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Step 1: Arrange Priorities A-E

Priority Race Magic Attributes Skills Resources

A - Mage/Shaman/Technomancer 6 24 450,000¥
B - Adept/Aspected(Mage/Shaman) 5 20 275,000¥
C Troll/Dwarf - 4 16 140,000¥
D Elf/Ork - 3 12 50,000¥
E Human - 2 8 6,000¥

Humans Elf Dwarf Ork Troll

1 free Edge Advantages +1d vigor +1d Strength +2d Strength
+1Benny +1d Agility +1d Strength +1d vigor +2d vigor
Attractive +1d Spirit LowlightVision +1 reach
LowlightVision ThermoVision Brawny ThermoVision
+2 to Disease +1d Running Die
+2 to Poison Resist Smarts costs Brawny
Brawny double to raise
above a d10 at Big (+2 to be hit +1 to
Cost Double to Creation Toughness)
Raise Agility above
a d10 at creation Agility costs double to raise
-1 Pace above a d8 at Creation
+20% Cost to
Lifestyle/Equipment Smarts costs double to raise
above a d6 at Creation

+50% Cost to

Adepts Magicians Aspected Magicians Mystic Adepts
• Adepts channel mana • Magicians can astrally • Aspected magicians are • Mystic adepts are a
into their own bodies to perceive. Assensing d4 a limited form of combination of magicians
enhance their natural • Magicians can astrally magician. and adepts.
abilities, making their project. Astral Combat d4 • Aspected magicians do • Mystic adepts never
talents and skills much • Magicians can choose not astrally project. astrally project.
more potent. freely from the magical • Aspected magicians can • Mystic adepts can
• Adepts never astrally skills (Sorcery, Conjuring, astrally perceive. d4 astrally perceive if they
project Enchanting). starting purchase the Astral
• Adepts only perceive • Magicians can cast • Aspected magicians Perception Skill.
astral space by purchasing spells, conjure spirits, or must choose one, and only • Mystic adepts purchase
the Astral Perception Skill. enchant magical items. one, of the following three Spells/rituals/preparations
• Adepts can learn the • At character creation, Skills. in the same way as
Assensing skill only if they magicians who cast spells, • Sorcery (Spellcasting and magicians.
have the Astral perform rituals, or create related skills) • Mystic Adepts gain
Perception Skill. alchemical preparations • Conjuring (Summoning Adept Powers that are
• Adepts cannot use skills may know a maximum and related skills) purchased with Power
from any magic-related number of formulae from • Enchanting (Alchemy Points. Mystic Adepts
skill (Sorcery, Conjuring, or each group equal to their and related skills) receive a number of
Enchanting). Sorcery/Enchanting • Aspected magicians Power Points equal to
• Adepts can follow cannot perform any of the their Spirit rating. Divided
mentor spirits magical skills associated by 2
• Adepts gain Adept with the two groups they • Mystic adepts can have
Powers that are did not select. any skills from the
purchased with Power • Aspected magicians can Enchanting, Sorcery, or
Points. Adepts receive a only learn Counterspelling Conjuring skill groups.
number of Power Points if they take the skills to be
equal to their Spirit rating. a spellcaster.
• Aspected magicians can
follow mentor spirits.

All characters start the game with 6 points of essence. Gritty Damage
Essence represents the characters connection to the This variation on damage works well for settings
natural, awakened world. When essence reaches zero, such as gritty detective scenarios or “realistic”
the characters soul forfeits the inhuman shell and the military adventures. It can be very lethal so use
character dies. Invasive surgery, such as Cyberware, it cautiously.
depletes essence by replacing the natural with the Treat Extras’ wounds normally.
artificial. Some hideous forms of magic also deplete For Wild Cards, counts wounds as usual and go
essence. Through the normal steps for Incapacitation should he
accumulate more than three wounds. In addition, every
STARTING NUYEN FOR EQUIPMENT time the hero suffers a wound, roll on the Injury Table and
Characters start with 15,000 ¥ to buy items and a apply the results immediately (but roll only once per
lifestyle. They can take Rich or Very Rich Edge or the incident regardless of how many wounds are actually
Debt Hindrance to increase this amount. Using points caused).
in character creation increase the amount by 5,000 ¥ A hero who takes 2 wounds from an attack, for example,
each point. still only suffers one roll on the Injury Table. Injuries
sustained in this way are cured when the wound is healed.
LIFESTYLE (Injuries sustained via Incapacitation may be temporary or
In order to simplify the complexity of modern life, this permanent as usual.) A Shaken character that’s shaken a
setting uses lifestyles to provide a rough measure of second time from a damaging attack receives a wound as
the player characters’ standard of living. This includes usual but does not have to roll on the Injury Table.
rent, food, utilities (such as water, heating, electricity
and Matrix connection), entertainment and clothing.
Lifestyles are bought on a monthly basis. The price of
the lifestyles are found in the Equipment section, and a
detailed overview can be found in the appendices.
Characters who do not buy a lifestyle are assumed to
be homeless, barely scraping by (see the Street

Only a Flesh Wound

Once per session the player can burn a benny to lower the
damage they have taken by 1 degree. This must be used
immediately after being injured.

Blood & Guts

Characters can spend Bennies on damage rolls! Use this
rule when you really want to up the carnage.

Born A Hero
During character creation, heroes may ignore
the Rank qualifications for Edges. They must
still have any other requirements as usual. The
usual rules for Rank requirements apply after the EDGES
character is created. ACE
This Edge is slightly modified to work for vehicles (Ace),
Critical Failures golemmechs (Golemmech Pilot), and drone (Drone
This rule works well for very dark or very Jockey). Each of these are separate edges.
humorous games. When a character rolls double A character with one of these edges adds +2 to Boating,
1’s on a Trait roll, he can’t spend a Benny—he’s Driving, or Piloting rolls. In addition, he may also spend
stuck with the critical failure. Bennies on soak rolls for any vehicle, golemmech, or drone

he controls. This is a Boating, Driving, or Piloting roll at −2 cost of anchoring a power is 1,000 Nuyen x the power’s
(canceling the usual +2). Each success and raise soaks a rating [ novice, seasoned, etc ] Anchored powers can be
wound and any critical hit that would have resulted from it used in a ritual to locate the spellcaster who did the
Tai Chi: Requirements AB (Adept) You focus your chi to
BLAND such an exceptional degree that your attacks can knock
Requirements – Novice [Must be taken at creation] your opponent halfway to Philadelphia, despite appearing
You look average and normal. People who try to as gentle as the breeze. Opponents are knocked back 1d4”
describe you have a hard time clearly remembering per success and raise on your character’s Fighting roll. If
what you look like, because you seem to look like they strike a solid object, such as a wall, they are
everyone else. automatically Shaken.
You gain a +2 bonus to Stealth when trying to blend
into crowds, appear anonymous or similar activities. Monkey: Requirements AB (Adept) In this style, you
You also gain a +2 bonus to Deception when trying to hunker down, screw up your face, and then move with
disguise yourself, or trick someone into believing sneakiness and speed. This surprises opponents, who
you’re someone else. often underestimate you because you look so dang funny.
Your sneaky hombre gets +2 when making
MENTOR SPIRIT Taunt rolls or performing Agility Tricks.
Requirements – Novice, Arcane Background (Adept or
Magician) Killing Hands Requirements AB (Adept)
In your search to find out how to control your your hero’s unarmed Fighting attacks inflict Str+MA+4
awakened powers, you encountered a spirit willing to damage.
guide you. This spirit follows you everywhere you go,
bringing guidance and power. However, like Drunken Style: Requirements AB (Adept) You weave
metahumans, spirits are not perfect. A less desirable around like you’re out of your tree on firewater, making
trait will also find its way to you. your moves hard to follow or predict. Your hombre has +1
Pick one of the mentor spirits detailed in the magic Parry but has his Pace reduced by 2 when using this style
chapter. You gain the advantages and disadvantages due to his staggering gait.
of that mentor spirit. A mentor spirit can also be renamed
to better fit your tradition. An example would for Mantis: Requirements AB (Adept) A mantis student holds
a Norse shaman to follow Tyr (Wise Warrior) or Thor his hands like hooks, and moves from mesmerizing calm to
(Thunderbird). sudden strikes in a terrifying instant. Discard and redraw
cards of 5 or lower dealt to your character in combat. If he
STRONG ESSENCE [Must be taken at Creation] has the Quick Edge, discard and redraw cards of 8 or
Requirements – Novice. lower.
You hold on to your essence for dear life, and
cyberware does not affect your humanity as much as Wing Chun: Requirements AB (Adept) This style
that of others. When you install a piece of cyberware, emphasizes flurries of powerful blows, usually both
the Essence loss is reduced by 20%, rounded up to offensive and defensive at the same time. As long as your
nearest 0.1 fraction. hero is attacking unarmed, he may make one Additional
For example, a Suprathyroid Gland costs 0.7 Essence. Fighting attack at no penalty.
20 % of 0.7 is 0.14, which is rounded up to 0.2. Thus,
the Suprathyroid Gland will only cost 0.5 Essence. Flexible Signature
This Edge allows a magically active character to change
Power Anchoring their Magical signature (their magical fingerprint). If
Additional Requirements: Veteran, Spellcasting d10+ somebody else wants to analyse astral traces left by the
This Edge allows a Spellcaster to anchor a sustainable character, do an opposed roll between Assensing (the
power permanently to an object. If the object is ever analyser) and Spirit (the character). If the assensing person
moved, the power immediately ends. Anchoring takes a doesn’t have the Flexible Signature Edge they suffer a -2
number of hours equal to the used Spellcasting die. The penalty to their roll.

With this Edge a magically active character may change QUICK RELOAD
their aura (for example, they may appear to be mundane Requirements - Novice, Agility d8, Shooting d6
when looked at through Astral Perception). If an assensing You are able to reload your gun and shoot in the same
person wants to break through the Masking, do an round without suffering the normal -2 multi action penalty
opposed roll between Assensing and the masked to your action. This includes changing ammo types.
character’s Spirit. If the assensing person doesn’t have
Masking Edge they suffer a -2 penalty to their roll. WEAPON FOCUS
Requirements – Novice, Shooting D8, Fighting D8 or
CHROMED Throwing D8 (whichever is used for the weapon group)
Requirements: Novice You have practiced extensively with a specific group of
The Character receives an additional 15,000 credits. These weapons, and the training has paid off. Select a weapon
bonus credits can only be spent on augments. group from the list. When you attack with that weapon,
your Wild Die is considered a D8, rather than a D6.
Requirements- Novice, Arcane Background (Magician) IMPROVED WEAPON FOCUS
When a Magician manages to summon a spirit, he can Requirements – Veteran, Weapon Focus, Shooting D10,
give the spirit an additional job Fighting D10 or Throwing D10 (whichever is used for
weapon group)
UP-SIZED Your preferred weapon has become a natural extension to
Requirements: Novice, Brawny, Vigor d8+, Android, your arm, and you have all but perfected your skills with it.
Cyborg, Strong or Tough Hybrid When you attack with that weapon, your Wild Die is
Your character was built to be big. This has some inherent considered a D10, rather than a D6 This type must
advantages, but also a few drawbacks. The character’s size correspond with a type that you already have
is increased by +1, his Strength is increased by one die Weapon Focus in. The same is true for the skill
type (max d12+1), and his Carrying Capacity from is requirement.
increased from ×8 to ×12. Against smaller, squishier
people, he gains a +2 bonus
to Intimidate checks. He’s also really, really good at getting
things off the top shelf. On the downside, this character
takes up at least two seats in an enclosed vehicle, and
there’s no hope of passing for human even with the best
disguise. Also, there’s no way he could ever be a
golemmech pilot; the best he can hope for is to ride
on back with hold-bars while making “Vroom! Vroom!”
Living expenses and prices for most gear and cyber-
augmentation are quadrupled, due to the need for
customization and special orders. When it comes to
weapons and tools, he could use a two-handed melee
weapon as a one-hander, but normal-sized guns and tools
have controls too small and fiddly for his hands, resulting
in a −2 penalty to skill checks, if they can even be used at
all. He suffers a −2 to Charisma (most folks don’t feel
comfortable near giants), and the occasional Agility roll to
quickly squeeze into spaces where a normal character
could just dash right through. Sometimes it’s good to be
“large and in charge,” but it can also be a royal pain as

Requirements – Novice, Quick Draw, Throwing D8 Requirements: Heroic, Gun-Fu Disciple, Agility d10+,
You’re a dead shot with knives and shuriken, and you can Shooting d10+
use Your mastery of Gun-Fu has advanced to such a degree
them to really fuck people up. When using throwing that you can move your full Pace in the same round
weapons that you use the Aim maneuver (including when using the
are readily accessible (such as in a belt or bandolier), you Marksman Edge).
make up to three attacks at a -2 penalty, similar to how Requirements: Legendary, Gun-Fu Master
fully Your mastery of Gun-Fu has advanced to such a degree
automatic firearms work. that you can run as a Free action in the same round
You may attack like this with both hands, which imposes you use the Aim maneuver (including when using the
the Marksman Edge).
normal penalties for fighting with two weapons.
AUGMENTED WARRIOR Requirements: Seasoned, Martial Artist, Fighting d10+
Requirements: Novice, Martial Artist, Agility d8+, You make deadly combat look like a beautifully
Cyberlimb choreographed dance—a true art in its own right. Your
The character has learned how to use his cyberlimb for hands flash like a Renaissance master’s brush, laying low
both offensive and defensive purposes, granting him two all the enemies in your path with strength, speed, and
benefits: either +1 to unarmed damage rolls made with finesse. You underwent rigorous training to become a
the limb or +1 to Parry. He may choose which one he finely honed, nearly supernatural fighter. A character with
wishes to use as a free action, but must decide this at the this Edge doesn’t suffer from gang up bonuses.
start of his turn.
DRAGON LASH Requirements: Seasoned, Fighting d8+
Requirements: Seasoned, Martial Artist You have a natural talent for turning overwhelming force
With a flurry of blows and throws, the character is often into overwhelming damage. You add half your gang up
able to clear those around him. Dragon Lash allows the bonus (round down) to damage for melee attacks.
character to make a Push maneuver against every adjacent
target (friend or foe). The character makes the opposed IMPROVED PACK FIGHTING
Strength roll at −2 against each target individually. The Requirements: Heroic, Pack Fighting, Fighting d10+
character may not use Dragon Lash in the same round as Your ability to capitalize on greater numbers has
he uses Frenzy or Rapid Attack. become astounding. Your bonus damage bonus from
Pack Fighting is equal to your gang up bonus.
Requirements: Heroic, Dragon Lash STEEL DRAGON PUNCH/KICK
As above but the character may ignore the −2 penalty. Requirements: Seasoned, Strength d6+, Cyberlimb
The character has learned to leverage his cybernetics to
Requirements: Seasoned, Agility d8+, Shooting d8+ advantage. When the character hits a foe in melee, using
You are on the path of Gun-fu, known by some as “the way his cyberlimb, with a raise he can choose forgo the
of the gun.” In most people’s hand, a gun is merely a additional damage die to send his foe reeling back 1d4”. If
clumsy weapon. In yours, it is an extension of your body, the opponent strikes a solid object he is shaken, this can
the focus of your art form. When using a gun in close cause a wound.
combat, you are not considered Unarmed. You can move
up to half your Pace in POWER EDGES
the same round you use the Aim maneuver (including CONCENTRATION
when Requirements: Seasoned, Smarts d6+, Spirit d6+, Vigor
using the Marksman Edge). d6+

