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IELTS Speaking - topic: Inventions &

Mẫu câu hỏi và câu trả lời:

 Do you want to become an inventor in the future?

Actually, I find myself not creative enough to be an inventor. I don’t have
the necessary amount of technical know-how and patience to go through
a lot of trial and error. I would like to be a person who can enjoy
inventions rather than one who can invent them.

 Do you enjoy using technological devices?

Definitely yes. I have to say that I am a techie and I love to browse
websites in my free time to find information about the latest technological
innovations. I am a big fan of them; for example, smartphone, TV or
computer. I think my life would suffer a lot of difficulties if I don’t have these
technological inventions.

 How has your mobile phone changed your life?

My smartphone has changed my life a lot. In terms of my study, I enrolled
in one online course to learn Korean thanks to this phone. I mean I don’t
have to go to traditional classes anymore, and it helps me save a great
deal of time. Regarding relationships with others, this phone enables me
to easily make new friends and keep in touch with them.

 Is your cellphone very important to you? 

 Is there anything you dislike about using cell phones?

Từ vựng:

 Technical know-how: kiến thức về công nghệ 

 Trial and error: quá trình thử nghiệm và thất bại
 Techie (n.): người hiểu biết nhiều về công nghệ 
 Browse websites: lướt mạng
 Enrolled in (v.): ghi danh

Mẫu câu hỏi:
 Describe an invention that has changed the world in a positive way.
 Describe an inventor that you admire the most.
 Describe an invention that changes people’s life.

Mẫu câu trả lời:

Question: Describe an invention that changes people’s life.

You should say: 

 What it is? 
 What benefits it has brought? 
 How does it influence people of different ages? 
 And explain how it changed people’s lives.

Well, when it comes to invention, I would choose the smartphone – which is one
of the revolutionary creations of human beings.

It is both convenient and cost-effective. In the past, when there was no

smartphone, people could only get in touch with each other through the
telephone and it took ages to reach one person but now, with only one
smartphone, we can use it for various purposes. Not only can we call others but
we can also see their face, keep updated with their daily activities, or do other
kinds of entertainment; for example, listen to music or surf the net. Moreover,
there are available applications such as Grab which help us catch a taxi or
motorbike much more easily. With this smart device, there seems to be a
little barrier to communication among people.

In addition, the smartphone helps reduce the cost of our call as we have online
applications such as Viber, Skype, or Whatsapp. We can also do the shopping
without going to traditional markets. With just one screen and one touch, we can
get whatever we want and have them delivered to our home. People often say
that with only one smartphone, they can carry the whole world with them. So you
see, it is a wonderful thing to have it in our life!

Từ vựng:

 Revolutionary creations: những sáng tạo mang tính cách mạng 

 Cost-effective (adj.): tiết kiệm chi phí 
 Get in touch: giữ liên lạc 
 Various purposes: nhiều mục đích 
 Surf the net: lướt mạng 
 Barrier (n.): rào cản 
 Online application: ứng dụng trực tuyến 
 Have them delivered to: vận chuyển cái gì đến đâu

Mẫu câu hỏi và câu trả lời:

 What do you think are the drawbacks of technological inventions?

Well, I have to say yes. Technological breakthroughs help humans in
many ways and our life is much more convenient. However, people now
tend to rely a lot on those inventions, which might make us lazier. We will
not do household chores on a regular basis as automated robots will
take over them. Moreover, smartphones may hinder us from meeting face-
to-face with our beloved people. I think that we should use these devices
wisely to avoid being victims.

 What should government do to encourage inventors?

Well, I think inventors are an indispensable part of an economy, where
creativity is put in top priority and innovations are made to serve the life
of people so it is crucial that inventors be encouraged. Government should
raise a fund for inventors and when each invention is made, they will be
awarded an amount of money. Moreover, each invention should be
examined carefully and commercialized to assist inventors and make
them feel more motivated to create new things.

 What is the most helpful innovation at home?

There are a variety of innovations that can be used at home to help
people with the household chores nowadays, but I guess one of the
most helpful ones would be the vacuum cleaner. It can suck
up any dust lying around the floor, therefore cleaning it faster as opposed
to people sweeping the floor and cleaning it later.

