Membership Lesson 0010 New

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The purpose of this lesson is to clarify the meaning of salvation and what it
mens to be a follower of christ as Lord. It is to outline moral and ethical
standards of behaviour expected of members.

As member of the congregation, we are “advertisements” for christ and His

church in the community and therefore it is important to maintain a lifestyle
consistent with biblical principles. This publication also seek to provide an
explanation of church’s Doctrinal statement and Tenets of faith an explanation
of the vision and organization of church.


We contradict New Testament teaching when we think it is possible to be a

follower of Jesus Christ with out making a commitment to the body of believers
who make up a particular congregation. To remain unattached is to fail to grasp
the basic implications of Biblical Christianity for the congregation corporately,
and for the individual personally.


A) Membership is legitimate and important; meaningful and relevant, not

B) It does more than offer convenience, it requires commitment a fair exchange
of commitments between church and members.
C) Has both privileges and responsibilities, the Key word is commitment.
When a person is received into membership, the church makes a commitment to
the church.



When members suffer sickness, tragedy, or bereavement, and funerals, they can
expect pastoral attention and involvement of other members of the church
family in proving loving care.
Pastoral assistance with wedding, dedication and funerals expressions of
concern and counsel of pastors and church leaders in a variety of situation and


Members look to the church with confidence for balance, practical instruction
from the world of God.
Meaningful corporate worship: part of the christian life is joining with brothers
and sisters to express adoration and praise to the lord.


Church should be a recruitment centre, training institute and mobilizing agency
to coordinate the ministries of the individual within the body of Christ. To
encourage members with appropriate spiritual gifts to meet ministry needs in
the church, the community and missionary outreach.


As a church provides acceptance, friendship, and love, membership becomes
antidotes to loneliness, along with opportunity to be a part of something
eternally significant.
A deep sense of fulfilment as we work in partnership with people of similar


The church has a valid set of expectation from its members. Membership is not
cheap; it has a price tag. Here is what the church at a bare minimum, expect
from its members.


➢ General unity among members on the basic fundamental of christian
➢ Promote unity within the body and work actively for the dissemination of
the Gospel message message. (1 Peter 3:8, 1 Corinthians 12:25-26,
Matthew 28:18-20, 1 Corinthians 9:16)


It hardly make sense to be a member of a church and not to share in worship,

fellowship and ministry. We cannot be a member of a church and can not
participate in it life.

(Malachi 3:8-10, Corinthians 9:6-10, 1 Corinthians 4:1, 2 Corinthians 8:7-8)
➢ Participate in meeting the financial needs of the congregation and the
ministry’s budget.
➢ Giving can not be coerced: it should be voluntary. It should not be a
drudgery, but a delight: not demanded but expected.

D) HAVE A PERSONAL MINISTRY (1 Corinthians 12)

The biblical principle is that every member of the body function as a minister,
servant of others. That is, every members is expected to serve in and through
the programs and ministries of the church. To be a member means to be willing
to contribute to the spiritual health and growth of the fellow members in an
ongoing process of mutual edification.




1. Briefly discuss in your own word why it is important to be a member of a

local church?

2) Briefly discuss some of the benefits one derives from being part of a church.

3) What should the church expect from you as a member? (Discuss, using
relevant scripture passages to support your answer?)

4) List the steps required to become a member of Bethel?




An all inclusive word in the Gospel, all the redemptive acts and processes:
Justification, preservation, healing, soundness.
Romans 1:16 – “The Gospel of Jesus Christ is he power of God unto salvation
to everyone that believes” other synonymous term are: regeneration, new birth,
born again, saved, new creation ect.

2) Salvation is in three tenses: (Any of the forms of verbs that shows the time,
continuances or completion of an action or state)

a) The christian has been saved from the guilt and penalty of sin (Luke 7:50, 1
Corinthians 1:8, 2 Corinthians 2:15, Ephesians 2:5-8, 2 Timothy 1:9) (penalty
of sin)

b) The Christian has being saved from the habit and dominion of sin (Romans
6:14, Roman 8:2, 2 Corinthians 3:18, Galatians 2:19-20, Philippians 1:19)
(Power of sin)

c) The Christians will be saved at the Lord’s return, from all the bodily
infirmities that are the result of sin and God curse upon the sinful world
(Romans 8:18-23, 1 Corinthians 15:42-44) and brought into entire conformity
to christ (Romans 13:11, Hebrews 10:36, 1 Peter 1:5) (presence of sin)


“Ye must be born again” an imperative every soul must face realities:

a) Each person born of a woman must die (2 Samuel 14:14, Hebrews 9:27)

b) Each person must meet God (Romans 14:12)

Apart from the new birth, there is no hope whatsoever of eternal blessedness
(John 3:3-7)
A rebirth is the only gateway into the kingdom “Except a man be born again, he
cannot see, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

The Nature of the human heart and the nature of heaven

I. The Nature of the Human Heart.

Man is born in sin (Psalm 51:5) and needs to be born again.

