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1. Từ vựng cơ bản về topic Transport

1.1. Từ vựng khi di chuyển trên đường
 roadside: lề đường
 turning: chỗ rẽ, ngã rẽ
 toll: lệ phí qua đường hay qua cầu
 toll road: đường có thu lệ phí
 motorway: xa lộ
 one-way street: đường một chiều
 T-junction: ngã ba
 roundabout: bùng binh
 petrol station: trạm bơm xăng
 road sign: biển chỉ đường
 pedestrian crossing: vạch sang đường
 breathalyser: dụng cụ kiểm tra độ cồn trong hơi thở
 traffic warden: nhân viên kiểm soát việc đỗ xe
 parking space: chỗ đỗ xe
 multi-storey car park: bãi đỗ xe nhiều tầng
 parking ticket: vé đỗ xe
 driving licence: bằng lái xe
 learner driver: người tập lái
 traffic light: đèn giao thông
  speed limit: giới hạn tốc độ
 speeding fine: phạt tốc độ
 level crossing: đoạn đường ray giao đường cái
 petrol :xăng
 unleaded: không chì
 petrol pump: bơm xăng
 car wash: rửa xe ô tô
 driving test: thi bằng lái xe
  driving instructor: giáo viên dạy lái xe
 driving lesson: buổi học lái xe
 traffic jam: tắc đường
 road map: bản đồ đường đi
  signpost: biển báo
  to brake: phanh (động từ)
  to accelerate: tăng tốc
  to slow down: chậm lại
 Pedestrian: người đi bộ
1.2. Từ vựng các phương tiện giao thông
 Van: xe thùng, xe lớn
 Lorry: xe tải
 Truck: xe tải
 Scooter: xe ga
 Motorcycle = motorbike: xe máy
 Bus: xe buýt
 Coach: xe khách
 Minibus: xe buýt nhỏ
 Bike = bicycle: xe đạp
1.3. Giải pháp cho môi trường xanh
 Electric cars: xe điện
 Upgrade: nâng cấp
 Environmentally friendly: thân thiện với môi trường.
 Road safety measures: các biện pháp an toàn giao thông đường bộ
 Road maintenance: duy trì đường xá
 Implement stricter rules (v): ban hành quy định nghiêm khắc hơn
 Fines: phạt phí
 To conduct regular vehicle inspections: kiểm duyệt phương tiện thường xuyên
 To install speed camera: cài đặt camera tốc độ
 Traffic calming: điều hòa giao thông
 To raise petrol prices: tăng giá xăng
 To be punctual: đúng giờ
 Traffic-free zone: khu vực không có giao thông, phương tiện qua lại
1.4. Crimes liên quan đến Transport
 Road accidents: tai nạn giao thông
 Driving offences: những tội phạm liên quan đến điều khiển phương tiện giao thông
 Joy riding: đua xe
 Drink-driving: uống đồ uống có cồn khi tham gia giao thông
 Hit-and-run: tông xe và bỏ chạy
 Traffic laws/ traffic safety rules: luật giao thông/ quy tắc an toàn giao thông
 bad driving habits: những thói quen xấu khi lái xe
1.5. Các cụm từ khác topic Transport
 People who travel by car = people travelling by car: những người đi lại bằng xe hơi
 Drive to work = travel/go/commute to work by car: đi làm bằng xe hơi
 Use public transport instead of private vehicles: sử dụng phương tiện giao thông
công cộng thay vì xe riêng
 The most popular mode of transport: Phương tiện giao thông phổ biến nhất
 Commuting costs: chi phí đi lại
 Commute/travel long distances to…: đi quãng đường dài tới…
 Commute = travel
 Daily travel = daily commute: việc đi lại hàng ngày
 Driving under the influence of…: lái xe dưới sự ảnh hưởng của…
 Run a red light: vượt đèn đỏ
 Improve road traffic safety: cải thiện an toàn giao thông đường bộ
 Congestion: sự tắc nghẽn
 Traffic congestion = traffic jam: sự ùn tắc giao thông, kẹt xe.
 Ease traffic flow (v): làm giảm lưu lượng giao thông
 Transport infrastructure: cơ sở hạ tầng giao thông
 Reliable schedule: lịch trình (phương tiên giao thông công cộng) chuẩn.
 Private vehicles: phương tiện giao thông cá nhân
 Pavements: vỉa hè
 Public transportation: phương tiện giao thông công cộng
 Pedestrian crossing = crosswalk: vạch kẻ cho người đi đường
 Off-peak hours: ngoài khung giờ cao điểm
 Rush hours: giờ cao điểm
 Traffic signs/ traffic lights: biển báo giao thông/ đèn giao thông
 Traffic safety: an toàn giao thông
 cycle lanes = bike lanes: những tuyến đường dành cho người đi xe đạp
 improve road traffic safety: cải thiện an toàn giao thông đường bộ
 reduce traffic accidents: giảm thiểu tai nạn giao thông
 licence suspension: việc tịch thu bằng lái
 install speed cameras: lắp đặt các camera theo dõi tốc độ
 impose stricter punishments on sb: áp đặt các hình phạt nghiêm khắc hơn lên ai đó
 congestion pricing = congestion charges: việc thu phí ùn tắc giao thông
 ban cars from city centres: cấm xe hơi khỏi các trung tâm thành phố
 parking space: khu vực đậu xe
 pose a serious threat to…: gây ra sự đe dọa nghiêm trọng cho…
 dangerous drivers: những người lái xe nguy hiểm
 to be encouraged to…: được khuyến khích làm gì
 raise people’s awareness: nâng cao ý thức con người
 High traffic volume: lưu lượng giao thông
2. Từ vựng topic "road safety"
3. Ideas topic Transport
 There are quite a few means of transport in Vietnam, but motorbikes are taking the
 People prefer to travel by motorbike because it is more economical, and the most
important thing is that when it comes to traffic congestion, it takes ages for car to
move on the road, but it is much easier for a motorbike to wend its way forward and
escape the bad traffic
  I managed to find a seat before it was filled up. The trains here were
notoriously jam-packed in rush hours
 the train went unbelievably fast, so it took me just about 15 minutes to arrive at my
 electric mini-bus will be the prevalent means of transport in the future
  it still carries the same number of passengers but being small and agile to get its
way out of a traffic jam
 carpooling may be a good idea as people can not only save a great amount of money
spent on fuel for their private car but they also help protect the environment. 
 Many people travel in the same car means there will be less emission and less traffic
jam, and this may be a dominant way of transporting in the future.
Từ vựng Ielts về đường giao thông
Traffic: giao thông
Road: đường
Vehicle: phương tiện
Roadside: lề đường
Car hire: thuê xe
Ring road: đường vành đai
Petrol station: trạm bơm xăng
Kerb: mép vỉa hè
Turning: chỗ rẽ, ngã rẽ
Road sign: biển chỉ đường
Pedestrian crossing: vạch sang đường
Fork: ngã ba
Toll: lệ phí qua đường hay qua cầu
Toll road: đường có thu lệ phí
Motorway: xa lộ
Hard shoulder: vạt đất cạnh xa lộ để dừngxe
Dual carriageway: xa lộ hai chiều
One-way street: đường một chiều
T-junction: ngã ba
Roundabout: bùng binh
Accident: tai nạn
Breathalyser: dụng cụ kiểm tra độ cồn trong hơi thở
Traffic warden: nhân viên kiểm soát việc đỗ xe
Parking meter: máy tính tiền đỗ xe
Car park: bãi đỗ xe
Parking space: chỗ đỗ xe
Multi-storey car park: bãi đỗ xe nhiều tầng
Parking ticket: vé đỗ xe
Driving licence: bằng lái xe
Reverse gear: số lùi
Learner driver: người tập lái
Passenger: hành khách
To stall: làm chết máy
Tyre pressure: áp suất lốp
Traffic light: đèn giao thông
Speed limit: giới hạn tốc độ
Speeding fine: phạt tốc độ
Level crossing: đoạn đường ray giao đường cái
Jump leads: dây sạc điện
Diesel: dầu diesel
Petrol: xăng
Unleaded: không chì
Petrol pump: bơm xăng
Driver: tài xế
To drive: lái xe
To change gear: chuyển số
Jack: đòn bẩy
Puncture: thủng xăm
Flat tyre: lốp sịt
Car wash: rửa xe ô tô
Từ vựng Ielts liên quan đến thi bằng lái 
Driving test: thi bằng lái xe
Driving lesson: buổi học lái xe
Driving instructor: giáo viên dạy lái xe
Traffic jam: tắc đường
Road map: bản đồ đường đi
Mechanic: thợ sửa máy
Garage: gara
Bypass: đường vòng
To swerve: ngoặt
Signpost: biển báo
To skid: trượt bánh xe
Speed: tốc độ
To brake: phanh (động từ)
To accelerate: tăng tốc
To slow down: chậm lại
Spray: bụi nước
Icy road: đường trơn vì băng
Các loại xe
Van: xe thùng, xe lớn
Lorry: xe tải
Truck: xe tải
Moped: xe gắn máy có bàn đạp
Scooter: xe ga
Motorcycle = motorbike: xe máy
Bus: xe buýt
Coach: xe khách
Minibus: xe buýt nhỏ
Caravan: xe nhà lưu động
Bike = bicycle: xe đạp
Từ vựng ielts khác về chủ đề Transport
People who travel by car = people travelling by car: những người đi lại bằng xe hơi
People who travel by train = people travelling by train: những người đi lại bằng xe lửa
Drive to work = travel/go/commute to work by car: đi làm bằng xe hơi
Use public transport instead of private vehicles: sử dụng phương tiện giao thông công
cộng thay vì xe riêng
The most pupular mode of transport: Phương tiện giao thông phổ biến nhất
Commuting costs: chi phí đi lại
Commute/travel long distances to…: đi quãng đường dài tới…
Daily travel = daily commute: việc đi lại hàng ngày
Driving under the influence of…: lái xe dưới sự ảnh hưởng của…
Run a red light: vượt đèn đỏ
Pedestrian: người đi bộ
Improve road traffic safety: cải thiện an toàn giao thông đường bộ
Reduce traffic accidents: giảm thiểu tai nạn giao thông
Driving offence: vi phạm luật giao thông
Licence suspension: việc tịch thu bằng lái
Install speed cameras: lắp đặt các camera theo dõi tốc độ
Impose stricter punishments on sb: áp đặt các hình phạt nghiêm khắc hơn lên ai đó
Bad driving habits: những thói quen xấu khi lái xe
Congestion pricing = congestion charges: việc thu phí ùn tắc giao thông
Ban cars from city centres: cấm xe hơi khỏi các trung tâm thành phố
Parking space: khu vực đậu xe
Pose a serious threat to…: gây ra sự đe dọa nghiêm trọng cho…
Dangerous drivers: những người lái xe nguy hiểm
To be encouraged to…: được khuyến khích làm gì
Raise people’s awareness: nâng cao ý thức con người
Từ vựng về Driving and traffic regulations

