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1. A 3-phase induction motor is wound for 4-poles is supplied from 50HZ system.
Calculate 1) Synchronous speed 2) Speed of the motor when is slip is 4% 3) Rotor
current frequency when the motor runs at 600 rpm.

2. Derive the Torque equation of a DC motor.

3. Explain the working principle of three phase induction motor with neat diagram

4. Explain the working principle of a transformer with neat diagram

5. Determine the current flowing through the Zener diode for the circuit shown in
Figure , if RL = 4000 Ω, input voltage is 50 volts, RS = 1800 Ω and output voltage
is 32 volts.

6. Explain in detail Half Wave bridge Rectifier with circuit diagrams

7. Summarize the operation of a Zener diode with its V-I Characteristics

8. Explain about CLC Filter with a neat sketch.

9. A full-wave rectifier uses two diodes, the internal resistance of each diode may be
assumed constant at 25 Ω. The transformer r.m.s. secondary voltage from centre tap
to each end of secondary is 60 V and load resistance is 750 Ω. Find : (i) The mean
load current. (ii) The r.m.s. value of load current

10. Explain the formation of depletion layer in PN junction diode.

11. Explain in detail Full Wave bridge Rectifier with circuit diagrams

12. Explain the working of PN junction diode with their V-I characteristics

13. Explain the construction and working principle of Transistor

14. Illustrate the Common Base Configuration.

15. Illustrate the Common Emitter Configuration.

16. Summarize the input and output characteristics of CB configuration.

17. Summarize input and output characteristics of CE Configuration.

18. Explain the construction and operation of JFET

19. Analyze the Drain characteristics of JFET

20. Analyze the transfer characteristics of JFET.

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