the character knows how to maintain concentration in BODYGUARD
adverse situations. He gains +2 to Smarts rolls to avoid Requirements: Novice, Agility d8+, Fighting d8+, Notice
disruption. d6+
Bodyguards make their living by protecting someone else.
PROFESSIONAL EDGES This means they not only have to be aware of any
COMBAT BIKER dangers, but must be able to act quickly and effectively to
Requirements – Novice, Driving D8 prevent any harm from coming to their charge. A
Riding motorbikes and beating down rivals is a second character
nature to you. You’re either an experienced biker with this Edge gains a +2 bonus to Notice checks made to
ganger, or you have been practicing the deadly sport detect potential ambushes or similar dangers. Additionally,
of Combat Biking on a high level. the character may spend a Benny once per round to place
You can use the rules for Mounted Combat while riding himself in the way of any attack (Fighting, Shooting or
a motorbike, substituting Driving for Riding. Using Throwing) against a person within 5". All Fighting rolls are
onehanded weapons impose no penalties, whether those then made against his Parry, and he suffers the effect of
are melee or ranged weapons. any successful attacks. This can be done at any time,
Trying to keep your bike steady without hands imposes regardless of the bodyguard’s Initiative, and counts as a
a -2 penalty on all actions, while allowing you to use free action; any other actions must be taken on his own
two-handed weapons, such as combat axes and initiative card.
assault rifles.
SURGEON Requirements: Novice, Vigor d6+, Investigator
Requirements - Seasoned, Spirit D8, Medicine d8 When someone disappears that someone else wants
When you are attempting to heal a target, you ignore found,
their wound modifiers, but not your own. You can that’s usually when a bounty hunter gets called in. For the
perform surgery as well. This includes installing most part, being a bounty hunter requires two things:
cyberware in people (provided you have the necessary you’ve gotta be tough, and you’ve gotta be good at finding
tools and equipment) people who don’t want to be found. A character with the
Bounty Hunter Edge gains a +2 bonus when making any
SPRAWLSMAN Notice or Tracking rolls.
Requirements - Novice, Spirit D6, Survival D8, tracking
You are at home in the chaotic throng that is the Requirements: Novice, Strong Willed, Persuasion d8+
Sprawl. You have learned to use that to your Not every action needs to be a violent one. Corporate
advantage. You receive +2 to knowledge rolls when Moguls are people whose primary talents are convincing
dealing with the Sprawl and +2 to Stealth, Survival, people to take actions that are what the mogul desires.
and Tracking rolls while within a sprawl. This is accomplished through a combination of
communication skills, threats, coercion, or even blackmail.
FIXER Corporate Moguls gain a +2 bonus in all Social Conflicts
Requirements – Novice, Spirit D8, Streetwise D8, and Social-based Dramatic Tasks (Intimidation, Persuasion,
Persuasion D6, At least three contacts. Streetwise, or Taunt).
You’re the guy who knows a guy. Your contact list
rivals the yellow pages and people know they can EX-SOLDIER
count on you to get them whomever they need. During Requirements: Novice, Vigor d6+, Fighting d6+, Shooting
play, you can call upon previously unknown contacts d6+
by making a successful Streetwise roll against TN 6. “Sir! Yes, sir!” You served in a regimented military outfit. It
This new contact can then help you out with a single, might have been a corporate paramilitary unit,
specific problem. You may invoke multiple government controlled army, imbedded guerilla force, or
spontaneous contacts during a session, but each freelance mercenary unit. The nature of your background
contact can only help out once per session. And probably colors your attitudes toward things like money,
remember, chummer: Nothing’s Free. patriotism, and honor. You gain a +1 bonus to your

Toughness. You also add weapons, armor, and/or Rank, you add your choice of two pieces of gear or
Augments totaling 5,000 credits in value to your weapons; each item is worth up to 1,000 credits in market
possessions. value.


Requirements: Novice, Smarts d6+, Intimidation d6+, DOUBLE JOINTED
Shooting d6+ Requirements Agility d6, Escape Artist d6
Sector cops have this amazing ability to convince people to You can bend and your pop bones in a way that is
mind their own business. A sector cop may spend a Benny dangerous and painful for others. You receive +2 to
to make either one Wild Card or a group of Extras ignore Escape Artist checks.
what he and his companions are doing—or otherwise not
raise an alarm—once per scene, regardless of the NPC’s ASSENSING MASTER
friendliness. Sector cops also get a +2 to Streetwise rolls Requirements - Novice, Arcane Background (Adept or
when they are in an area under their jurisdiction. Magician)
You can taste someone’s aura like you sample a fine
wine. When you roll a casting check to gain
STREET DOC information about a target while Assensing, you add +2
Requirements: Novice, Smarts d8+, Healing d8+ to your rolls on information gained.
As a street doctor, you perform a valuable service. You
make basic health care available to those who otherwise ADEPT POWER
might not be able to get treatment. Of course, performing Requirements – Novice, Arcane Background (Adept)
this service means you have to operate outside the law, Through intense introspective meditation, or constant
outside the restrictions imposed on licensed medical exercise, you have uncovered more potential within
practitioners. Your office is wherever you can find space to yourself. You add one adept power to your list of
treat people, usually in the back rooms or basements of known powers.
various places like a restaurant, or a pawnshop. Operating
in this fashion isn’t without its drawbacks. MAGICAL ENDURANCE
You have to make do with whatever supplies you have Requirements - Seasoned, Arcane Background
on-hand, which usually isn’t much and certainly doesn’t (Magician), Sorcery D8
comeclose to the resources of a licensed medical facility. Your mental and spiritual tenacity is quite remarkable.
But you’ve adapted and in many cases you manage to You gain a +2 bonus for resisting Drain.
overcome these disadvantages. You ignore penalties to
Healing rolls when operating without the necessary MIRACLE WORKER
equipment. Additionally, the character with this Edge can Requirements: Seasoned, Street Doc, Smarts d10+,
get wounded punks up and fighting again in seconds. If the Healing
healer can get to a wounded Extra by the end of the round d10+
in which he was wounded, he can make an immediate People don’t die on your watch. You won’t let them. Call it
Healing roll at −2. If the roll is successful, the patient is strength of will, exceptional skill, or just plain
Shaken instead of wounded. stubbornness, but you have a knack for resuscitating the
dead. You can revive a person who has died by making a
WASTELANDER Healing skill roll at a −2 penalty for every minute that has
Requirements: Novice, Vigor d8+, Notice d6+, Survival passed since the character died (max 5 minutes). Each
d8+, attempt takes a minute. Characters that are revived are
Tracking d6+ considered to be Bleeding Out
Life amid the toxic wastes, deserts, and city ruins is only (as per Savage Worlds core rules) and must make the
for the heartiest of souls—people like you. Like many appropriate Vigor rolls or slip back into death’s embrace.
wastelanders, you might be running away from something Raises on the Healing roll do not remove any additional
in your past or a scavenger rummaging through the ruins wound levels, but instead stabilize the dying person!
of coastal cities now sunk beneath the rising ocean tides.
You gain +2 to Survival skill tests in hostile environments,
and +2 to Fatigue rolls from hazards. Additionally, for each

DIGITAL EDGES three entities as an action, sharing your wild die
These edges are for those who surf the edges of the digital between the attacks (like firing a weapon using full
world. auto). This imposes a -2 penalty to these hacking rolls.


INTERFERENCE Requirements - Novice, Repair (drone) d6, Cyberware:
Requirements: Novice Head Gear (Vehicle Control Rig)
Something about your electromagnetic signature makes You have practiced a bit with your VCR and you are
your TAP harder to hack. Increase your TAP’s Firewall by getting the hang of it. When you jack into drone or
+1. vehicle, you no longer take a -2 on all skill rolls. While
jacked in, the drone also gains the use of the Quick
Requirements: Novice, Interference
Your TAP’s electromagnetic signature is much stronger. IMPROVED RIGGER
Increase your bonus to your TAP’s Firewall from +1 to +2 Requirements - Seasoned, Rigger, Repair (drone) d8,
Shooting d6
EXPERIANCED HACKER You have become one with the machine and jacking
Requirements: Novice, Hacking d10+, Knowledge into drones have become a second nature. When you
(Programming) d8+ jack into a drone, you gain the use of one of the
You’re a ghost in the machine, a wizard at cracking into following edges, which is selected at jack-in:
the toughest systems and ferreting out information. You  Rock and Roll
have dealt with the harsher elements of the Global  Marksman
DataNet and are tougher for the experience. Your Neural  Dodge
Toughness is increased by +1. Also, each time you  Frenzy
successfully hack into a Corporate, Government, or
Military Access Network, make a Smarts roll. If the roll is DRONE CONTROLLER
successful, you download 1d4×1,000 credits worth of Requirements - Veteran, Improved Rigger
information you can sell on the black market. You have drilled extensively with your drones and
equipment, and you can jack in and out of a drone in
HACKER an instant. Jacking into a drone is now a free action,
Requirements - Novice, Smarts d8, Hacking d8, rather than an action.
Investigation d6, Deception d6 You may also select one drone as your primary drone.
You are a real wiz kid with a Cyberdeck, and you know During combat, you are able to rig in and out of that
your way around the matrix better than most. You get drone rapidly, allowing you to take your turn as normal
a +2 bonus to all hacking rolls. In addition, the time while rigging that drone.
needed to hack into something by probing is cut in
half. Extra Drone
Requirements - Drone Controller
allows one extra drone, can be taken up to 3 times
Requirements – Seasoned, Hacker, Spirit D8 Custom Drone
When you jack into the matrix, you do not waste time Requirements - Ace, Extra Drone, (Streetwise d10 to
or mess around. When you jack into systems using obtain custom Autosofts or Programing d10 to code your
VR, you get yet another initiative pass, making it 3 in own) Repair d10, Driving, Piloting, Boating d10 (Dependent
total. on the drone type)
Create your own drone, it becomes a Wild Card. It has 3
MULTITASKER wounds and can you can spend Bennies for it to soak
Requirements – Veteran, Hacker, Hacking D10 Wounds. It takes 24 hours and 75000 Nuyen to, obtain
You have become better than most at matrix combat, custom parts and install custom Autosofts and build. Can
and you are able to handle yourself against multiple be take once per Driving, Piloting, Boating skill. This gives
opponents in the matrix. You are able to attack up to your drone all Stats at a d8 and 3 Autosofts at a d8.

10 | P a g e
1 Hard Point. Extra Autosofts are 5000 per rating. Extra and only get one Edge. If the Extra is killed, the player
Hard Points are 3000. Requires 8 successes to hack on its gains the Vengeful (Major) Hindrance and must exact
own. All Movement speeds are increased by 50%. When a terrible retribution on those who killed their loved
jacked in, drone gains +1 parry +1 dodge one! The character also gains Phobia (Major) related
to how the Dead Weight died, and are paranoid that it
HINDRANCES will happen again.
The Doubting Thomas hindrance is not available. When a
dragon has been elected President of the United States, DEBT (MINOR / MAJOR)
we stop telling ourselves that it’s all in our heads. Also, the You have taken out money from a disreputable sort.
Clueless hindrance has been superseded by the The good news is you start with more money. The bad
uneducated hindrance. news is they want them paid back at some point. If you
take Debt, you cannot take Rich or Very Rich.
ARCANE BEACON (MINOR) Minor: You start out with 3 times the starting Nuyen,
You stick out like a sore thumb on the Astral Plane. but owe 6 times as much. The bright side is that you
Mages and Adepts gain +2 to their roll when are current on your payments as well.
attempting to detect your aura. Only awakened Major: You start out with 5 times the normal Nuyen,
characters may take this Hindrance. but owe 10 times as much. You have not paid your
debt in a long while, and it’s time to pay your dues,
ALL THUMBS (MAJOR) either in cash or in blood.
Functions just as rules in SWDX (pg. 28), but is now a
Major Hindrance since technology is everywhere. ELF POSER (MINOR)
You are a human who wants to be an Elf so badly that
BAD LIAR (MINOR) you wear fake ears, try to talk like Elf, walk like an Elf,
You just plain suck at lying. Whenever you attempt to and hang out at Elf clubs and neighborhoods. Most
lie or bluff, you suffer -2 to your roll. people feel sorry for these poor chummers and ignore
them. They suffer -2 to Charisma. An Elf poser who
CHIPHEAD (MINOR / MAJOR) pays for good cosmetic surgery for Elf ears and eyes
You have spent too much time jacking on to gets +2 to a deception roll to avoid being detected.
entertainment chips and BTLs and it has left your view
of reality a little skewed. FREEZE UP (MAJOR)
Minor: when in a stressful situation roll a Spirit check at Your character tends to get scared/nervous when
-2 or begin having minor hallucinations (you suffer -2 combat starts. Maybe you got the jitters from an earlier
to all actions for 2d4 rounds). run, or you are simply not good at dealing with stress.
Major: same as above but at -4 and suffer major You start the first round of combat Shaken, which can
hallucinations (-2 to all actions for 2d6 rounds) and be removed through the normal methods.
each round you make a spirit check. Failure means
that you are lost in hallucinations, and can take no LOW PAIN TOLERANCE (MAJOR)
actions. When wounded, you suffer an additional -1 modifier.
Shit hurts chummer!
You react strongly to the effects of Cyberware, as your NIGHTMARES (MINOR)
body’s immune system actively tries to reject it. You You have suffered a traumatic event that haunts you,
double the essence cost for any Cyberware even into your dreams. Every night you relive this
augmentation. Incompatible with the Strong Essence horror. Every time the character sleeps, a spirit check
edge. This penalty does not extend to Bioware. is rolled. Failure means the character did not rest well
and starts with a level of Fatigue. This caps at -2
DEAD WEIGHT (MAJOR) Fatigue, which disappears completely when you
You have an Extra who is a loved one that you care successfully get a restful night of sleep.
deeply for. Problem is they somehow always land
themselves in trouble. Build the character as a normal
Novice except the ally must take a Major Hindrance

11 | P a g e
You are a human or Elf who wants to be an Ork so You never had a formal education. You grew up either
badly that you wear fake ears, grumble like an Ork, in the streets of the barrens or far away from the
and try to be hardcore like an Ork. Most people feel sprawl. You suffer -2 to common knowledge rolls. Your
sorry for these poor chummers and ignore them. They Charisma also suffers a -2 penalty when you’re around
suffer -2 to Charisma. An Ork poser who pays for good highly educated people, such as corporate suits or
cosmetic surgery for Ork ears, tusk, and muscle mods university professors.
gets +2 to a deception roll to disguise as an ork.
You have a dirty little secret... Well maybe it is not so
little. You have done something terrible and are
deathly afraid that the truth will come out and ruin you.
The severity and consequences, should the secret be
brought out into the open, should be discussed
between player and GM.