 to run a red light = to continue driving even though a traffic light is red and you should
stop: vượt đèn đỏ
 speeding = the act of driving a vehicle faster than is legally allowed: chạy xe quá tốc độ
cho phép
 reckless driving = driving a vehicle with willfull or wanton disregard for the safety of other
persons and property: lái xe cẩu thả
 drink-driving: driving after consuming alcohol above the official limit: lái xe khi say rượu
 hit-and-run: running over or into someone and not stopping: tông vào người khác rồi bỏ
 sounding/beeping your horn: if somthing such as a horn beeps, or you beep it, it makes
a short, harsh sound.
 driving without a helmet: lái xe không đội nón bảo hiểm

Từ vựng IELTS Transport

 people who travel by car = people travelling by car = car users: những người đi lại
bằng xe hơi
 people who travel by train = people travelling by train = train passengers: những
người đi lại bằng xe lửa
 drive to work = travel/go/commute to work by car: đi làm bằng xe hơi
 use public transport instead of private vehicles: sử dụng phương tiện giao thông công
cộng thay vì xe riêng
 the most popular way to commute = the most pupular mode of transport: cách phổ
biến nhất để đi lại/ phương tiện giao thông phổ biến nhất
 commuting costs: chi phí đi lại
 commute/travel long distances to…: đi quãng đường dài tới…
 daily travel = daily commute: việc đi lại hàng ngày
 driving under the influence of…: lái xe dưới sự ảnh hưởng của…
 run a red light: vượt đèn đỏ
 pedestrian (n): người đi bộ
 cycle lanes = bike lanes: những tuyến đường dành cho người đi xe đạp
 improve road traffic safety: cải thiện an toàn giao thông đường bộ
 reduce traffic accidents: giảm thiểu tai nạn giao thông
 driving offence: sự vi phạm luật giao thông
 licence suspension: việc đình chỉ/treo bằng lái
 install speed cameras: lắp đặt các camera theo dõi tốc độ
 speeding (n): việc lái xe quá tốc độ
 impose stricter punishments on sb: áp đặt các hình phạt nghiêm khắc hơn lên ai đó
 traffic jams = traffic congestion: sự ùn tắc giao thông
 bad driving habits: những thói quen xấu khi lái xe
 congestion pricing = congestion charges: việc thu phí ùn tắc giao thông
 ban cars from city centres: cấm xe hơi khỏi các trung tâm thành phố
 parking space: khu vực đậu xe
 pose a serious threat to…: gây ra sự đe dọa nghiêm trọng cho…
 dangerous drivers: những người lái xe nguy hiểm
 to be encouraged to…: được khuyến khích làm gì
 raise people’s awareness: nâng cao ý thức con người
Bài mẫu IELTS Transport
Some people think that the best way to increase road safety is to increase the
minimum legal age, for driving cars or riding motorbikes. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?

