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Professional Learning Summary Record 29/03/2018 - 21/10/2020

Name: Tiffany Jane Smith Registration Number: 615021 Date of Birth: 15/05/1996

Record of 60 hours of professional learning undertaken within 29/03/2018 - 21/10/2020

Year Dates of Description or topic of Number Description of The professional standards against which you have referenced your learning and a brief
professional the professional of hours evidence held annotation of the connection between the learning and the Standards
learning learning

2018 6-Sep to 6- RAN Online Update 1.00 Certificate 4. Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
6. Engage in professional learning
7. Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the
Brief annotation of the connection between the learning and the Standards
This course taught me important it is to have a safe classroom and relationships with students.
As it is important that your students feel like they can talk to you and this course is all about how
to manage, note take and report serious issues to help keep your students safe both at home
and school.
2018 7-Sep to 7- The Big Write PD 6.00 Reflection notes 1. Know students and how they learn
Sep Session
6. Engage in professional learning

Brief annotation of the connection between the learning and the Standards
‘’You cannot write it, if you cannot say it” was the mantra of the methodology; meaning this will
encourage talk in the class room, helping those struggling students to improve their language &
linguistic abilities. Big Write has helped me understand how to effectively teach students different
writing styles, word classes, openers and punctuation; by using games, word walls & the constant
use of new words. Which has helped me understand how to effectively teach writing &
strategies; linking it to standard 2.1. I chose to attend this course as I understand that I need to
improve my ability to teach writing, as my current class seem to be struggling with the current
way I am teaching. I am hoping that using interactive games to teach writing will encourage
students to participate and help them improve their writing abilities. By participating in training
that meets my professional needs my participation in the Big Write training addresses standard

2019 23-Apr to 1- Prepare To Run a Code 3.00 Learning Journal 2. Know the content and how to teach it
May Club, Online Course
6. Engage in professional learning

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Year Dates of Description or topic of Number Description of The professional standards against which you have referenced your learning and a brief
professional the professional of hours evidence held annotation of the connection between the learning and the Standards
learning learning

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Coding is part of the year 4 Australian Curriculum as it requires students to create algorithms. As
I don't know much about coding I decided it was an area I needed to expand my knowledge in.
This short course allowed me to learn how to code, the content I may need to teach and some
resources that can be used to teach coding. This course also gave me some ideas on how I can
use the program used to include the use of ICT in other lessons.
2019 20-May to 20- Managing Challenging 1.50 reflection notes 4. Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
May Behaviours PD Session
6. Engage in professional learning

Brief annotation of the connection between the learning and the Standards
This session links to standard 6.1 as I understand that I have very limited knowledge about how
to manage poor behaviours. Understanding and having strategies for dealing with challenging
behaviours is imperative and the main reason I undertook this PD session. This session talked
about 4 different resources that can be used in a classroom setting to assist students with
controlling their behaviour and help to ensure students do not have melt downs.
2019 11-Jun to 11- Autism PD Session 3.00 reflection notes 4. Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
6. Engage in professional learning

Brief annotation of the connection between the learning and the Standards
This training linked to standards 4.3, 6.1 and 6.2. It links to 6.1 & 6.2 as many students are on the
Autism spectrum and as teacher we are not taught at university how to teach these students and
cater for there needs. I understand that I need to continue engaging in learning about Autism to
continue to cater for these students needs. This session allowed me to learn about different
resources & how to use these resources to assist students with there learning and behaviour
needs. Some students with ASD struggle with their emotions and this can lead to poor behavior,
therefore, this training also taught me about how to deal with challenging behaviours & how to try
stop behaviours, before they become challenging. Therefore, linking the training to standard 4.3.
2019 2-Jul to 2-Jul Onsite PD Session- Big 4.00 Learning Journal 1. Know students and how they learn
Ideas in Number and Reflection
Notes 2. Know the content and how to teach it
3. Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
6. Engage in professional learning

Brief annotation of the connection between the learning and the Standards
This course allowed me to understand a different way to look at and teach maths. The resources
and ideas provided in this course will allow maths to be more engaging for students.