You character and virtual realities don’t go well
together, and they suffer a sense of disorientation
when using Augmented or Virtual Reality, along with
Simsense. All checks made using any of the above are
made with a -1 penalty.


You have a record, and for a Shadowrunner nothing
could be more of a pain in the ass. This means all your
bank info, biometric readings, medical history, credit,
travel history, personal history, etc. are all stored on
several highly secure databases. As a Minor
Hindrance, you are a legal citizen of a nation or
extraterritorial corporation of your choice. As a Major
hindrance, you have been arrested for a crime and
most likely served time for it. This means it is easier for ADDICTION
you to be identified, along with the lack of rights that a Some of the stuff you find on the street is takes you
Criminal SIN confers. away to a new and exciting world. Most of it will just
fuck you up if you eat enough of it, though. Drugs are
SPIRIT BANE (MINOR) wonderful for gaining that extra bid of edge on the
Spirits just don’t seem to like you, chummer. When you streets, but be careful. You might find yourself
attempt to bind a spirit, the spirit will always attack you becoming addicted to them. And BTL chips are a beast
if you fail, rather than escape. When a summoned of their own.
spirit has completed all its jobs, it will attack you for Whenever a character goes on a drug bender, roll a
one round before escaping to astral space. Vigor check, modified by the drug or BTL in question. If
the character succeeds the roll, they’re okay. If they
UNCOUTH (MAJOR) fail, they gain the Habit (Major) hindrance, in respect to
You have a difficult time interacting with others. You the drug they did. Taking a drug once in a while will not
might be anti-social, sociopathic or somewhat autistic. get a character addicted. It is ultimately up to the
Social skills cost double to buy at character creation Gamemaster what a “Drug Bender” entails. A rough guide,
and can only be increased by one point when however, is more than three doses of a drug in one day, or
advancing. Social skills include Persuasion, a single dose of the drug every day for three days.
Intimidation, Streetwise and Taunt.

12 | P a g e
Substance Type Modifier which you cannot perform any straining activities and are
Hallucinogens, Deamchips +0 effectively bedridden. Loss of Essence makes your
Stimulants, Moodchips, -2 connection to the natural world weaker, and it means hell
Personafixes for any awakened characters. If you ever see a mage with
Narcotics, Tripchips -4
Cyberware, you can be damn sure it was not his choice to
put it there. Replacement Limbs are very popular, and they
were the way Cyberware began. Most people use them to
replace limbs lost in accidents, but we Shadowrunners
often replace our working limbs in exchange for better
ones. Besides, look at that shiny chrome. Damn.


Contacts cost $10,000 apiece, per Level

Level 1 Contacts- Standard contact. You use sometimes

and they may remember you, but then again they might
not. They could have information you need, but they also
might not know a Hacker from a shoebox. They have no
loyalty to you and would rat you out the first sign of

Level 2 Contacts- You see them on a semi-regular basis.

You may have done a few favors for them, or passed
Enough Nuyen their way that they’ve become more
Endeared to you and you’ve become buddies. You
receive +1 to Charisma checks when attempting to get a
Level 2 contact to do something for you.

Level 3 Contacts- These are more than buddies to you.

They are stout friends who will stand by you. You may
have grown up with this person, or saved their life. You
When Augmentation is purchased legally; it is attuned to
see this person on a regular basis and really don’t even
the customer’s immune system and installed by a
think of them as a contact anymore. You receive +2 to
Charisma checks when attempting to get a Level 3 contact professional. This ensures that there is very little chance
that the surgery will be botched in any way. Of course,
to do something for you. You can also burn a Benny for
being Shadowrunners, legal operations are not always
an automatic success here.
possible. You must either visit a street doctor, or have one
of your buddies help you. If you want to install something
in one of your chummers, you must have the Surgeon
edge. Presuming you are in a well-stocked operation
Augmentations cover the two main ways of augmenting theatre, you make a Healing check at TN 6. You cannot
install augmentations on yourself, as the operation
the human body in the 2070’s: Bioware and Cyberware.
requires full anesthesia. Implanting Bioware is easier than
When you install augmentations, you lose some of your
implanting Cyberware, and therefore it confers a +1
essence. The essence loss depends on the augmentation.
modifier on the Healing check to implant it.
Bioware generally cause a much smaller essence loss, at a
much higher price. There is also a recovery period, during  On a raise, the operation went swimmingly, and the

13 | P a g e
recovery time is a rating lower than normal. slightly harder to have every skill. When you perform
 On a success, the limb is installed and works as expected, an action without actually having the skill for the test,
with normal recovery time. there’s still hope. You can default the skill, making the
 On a failure, the patient rejects the augmentation, and test at a d4-2 along with wild die at a d6-2.
the operation fails. The surgeon may attempt to install the
augmentation again, when the patient has recovered in
 On a Critical Failure, something went very, very wrong. When the punching and the kicking and the shooting
The patient takes 2D6 damage, and the augmentation starts, these are the skills you use. All Combat skills
is broken and must be repaired. are linked to Agility unless otherwise noted. For ARCHERY
Archery is used to fire string-loaded projectile weapons.
SKILLS An archer is familiar with many different styles of
bow and the multitude of arrows that can be used to
RESTRICTED SKILLS maximum effect.
There are some skills that cannot be used by all characters. Default: Yes
Magic and Resonance-based skills are restricted to Skill Group: No
characters that have Magic or Resonance rating. Without Specializations: Bow, Crossbow, Non-Standard
the appropriate attribute, the character cannot learn or Ammunition, Slingshot
utilize these skills. These restricted skills are listed under
the Magic and Resonance headings in the list of Individual AUTOMATICS
Skills Additionally, Aspected magicians can use only one The Automatics skill covers a specific subset of firearms
category of Magic skills (Sorcery, Conjuring, or larger than handheld pistols but smaller than rifles. This
Enchanting), while magicians and mystic adepts are able to category includes submachine guns and other fully
use the whole range of skills. Deckers, even though many automatic carbines.
of their talents are similar to technomancers while in the Default: Yes
Matrix, cannot use Resonance-based skills (namely Skill Group: Firearms
Compiling, Decompiling, and Registering). Specializations: Assault Rifles, Cyber-Implant,
Machine Pistols, Submachine Guns
Characters receive free Knowledge and Language skills BLADES (FIGHTING)
points equal to Smarts. These points are spent in the same Slice and dice! The Blades skill includes the use of all
way as other skill points, meaning that spending 1 point handheld slashing and stabbing weapons. You can use
gives d4 rank in a skill. In addition to the free points, your a range of edged weapons including daggers, swords,
character receives one language that he knows as a native and axes.
language at no cost. Default: Yes
Skill Group: Close Combat
Specializations: Axes, Knives, Swords, Parrying
Language skills represent the languages in which the CLUBS (FIGHTING)
characters can speak, read, and write. The higher a Clubs governs the use of all hand-held bludgeoning
character’s rating, the more fluent he is at these tasks. instruments. With this skill you can turn any blunt item,
You can buy Language skills at the start of the game be it a baseball bat, crutch, or mace, into a weapon.
by using points from your Knowledge skill freebies. Default: Yes
Skill Group: Close Combat
SPECIALIZATIONS Specializations: Batons, Hammers, Saps, Staves,
A specialization within a group of skill offers a onetime +1
Sometimes a regular gun or blade won’t do the job and
DEFAULTING you need something fancier. Or weirder. This skill must
It is impossible to prepare for every scenario and only be taken once for each unusual ranged weapon you

14 | P a g e
want to use. Some examples include blowguns, gyrojet Default: Yes
pistols, flamethrowers, and lasers. Skill Group: Close Combat
Default: No Specializations: Blocking, Cyber Implants, Subduing
Skill Group: None combat, or by specific Martial Art
Specializations: None

The term heavy weapon is designated for all projectile
weaponry larger than an assault rifle, such as grenade
launchers, machine guns, and assault cannons. This
skill is exclusive to handheld and non-vehicle-mounted
weaponry—if you’ve got a gun mounted on or in a vehicle,
use Gunnery.
Default: Yes
Skill Group: None
Specializations: Assault Cannons, Grenade Launchers,
Guided Missiles, Machine Guns, Rocket Launchers

The Longarms skill is for firing extended-barrel weapons
such as sporting rifles and sniper rifles. This grouping also
includes weapons like shotguns that are designed to be
braced against the shoulder.
Default: Yes
Skill Group: Firearms
Specializations: Extended-Range Shots, Long-Range
These skills are all about actions you take with your
Shots, Shotguns, Sniper Rifles
body (besides things covered in Combat skills). You’ll
find the specific rules for using each skill (or a reference
for where you can find the rules) in the skill description.
This skill category includes all types of handheld pistols,
including tasers, single-shots, semi-automatics,
and revolvers.
Disguise covers non-magical forms of masking your
Default: Yes
identity, including makeup and enhancement. See Using
Skill Group: Firearms
Disguise and Impersonation
Specializations: Holdouts, Revolvers, SemiAutomatics,
Default: Yes
Skill Group: Stealth
Specializations: Camouflage, Cosmetic, Theatrical,
Trideo & Video
Throwing Weapons is a broad-based attack skill that
can be used for any handheld item that is thrown by the
user as a weapon.
Diving brings together a wide array of actions performed
Default: Yes
underwater. This skill can be applied when
Skill Group: None
diving, swimming underwater, using complex diving
Specializations: Aerodynamic, Blades, NonAerodynamic
equipment, and holding your breath.
Default: Yes
Skill Group: None
Unarmed Combat covers the various self-defense and
Specializations: By breathing apparatus (Liquid
attack moves that employ the body as a primary weapon.
Breathing Apparatus, Mixed Gas, Oxygen Extraction,
This includes a wide array of martial arts along with the
SCUBA), by condition (Arctic, Cave, Commercial,
use of cybernetic implant weaponry and the fighting styles
Military, etc.), Controlled Hyperventilation
that sprung up around those implants.

15 | P a g e
you can cover quickly. Specialization gives +1 pace in that
ESCAPE ARTIST (AGILITY) environment. For more information see Using
Escape Artist measures the character’s ability to escape Running,
from bindings by using body contortion and manual Default: Yes d4-2
dexterity. See Using Escape Artist, Skill Group: Athletics
Default: Yes Specializations: Distance, Sprinting, by terrain (Desert,
Skill Group: None Urban, Wilderness, etc.)
Specializations: By restraint (Cuffs, Ropes, Zip Ties,
etc.), Contortionism STEALTH (AGILITY)
Need to get where you’re not supposed to be? This
FREE-FALL (AGILITY) skill allows you to remain inconspicuous in various
This skill covers any jump from height, including leaps situations. See Using Stealth Skills,.
from a third-floor window to jumps from a plane at high Default: Yes
altitude. If it involves any kind of attempt to slow or Skill Group: Stealth
control your fall, this covers it, so it includes skydiving with Specializations: Location type (Jungle, Urban,
a parachute, flying a wingsuit, or descending on a line, Desert, etc.)
bungee cord, or zipline.
Skill Group: None In the desert with nothing more than a tin cup, a poncho,
Specializations: BASE Jumping, Break-Fall, Bungee, and an iron rod? You’ll need this skill to help you
HALO, Low Altitude, Parachute, Static Line, Wingsuit, get out alive. Survival is the ability to stay alive in extreme
Zipline environmental conditions for extended periods
of time. The skill governs a character’s ability to perform
GYMNASTICS (AGILITY) vital outdoor tasks such as start a fire, build a shelter,
Gymnastics measures your balance, general athleticism, scrounge for food, etc. in hostile environments. See
and all-around ability to use your body. For more Using Survival
information on ways Gymnastics may be applied in game, Default: Yes
see Jumping, Skill Group: Outdoors
Default: Yes Specializations: Desert, Forest, Jungle, Mountain,
Skill Group: Athletics Polar, Urban, or other terrain
Specializations: Balance, Climbing, Dance, Leaping,
Parkour, Rolling
PALMING (AGILITY) This skill determines the character’s ability to swim in
Palming is sleight-of-hand skill that gives a character various bodies of water. The skill level affects the distance
the ability to snag, hide, and pass off small objects. and speed at which a character can swim. See
Default: No Using Swimming,
Skill Group: Stealth Default: Yes
Specializations: Legerdemain, Pickpocket, Pilfering Skill Group: Athletics
Specializations: Dash, Long Distance
Perception refers to the ability to spot anomalies in TRACKING (SMARTS)
everyday situations, making it one of the key skills a This skill confers the ability to detect the passage of
shadowrunner needs. See Using Notice, metahumans and other game through terrain and use
Default: Yes those clues to follow that individual. This skill also allows
Skill Group: None you to identify unmarked trails and common game paths
Specializations: Hearing, Scent, Searching, Taste, in various environments. See Using Tracking,.
Touch, Visual Default: Yes
Skill Group: Outdoors
RUNNING (VIGOR) Specializations: Desert, Forest, Jungle, Mountain,
Running, as you may guess, is about how much ground Polar, Urban, another terrain type

16 | P a g e
leap. No matter how many hits you get, you can’t
CLIMBING jump farther than your Agility x 1.5 meters (net hits
The Gymnastics skill is applied to both assisted and beyond this mean you did it with style).
unassisted climbing tasks. Assisted climbing is For a vertical jump, it’s the same test, but you get half
accomplished a meter of altitude per hit and the maximum you can
with specialized gear such as ropes and harnesses (see jump is 1.5 times your height.
p. 25 Savage Worlds Core PDF). Assisted climbing is easier
and safer, but requires more preparation. Unassisted USING ESCAPE ARTIST
climbing may be done on the fly, because you climb In Shadowrun, you might just find yourself caught instead
without any gear. Climbing is an Action, of killed. Escape Artist provides a chance to escape from
most forms of confinement, including ropes,
RAPPELLING handcuffs, and other bindings. To get out of restraints,
Rappelling is a gear-aided descent at near free-fall speed. make an Escape Artist Test against a threshold based on
This technique requires a Free-Fall Success Test. So long as what you’re trying to get out of.
you have the proper gear and training, you can break at If you succeed, you’re free after working on it for one
any point in the descent, slow your speed, and land safely. minute (20 Combat Turns), divided by the number of
Rappelling expends a Simple Action, during which you fall net hits you get on the test. The dice pool is modified
at a rate of 20 meters per Combat Turn. Rappelling by a variety of factors, such as whether or not you’re
characters can increase the number of meters descended being watched (and trying to be subtle) or if you’re
during that same Combat Turn by 2 for each hit and raise. carrying a set of lockpicks. These situational modifiers
If you take another Simple Action in the are on the Escape Artist Table. The gamemaster may
same phase, such as firing a weapon, you get a –2 modifier decide that some restraints are too difficult to escape
to both that action and the Free-Fall Test. Stopping from without outside help.
requires another Free-Fall Test with the same target
number. On an unsuccessful test, you don’t slow down RESTRAINTS TARGET
and may take damage if you hit the ground at speed NUMBER
(Falling Damage, p 101 Savage Worlds Core PDF). Rope, plastic cuffs 4
Metal handcuffs 6
Straightjacket 8
Containment manacles 10
A test while climbing or rappelling automatically halts Reinforced Material +1
your progress, and you have to make a Strength Test to SITUATION MODIFIER
hold on. If you fail this second test, you start to fall (about Being Watched -2
20 meters per Combat Turn). During your next Action Character has picks or cutting +2
Phase, you may attempt to stop by making a Strength Test implement
with a –2 modifier. Your gamemaster may allow other
climbers to make a Strength Test to grab you.
Characters who are using climbing gear are allowed
an additional test if they fall. Have the character who
prepared the safety lines make a Free-Fall Test against a
threshold equal to half the falling character’s Vigor (round
down). If successful, the safety gear catches,
leaving the character dangling. If it fails, the character
falls (see Falling Damage, p. 101).

