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Hintsa Fisahaye H/mariam : E-mail: hintsafisahaye@gmail.

com Telephone:0914804334

NO. Description of variables Measurement Year

1 Gross national savings As percentage of gross national product from 1975 up to 2017 G.C

2 Income inequality Gini coefficent from 1975 up to 2017 G.C

3 Inflation rate consumer price index from 1975 up to 2017 G.C

4 real interest rate percent from 1975 up to 2017 G.C

5 Populaton family size from 1975 up to 2017 G.C

6 Foreign remittance inreceipts of dollar from 1975 up to 2017 G.C

7 income growth real gross domestic product from 1975 up to 2017 G.C
8 M2 (broad money supply) As percentage of gross national product from 1975 up to 2017 G.C
9 Consumption rate percent from 1975 up to 2017 G.C
10 Investment rate percent from 1975 up to 2017 G.C

11 unemployment rate percent from 1975 up to 2017 G.C

GNS (in RGDP(In Remittance(in
yr millions birr) millions birr) millions birr) Infla Gini coeff Pop
1981 17413 108920 1431.16 5.4 0.3232 36120288
1982 14738 109170 1322.48 5.2 0.324 37136848
1983 16647 120202 1285.55 -0.2 0.335 38285883
1984 23275 111616 1420.1 9 0.34 39518801
1985 12461 101803 1342.71 20.5 0.348 40800343
1986 27554 111910 1378.36 -11.8 0.35 42120730
1987 24681 126611 8122.4 -4.7 0.377 43493283
1988 34258 125936 1036.25 6.9 0.38 44932064
1989 27308 126868 5640.6 11.1 0.3948 46458913
1990 24858 132336 4285.3 5 0.4049 48086516
1991 13565 128347 7247.9 45 0.42 49821083
1992 16350 125406 1431.35 2.1 0.423 51647768
1993 33679 139412 20813.7 4.7 0.428 53532956
1994 30407 139480 35545.4 6.3 0.44 55431123
1995 46878 147455 3571.35388 14.8 0.446 57309880
1996 49085 162373 3599.63952 -9 0.385 59155148
1997 46035 169247 3137.682635 -2.7 0.37 60976450
1998 49049 167917 3976.73949779 0.1 0.3625 62794151
1999 30167 178513 3684.4964526 10.4 0.3 64640054
2000 39856 184881 4778.6501187805 1.9 0.279 66537331
2001 47960 198595 6997.30486209 -10.8 0.298 68492257
2002 41706 201840 7519.0437719056 -1.2 0.3 70497192
2003 43220 197604 9986.4119231626 17.8 0.299 72545144
2004 62543 220782 11531.994973057 2.4 0.298 74624405
2005 65640 248698 15337.096979447 10.7 0.298 76727083
2006 66922 277396 17208.616091632 10.8 0.2999 78850689
2007 92239 310115 24390.809992727 15.1 0.303 81000409
2008 86462 344775 34055.214318771 55.2 0.3175 83184892
2009 93152 379362 44281.359760862 2.7 0.32 85416253
2010 112982 419218 59597.908615502 7.3 0.332 87702670
2011 161984 475648 75045.6128334 38 0.34 90046756
2012 171434 517027 86817.825542033 20.8 0.3425 92444183
2013 174031 568432 92850.84163508 7.8 0.36 94887724
2014 206587 626977 106689.92678548 8.5 0.388 97366774
2015 236702 692222 128347.49536578 10.45 0.391 99873033
2016 495718 1422602 164974.75869201 7.5 0.391 102403196
2017 545218.2 1577107 154963.52509714 8.8 0.39 104957438
Inv %of CE %of
6 15.3 89.21
6 15.497 89.45
6 13.74 87.62
6 18.744 92.11
6 12.057 86.42
6 17.9 88.12
4 16.785 83.48
4 22.784 86.48
4 15.69 87.23
4 13.81 86.4
4 11.516 91.4
4 10.594 93.1
10 16.389 90.1
10 17.47 90.9
10 12.352 89.3
10 17.515 89.4
7 13.393 86.1
6 15.194 84.4
6 15.203 88.9
6 20.217 88.2
6 21.528 86.9
3 22.838 90.7
3 21.006 92.4
3 25.05 84.9
3 22.384 90.5
3 23.914 91.7
3 20.781 87.6
4 21.244 90.8
4 24.77 90.2
4 25.524 90.7
5 32.108 82.8
5 37.098 80.8
5 34.081 82.4
5 34.483 79.5
5 39.795 78.1
5 38.816 77.6
5 35.833 75.85
GNS (% of rgdpgrow
yr gdp) FR(% OF gdp) InFR Gini coeff Pop th RDIR
1981 6.009 0.143116 5.4 0.3232 36.120 0.23 6
1982 5.17 0.132248 5.2 0.324 37.137 10.10 6
1983 5.427 0.128555 -0.2 0.335 38.286 -7.14 6
1984 8.091 0.14201 9 0.34 39.519 -8.79 6