The sinner is spiritual dead and cannot receive the importation of new life.
(Romans 8:6, Ephesian 2:1, 1 Timothy 5:6)
Apart from God he cannot perceive or understand the things of God (1
Corinthians 2:14), and must be reborn if he is to “see” and enter the presence
and the power to enter.

Without the spirit, the sinner is “a child of the devil” (John 8:44, 1 John 3:10)
when born again he becomes a child of God (John 1:12)

NOTE: The false teaching that all men are children of God. “Marvel not” Jesus
said to Nicodemus in John 3:7; in other words the need for this essential
experience should not be a cause to wonder. The reason for the divine birth is
clear: at his first birth, the sinner received a physical life and a human partaker
of the divine nature.


If the regenerated person could go to heaven, he would be the most miserable

person there, seeing that he would not have a heavenly nature to enjoy the
people and the provisions of heaven. Of course, without a new nature, none can
enter heaven, but if entrance were possible, such a person would be most out of

All who are destitute of the spirit are in the flash (Jude 19) and, if in the flash,
cannot please God or see Him (Romans 8:8). In the new birth, the Holy Spirit
supplies one with a heavenly nature to go to heaven with.


Not improvement of the old nature, but the impartation of the new nature
(Romans 6:6).
Not a mere outward transformation or turning over a new leaf, but the bringing
of a new life: one that sinner is spiritual dead (1 John 5:10-13). A person cannot
develop what he does not process. Spiritual life cannot be evolved: is it
impaired by the spirit.
Not morality, good deeds, noble character, or religiosity.
Not reformation:
reformation may be likened to a new suit for a man, but the new birth is a new
man for the suit reformation deals with exterior thing, but regeneration with
internal realities; reformation alters a person’s manner, but regeneration alter
the man himself.

B. Note: three unavailing efforts cited by John 1:13.

Not of blood, or bloods:
The new birth cannot be inherited, it is not hereditary.
No one can inherit the new birth from parents regardless of how saintly of how
they may have been.
It is a personal necessity and a personal responsibility.

Not of the will of the flash.

The new birth does not come by way of self effort or self determination.
God by his Spirit, is responsible for our new birth and entrance into a spiritual

Not the will of man:

No human influence or agency can produce a regenerated person. Many
agencies exist for the reformation of a man. But law keeping good works,
charitable activities, church associations christening or baptism, culture or
education cannot bring a dead soul to life. Life must come from the life giver.

VI. The Agents in the New Birth

“How can a man be born again when he is old” (John 3:4) “How can this be”
(John 3:9) Note: There are divine and human agents working together in the
rebirth of a soul.

A. The Divine slide:

The basis of the divine work is the finished work of christ when Nicodemus
asked, “How can these thing be?” Jesus went on to say, “The Son of Man must
➔ Born of God (John 1:13)

➔ Born of the Holy Spirit (John 3:6-8) Spirit is the most active agent: the
Spirit of life.
➔ The word of God (John 15:3, Ephesians 5:26, 1 peter 1:23, Isaiah 1:18)
➔ A gift from God – Ephesian 2:8

B. The Human Side:

While the Holy Spirit alone can regenerate, He does not regenerate alone.
There are some conditions man has to observer.

There are:

 Repentance – over the sinful condition the Spirit revealed (Mark 1:15,
Acts 20:21)
 Faith – becomes operative as the Spirit present Christ as Savoir (John
1:12-14, 1 John 5:1, Romans 10:9-10)
 Note: The moment faith receives christ, the miracle of regeneration, new
birth, takes place.
 We look up to Jesus and by the act of faith yield to him, the Holy Spirit
enters within the act tender and completes His works of re-creation.

What is the New Birth:

✔ A new or second birth (John 1:13, John 3:3)
✔ A life giving process (Ephesian 2:1, 5, 7)
✔ A new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17, Galatians 6:15)conditions of
becoming “alive from the dead”
A spiritual resurrection into a new life, a condition of becoming “alive
from the dead” (Romans 6:4-6, 13)
A participant in the life of christ through the creative life of the Holy Spirit.