It is believed that raising the minimum driving age is the most effective method to
improve road safety. While I accept that this approach has some effects in the short
term, I believe that a longer-term and better solution is to impose stricter
punishments for driving offences.

I think that increasing the minimum legal driving age can help reduce traffic accidents,
thus improving the safety of roads. This is because a large number of traffic incidents
are caused by young people’s careless driving. Many of them are not mature enough to
fully understand the serious consequences of their actions or to be responsible for what
they caused. Raising the driving age, therefore, can make sure that the youngest
drivers are mature enough to take driving seriously and to protect their own lives and
other people’s lives when driving.

In my opinion, however, this approach is only effective to a limited extent, due to the fact
that nowadays many youngsters still drive without a driving licence. So, a more effective
way to ensure road traffic safety is to impose more severe punishments on those
who commit driving offences. For example, a longer prison sentence could be given for
very serious offences and a heavier fine could be imposed for running a red light
or driving without a helmet. These punishments could help deter potential offenders and
prevent people from re-offending.

In conclusion, I believe that introducing stricter regulations for driving offences is a much
better measure to increase road safety in comparison with increasing the minimum
driving age.

1. On the road

 Congestion: sự tắc nghẽn-> Traffic congestion = traffic jam: sự ùn tắc giao thông,
kẹt xe.
 High traffic volume: lưu lượng giao thôngVí dụ: There is always high traffic volume
in urban locations.
 Traffic safety: an toàn giao thôngVí dụ: Traffic safety issue should be considered
as a national issue as it is strongly related to all aspects of life and has a close link
with the protection and sustaining the natural environment.
 Traffic signs/ traffic lights: biển báo giao thông/ đèn giao thôngVí dụ: The use of
traffic lights is to eliminate confusion, chaos (sự hỗn loạn), time-wasting (tốn thời
gian) and accidents in road junctions (ngã 3) and curvets (khúc cua quẹo).
 Rush hours: giờ cao điểmVí dụ: The traffic congestion in the city gets worse
during rush hours.
 Off-peak hours: ngoài khung giờ cao điểm
 Pedestrian crossing = crosswalk: vạch kẻ cho người đi đườngVí dụ: Pedestrians
are meant to have right of way over vehicles, but in many regions drivers do not
stop for pedestrians.
 Pavements: vỉa hèVí dụ: The reason for pavement preservation is that
our pavements are steadily deteriorating due to traffic, weather and time.
 Public transportation: phương tiện giao thông công cộngVí dụ: Individuals who
use public transportation get over three times the amount of physical activity per
day of those who don’t.
 Private vehicles: phương tiện giao thông cá nhân
 Reliable schedule: lịch trình (phương tiên giao thông công cộng) chuẩn.Ví dụ:
Buses usually do not have a reliable schedule for commuters.
 Transport infrastructure: cơ sở hạ tầng giao thôngVí dụ: The construction of
transportation infrastructure could reduce the travel cost, attract foreign investment
and expand trade of shared resources.
 Commute = travel-> Commuters: people who use public and private transportation.
 Ease traffic flow (v): làm giảm lưu lượng giao thông
 Traffic wardens: người điều tiết giao thông
2. Environment-related problems

 Emit/release: thải raVí dụ: Private vehicles such as motorbikes and

cars emit exhaust emissions which pollute our atmosphere.
 Exhaust emissions: khí gas ức chếVí dụ: Exhaust emissions from motor vehicles
threaten the environment and human health by rising the levels of CO in the air.
 Air pollution: ô nhiễm môi trường
 Perspiration problems: vấn đề về hô hấpVí dụ: Dwellers, especially elderly people
and children, usually have perspiration problems because of the air pollution.
3. Solutions

 Electric cars: xe điện

Ví dụ: Many people have found that switching to an electric car has been empowering
and has galvanized (kích động, làm phấn khởi) them to start taking other actions for the

 Upgrade: nâng cấp

 Environmentally friendly: thân thiện với môi trường.
Ví dụ: In the future, governments should encourage people to commute by cars that
are environmentally friendly such as electric cars and use lead-free petrol.

 Road safety measures: các biện pháp an toàn giao thông đường bộ
 Road maintenance: duy trì đường xá
Ví dụ: One of the road safety measures is that roads should be maintained in a
specified period.

 Implement stricter rules (v): ban hành quy định nghiêm khắc hơn
 Fines: phạt phí
 To conduct regular vehicle inspections: kiểm duyệt phương tiện thường xuyên
 To install speed camera: cài đặt camera tốc độ
 Traffic calming: điều hòa giao thông
 To raise petrol prices: tăng giá xăng
 To be punctual: đúng giờ
 A tachograph: đồng hồ tốc độ
 Lead-free petrol: xăng không chì
 Traffic-free zone: khu vực không có giao thông, phương tiện qua lại
4. Crimes

 Road accidents: tai nạn giao thông

 Driving offences: những tội phạm liên quan đến điều khiển phương tiện giao thông
 Joy riding: đua xe
 Drink-driving: uống đồ uống có cồn khi tham gia giao thông
 Hit-and-run: tông xe và bỏ chạy
 Traffic laws/ traffic safety rules: luật giao thông/ quy tắc an toàn giao thông
Means of transport (n) /miːnz//əv//ˈtræn.spɔːt/ tiện giao
Take the lead (v) /teɪk/ /ðiː/ /liːd/
phần lớn
Traffic congestion (n) /ˈtræf.ɪk//kənˈdʒes.tʃən/
Đi chậm
Wend one’s way forwar
/wend//wʌn/ /weɪ/ /ˈfɔː.wəd/ chậm về
d (v)
phía trước
Chuyến đi
bằng MRT
(Tàu điện
MRT journey (Mass
/mæs//ˈræp.ɪd//ˈtræn.spɔːt// ngầm ở
Rapid Transport
ˈdʒɜː.ni/ một số
journey) (n)
nước như
Đài Loan)
Embark on the Thực hiện
journey (v) chuyến đi
Phí thuê
Car rent (n) /kɑːr//rent/
xe ô tô
Board (v) /bɔːd/
Fill up (v) /fɪl//ʌp/ Lấp đầy
Jam-packed (adj) /dʒæm//pækt/
Giờ cao
Rush hour (n) /rʌʃ//aʊər/
Xe buýt
Electric mini-bus (n) /iˈlek.trɪk//ˈmɪn.i.bʌs/ mini chạy
bằng điện
Hình thức
Carpooling (n) /ˈkɑːˌpuː.lɪŋ/ đi chung

 Environmentally friendly (adj): thân thiện với môi trường

Example: Buses and trains are environmentally friendly vehicles

Related collocations: Environmentally friendly vehicles/fuel

 Public transportation (n): phương tiện giao thông công cộng

Example: The Government should invest more in the public transportation system to

encourage more people to use buses and trains frequently.

