Duas For Knowledge Card Updated 2023

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Tilawat of Quran
‫َالّٰلُهَّم اْج َع ْل ِفْى َقْلِبْى ُنْو ًر ا َّو ِفْى َبَص ِر ْى ُنْو ًر ا َّو ِفْى َس ْم ِع ْى ُنْو ًر ا َّو َعْن َّيِم ْيِنْى ُنْو ًر ا‬
‫َّو َعْن َّيَس اِر ْي ُنْو ًر ا َّو َفْو ِقْى ُنْو ًر ا َّو َتْح ِتْى ُنْو ًر ا َّو َاَم اِم ْى ُنْو ًر ا َّو َخ ْلِف ْى ُنْو ًر ا‬
‫َّو اْج َع ْل ِّلْى ُنْو ًر ا َّو ِفْى ِلَس ا ِنْى ُنْو ًر ا َّو َع َص ِبْى ُنْو ًر ا َّو َلْح ِم ْى ُنْو ًر ا َّو َدِم ْى ُنْو ًر ا‬
‫َّو َش ْع ِر ْى ُنْو ًر ا َّو َبَش ِر ْى ُنْو ًر ا َّو اْج َع ْل ِفْى َنَف ِس ْى ُنْو ًر ا َّو َاْع ِظ ْم ِلْى ُنْو ًر ا َالّٰلُهُّم َاْع ِط ِنْى ُنْو ًر ا‬
O Allah! Put light in my heart, and light in my sight, and light in my hearing, and light to my right and light to
my left, and light below me, and light above me, and light before me and light behind me, and make light for
me; and light in my tongue and light in my muscles and light in my flesh, and light in my blood,
and light in my hair, and light in my body and light in my soul;
and magnify the light for me. O Allah! Bestow me with light.
(Sahih Al-Bukhari)

‫َألّٰلُهَّم َأْص ِلْح ِلْى ِد ْيِنَى اَّلِذ ْى ُه َو ِع ْص َم ُة َأْم ِر ْى َو َأْص ِلْح ِلْى ُدْنَياَى اَّلِتْى ِفْيَها َم َع اِش ْى َو َأْص ِلْح ِلْى آِخ َر ِتَى‬
‫اَّلِتْى ِفْيَها َم َع اِد ْى َو اْج َع ِل اْلَح َياَة ِز َياَدًه ِّلْى ِفْى ُكِّل َخ ْيٍر َّو اْج َع ِل اْلَمْو َت َر اَح ًة ِّلْى ِم ْن ُكِّل َش ٍّر‬
O Allah! Rectify for me my Deen which is a means of guarding my matters
and my world which is a means of my livelihood, and make good my hereafter
in which is my returning, and make my life a means of abundance of all good
and my death a means of comfort and peace free from all bad.
(Sahih Muslim)

‫َالّٰلُهَّم اْقِس ْم َلَنا ِم ْن َخ ْش َيِتَك َم ا َتُحْو ُل ِبِه َبْيَنَنا َو َبْيَن َم َع ا ِص َيَك َو ِم ْن َطاَع ِتَك َم ا ُتَبِّلُغ َنا ِبِه َج َّنَتَك َو ِم َن‬
‫اْلَيِق ْيِن َم ا ُتَهِّو ُن ِبِه َع َلْيَنا َمَص اِئَب الُّد ْنَيا َالّٰلُهَّم َم ِّتْعَنا ِبَاْس َم اِع َنا َو َاْبَص اِر َنا َو ُقَّو ِتَنا َم ا َاْح َيْيَتَنا َو اْج َع ْلُه‬
‫اْلَو اِرَث ِم َّنا َو اْج َع ْل َثْاَر َنا َع َلى َم ْن َظَلَم َنا َو اْنُص ْر َنا َع َلى َم ْن َع اَداَنا َو اَل َتْج َع ْل ُم ِص ْيَبَتَنا ِفْي ِد ْيِنَنا َو اَل‬
‫َتْج َع ِل الُّد ْنَيا َا ْكَبَر َه ِّم َنا َو اَل َم ْبَلَغ ِع ْلِم َنا َو اَل ُتَس ِّلْط َع َلْيَنا َم ْن اَّل َيْر َحُم َنا‬
O Allah! Distribute amongst us such awe and fear of Yours that will be a means of intervening between us
and Your disobedience; and grant us such obedience of Yours that will enable us to reach Your Paradise;
and such conviction which will ease upon us the afflictions of the world. O Allah! As long as You keep us alive,
benefit us by means of our hearing, our sight and our bodily strengths; make each one of them our heir;
avenge for us those who wronged us; help us against our enemies and do not place any difficulties in our
Deen nor make the world the greatest of our sorrows nor a (limited) source of our knowledge and
do not impose upon us one who has no mercy for us.
(At Tirmidhi)


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