 What household appliances make us lazy?

 What kind of invention can be used at school?
 Do you think Al will replace human teachers? Why?

Từ vựng:

 Technological breakthroughs: những sự đột phá về công nghệ 

 Automated robots: rô-bốt tự động
 Innovations (n.): sự đổi mới, cải tiến 
 Commercialized (adj.): thương mại hóa
 A variety of: nhiều 
 Household chore: việc nhà 
 Vacuum cleaner: máy hút bụi 
 Suck up: hút 
 Dust (n.): bụi bẩn 
 Sweep (v.): quét nhà

IELTS Speaking - topic: Work & Lifestyle


Topic Work và Study là hai chủ đề các bạn thí sinh rất hay gặp phải trong kỳ
thi IELTS Speaking. Vậy làm thế nào để ăn điểm tuyệt đối phần này? Cách khai
thác và triển khai các ý như thế nào? Cùng TiengAnhK12 khám phá ngay trong
bài viết phía dưới bạn nhé!

WORK nằm trong top chủ đề IELTS Speaking phổ biến mà các thí sinh đi thi
IELTS đều có thể gặp. Cùng tham khảo một số câu hỏi và câu trả lời mẫu tham
khảo cho kỳ thi sắp tới từ đội ngũ TiengAnhK12 nhé.

Mẫu câu hỏi và câu trả lời:

 What do you do?

I’m currently a Communications Officer at a company
specializing in educational services. I’ve worked here for 2 years, and
I’m mainly responsible for creating content to promote the company’s
brand and services.

 What do you enjoy most about your work?

Honestly, I’m quite a sociable person who always has a passion
for going out and communicating with people. This personality in addition
to my pretty good command of English makes me think that I was born
for this career. The greatest part is that I could educate children
and expose them to English and foreign culture so that they are trained
to be well-rounded future citizens, this absolutely brings me a sense of
 Why did you choose to do that type of work?
The reason why I chose to be working in this field is that
this profession is thriving in my country and being good at it can help
me earn a lot of cash to sustain a good life. In fact, if you're among the
top in marketing you can earn up to $6000 a month which is nearly 6 times
higher than other professions.

 Do you plan to continue with your job in the future?

 What are your main duties?
 Is there any other work you would like to do in the future?

Từ vựng:

 Communications Officer: nhân viên truyền thông

 Educational services: dịch vụ giáo dục
 Responsible for (adj.): chịu trách nhiệm
 Promote (v.): quảng bá
 Have a passion for doing sth: có niềm đam mê với
 Have (a) good command of: có kiến thức vững về
 Expose sb to sth (v.): cho ai kinh nghiệm về
 Sense of achievement: cảm giác thành tựu

Mẫu câu hỏi:

 Describe an ideal job you’d like to do in the future.

 Describe your idea of making a good first impression in a job
 Describe a very difficult task that you succeeded in doing as part of
your work

Mẫu câu trả lời:

Question: Describe an ideal job you’d like to do in the future

You should say: 

 What it is. 
 How you can get this job. 
 What kinds of work you would do for the job. 
 And explain why you want to have it.
I’m an independent person so it is my ultimate goal to have my own business.
I’m thinking of opening my own vegetarian restaurant. The reason is that I love
vegetarian food. I think this diet is healthy and more humane and I want
to promote this kind of lifestyle to more people.

I know that being a restaurateur is no easy task. There is a lot of planning and
there’re hundreds of details that need to be taken care of before a restaurant is
fully prepared to service people. For instance, we have the legal paperwork,
hiring the kitchen staff and waitstaff, renting, decorating, marketing and so on.
Even after you get your restaurant going, there’re still daily tasks for you to
solve. These are things that I both love and fear. I enjoy the constant challenges
but I’m afraid of being overwhelmed.

I’m fully aware that I still have a long way to go. In terms of education, I’m in the
process of getting my bachelor’s degree in Hospitality and Restaurant
Management. After graduation, I plan to work for prestigious restaurants in my
hometown to learn about how a restaurant is operated, earn some cash, and do
some networking. In my free time, I visit the local markets to research and
explore the range of fresh local vegetables, non-meat products and I
also experiment with different recipes.

