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The Respiratory System

Herdiantri Sufriyana

Previous key points to remember

• Glomerular filtration rate and conditions that affect it
• Na+ reabsorption
• RAAS, ANP, and antihypertensive drugs
• Glucose reabsorption and diabetes mellitus
• PO43- and Ca2+ reabsorption and parathyroid hormone
• BUN, creatinine, and uric acid
• H+, K+, and organic ion secretion
• Plasma inulin and PAH clearance
• Countercurrent multiplication and vasopressin for H2O regulation and
renal failure
• Micturition and urinary incontinence



The respiratory
• Atmosphere and alveoli system
Ventilation • Mechanical act
• Adjust the flow of air

• Alveoli and pulmonary

Diffusion capillaries
• O2 and CO2 exchange The circulatory

• Lungs and tissues

Transportation • Blood transports O2 and

Respiration • Systemic (tissue) capillaries
Perfusion and tissue cells
• O2 and CO2 exchange

• Use 2 and produce

• Within mitochondria

Nonrespiratory functions of the respiratory


Acid-base balance by
Heat eliminator and altering the amount of Enabling vocalization
Respiratory pump
breathing air humidifier H+-generating CO2 (speech, singing, etc.)

Removing, modifying,
activating, or inactivating
Defending against inhaled various materials, e.g.: Smelling by nose (a part
foreign matter • Prostaglandins inactivation
of the respiratory system)
(preventing systemic effects)


Respiratory airways
• Nose and mouth  pharynx 
esophagus and larynx 
trachea  bronchi 
bronchioles  alveoli
• Vocal folds + laryngeal muscles
 opening = glottis  sound 
lips + tongue  sound patterns
• Glottis is closed when

• Fick’s law of diffusion:
• Shorter distance  greater rate of
• 0.5 µm
• Tracing paper is 50 x thicker
• Greater surface area  greater rate
of diffusion
• 500 millions alveoli of 300 µm in
• 75 m2 (a tennis court) vs. 0.01 m2 (if
a single hollow chamber)
• 95% type-I alveolar cells
• 5% type-II alveolar cells
(pulmonary surfactant) within the
• Alveolar macrophages (within the


• Several lobes
• Each supplied by a bronchus
• Changing thoracic cavity to inflate and
deflate alveoli in lungs
• Thoracic wall: 12 pairs of curved ribs,
sternum, thoracic vertebrae, thoracic
skeletal muscles, diaphragm
• A pleural sac separates each lung from
the thoracic wall
• The picture is exaggerated
• Pleural cavity  intrapleural fluid
• Parietal and visceral pleura
• Clinical note: pleurisy, an inflammation of
pleural sac  painful breathing  friction
rub  lung inflation/deflation

• From higher to lower pressure, or down a pressure

Respiratory • Three pressures in ventilation
mechanics • Atmospheric (barometric) pressure  diminishes with increasing
altitude and fluctuates at any altitude because of weather
• Intra-alveolar pressure  air flows down the pressure gradient
equilibrating the atmospheric and alveoli pressures whenever
these are different
• Intrapleural pressure  does not equilibrate because of no


Transmural pressure gradient

• Normally stretches alveoli walls
• 760 – 756 = 4 mm Hg pushing
• Trans = across; mural = wall
• Lungs follow the movements of the
chest wall
• Intrapleural pressure is
subatmospheric because of fluid
• Transmural pressure gradient 
stretches lungs  pull away from
thoracic wall  intrapleural fluid
cannot expand  pressure drop 
transmural pressure gradient

Clinical note: pneumothorax

• Intrapleural and intra-alveolar
pressures are equilibrated  no
transmural pressure gradient 
unstretched  lung collapse
• e.g.:
• Traumatic pneumothorax
• A stab wound
• A broken rib
• Spontaneous pneumothorax
• A disease process


Boyle’s law
•𝑃𝑉 =𝑃 𝑉
• At any constant temperature, the
pressure exerted by a gas in a
closed container varies inversely
with the volume of the gas
• Increasing gas volume 
decreasing gas pressure
• Changing thoracic cavity volume +
transmural pressure gradient =
changing lung (intra-alveolar)
volume  changing intra-alveolar
pressure  air low into or out of
the lungs

Inspiratory and expiratory muscles

• Inspiration (inhale)
• Quite inspiration
• Forced inspiration
• Expiration (exhale)
• Passive expiration
• Active expiration


Quite inspiration
• Major inspiratory muscles:
• Diaphragm (75% quite inspiration)
• External intercostal muscles (25% quite
inspiration  pull the ribs upward and
• Diaphragm descends 1 to 10 cm
• Lung expansion  759 mm Hg  air
flows into the lungs  760 mm Hg
• Lung expansion is not caused by the
air flow; instead, the air flow is
caused by the lung expansion
• Intrapleural pressure  754 mm Hg