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Year Dates of Description or topic of Number Description of The professional standards against which you have referenced your learning and a brief
professional the professional of hours evidence held annotation of the connection between the learning and the Standards
learning learning

2020 7-Jan to 15- Online Course- 7.00 Learning Journal 1. Know students and how they learn
Jan Differentiation for
Learning 3. Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
6. Engage in professional learning

Brief annotation of the connection between the learning and the Standards
This course explained differentiation, looked at how to differentiate and has given me new
resources and ideas on how differentiation can be applied in the classroom.
2020 16-Jan to 17- Beyond Blue Early 1.00 certificate and 1. Know students and how they learn
Jan Support Notice, online handwritten notes
course 4. Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
6. Engage in professional learning
7. Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the
Brief annotation of the connection between the learning and the Standards
This course taught me what to look out for and what to do if a student in my class is struggling
with poor mental health or wellbeing.
2020 17-Jan to 17- Beyond Blue- Early 1.00 Certificate and 4. Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
Jan Support Inquire, Online notes
Course 6. Engage in professional learning
7. Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the
Brief annotation of the connection between the learning and the Standards
This course looks into how to support a child or young person who you think may be or is on the
verge of suffering with mental health issues. It looks at how you need to respond and how to
include leadership, other colleagues and parents/guardians in this process. It looks at your role,
who to get support from, what to think about and how to have the conversation. Knowing how to
support a child/young person during these times allows you to maintain a safe and supportive
learning environment.
2020 17-Jan to 17- Beyond Blue Early 1.00 Certificate 4. Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
Jan Support Provide, Online
Course 6. Engage in professional learning
7. Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the
Brief annotation of the connection between the learning and the Standards
This course helped me understand my role as a teacher when a student is dealing with mental
health or wellbeing issues.

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Year Dates of Description or topic of Number Description of The professional standards against which you have referenced your learning and a brief
professional the professional of hours evidence held annotation of the connection between the learning and the Standards
learning learning

2020 20-Jan to 20- Beyond Blue Child and 1.00 certificate and hand 4. Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
Jan Adolescent Development, written notes
online course 6. Engage in professional learning
1. Know students and how they learn

Brief annotation of the connection between the learning and the Standards
This course looked at how we develop, when children/young people are most likely to suffer from
trauma/depression and how this affects their development and risk factors. Knowing how
students develop and how these events affect them will allow me to better understand why some
students struggle more than others. This information will also me to look out for some of the
issue and risk factor mentioned to ensure my students feel safe and supported within the
classroom and school environment.
2020 22-Jan to 22- 21st Century Learning 1.00 Certificate 2. Know the content and how to teach it
Jan Design: C1 Intro to
21CLD, Online Course

Brief annotation of the connection between the learning and the Standards
This course looked at the benefits of including some technology into our teaching. As by using
digital tools we will be able to teach our students how to solve real world problems or look at it
through a real world perspective.
2020 12-Feb to 12- Beyond Blue- Recognise 1.00 Certificate and 4. Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
Feb Responding Together, notes
Online course 6. Engage in professional learning
7. Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the
Brief annotation of the connection between the learning and the Standards
This course looked at how to recognise when a student may be suffering from trauma or a mental
health issue. It looked at how to respond after a critical incident and how to manage this.
Knowing this will help me support students once they return to school so that they can feel safe.
It also looks at how other members of the school staff can assist this child.
2020 7-Mar to 21- Educating Girls: Teaching 4.00 Course Completion 1. Know students and how they learn
Mar Approaches to Helping Screen Shot and
our Girls Thrive, Online Notes 3. Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
Course 4. Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
6. Engage in professional learning

Brief annotation of the connection between the learning and the Standards
This course looked at how girls learn best. It talked about how to make girls more confident and
how we can encourage them to take risks. It looked at different teaching strategies to use and the
most effective way to give girls feedback so it helps support their learning.

