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Mẫu câu hỏi và câu trả lời:

 What kinds of transport do you take to go to work/school?

Well, I’m an environmentally-conscious person so I use buses on a
daily basis to go to school. I do believe that by using bus services, I
can contribute to reducing traffic congestion and CO2 discharged from
private vehicles.

 What form of transport do you prefer to use? Why?

Without any doubt, I would say motorbikes. You can see people driving a
motorbike all over the place in my country. Almost everyone travels by
motorbike. The reason why a motorbike is so popular is due to their
reasonable price and convenience. They also extremely varied in terms of
size, color and quality, thus a wide variety of choices is available for

 Do you often use public transport?

You know, due to the fact that mass transit in Vietnam is
pretty subpar in terms of quality, I tend to avoid using it. I have only
traveled by bus around 5 times so far in my life because it’s common for
them to be around 10 minutes late, sometimes even more, so in my
opinion, they are pretty unreliable. Hopefully, the government would raise
the quality standards of public transport; otherwise, I can’t see myself
getting on a bus anytime soon.

 What will become the most popular means of transportation in your

 Do you prefer public transportation or private transportation?
 Do you think people in your country prefer public transport?

Từ vựng:

 An environmentally-conscious person: người có ý thức bảo vệ môi

 On a daily basis: hàng ngày 
 Contribute to + V-ing (v.): góp phần vào
 Without any doubt: không chút nghi ngờ nào
 All over the place: khắp mọi nơi
 A wide variety of: một sự đa dạng về cái gì
 Mass transit: phương tiện công cộng
 Supar (adj.): dưới trung bình, dưới tiêu chuẩn
 Unreliable (adj.): không thể tin cậy được
 Can’t see myself doing st: không làm gì


Mẫu câu hỏi:

 Describe an accident you saw.

 Describe a time when you missed a bus/ train/ aeroplane.
 Describe a time you travelled by public transport.
 Describe your favorite means of transport.

Mẫu câu trả lời:

Question: Describe a time you travelled by public transport.

You should say:

 When you travelled 

 Where you travelled 
 What  the purpose of your journey was 
 And explain how you felt about using public transportation

I remember when I took a trip to Vietnam I travelled by train quite a lot.

Sometimes I think it can be better to take an overnight train as you don’t have
to waste that much time travelling as you are travelling through the night.

I took a train from Ho Chi Minh City to Hanoi. I booked a sleeper

compartment and had it all to myself, as it was New Year’s Eve at the time so
there weren’t many people travelling. The sleeper car was very clean and had its
own bathroom, so it made for a really comfortable journey. There was a
restaurant car, so I had something to eat and then went back to the compartment
and settled in for the night.

The journey took about 12 hours and I arrived in Hanoi at about 6.30 am in the
morning. I distinctly remember arriving in Hanoi as it was freezing cold which was
a sharp contrast to Ho Chi Minh as it had been really hot and humid there.
Luckily, I had travelled from China where it was winter, and I had quite a bit of
heavy clothing with me which was lucky. However, I had booked a hotel room
online and when I went there to check the booking, they told me that the room
was occupied so I couldn’t check in until 12pm which I had expected but it gave
me a chance to drop my luggage off. I spent the next few hours walking around
the lake in Thong Nhat Park to waste some time and went to a couple of coffee
bars. I found a really great restaurant next to my hotel and had lunch then
checked into my room. I had a hot shower and then got into bed for a nap as I
was freezing and then planned the rest of my journey.

Overall, I would say the trains were very good in Vietnam. Although they weren’t
the fastest there is no hurry when you are on holiday and you can view the
scenery when you are taking your journey. It is much cheaper than taking a plane
and if you take a sleeper it’s a good way to travel. I would recommend it to

Từ vựng:

 An overnight train: chuyến tàu đêm

 A sleeper compartment: khoang ngủ
 A sharp contrast: sự đối ngược sâu sắc
 Be occupied (adj/): có người ở


Mẫu câu hỏi và câu trả lời:

 Should the government in a country focus more on rail transport or

road transport? Why?
I believe the decision should be made based on the geological
condition, existing infrastructure, population, and economic condition of
the country. For instance, if a country has mostly hilly tracks and
rivers, developing rail tracks is both challenging and expensive. For
such countries, connecting highways and road transports are more
practical and cost-effective. Moreover, if the country does not have
enough rail tracks already, it should focus on developing and enhancing
roads rather than rails. Finally, countries with higher populations should
consider developing their railroads as it can carry a great number of
people at a time. Whether to invest in road or rail transportation, thus,
should be made based on a number of factors rather than a single one.
 What types of public transport are popular in your country?
Well, the most common means of transport in Vietnam are motorcycles
(motorbikes) and cars. Our public transport system is rather
underdeveloped and limited or even non-existent. Bus is quite popular
but not always reliable. Train isn’t widely preferred as it’s way too old and
too slow. However, air travel is becoming increasingly affordable and
commonly used these days though I’m not quite sure if it
also categorized as public transport.

 Have the types of transport people use changed much over the last
few decades?
I don’t think they have really. We’ve had the transport I mentioned before
for many decades now in my country, and it is much the same today. Of
course, cars have become much more popular as people’s incomes have
risen which accounts for the problems we see on the roads today such
as congestion and more accidents and pollution. This has probably led to
some changes within cities. Many have now introduced environmentally
friendly forms of transport such as trams and guided buses that don’t run
on gas which means that people can travel without using a car. There has
also been an increase in air travel, but as I said, this is quite expensive in
my country so most cannot afford it.

 Who is using public transport more? Adults or young people? Why?

 Why do people use private transport rather than public transport?
Ads & Disads of this?
 What kind of improvement have there been in transport in our
country in recent years?

Từ vựng:

 The geological condition: điều kiện địa chất

 Existing infrastructure: cơ sở hạ tầng hiện có
 Hilly track: đường đồi núi
 Developing rail tracks: phát triển đường ray
 Cost-effective (adj.): tiết kiệm chi phí
 Railroad (n.): đường sắt
 Non-existent (adj.): không tồn tại
 Become increasingly affordable: ngày càng trở nên hợp lí
 Categorize (v.): phân loại
 Income (n.): nguồn thu nhập
 Congestion (n.): tắc nghẽn

Mẫu câu hỏi và câu trả lời:

 Where do you like to travel during the holidays?

I like to travel abroad but it can be expensive, so I usually plan affordable
travel. Traveling to holiday destinations when it is out of season saves a
lot of money. Out-of-season travel is also the best way to avoid places that
are swarming with tourists.

 Do you like travelling?

Not at all! I try to avoid it at all costs. If I must travel, I will take
some motion sickness medicine and go by car or train. I was once on an
airplane on my honeymoon that came very near to crashing, so
my phobia stems from this.

 Have you done much travelling?

Yes. I have. Places which I visited have a vibrant heritage and are
colorful like Jaipur which is also known as the pink city, Hyderabad which
is also a great metropolitan city, Nagpur famous for its oranges, Delhi
famous for its shopping centers and food, Punjab famous for its lively
atmosphere and etc.  

 What kind of places have you visited in your life?

 When you visit new places, what do you like to do?
 Do you prefer travelling alone or in a group?

Từ vựng:

 Affordable travel: du lịch giá cả phải chăng

 Out of season: trái mùa
 Swarming with tourists: tấp nập khách du lịch
 Motion sickness: say tàu xe
 Phobia stems from: ám ảnh bắt nguồn từ
 Heritage (n.): gia tài
 Metropolitan (adj.): đô thị


Mẫu câu hỏi:

 Describe a city you enjoy visiting.
 Describe one of your best travel experiences
 Describe a place you would like to visit in the future

Mẫu câu trả lời:

Question: Describe a city you enjoy visiting

You should say:

 Where this place is 

 How you know about it 
 What this place looks like 
 And explain why you would like to visit this place

I’m going on a city break in Da Nang city this Summer. I’ve been as busy as a
bee at work so this is gonna be a much-needed holiday.

I’ve always wanted to visit this city in Central Vietnam but the chance hasn’t
arisen until now. When I think of Da Nang, I think of beautiful beaches, fabulous
seafood restaurants and iconic tourist attractions such as Linh Ứng pagoda,
Bà Nà Hills and especially the Dragon Bridge. It is a bridge that was intentionally
constructed to resemble a giant Asian dragon. On special events, it
also spits fire. Taking a photo with the Dragon bridge as the backdrop is
definitely on my bucket list. If I have time, I’ll also be keen on visiting the Bà Nà
hill resorts and take the aerial tramway to the top of the hill to enjoy the
grand panoramic view of the Trường Sơn mountain range.