Forced inspiration
• Accessory inspiratory muscles:
• Sternocleidomastoid muscles
• Scalenus muscles
• Raises sternum and elevates the
first two ribs
• Deeper breath


Passive expiration
• Diaphragm and external
intercostal relaxation
• Lung recoil  761 mm Hg
 air flows out of the
lungs  760 mm Hg
• Intrapleural pressure 
756 mm Hg

Active expiration
• Abdominal muscles 
increases intra-abdominal
pressure  upward force on
the diaphragm
• Internal intercostal muscles
 pull the ribs downward
and inward


Wrap-up respiratory cycle

Airway resistance

𝐹 = ∆𝑃/𝑅
Sympathetic and
Parasympathetic stimulation
epinephrine stimulation 
 bronchiolar smooth
• 𝐹 is airflow rate muscle contraction 
bronchiolar smooth muscle
relaxation 
bronchoconstriction 
• ∆𝑃 is atmosphere- increases airway resistance
bronchodilation 
decreases airway resistance
alveoli pressure gradient
• 𝑅 is resistance of
airways, determined by Clinical note: epinephrine or
their radius


Clinical note: chronic obstructive pulmonary

disease (COPD)
• More difficult on expiration than
Chronic inspiration
A group of lung • Wheezing
diseases characterized
by increased airway
resistance resulting
from narrowing the


Clinical note: chronic bronchitis

Frequent exposure to irritating:

• Cigarette smoke
• Polluted air
• Allergens

Prolonged edematous thickening of the airway linings + overproduction of


Irritants immobilize the ciliary mucus escalator  mucus is excellent

medium of pulmonary bacterial growth  infection


Clinical note: asthma

• Thickening of airway walls  inflammation + histamine-induced edema
• Excessive secretion of thick mucus
• Airway hyperresponsiveness  constriction in the smaller airways 
trigger-induced spasm
• Triggers, repeated exposure to:
• Allergens (e.g. dust mites or pollen)
• Irritants (e.g. cigarette smoke)
• Respiratory infections
• Vigorous exercise
• The most common chronic childhood disease

Clinical note: emphysema

• Collapse of the smaller airways
• Breakdown of alveolar walls
• Caused by:
• Trypsin (protein digesting enzyme)  macrophages  cigarette smoke or
other irritants
• α1-antitrypsin  inhibits trypsin
• Chronic irritation  overwhelm α1-antitrypsin  also destroy lung tissue
• Genetic inability to produce α1-antitrypsin  unprotected lung tissue 
small amount of macrophage-released enzymes without irritants


Pulmonary elasticity
Compliance Elastic recoil
• Pulmonary surfactant
• Lipids and proteins
• Change in lung • Lung rebound after • Secreted by type-II alveolar cells
volume given stretched • Interspere among water molecules 
change in reducing cohesive forces
• Two factors: • Increases compliance
transmural pressure • Elastic connective • Reduces elastic recoil
gradient tissue
• Clinical note: • Alveolar surface
pulmonary fibrosis tension 
 normal lung cohesive forces
tissue  fibrous among the
connective tissue  molecules (H2O >
chronic exposure of pulmonary
asbestos fibers or surfactant)
similar irritants

Clinical note: newborn respiratory distress

Fetal lungs  late pregnancy  pulmonary Surfactant
surfactant synthesis
Premature infant  insufficient pulmonary
surfactant  strenuous inspiration +
completely-collapsed alveoli during expiration
• Greater transmural pressure gradient needed
• Up to 20 to 30 vs. 4 to 6 mm Hg
Drugs can hasten
Newborn respiratory muscles is still weakly
secreting cells


Lung volumes and capacities

• Male 5.7 L and female 4.2 L
• Small airways collapse before lungs are completely deflated,
blocking further outflow
• Male 1.2 L and female 1.0 L
• Diminishing fluctuation of blood O2 and CO2
• Less effort to inflate a partially deflated than a totally collapsed
• Spirometer, spirogram
• Volumes (young adult male):
• Tidal volume (TV; 500 ml)  quite inspiration and passive
• Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV; 3000 ml)  forced inspiration
• Expiratory reserve volume (ERV; 1000 ml)  active expiration
• Residual volume (RV; 1200 ml)  remaining air after maximum
expiration  measured by gas-dilution techniques (e.g. helium)
• Capacity  sum of >1 volumes
• Inspiratory capacity (IC) = IRV + TV
• Functional residual capacity (FRC) = ERV + RV
• Vital capacity (VC) = IRV + TV + ERV
• Total lun capacity (TLC) = VC + RV
• Forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1)  80% VC in
the 1st sec.