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Year Dates of Description or topic of Number Description of The professional standards against which you have referenced your learning and a brief
professional the professional of hours evidence held annotation of the connection between the learning and the Standards
learning learning

2020 21-Mar to 21- Minecraft - Why Minecraft 1.00 Certificate and 1. Know students and how they learn
Mar Education, Online course notes
2. Know the content and how to teach it
4. Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments

Brief annotation of the connection between the learning and the Standards
This course looked at how game based learning works, how it encourages students to engage by
allowing them to be creative and use self expression. It is also another way teachers can
incorporate more ICT into their teaching/learning style.
2020 21-Mar to 21- Minecraft: Building 1.00 certificate and 1. Know students and how they learn
Mar Communnity with notes
Minecraft, Online course 3. Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
4. Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
6. Engage in professional learning
7. Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the
Brief annotation of the connection between the learning and the Standards
This course looked at how you can be a facilitator in your students learning and you don't always
have to be an expert. It looked at how you can demonstrate a Growth Mindset by using and
learning about a new program. It also looked at guidelines to implement when setting up
Minecraft for educational purposes. It also talked about the different teaching communities you
can reach out for asisstance with how to implement it within the classroom.
2020 21-Mar to 21- Minecraft: Play, Craft, 1.00 Certificate and 1. Know students and how they learn
Mar Learn! Basic Mechanics, notes
Online Course 4. Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
6. Engage in professional learning

Brief annotation of the connection between the learning and the Standards
This course involved looking at teaching kids how to use ICT in a safe, ethical and responsible
way. It also allowed me to learn how to use the basics of the program; such as building, mining
and using the basic controls.
2020 14-Apr to 14- MineCraft- What does 1.00 Certificate and 2. Know the content and how to teach it
May this look like in the Learning Journal
classroom, online course 3. Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning

Brief annotation of the connection between the learning and the Standards
This course looks at how Minecraft can be used to encourage problem solving, rik taking and
group work. It introduces the idea of 21st Centruy skills which students will develop by using
Minecraft as a learning tool.

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Year Dates of Description or topic of Number Description of The professional standards against which you have referenced your learning and a brief
professional the professional of hours evidence held annotation of the connection between the learning and the Standards
learning learning

2020 21-Apr to 21- Minecraft: It's more than 1.00 Certificate and 5. Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
Apr a game, Online course Learning Journal

Brief annotation of the connection between the learning and the Standards
This course looked at how you can use the game as an assessment tool. You are required play
around with the different assessment tools available. Personally I liked that there were
assessment tools that were aimed at peer assessment and then other tools which were more
focused just for teacher assessment.
2020 25-Apr to 25- Minecraft: Education 1.00 Certificate and 3. Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
Apr Edition and Life Ready Learning Journal
Skills, Online Course

Brief annotation of the connection between the learning and the Standards
This course looks at how Minecraft Education can teach children the top ten life skills. It looks at
how group work can look and the different roles each student in a group could have to optimise
their ability to work effectively.
2020 27-Apr to 27- Minecraft: Designing 1.00 Certificate and 2. Know the content and how to teach it
Apr learning experiences, Learning Journal
Online Course

Brief annotation of the connection between the learning and the Standards
This course looked at how Minecraft could be used to teach Inquiry based, Project based and
Problem based learning. It also looked at how the game could be adjusted so that you could
differentiate for both your lower and higher level learners.
2020 23-May to 23- Minecraft: Bringing it all 1.00 certificate and 2. Know the content and how to teach it
May together, Online course learning journal

Brief annotation of the connection between the learning and the Standards
This course was about wrapping up all previous learning from the other Minecraft courses. It
looked at why Minecraft should be used in the classroom, how to use it to foster the growth
mindset philosophy and the importance of setting expectations and not overusing the program.
2020 23-May to 23- Minecraft: My journey 0.50 Certificate 2. Know the content and how to teach it
May conclusion

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Year Dates of Description or topic of Number Description of The professional standards against which you have referenced your learning and a brief
professional the professional of hours evidence held annotation of the connection between the learning and the Standards
learning learning

Brief annotation of the connection between the learning and the Standards
This course looked at where you can find resources and lesson plans for Minecraft. It also talked
about the Minecraft Teaching community and where you can go to seek advice or help if needed,
when implementing the program into your teaching.
2020 27-Jul to 27- Developing a Maths 2.00 Notes 3. Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
Jul Lesson, Onsite PD
7. Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the