Related collocations:

o Encourage the use of public 

o Limit the use of private vehicles
o make more use of public transport
o Have access to private vehicles

 Private vehicles (n): phương tiện đi lại cá nhân

Example: A lack of public transport can result in more people using their own private vehicles

 Tax (n): thuế

Example: The Government should impose heavier taxes on private vehicles.

Related collocations: Impose heavy tax on

 Traffic safety (n): an toàn giao thông

Example: Vietnam aims to improve road infrastructure to ensure traffic safety.

Related collocations: Ensure a level of traffic safety

 Flexibility (adj): sự linh hoạt

Example: Private cars provide more flexibility for the users than public transport.

Related collocations: provide a considerable amount of flexibility

 Rush-hour traffic (n): lưu lượng giao thông giờ cao điểm

Example: Rush-hour traffic has been extremely bad in Hanoi recently.

Related collocations: Stuck in rush-hour traffic

 Traffic congestion (n): ách tắc giao thông

Example: Traffic congestion in cities is a complex issue that needs to be addresses properly

Related collocations:

o To ease traffic congestion

o To reduce traffic congestion (Giảm tắc nghẽn giao thông)

 Infrastructure (n) Cơ sở hạ tầng

Example: Governments of developing countries should pay more attention to developing

road infrastructure.

Related collocations:

o inadequate infrastructure (cơ sở hạ tầng yếu kém)

o infrastructure inefficiency (sự yếu kém về cơ sở hạ tầng)

o To improve inadequate road infrastructure (Cải thiện cơ sở hạ tầng)

 Road maintenance (n) Bảo trì đường bộ

Example: The city’s authorities need to pay more attention to road maintenance because many
roads are in poor condition

Related collocations:

o regular road maintenance (bảo trì đường bộ thường xuyên)

o carry out road maintenance (Tiến hành bảo trì đường bộ thường xuyên)

 Driving offences (n) Hành vi vi phạm giao thông

Example: Although some people are fully aware of road rules, they still commit driving offences.

Related collocations:

o commit driving offences (Vi phạm giao thông)

o prevent driving offences (ngăn chặn hành vi vi phạm giao thông)

 Road accident (n) Tai nạn đường bộ

Example: Road accidents are mainly caused by human errors such as driven under the influence.

Related collocations: To reduce road accidents (giảm tai nạn đường bộ)

 Road safety (n) An toàn đường bộ

Example: Improving road infrastructure is an effective way to increase road safety.

Related collocations:
o To threaten road safety (đe dọa đến sự an toàn đường bộ)

o To improve road safety (cải thiện an toàn đường bộ)

 Traffic laws (n) Luật giao thông

Example: The government has introduced several new traffic laws to prevent driving offences.

Related collocations:

o To violate traffic laws (Vi phạm các luật lệ giao thông)

o To introduce traffic laws (Đưa ra các luật lệ giao thông)

III. Các gợi ý cho từ vựng

Hãy nhớ rằng bạn không cần phải cố gắng sử dụng tất cả các từ vựng trong kỳ thi IELTS, đặc biệt
là phần thi Speaking. Hãy cố gắng áp dụng phù hợp trong quá trình luyện tập và bạn có thể ghi âm
lại để có thể sửa chữa các lỗi sai của mình một cách kịp thời.

a) Các từ vựng chính

1. vehicle – Phương tiện, cỗ máy, thường có bánh xe và động cơ, được sử dụng để đưa người
hoặc hàng hóa từ nơi này sang nơi khác, đặc biệt là trên đường

Ví dụ: Three vehicles were involved in the accidents near Peter’s house.

2. to transport –vận chuyển, đưa hoặc chở người hoặc hàng hóa từ nơi này đến nơi khác bằng
phương tiện

Ví dụ: Joan’s furniture has transported to her new house in a large lorry.

3. transportation – phương tiện giao thông

Ví dụ: What form of transportation are you going to use to get to the airport?

4. a means / form of transportation – phương tiện / hình thức vận chuyển, phương tiện mà bạn có
thể đi hoặc sử dụng để vận chuyển hàng hóa

Ví dụ: Bicycles are a cheap means of transportation and also keep you fit.
5. transport system – hệ thống giao thông

Ví dụ: The transport system in my country needs a lot of improvement.

6. public transport – phương tiện giao thông công cộng như xe buýt, tàu hỏa

Ví dụ: It’s much cheaper to use public transport in the city than drive a car.

7. private transport –phương tiện giao thông cá nhân

Ví dụ: Most people prefer to use private transport to public transport as it makes them more

8. traffic – giao thông

Ví dụ: There was a lot of traffic on the roads this morning.

9. infrastructure – cơ sở hạ tầng, các hệ thống và dịch vụ cơ bản

Ví dụ: The earthquake caused serious damage to the area’s transport infrastructure.

10. a journey – một hành trình

Ví dụ: The train journey took them through beautiful countryside.

b) Các phương tiện giao thông

1. car: xe ô tô

2. bus: xe buýt

3. minibus: xe buýt mini

4. taxi / cab: xe taxi

5. tram / streetcar / trolley: xe điện

6. bicycle / bike: xe đạp

7. motorbike / motorcycle: xe máy

8. scooter: xe tay ga

9. boat: thuyền
10. ship: tàu

11. ferry: phà

12. barge: sà lan

13. truck / lorry: xe tải

14. van: xe tải

15. train: xe lửa

16. tube / metro train: tàu / tàu điện ngầm

17. airplane / plane: máy bay

18. helicopter: máy bay trực thăng

19. space rocket / spacecraft: tên lửa không gian / tàu vũ trụ
Từ vựng Tạm dịch
congestion (n) tắc nghẽn giao thông
High traffic volume (n) lưu lượng xe lớn
Traffic safety (n) an toàn giao hông
Traffic signs/ traffic lights (n) biển báo giao thông/đèn giao thông
chaos (n) sự hỗ loạn
time-wasting (adj) lãng phí thời gian
road junctions (n) nút giao thông
Rush hours (n) giờ cao điểm
Off-peak hours (n) giờ vắn khách
Crosswalk (n) vạch qua đường
Pavements (n) vỉa hè
Public transportation (n) phương tiện công cộng
Transport infrastructure (n) cơ sở hạ tầng giao thông
Commute (n) di chuyển, thường dùng cho quãng đường từ nhà tới nơi làm việc
Ease traffic flow (v) giảm bởi lưu lượng giao thông
Traffic wardens (n) nhân viên kiểm soát giao thông
Emit/release (v) phát thải
Exhaust emissions (n) khí thải
respiratory problems (n) các vấn đề về đường hô hấp

1. Từ vựng về Transport
an environmentally-conscious person: người có ý thức bảo vệ môi trường 

on a daily basis: hàng ngày 

contribute to + V-ing: góp phần vào

every single journey: mọi chuyến đi

play a part in: là một phần trong 

living on a tight budget: sống tiết kiệm 

Means of transport (n): Phương tiện giao thông

Traffic congestion (n): Tắc đường

Wend its way forward (v): Đi chậm chậm về phía trước

MRT journey (Mass Rapid Transport journey) (n)

