Press Activity

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Freedom of the Press - Shashi Tharoor

Task 1: √ Tick the words that you know:

Reminded independent non-profit receive disseminate undermine organisation

jailed attacked harassed accountability transparency Inconceivable observed

occasion violations right revolution direct impact freedom

expression journalists mortar components proposition development window

embedded anniversary pluralistic democracy essential information declaration

hallmark practitioner domestic diversity challenge empowerment equity

liberalise indispensable technological digital equality underprivileged poor

Component Mortar Pluralism Fundamental Diversity Inclusive Centrality

Task 2: Match the words with their meaning:

A Word B Meaning
1. Harass A. a state of society in which many ethnically, socially, racially or religiously
2. Mortar different cultural groups co-exist
Component: B. one of several parts of a larger whole
3. Pluralism C. impossible to understand or believe
4. Fundamental D. to trouble, bother or annoy
5. Inconceivable E. to make less, as if by cutting off
6. Curtail F. basic, essential
G. a mixture of lime with cement, sand, and water, used in building to bond
bricks or stones

Task 3: Think /pair / share: work in pairs to complete the sentences with words given below:
1. Undermine: to weaken someone’s confidence or authority
2. Hallmark: a feature or quality that is typical of something
3. Proposition: a statement or suggestion that is offered for consideration
4. Disseminate: to spread information, knowledge, etc.
5. Empowerment: an act of making something powerful, lending authority or power to another to do
6. Diversity: a variety of people, ideas, or backgrounds that are different from one another
7. Centrality: that which is central to something, of primary importance
8. Inclusive: including a wide range of people, thoughts and ideas, not excluding
1. A proposition _______was given to the government to improve train service
2. We should not ______ our capacity to achieve success.
3. During difficult times we should not _________ information as it may lead to more chaos and panic among
4. The ______of King Asoka’s administration was that he planted many tress, dug wells and stopped wars.
5. Our country is an example of Unity in ______. We must all respect each other, not write or say something
that hurt the feelings of other Indians.
6. Recently we stayed at a hotel with a cost of Rs 2500 per day which is _____of breakfast and dinner.
Task 4 : Pair work: Look up the words in task one, to fill nouns, verbs and adjectives in the columns below-
cross the words in task one after entering-enter the left over words in column 4. Look up the clue given below
for suffixes- words endings
Suffixes: NOUN( -ion, -sion, -tion, -ment, -er, -or, -ness, -ity, ence, -ance)
ADJECTIVE: ( -al, - ble, -ful, -less, -ous)
VERB ( -ed, -en, -ise)

1.NOUNS 2.VERBS 3.ADJECTIVES 4. Left over words

TASK 5: PAIR WORK: CLOZE TEST: In the following passage, some words have been deleted. Fill in the
blanks the most appropriate option for each blank:
1.hallmark 2.dissemination 3.democratic 4.Unity, 5.information 6., 7 Curtailed 8. Equality 9. Freedom
10.diversity, 11.proposition
Journalism is an important pillar of democracy, which is also called as fourth estate. As per Shashi Tharoor,
freedom of press and information is the ____of democratic society. If there is no freedom of press, and if
information is ____, it is not definitely a society with______ principles. The traditional media like Press and
Radio are active in ______of information. The____ should be inclusive, that means it should include the news
of cultural _____and the ethnic groups of the citizens of the world. Because _____ of the Press leads to ____
and ____ in a society that has diverse cultures. ______ of the media enables is the ____ made by the author to
achieve democracy.

TASK 6: Parts of speech- changing one form into another:


TASK 7: Brainstorming: Read the words in task 1 for 5 minutes. Without looking at the list make note of the
words below, cross check spelling of all the words. Enter the words not included in the list

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