Evidences of the New Birth:

1. The consciousness of a new life (1 John 3:14)
New aims, new affections and outlook.
An inner appetite for prayer and meditation.

1. fruits of the spirit (Galatians 5:22, 23)
2. New spiritual activities of transformation life.
3. Change of companions, interests and pleasures
4. New values

once save by repenting and accepting Jesus Christ as saviour and Lord a
believer is called to live a sanctified life. In other words, all believers must
make a commitment to living a sanctified life.

To sanctify: means to separate from profane things or ordinary use and dedicate
to God (consecrate) (Matthew 23:17, 2 Timothy 2:22). It is a process which
continues throughout life, involving putting off the old life and putting on the
new (Col. 3:8-13; 2 Corinthians 5:17).

Sanctification is accomplished through:

a. Presenting yourself totally to God as an act of your will (Romans 12:1)

b. The renewal of your mind (Romans 12:1-20) with the word of God.
c. Walking in the spirit (Gal. 5:16)
d. Trust the Lord to help you (Acts 26:18)
e. Daily prayer (Matthew 26:18)
f. keeping God’s word in your heart (Ps. 119:11)
g. Being quick to confess sin and ask for forgivingness (1 John 1:8:10)


1. Explain in your own words what the New Birth is? (Use biblical references
to support your discussion).

2. Discuss the meaning of Ephesians 2:8 and Romans 10:9-10)

3. Define faith, repentance, and grace.

4. Discuss the evidence of the New Birth, is it possible to know if one is saved?

5. What is Sanctification?


“Building churches and communities of kingdom citizens around the world who
are equipped to rescue the perishing, trained to heal the hurting, and prepared to
lead the nations, beginning in our locality and its environs”

A church of self supporting, self governing and self propagating church and
ministries that are spiritually and economically empowered to rescue the lost, heal the
sick, alleviate poverty, and educate the masses. Thereby establishing the kingdom of
God in the hearts of people and nations.

Is to win the lost at all costs and makes as many disciple for Christ as we
possibly can in our generation.
Our mission is our God giving assignment and the driving force behind our
efforts. It unites us with one another in pursuing God’s purpose for our lives.
From our sense of mission we derive our commitment to:

We exists in order to:
A) To fulfil the great commission by winning the lost at all costs. This is
primarily done through preaching, teaching, and making disciples of all the
B) To plant and maintain strong, vibrant, Bible believing churches.
C) To provide opportunities for fellowship among Bethel churches, Ministers,
members, and affiliate ministries.
D) To provide a structure within which Bethel Church, ministers, and affiliate
ministries can be encouraged and held accountable in order to ensure ministerial
transparency and integrity in all spiritual, financial, material, ethical and moral
issues that affect Bethel churches in accordance to Biblical standards and the
guidelines governing Bethel as found in its Constitution and By-Law and
Manual of policies, practice and procedures.
E) To promote and encourage training (both theological and academic) for all
Bethel Ministers, church leaders, missionaries, and Christian workers called to
one of the five-fold ministries in order to have them better equipped for the
harvest and in winning the lost at all costs.

1. Build church and communities of kingdom citizens around the world.

Our outreach is global and not restricted to our immediate surroundings. We

shall invest time, talent and treasure under the directions of the Holy Spirt to
multiply vibrant, bible - believing church which are capable of extended areas
of the world.

2. Rescue the perishing.

Our Motto is “win the lost at all costs” recognises the grave danger the lost are
in and express our determination to do everything within our power to rescue
people from hell and satan bondage. Moved by compassion by those who do
not know Christ, we shall invest time, talent and treasure in equipping our
members as evangelist who can be used by the Lord to rescue men from hell.

3. Heal The Hurting

People are bruised and broken, battered in their spirits, bodies and emotions.
Jesus brings healings and wholeness. Moved by the love of God, we shall invest
time, talent and treasure to train our members both to receive and minister
healing to other through prayer, the word the love God and the Holy Spirit, and
in this way bring people to wholeness (Luke 4:18-20).

4. Lead The Nations:

Jesus has called us “to teach the nations”. This is a call to leadership. We must
work to establish God’s Kingdom on the earth and to improve the quality of life

for all men by extending the influence of the king in every area – political,
economic, social and cultural.

Moved by the power of God, we shall invest time, talent and treasure to educate
our members, sharpen their leadership skills, and position them strategically to
reclaim the earth and establish the will of God in the affairs of men.

At Bethel we are committed to the following:

B - Building the family (in our churches) If we are to be strong, we must be
engaged in building strong families which will have Godly members, with
husbands as priests and provides and wives as mothers and ministers.

