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Milestone 09: Wireframes and

Prototype Submission

Our team's final selected solution idea is to develop a web/mobile app that allows students to
get short professional stays in order to better choose their career. We believe that this
solution will provide valuable experiences for students and help them make informed career

As the Project Manager, my role is to ensure the successful execution of the project. I will
schedule and coordinate team meetings, track progress, and ensure timely completion of
tasks. Additionally, I will compile meeting notes and distribute them to the team to keep
everyone informed.

Steps of Milestone 09:

Step 1: Wireframe Checklist

Our team has completed the following steps in the Wireframe & Prototype Checklist:
● We have defined the key features and functionality of our web/mobile app.
● We have determined the user flow and navigation within the app.
● We have sketched out rough ideas and layouts for each screen.
● We have added annotations and notes to explain the purpose and interactions of
each element.

● And more…. ( content of the Google Docs wireframes Check-list.)
Step 2: Create a New Google Doc
I have created a new Google Doc to compile our wireframes or prototype submission.

Step 3: Wireframes or 3D Prototype

Since we have opted for wireframes, I have included digital images of each screen in the
Google Doc. These images have been created digitally using tools like Miro and Keynote.
We have provided at least 6 images, each containing a navigation indicator, an element
(such as a button), and an annotation. Additionally, I have created a video showcasing our
wireframes, which I have uploaded to YouTube. The correct and working link to the video is
provided in the Google Doc.
( 6 images or more of your wireframes and/or ( youtube vidéo showcasing the wireframes :

Step 4: Overview and Challenges

Our team followed a systematic process for creating the wireframes. We started by
brainstorming ideas and conducting extensive research on user needs and preferences. The
most challenging aspect was balancing the desire for a feature-rich app with the need for
simplicity and user-friendliness. We learned the importance of prioritizing essential features
and maintaining a seamless user experience.

Step 5: User Interviews

I conducted user interviews with two individuals to gather valuable insights.
Their names are [User 1] and [User 2].
User 1 :..............
User 2 :..............
Step 6: User Feedback
Based on user feedback, we received the following insights:
1. Users expressed the need for a more intuitive navigation system. We plan to improve
the app's navigation by simplifying menu options and providing clear signposting.
2. Some users suggested incorporating a personalized recommendation feature based
on their skills and interests. We will explore this suggestion further to enhance the
app's relevance and usefulness.
3. Users appreciated the concept of short professional stays but suggested adding
additional resources and guidance for career exploration. We will consider integrating
informative articles and career advice within the app.
4. A few users mentioned the importance of seamless integration with social media
platforms for networking opportunities. We will explore possibilities for integrating
social media functionalities.

Step 7: Team Reflection

A. What is working well with your team?
Our team has excellent communication and collaboration. We actively share updates and
ideas, ensuring that everyone is on the same page. There is a strong sense of dedication
and mutual support among team members.

B. What is one positive thing that happened during your team meeting?
During our team meeting, we successfully resolved a design challenge by brainstorming
together and leveraging each team member's expertise. The collaborative problem-solving
process was highly productive and led to an innovative solution.

C. What is one area your team could improve in the next meeting?
In the next meeting, we can improve our time management by setting clearer agendas and
adhering to defined time slots for each agenda item. This will help us stay focused and
ensure efficient use of our meeting time.

D. Are there any concerns or frustrations within your team? If yes, describe what you
can personally do to address them.
Currently, our team is functioning smoothly without any major concerns or frustrations.
However, I will continue to foster an open and supportive environment, encouraging team
members to voice any concerns or suggestions they may have.

E. On a scale of 1 to 4, rate your ability to communicate with your team members (1 =

extremely poor, 4 = excellent).
I would rate my ability to communicate with team members as a 4 (excellent). Clear and
effective communication is a priority for me, and I strive to ensure that everyone is
well-informed and engaged.
F. On a scale of 1 to 4, rate your overall satisfaction with how well your team is
working together (1 = extremely poor, 4 = excellent).
I would rate my overall satisfaction with how well our team is working together as a 4
(excellent). We have a strong synergy, and each team member brings valuable skills and
contributions to the project.

G. Share any additional thoughts or insights about your team and the process.
I am impressed by the commitment and dedication of each team member. Our collaborative
efforts and shared vision have propelled us forward, and I believe we are on track to deliver
a high-quality wireframe and prototype for our app.

Step 8: Export to PDF

I have successfully exported the Google Doc as a PDF document.

Step 9: Rename PDF

I have renamed the PDF file as "Milestone09_Bahae_Eddine_03.07.2023.pdf" following the
designated naming convention.

Step 10: Submission

I will submit the PDF file through the designated submission method as per the provided

Step 11: Celebrate!

I want to take a moment to celebrate the achievements of our team. We have made
significant progress and created something innovative. Let's acknowledge our hard work and

Congratulations to the team !

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