Eventually, I’d like to open my dream restaurant in my hometown, Ho Chi Minh

city, to serve the community that I grew up in.

Từ vựng:

 Ultimate (adj.): cuối cùng 

 Humane (adj.): mang tính nhân văn/nhân đạo 
 To promote (v.): quảng bá, chiêu thị 
 Restaurateur (n.): chủ quản lý nhà hàng 
 To service (v.): phục vụ 
 Legal paperwork: công việc giấy giờ 
 Waitstaff (n.): tập thể nhân viên phục vụ 
 Get something going: bắt đầu/khởi động 
 Prestigious (adj.): có uy tín/trứ danh 
 To have a long way to go: còn nhiều thứ phải học/cải thiện 
 Networking (n.): việc giao lưu mở rộng mối quan hệ 
 To experiment (v.): thử nghiệm 
 Recipe (n.): công thức
Mẫu câu hỏi và câu trả lời:

 What do most people consider when finding/accepting a job?

From my experience talking to my friends, salary and bosses are what
people think of when they try to decide on a job offer. Obviously, everyone
wants to earn the amount of money that is proportional to their
contribution to the company. However, there are cases in which people
choose to work for a lower wage if they have supportive bosses,
especially for people who are seeking entry-level jobs. Having
a superior to serve as your mentor can help you progress in your
career more quickly.

 Which do you think is more important, colleagues or work itself?

I think both are equally important. If you get along really well with the
people you work with but don’t exactly enjoy your responsibilities, it’s going
to be really hard to stay in your job for a long time. And if you are doing
your dream job, but you can’t take your co-workers, it’s also going to be
very stressful.

 What are the most difficult jobs that people do?

What are the most difficult jobs that people do?I remember seeing a
documentary about oil rig workers that claimed to be if not the hardest job
on the world, one of the hardest. It’s a job that is not only physically
demanding but also psychologically taxing. These people spend 6 weeks
in an environment where it doesn’t matter if you are a cleaner or a pipe
worker, you have a very similar level of risk around you at all times. It’s
an insane job that brings a high reward when it comes to salary, but I
can’t even fathom doing that myself. I would probably crack under
pressure on day one.

 Why do you think some people choose to do difficult jobs?

 Do you agree or disagree that all jobs are difficult sometimes?
 How important is it for everyone to have a goal in their personal life?

Từ vựng:

 Proportional (adj.) + to : đúng tỉ lệ với; nghĩa bóng: xứng đáng

 Wage (n.): thù lao 
 Superior (n.): cấp trên 
 Entry level (adj.): mới vào nghề (về cấp độ của công việc) 
 To serve (v.) + as: đóng vai trò  
 Progress (v.): phát triển, thăng tiến
 Co-workers (n.): cộng tác
 Stressful (adj.): áp lực
 Claim (v.): tự cho rằng 
 Taxing (n.): nặng nề, mệt nhọc 
 Insane (adj.): điên rồ 
 Fathom (adj.): mạo hiểm 
 Crack under pressure: sụp đổ dưới áp lực

Lifestyle là một chủ đề khá rộng nên nó sẽ gây khó khăn cho các thí sinh. Hãy
cùng TiengAnhK12 theo dõi các mẫu câu hỏi và từ vựng dưới đây nhé!

Mẫu câu hỏi và câu trả lời:

 What do you do to stay healthy?

Well, I try to stay away from junk food, and I hit the gym on the daily
basis. Doing exercises regularly does wonders for not only my physical
but also mental health and it really helps me to unwind after work.

 Do you like art?

Wow, fine art has been my lifelong passion ever since I was a student in
primary school. I love to go to some museums at the weekend with my
boyfriend to admire famous abstract paintings or sculptures of well-
known artists all over the world.

 What do you do in your free time?

Most of my free time goes to watching films and series. I just can’t get
enough of them it seems. I can spend just hours watching them and I still
wouldn’t get sick and tired of it. The rest of the time I hang out with my
friends, just home or we go drinking and dancing. Sometimes we even go
on little trips together, which I really love.

 Do you think you have a healthy life style?