E - Evangelising the lost – Only the church is equipped to save those who are
perishing. God commands it, and hell is real.

T - Training the believer – (in discipleship)-- We must train those we win at all
cost. We must establish programs to train believers to be sons/daughters,
soldiers, and servants or priests for the Lord.
Believer must be trained in how to conduct themselves and how to rule. As they
are called to be soldiers, they must be trained to fight. They are called to be
servants and must be trained to minister.

H - Helping the poor and disadvantage-- We must design programs to meet

the needs of the poor.

E - Economic Empowerment for the church – The church must train and help
people to be economically strong and to acquire skills that are marketable.

L - Loving the Lord and serving his people – We must help people to
develop a personal relationship with God. We must always cultivate our
relationship with the Lord. While working we must always maintain a personal
relationship without which work is meaningless. We can only have dominion if
we can have an intimate relationship with the Lord. Nothing should replace
personal prayer.

We can be described as a family church and discipleship training centre

reaching the world with the Gospel of the Kingdom.

1. Memorise the statement of purpose/vision of Bethel World Outreach Church.

2. In your own words, discuss the Key elements of this vision statement and day
why you think they are important?

3. List the values to which we are committed as a church.

4. What do we mean, when we say we are a “discipleship training Centre”?



1. In an era of relativism, in which there appears to be no absolutes, it is vital to

know that God has absolutes. God, his word and his truths stands as eternal
absolutes, unchanged and unchanging forever reliable.


A) All believers need to know:

1. Who we believe
2. what we believe
3. why we believe

B) Who, what and why we believe determine by:

a. Our character – what we are.
b. Our Behaviour – What we do
c. Our destiny – where we go

Strong character is determine by strong belief, and clearly defined doctrine

make for clear cut convictions. What you and I believe is either moulded by the
vain ideas of man or the inspired word of God. Hence, our belief must be
founded on the doctrine of Christ.

2. We believe

We believe in one God who exits in three persons: Father, son and Holy Spirit
(Matthew 28:19, Luke 3:22, 1 John 5:7)

We believe the Bible is verbally inspired word of God to man and is infallible,
inerrant and authoritative rule of faith and practice. (2 Timothy 3:15-17, 1
Thessalonian 2:13, 2 peter 1:21)


We believe in the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, sinless life,
and sacrificial death and burial; His glorious resurrection, exaltation, and soon
➢ The deity of the Lord Jesus Christ are:
➢ His virgin birth
➢ His sinless life
➢ His sacrificial death
➢ His glorious resurrection

➢ His Exaltation and His imminent return. (John 1:1-10, Matthew 1:23,
Hebrew 7:26, 1 Corinthians 5:21, Matthew 28:6, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4,
Philippians 2:9-11

We believe in salvation that is obtained by grace through faith in the shall blood
of Jesus. This salvation is receive throughout repentance and submission to
Jesus and Savior and Lord (Ephesians 2:8-9, John 3:1-16, Romans 10:8-11,
Titus 3:4-7).

We believe that water baptism by immersion is commanded in scripture and
should be practiced as an outward expression of an inward work. It is a
declaration to the world that the believer has died and risen with Christ to walk
in the newness of life. Hence, all who repent and believe on Christ as Savior
and Lord should be baptised by immersion (Matthew 28:19, Acts 10:47, Acts
8:37-38, Romans 6:4).

We believe in the Holy supper or Holy communion is a symbol of our union
with Christ partaking of his divine nature; a memorial of His suffering and
Death; and a prophecy of his second coming (2 Peter 1:4, 1 Corinthians 11:26,
Mark 14:22-26).


We believe that Baptism of the Holy Spirit is an experiences subsequent to and
distinct from the new birth.
It endues the believer with power for life, witness and service, and is
accomplished by supernatural manifestation, depend on reverence for God, an
intensified dedication to God.
and His work, and a more active love of Christ, His word and the lost (Acts 1:4-
8, 1 Corinthians 12, Acts 8:12-17, Hebrews 12:28, Acts 2:42-43, Mark 16:20).
We believe that Physical healing was provided for in the atonement of Christ
and divine healing is available through the prayer of faith for all (Mark 16:18,
Matthew 8:17, 1 Peter 2:24, Isaiah 53:5, James 5:14-15)

We believe the act of separation from all which defile flesh and spirit and
dedication to God and His will. This represent the normal life of Christian. All
believers are required to sanctify themselves, this being made possible through
the word of God.
The fellowship of the saints and the blessed Holy Spirit (Hebrews 12:14,
Romans 12:1-2, 1 Thessalonian 5:23, Romans 6:1-11).