1985 5.916 0.149806 20.5 0.348 40.800 9.93 6
1986 7.301 0.137836 -11.8 0.35 42.121 13.14 6
1987 5.564 0.081224 -4.7 0.377 43.493 -0.53 4
1988 10.196 0.103625 6.9 0.38 44.932 0.74 4
1989 8.191 0.056406 11.1 0.3948 46.459 4.31 4
1990 7.151 0.042853 5 0.4049 48.087 -3.01 4
1991 4.952 0.072479 45 0.42 49.821 -2.29 4
1992 6.545 0.143135 2.1 0.423 51.648 11.17 4
1993 7.484 0.208137 4.7 0.428 53.533 0.05 10
1994 9.228 0.355454 6.3 0.44 55.431 5.72 10
1995 13.486 0.35699 14.8 0.446 57.310 10.12 10
1996 12.23 0.187322 -9 0.385 59.155 4.23 10
1997 10.034 0.107489 -2.7 0.37 60.976 -0.79 7
1998 12.527 0.349353 0.1 0.3625 62.794 6.31 6
1999 7.396 0.438 10.4 0.3 64.640 3.42 6
2000 16.798 0.644945 1.9 0.279 66.537 7.42 6
2001 19.708 0.222488 -10.8 0.298 68.492 1.63 6
2002 16.612 0.420172 -1.2 0.3 70.497 -2.10 3
2003 18.022 0.538867 17.8 0.299 72.545 11.73 3
2004 25.468 1.32011 2.4 0.298 74.624 12.64 3
2005 17.14 1.39922 10.7 0.298 76.727 11.54 3
2006 13.021 1.12659 10.8 0.2999 78.851 11.79 3
2007 21.926 1.81574 15.1 0.303 81.000 11.19 3
2008 20.829 1.42867 55.2 0.3175 83.185 10.04 4
2009 15.41 0.806483 2.7 0.32 85.416 10.57 4
2010 24.494 1.15305 7.3 0.332 87.703 13.53 4
2011 33.059 1.60624 38 0.34 90.047 8.70 5
2012 31.176 2.16465 20.8 0.3425 92.444 9.94 5
2013 28.056 1.7483 7.8 0.36 94.888 10.30 5
2014 26.658 3.23018 8.5 0.388 97.367 10.41 5
2015 26.988 1.68618 10.45 0.391 99.873 7.96 5
2016 28.157 1.05784 7.5 0.391 102.403 10.90 5
2017 26.145 1.01228 8.8 0.39 104.9574 10.2 5
GNS (% of rgdpgrow Inv %of
yr gdp) FR(% OF gdp) InFR Gini coeff Pop th RDIR GDP
1981 6.009 0.143116 5.4 0.3232 36120288 0.23 6 15.3
1982 5.17 0.132248 5.2 0.324 37136848 10.10 6 15.497
1983 5.427 0.128555 -0.2 0.335 38285883 -7.14 6 13.74
1984 8.091 0.14201 9 0.34 39518801 -8.79 6 18.744
1985 5.916 0.149806 20.5 0.348 40800343 9.93 6 12.057
1986 7.301 0.137836 -11.8 0.35 42120730 13.14 6 17.9
1987 5.564 0.081224 -4.7 0.377 43493283 -0.53 4 16.785
1988 10.196 0.103625 6.9 0.38 44932064 0.74 4 22.784
1989 8.191 0.056406 11.1 0.3948 46458913 4.31 4 15.69
1990 7.151 0.042853 5 0.4049 48086516 -3.01 4 13.81
1991 4.952 0.072479 45 0.42 49821083 -2.29 4 11.516
1992 6.545 0.143135 2.1 0.423 51647768 11.17 4 10.594
1993 7.484 0.208137 4.7 0.428 53532956 0.05 10 16.389
1994 9.228 0.355454 6.3 0.44 55431123 5.72 10 17.47
1995 13.486 0.35699 14.8 0.446 57309880 10.12 10 12.352
1996 12.23 0.187322 -9 0.385 59155148 4.23 10 17.515
1997 10.034 0.107489 -2.7 0.37 60976450 -0.79 7 13.393
1998 12.527 0.349353 0.1 0.3625 62794151 6.31 6 15.194
1999 7.396 0.438 10.4 0.3 64640054 3.42 6 15.203
2000 16.798 0.644945 1.9 0.279 66537331 7.42 6 20.217
2001 19.708 0.222488 -10.8 0.298 68492257 1.63 6 21.528
2002 16.612 0.420172 -1.2 0.3 70497192 -2.10 3 22.838
2003 18.022 0.538867 17.8 0.299 72545144 11.73 3 21.006
2004 25.468 1.32011 2.4 0.298 74624405 12.64 3 25.05
2005 17.14 1.39922 10.7 0.298 76727083 11.54 3 22.384
2006 13.021 1.12659 10.8 0.2999 78850689 11.79 3 23.914
2007 21.926 1.81574 15.1 0.303 81000409 11.19 3 20.781
2008 20.829 1.42867 55.2 0.3175 83184892 10.04 4 21.244
2009 15.41 0.806483 2.7 0.32 85416253 10.57 4 24.77
2010 24.494 1.15305 7.3 0.332 87702670 13.53 4 25.524
2011 33.059 1.60624 38 0.34 90046756 8.70 5 32.108
2012 31.176 2.16465 20.8 0.3425 92444183 9.94 5 37.098
2013 28.056 1.7483 7.8 0.36 94887724 10.30 5 34.081
2014 26.658 3.23018 8.5 0.388 97366774 10.41 5 34.483
2015 26.988 1.68618 10.45 0.391 99873033 7.96 5 39.795
2016 28.157 1.05784 7.5 0.391 102403196 10.90 5 38.816
2017 26.145 1.01228 8.8 0.39 104957438 10.2 5 35.833
CE %of

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