Besides indulging myself in touristic activities, I actually want to explore and try

to understand the city life of this bustling location. In recent years, Đà Nẵng has
transformed into a metropolis. There are lots of job opportunities for startups
and young people. Combining this with what I mentioned earlier, it is not
surprising that Đà Nẵng has been named by many media outlets as one of the
most livable cities in Vietnam, if not the world.

I’m extremely excited about this trip and I am hard at work at the moment so that
I could feel deserved when I actually go there.

Từ vựng:

 City break: kỳ nghỉ ở thành phố 

 Much-needed (adj.): rất cần thiết 
 Iconic (adj.): có tỉnh biểu tượng 
 Tourist attraction: nơi thu hút khác du lịch to 
 Resemble (v.): trông giống 
 To spit (v.): phun 
 Backdrop (n.): nền 
 Be on my bucket list (expression): là điều tôi muốn làm 
 Aerial tramway (n.):  cáp treo 
 Panoramic (adj.): toàn cảnh 
 To indulge (v.):  tận hưởng 
 Bustling (adj.): tấp nập 
 Metropolis (adj.): thành phố lớn


Mẫu câu hỏi và câu trả lời:

 Do you think that tourism is important for an economy?

Definitely yes. Nowadays, as globalization has brought the world
together, the movement between countries has
been facilitated. Therefore, I find it easy for anyone to travel to other
countries, and this phenomenon has contributed a great deal to any
economy by the money that tourists spend and the establishments
of multinational companies. In other words, it is beneficial for an
economy to have travelers from other countries come and spend on local
products and services, and in some small countries like Singapore, the
economy of the whole country really depends on tourism.

 Do you think there are also negative impacts of tourism?

Yes, of course. There are various negative consequences of tourism that
can negatively affect the local people or the locations. For example, if
foreign tourists do not take care of places they visit, like historical places,
it would cause damage to them and thereby, the loss of culture and
heritage. Secondly, a huge crowd of tourists can also affect the city,
causing inconvenience to local residents.

 How has tourism impacted tourist sites in your country?

I think with the advantages of tourist sites, my country is a destination that
attracts a lot of tourists and that brings a lot of benefits to the country, both
economically and socially. For example, small souvenir shops now have
a larger customer base because of the number of visitors to our temples.

 What are the positive impacts of tourism?

 How can you make sure you get the most from your travels?
 What is the importance of traveling?

Từ vựng:

 Globalization (n.): toàn cầu hóa

 Facilitate (v.): tạo điều kiện thuận lợi
 Phenomenon (n.): hiện tượng
 Multinational company: công ty đa quốc gia
 Local product: sản phẩm địa phương
 Historical place: di tích lịch sử
 Souvenir shop: cửa hàng lưu niệm
 Larger customer base: cơ sở khách hàng lớn hơn

Trong các đề thi IELTS Speaking, bạn sẽ rất hay bắt gặp chủ đề Culture (Văn
hóa). Đó không phải chủ đề quá xa lạ với cuộc sống xung quanh chúng ta, tuy
nhiên để có thể trả lời tốt ở chủ đề này thì không phải thí sinh nào cũng có thể
đạt được. Trong bài viết dưới đây, TiengAnhK12 sẽ cung cấp đến các bạn bộ
câu hỏi cùng câu trả lời cho IELTS Speaking Part 1, Part 2 và Part 3 về chủ đề
này, cùng học ngay nào!


Mẫu câu hỏi và câu trả lời:

 What is the most important festival in your country?

In Vietnam, we do have tons of festivals, however, I would say that the
most important one is the Tet Holiday, the Lunar New Year – which is at
the beginning of the year. As the Christmas holiday in Western countries,
it’s the most important and longest holiday we have, a good time
for family reunions and relaxation. We celebrate this holiday with
different traditional activities.

 Do you think this festival will still be as important in the future?

Yes, I think so. I would say in this day and age, Tet has lost its original
spirit and people often forget the true meaning of the Tet holiday, though –
I mean, they don’t think about the story of the family gathering. Most
adults treat it as a normal holiday in which they can have 2 weeks off
to blow off some steam and release stress. For children, I think most of
them look forward to the Tet holiday because they can receive lucky
money from adults.