Chuyến đi bằng MRT (Tàu điện ngầm ở một số nước như Singapore, Đài Loan)

Embark on the journey (v): Thực hiện chuyến đi

Car rent (n): Phí thuê xe ô tô

Boarded (v): Lên (tàu/xe)

Filled up (v): Lấp đầy

Jam-packed (adj): Đông người

Rush hours (n): Giờ cao điểm

ambulance (n): xe cứu thương

arrival platform (n): sân ga đến

bus station (n): bến xe bus

bus stop: điểm xe buýt

coach/ long-distance bus: xe buýt chạy đường dài/xe khách

commuter: người đi làm trong thành phố mỗi ngày nhưng phải đi một quãng đường dài

departure platform: sân ga đi

destination: địa điểm tới

double-decker: tàu thủy hai boong

energy sources: nguồn năng lượng

escalator: thang máy

express train: tàu nhanh

ferry: bến phàhand

luggage: hành lý xách tay

infrastructure: cơ sở hạ tầng

intersection; crossroads: nơi đường giao nhau

2. Các câu hỏi thường gặp về Transport

What kinds of transport do you take to go to work/school?

Well, I’m an environmentally-conscious person so I use buses on a daily basis to go to school. I

do believe that by using bus services, I can contribute to reducing traffic congestion and CO2
discharged from private vehicles. 

What will become the most popular means of transportation in your country?

In my opinion, cars will become the most popular form of transport in Vietnam because of their
convenience. People don’t need to pay attention to the weather if they use cars which protect
people from the sunlight and rain. 

Do you prefer public transportation or private transportation?

As I mentioned, I really pay attention to the environment so I always use buses or trains on
every single journey as I can play a part in protecting the environment. Additionally, now, I’m
living on a tight budget and public transport is also cheaper so I can save a lot of money. 

What are the differences about transportation in your country between the past and

Transportation in my country has changed significantly over the past few years. In the past,
because of 2 wars, people almost used bicycles and motorbikes for transportation. However,
cars are very popular in Vietnam nowadays thanks to economic development. In the future, I
think most people will use cars every day. 

What type of public transport can be found in your city? 

Well, in my city, buses, and taxi motorbikes are the most popular means of public transport. You
know, high-way trains are being constructed in some routes in my city. It would be the first time
that this kind of transport appears in Vietnam. 

What type of public transportation do you use most? 

Actually, I remember that when i was in high school, i went to school by bus daily. How to say,
It’s cheap and it’s also considered to be the most environment-friendly vehicle which helps avoid
traffic jam.. 

Are there any transport problems in your city? 

Of course, yes, traffic congestion is the biggest problem in Hanoi, especially in rush hours, there
are usual long lines of vehicles on the street. I believe, it’s a total waste of time and money. • 

How would we improve that problem? 

Truth be told, it’s a tough question. But i suppose, we should use public vehicles instead of our
private cars if we could. Because researches show that 70% of jamis caused by too many cars
on the street. In addition, the government should allocate more budgets updating the road
Part 1

1. Do you use public transport? Why / why not?

Yes, I do. I take the bus on a daily basis. It’s the cheapest to get around, even though it
is overcrowded at times, and not particularly punctual. Besides, I can do other things like
reading books or sleeping while sitting on the bus.

 get around (phrasal verb): đi lại

 overcrowded /ˌəʊvəˈkraʊdɪd/ (adj): đông đúc
 punctual /ˈpʌŋktʃuəl/ (adj): đúng giờ

Tôi có. Tôi đi xe buýt hàng ngày. Nó là phương tiện giao thông rẻ nhất để đi lại, mặc dù đôi khi
nó quá đông đúc và đặc biệt là không đúng giờ. Ngoài ra, tôi có thể làm những việc khác như
đọc sách hoặc ngủ khi ngồi trên xe buýt.

2. Which type of public transport do you prefer? Why?

I think buses are my favourite public means of transport. Though at first, I was liable to
carsickness and hated taking a bus, but after a long time, I got used to that. Now I feel
comfortable, and with only 200,000 dong for a monthly commutation ticket, I could commute to
work every day without any anxiety.

 liable to something /ˈlaɪəbl/ (adj): bị ảnh hưởng bởi điều gì

 carsickness /ˈkɑːsɪknəs/ (noun): say xe
 commute /kəˈmjuːt/ (verb): đi lại

Tôi nghĩ xe buýt là phương tiện giao thông công cộng yêu thích của tôi. Mặc dù lúc đầu, tôi bị
say xe và ghét đi xe buýt, nhưng sau một thời gian dài, tôi đã quen với điều đó. Giờ tôi cảm
thấy thoải mái, hơn nữa thì chỉ với 200.000 đồng đóng vé hàng tháng, tôi có thể đi làm hàng
ngày mà không phải lo lắng.

3. Do you think people should use public transport more? Why / why not?

Absolutely yes. We should use environmentally-friendly transportations more so that we

could mitigate air pollution. I mean that instead of travelling by our own vehicles like cars or
motorbikes, we should start with the usage of public transport like buses.

 environmentally-friendly /ɪn.vaɪ.rənˌmen.təl.i ˈ (adj): thân thiện với môi trường

 mitigate something /ˈmɪt.ɪ.ɡeɪt/ (verb): giảm thiểu cái gì
 air pollution /ˈeə pəˌluː.ʃən/ (noun): sự ô nhiễm môi trường

Tôi hoàn toàn đồng ý. Chúng ta nên sử dụng các phương tiện giao thông thân thiện với môi
trường hơn để có thể giảm thiểu ô nhiễm không khí. Ý tôi là thay vì di chuyển bằng phương tiện
cá nhân như ô tô hay xe máy, chúng ta nên bắt đầu bằng việc sử dụng phương tiện công cộng
như xe buýt.

4. Do you prefer public transport or private transport?

5. Are there any public transport problems in your country?

6. How would you improve the public transport system in your country?

Part 2
Describe a popular mode of public transportation in your country

You should say:

 What it is
 What types of people use it often
 How far it is convenient
 And explain why it is so popular

Gợi ý sách liên quan

Câu hỏi và Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 1 2 3 theo chủ đề
Nếu bạn muốn tham khảo các bài mẫu IELTS Speaking bám sát với đề thi thật nhất, thuộc
những chủ đề thường được hỏi trong IELTS Speaking Part 1 2 3, sở hữu cuốn này chính là sự
lựa chọn tuyệt vời.
Part 3

1. How to encourage more people to take public transportation?

I think it’s not easy to require people to commute by public transportation instead of their private
one, but there are still ways to do that. The first thing coming to mind is that the number of
public modes of transport with better service quality have to be increased. Besides, it’s the
government’s responsibility to raise public awareness about the importance of environment
protection through small actions like taking public transport. As a result, people can realize the
big benefits of taking public transportation.

 come to mind (idiom): xuất hiện trong đầu ai

 raise public awareness about something /əˈweə.nəs/ (verb phr.): nâng cao nhận thức
cộng đồng về điều gì

Tôi nghĩ không dễ để yêu cầu mọi người đi làm bằng phương tiện công cộng thay vì phương
tiện cá nhân của họ, nhưng vẫn có nhiều cách để làm điều đó. Điều đầu tiên tôi nghĩ đến là phải
tăng số lượng phương tiện giao thông công cộng với chất lượng dịch vụ tốt hơn. Bên cạnh đó,
chính phủ có trách nhiệm nâng cao nhận thức của cộng đồng về tầm quan trọng của việc bảo
vệ môi trường thông qua các hành động nhỏ như đi lại bằng các phương tiện công cộng. Nhờ
đó, mọi người có thể nhận ra những lợi ích to lớn của việc sử dụng các phương tiện công cộng.