Jumping is done from a running or standing position.
Running leaps get more distance than standing jumps
do, if you have enough room to get up to full speed.
Make a Gymnastics Test, applying any appropriate
modifiers. For every hit you get on this test, you
jump 1 meter on a standing jump or 2 meters for a running

17 | P a g e
don’t find the food or shelter you need and take Fatigue
Damage. The Fatigue damage cannot
be healed until you get a good night’s sleep without
having to make a Survival Test. If your Fatigue Condition
overflows and you fall unconscious, you cannot make your
Survival Tests, so you just keep taking the damage (now
Physical from overflow) until you’re either rescued or

Disguise and Impersonation are also handled using
Opposed Tests. When the makeup and costuming are
first applied, the character creating the disguise performs
a Disguise Test. The number rolled is the threshold for
anyone trying to see through the disguise later on.
Impersonation can be used to improve a disguise, or it can
stand alone. A character in disguise can roll their
Impersonation + Charisma and add the number of hits
to the threshold for breaking the disguise. If
Impersonation is being used without the benefit of a
disguise (such as when vocally imitating someone), treat it
as standard Opposed Test. A Disguise Kit (see Tools) can
be used to build
a Disguise, using the Building & Repairing rules.
USING SURVIVAL Swimming is an Action. A swimming character
Surviving the elements is more dangerous in the Sixth can move a number of meters in a Combat Turn equal to
World. Environmental decay has reached unparalleled the Swimming Die. You can take an Action to “sprint” with
heights. In Great Britain, for example, a perfect storm a Swimming Test, adding 1 meter per hit, or 2 meters per
of toxic disasters and severe flooding devastated the hit if you’re an elf or a troll. Swimming on the surface
countryside. Those forced to live on city streets fare no of water or under it does not affect this rate of speed.
better. The homeless are as likely to be attacked by a As with the Running skill, swimmers suffer from fatigue
swarm of devil rats as they are to be beaten by a ganger after an extended time (Fatigue Damage).
looking for a bit of fun.
The Survival skill is used for braving all forms of extreme
outdoor conditions—this includes urban survival, HOLDING YOUR BREATH
where the threats are as likely to come from other people Sixty seconds (Ten Combat Turns) is the base time
as they are from the elements. It covers the ability a character can hold his breath before any tests are
to find food, water, and temporary shelter in any needed. A character needing to hold his breath longer can
environment. If you’re exposed to these conditions for 24 make a Swimming Test (with the Controlled
hours or more, you’ll need to start making daily Survival Hyperventilation specialization coming into play if you
Tests. Modifiers and thresholds for Survival Tests are have it). Each net hit extends the clock by 12 seconds (2
provided on the Survival Test Table. If you fail the test, you Combat Turns).

18 | P a g e
Once the time expires the character must breathe or identify local crowd movement patterns, relevant
take 1 box of Fatigue damage at the end of each Combat cameras, and AR clues that reveal where the target was
Turn until they breathe (this damage cannot be resisted). heading and how long ago it passed by. The gamemaster
Once all the Fatigue is gone, the character loses may choose to apply modifiers for conditions such as
consciousness. At this point the character takes one weather, age of the tracks, the amount of people who’ve
Wound damage at the end of each Combat Turn until trampled the trail, and so on.
rescued or dead. Individuals using a tracking dog or other tracking critter
may use Animal Handling as a Teamwork Test for their
animal’s Tracking Test.

Dice rarely need to get involved when characters need
to solve problems between one another. Dealing with
NPCs isn’t always so easy. Social skills give characters
the ability to problem-solve without expending bullets
or mana. These skills tend to be linked to the Spirit
attribute. Social skills are intended to be used to
complement good role-playing, not replace it. The Social
Test should come either at the end of a well-role-played
scene to wrap it up, or in place of a social situation that
would be less interesting to actually play through to get
through it quickly. The gamemaster can provide modifiers
on this test based on how well you make your point, or
much bulldrek you’re able to pile up without flinching.

Con governs the ability to manipulate or fool an NPC
during a social encounter. This skill covers a range of
TREADING WATER confidence games as well as the principles behind
If you’re just trying to keep afloat, you can tread water. those cons.
You can tread water for a number of minutes equal to Default: Yes
your Vigor rating. At the end of this time, make a Skill Group: Acting
Simple Swimming Test. Success means you can keep Specializations: Fast Talking, Seduction
treading water (or float, if you’re skilled at Swimming) for
the same amount of time before another test; failure ETIQUETTE (SPIRIT)
means you slip and take 1 box of Fatigue damage that you Etiquette represents the level of understanding and
can’t resist. If you have a flotation device, double the time awareness of proper social rituals. The skill works as a
between tests. You can keep treading water as long as you sort of social version of Sneak, allowing you to move
can stay conscious. unimpeded through various social situations. Etiquette
also serves as a social safety net in case a player botches a
USING TRACKING social situation in a way a skilled character would
Tracking a person or critter requires a Tracking Test with a not. See Using Etiquette,.
threshold based on the terrain (decided by the Default: Yes
gamemaster). If the target is actively obscuring their trail, Skill Group: Influence
tracking is handled as an Opposed Test. The tracker rolls Specializations: By culture or subculture (Corporate,
Tracking against the target’s Sneak. Any net successes on a High Society, Media, Mercenary, Street, Yakuza, etc.)
Tracking Test can be used to gain additional information
about the trail, such as the number of people using the IMPERSONATION (SPIRIT)
trail, type of critters recently using it, and how old the Impersonation is the ability to assume the identity of
tracks are. In urban tracking, additional hits can be used to another person, including voice and physical mannerisms.

19 | P a g e
The skill is limited by the physical abilities of the an Opposed Intimidation + Charisma Test against
character. A dwarf might be able to impersonate a troll the target’s Charisma + Spirit, modified by the appropriate
over a commlink, but the illusion shatters when he is entries on the Social Modifiers Table.
face to face with his target. Default: Yes
Default: Yes Skill Group: None
Skill Group: Acting Specializations: Interrogation, Mental, Physical,
Specializations: By metahuman type (Dwarf, Elf, Torture
Human, Ork, Troll)

Leadership is the ability to direct and motivate others.
It’s like Con, except rather than using deception you’re
using a position of authority. This skill is especially helpful
in situations where the will of a teammate is shaken
or someone is being asked to do something
uncomfortable. The Leadership skill is not meant to
replace or
make up for poor teamwork. When using Leadership
make an opposed test Charisma + Leadership. See Using
Social Influence Skills, at right, for test modifiers.
Default: Yes
Instruction governs the ability to teach people. The skill
Skill Group: Influence
level helps determine how comfortable the instructor
Specializations: Command, Direct, Inspire, Rally
is delivering new material as well as how complex of a
skill may be taught. See Using Instruction,
Default: Yes
Negotiation governs a character’s ability to apply their
Skill Group: None
charisma, tactics, and knowledge of situational psychology
Specializations: By Active or Knowledge skill
in order to create a better position when making deals.
category (Combat, Language, Magical, Academic
Default: Yes
Knowledge, Street Knowledge, etc.)
Skill Group: Influence
Specializations: Bargaining, Contracts, Diplomacy
Intimidation is about creating the impression that you are
more menacing than another person in order to get them
This skill governs the ability to execute a performing
to do what you want. The skill may be applied multiple
art. Performance is to the arts what Artisan is to craft.
ways, from negotiation to interrogation. Intimidation is

20 | P a g e
The performer uses her skill to entertain or even captivate Mr. Johnson of your professionalism if you show up to
an audience. See Using Performance, p. 141. the meet in ripped jeans and a blood-spattered longcoat,
Default: Yes and that would make your chances of negotiating
Skill Group: Acting a better fee for the run kinda harsh. The gamemaster
Specializations: By performance art (Presentation, should assess each social situation and apply modifiers
Acting, Comedy, specific Musical Instrument, etc.) as he feels appropriate. Unless otherwise noted, Opposed
Test modifiers affect one character or the other.
A few modifiers affect both characters.
Performance is a Simple Test with a Social limit—the
gamemaster can use your hits to gauge the artistry of
your performance. If you’re trying distract a target, or
sweep them up in your performance, the generic modifiers
on the Social Modifiers Table (p. 140) apply, and
your target(s) use their Charisma + Willpower to oppose
your test.

Etiquette is about blending into the social fabric. Skilled
characters can move through a social situation without
anyone realizing that they don’t belong. It’s more than
knowing the right mores (you could look those up on the
Matrix), it’s about trained instinct.
You can use Etiquette to ease suspicions, so that people
might trust you more than they would an outsider.
Make an Etiquette + Charisma [Social] Test against the
other person’s Perception + Charisma [Social] Opposed
Test. If you get any net hits, they’ll accept you. If you get
3 or more net hits, their attitude toward you will improve,
moving up a line on the “NPC’s attitude” section of the
Social Modifiers table. The skill is not meant to replace
role-playing, but it can save you from a social blunder that
you (the player) make when your character probably
wouldn’t have. When this happens, make an Etiquette Test
USING SOCIAL SKILLS against a threshold equal to the severity of the blunder
At the core of Shadowrun is the idea that the characters (set by the gamemaster using the Success Test Thresholds
are outsiders trying to survive in the shadow of the old table, p. 45). A successful test means your character
boys’ network of corporate suits, elven princes, recovers from the misstep. When making Etiquette tests
government interests, wageslaves, street gangs, etc. These with a group of NPCs, use the same rules for influencing
kinds of people know who belongs and how to deal groups (Using Social Skills,).
with one another. Social skills are your ticket into these
social networks. They start when you walk into the ETIQUETTE & GLITCHES
room and continue as you interact with other people. A glitch on an Etiquette Test is treated the same as a
SOCIAL MODIFIERS social blunder—the temporary annoyance could give
Anyone can be swayed, given the right place, right you a –2 dice modifier on your next social test. Critical
time, and right conditions. Social modifiers represent glitches result in major social gaffes that have a lasting
the conditions that affect your interaction with NPCs. effect on the relationship your character has with
Smells, crowd noise, attire, distractions, and even an others—the NPC’s stance towards your character could
NPC’s state of mind can play a factor in the interaction. For move one step toward Enemy. This is the stuff of which
example, you’d be hard pressed to convince long-time grudges and major feuds are made, the

21 | P a g e
words of disrespect that set street armies into motion. on
or before their next Action Phase.
USING INSTRUCTION Inspire: Your hits act as a Teamwork Test for your
From virtual instructors to how-to vids, there are subordinates’ Surprise Test for the rest of the Combat
numerous ways to learn skills. There is no substitute, Turn.
however, Rally: Your subordinates add 1 to their Initiative
for a flesh-and-blood instructor. In order to teach Score for every 2 hits you get.
someone a skill, a character must have the skill at Rating 4
higher. The teacher can only teach up to their own
Instruction Rating. Teaching is an Instruction + Charisma
[Social] Test. Every hit on the Teaching Test reduces the
time for the student to improve their skill by a day
(Character Advancement, p. 103).
Instruction is also used to teach spells, complex
forms, rituals, and various other techniques. The rules
for using Instruction are a bit different in these cases and
are explained in the appropriate sections of this book.
The Leadership skill is about coaxing, convincing,
threatening, or challenging your subordinates, or getting
people to accept you as a superior. If you lead
people who accept you as their (lone) superior, even
temporarily, you can take a Complex Action to make a
Simple Leadership + Charisma [Social] Test. How this
helps depends on what you choose to do.
Command: The target resists with a Leadership +
Willpower [Mental] test (with Social Modifiers, p. 140).
For every net hit you get, the target accepts you as their
leader for 1 Combat Turn. This doesn’t work if you’ve
failed on this target before.
Direct: Your hits act as a Teamwork Test for one
subordinate’s skill or Composure Test that they perform

22 | P a g e
23 | P a g e
Specializations: Spell Design, Focus Design, Spirit

Artificing is the process of crafting magical foci. The
skill may also be used forensically, in order to assense
qualities about an existing focus’ creation and purpose.
See Artificing p
Default: No
Skill Group: Enchanting
Specializations: Focus Analysis, Crafting (by focus type)

Assensing is a magic user’s ability to read and interpret
fluctuations in the astral world. This skill allows
practitioners to learn information by reading astral auras.
Only characters capable of astral perception may take this
skill. For more information, see Astral Perception,
Default: No
Skill Group: None
Specializations: Aura Reading, Astral Signatures, by
aura type (Metahumans, Spirits, Foci, Wards, etc.)


Fighting in Astral Space requires the Astral Combat
skill. Combat in the Astral World relies on a very different
MAGICAL SKILLS set of abilities and attributes than physical combatants.
Magic skills are reserved for those who practice magic. In See Astral Combat, p. 315.
order to acquire magic-specific skills, characters Default: No
must have a quality that provides a Magic rating. In order Skill Group: None
to use these skills, that Magic rating must be 1 or Specializations: By specific weapon focus type, by
higher. Please visit Magic, for all your Magical opponents (Magicians, Spirits, Mana Barriers, etc.)
skill-using needs.
ALCHEMY (SMARTS) Banishing is used to disrupt the link between spirits and
Alchemy is used to create substances that store spells. the physical world. Banished spirits are forced to return
Alchemy is most commonly used to brew potions, distill to their native plane and are no longer required to
magical reagents, and even create orichalcum. complete unfulfilled services.
Default: No Default: No
Skill Group: Enchanting Skill Group: Conjuring
Specializations: By trigger (Command, Contact, Specializations: By spirit type (Spirits of Air, Spirits
Time), by spell type (Combat Spells, Detection Spells, etc.) of Man, etc.)


Arcana governs the creation of magical formulae used Binding is used to compel a summoned spirit to perform
to create spells, foci, and all other manner of magical a number of additional services. See Binding, p. 300.
manipulations. Arcana is required to understand formulae Default: No
that may be purchased over the counter or discovered by Skill Group: Conjuring
other means. Specializations: By spirit type (Spirits of Fire, Spirits
Default: No of Earth, etc.)
Skill Group: None

24 | P a g e
This skill is used to summon spirits. See Summoning,
p. 300).
Default: No
Skill Group: Conjuring
Specializations: By spirit type (Spirits of Earth,
Spirits of Man, etc.)

Resonance skills are a unique subset of Matrix skills
that can only be used by technomancers. Resonance
skills, like magic skills, require the character to have a
special attribute. The Resonance attribute also serves
as the linked attribute for all of the skills.