 What holiday or festival has become more popular in Vietnam

I reckon holidays such as Christmas and Valentine’s Day have become
quite popular in recent years. However, I would say that they’re
more commercialised because long before these holidays approach,
businessmen have made a lot of effort to attract more customers. Anyway,
everyone in my country wants to take this opportunity to relax and enjoy
themselves, nothing to do with religion or so on.

 What are some forms of traditional dancing in your country?

 Do you think that traditional dancing will be popular in the future?
 Do you think that there should be more holidays in your country?

Từ vựng:

 Lunar New Year (n.): Tết Nguyên Đán 

 Family reunion/ The family gathering: sum họp, đoàn tụ gia đình
 Blow off some steam: nghỉ xả hơi
 Release stress: xả stress
 Lucky money (n.): tiền mừng tuổi
 Commercialised (adj.): thương mại hóa 
 Approach (v.): tiếp cận, đến gần


Mẫu câu hỏi:

 Describe a traditional product in your country

 Describe a foreign culture that you are interested in
 Describe a foreign culture that you like

Mẫu câu trả lời:

Question: Describe a traditional product in your country

You should say:

 What it is 
 When was the first time you tried it 
 How to make it how you like it

I’d love to talk about rice, the most important agricultural plant in my country.

Ever since I was in my early elementary years, the rice plant has appeared in
almost every subject, from literature to natural science to geography. And even in
real life, the rice plant can be spotted all across the countryside around Vietnam.

It never ceases to amaze me how such a simple plant could support a whole
nation’s economy. Up to this day, millions of Vietnamese families are still
dependent on the cultivation of rice to make ends meet. And the fact that
Vietnam has become one of the world’s leading rice exporters is more solid proof
of the relevance of this plant in my country. Besides this, rice has been
an indispensable part of the main meal of most families for centuries and
children practice the habit of eating rice from a very young age, and as for the
older generation, they cannot go a day without rice in some form or another.

Over thousands of years, the rice plant has played a really important role
in Vietnamese culture and many traditions and ceremonies originate from the
farmers' hopes for an abundant crop, and many of these traditions are
considered important established customs to foreign visitors. I think that the rice
plant has become one of the greatest symbols for the Vietnamese spirit and
deserves large appreciation from all generations.

Từ vựng:

 Spot (v.): xuất hiện

 Never ceases to amaze me: không bao giờ hết ngạc nhiên 
 Up to this day: cho đến ngày nay
 Make ends meet (idiom): kiếm sống
 Relevance (n.): sự liên quan
 Indispensable (adj.): cần thiết
 Play a really important role in sth: đóng một vai trò quan trọng trong
 Ceremony (n.): lễ kỉ niệm
 An abundant crop: vụ mùa bội thu


Mẫu câu hỏi và câu trả lời:

 Do you think it’s important to know about other cultures?
I think it’s very important to learn about other cultures. Not only will you
find things interesting, but it will also make it easier for you to interact
with native speakers if you’ve ever interacted with them. Also, it makes
doing business with those cultures a lot easier. It is important to be
educated about the world and not just withdraw into your own country.

 How can we benefit from learning about other cultures?

Some of the ways that people can benefit from other cultures are in
business, personal relationships, and self-improvement. In business, it’s
important to know a little about whatever culture you plan to work in. For
example, in Muslim cultures, shaking hands with the left hand is
considered extremely rude. If you don’t know it, it could hurt your business
opportunities. Also, it’s important to simply improve yourself by learning as
much as you can about different cultures.

 What do you think is the best way to learn about another culture?
Obviously, the best way to learn about a culture is to go there and
experience it. If you can get a feel for the culture firsthand, it will be a lot
easier to pick things up, But I also believe that you can learn a ton about
other cultures just by reading books about them. Reading about people’s
experiences in foreign lands is the next best thing to being there.

 Do you think that learning foreign languages can help us understand

foreign cultures?
 Do you think it’s better to go overseas to study a foreign language or
to study it in your home country?
 Do you think it’s easier to learn about other cultures today than it was

Từ vựng:

 Interact with: tương tác với

 Withdraw into: thụt lùi, rút vào cái gì
 Self-improvement (n.): tự cải thiện
 Firsthand (adj.): tận mắt

Dưới đây là các câu hỏi cũng như các câu trả lời mẫu cho Topic SOCIETY trong
IELTS Speaking. Cùng tham khảo các câu hỏi ví dụ, từ vựng và một vài cách
diễn đạt ghi điểm nhé.


