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Why amazon?

Tell me about a time you failed at work. What did you learn from it?
--Committed a short deadline to the client. Failed to deliver that. don't hurry
while committing deadlines and without knowing the depth.

Tell me about a challenge you faced. What was your role & the outcome?
-- POI hours conflation-- challenge is to design it in optimal way for huge data
-- explore for optimal way and refer old programs

Tell me about a time you disagreed with a coworker / manager / decision

--everyone disagreed for automation mail that everytime last statement can't be the
update. Later I proposed a concept of UPDATE
-- merging mupliple repos at once ---disagreed because it will give memory issues

Tell me about a time you had to work or make a decision quickly / under a tight
-- self approving a PR

Customer obsession
Tell me about one of your projects where you put the customer first
--process anomaly scoring

Tell me about a time you had to deal with a difficult customer

Which company has the best customer service and why?

Describe a time when a customer asked you for one thing, but you knew that they
needed something else
-- merging mupliple repos at once ---disagreed because it will give memory issues

Tell me about a time you did something at work that wasn't your responsibility / in
your job description
--Automated mail

Tell me about a time when you went over and above your job responsibility in order
to help the company
--Automated mail

Tell me about a time when you had to make an important decision without approval
from your boss
-- approve my own PR on last day of deadline

How would you make better?

-- improve amazon prime search engine // maintain healthy environment and deliver
my own responsibilites

Bias for action

Tell me about a time you had to change your approach because you were going to miss
a deadline

Tell me about a time you had to make an urgent decision without data. What was the
impact and would you do anything differently?
Tell me about a time when you launched a feature with known risks
-- deployed feature data fix even though there is a risk of updating unnecessary
fields of a feature

Did you come across a scenario where the deadline given to you for a project was
earlier than expected? How did you deal with it and what was the result?

Have backbone; disagree and commit

Tell me about a time you had a conflict with a coworker or manager and how you
approached it
Tell me about a time you had a conflict with your team but decided to go ahead with
their proposal
Tell me about a time your work was criticized
--feature data fix -- criticized because it has disadvantages

Invent and simplify

Tell me about a time you solved a big problem in your company
Tell me about a time when you had a plan but ran into some obstacles. What did you
do about it?
--Build and deploying issues for spark job
Tell me about at time you re-designed a process and why
-- distrubuting the work among all of the team members who are not in earlier
What is the most innovative idea you've ever had?

Dive deep
Tell me about a time when you used a lot of data in a short period of time
-- explore feature structures for feature data fix
Tell me about a project in which you had to deep dive into analysis\
-- hours confaltion and vendor ingest dashboard
Tell me about the most complex problem you have worked on

Are right, a lot

Tell me about a time when you were faced with a problem that had a number of
possible solutions. What was the problem and how did you determine the course of
action? What was the outcome?
Tell me about a time you applied judgment to a decision when data was not available
-- created test data and worked on that

Tell me about a time that you failed at work

Tell me how you deal with ambiguity

-- analyze pros and cons

Deliver results
Tell me about the most challenging project you ever worked on
Tell me about a time when you had to handle pressure
-- take a small break and concentrate... take help from experienced colleagues to
solve the issue
Tell me about a time when you had two deadlines at the same time. How did you
manage the situation?

How do you prioritize tasks in your current role?

-- start the dependancy task first and start the rest while the dependency being
-- start the easiest task so that we can deliver atleast something

Think big
Tell me about your most significant accomplishment. Why was it significant?
-- automated mail.

Tell me about a time you proposed a non-intuitive solution to a problem and how you
identified that it required a different way of thinking
-- merging repos

What was the largest project you've executed?

Learn and be curious

Tell me about a time you taught yourself a skillcala spark
Tell me about something you learned that made you better at your job
Tell me about your biggest career failure and what you learned from it
-- proving short deadline and missing it

Insist on the highest standards

Tell me about the most successful project you've done
Tell me about a project that you wish you had done better and how you would do it
differently today
Tell me a time that a goal was hard to achieve. What did you learn from that?
How would you improve this [project on your resume] if you had more time?

Earn trust
Tell me a piece of difficult feedback you received and how you handled it
-- raising PR without comments

How do you earn trust with a team?

A co-worker constantly arrives late to a recurring meeting. What would you do?
-- organiser for next meeting

Success and scale bring broad responsibility

Tell me about a time when you made a decision which impacted the team or the
Tell me about a decision that you made about your work and you regret now

Tell me about a time when you failed to do the right thing

Hire and develop the best
Tell me about a time you provided feedback that was helpful to a peer
Tell me about a time you hired or worked with people smarter than you are
Tell me about a time you stepped in to help a struggling teammate
Who is your best employee / resource, and what makes them the best?


Tell me about a time you successfully delivered a project without a budget or

Tell me about the last time you figured out a way to keep an approach simple or to
save on expenses
When managing a budget, what are some ways you get more out of less?

Strive to be Earth’s best employer

Tell me about a time that you went above and beyond for an employee
Tell me about a time you saw an issue that would negatively impact your team. How
did you deal with it?
How do you manage a low performer in the team? How do you identify a good performer
in the team and help in their career growth?

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