Compiling involves the ability to translate the complex
0s and 1s of machine source language and the rhythms
of the resonance into sprites. See Sprites, p. 254.
Counterspelling is a defensive skill used to defend Skill Group: Tasking
against magical attacks and dispel sustained magical Specializations: By sprite type (Data Sprites,
spells. See Counterspelling, p. 294. Machine Sprites, etc.)
Default: No
Skill Group: Sorcery DECOMPILING (SMARTS)
Specializations: By spell type (Combat Spells, Decompiling is a character’s ability to effectively delete
Detection Spells, etc.) previously compiled sprites. See Sprites, p. 254.
Default: No
This skill governs a character’s ability to remove the Specializations: By sprite type (Courier Sprites, Fault
enchantment from an item. See Disenchanting, p. 307. Sprites, etc.)
Default: No
Skill Group: Enchanting REGISTERING (SMARTS)
Specializations: By type (Alchemical Preparations, This skill allows a technomancer to register sprites on
Power Foci, etc.) the Matrix, thereby convincing the grids that they are
legitimate. See Sprites, p. 254.
Ritual spellcasting is a spellcasting skill used to cast ritual Skill Group: Tasking
spells. See Ritual Spellcasting, p. 295. Specializations: By sprite type (Crack Sprites, Data
Default: No Sprites, etc.)
Skill Group: Sorcery
Specializations: By keyword (Anchored, Spell, etc.) TECHNICAL SKILLS
Technical skills are called upon when you operate or fix
SPELLCASTING (MAGIC) something. Technical skills link to a variety of attributes,
The Spellcasting skill permits the character to channel listed with the skill.
mana into effects known as spells. See Spellcasting,
Default: No Aeronautics mechanics have the ability to repair a variety
Skill Group: Sorcery of aerospace vehicles, provided the proper tools and
Specializations: By spell type (Combat Spells, parts are available. See Building & Repairing, p. 145.
Detection Spells, etc.) Default: No
SUMMONING (MAGIC) Skill Group: Engineering

25 | P a g e
Specializations: Aerospace, Fixed Wing, LTA (blimp), skill is the basis for cloning as well as all forms of bioware.
Rotary Wing, Tilt Wing, Vector Thrust Provided the right equipment is available, biotechnology
can be used to repair damaged bioware, clone new tissue,
ANIMAL HANDLING (SPIRIT) or detect any bioware in a subject’s body. This skill
This skill governs the training, care, riding (if they’re big does not allow characters to install or remove bioware.
enough), and control of non-sentient animals. Competent Default: No
trainers have the ability to handle multiple animals. Skill Group: None
It is even possible to approach an untrained animal and Specializations: Bioinformatics, Bioware, Cloning,
get it to trust you, or at least not eat you. Gene Therapy, Vat Maintenance
Default: Yes
Skill Group: None CHEMISTRY (SMARTS)
Specializations: By animal (Cat, Bird, Hell Hound, Chemistry permits the character to create chemical
Horse, Dolphin, etc.), Herding, Riding, Training reactions and develop chemical compounds ranging
from drugs, to perfumes, to biopolymers like NuSkin.
ARMORER (SMARTS) Chemistry can also be used to analyze chemical
Armorer encompasses the broad array of skills required compounds to determine what they are.
to build and maintain weapons and armor. As with all Default: No
mechanics-based skills, the proper tools and equipment Skill Group: None
are required to perform any repair or build operation. For Specializations: Analytical, Biochemistry, Inorganic,
thresholds and information on determining Organic, Physical
success results, see Building & Repairing, p. 145.
Default: Yes
Skill Group: None
Specializations: Armor, Artillery, Explosives, Firearms,
Melee Weapons, Heavy Weapons, Weapon Accessories

This skill includes several different forms of artistic
impression as well as the handcrafting of fine objects that
would otherwise be produced on an assembly line. The
world’s top artists and crafters are considered artisans.
Default: No
Skill Group: None COMPUTER (SMARTS)
Specializations: By discipline (Cooking, Sculpting, Computer is the base skill for interacting with the Matrix.
Drawing, Carpentry, etc.) It represents the ability to use computers and other
Matrix-connected devices. The Computer skill focuses on
AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC (SMARTS) understanding multiple operating systems. It does not
Automotive mechanics are tasked with fixing all types allow the character to exploit code (Hacking) or strip down
of ground-based vehicles ranging from commercial au- mainframes (Hardware). See Using Computer, p. 226.
>> SKILLS << Default: Yes
<< RESONANCE SKILLS 143 Skill Group: Electronics
tomobiles to wheeled drones to tanks. Repairs require Specializations: By action (Edit File, Matrix
the proper tools and time. See Building & Repairing, Perception, Matrix Search, etc.)
p. 145.
Skill Group: Engineering Cybercombat is the skill used by hackers to engage in
Specializations: Walker, Hover, Tracked, Wheeled combat on the Matrix. See Using Cybercombat, p. 226
Default: Yes
BIOTECHNOLOGY (SMARTS) Skill Group: Cracking
Biotechnology is a wide-ranging skill primarily used by Specializations: By target type (Devices, Grids, IC,
doctors and scientists to grow organic body parts. This Personas, Sprites, etc.)

26 | P a g e
Specializations: Communications, Encryption,
Jamming, Sensor Operations

First Aid is the ability to provide emergency medical
assistance similar to that of a paramedic. This skill may be
used to stabilize wounds and prevent characters from
dying. First Aid cannot be used to perform surgery or
repair damaged implants. For more information, see
Healing, p. 205.
Default: Yes
Skill Group: Biotech
Specializations: By treatment (Gunshot Wounds,
Resuscitation, Broken Bones, Burns, etc.)

Forgery is used to produce counterfeit items or alter
existing items to a specific purpose. Depending on the type
CYBERTECHNOLOGY (SMARTS) of forgery, the forger may need specific tools or
Cybertechnology is the ability to create, maintain, and schematics to complete the task. See Using Forgery, p.
repair cybernetic parts. A character with the proper 145.
tools and parts may repair or even build new cybernetics. Default: Yes
Cybertechnology is not a surgical skill. Characters Skill Group: None
cannot attach or re-attach cybernetics to organic material Specializations: Counterfeiting, Credstick Forgery,
with this skill. This skill may be used to modify or False ID, Image Doctoring, Paper Forgery
upgrade cybernetics within cyberlimbs. See Building
and Repairing, p. 145. HACKING (SMARTS)
Default: No Hacking is used to discover and exploit security flaws
Skill Group: Biotech in computers and other electronics. For more on how
Specializations: Bodyware, Cyberlimbs, Headware, Hacking is used, see Using Hacking, p. 226.
Repair Default: Yes
Skill Group: Cracking
DEMOLITIONS (SMARTS) Specializations: Devices, Files, Hosts, Personas
Demolitions is used to prepare, plant, detonate, and often
defuse chemical-based explosives. See Explosives, HARDWARE (SMARTS)
p. 436. Hardware reflects a characters ability to build and repair
Default: Yes electronic devices. A workspace, proper materials,
Skill Group: None and sufficient build time are required to enact a repair
Specializations: Commercial Explosives, Defusing, or to build a new device. See Building & Repairing, at
Improvised Explosives, Plastic Explosives right.
Default: No
ELECTRONIC WARFARE (SMARTS) Skill Group: Electronics
Electronic Warfare is the basis of military signals Specializations: By hardware type (Commlinks,
intelligence. It governs the encoding, disruption, spoofing, Cyberdecks, Smartguns, etc.)
and decoding of communication systems. Providing the
user has the proper equipment, the skill can be used to INDUSTRIAL MECHANIC (SMARTS)
manipulate or even take over the signal of any item’s An industrial mechanic is tasked with repairing or
communication system. See Using Electronic Warfare, modifying large-scale machines, such as assembly line
Default: No equipment, power generators, HVAC units, industrial
Skill Group: Cracking robots, etc. See Building and Repairing, at right.
Default: No

27 | P a g e
Skill Group: Engineering
Specializations: Electrical Power Systems, Hydraulics, NAUTICAL MECHANIC (SMARTS)
HVAC, Industrial Robotics, Structural, Welding Nautical Mechanic is concerned with the maintenance
and repair of watercraft. This skill is only effective if
LOCKPICKING (AGILITY) the necessary equipment and time are available. See
This skill covers building, repairing, and opening Building & Repairing below.
mechanical and electronic locks. While largely banished to Default: No
antiquity, traditional mechanical locking mechanisms Skill Group: Engineering
are still in use around the globe, often as throwbacks Specializations: Motorboat, Sailboat, Ship,
or backups. Electronic locks are far more common and Submarine
quite susceptible to your ministrations. See Doors,
Windows, & Locks,. NAVIGATION (SMARTS)
Default: No Navigation governs the use of technology and natural
Skill Group: None instinct to navigate through territory. This skill enables
Specializations: By type (Combination, Keypad, characters to read maps, use GPS devices, follow AR
Maglock, Tumbler, Voice Recognition, etc.) nav points, or follow a course by landmarks or general
direction sense. Navigation applies to both AR and
non-AR-enhanced environments.
Default: Yes
Skill Group: Outdoors
Specializations: Augmented Reality Markers,
Celestial, Compass, Maps, GPS

Software is the skill used to create and manipulate
programming in the Matrix. See Using Software, p. 226.
It’s also what technomancers use when they create
their complex forms (Threading, p. 251).
Default: No
Skill Group: Electronics
Specializations: Data Bombs or by complex form
(Editor, Resonance Spike, Tattletale, etc.)


Building or repairing an object is an Extended Test that
the gamemaster may decide requires certain tools or
facilities. Modifiers from the Build/Repair Table (p.
MEDICINE (SMARTS) 146) should be applied to the test. Characters electing
Medicine is used to perform advanced medical to design new items must have the appropriate Knowledge
procedures such as surgeries. It includes long-term skills to conceptualize and create schematics.
medical support for disease and illness, and the skill The gamemaster assigns a threshold and interval for
can be used to diagnose a character’s medical condition. the Extended Test using the Task Difficulty Threshold table
This skill is used to implant or remove cybernetics and and Extended Test Thresholds table on p. 48.
bioware but cannot be used to repair or
maintain implanted devices. For more information,
see Healing,.
Default: No
Skill Group: Biotech
Specializations: Cosmetic Surgery, Extended Care,
Implant Surgery, Magical Health, Organ Culture, Trauma

28 | P a g e
Since the advent of AR mapping, a walk through the
sprawl never requires a test, but getting from A to B
can be a lot tougher when the Matrix isn’t pointing the
way. Navigation tests are required when you’re traversing
unmarked or highly unfamiliar terrain, such as
someone new to Seattle attempting to navigate the
Ork Underground. It’s a Simple Navigation + Intuition
[Mental] Test, with a threshold based on the terrain,
taking into account modifiers for environmental factors
such as poor visibility, landmarks, existing trails, advice
from locals, and so on—your gamemaster will give you
a threshold based on the Success Test Thresholds table on
p. 45.

Vehicle skills are used for driving and performing combat
maneuvers with vehicles (see Vehicles, p. 198). Unless
otherwise noted, Vehicle skills are linked to Reaction.

Gunnery is used when firing any vehicle-mounted
weapon, regardless of how or where the weapon is
mounted. This skill extends to manual and sensor-
Talented forgers can simulate anything from a signature
enhanced gunnery.
to a credstick to the Mona Lisa. The skill is most often
Default: Yes
used for doctoring hardcopy IDs, signatures, and official
Skill Group: None
paperwork, but it can be used to fabricate anything you
Specializations: Artillery, Ballistic, Energy, Guided
can imagine and your skill level can handle.
Missile, Rocket
Creating a forgery is a Forgery + Logic Test. The limit
for this test is either Physical (for forged art, signatures,
and other physical objects) or Mental (for credsticks,
Aerospace vehicles include all reduced- and zero-gravity
documents, and other items that are more data than
aircraft capable of suborbital or extra-orbital flight.
substance). Your dice pool is adjusted by appropriate
Default: No
modifiers (see the Build/Repair Table for suggestions),
Skill Group: None
and given a time requirement by the gamemaster (an
Specializations: Deep Space, Launch Craft, Remote
interval from the Extended Test Difficulties table is fine).
Operation, Semiballistic, Suborbital
The quality of the forgery is based on the number of hits
scored on the test. This number acts as the threshold for
attempts to spot the fake. Anyone examining a forgery
This skill is used to pilot any manned or unmanned aircraft
makes an Opposed Test using a Perception + Intuition
operating solely within planetary atmosphere.
[Mental] Test or Forgery + Intuition [Mental] Test. If they
Default: No
score as many or more hits than the quality of the forgery,
Skill Group: None
the item is exposed as a fake.
Specializations: Fixed-Wing, Lighter-Than-Air,
Data-based forgeries, like credsticks, documents,
Remote Operation, Rotary Wing, Tilt Wing, Vectored
and SINs, don’t really hold up well to scrutiny, what with
information being so readily available. They can appear
almost identical to the original, but any attempt to get it
to act like the original (transfer nuyen, pass a SIN check,
Any vehicle that walks on two or more legs is piloted
etc.) reveals the forgery.
through this skill. Characters may control the walker
physically or remotely.
Default: No

29 | P a g e
Skill Group: None certain cases Knowledge skills may provide the
Specializations: Biped, Multiped, Quadruped, Remote background needed to complete an action, but they
typically do not provide dice for Active skill tests.
PILOT EXOTIC VEHICLE (SPECIFIC)(AGILITY) You get a number of free Knowledge skill points at
Characters must take this skill one time for each specific character creation. Skill advancement and additional
exotic vehicle. Characters may control the vehicle Knowledge skills follow the skill advancement rules
remotely with this skill where possible. (Character Advancement, p. 103).
Default: No
Skill Group: None
Specializations: N/A


This skill is used to pilot any ground-based vehicle,
excluding legged vehicles. This skill applies whether the
pilot is in the vehicle or controlling the vehicle via remote
Default: Yes
Skill Group: None
Specializations: Bike, Hovercraft, Remote Operation,
Tracked, Wheeled


This skill is used to pilot any waterborne vehicle, whether
from inside it or by remote control.
Default: Yes
Skill Group: None
Specializations: Hydrofoil, Motorboat, Remote
Operation, Sail, Ship, Submarine

While thorough, the Shadowrun skill system does not
cover every active skill a runner may find use for. New
skills may be introduced by the gamemaster, providing
the new skill is called for and presently unaccounted
for by the system. New Active skills should not be
introduced on a character-by-character basis, but only if a
clear need for that skill can be established. Once these
conditions are met, the gamemaster must decide what
attribute to link the skill to, what skill group, if any, to
join it with, and whether or not the skill can be defaulted
(see Defaulting,).
As a rule, new Shadowrun skills should be broad
enough that there is room for multiple specializations.

