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An incorrect career choice directs all individual efforts and resources into a wrong
direction,when not aligned with the expectations, would not only be frustrating rather draining of
the individual energy and wastage of resources. Making a career choice is a defining phase in
every student's life. Students have to consider several factors before arriving at a decision. The
purpose of this research was to see the factors which affect the choice of career among students.
This study investigated the influence of several factors such as family, school, gender and peers
on the career decisions. The structure of questionnaire was distributed among student in rural
area. Qualitative data was collected from 30 participants and analyzed using SPSS. The study
also revealed that, the factors that influence the secondary school students in career choice are
getting information from parents, teachers’ influence in choosing career pathway and subject
linking towards their interest. The study also revealed that,info from parents are more influence
in career choice among the students other that teacher influence and subject link. Career
guidance, especially school career days, was cited as having a positive impact on students’
choice of careers. However,the influence of teachers and subject link on career choice was lowly
rated. In others words, parents influence can make the right decision for students while they
choose their career.

Keywords: career choice,influence, family, school, gender and peers factors.


Career selection is one of the main important choices a student will have to take in his
life. This choice of decision will have impact on them throughout their lives. Career plays
a very fundamental and significant role in the life of the individual because it determines
the pattern of his or her income, affects the individuals personality and concept of life.
Therefore, career is a life time pursuit for success. It is the sequence of major positions
occupied by a person throughout his life time. The term career is broadly defined as all
like roles people play including students, parents, employees, retirees and employers, in
securing a livelihood. Career choice is something very hard to make especially as one’s
livelihood depends on it. Career choice has become a complex task among students in the
face of ever changing technology and the information sector. Career according to
Cambridge Advance learner’s Dictionary (2005) refers to Job or series of job that you do
during your working life.
Thus choosing a career simply means choosing a life job. Career choice is affected by
multiple factors include family influence, school, gender and peers. However, all careers
have their subject requirements, personality characteristics and personal abilities.Students
perception in choose career also has been found to be affected by a number of factors.
For instance, Parental support and encouragement are important factors that have been
found to affect career choice. Children may choose what their parents desire simply to
please them. (Taylor et al, 2004) Okafor(2012) cited that generally,the choice of a career
is affected by parents, friends, and others.
However, Parents education and occupational background may affect students’ career
choice because some students may contemplate on whether to continue their parents’
occupation or not. The aim of this study is to investigate the factors influencing
Malaysian urban area secondary school students in career choice.


The Pearson Correlation analysis results shown in study of RajooRamachandran, Shahmir

Abdullah and AfidatulAsma (2015), that when creating a choice on their career pathway will be
shaping positive interconnection among three elements: pressure of family, personality trait and
economic reflection.

Ahmad Baharuddin (2007), the student will be discomfort and flatness or causes unfavorable
things in their career which can effects horribleness if they making a wrong career pathway.
(RajooRamachandaran, Shamir Abdullah and AfidatulAsma (2015)

Isaac and AyokaMopelolal (2014), analytical thinking of individual’s life have to effect on a
person’s integrated in their future undertaking and individual responsibilities to the society when
they making choice on career pathway. (RajooRamachandaran, Shamir Abdullah and
AfidatulAsma (2015)

By examining the first batch of accounting student in UNIMAS, a study of Sharifah Sabrina
Syed Ali and Michael Tinggi (2013) found that dependent of variables such as past performance,
personality trait, occupation expectation, family member and peers, and mass electronic on
student’s choice to take offer of accounting program.

There are few factors that affect the career pathway of students according to past research:
personality trait, peer pressure, family history, chances of career and occupation. (Sharifah
Sabrina Syed Ali and Michael Tinggi (2013)

According to Didia and Hasnat (1998) and Bauer and Dahlquist (1999). In major selecting,
character are the main part. (Sharifah Sabrina Syed Ali and Michael Tinggi (2013)

According to Dynan and Rouse (1997), the main of career pathway of student cause by mass
electronic and the past acquirement. (Sharifah Sabrina Syed Ali and Michael Tinggi (2013)

According to Holland theory, similarity between one’s profession and characters is the key to
victorius and fulfilling career that a person chooses to participate in attain profession that a
individual to take part in.