Clinical note: respiratory

• Obstructive  difficulty in lung emptying
• Reduced ERV
• Reduced FEV1
• Restrictive  difficulty in lung filling
• Reduced IC
• Others:
• Diseases impairing diffusion across the pulmonary
• Reduced ventiolation because of mechanical failure (e.g.
neuromuscular disorders affecting respiratory muscles)
• Inadequate perfusion
• Ventilation-perfusion imbalances
• Measurements: spirometry, x-ray examination, blood-
gas tests, tests to measure the diffusion capacity of
the alveolar capillary membrane (e.g. diffusing
capacity of carbon monoxide; DLCO)


Anatomic dead space

• 𝑃𝑢𝑙𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑟𝑦 𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 (𝑚𝑙/
𝑚𝑖𝑛) = 𝑇𝑉(𝑚𝑙/𝑥) × 𝑅𝑅(𝑥/𝑚𝑖𝑛)
• 6000 = 500 × 12
• Up to 150,000 (25 x)
• Higher TV is better than higher RR
because of dead space
• 150 ml remains in the conducting
airways  anatomic dead space
• Only 350 ml are exchanged in

Alveolar ventilation
• 𝐴𝑙𝑣𝑒𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑟 𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = 𝑇𝑉 − 𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑒 × 𝑅𝑅
• 4200 = (500 – 150) x 12


Partial pressure of a gas

• Atmospheric pressure is the sum of
pressures by each gas
• A molecule of any gas exerts the
same amount of pressure
• The pressure is proportional to the
gas proportion
• Partial pressure is a pressure
contributed by a gas (many
• PO2 is 160 mm Hg (21% of 760 mm
• PCO2 is 0.23 mm Hg

Partial pressure
• Humidified air  add more H2O
• Dead space not included
• Thus:
• Atmospheric PO2 is 160 mm Hg
• Atmospheric PCO2 is 0.23 mm Hg
• Alveolar PO2 is 100 mm Hg
• Alveolar PCO2 is 40 mm Hg
• Blood PO2 is 40 mm Hg
• Blood PCO2 is 46 mm Hg
• Other factors (Fick’s law), clinical note:
• Emphysema
• Pulmonary edema  pulmonary inflammation
or left-sided CHF
• Pulmonary fibrosis  thick fibrous tissue
• Pneumonia  inflammatory fluid accumulation
• Depending on the rate of cellular


O2-Hb dissociation (or saturation) curve

• O2 bound to Hb does not • Clinical note:
contribute to the PO2 of the blood • Pulmonary diseases with
inadequate ventilation or
• 𝐻𝑏 + 𝑂 ⇌ 𝐻𝑏𝑂 defective gas exchange
• Hb is reduced Hb or deoxyHb • Circulatory disorders with
• HbO2 is oxyHb inadequate blood flow to
the lungs
• 4 O2 per Hb (bound to heme • 0 to 60 mm Hg is the steep
portion, which is 4 Fe2+) portion of the curve
• Law of mass action: • 40 mm Hg PO2  75% Sat
• If the concentration of one O2
substance involved in a reversible • Metabolizing more actively
reaction is increased, the reaction is  e.g. 40 to 20 mm Hg 
driven toward the opposite side 75 to 30%  45%
• 60 to 100 mm Hg is the plateau • While at rest  e.g. 100 to
portion of the curve 40 mm Hg  97.5 to 75%
 ~25%
• 100 mm Hg PO2  97.5% SatO2 • Thus, giving progressively
• 60 mm Hg PO2  90% SatO2 larger free O2 up tp 85% of
• At high altitude or O2-deprived those bound to Hb when
chamber at sea level  unless <60 actively metabolizing
mm Hg, near-normal amounts of O2
can still be carried

Role of Hb in gas exchange

• O2 diffuses in lungs and tissues to
• When O2 bound to Hb, the
gradient is rebuild
• The diffusion continues until no
longer O2 bound or released
respectively in lungs and tissues
• Thus, transport more O2 than
would be possible without Hb
• Clinical note: if severe anemia, in
which Hb levels fall to 50%, then
O2 transport falls by 50% although
the arterial PO2 is 100 mm Hg
with 97.5% SatO2


Hb-O2 affinity (bond strength)

• Factors: CO2, acidity, temperature, and 2,3-
biphosphoglycerate (BPG)
• At tissue level  shift to right  less SatO2 given the
same PO2  more O2 released
• Anaerobic metabolism  carbonic and lactic acids 
more O2 released  aerobic metabolism
• Active metabolism  higher CO2, acidity, and temperature
• At pulmonary level  shift to left  more SatO2
given the same PO2  more O2 bound
• 2,3-BPG bound to Hb in red blood cells  increases to
help maintain free O2 availability  chronic
undersaturation: high altitudes, circulatory or
respiratory diseases, anemia
• Clinical note: 240 x higher affinity to CO than that to
O2  HbCO (carboxyHb)  burning of gasoline, coal,
wood, and tobacco  no sensation of breathlessness