Mẫu câu hỏi và câu trả lời:

 Why does modern society need talents of all kinds?

As society and the global economy become more and more diverse each
day, they require an increasing number of talents in all fields. For
instance, prior to the invention of the internet and information
technology, society did not even think that it would need someone
competent at coding or analysing data. I opine that in the future, society
will even need more talents in more fields.

 Have you ever invited your social friend to your home?

No, not really. But I was invited to a dinner by a new social friend. She
invited those who live next door and across the street for a dinner, she
introduced herself to us, and we welcomed her to the neighborhood

 Do you think hobbies are important in modern society?

I think hobbies and pastimes are of paramount importance in modern
society, because nowadays life is incredibly hectic, and people are
always up to the ears with work and deadlines. So, it’s important to do
something in your leisure time to just chill and recover from all that stress.

 What is the most important festival in your country?

 Tell me how weddings are celebrated in your country.
 What are some forms of traditional dancing in your country?

Từ vựng:

 Diverse (adj.): phong phú

 For instance: ví dụ
 Prior to: trước khi
 Information technology: công nghệ thông tin
 Opine (v.): cho rằng
 Paramount importance: tầm quan trọng tối thượng (rất quan trọng)
 Modern society: xã hội hiện đại
 Hectic (adj.): tất bật
 Up to the ears: cập nhật

Mẫu câu hỏi:

 Talk about an object that is used to control society?

 Describe a person you know who does a job which is useful to

Mẫu câu trả lời:

Question: Describe a person you know who does a job which is useful to

You should say: 

 Who this person is 

 How you knew him/her 
 What type of work he/she does 
 And explain why you think his/her work is useful to the society

Let me tell you about my friend, Linh,  whose job I believe is critical to the well-
being of our society, especially in this day and age. She is a few years older
than me and is currently working as a nurse at our local hospital.  Linh is also my
neighbor so we get to hang out quite often.

I think Linh’s job is incredibly important, especially amid a raging pandemic like

COVID-19. She helps care for patients, communicates with doctors, administers
medicine, and checks vital signs. Not only does she have to care for the
patient, but she also supports their families by helping them cope with the illness
of their loved ones, and if necessary live with it so that these people can work
through the obstacles that may arise with the sickness of a family member.
Nurses are always the first to notice when the patient’s conditions change. They
must always be ready to spring into action in any emergency or critical

Serving as the front line of healthcare, Linh and other nurses also expose

themselves to a lot of risks. For this pandemic, Linh has been taking up
numerous long shifts. There are many days when she could not go home
because the hospital was understaffed. There are also days when Linh had
to quarantine at work due to exposure to a COVID-positive patient. Despite all
these difficulties, I have never seen Linh complain about her job. She has a heart
of gold and genuinely seems to find joy in helping people. Thanks to her and
other medical professionals, we can deal with all the diseases and illnesses in
our lifetime and stay healthy. I always have immense respect for them.

Từ vựng:

 Critical (adj.): quan trọng, có tính quyết định 

 Well-being (n.): tình trạng hạnh phúc, khỏe mạnh 
 In this day and age: ngày nay 
 Amid (prep.): giữa, ở giữa 
 A raging pandemic: đại dịch đang hoành hành 
 Administer medicine: kê thuốc 
 Check vital signs: kiểm tra dấu hiệu sinh tồn 
 Cope with: đương đầu với 
 Arise (v.): phát sinh 
 Spring into action: nhanh chóng hành động 
 Critical situation: hoàn cảnh nguy cấp 
 Front line: tuyến đầu 
 Expose oneself to: tự đặt mình vào 1 tình thế nào đó (thường là tình thế
nhiều rủi ro, nguy hiểm) 
 Understaffed (adj.): thiếu nhân viên 
 Quarantine (v., n.): cách ly, thời gian cách ly 
 Genuinely (adv.): thành thật, chân thành 
 Find joy in: tìm thấy niềm vui 
 Immense respect: tôn trọng sâu sắc


Mẫu câu hỏi và câu trả lời:

 What social problems are there in your country?