Brief annotation of the connection between the learning and the Standards
This session looked at different Maths experts and how they believe Maths lessons should be set
out. As a staff we then discussed what we think is important to include in a maths lesson and
began developing our own maths lesson. We agreed that all maths lessons should start off with a
warm up to switch our students on, engage their thinking and work on their fluency. We would
then Recap prior learning, then would come the explicit teaching and then we would have the
learning activity where students would demonstrate their understanding and all lessons would
finish with a reflection.
2020 27-Jul to 27- Using the Progressions, 2.00 Notes 3. Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
Jul Onsite PD

Brief annotation of the connection between the learning and the Standards
This day was all about introducing the new numeracy progressions that the department have
introduced. This day explained how we can use these progressions and what they are and their
purpose. These progressions are going to be a good planning tool in the future as they explain
what students need to know to reach a certain point (eg. students need to understand
multiplication to understand division). The numeracy progressions will also allow us to better
understand how to challenge our students, but most importantly how to assist our struggling
students. As these progressions explain what foundations (previous steps) students need to
know to reach the current step/skill/concept you are trying to teach them.
2020 29-Jul to 29- Differentiating Instruction 1.00 Notes on reading 1. Know students and how they learn
Jul Chapter Reading
4. Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments

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Year Dates of Description or topic of Number Description of The professional standards against which you have referenced your learning and a brief
professional the professional of hours evidence held annotation of the connection between the learning and the Standards
learning learning

Brief annotation of the connection between the learning and the Standards
This reading helped to expand my knowledge of differentiation by giving me ideas on other ways
to differentiate for my students learning needs. The reading explained that when differentiating
the content you are either going to alter the depth (complexity) or the breadth (connecting across
topics). The reading also looked at different ways to differentiate the process (how students think
about the content), the product (how knowledge is demonstrated) and the Learning Environment.
it also looked at differentiation for whole class instruction and explain the three different ways you
could differentiate this way. The three ways were Parallel Tasks, Open question and Tiered
Lesson. After completing this reading I decided that Tiered Lesson would best suit my class and I
have used this form of differentiation in a few maths lessons with success. Tiered lessons have
seen my lower leveled students push themselves to achieve at their grade level or above which
has been very inspiring
2020 20-Aug to 20- Positive Behaviour 0.50 Certificate 1. Know students and how they learn
Aug Support, Online Course
4. Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments

Brief annotation of the connection between the learning and the Standards
This course looked at strategies for deescalating students after a major incident/behaviour has
2020 20-Aug to 20- Understanding functions 0.50 Notes 1. Know students and how they learn
Aug of behaviour EY, Online
course 4. Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments

Brief annotation of the connection between the learning and the Standards
This course looked at how behaviour is a form of communication and how we can observe it to
gain meaning. It looked at the 4 functions of behaviour; social attention, escape, tangible and self
regulation. It also looks at the ABC of recording behaviour and how we need to record what
happens before the behaviour, what happens at the time of the behaviour and how we deal with
it. The course looked at different strategies for dealing with certain behaviours
2020 24-Aug to 24- A-E Grading, PD Day 6.00 Learning Journal 5. Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
6. Engage in professional learning
7. Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the

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Year Dates of Description or topic of Number Description of The professional standards against which you have referenced your learning and a brief
professional the professional of hours evidence held annotation of the connection between the learning and the Standards
learning learning

Brief annotation of the connection between the learning and the Standards
This course looked at how we should be checking for understanding as quite often the students
just answer a yes/no question but don't have to prove their it understanding. It also looked at how
learning intentions should be incorporated into the lesson not just be tacked on at the start to be
effective. We talked about how when giving feedback it should be related to future leaning not
just to improve the piece of work.
It talked about common misconceptions around giving an A and what kinds of things should be in
the work sample getting an A grade.
2020 31-Aug to 31- Seven Steps to Writing 6.00 certificate and 2. Know the content and how to teach it
Aug Success, PD Session notes

Brief annotation of the connection between the learning and the Standards
This course gave me some new writing activities and strategies to implement into my classroom
to improve my students writing skills. We looked at all seven steps, what they are and what order
they should be taught in.

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