The blessed hope of the church being the bold resurrection of believers, the
millennial reign of Christ, the judgement of the wicked, and the new heaven
and new earth (1 Thessalonian 4:16, 1 Corinthians 15:51, Zechariah 14:5,
Matthew 24:27-30, Revelation1:7; 19:11-14, revelation 21:22).

The body of Christ, the habitation of the Spirit, and the local church is the
concrete expression of the General Assembly. Every believer should as soon as
possible become an active an integral part of a local church, contributing to its
mission by offering his time, talents, tithes and other resource which the
lord may have need of to support His work (Ephesians 1:22, Ephesians 2:13,

Ephesians 2:22, Hebrews 12:23, Malachi 3:10, 1 Corinthians 12)


1. Why is an understanding of biblical doctrines important in one’s life as a


2. List and briefly discuss the basics tenets of faith of Bethel using scripture
references to support your answer?



Relationship increase our strength, enable us to accomplish more than what we

can alone, and give us power to overcome problems (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12).

The way in which two or more people or things are connected, or the
state of being connected.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
9 Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: 10 If

either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls

and has no one to help them up. 11 Also, if two lie down together, they will keep

warm. But how can one keep warm alone? 12 Though one may be overpowered,

two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

The following instruction are biblical guidelines for developing and safe
guiding our relationships.


a) Agape love: is a mandate from God to the believer. (Colossians 3:14, 1

John 4:21)
Colossians 3:14-16

14 And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. 15 Let the

peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be

thankful. 16 Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one
another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with

gratitude in your hearts.

b) Show genuine love and concern; identify with others. (1 John 3:16-19,
James 1:27)
c) be move with compassion to action. (Matthew 9:36, Matthew 14:14,
Matthew 5:32, Matthew 18:27-28, Matthew 20:34)


a) Be no respecter of persons (Romans 2:11)
b) Be impartial in tour dealings with people (James 2:1-8)
c) Esteem other better then yourself (Philippians 2:3)

a) Show yourself friendly (proverbs 18:24)
b) Friends love at all time (proverbs 17:17)
c) Friends are selfless (John 15:13)

(a)Don’t practice the work of the flesh. (proverbs 3:30, proverbs 17:14,
proverbs26:17, 1 Corinthians 3:3, Galatians 5:20, Philippians 2:3 2
Timothy 2:23, Titus 3:9, James 3:14
(b) avoid gossiping and showing discord among the brethren: (Psalm 50:19-
20, Proverbs 10:18, Proverbs 11:13, Proverbs 26:20-22, James 3:14)
(c) The Lord despise idle speaking, flattery, tongue that utter proud things
and perverse heart: (Psalm 12, Proverbs 11:10)
(d) Strive to please the Lord in thoughts and in words: (Psalm 19:14,)
(e) Be yielded to the Lord and He will lead you in every good word and
work: (1 Thessalonians 2:16-17)
(f) Be slow to speak. James 1:19


a) Forgive one another if you wish to be forgiven by Abba or Jesus: (Psalm

86:5, Matthew 6:12-15, Matthew 18:2-35, Mark 11:25-26)
b) Do not let the sun go down on your anger: (Ephesians 4:24, Mark 5:23)
c) Be at peace with all man: (Romans 1:18, Romans 14:19, 1 Thessalonian
d) Remember that you are not perfect, so don’t expect other to either:
e) Golden rule: (Matthew 19:19)

a) Recognise that leaders (Bishop, Pastors, Deacons, Ministry leaders, ect.)
are God’s servants: (Romans 13:1-4)
b) Humble yourself and serve for this is way to greatness: (Matthew 20:25-
c) Follow instructions:
d) Make suggestions in the spirit of Humility: (Galatians 6:1-3)

1) What is proper relationships with in the church community?
2) What is your understanding of what it means to “”love one another”?
3) Define strive and tell why it must be avoided in the church?
4) What does it mean to “cultivate a forgiving spirit?



Bethel World Outreach Ministries is an international christians organization

founded for the purpose of world evangelism and discipleship.
The goal of Bethel World Outreach is simply put: To rescue souls from hell and
satan’s bondages and to make as many devoted disciples in as many places
possible before the return of the Lord.

Our motto is “Win the lost at all cost”.