There are two types of factors that can make the career decision making being influenced by
which are internal and external factor that are based on the perceptions of the researchers.

Subject interest, recognition of oneself, connections between family and friends also with
educators are under internal factors. While achievement in studies, earnings, practical training
skills, system provided by schools and universities also gap between genders are specified under
the external factors.

Earnings were selected as a part of the main attributed choices by the graduates. In searching for
jobs, the main motivators would be self-appeal than the attraction towards the society, measures
of money and the authority that make the students chosen because of the changing in the
economy market. Parents contribute in supplying help and ease the anxiety of the children
regarding the future undertakings of career as they are the main part of their children’s career

The cause of this learning was to influence correlation in the middle of cause that provide to
programmed career, characters (career attitude) and career design included of Engineering
student (Maizam Alias, MohdNorazizulFadli Bin Abu Bakar, 2010). Statistics shows that there
are four cause that impacts candidates to select Engineering as a programmed of learning, in
other words a person,private programmed and sexuality. Therefore statistics were also assemble
on candidate, career attitude and career design. This compulsive discovery were be given relating
to significant cause for programed career.

Based on this study, male respondents are being looked in different point of view because
females were the ones who entered the profession fields earlier thus make them felt intimidate by
it. In future, analysis should be done on why the profession is less interested for man. In the
opinion of Ministry of Higher Education information, the percentage of woman is 2:3. This
percentage is still not considered in factual woman graduates in high-tech and engineering career
that are in rule with their educational certificate. However, from time to time characters can
throw a sizeable on career options contrast to educational certificate.


The challenges of this issue are about the factors that influence the secondary school students in
choosing their career. Career selection decision making process is one of the key elements in an
individual’s life (Albert et, al. 2003). The peoplethat will be affecting from this issue are the
students from the secondary schools. It is because students at that stage will begin to choose
what they want to be after they have finished their studies at school and further their studies
based on what they interested in. But their peers can influence their friends’ in choosing the
suitable career because they tend to follow what their friends have decided for instead of
following their own choice to avoid being different from their friends. Students at this stage will
tend to have confusion in choosing their own path because of the huge influence coming from
their friends. This issue will occur when the students are at the stage between Form 4 until Form
5 because they are in group of classes at that time. It is important for students to make the right
decision in choosing their own career because if they make the wrong choice, it will affect their
studies in the future because it is not based on their interest.

Other factors would be from the school itself. If the school does not expose the students in
guiding them to choose the correct career, then students will not able to know what they need to
know in choosing the suitable career for them as there are no guidance giving from the school
itself. When this happened, it will affect Form 4 and Form 5 students because they will finished
their studying after that and they will have confusion on what to choose when continuing their
studies later on. It is important for students to get exposure about the career choice from the
school as school plays an important role in helping students as they have many knowledge and
ways in this field and they can tell the students about it so students can get ideas from it.

A number of factors can shape and influence the career path that they choose, starting with how
their families play an important role in shaping their interest of career path. Whether they were
raised with ideals of certain professions, or they’re looking the interest in career choice that fits
their adult family life, these issues need to be careful considered. The factors from the family has
a two types is positive parental influence and negative parental influences. For positive parental
influences that may children grow up idealizing the professions of their parent. Parent may also
intentionally or unintentionally push their child to strive for particular high-profile careers,
feeling they are encouraging their children to reach high. In negative parental influence is just as
a positive parental role model can influence career choice, so can be a negative parental
influence. For example, if their parent were uneducated or always struggling to get a financially,
they may decide their child never going to be any position or any chance to make a career
choice. This may prompt you to pursue a different career path that is stable.


The objective of this research is to identify the factors that influence the most for Malaysian

urban area secondary school students in career choice


Which of the factors that influence the most to your choice of career?


a) Career Choice

In this study, career choice means selection of a type of occupation or profession (U.S
National Library of Medicine, n.d.) reported by urban secondary school students in
Malaysia measured using 12 Likert items in the Career Choice Questionnaire

b) Malaysia Urban Area

A human settlement in Malaysia with accommodation in infrastructure of build


c) Secondary School Students

Students from the age of 13-17 years old attending Form 1 until Form 5 in Malaysia
secondary schools


7.1 Population and Sample

The population of the study includes all Form 4 and Form 5 is 30 studentof secondary

school students include boys and girls. There are 30 students who participate in this study. The

data collection process is carried out using medium google shaped form distributed to groups of

students form 4 and form 5. These were selected through a stratifield samplings technique. This

samplings divide by group as categorized.

