State of
Uttar Pradesh


A. Drain Design Sample for (0+000 – 0+020) – TCS-3 Applicable

(a) width of Catchment (m)

Half of Median 0.0 m

Half of Carriageway 7.0 m
Service Road 0.0 m
1.50 m
Paved Shoulder
0 m
Earthen Shoulder
Adjacent built up land width 30 m

Total width contributing 38.5 m

(b) Average coefficient of Runoff (Pav)

Coefficient of Width of Road
Type of Surface
Runoff (m)
Paved 0.9 8.5
Unpaved - -
Adjacent built up land 0.6 30
Pav 0.666

(c) Time of Concentration

Tc 0.039 hours
Length of section, L 20 m
Distance from critical Point (urban area), 30 m
Fall in level from Lc to drain, H 0.5 m
L + Lc 50 M
(0.87 x ((L + Lc / 1000) ^3) / H )) ^0.385 0.039 hours

(d) Catchment Area (A)

A 0.077 hectares

(e) Rainfall Intensity

25 yr - 24 hr rainfall (mm) Meerut Section 280 mm
280.75 mm/hr
Intensity of Rainfall (It) as per (IRC SP - 13) 28.075 cm/hr
Preparation of Roadside Design Report Widening & Strengthening of Meerut to Haryana Border via
Baghpat Section of NH-334B, Section Ist of project road from Ch.0+000 km to 41+360 km in the State of
Uttar Pradesh

(f) Discharge
Q (for 25 - year frequency) 0.856 Cumec
Design Discharge 0.856 Cumec

Rectangular Section

Target Discharge 0.856 Cumec

Longitudinal slope 0.084% 1 in 1190
Bed width 1.50 m
Depth of Flow 0.85 m
Area 1.275 m2
Wetted perimeter 3.20 m
Hydraulic Radius 0.398 m
n (Concrete drain) 0.018
Velocity (V) 0.872 m/s
Discharge Achieved 1.111 Cumec

Check for Criticality

Critical Velocity (Vc) 3.30 m/s
Normal Velocity 0.872 m/s
Froude Number 0.302 <1
Flow Regime Subcritical

Adopted Bed Width of Drain 1.50 m

Adopted Depth of Flow Below 1.00 m
MCW edge
Free Board 0.15 m
Minimum Depth of Drain 1.15 m
Discharge of the Drain 1.111 cumec
Preparation of Roadside Design Report Widening & Strengthening of Meerut to Haryana Border via
Baghpat Section of NH-334B, Section Ist of project road from Ch.0+000 km to 41+360 km in the State of
Uttar Pradesh

B. Drain Design Sample for (39+040 – 39+060) – TCS-2 Applicable

(a) width of Catchment (m)

Kerb Synees 0.5 m

Half of Carriageway 7.0 m
Service Road 0.0 m
1.50 m
Paved Shoulder
0 m
Earthen Shoulder
Adjacent built up land width 50.0 m

Total width contributing 59.0 m

(b) Average coefficient of Runoff (Pav)

Coefficient of Width of Road
Type of Surface
Runoff (m)
Paved 0.9 9.0
Unpaved - -
Adjacent built up land 0.6 50.0
Pav 0.646

(c) Time of Concentration

Tc 0.044 hours
Length of section, L 20 m
Distance from critical Point (urban area), 50 m
Fall in level from Lc to drain, H 1.0 m
L + Lc 70 m
(0.87 x ((L + Lc / 1000)^3) / H )) ^0.385 0.044 hours

(d) Catchment Area (A)

A 0.118 hectares

(e) Rainfall Intensity

25 yr - 24 hr rainfall (mm) Baghpat Section 240 mm
239.48 mm/hr
Intensity of Rainfall (It) as per (IRC SP - 13) 23.948 cm/hr

(f) Discharge
Q (for 25 - year frequency) 1.282 Cumec
Design Discharge 1.282 Cumec
Preparation of Roadside Design Report Widening & Strengthening of Meerut to Haryana Border via
Baghpat Section of NH-334B, Section Ist of project road from Ch.0+000 km to 41+360 km in the State of
Uttar Pradesh

Rectangular Section

Target Discharge 1.282 Cumec

Longitudinal slope Varying -- --
Bed width 1.50 m
Depth of Flow 1.212 m
Area 1.818 m2
Wetted perimeter 3.924 m
Hydraulic Radius 0.463 m
n (Concrete drain) 0.018
Velocity (V) 1.052 m/s
Discharge Achieved 1.912 Cumec

Check for Criticality

Critical Velocity (Vc) 3.54 m/s
Normal Velocity 1.052 m/s
Froude Number 0.305 <1
Flow Regime Subcritical

Adopted Bed Width of Drain 1.50 m

Adopted Depth of Flow below 1.212 m
MCW edge
Free Board 0.15 m
Minimum Depth of Drain 1.362 m
Discharge of the Drain 1.912 cumec

The detailed calculations for each road section have been appended with this drain
Preparation of Roadside Design Report Widening & Strengthening of Meerut to Haryana Border via
Baghpat Section of NH-334B, Section Ist of project road from Ch.0+000 km to 41+360 km in the State of
Uttar Pradesh

The following points can be concluded:
i. The drainage system has been planned and designed efficiently without
causing any adverse or negative impact on the road and the surrounding

ii. At Apex locations in Drain Longitudinal profile, no cross-drainage

structure or RWH structures are required as the water flows in opposite

iii. The size and spacing of the weep holes in the drain walls need to be
carefully planned so that the road surface is free of water and there is no
hydroplaning of roads.

iv. Rainwater harvesting structures have been proposed where the cross-
drainage structures are not feasible to provide. The feasibility of such
structures shall be examined on site and where structures could not be
planned due to non-available of land, suitable alternative arrangements

be planned. The design of such structures shall be done by efficiently and

technically sound expert.

v. The proposed size of the drains is within the limits as per the Contract
Agreement and in places where the sizes are below, the Contractor may
adhere with the agreement. The drain levels have been planned/adopted
considering the provided MCW edge levels. The drain levels are likely to
change if the road edge levels are differed as proposed in plan and

i. CWC, RDSO and IMD Flood Estimation Report on Upper Indo – Ganga
Plains Subzone 1 e, 1984.

ii. Report on Aquifer Mapping and Ground Water management Plan, Parts
of NCR, Uttar Pradesh developed by Central ground Water board, GoI.

iii. IRC: SP: 42-2014, Guidelines of Road Drainage (first revision).

iv. IRC: SP: 50-2013, Guidelines of Urban Drainage (first revision).

v. Google Earth Pro.

vi. Approved Plan and Profile of Meerut – Baghpat Road Alignment, June 2020.

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