CO2 transport
• 10% physically dissolved
• 30% bound to globin portion of Hb
(carbaminoHb or HbCO2)
• More affinity to CO2 than O2
• O2 unloading helps
• 60% as bicarbonate:
• Slowly in plasma
• 𝐶𝑂 + 𝐻 𝑂 ⇌ 𝐻 𝐶𝑂 ⇌ 𝐻 + 𝐻𝐶𝑂
• Swiftly in the red blood cells by
carbonic anhydrase (ca)
• 𝐶𝑂 + 𝐻 𝑂 𝐻 + 𝐻𝐶𝑂
• More affinity to H+ than O2
• O2 unloading helps


Clinical note:
• Hypoxia:
• Hypoxic hypoxia: low arterial PO2,
• Hyperoxia: only when using
supplemental O2  oxygen toxicity  abnormal arterial
brain damage, blindness-causing
low Hb saturation
• Normal alveolar PO2, low arterial
damage to the retina PO2 and PCO2
• Exposure to high altitude or others • Hypercapnia: having excess CO2 in
where atmospheric PO2 is reduced arterial blood
 low alveolar and arterial PO2
• Caused by hypoventilation  most lung
• Anemic hypoxia: reduced O2- diseases
carrying capacity of the blood
• Causes: • Hypocapnia: below-normal arterial
• Reduced red blood cells PCO2
• Reduced Hb in red blood cells • Increased ventilation is not
• CO poisoning hyperventilation if matching metabolic
• Normal arterial PO2, low O2 needs, or hyperpnea, as in exercise
content of the arterial blood • Caused by hyperventilation  anxiety
• Circulatory hypoxia: too little states, fever, aspirin poisoning
oxygenated blood to the tissues • Most Hb fully saturated by CO2; thus,
• Local vascular blockage no additional O2 is added to the blood
• General circulation: congestive albeit fully-supplemented
heart failure or circulatory shock
• Normal arterial PO2, normal O2 • Effect of reduced O2 is apparent,
content of the arterial blood while abnormal CO2 is less obvious
• Histotoxic hypoxia: the cells cannot
used the O2 • Abnormal CO2 affects acid-base
• Cyanide poisoning  cyanide balance  respiratory acidosis and
blocks cellular respiratory enzymes alkalosis

Control of respiration
• Unconscious, but the pacemaker
resides in the respiratory control
centers in the brain (not in the
lungs or respiratory muscles, as in
the heart)
• Unlike cardiac activity, respiratory
activity is also subject to voluntary
• Controlling factors for:
• Alternate rhythm
• Rate and depth of breathing
• Respiratory activity supporting other
purposes (e.g. speech, cough, sneeze)


Medullary respiratory center

Dorsal respiratory group Ventral respiratory group

• Inspiratory neurons • Inspiratory neurons 
• Firing  quite inspiration forced inspiration
• Firing cessation  quite • Expiratory neurons 
expiration active expiration
• The pacemaker is pre- • DRG stimulates VRG to rev
Bötzinger complex up respiratory activity

Pneumotaxic and apneustic centers

Pneumotaxic center Apneustic center prevents

stimulates DRG to switch inspiratory neurons being
off inspiratory neurons, switched off, extending the
limiting the duration duration

Clinical note: without

pneumotaxic  prolonged
Pneumotaxic > apneustic with brief expiration 
apneusis  certain types of
severe brain damage


Hering-Breuer reflex

Inhibit inspiratory

Afferent nerves

Pulmonary stretch
receptors within
the smooth
muscles of the
airways are

Control of ventilation
• Three chemical factors:
• PO2
• PCO2
• H+
• Peripheral chemoreceptors:
• Carotid bodies
• Aortic bodies
• Decreased PO2 if <60 mm Hg
• Severe pulmonary disease
• Reduced atmospheric PO2
• The plateau portion helps
• Clinical note: anemia or CO poisoning  PO2 is still normal
• PCO2  min-to-min regulation
• Mainly by central chemoreceptors
• Only by CO2-generated H+ in brain ECF
• At 70-80 mm Hg, it depresses respiration and produce
severe respiratory acidosis
• H+  non-CO2-generated H+ stimulates peripheral
• Central chemoreceptors is less sensitive during sleep 
apnea (spontaneous resume) 1-2 mins for 500 x per night


Clinical note: sudden infant death syndrome

• 2-to-4 months old infants
• Unknown etiology
• Some cases  abnormal lung development
• Risk factors:
• Sleeping position (on abdomen; 40%)
• Exposure to nicotine during fetal life or after birth (3 x more likely)

Key points to remember

• Transmural pressure gradient
• Lung volumes and capacities (obstructive vs. restrictive)
• Alveolar ventilation
• Hb-O2 dissociation curve (what to shift)
• Abnormal PO2 and PCO2
• Control of respiration


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