In this data,80% female who was reponds on this questionaire while 20% are male. The

survey spesific for form 4 and form 5. 20 respondent from form 4 has taken this questionaire

while 10 respondent from form 5. The population of race that answer this questionaire moslty

from malay (80%) and the 20% is chinese,indian and other. For the class stream,most the student

coming from account class. However, father and mother educational level is different according

to data. Mostly father respondent are coming from secondary school while the mother are

coming from college. Finally father and mother employment can influence career choice from

this data we can conclude that mostly both parents are self-employment. This can influence

student career choice.

7.2 Sampling

Convenience sampling (also known as availability sampling) is a specific type of non-

probability sampling method that relies on data collection from population members who are

conveniently available to participate in study.In these study,as as researchers ,we use

convenience sampling technique by selected respondents randomly (n= 30) among the school

that have same characteristics,urban area.We using the respondents that volunteers as subjects

for the research.

7.3 Instrument

Factors Influencing Malaysian Urban Area Secondary School students’ in Career Choice

This study used a Likert questionnaire measuring the factors that influence career choice among

Malaysian urban area secondary school students. There are two main parts to the questionnaire.

Part A contains 8 items that capture the respondents’ demographic profile, which include gender,

race, form, class stream, father & mother educational level and father & mother employment.

Part B has 10 career-choice items that include factors like family, school, gender and peers

measured using a 5-point agreement scale, ranging from Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neither

Agree, Agree and Strongly Agree.

7.4 Validity and Reliability

Reliability is the degree of consistency of a measure. A test will be reliable when it gives the
same repeated result under the same conditions. Leedy and Ormrod (2005:31) further define
reliability as the consistency with which a measuring instrument yields certain results when the
entity being measured has not changed. In this study,as a researcher initially we used gender to
check for consistence of results.. Guidance from professional lecture also played a pivotal role in
ensuring that consistency of the results was enhanced.

Validity is one of the main concerns with research. "Any research can be affected by different
kinds of factors which, while extraneous to the concerns of the research, can invalidate the
findings" (Seliger&Shohamy 1989, 95). Controlling all possible factors that threaten the
research's validity is a primary responsibility of every good researcher. Questionnaire items were
adaptfrom the another researcher that have same criteria for our own study. As a researcher, we
designed a questionnaire with items that were clear and used the language that was understood
by all the participants. The questionnaires were given to our supervisor to check for errors.

Re liability S tatis tics

Alpha N of Items
0.790 10

The reliability in this study is highly reliable because the Cronbach’s Alpha value is 0.79 and the

value is nearest to 1 and exceed than 0.7.




Figure 1
Figure 1 shows the total of respondents in our study. Total of 26.7% of respondents are male
while 73.3% are female. Total of respondents are 30 students which consists of 22 females and 8




Figure 2
Figure 2 shows the total of races who answered the questionnaire. Malays race contribute the
highest total respondents in this study which is 80% while the second highest would be from
Indian race that contributes 10%. The lowest race of total respondent in this study would be from
other races that contribute about 3.3% only while Chinese race contribute about 6.7%.



Figure 3
Figure 3 shows the total of respondents in our study. Total of 66.7% of respondents are Form 5
students while 33.3% are Form 4 students. 20 are from Form 5 while 10 are from Form 4.