Convinced that two are better than one and that our effectiveness is multiplied
when we work together. Bethel World Outreach Ministries International is an
instrument of God that brings together various ministries in a concerted team
effort to accomplish the goal of world evangelism. Bethel World Outreach is
successfully creating a network of missionaries, pastor’s evangelist and
christians workers who are actively involved in church planting, evangelism,
christian education in various nations. Today, there are more than three
hundreds churches and ministries in 25 nations of Bethel World Outreach
Ministries International. There are more than 49,296 (52, 246) members of
Bethel around the world and 347 church.
To facilitate the team approach to ministry, encourage accountability, coordinate
local and region efforts and ensure that Biblical standers of morality and
doctrine are upheld Bethel World Outreach Ministries has established the follow
office and guidelines.



The general overseer is the leaders of Bethel World Outreach Ministries

International under Christ. He function as a Bishop (overseer) is providing
general apostolic and pastoral oversight of the entire Ministry.
It is his responsibility to provide Godly vision and direction for the Ministry
consistent with the word of God and the Blessed Holy Spirit, to mobilize
resources and equip leaders to achieve the gold of world evangelism, to
maintain unity & order, to stimulate personal and organizational growth and
development, to protect the ministry from spiritual correction and to implement
the constitution by laws and policies of Bethel World Outreach Ministries.

He appoints the general secretary and district overseers. He preside over all
general conferences and approves all spending from the General and central
mission funds. He approves all license and ordinations. It is his prerogative to
appoint local pastors to churches subject to the approval of local congregations
and to remove same for doctrinal and moral departure from the tenets of Faith,
or for gross ineffectiveness in ministry according to the Constitution and the
Manual of polices, Practices & Procedures.

The general overseer or Bishop is elected for life by all licensed and ordained
ministers of Bethel World Outreach Ministries, but may be removed by two

thirds of the ministers for doctrinal or moral departure from the tenets of faith
or gross ineffectiveness. He must be an ordained minister who have been
member of BWOMI for five years or more and must possess the spiritual and
moral qualification outline in 1 Timothy 3:1-7, he must be a college graduate
with the equivalent of a bachelor’s degree.


Bishop is Dr. M. Wolo Belleh and senior pastor of Bethel Cathedral of Hope in
Monrovia, Liberia.
There are three countries under his leadership.
1. Liberia – Rev. Ethan S. Jayweh is the national representative
2. Guinea – Rev. Raphael Sagno – National representative
3. Guinea Bissau -

Bishop is Dr. Julius Laggah and senior pastor of Bethel Cathedral of Praise in
Freetown, Sierra Leone. He is the General Secretary of Bethel World Outreach
Ministries International (BWOMI)

There are three countries under his leadership.

1. Sierra Leone – Rev. Abraham Turay - national representative
2. Ghana – Pastor Israel Ayiku – National representative
3. Nigeria – Rev. Godwin Akoro – National representative

Bishop is Victor Charles Okafor and senior pastor of Bethel Church Dakar,
There are four countries under his leadership.
1. Senegar
2. Cote’Ivoire
3. Mali
4 Gambia

Bishop is Daniel Alain Njoya and senior pastor of Bethel Cathedral of Life in
Douala, Cameroon.
There are eight countries under his leadership.
1. Cameroon – Rev. Abraham Too Wesley is the national representative
2. Congo – Pastor Oddon Gilles Mukari – National representative
3. Gabon - Rev. Alain Tiburce Kombile – National representative
4. Chad -
5. Kenya – Rev. Clay Longoi Ngondi – National representative
6. Tanzania -
7. South Africa -
8. Rwanda – Pastor Manzi Arsene – National representative
Bishop is Doureima Kimso and senior pastor of Bethel Church in Niamey..
There are four countries under his leadership.
1. Benin –
2. Bukina Faso -
3. Niger -
4. Togo -

Bishop is S. Musa Korfeh Sr. and assistant presiding Bishop of Bethel World
Outreach Ministries International (BWOMI). Senior pastor of Bethel City fo
Power in Houston, Taxas USA

There are four countries under his leadership.

1. America – Rev. Lawrence Kennedy – national representative
2. Australia – Rev. Stephen B. George – National representative
3. France - Rev. Evangelist
4. Brazil – Pastor Caldir Nunes
5. Romania -


The general secretary is appointed by the General Overseer or Bishop and serve
as his principle deputy. He is the administrator for the daily operations of the

international office and handles all responsibilities delegates to him by the

Bishop unless otherwise designated he is directly responsible for developing,
training and educational programs for ministers and missionaries. He also
receives analyses and processes all district reports and keeps the Bishop
informed regarding developments in each district. He has the authority to
intervene to settle disputes that may arise between districts officials and local
ministers and monitors all district to ensure that they are functioning according
to the policies of Bethel World Outreach Ministries International. He works
along with district officials to strengthen their local and foreign missions effects
as needed.
Finally he maintains accurate records of church growth and evangelistic
statistics of the ministry and reports annually to the General conference on
developments in the ministry during the course of the year.