 Do you try to eat your breakfast, lunch and dinner at a certain time
every day?
 Do you pay much attention to what you eat?

Từ vựng:

 Junk food: đồ ăn nhanh 

 Hit the gym: đi tập gym 
 Does wonders for sb/sth: tốt cho ai/cái gì 
 Unwind (v.): xả hơi
 Fine art: nghệ thuật nói chung 
 Abstract (adj.): trừu tượng 
 Sculpture (n.): điêu khắc

Mẫu câu hỏi:

 Describe an exciting experience in your life.

 Describe something important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
 Describe A Healthy Lifestyle You Know.

Mẫu câu trả lời:

Question: Describe A Healthy Lifestyle You Know

You should say:

 What was it 

 What was the reason for this change 
 Was it a positive or negative change for you

When it comes to any healthy lifestyle, I believe that food is the source of all
diseases and pain in human life. Therefore, in my mind, consuming less meat
and more vegetables is a proper way to improve our well-being.

It was 2 years ago when I was browsing through some sites about health to see
if some of my symptoms were serious or not, I came across a life-
changing article on the official website of the Ministry of medicine. At that time,
I was having a little pain and irritation at my bowels, which was a nightmare for
me. Miraculously, that article explained to me the culprit behind my suffering
which was the fact that I had been eating too much meat and too little fiber in my
diet. From that moment on, I decided to adopt a new lifestyle of choosing more
fruits and vegetables for my meals.

Truth be told, it was tough at first, since I had been used to digesting a whole
bunch of meat every day, so my body was craving protein and the flavor of grilled
chicken or beef. Of course, I didn’t give up so easily. I know this idiom is not
suitable for this situation, but to some extent, it is actually “out of sight, out of
mind”. What I mean is that I tried to avoid seeing dishes containing meat, so I
could put my craving under control. Gradually, I got a hang of it and started
eating more green vegetables, which really helped me reduce all the symptoms
of my bowel diseases. I am still applying this kind of diet to date, and it was
lucky that I had known about this before bad things could have ever happened.

Từ vựng:

 Well-being (n.): phúc lợi

 Browse (v.): duyệt qua
 Symptom (n.): triệu chứng
 The Ministry of medicine: Bộ Y Tế
 Irritation (n.): kích thích
 Miraculously (adv.): kỳ diệu
 Culprit (n.): thủ phạm
 Fiber (n.): chất xơ
 Out of sight, out of mind: xa mặt cách lòng
 Bowel disease: bệnh đường ruột

Mẫu câu hỏi và câu trả lời:

 What could be done to promote a healthy lifestyle?

I think there are several feasible methods that could be adopted to lead a
healthy life. The government should implement strict rules on products
or activities that affect people’s health, for example, smoking in public
places. Another possible method is that more programs about healthy
eating or taking up a sport should be produced and disseminated on
social media such as TV or Facebook so that people can be more aware
of the importance of healthy.

 Should children be encouraged to learn art?

Well I suppose that studying art is an excellent way to help children
promote their creativity. Literally, children observe and perceive the world
around them in a different way. Each child’s opinion is unique and we can
see this most clearly if we ask them to draw a certain thing. Maybe
their innate talents will soon reveal and if we encourage them to think
outside the box, they can have further development.

 Do you think people pay enough attention to their health today?

No, I don’t think so. Nowadays, most people are leading
a sedentary lifestyle where they don’t have enough time to look after
themselves. They don’t pay attention to their diet and hard work out. But
there are a few self-conscious people who are aware of their health and
prefer eating a healthy diet and doing some physical activities in their life
to ensure they’re healthy.

 What costs are involved when you are ill in your country?
 Do you think most people worry more about their health as they get
 What are the most popular ways of keeping healthy in your country?

Từ vựng:

 Feasible methods: phương pháp khả thi 

 Implement strict rules: ban hành luật nghiêm khắc 
 Disseminated (v.): tuyên truyền
 Creativity (n.): sự sáng tạo 
 Innate talents: tài năng thiên bẩm 
 Think outside the box: suy nghĩ thoáng, vượt ra ngoài quy chuẩn
 Sedentary (adj.): ít vận động
 Self-conscious (adj.): tự ý thức

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