Well, as far as I’m concerned, there’s a couple of pressing problems my
country is grappling with. First and foremost, the on-going Covid-19
pandemic has led to an unprecedented unemployment rate, pushing
many people onto skid row, and by extension, a surge in crime rates. I
mean, more people are likely to commit crimes, such as robberies, to
survive. Unfortunately, Irrespective of various forms of social distancing
and lockdowns, Vietnam is still having such a hard time dealing with
these problems.
 What can be done to alleviate poverty?
Well, I suppose that there are a number of solutions that could be
implemented to lift people out of poverty. One feasible solution is to give
them more access to education, this is because not only does it
equip those living on the poverty line the abilities and skills to earn
higher incomes, it can also help them to safeguard against
vulnerability and risk. However, this effort would be futile if the have-
nots themselves do not become part of the process of poverty

 What do you think of social charity?

The way I see it, charity is beneficial to not only the most vulnerable in
society but also donors. I mean, helping those in need will create a sense
of purpose and pride, which may lead to a fulfilled life. Having said that,
there are people who do it just for personal gains. For example, many
celebrities in Vietnam had to face a backlash for lack
of transparency when using donation money.

 What is the difference between minor crimes and major crimes?

 What problems are associated with globalization?
 What environmental problems are common in your country?

Từ vựng:

 Pressing problems: các vấn đề cấp bách 

 Grapple with: vật lộn giải quyết 
 First and foremost: trước nhất 
 Unprecedented (adj.): chưa từng có 
 Push someone onto skid row: đẩy ai vào cảnh nghèo khó 
 Surge (n.): sự tăng nhanh 
 Have a hard time + Ving: gặp khó khăn khi làm việc gì
 Feasible (adj.): khả thi 
 Those living on the poverty line, the have-nots: người nghèo 
 Safeguard against (v.): bảo vệ khỏi cái gì 
 Vulnerability (n.): dễ bị làm hại 
 Futile (adj.): vô ích, không hiệu quả 
 Poverty alleviation, lift people out of poverty: xóa đói giảm nghèo
 The most vulnerable: những người dễ bị hại 
 A fulfilled life: cuộc sống viên mãn 
 Personal gains: lợi ích cá nhân 
 Backlash (n.): sự chỉ trích 
 Transparency (n.): sự minh bạch
Science là một topic xuất hiện rất nhiều xuyên suốt trong bài thi IELTS
Speaking. Sau đây là một vài mẫu câu hỏi và câu trả lời mà TiengAnhK12 đã
tổng hợp lại, các bạn cùng theo dõi nhé.


Mẫu câu hỏi và câu trả lời:

 Do you like science?

To be frank with you, I’m not exactly a big fan of science ‘cause it’s always
been a closed book to me. Though I know it helps me to acquire an in-
depth understanding of the world, I always find it perplexing.

 What kinds of science classes did you study at school?

Apart from Maths, I didn’t study any other science subjects in elementary
school. When I was in secondary school, I first came to know and study
other subjects like Physics, Chemistry, and Biology because they are part
of our curriculum.

 When did you start to learn about science?

Like most people, I started learning about science in elementary school.
The first thing I can remember learning about is magnets. The teacher
showed us how magnets could attract and repel each other. I remember
that it was really fun to play around with magnets and feel the magnetic
force between them.

 Which science subject is interesting to you?

 What kinds of interesting things have you done with science?
 How did you study science?

Từ vựng:

 A closed book: một đề tài, môn học khó 

 Acquire (v.): có được 
 An in-depth understanding of: một sự hiểu biết sâu rộng 
 Perplexing (adj.): phức tạp, rắc rối
 Apart from (prep.): bên cạnh, ngoài ra 
 First came to know somebody/ something: lần đầu biết đến
 Magnet (n.): nam châm
 Repel (v.): đẩy lùi


Mẫu câu hỏi:

 Describe an area of science that interests you

 Talk about a science subject that you studied and liked
 Describe a science subject you’re interested in

Mẫu câu trả lời:

Question: Describe an area of science that interests you

You should say: 

 What it is
 When you knew it
 How you learned it
 And explain why you are interested in it

To be frank, science-related subjects have always failed to capture my

interest. The primary reason is that I am not good at it, and I find it quite boring
to learn. That is why these subjects have never been my forte ever since I was
at school. However, considering what springs to my mind at the moment, I
think I would just describe Physics.