In the absence of the general overseer or Bishop, the general secretary is the
highest ranking official. In case of death, removal, or resignation of the General
Overseer or Bishop, the general secretary will act in his stead until the next
General Conference when elections are held for a new Bishop or General



The National Representative is appointed by the General Overseer or Bishop

annually. His responsibility is to ensure that local ministers uphold the Christian
and ministerial standards of Bethel World Outreach Ministry and pursue the
gold of winning the lost at all cost and making disciples in a supportive and
cooperative atmosphere. His job is to build a local team of minister that are
equipped and enthusiastic about our God given vision and who are in concerted
manner maximising their ability to fulfil that vision. He manages the central
mission funds in his district and work with district ministers in planning
evangelist and church planting strategies. He presides over all district meeting
and the authority, with the approval of the General Overseer to institute
disciplinary measures when necessary according to agree upon guidelines.

The National Representative must meet all of the qualifications of 1Timothy

3:1-7 and be a licensed or ordained minister.


The District Secretary is appointed annually by the National Representative

with the approval of the General Overseer or Bishop. He supplies the
administrative arm for the day to day operation of the district affairs and
handles all responsibilities specifically delegated to him by the National

The pastor is the head of the church under Christ. His job is to build a team of
lay workers who are equipped to win the lost and make disciples and who are
working together in a joint effort as one body to carry out the great commission
and fulfil the vision of Bethel World Outreach Ministries.
He has the authority to appoint all assistant pastors, Elders, Deacons, and other
local church officials in according with the constitution and by – laws and to
develop ministries and strategies which he deems necessary to accomplish the
ministry’s vision.
He is expected to work in harmony with the district officer and other local
ministries in developing effective evangelistic and disciple making strategies
and to support the mission’s effort of BWOM by contributing ten percent of his
income and that of the church to the Central Mission Fund. He is also required
to attend general and district meetings to provide quarterly report to the district
office and to manage the finances of the church in accordance the agreed upon

Above all, the pastor must exemplify the qualities found in 1 Timothy 3:1-7.
He is appointed for life by the General Overseer or Bishop with the approval of
the local congregations but may be removed for doctrinal or departure from the

tenets of faith and Covenant or gross ineffectiveness in accordance with the

Constitution. He must be licensed or ordained Minister.


Elders and Deacons are appointed by the pastor to assist them in carry out the
responsibilities in the local church. They will assist in teaching, counselling,
visitation, administering discipline and caring for the church property. They

serve at pleasure of the pastor but most demonstrate the qualities listed in 1
Timothy 3:1-7.
Trustees are nominated by pastors and approved by majority vote of the current
Board of Trustees to serve on the board. They advise the pastor in managing the
finances of the church and ensure that the agreed upon financial and legal
standards of Bethel World Outreach Ministries are maintained. They work with
the pastor in establishing salary and assist him in determining the salaries of
other employees of the church. They have the authority to investigate moral
charges made against the pastor and to request discipline, resignation of
dismissal in accordance with the Constitution if they determine such action is


In addition to churches, Bethel World Outreach Ministries also includes para-

church organisations such as evangelistic association, youth ministries,
children’s ministries and Bible Schools. Minsters licensed or ordained by
Bethel who head said organisations such as evangelistic associations, are free to
function within the guidelines of those organization as long as they are
consistent with the tenets of faith of Bethel World Outreach Ministries and do
not violate the principles of unity and integrity to which Bethel is committed.
All minister licensed or ordained by Bethel are subject to discipline as outline
in the official documents of Bethel World Outreach Ministries. Serious
violations of the principles upon which this ministry is based or the refusal to
submit to church discipline when required may result in immediate withdrawal
of licenses and ordination papers.


The history of Bethel World Outreach Ministries International can be viewed

from two paradigm shifts. The organization is an offspring of Bethel World
Outreach Center (formerly Bethel full Gospel Church) which was started by
Rev. Natt Friday in January 1986 in Monrovia, Liberia.
In 1990 upheaval created by the civil war, the scattering of the church into the
diaspora and the sovereign actions of the Holy Spirit produced the need for a
new strategy and a new organisation with an expanded vision that focused on
world missions, church planting, leadership and resource development. In
response to this need, Rev. Dr Darlingston Johnson founded Bethel World
Outreach Ministries on August 16, 1990 in Silver Spring Maryland.