2. How do you think people will travel in the future?

Bài mẫu chủ đề Transportation IELTS Speaking Part 1, tham khảo ngay!
How did you get here today?
I got here on a bike. I don’t know how to ride a bike so I got a GrabBike here. It’s quite a cheap

ride to be honest, much cheaper than what a cab ride would cost! That’s why I always tend to

travel by bike instead of car.

What is your favourite mode of transport?

That’d be bicycles. That’s simply because bikes are environmentally friendly

and they are good for your health too! The only downside I can think of is that bikes can rarely

be used in long-distance trips as it’ll be too exhausting!

Do you ever use public transport?

I use it quite often, actually. I think public transport is cheap and convenient, as it can pretty

much get you anywhere you want to be. However, buses in Vietnam can be quite dirty and

overcrowded so I tend to avoid them if I can go by car or bike.

Do you like the transport system in your country?

Well not really to be honest. The roads here are quite narrow so it’s hard to

get around without being stuck in traffic. Also, I think the quality of public means of transport

should also be improved as currently they are run-down and incapable of accommodating many


What is the difference between taking a bus and taking a train?

Well, bus tickets are cheaper than train tickets. But to be honest I think these

means of transport serve different purposes. Buses are meant for short trips whereas trains are

usually for long-distance travels

Các collocations trong IELTS Speaking theo chủ đề

Electric cars

 Means of transportation (n): Phương tiện giao thông 

VD: Motorbike is my all-time favorite means of transportation because it is very convenient
traveling by motorbike. 

 Traffic congestion (n): Kẹt xe 

VD: What I hate the most in Ho Chi Minh City is traffic congestion. 

 Rush hour (n): Giờ cao điểm 

VD: It’s not a good choice to travel during rush hours. 

 Environmentally – friendly vehicles (n): Phương tiện thân thiện với môi trường 

VD: Electric cars are an example of environmentally-friendly vehicles. 

 Take the bus (v): bắt xe buýt 

VD: I take the bus to go to work every day. 

 Vehicle emissions (n): Khí thải giao thông 

VD: The government should introduce some laws to reduce the vehicle emissions. 

 Get stuck in a traffic jam (v): bị kẹt lại trong chuỗi ách tắc giao thông 

VD: I try to go to work early every morning, but I always get stuck in a traffic jam. 

 Zebra crossing (n): vạch kẻ dành cho người đi bộ 

VD: The policeman was so kind that he assisted an old man at a zebra crossing. 

 Break traffic rules (v): Phạm luật giao thông 

VD: People will be fined if they break traffic rules. 

 Follow traffic rules (v): Chấp hành luật giao thông

VD: People should follow traffic rules to protect themselves and everyone else driving on the road. 

 Operate a vehicle (v): Sử dụng phương tiện giao thông 

VD: People should follow traffic rules when operating a vehicle on the road. 
 Cut the accident rate (v): Giảm tỉ lệ tai nạn 

VD: The accident rate will be cut if everyone follows traffic rules. 

 Reduce the heavy traffic (v): Giảm thiểu lượng phương tiện đông đúc 

VD: Building more roads will reduce the heavy traffic during rush hour. 

 Public transportation (n): Phương tiện công cộng 

VD: The use of public transportation will reduce traffic congestion and protect the environment. 

 Personal vehicle (n): Phương tiện cá nhân 

VD: Most people prefer using personal vehicles because they are convenient. 

Áp dụng collocation trong IELTS Speaking

Sử dụng collocation trong IELTS Speaking Part 1: 

What form of transport do you prefer to use? Why?

Answer: Well, I like motorbikes and it is also my main means of transportation. Compared to other
vehicles, a motorbike is easy to ride, convenient and it just gives me a sense of freedom. 

How often do you take buses?

Answer: Not really often, I suppose. Now I mostly travel from my apartment to my company and
it’s not far so I ride my motorbike. I only take a bus twice or three times a year to visit my family. 

Can you compare the advantages of planes and trains?

Answer: Well, I think travelling by plane is much faster and more comfortable while taking a train
is cheaper. The best thing about travelling by these means of transportation is you don’t have to
worry about traffic congestion. 

How much time do you spend travelling on a normal day?

Answer: Honestly, even though my house is not too far from my working place, it takes me around
2 hours to commute every day due to traffic congestion. Even though I try to go early, I always get
stuck in a traffic jam and it’s really time consuming. 
Would you ride bikes to work in the future?

Answer: Definitely! Riding a bike is not only a good way to keep fit but also to reduce pollution
because it’s an environmentally-friendly vehicle. I think I will try to make bicycles my daily means
of transportation next year. 

Sử dụng collocation trong IELTS Speaking Part 2: 

Describe a time you travelled by public transport. 

You should say: 

 What type of public transport you used

 Where you travelled from and to 
 What you did during the journey 

And explain how you felt about travelling in this way.  

IELTS Speaking Sample

I’m going to talk about the first time when I took a train, which was about 4 years ago. My friends
and I went on a vacation in Da Nang and we decided to travel by train because it was cheaper
and more comfortable than commuting by bus or motorbike. We travelled to Da Nang from Hue
and the distance was not so far so it took us only around 3 hours. During the journey, we just had
some discussions about what we would do in Da Nang and enjoyed some snacks. What impressed
me the most was the scenery that we had the chance to contemplate on the way. We saw Lang Co
Beach, Hai Van Pass and other stunning natural places. They were all really beautiful and I think I
would have never had the chance to see those impressive things if I had ridden a motorbike.

I think travelling by public transportation, especially trains, is a very relaxing experience because
passengers do not have to focus on driving or worry about following traffic rules. Besides, it helps
reduce the accident rate, I suppose. If people use their own personal vehicles, they will have to
drive by themselves so on a long trip like this, they may grow tired and couldn’t focus on
operating their vehicles. Travelling by public transportation lik e train also helps reduce the heavy
traffic and vehicle emissions, which I highly appreciate.

After the trip, I’ve changed my mind about public transportation, which I thought was really time-
consuming and inconvenient before. Now I use public transportation more often. It helps me save
lots of money and also protect the environment.

public transportation

Sử dụng collocation trong IELTS Speaking Part 3

How do most people travel long distances in your country?