Knowledge skills fall into four categories: Street, Academic,
Professional, and Interests. Each category presents an
opportunity to shape the experiences of a character far
Knowledge skills complement your character. They create
beyond what happens on a run. Knowledge
meaning and history behind the Active skills and
skills do not affect tests the way Active skills do. In

30 | P a g e
abilities you choose. Shadowrun gives you some room to
play with Knowledge skills. You’re free to take practically
any Knowledge skill your can think up for your character.
Knowledge skills are meant to represent a limited set
of knowledge the character could have gained in some
in-game fashion. For example, a kid growing up in an
Evo corporate enclave could have a skill in Corporate
Culture. On the other hand, had she tried to take Culture
as a Knowledge skill, it would have been way too broad
to be a Knowledge skill and her gamemaster would have
told her she needs to narrow it down a bit. USING KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
Knowledge skills are about what the character knows,
STREET KNOWLEDGE even if you, the player, don’t. Check out the Knowledge>>
Street Knowledge is linked to Spirit. This type of Skill Table for a few guidelines on what a skill reveals.
Knowledge skill is about knowing the movers and shakers Keep in mind those general facts, such as the name of
in an urban area, along with how things get done on the head of a megacorp and such, is info that can be
the street. You know about the people who live in quickly found on the Matrix. Knowledge skills are not
different neighborhoods, who to ask to get what, and about that basic level of detail, but rather information
where that not everyone knows or can find so easily
things are. The information that these skills cover tends
to change rapidly, but your instincts help you keep up.

Academic knowledge is linked to Smarts. This type of
knowledge includes university subjects such as history,
science, design, technology, magical theory, and the
people and organizations with fingers in those pies.
The humanities (cultures, art, philosophy, and so on)
are also included in this category.

Professional Knowledge skills deal with subjects related to
normal trades, professions, and occupations,
things like journalism, engineering, business, and so
on. You might find them helpful when doing legwork
for a run, especially those in the corporate world. All
Professional Knowledge skills are linked to Logic.

Strange as it might sound, you might have some hobbies
outside of slinging mana and bullets. Interests are the
kind of Knowledge skill that describes what you know
because of what you do for fun. There are no guidelines
(and no limit) to the sort of interest skills you can have.
Interest Knowledge skills are linked to Smarts or Spirit.

31 | P a g e
32 | P a g e
There are few situations where language skills should
require a dice roll. Characters with a language skill don’t
need to make tests to understand one another in everyday
situations. The character’s skill level serves as a
benchmark for how well they can communicate in a
foreign language over time. However, in critical situations
where precise translation is important, a gamemaster
may elect to require a Language skill test. For more
information, see Using Language Skills, at right.

Language is the ability to converse in a specific language
through written and verbal means. Characters USING LANGUAGE SKILLS
who speak multiple languages must purchase a separate A gamemaster may elect to call for a Language Test
language skill for each language. anytime information needs to be translated hurriedly or
Default: Yes in a tense situation. The Language Skill Table suggests
Skill Group: None thresholds for the test as well as possible modifiers.
Specializations: Read/Write, Speak, by dialect, by Failing a Language Test means the parties are unable
lingo to understand each other. If a glitch is rolled, some
meaningful portion of the information is presumed to
be understood but is actually misunderstood. The
gamemaster may want to make the Language Test
in order to maintain the illusion that the characters
understand what is going on


when using Social skills in a foreign language, the language
barrier hinders your charms. You can’t go higher in your
Social skill than you have in the language you (attempt to)
speak. So if Easy Sal knows he can squeeze a few more
nuyen out of Mr. Brackhaus if he can communicate clearly
with the man, and Sal’s Negotiation is d6 but his German is
only d4, Sal can only use d4 skill to worm more money out
of the man.

Lingos are informal languages formed out of a mother
tongue and heavy with slang, jargon, and culturally
significant metaphorical language. Lingos arise out of
professional and often cultural need. For example, the
Cityspeak word ”wiz” came from jargon specific to the
magically active. Lingos are specializations of base

33 | P a g e
nearest your meat body. Your own icon—your virtual
self— is usually the brightest and clearest of the icons.
The points of light on the distant horizon, the devices that
are the farthest from your presence in the real
world, flicker and sputter with the lag of data traveling
from the other side of the globe.

Hovering above you, massive hosts—tremendous

data collections guarded by spiders and IC—float like
corporate gods, attempting to see everything and be
surprised by nothing. Their custom geometries form
a virtual geography that is unconnected to the meatbound
map below. The larger ones, the size of cities, belong to the
Big Ten megacorporations and are dangerous
to enter if you’re not invited. Other, smaller hosts cluster
in the neural sky, offering social connections, presenting
consumer products, or promising darker pleasures.

Between it all are the representations of people, processes,

programs, and data that zip from icon to icon
and host to host, leaving datatrails of light that fade back
into the dim hum of information. The Matrix moves at
the speed of light and thought.

That’s the view from virtual reality. There are other

WIRELESS WORLD ways to view the Matrix, but VR is the only way to see it
The paradox of the Matrix is this: to be an ace hacker, firsthand. And it’s the only way that lets you fly.
you need to understand it—but no one really understands it.
Like so many things, though, the real key is to MATRIX BASICS
know more and be better than the next guy. So let’s get Everything in the Matrix is an icon, a virtual representation
you started with a quick overview of the Matrix experience. that allows you to interact with something in the
We won’t start with hacking, because you need Matrix. Every object’s owner can choose what the icon
to walk before you can run. We’ll start with the ways looks like, within certain limits. An icon doesn’t just
users—you and everyone else—experience the Matrix. represent a Matrix object in an abstract way; it shows
When you jack in and flip over to the electronic world, you what it is and how to access it. The Matrix is
you plunge into a virtual environment of a consensual programmed to give users a context to make it easier to
hallucination. Everything is rendered in incredible detail work and play; if a tool is hard to use, it’s not much of
powered by a century of digital graphics innovation. a tool. There are designers and programmers who
Sometimes it seems almost real, but either through deliberately obfuscate an icon’s purpose with confusing
conscious artificiality or the difficulty of duplicating the design, but for the most part people like to know how
complexities of the physical world, the computer-generated they can use whatever they encounter. Most Matrix
seams usually show. locations require icons to match certain visual protocols.

Physical laws don’t apply in the Matrix (unless some For example, let’s say you’re in the host for Dante’s
jackwad admin programmed them into a host, but those Inferno. The Inferno is a popular and swanky nightclub
strictures can always be overwritten if you know what with a presence in the real world (it’s on Fifth and
you’re doing). You want to fly? Go ahead and fly. And Madison in Seattle’s Downtown), but it’s also got a host
watch the vast expanse of exquisite artificiality spread that looks the same as the physical club so that patrons
out around you. from around the world can fly in for a visit at a moment’s
notice. So you get to the club’s host, pay your
Below you, stretching off in every direction, three- cover charge with a quick transfer of nuyen from your
dimensional icons of real-world devices light up the account to the Inferno, and in a blink you’re whisked to
landscape like a galaxy of stars in a perfect night sky. The your favorite spot in the club. In this case, let’s say you
devices that appear to be closest to you are the ones go to the fifth level to enjoy the iconography of angry,

34 | P a g e
dead souls writhing to the beat in and under swampy the size of a great dragon for example), and hosts are
water. You’re in the mood for virtual food, so you call larger (much larger in the case of big sites, like the megas’
up a menu. That’s a file, and Dante’s menu appears as a corporate hosts).
flaming scroll with a fancy script. The programmers and
the Inferno know it’s something you’d want to read— VIRTUAL VISIONS
and they want you to read it—so they make sure the icon That sets up the size of things, but what do they look like?
looks like something you’d read, in this case a scroll. The The answer is a bit more complicated than you’d think.
flames feel hot and look bright, but they’re just virtual. If The look of the Matrix depends on what grid you’re on,
you were somewhere else, like say the Club Penumbra the programs you’re running, and a bunch of other factors.
host, a nightclub with an outer space theme, it wouldn’t Luckily, there is a sort of “base version” that forms
look like a flaming scroll, but it would still look like the foundation of everyone’s Matrix experience.
something you’d read (in this case, an astronaut’s log In this base version, the Matrix is a black flatland
book). under a black sky. This virtual plain is lit with the glow
of the icon of your commlink (or deck) and other icons
around you, one for each device and persona connected to
the Matrix. The plain is a projection of the whole
world made flat, so the icons get more and more sparse
the farther out you look.

There are uncounted billions of icons in the Matrix.

Devices have icons in the Matrix in sort of the same way
that living things have auras in astral space. This could
get overwhelming, but some background tech keeps
things from getting out of control.
The first piece of assistance comes from your commlink,
which automatically filters out the least interesting icons.
Do you want to know the virtual location of
every music player in the world? Right, neither do I. So
the Matrix will usually show you an icon for an
individual’s personal area network (PAN), not every device
in that network (although it makes exceptions for
The whole Matrix is like that. Everything is custom interesting or dangerous devices in that network, such as
crafted by its owners and is generally designed for intuitive a gun).
usefulness. The other side of the experience is your
software. Some hackers don’t want other programmers Additionally, the farther away devices are from
telling them how their icons look. So they run software you in the real world, the dimmer their icons are in the
to impose their own visuals on their icons. The struggle Matrix; this is partly because your commlink figures the
to show what you want to show is only one of the battles farther ones aren’t as interesting to you, but mostly because
you’ll fight in the Matrix. Most people, though, don’t the connection is a bit slower due to the distance.
bother to fight over iconography, and just let the designers Matrix gear renders the far-off devices and personas as
of the Matrix win out. dim, muted, or flickering icons. Also cutting down on
the visual noise is the fact that some icons are deliberately
Matrix protocols limit the relative sizes of everything hidden from view, such as locks and other security
to give users a standard experience they can share. If devices, baby monitors, maintenance monitors, and of
your icon was a robot version of the Wuxing Skytower, course people who prefer not to be seen.
that might seem cool, but if you’re talking to someone To understand the uses of virtual reality and how people
with an icon of a dung beetle or something, then balance the meat world with the virtual one, let’s look at
communication’s not going to run smooth. To overcome some typical Matrix uses.
this, personas (people in the Matrix) are kept between Let’s say that you’re in your car, driving home from work,
dwarf and troll sizes, so what you actually would end up school, or wherever you usually drive home from. You let
with in the described conversation is a comically small the car’s autopilot handle the driving and drop into VR to
skyscraper talking to a frightfully large bug, so you’re both start dinner. Once you check into VR, your car, the road,
approximately the same size. Files and devices are smaller and everything nearby drop from view, and instead you see
than personas (so you’ll never see someone reading a book the Matrix’s plane of stars. You think about going to your

35 | P a g e
home node, and boom, you go, streaking forward like a your style, joining your friends for board games, or puzzles,
comet. or grand adventures. Or you could go to a cat fanciers’
As you get close, you see all of the devices that make clubhouse. Or a movie theater. Or a zero-G simulated
up your home network, and you head for the one that spacecraft. The inside of a host is limited only by its
represents your fridge. The icon for the fridge looks like owner’s preferences and imagination.
a small fridge, with a list of the food (which the fridge’s Those are the general outlines of the Matrix; now
electronics automatically update with what’s actually inside let’s dive into what and who you’ll encounter.
it). You see frozen pizza on the list and decide to go
with a frozen pizza. You then reach out to your stove’s THE POPULATION OF THE MATRIX
controls (appearing as some dials over a warm, homey Every icon in the Matrix is one of six things: a persona,
glow) and fire up the oven to pre-heat to 230°. It’s a bit a device, a PAN, a file, a host, or a mark. Occasionally,
nippy outside, so you set your drink dispenser (which you might also see a datastream, a transfer of data that
you’ve made look like a beer tap in VR) to start warming looks like a thin beam of flickering, multi-colored light.
the soy base, and since you’re feeling luxurious you hit Datastreams are normally filtered out of your Matrix
the controls for chocolate flavoring. Sill in VR, you zip view because if they weren’t, they’d be the only thing
back to your car, which cheerfully tells you that you’ve you would see. If you want, you can dial back on the
got another ten minutes, enough time to visit your favorite filtering, but the streams pass by so quickly that you
social networking host. can’t tell where they’re coming from or going to without
snooping on whatever is sending or receiving them, and
Speaking of hosts, the big hosts are the most interesting that would be illegal (and we’d never do anything illegal
spots in the Matrix landscape, and they’re the in the Matrix, right?).
things hovering above you when you log on. No matter
where you go in the Matrix, they’re always up there. One PERSONAS
of the critical things to understand about hosts is that, A persona is more or less what it sounds like: a person
unlike the devices in your house, they are not necessarily in the Matrix. A persona is the combination of a user
the representations of a specific device or location in and a device that gets the user onto the Matrix. The
the meat world. Hosts are part of the Matrix, rather than fact that the device has a user overrides the device’s
being a single device, so you can access them from normal icon status, turning it into a persona. A persona
anywhere without worrying about the distance involved. is usually based on a commlink, cyberdeck, or rigged
The next important thing to know is that the inside of vehicle or drone, although technomancers are a sort of
a host is a lot different from the outside. For one thing, device-less persona.
it’s often bigger on the inside than the outside. It’s also Persona icons usually look like the people they
a virtual environment of its own, with clear boundaries represent (although who can resist making a nip here,
indicating where it starts and the rest of the Matrix, for a tuck there, a facelift, and maybe some nicer hair?),
most intents and purposes, ends. sometimes with a splash of style like flashing eyes, hair
coloring, or a tastefully understated aura. There are
But let’s get back to the social networking host you wilder looks out there, but shadowrunners often shy
decide to check into on your way home. The one you’re away from them, as they draw too much attention and
going to does not have any particular entry requirements, can be considered unprofessional. On the other hand,
so you don’t have to endure the virtual equivalent of an sometimes drawing attention is exactly the point, so
entry line. You just zoom to the host, fly over the border, base your look on however professional (or distracting)
and you’re almost ready to go in. On the inside, this you want for the situation you’re in.
particular host looks like a classy perpetual cocktail party, There’s a lot of variety to be had in persona icons.
with a sculpted look that swanky lounges in the physical Just about any creature or animate object is fair game:
world would kill to have. Before you go into the actual animals, moving statues, griffins (popular among teens
party, you enter a private changing room, where you can these days for some reason), steam-powered robots,
make your icon look more appropriate for the party. Maybe zombies, aliens, just about anything that can walk and
pick out a stylish black suit or a little black dress, then talk. The Matrix protocols will stop you from designing
add a tie or neckerchief for a splash of color. Get the outfit an icon for your persona if it isn’t intuitively a persona, so
and your virtual hair set, and you’re ready to mingle. you couldn’t have an icon that is a dust speck, a
Or maybe a come-as-you-are sports bar is more your Greek column, or a cube, for example. They’ll also stop
style. That host has booths for visitors that change size you from making something smaller than adult-dwarfsized
depending on the number of people in it, so they’re always or bigger than adult-troll-sized.
full but not too cozy. Or possibly games are more

36 | P a g e
DEVICES movie screen. Again, form suggests function is the
Device icons in the Matrix represent electronic devices rule in the Matrix.
in the real world, from your music player to your commlink
to your car and beyond. By default, a device’s icon
looks like the object it represents, in miniature if the real
thing is larger than a person. It has controls of some
kind, often the same controls it has in meat space, but
not necessarily. The Ares Mobmaster riot control vehicle,
for example, is famous for its unorthodox Roman
chariot icon complete with reins to drive the vehicle.
Basic Matrix protocols require device icons to provide
some hint of their real-life function. A firearm’s icon
looks like a weapon (even if that weapon is a tomahawk,
like the icon of the Super Warhawk pistol), a vehicle’s
icon looks like a vehicle, a lock’s icon looks like a lock,
a refrigerator looks like a cold box for food, etc. The
restrictions on devices aren’t as stringent as on personas,
as long as form suggests function at a glance.