A LOCAL CHURCH (1986 – 1990)

In January 1986 Rev. Natt Friday and a small group of seventeen person held
the first service of the Bethel Full Gospel Church in the auditorium of the
Barnes Foundation School in Lakpasse, Monrovia, Liberia. The Lord rewarded
their faithfulness causing the church to grow to nearly on hundred fifty in a
little over a year.

In June 1987 the Lord added the voice of Dr. Darlingston Johnson to Bethel.
Upon completing his theological studies at Oral Roberts University and Phillips

University in the United States of America, Dr. Johnson was invited to pastor
Bethel Full Gospel Church alongside of Rev. Friday. The two co-pastored
successfully for six months until Rev. Friday left for the United States for
furthers studies. During this period the name of the church was changed to
Bethel World Outreach Center.

Under the leadership of Dr. Johnson of Bethel World Outreach Center

continued to experience rapid growth, becoming the fastest growing local
church in Liberia. Bethel inited active discipleship program using cell groups
(covenant family) a strong prayer ministry organised on military lines (prayer

brigades) and an effective outreach program suing television (“The Bethel

Hour”), newspaper (“The Bethel Trumpeter”), and crusade evangelism.

To accommodate the rapid growth, service were moved to Monrovia City Hall
in October 1987. By October 1988, attendance had exceeded on thousand. A
year later God miraculously provided several acres of land for the church in
Sinkor. A temporary structure was quickly erected and ground broken for the
erection of a modern church and office complex in November 1989.

Bethel continued to grow phenomenally. By June 1990, membership had

exceeded two thousand. During this time, it appeared that Bethel began to
expend into church planting in other parts of Liberia. Three additional churches
were planted in Brewerville, Robertsfield and Gbarga.

These were exciting times. It appeared that Bethel World Outreach Center was
destined to become a mega church with more than 10, 000 members within less
than five years. Then the gruesome and horrific civil war that killed more than a
quarter of a million people erupted. It seemed for a while that all was lost. But
God has other plans.
(1990 – PRESENT)

Dr. Johnson and his wife travel to the United States of America in June 1990 to
attend a pastoral conference in New Jersey to which they has been invited.
While on their way back to Liberia, they became stranded in Maryland when
flights in and out of Liberia were suspended. They prayed and watched the
Liberian situation closely, waiting for a breakthrough, but the situation
continued to deteriorate. Member of the church had to flee for their lives, many

to neighbouring African countries and to the United States. Liberians were

becoming refugees by the hundreds of thousands.

While seeking the Lord for directions Dr. Johnson heard the Holy Spirit say to
his heart “Don’t be a refugee, be a missionary. There are lost people to be won
here too. There are lost people to be won here too”. Acting upon his word from
lord Dr. Johnson called a meeting of some of the members of Bethel that had be
sovereignly gathered in the Maryland area and shared what he sensed God was
saying. After further prayers to confirm the leading of the Lord, Bethel World
Outreach International was incorporated.

The objective of Bethel World Outreach Ministries International are as follows:

1) To offer fellowship and promote partnership among minister sharing a

common vision.
2) To win the lost at all cost.
3) To enhance the effectiveness of ministries by providing theological
education and practical training in the art of ministry.
4) To safeguard the integrity of ministers and ministries by providing rules,
order and structures that require spiritual accountability.
5) To fulfil the great commission by promoting missionary outreach and
church planting in needy areas.

In pursuit of these objectives the local church in the United States was
organized by BWOM inSilver Spring Maryland. On August 16, 1990 at the
Blackburn Center on the campus Howard University in Washington D.C, the
first service was held with seventeen persons.


Assistance Pastor
Asocial Pastors

1) Assistance Pastor
2) Elders
3) Deacons
4) Sanctuary Minister
5) Intercessory ministry

1) Men Ministry
2) Women Ministry
3) Children Ministry
4) Youth Ministry
5) Usher Ministry
6) Music Ministry
7) Technical Department
8) Membership Departure
9) Financial Department
10) Evangelism ministry
11) Hospitality and Pastoral Care ministry
12) Intercessory Ministry

1) Administrator
2) Secretary General
3) Accountant
4) Treasurer
5) Benevolence committee



1) Sketch out an organization chart of Bethel World Outreach Ministries

2) What area the qualifications and function of the General Overseer of Bethel
World Outreach Ministries?

3) Under what condition (s) may this officer be removed?

4) Name the countries or state in which Bethel churches are currently


5) What are the function of the Board of Trustees?

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