It is the fact that Science has multifarious branches, from Math to Chemistry to

Biology. Although these subjects all sound tedious to me, I must say
Physics shines above the rest, due to its practicality in our real lives.

Basically, Physics dives deep into the basic nature of how things work. It also

involves the study of different aspects such as energy, force, space and so on.
The thing I like about Physics is that it always triggers my curiosity, and I
always question the existence of things thanks to it. For example, the basic
principles of Physics help us to have an insight into how the solar
system works or how the Earth has formed into a livable planet like it is now.

Although I was not good at studying Physics at all, I must say that I enjoyed the
process of learning it because my Physics teacher in high school was
quite approachable and humorous, which is extremely helpful to me. Overall, I
think Physics is still an interesting subject and one that is worth discovering.

Từ vựng:

 To be frank: nói thật thì

 Science-related subjects: các môn liên quan đến khoa học 
 Capture my interest: thu hút sự chú ý, khiến ai thích điều gì 
 Forte (n.): thế mạnh 
 What springs to my mind: ý nảy ra trong đầu ngay tại thời điểm nói 
 Multifarious (adj.): nhiều, đủ thể loại 
 Tedious (adj.): chán nản 
 Shine above the rest: nổi bật hơn những cái khác cùng thể loại 
 Practicality (n.): sự thực tế, tính ứng dụng 
 Dive deep into sth: nghiên cứu sâu về lĩnh vực gì 
 Basic nature: tính chất, nguyên lý cơ bản 
 Trigger my curiosity: kích thích sự tò mò 
 Question (v.): đặt câu hỏi 
 Existence (n.): sự tồn tại 
 Have an insight into: có một cái nhìn khái quát về điều gì 
 Solar system: hệ Mặt trời 
 Approachable (adj.): dễ gần, thân thiện


Mẫu câu hỏi và câu trả lời:

 Why are you interested in this field of science? Should all people
study science?
Well as I said, I have a particular liking for science. Learning about
science can help satisfy my curiosity about nature, which is very
appealing. I don’t know why I give Physics priority over the others. I just
feel more fascinated to learn it. It’s laid the foundation for almost every
invention and discovery of humankind. However, I strongly believe that it
shouldn’t be mandatory for all people to study science unless they
are genuinely interested in it. We just do what we find fun and get better
at what we do.

 What do you think about the next technological advancements in the

I think those advancements will facilitate human’s work tremendously and
make our life more convenient. With such a rapid growth of technology, I
believe we’ll receive the benefits soon. Life then will be much easier.
 Why are you interested in this field of science?
Well it’s because I love science in general. The nature is very appealing,
and Physics somehow just taps into my interest. As I said earlier, it helps
me to observe the world with the different eyes, and I’m more than happy
to do so.

 How do or how could governments support scientific development?

 Which scientific developments should be exhibited in a museum of
the last hundred years?
 Should science subjects be compulsory or voluntary at school?

Từ vựng:

 Have a particular liking for something: thực sự thích 

 Satisfy one’s curiosity about something: thỏa mãn sự tò mò 
 Give sb/st priority over sb/st: ưu tiên … hơn … 
 Mandatory (adj.): bắt buộc 
 Genuinely (adv.): thật sự, thật lòng
 Facilitate (v.): giúp ích
 Appealing (adj.): hấp dẫn, quyến rũ 
 Tap into my interest: “chạm vào” sở thích của tôi

Technology là một trong những chủ đề khá quen thuộc bạn có thể gặp trong kỳ
thi IELTS Speaking. Dưới đây là một số các câu hỏi bạn có thể gặp và các gợi ý
về các từ vựng về chủ đề Technology:


Mẫu câu hỏi và câu trả lời

 Do you often use the computer?

I use the computer every day for my work and study. My computer is
extremely essential to me since I regard it just like my right hand. Without
it, I barely work or do anything.

 What type of technology do you use in your home?

We have a number of labor-saving devices including state-of-the-art
technology in our kitchen. These appliances include an induction stove, a
dishwasher, and an Internet-enabled refrigerator. All are connected
through the Internet of Things so we can remotely control them.

 Are you comfortable using modern technology?