Most individuals have multiple electronic devices
on them at once, and having icons for each one show
Hosts are virtual places you can go in the Matrix. They
up would provide too much visual clutter in the Matrix.
have no physical location, being made up of the stuff of
Often, what shows up instead is an icon representing an
the Matrix itself. From the outside, hosts are as big as
individual’s personal area network. This icon often looks
buildings in the electronic landscape, some of the largest
similar to the physical device that serves as master for the
being about the size of Manhattan (a limit imposed
network, such as a commlink, but individuals will
by the Corporate Court’s Grid Overwatch Division to
sometimes choose a design or logo that means something
prevent the virtual sky from being completely dominated
to them (such as sports team logos, Concrete Dreams
by the mega-hosts). The size of a host and its virtual
album covers, or corporate designs). Some devices are
altitude are related to its importance and influence in the
not merged into the single PAN icon; if an individual is
modern world. Your local Stuffer Shack has a host icon
carrying a wireless-enabled gun—or any other wireless
that’s roughly the size of the building it’s in, and it sits
device that might kill you—it will show up separately so
low to the “ground,” about on the same level as most
that it can be identified rapidly. Unless, of course, the
of the devices in the Matrix. The Atlantean Foundation’s
user has gone to the trouble to hide that icon, but that’ll
host, on the other hand, floats about a virtual kilometer
be covered later.
above the twinkling datascape and is about the size of
the biggest skyraker building in the physical world. Bigger
still is the Shiawase Mainframe, which is a slowly rotating
sphere about a hundred kilometers up and almost
A file is a collection of data. It can be a film, a song, a
twenty kilometers in diameter.
book, financial records, an image, a news article, and
so on. It can even be a collection of other files (a “folder”).
The host icons themselves look like just about anything the
Files have icons that are smaller than persona
owners want. If you look up into the Matrix
icons, typically small enough to fit in the palm of the
night you’ll see corporate logos, lavish building façades,
virtual hand. All file icons have a default appearance in
and constellations of hosts. You might recognize the
the Matrix—a glowing cube or other polyhedron that
Seattle ACHE’s ziggurat shape, or the mother-and-child
can be opened to reveal its contents—but few Matrix
logo of Humanis, or (if you have access) the three orbiting
users are so lazy and uninspired as to leave their files’
spheres of JackPoint.
icons with such a boring look. A text file might have
an icon that is a book, a scroll, a data pad, or even
Inside a host is a completely different story. A host
stone tablets. Sound files look like speakers, musical
can be (and usually is) bigger on the inside than on the
notes or instruments, and so forth, while video might
outside. A host’s internal sculpting is internally regulated,
look like a film projector, a trid set, or an old-fashioned
so while outsiders’ icons conform to standard Matrix
requirements, the host itself doesn’t have to. The host

37 | P a g e
can be a maze, an open space, have strange gravity or (including innocent children, natch) from online predators,
none at all, be hot, cold, loud, quiet, and everything in piracy, and fraud.
between. Most hosts stick close to reality to make it easier
and more comfortable for its patrons, but some offer That’s the corp brochure version of the Matrix, anyway.
stranger or even downright bizarre sculpting. The real motives behind the Matrix, particularly its
current structure, are profit and control. The
MATRIX AUTHENTICATION megacorporations and the Grid Overwatch Division have
RECOGNITION KEYS been working on “The Matrix Problem” for decades,
A Matrix authentication recognition key, or mark if searching for a holy grail of Matrix design that will let
you’re not a fan of rattling off fancy technological them maximize their profits while minimizing their risks,
nomenclature, is how the Matrix keeps track of which and they may have finally found something close. The
personas have access to which devices, files, hosts, system is set up so that the corps always have the
and other personas. Marks look like, well, marks—small advantage, hackers always are at a disadvantage, and
personalized labels or tattoos on whichever icons you everybody else is stuck somewhere between.
place them. Your marks can look like anything you like, One of the keys to the new system is the network of
as long as they’re small, fit onto other icons, and have overlapping grids, which need to be understood if you
some thematic link to you or your icon. plan on doing any serious Matrix work.

For example, let’s say you’re using the icon of a neon GRIDS
green octopus. Your marks might look like neon green If you want to get on the Matrix, you need a grid. A grid
sucker marks. If you had a cowboy icon, your marks is what a Matrix service provider uses to connect you
might look like cattle brands. If your icon were a vintage to the digital world. When you connect to the Matrix,
movie star, your marks might look like lipstick kisses. you are on the grid of your provider, much the same
Normally, marks are invisible to anyone except the way an early 21st century cell phone user would be on
person who placed them. To see other marks on an icon their phone company’s network.
(or your own icon), you have to analyze it. Seeing a mark Different grids cover customers in different areas;
does not automatically tell you who put it there, though. there are global grids provided by each of the Big Ten and
Usually, you can only recognize a mark if you have already local grids sponsored in part by local governments.
seen the persona responsible for the mark, or if you’re Accessing these grids costs money, and each of them
familiar with his or her marking style. presents a slightly different view of the Matrix (although
the inside of hosts look the same no matter what grid
Marks are routinely invited and given for normal, everyday, you’re on, as that’s controlled by the hosts). It’s all still the
legal use of various services. They act as keys, permission “real” Matrix, of course, but the icons that belong to your
slips, invitations, and account privileges on every grid’s owner look a bit bigger and more shiny, and the
icon in the virtual world. For example, the Seattle Public advertising is slanted in ways that benefit the grid’s owners.
Library invites over 50,000 marks per day for its VR books, For example, when you’re connected to the Matrix
films, trideos, and other items in its collection. While the through Seattle’s local grid, Emerald City, the normally
great percentage of mark traffic is legitimate, hackers try black Matrix sky is tinged a gemstone green, and the
to get marks illegally to facilitate their own plans. hosts that are closely related to Seattle are a bit brighter.
NeoNET icons are also a bit larger when you’re using
THE MATRIX: FOR YOU Emerald City, because the main sponsor/owner of the
local grid is NeoNET. If you were on NeoNET’s global
AND AGAINST YOU grid, you’d see much the same thing, without the emphasis
It’s important to remember that the Matrix exists to be
on Seattle or the green sky.
used. That means that for the most part, the look and
feel of various hosts is geared toward being approachable,
If you can’t pay for access to a grid, well, you’re not
not putting up obstacles that might prevent people
completely out of luck. The corps would never have
from doing their work or conducting their business. It is been able to get away with completely throttling access
a safe environment, with security built into its operating
to the Matrix, so there’s a public grid provided by
systems and protocols. Ever since the recent change in
underfunded non-profits, outdated satellites, and the
Matrix protocols, the structure is monitored by the Grid
occasional good Samaritan who’s willing to share a
Overwatch Division of the Corporate Court, who act as a
wireless access point or two. The public grid is slow, low-
sort of Matrix police force devoted to protecting users
resolution, and unreliable, but at least it’s globally

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It’s the Barrens of the Matrix. ripples for the demiGODs to track through standard
As you’d expect, the grid you’re on says something overwatch alone. They also handle cases where a hacker
about your social standing. You might find notes like has been kicked off the grid, supporting any security or
“Posted from the Renraku Grid” tacked onto the end law enforcement forces that the grid’s owner wants to
of status updates. Corps market their own grids heavily, send against the hacker in the physical world.
offering perks and free commlink upgrades every
year or two. People on the public grid are viewed as
second-class citizens. High-class hosts advertise “No
public-grid connections allowed” to show how their
clientele are elite.

You can “hop” between grids, but which grids you

can access depend on where you are in the world. You
can get on the public or any global grid from anywhere
on the planet. Local grids can only be accessed if you’re
physically in the grid’s service area. For example, if
you’re on Netzwerks Berlin, you could see and interact
with a commlink that is on Seattle’s Emerald City, but
you wouldn’t be able to hop to Emerald City grid itself.


The Grid Overwatch Division, or GOD for short, is
responsible for securing the Matrix from hackers and other
unwanted intruders, especially the parts connecting
the various hosts and users (security with hosts falls
more on the heads of the host owners). Each grid has
its own sub-division (even the public grid), with its own
financing and operatives. A sub-division (referred to as
a demiGOD) watches its entire grid, keeping an eye
out for misbehaving users and illegal activity. The grids
have a warning system built-in, a subtle but telltale ripple
that occurs when the automated software detects
illegal or unauthorized use of the gird. It’s not much, but
GOD is watching, and if they see enough ripples to find
and identify a hacker, they can trace his physical location AUGMENTED WORLD
and boot him off the Matrix using the mechanisms built So far much of the discussion of the Matrix and its
into each grid. collected icons has focused on how things look in virtual
This is not to say the megacorps have made nice and reality, but that’s not how most people interact with
are now holding hands singing Kumbayah. Far from it; the Matrix on a daily or hourly basis. Most people who
the Matrix is an even hotter intercorporate battleground use VR use it to visit hosts, view entertainment, or play
than ever, it’s just that the AAAs want to keep their games, but a lot of people find the disembodied sensation
battleground to themselves. While the demiGODs are of virtual reality to be uncomfortable, or even disturbing.
separate and even competitive (the Crash of the Titans The majority of people interact with the Matrix
reality trid show is new but surging in popularity), they are in augmented reality, using their commlink.
still part of GOD and highly cooperative against hackers. A commlink is combination computer, smartphone,
They share their information in real-time, often faster than media player, passport, wallet, credit card, Matrix browser,
hackers can hop to another grid. Their operatives, called G- chip reader, GPS navigator, digital camera, and portable
men (complete with 1930s-era FBI persona icons), gaming device. And possibly a few other things, if
technically only have jurisdiction over their assigned grid, you’ve got a really nice one. It’s got all of the necessary
but they can request and receive clearance, authority, and software already loaded, but unlike a cyberdeck it has no
cooperation from the demiGOD of another grid in seconds space for cyberprograms or other hacking tools.
during an investigation. The G-men investigate cases that Most models are small enough to fit in your pocket,
aren’t lengthy enough or blatant enough to leave sufficient on a belt clip, or on your wrist. If a pocket version isn’t

39 | P a g e
your style, commlinks are available in a number of other a buddy, you can make an ARO highlighting that person
forms, including headwear, glasses, jewelry, cranial and send it. You can choose which of your AROs are
implant, belt buckles, and other accessories. seen by which people, so you can keep it private or, if
you’re feeling impish, put vulgar AROs on RFID tags and
LIFE WITH A COMMLINK scatter them around town for all to see. Of course, other
Your commlink does more than just sit in your pocket (or people can filter out the AROs they don’t want to see,
on your head). It interprets the Matrix around you to give and so can you.
you extra information and capability that can be useful Augmented reality isn’t just visual information, either. You
in civilian life and vital in the shadows. This is done with can hear audio AROs if you have earbuds or a
augmented reality, or AR. AR overlays information on cyberear. AROs can be tactile if you have a haptic device
things in real-life in a way only you can perceive. like AR gloves. Engineers are still working on putting
Let’s say you’re walking down the street in Downtown physical scent into AR displays, and we’d rather not
Seattle’s shopping district. Your commlink may talk about AR flavors. On the other hand, if you use AR
seem like it’s sitting quietly, but in fact it’s quite busy. with a direct neural interface like trodes or an implant,
It’s regularly communicating with other devices and you can use all of your senses to view AR without any
hosts around you, sharing information about your location extra devices.
and your movement. The other devices and hosts Most of what you keep on your commlink are files,
are sending information right back, telling you who else this includes music, your SIN (fake or otherwise), licenses
is out there, what stores are having sales, what movies (also fake or otherwise), maps, email messages, your
are playing at which theaters, and so on. If you look at contact book, AROs, and so on. These files are visible to
your commlink screen, you’d have all that information people who can see your commlink in the Matrix, so most
overlaid on an image of where you are, providing a mini people keep all of their files in a protected folder.
heads-up display. But let’s say you live in the current
decade, and you don’t interact with the world around you DIRECT NEURAL INTERFACE
with just a screen. You may have glasses, or sunglasses, A direct neural interface, or DNI, connects your brain to
or contacts, or goggles, or cybereyes, or something that electronic devices. Direct neural interface (along with a
puts this information right in your field of vision. Overlaid sim module) is required for VR use, but DNI is also useful
on the world are icons telling you that shoes like the for AR in that you don’t need any additional gear like
ones you bought last year are now half off, and there’s earbuds or an image link to see or hear augmented reality
a dotted line leading you to the theater showing the objects. How do you sign up? You get DNI by wearing
sequel to the trid show you thought was wiz, and the trodes, or having an implanted datajack, commlink, or
people walking down the street are occasionally
cyberdeck. And if you’re using a sim module along with
highlighted by glowing auras—nice blue ones representing
your DNI, can get a sort of “super AR mode” where you
your friends, glaring red ones telling you that someone
can also feel, smell, and taste your AR experience. you can
you know and should be avoiding is coming close. You
get a sort of “super AR mode” where you can also feel,
have more than just your natural vision—you’ve got
everything in the database you’re carrying with you. smell, and taste your AR experience.
The civilized world adapted quickly to augmented
reality, mostly because it’s easier than printing things on So where do you store all of the things you want to
paper or making signs. Augmented reality objects, or keep? Pictures from your Aunt Edna’s wedding, credit
AROs (pronounced “arrows”), are used to show information, your SIN, every book and movie you’ve
information and decorate spaces on the cheap. Stores have bought, all the programs you might want to run—all of
their logos blazoned in 3D above their door, restaurants it fits on your commlink (or cyberdeck if you prefer). In
offer animated menus complete with tantalizing images fact, every device on the Matrix has a massive amount
of their food, street names hover over every intersection, of storage space, unthinkable amounts by early 21st
decorators use AR objects to spruce up interiors, all century standards. Your gamemaster might decide that
viewable in AR for anyone who has the capability, which a device is too small or low-grade or a file so massively
is pretty much everybody. The unintended side effect is large that a problem comes up, but such problems are
that things can look a bit dingy when you turn off your extremely rare. Even if it does, the entire world is wireless,
AR display, but that’s the price of progress. so you shouldn’t have trouble finding an alternate
You don’t have to be an expert to make an ARO. If storage location.
you want to send directions to your place from the party,
you can draw a line on an AR map and share it with your
friends. If you want to point out a person in a crowd for