Answer: Well, I think most of them take public transportation like trains, buses or air planes
because it’s safe and fast. But there are some people who also choose to use personal vehicles like
motorcycles or cars because they want to have a sense of freedom and it’s also more convenient if
they want to stop on the way to buy some souvenirs or visit some tourist sites. 

Have the types of transport people use changed much over the last few decades?

Answer: Yes, I suppose. The living standard is improved day by day so people’s means of
transportation is also improved to make it more comfortable and convenient. For example, as far
back as about 50 years ago, the main vehicles of Vietnamese people were bicycles and
motorbikes. But now, more and more households own a car and it is also affordable for people to
take planes if they travel long distances. 

What kinds of improvement have there been in transport in your country in recent years?

Answer: I think the government has widened and built more roads to reduce the heavy traffic.
Besides, they also introduce new laws to reduce the accident rate. Public transportation system is
also improved to encourage people to use those environmentally-friendly vehicles. I think those
are positive changes and hopefully in the future, traffic congestion will be solved. 

Do you think most people should use public transports? Why/ why not?

Answer: Definitely! Using public transports is a good way to reduce vehicle emissions and cut the
accident rate. Besides, when commuting by public transports, people will not have to worry about
being stuck in a traffic jam or breaking traffic rules like when they operate their personal vehicles. 

Why some countries impose higher taxes on car ownership? 

impose higher taxes

Answer: Because they want to reduce the use of personal vehicles and encourage people to travel
by public transports. High taxes will discourage drivers from owning a car because they have to
spend too much money. So if people change from cars to buses or trains, the traffic and
environmental problems will be solved. 

1. Do you often use public transport?

(Bạn có sử dụng phương tiện giao thông công cộng không)

You know, due to the fact that mass transit in Vietnam is pretty subpar in terms of
quality, I tend to avoid using it. I have only travelled by bus around 5 times so far in my
life because it’s common for them to be around 10 minutes late, sometimes even more,
so in my opinion, they are pretty unreliable. Hopefully, the government would raise the
quality standards of public transport; otherwise, I can’t see myself getting on a bus
anytime soon.

 mass transit (n) = public transport

 subpar (adj) = below-average
 unreliable = not able to be trusted
 I can’t see myself (doing something) = I won’t (do something)

2. Should people use more public transport? Why?

(Mọi người có nên sử dụng phương tiện công cộng nhiều hơn không? Tại sao?)

In my opinion, it’s crucial that citizens shift from using private vehicles to public

transportation primarily because of the ever-increasing population rate. Apparently, the
amount of exhaust emitted from cars and motorbikes contributes significantly to global
warming and air pollution; therefore, encouraging the use of mass transit can help
cut the level of greenhouse gases, reducing potential health problems.

3. Do you think people in your country prefer public transport?

(Bạn có nghĩ người dân ở quốc gia của bạn thích sử dụng phương tiện công

I think it depends on the reason. There are some who are in favor of public transit
services and they commute by buses on a regular basis because the bus route is
accessible and suitable for their daily travel needs. However, there are those who
strongly oppose using mass transit due to a number of reasons, from its poor
standards to security to inconvenience.

 bus route (n): tuyến xe buýt

4. What kind of public transportation do you usually take?
(Bạn thường đi loại phương tiện công cộng nào?)

To be completely honest with you, I’m not very much into public transportation. So as
you may probably guess, rarely do I use them to commute. But every once in a while, I
do take a bus to places far from my home as this would save me from the hassle
of driving while I could have a quick nap.

 every once in a while: thi thoảng

 save me from the hassle of: giúp tôi thoát khỏi sự phiền hà (khi phải làm gì
5. Do most people prefer public transportation in your country?
(Có phải hầu hết mọi người thích phương tiện giao thông công cộng ở đất nước
của bạn không?)

Well, I’d say no. People in Vietnam tend to gravitate towards their private vehicles
more. This is simply because the public transport system in Vietnam is still subpar. And
by this I mean they aren’t equipped with free wifi and the comfy seats. This is
compounded by the fact that traveling by modes of public transportation can be much
slower compared to private ones. I mean traveling by private vehicles enable you to go
whenever you want and stop wherever you’d like, to boot. So yeah, I’d say things like
buses and trains are not widely-favored by a lot of Vietnamese people.

 tend to gravitate towards: nghiêng về

 subpar: chưa đủ tốt
 This is compounded by the fact that: thêm vào đó
6. Did you take public transportation when you were a kid?
(Bạn có đi phương tiện công cộng khi còn nhỏ không?)

I would say no. Back in the day when I was a small child living in Ninh Binh, which was
kinda underdeveloped, there used to be no mass transit system there. So, all I knew
about the so-called public transport was from the media. I even dreamed of having a
chance to travel by bus or train back then, but it was not until I went to my university in
Hanoi did I first have my experience with bus and stuff. 

 mass transit system: hệ thống giao thông công cộng

 so-called: cái được gọi là

7. Will there be more people taking public transportation in the future?

(Liệu sẽ có nhiều người sử dụng phương tiện công cộng hơn trong tương lai?)

Well, based on the current situation of public transport use, it’s hard to predict whether it
would be used more in the future. But to be honest, I hope mass transit would be in use
more. You know, global warming is on the rise and the Earth is becoming more and
more uninhabitable, so I think public transportation is the only way to combat global
warming and environmental pollution.

 on the rise: trên đà tăng

 uninhabitable: không thể sống được
1.1. What means of transport do you usually use?
“I don’t have a car so I usually use public transport, you know, like trains, buses, trams,
Actually back in Vietnam, I had a motorbike by which I always commute to work but I
can’t afford one here so yeah, public transport, but anyway, I find it convenient for me
coz I live right next to the train station.”

Từ vựng:
Public transport: phương tiện giao thông công cộng
Commute: đi lại hàng ngày
Afford sth: đủ khả năng chi trả cho cái gì
1.2. What’s your favorite means of transport?
“My favorite way to travel is by train because it’s quick, convenient, reliable and
especially punctual. What I like most about this types of transport is that I can totally
forget about traffic congestion as therefore pollution. Plus, the rail fare is quite
reasonable, I mean, quite affordable for a student like me.”

Từ vựng:
 reliable: đáng tin cậy
 punctual: đúng giờ
 traffic congestion: tắc đường
 rail/bus fare: vé tàu, vé xe bus
 affordable: có thể chi trả được
1.3. How do you like to travel for long trip?
“By plane, of course, coz it doesn’t take me too long to get to my destination. It’s kind of
exhausted andunpleasant to me to travel by other types, you know, I don’t want to
waste my valuable time just getting there while I can use that time to enjoy and do lots
of more important things.”