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to use technology today. It’s all
about booting up, logging in and then clicking on the icon that will take
you to your favourite application. On the single occasion that my computer
crashed, I called someone in to re-install the programs otherwise I’m

 How do you keep your computer and data secure?

 Do you use the Internet in your studies/work?
 Do you have your own computer?

Từ vựng:

 Essential (adj): quan trọng

 Barely (adv.): hiếm khi
 Labor-saving device: thiết bị giảm nhẹ sức lao động
 State-of-the-art technology: công nghệ kĩ thuật
 Internet-enabled (adj.): hỗ trợ Internet
 Remotely control: điều khiển từ xa
 Boot up: khởi động
 Log in: đăng nhập
 Re-install (v.): cài đặt lại


Mẫu câu hỏi:

 Describe a piece of technology that you find useful.

 Describe a piece of equipment you often use at home or at work.

Mẫu câu trả lời

Question: Describe a piece of technology that you find useful.

You should say: 

 What it is
 What you can do with it
 How often you use it 
 And explain why you find it so useful
I have to admit that I’m a real Internet addict who can’t live a day without scrolling
through my social media. So if I had to talk about one piece of technology that
comes in handy, it would definitely be my iPhone.

My parents gave it to me four years ago as a gift for my high school graduation,
and I’ve used it every day ever since. It was the most cutting-edge Apple iPhone
available at the time, jam-packed with useful extras like games and productivity
apps, which lived up to my expectations.

Though I know that staring at a screen for more than 6 hours a day is bad for my
eyes, I find that I cannot spend more than a few hours without checking my
phone. There’s no denying the positive and negative effects
this multipurpose equipment has had on my life. I can now look up terms, take
notes, take pictures, listen to music, and watch movies all on the screen of my
phone, eliminating the need for a dictionary, notebooks, cameras, music
players, and televisions.

When I’m on the go, I can use my phone instead of lugging around a big laptop
so that I can write and revise things. Furthermore, I save a lot of time and money
by not having to physically visit places because of online purchasing and the
alerts I receive when deals become available. The problem is that I’ve become
too reliant on it. It kills me when my phone suddenly dies or if I leave it at home
when I go out. Needless to say, I’ve benefited greatly from having access to this
phone for work and school, but I’m considering cutting back on my usage for
health reasons

Từ vựng:

 Cutting-edge (adj.): tân tiến, hiện đại 

 Be jam-packed with sth: được lấp đầy bởi điều gì 
 Multipurpose (adj.): đa chức năng 
 Eliminate (v.): loại bỏ 
 Be on the go: đi trên đường 
 Be reliant (adj.): bị phụ thuộc 
 Cut back on sth: cắt giảm bớt điều gì


Mẫu câu hỏi và câu trả lời:

 Nowadays, people are using their smartphones and computers to
communicate with each other. Do you think this is a positive or
negative trend?
Despite some negative effects, most of us enjoy the positive things about
communication with technology. In the past, the ways of interaction were
very limited. Nowadays, it’s very easy to interact with your relatives -and
even with the government and organizations- either by emails, mobiles or
chatting and I think that this has immensely improved the relationships
among people.

 Do you think that there are any disadvantages to modern

I think that there are several disadvantages. Security can be a problem
with people hacking into the Internet. Also, modern technology tends
to become rapidly obsolete so we become more and more a throw-
away society. People are also losing physical contact with one another as
they become glued to their screens.

 In your opinion what are the basic computer skills that every person
should have today?
All the information we require is available on the Internet, so everyone
should be able to boot up a computer, log in and know how to use a
search engine. Everyone should have access to the Internet so that
they can surf the web.

 In what ways do you think people will benefit from technologies in the
 In what ways has technology changed society?
 Do you think that the advance of technology has improved the
standards of education in schools?

Từ vựng:

 Immensely (adv.): một cách to lớn

 Hack into the Internet: xâm nhập vào hệ thống mạng
 Become rapidly obsolete: trở nên lỗi thời 1 cách nhanh chóng
 a throw-away society: một xã hội vứt bỏ
 Glued to their screens: dán mắt vào màn hình điện thoại
 Boot up: khởi động
 Log in: đăng nhập
 A search engine: công cụ tìm kiếm
 Access to the Internet: truy cập internet
 Surf the web: lướt web

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