36.7% 23.3%

Figure 4
Figure 4 shows the total of respondents according to their class stream which consists of Science,
Art, Account, Vocational and others. The highest of the total respondent consists of students
from Account stream which contribute 36.7% while the lowest would be students from others
stream which is 3.7%. Other than that, total respondents from Science and Art stream contribute
the same percentage which is 23.3%. While the total of 13% is students are from Vocational




Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent

Valid STRONGLY 7 23.3 23.3 23.3


DISAGREE 4 13.3 13.3 36.7

NEUTRAL 8 26.7 26.7 63.3

AGREE 8 26.7 26.7 90.0

STRONGLY AGREE 3 10.0 10.0 100.0

Total 30 100.0 100.0

Question 1 is about siblings influence in the students’ career decision making. There are 7
respondents who answered strongly disagree, 4 answered disagree while respondents answered
neutral and agree share the same total which is 8 and 3 respondents answered strongly agree for
this question. This shows that 11 respondents agreed that siblings can influence their career
decision making while about 11 respondents also disagree that sibling can influence their career
decision making.




Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent

Valid STRONGLY 4 13.3 13.3 13.3


DISAGREE 2 6.7 6.7 20.0

NEUTRAL 6 20.0 20.0 40.0

AGREE 12 40.0 40.0 80.0

STRONGLY AGREE 6 20.0 20.0 100.0

Total 30 100.0 100.0

Question 2 is about getting information from parents regarding career choice. There are 4
respondents who answered strongly disagree, 2 answered disagree while respondents answered
neutral and strongly agree share the same total which is 6 and 12 respondents answered agree for
this question. This shows that 18 respondents answered that getting information from parents
influence their career decision making while about 6 respondents were not agreed that getting
information from parent influence their career decision making.





Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent

Valid STRONGLY 5 16.7 16.7 16.7


DISAGREE 8 26.7 26.7 43.3

NEUTRAL 9 30.0 30.0 73.3

AGREE 7 23.3 23.3 96.7

STRONGLY AGREE 1 3.3 3.3 100.0

Total 30 100.0 100.0

Question 3 is about dominant profession in family as preferred career. There are 5 respondents
who answered strongly disagree, 8 answered disagree while respondents answered neutral are 9
and agree is 7 and 1 respondent answered strongly agree for this question. This shows that about
13 respondents answered disagree toward dominant profession in family while about 8
respondents anwered agreed toward this question.





Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent

Valid STRONGLY 4 13.3 13.3 13.3


DISAGREE 7 23.3 23.3 36.7

NEUTRAL 8 26.7 26.7 63.3

AGREE 11 36.7 36.7 100.0

Total 30 100.0 100.0

Question 4 is about teachers’ influence on guiding them to choose their career. There are 4
respondents who answered strongly disagree, 7 answered disagree while respondents answered
neutral are 8 and 11 respondents answered agree for this question. This shows that 11
respondents agreed that influence from their teachers can influence their career decision making
while about 11 respondents disagreed that the teachers role influence their career choice.




Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent

Valid STRONGLY 2 6.7 6.7 6.7


DISAGREE 3 10.0 10.0 16.7

NEUTRAL 8 26.7 26.7 43.3

AGREE 6 20.0 20.0 63.3

STRONGLY AGREE 11 36.7 36.7 100.0

Total 30 100.0 100.0

Question 5 is about their favorite subjects are linked to their career choice. There are 2
respondents who answered strongly disagree, 3 answered disagree while respondents answered
neutral are 8 and 6 answered agree for this question. 17 respondents answered agree and this
shows that 17 respondents answered that their favorite subjects are linked to their decision in
choosing their career.





Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent

Valid STRONGLY 4 13.3 13.3 13.3


DISAGREE 3 10.0 10.0 23.3

NEUTRAL 11 36.7 36.7 60.0

AGREE 10 33.3 33.3 93.3

STRONGLY AGREE 2 6.7 6.7 100.0

Total 30 100.0 100.0

Question 6 is about career guidance that comprehensively offered at the school. There are 4
respondents who answered strongly disagree, 3 answered disagree while respondents answered
neutral are 11 and 10 answered agree. Also not to forget that 2 respondents who answered
strongly agree for this question. This shows that 12 respondents agreed that career guidance that
comprehensively offered at the school.





Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent

Valid STRONGLY 5 16.7 16.7 16.7


DISAGREE 6 20.0 20.0 36.7

NEUTRAL 13 43.3 43.3 80.0

AGREE 4 13.3 13.3 93.3

STRONGLY AGREE 2 6.7 6.7 100.0

Total 30 100.0 100.0

Question 7 is about gender models that can influence students in choosing career. There are 5
respondents who answered strongly disagree, 6 answered disagree while respondents answered
neutral are 13 and 4 respondents answered agree.Total number of 2 respondents answered
strongly agrees for this question. This shows that 13 respondents answered that gender models
can influence students in choosing career are neutral and does not affect them that much.





Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent

Valid STRONGLY 4 13.3 13.3 13.3


DISAGREE 7 23.3 23.3 36.7

NEUTRAL 12 40.0 40.0 76.7

AGREE 7 23.3 23.3 100.0

Total 30 100.0 100.0

Question 8 is about does friends influence them in deciding their career choice. There are 4
respondents who answered strongly disagree, 7 answered disagree while respondents answered
neutral are 12 and 7 respondents answered agree for this question. This shows that 11
respondents answered disagree that their friends do not influence them much in choosing their
career pathways.


23.3% 13.3%



Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent

Valid STRONGLY 4 13.3 13.3 13.3


DISAGREE 4 13.3 13.3 26.7

NEUTRAL 13 43.3 43.3 70.0

AGREE 7 23.3 23.3 93.3

STRONGLY AGREE 2 6.7 6.7 100.0

Total 30 100.0 100.0

Question 9 is about do friends give students proper advice in helping them choose their career.
There are 4 respondents who answered strongly disagree, 4 answered disagree while respondents
answered neutral are 13 and 7 respondents answered agree. Also there are 2 respondents who
answered strongly agree for this question. So that,about 9 respondents agreed and 8 respondent
disagree about the friends advice are influence their career pathway.

10% 13.3%



Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent

Valid STRONGLY 4 13.3 13.3 13.3


DISAGREE 9 30.0 30.0 43.3

NEUTRAL 9 30.0 30.0 73.3

AGREE 5 16.7 16.7 90.0

STRONGLY AGREE 3 10.0 10.0 100.0

Total 30 100.0 100.0

Question 10 is about career inheritance from family that can affect their decision in choosing
career. There are 4 respondents who answered strongly disagree, 9 answered disagree while
respondents answered neutral are also 9 respondents. Other than that, 5 respondents answered
agree for this question and respondents who answered strongly agree are 3. This shows that for
this question, about 13 most of respondents answered disagree and that career inheritance from
family will not affect them in career decision making.






1 SIBLING 11 8 11

INFLUENCE 37% 26% 37%

2 INFO FROM 18 6 6

PARENTS 60% 20% 20%

3 DOMINANT 8 9 13

PROFESSION 43% 30% 27%

4 TEACHER 11 8 11

INFLUENCE 37% 26% 37%

5 SUBJECT 17 8 5

LINK 57% 27% 16%

6 OFFER 12 11 7

CAREER 40% 37% 23%


7 GENDER 6 13 11

INFLUENCE 20% 43% 37%

8 PEERS 7 12 11

INFLUENCE 23.% 40% 37%

9 FRIENDS 9 13 8

ADVICE 30% 43% 27%

10 CAREER 8 8 13

INHERITED 27% 27% 44%


CHOICE (N =30)

Figure A show that the response distribution of factors that influence career choice (N=30)

among the respondents.This show that three main factors that influence career choice among the

student ,info from parent,subject linking toward their career pathway and the offered from career



This research to see the fundamental variable that factors the choice of career for

secondary student.The three important factors in our research is info from parent, subject

linking on their career pathway and offer from career guide make multiple interest areas

variable to them for making better career choice. The essence of the study was to

establish factors that influence the choice of career pathways among a secondary student.

As reflected by the findings of the study, it can be concluded that the family has a

significant role in influencing students’ career choices. The info from parent more

important with their career choice pathway.It can also be concluded that the subject

linking related to influence in students’ choices of careers. The findings of the study

revealed that both male and female students were interested in the same careers and are

equally competent in the subjects they do at school.


A. The results of this study will show what are the main factors that influence the secondary

urban school students in career choice. The results will inform to the career counselors

and school communities by setting events such as Career Carnival and conducting

counseling session to guide the students make the right choice in career pathway.


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