Từ vựng:
 destination: điểm đến
 exhausted: kiệt sức
 unpleasant: không hài lòng
1.4. What’s the traffic like in your country?
“Oh, I’m afraid you ask that. It’s terribly bad, I have to say, especially in Hanoi-the
capital of my country. You know what, it becomes the last place I’ve ever wanted to live
because of the traffic it has. People often give themselves about an hour extra time to
arrive on time due to the traffic jam, particularly in rush hours, Just imagine this, Hanoi
does really looks like a giant car park, you know. And the traffic network like traffic
lights, transport lane… are all old fashioned. And accidents on the main road seem to
happen every
day. People always hope to have a better system but it appears to be daydreaming coz
it’s just getting worse.”

Từ vựng:

 terribly: quá chừng, cực kỳ

 rush hours: giờ cao điểm
 traffic network: mạng lưới giao thông
 traffic lights: đèn giao thông
 transport lane: làn đường
 old fashioned: lạc hậu
 daydreaming: mơ giữa ban ngày, hão huyền

1.5. How do you think the public transport could be improved?
“I think the best way to better public transport, make it more efficient is that the
government should subsidize their budget to upgrade its system and quality. I mean,
like, increasing frequency of trains and buses, making it more reliable and punctual for
the convenience of commuters, more accessible for people with low income and you
know, I think higher fuel prices are going to help too.”

Từ vựng:
 efficient: hiệu quả
 subsidize: trợ cấp
 budget: ngân sách
 commuters: người đi lại thường xuyên
 accessible: có thể tiếp cận được
 fuel price: giá xăng dầu
2. Bài mẫu chủ đề Talk about your favourite means of transport
You should say:
1. What it is
2. When and how you often use it
3. Why you use it
4. Explain why it is your favorite means of transportation.
– the motorbike: convenient but
+ traffic congestion
+ exhaust fumes
+ feeling irritated
– the bus:
+ me: reading <> others: get stuck in traffic
+ weather problems/ parking charges
-> Highly recommend
My favorite means of transportation is motorcycle. I usually call it is an iron horse.
Nowadays, traffic is very disorderly. The roads are narrow and have many potholes. So
I think that motorcycle is a good choice in the current situation. This kind of vehicle is
more flexible than cars. In addition, the price of a motorbike is suitable to my salary.

The motorcycle is very useful for my life ad my job because it helps me save a lot of
time, when I go to school, as well as working. I can control the time easily when riding a
motorbike to my student’s houses for tutoring. In the past, I used to ride my motorbike
from HCMC to my hometown in HauGiang province and return. Now, it is still necessary
to me. I have been driving it for more than 10 years. Although there is dangerous when I
attend in traffic, I still love riding a motorcycle.

I know that because infrastructure in our country is not very good, traffic jams or
accidents often happen when many kinds of transportation means attend on narrow
streets at the same time. Anyway, I think that not only me but also a lot of people like to
ride motorbikes like me. In short, motorcycle is the most popular transportation
means vehicle in our country.  

1. Mean (v): nghĩa là, có nghĩa là
2. Mean (n): phương tiện, kế, biện pháp, cách.  
3. Means of transportation (n): phương tiện giao thông
4. Motor-cycle (n): xe mô tô
5. Motorbike (n): xe gắn máy
6. Transportation (n): sự chuyên trở, sự vận tải.  
7. Disorderly (a): thiếu trật tự, bừa bãi, lộn xộn
8. Potholes (n): ổ gà
9. Situation (n): tình thế, tình cảnh, vị thế
10. Vehicle (n): phương tiện, xe cộ
11. Flexible (a): linh hoạt, linh động, mềm dẽo.
12. Infrastructure (n): cơ sở hạ tầng
13. Traffic jam (n): đường tắc nghẽn, giao thông tắc nghẽn, kẹt xe
14. In short (a): nói tóm lại
1. What form of transport do you prefer to use? Why?
Without any doubt, I would say motorbikes. You can see people driving a
motorbike all over the place in my country. Almost everyone travels by motorbike. The
reason why a motorbike is so popular is due to their reasonable price and convenience.
They also extremely varied in terms of size, color and quality, thus a wide variety
of choices is available for everyone
2. How often do you take buses?
Almost every day. Since my house is so far away from my university, it’s impossible for
me to travel by motorbike. In addition, the air is heavily polluted by exhaust
fumes and traffic jams always take place, especially during peak hours. Thus, I’d
prefer to take the bus, to save time, save gasoline and causing less pollution.
3. Can you compare the advantages of planes and trains?
Planes and trains regularly depart and arrive on time. Plus, there are many convenient
facilities catering particularly to certain groups of passengers. However, traveling by
plane is clearly time-saving and enjoyable in terms of onboard services like meals or
comfortable seats, while traveling by train offers you a chance to see the world
outside, admire the views from their seats. It’s totally a great experience for most train-
4. How much time do you spend traveling on a normal day?
I have to commute from my home to my workplace on a daily basis. It normally takes
me 30 minutes to travel back and forth.
5. Would you ride bikes to work in the future?
Definitely not. Riding a bike means you’re exposing yourself to unpredictable weather
and to air pollution. What is worse, I’m afraid are the main streets or the highway which
is too dangerous for cyclists, as cars, motorbikes and buses will travel at a very high
speed. Thus I’d rather ride a motorbike or take the bus instead.

6. What will become the most popular means of transport in your country?
I think buses will take the lead. You can travel the distance without much worries
about ticket price or rainy weather outside. Also, new buses now offer better services
like comfortable seats for the elderly or good air conditioning systems.
7. Do you prefer public transport or private transport?
I think I’d prefer public transport. It’s much more inexpensive and because it can contain
a large number of people, it helps ease the intensity of traffic jams during peak hours
and reduce the greenhouse gas emissions caused by vehicles. Private transportation
is more costly in terms of fees, taxes and gasoline

1. What kinds of transport do you take to go to work/school?

Well, I’m an environmentally-conscious person so I use buses on a daily basis to go to

school. I do believe that by using bus services, I can contribute to reducing traffic congestion
and CO2 discharged from private vehicles. 

 an environmentally-conscious person: người có ý thức bảo vệ môi trường 

 on a daily basis: hàng ngày 
 contribute to + V-ing: góp phần vào

2. What will become the most popular means of transportation in your country?

In my opinion, cars will become the most popular form of transport in Vietnam because of their
convenience. People don’t need to pay attention to the weather if they use cars which protect
people from the sunlight and rain. 

3. Do you prefer public transportation or private transportation?

As I mentioned, I really pay attention to the environment so I always use buses or trains
on every single journey as I can play a part in protecting the environment. Additionally, now,
I’m living on a tight budget and public transport is also cheaper so I can save a lot of money. 

 every single journey: mọi chuyến đi

 play a part in: là một phần trong 
 living on a tight budget: sống tiết kiệm 

4. What are the differences about transportation in your country between the past
and now?
Transportation in my country has changed significantly over the past few years. In the past,
because of 2 wars, people almost used bicycles and motorbikes for transportation. However,
cars are very popular in Vietnam nowadays thanks to economic development. In the future, I
think most people will use cars every day. 

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