40 | P a g e
SHADOWRUNNING so often used in VR, so a decker only needs a datajack
WITH A COMMLINK or other DNI device to make that connection, instead of
Your commlink could be the most important piece of needing the full sim implant.
gear you own. It keeps you in contact with the rest of Deckers are far and away the most common type of
your team, even if you’re scattered across the entire hacker. They come to the profession out of necessity, a
sprawl. You can share information like images, floor desire for profit, or a sense of mischief. Or all three. They
plans, and tactical instructions almost instantly, even in are heavily dependent on their skills, and they need
the middle of a firefight. It gives you AR displays for good gear to make sure their skills shine. They can usually
your surroundings, not just what other people put there maintain and even build their own electronic devices.
but AROs created by your companions, which come in
handy when your shaman tags a mage among the enemy TECHNOMANCERS
security forces or a spotter drone maps the location of all Technomancers are able to interface both in AR and VR
the guard dogs it can find. A good commlink without the aid of a sim module, image link, or any other
can also protect your own devices (including your gun) electronic devices. Strictly speaking, technomancers
from opposing hackers. Some shadowrunners prefer to aren’t magical, but they’re just as mysterious as magicians
go without one, but most agree that the commlink is were after the Awakening. The origins of a technomancer’s
right up there with ammo in terms of usefulness. power and how she makes things happen are
still unknown to science. Like magicians, technomancers
THE DIGITAL make up a tiny fraction of the population of the Earth.
Also like magicians, they are generally distrusted and
misunderstood, sometimes to the point of paranoia.
Not everyone is content to surf the Matrix in peace.
Not all technomancers are hackers, but to the general
Some users are protestors, flying in the face of the
public they might as well be. In the media, the word
megacorps’ power over the grids. Some are curious,
technomancer almost always means hacker, and the word
poking at secure hosts and pushing boundaries that
“hacker” means cyber-terrorist. Many national and local
GOD and its demiGODs would prefer remain untouched.
governments require technomancers to register with the
Some are angel-headed hipsters trying to find
authorities, even if they have little talent or power. The
some connection to the starry dynamo of the virtual
perception of technomancers is that they are able to control
night. Some want to free the flow of information from
a person’s electronics, reading files at will, breaching
its corporate shackles. Some just have a habit of ignoring
every moment of privacy. They say that technomancers
the rules.
can see you through the devices in your home, trace your
All these digital delinquents are known as hackers. In
children, ruin your reputation and credit rating, launch
the heavily computerized world of the 2070s, a
nuclear missiles, drain your bank accounts, and steal your
shadowrunning team can go a long way with a hacker on
identity. As a result of the paranoia, most technomancers
their side. Hackers can pry at secrets, control devices, and
keep their identity under wraps, sometimes hiding their
even destroy electronics from a distance, not to mention
abilities behind dummy commlinks.
defend against opposing hackers and spiders. Hackers
Technomancers are rare, but they have amazing abilities in
come in two main flavors: deckers and technomancers.
the Matrix, doing things that by most reports
should be impossible. They use their powers and abilities to
DECKERS bend the Matrix to their will and summon digital servants.
A decker is someone who uses a cyberdeck (hence the They are generally not the figures public
name) to break the rules of the Matrix. A cyberdeck— paranoia makes them out to be—but they have enough
usually just called a deck—is like a commlink with some power to make it seem that the paranoia has at least one
extra features. It is a bit bigger than a commlink, about foot in reality.
the size of a small tablet or a spiral-bound notebook, or
a pair of playing card decks. Its specialized functions
and questionable legality make it far more expensive (MIS)USING
than ordinary commlinks. The cyberdeck has advanced
electronics and firmware based on reverse-engineered THE MATRIX
protocols used in Matrix security. In short, a cyberdeck The first step in hacking the Matrix is conceiving and
is the tool you need to be a hacker. understanding what you might be able to accomplish. The
A deck can perform all of the functions of a commlink, but example below provides a narrative of someone making
its primary purpose is hacking in the Matrix. their illicit way through the Matrix. It’ll show you some of
Cyberdecks have a built-in sim module because they are the things that are possible. Once we’ve set that up, we’ll

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show you how to do the things it shows. don’t understand the different grids involved and how to
There’s a lot that goes on in the Matrix. It’s a big place, get on them, they’ll be behind the competition.
bigger than the real world if you include all of the hosts. They also have to understand what they’re seeing—which
It’s also a very versatile place. Everybody in the civilized icons are devices, which are personae, and why it matters.
world (aside from a few barely worth mentioning since,
you know, they don’t show up on the Matrix) has some They also need to be able to see the things they
basic computer skills. They can surf the Matrix, search are not supposed to see, while also keeping themselves
for information, send messages to one another, and use out of sight when necessary (Matrix Perception,).
basic AR interfaces. That doesn’t make them Matrix When it’s time to get down to business, hackers
experts, and it definitely doesn’t make them hackers. To show they’re the alpha dog in the traditional way—by
really walk the virtual walk, you need a lot more. marking their territory. Placing marks on the devices they
want to control gets them the access they are
not supposed to have. Once your marks are in place, it’s
CRACKING THE the hacker’s time to shine and take the actions to make
MATRIX SPINE the Matrix do the weird and unexpected things their
team needs. They’re not alone in there, though,
The Matrix is a controlled environment, with corporate
so there’s always the chance they’ll have to go to battle
owners wanting to keep things moving at their
against IC or a security spider
pace, according to their specifications. If something
suits their goals, it moves through the Matrix just fine,
encountering few problems or hang-ups. If it doesn’t
meet their goals, they shut it down as fast as they can
before it causes too much trouble.
Hackers don’t meet their goals, and they are paid to
create trouble. They’re the fly in the ointment, the fart
in the cathedral, the droog in the milk bar. They’re chaos
amidst carefully cultivated order, and they’re fast and
nimble if they want to stay free and keep their synapses
at their normal temperature.
Hackers can get an important advantage with their
gear and equipment, but that’s something anyone with a
decent pile of nuyen can buy. For the true hacker, it’s not
the gear that sets them apart—it’s how they use it. Their
quick thinking, their imagination, and their relentless
coding skills put them above the competition, letting
. Hackers aren’t limited to the lives of digital ninja
them dance their way through a Matrix that’s constantly
anymore. Hackers can pull out the big guns and blast
trying to force them to color inside the lines.
through the Matrix , slamming marks on targets and taking
Good hackers start with good skills Without those, they’re
what they want. They can also fry gear in the real world
just another idiot who spent too much
killing drones, destroying weapons, and otherwise
money on electronic gear they don’t know how to use.
fighting side-by-side with their teammates.
Once they have the skills that set them apart, they need
The final pieces of knowledge they need are the other
the right gear or their skills are going to come up short.
elements they might encounter online—the hosts, IC,
Knowing the Matrix attributes and how they can help
and programs that make life interesting. Armed
or limit them, will make sure they get the most
with that knowledge, hackers will be ready to help the
out of their skills. Armed with this knowledge, they can
Matrix shake off its shackles and become the raw, free
choose the cyberdeck that’s right for them. The
flow of data it was always meant to be.
good stuff isn’t cheap. Hell, even the not-so-good stuff
Then there’s one more piece of the puzzle. Once
will set you back a pile of nuyen, so hackers need to
we’ve covered how deckers make their way through the
learn how their deck might get damaged and how they
Matrix, we need to look at the technomancer side of
can avoid having it turn into a useless brick of plastic and
things to see how they operate and swim in the Matrix
rare earth elements
that they see as an ocean of data all around them
Once they have their skills and gear ready to rock,
hackers need to decide how they’re going to access the
Matrix and how to use the structure
of the Matrix to make the right connections . If they To do anything more involved than sending email in the

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Matrix, you’ll need some skills. Specifically, you’ll need
the skills in the Cracking Skill Group and the Electronics MATRIX DAMAGE
Skill Group. Here’s a quick rundown of those skills and Each device in the Matrix has a Matrix Condition Monitor.
what they do: This represents the device’s ability to handle damaging
code designed to make the device do things
USING COMPUTER it’s not supposed to do. As a device gets damaged, it
The Computer skill represents your ability to use overheats, suffers power spikes and dips, shorts out
computers. Common functions for this skill include editing as components start failing, and eventually becomes
files, erasing marks, and searching the Matrix. It’s also damaged beyond functionality.
used in your Matrix Perception Tests, which can be vital in The Matrix Condition Monitor equal to the Devices Rating
finding that Black IC before it stomps your neural is always resisted with Device Rating + Resistance. When
pathways. a persona is hit for damage, the device it is running on
takes that damage (except technomancers, who take it
USING CYBERCOMBAT as Stun damage).
Cybercombat is the skill to use when you’re trying to Unlike other forms of damage, there is no penalty for
wreck something or hurt someone in the Matrix. You having Matrix damage until your Matrix Condition Monitor
can use it to damage electronics, break through defensive is completely filled. Matrix damage that becomes
algorithms, and crash programs. Stun damage for technomancers still does carry a penalty,
though, as does Stun or Physical damage caused by
This skill is about controlling the airwaves, an important
ability in a wireless world. It’s good for jamming other BRICKING
people’s signals with a jammer (or even your deck), If the Matrix Condition Monitor of a device is completely
hiding your own signature, and snooping on other people’s filled, the device ceases functioning. This is
datastreams. called bricking a device. Devices that are bricked never
fail non-spectacularly. Smoke, sparks, pops, bangs, sizzles,
USING HACKING nasty smells, and occasionally even small fires are
Hacking is about cleverly convincing the Matrix to do common features of a device in the process of becoming a
things it’s not designed to do. It lets you find and exploit brick. If you’re using your deck in VR when it gets
weaknesses in digital defenses, and otherwise use bricked, you are dumped from the Matrix and suffer
finesse in your Matrix mayhem. dumpshock . A bricked device is damaged and useless until
it is repaired (described in the next bit, Repairing Matrix
USING HARDWARE Damage). If a device is bricked, it stops working: batteries
Hardware describes your ability to build, repair and are drained, mechanical parts are fused or gummed
manipulate electronic hardware. This skill is rarely up with melted internals, and so on. That said, not all
used in the Matrix, but it encompasses everything devices are completely useless when bricked. A vibrosword
that runs on the Matrix—and everything the Matrix is still sharp, a roto-drone glides to the ground on auto-
runs on. It’s very useful for fixing electronics that have gyro, a lock stays locked. The firing pin on an
been damaged by Matrix combat, not to mention upgrading assault rifle might not work, but its bayonet works just
your deck or building your own devices. fine for stabbing smug hackers. And you can’t exactly
brick a katana, ne? And don’t panic when your trickedout
USING SOFTWARE combat bike gets bricked; it will ride again … if you
This skill is about creating programs and other code know a competent technician.
that runs in the Matrix. It’s good for writing your own
programs and analyzing strange code. If you’ve got the
guts to try to handle a data bomb, you’ll need some solid REPAIRING MATRIX DAMAGE
Software skills to keep it from going off in your face. If you have a device with Matrix damage, you can repair it
with a toolkit, an hour of work, and a Hardware test. Every
USING RESONANCE hit you get can be used to either remove one box of Matrix
The skills in the Resonance Skill Group are only usable by damage or cut the time required in half; the first die spent
technomancers. These skills are used to thread toward time reduces the time to half an hour, the second to
complex forms and to compile sprites. 15 minutes, and so on, to a minimum of one Combat Turn
(6 seconds). Bricked or not, the device is off-line and
unusable during the repair process.

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If you critically glitch on the roll to repair your device, to Stun damage to their person, but it is still resisted with
that’s it. The device is permanently bricked. You can use their living persona’s Device Rating + Firewall.
it as a paperweight, an object lesson, or (if you need
one) a brick. If you glitch, the device can be restored to
functionality, but it becomes a bit glitchy (the gamemaster BIOFEEDBACK DAMAGE
will tell you how at an appropriate moment). Biofeedback damage is Matrix code that forces your sim
module to misbehave badly. It makes your body go haywire
the same way that Matrix damage screws up devices. This
NON-DEVICES AND can cause temporary or even permanent damage
MATRIX DAMAGE to a deckers’ body and brain. It’s used by Black IC, Grid
IC programs and sprites have Matrix Condition Monitors. Overwatch Division G-men, and unscrupulous hackers
Like devices, they are unaffected by Matrix damage until and spiders, although it can also come from other sources
they have a full Matrix Condition Monitor. IC inadvertently, like dumpshock or the damage riggers take
and sprites cannot be repaired, but they lose all damage when their vehicles and drones are damaged.
when they stop running or return to the Resonance. Biofeedback damage is only dangerous when you’re
Hosts and files can’t be attacked with Matrix damage, so in VR mode. Unless the attack says otherwise, biofeedback
they don’t have Matrix Condition Monitors. is Stun damage if you are using cold-sim VR and
Technomancers don’t have Matrix Condition Monitors, Physical damage in hot-sim VR. You resist biofeedback
either. Instead all Matrix damage they take is converted damage with Resistance.
DUMPSHOCK & LINK-LOCKING If the Hacker decides to cut their losses and Jack Out to
Hackers taking damage in the Matrix works differently avoid getting their brain fried, they must make a Hacking
depending on which kind of IC we’re talking about. The IC roll at -1 for each piece of IC currently active. He can also
also have a few tricks up their sleeve. Regular Damage is chose to abort rapidly, making sure he gets out, but taking
done via neurofeedback. Electric currents are blasted into 1D8 non-lethal damage for each Matrix Entity around him.
your noggin’, making you disoriented at best
When taking damage from White IC, regard it as Fatigue Successfully jacking out usually means suffering
damage. This can incapacitate the Hacker, but not kill dumpshock, but at least you’re free. Any persona, be they
them. Once incapacitated, the Hacker is Jacked Out out of agent, technomancer, or sprite, can be link-locked.
the matrix by his commlink. Gotta’ love those safety Usually, if you fall unconscious in VR, your commlink
measures. or deck automatically switches you to AR. If you’re
linklocked, you remain online and in VR. IC typically
Technomancers leave VR behind as well, mainly because doesn’t care whether its target is conscious, so it will
they fall unconscious. probably keep attacking you. Spiders are a bit smarter
about it but no less ruthless, and they have a lot of options
Black IC damage causes wounds. What usually happens when you’re helpless and stuck in the Matrix. Either way,
from an outsider’s perspective is that the hacker shakes it’s nasty, since you can’t defend against actions when
violently, bleeds from every orifice in their head and dies. you’re unconscious.
Wounds taken from this damage can very well kill the
Hacker through biofeedback-induced strokes.
Other Nasty Tricks that IC can throw at you include USER MODES
Dumpshocks, which is violently ejecting you from VR.
When you interact with the Matrix, you can do it in one
Going through a Dumpshock makes the Hacker shaken,
of three modes. In augmented reality, or AR mode, you
and does 1D8 non-lethal damage for each success and raise
deal with reality directly, and you use your meat body
gained on the damage roll.
to interact with the Matrix through AR overlays. In virtual
Another danger in the Matrix is having your connection
reality, or VR mode, your body goes limp and your
link-locked. This is when another persona or device
only sensory input comes from the Matrix. Basic VR
sends keep-alive signals to your deck (or other device)
mode is cold-sim, meaning you interact with the Matrix
that force it to cancel any attempt to leave the Matrix.
primarily through sight and sound. In hot-sim VR
If you’re link-locked, you can’t use the Switch Interface
mode, your have the full Matrix experience, involving
Mode, the Enter/Exit Host, or the Reboot actions on the
all of your senses as well as your emotions. You can
device your persona is using (probably your deck). You
perform Matrix actions in any of the three modes.
can escape with a successful Jack Out action.

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As we’ve described, AR is normal living in physical thought, as opposed to the speed of safety. Normal people
space with an AR heads-up display. You can see the can only interact with nodes in the way their creator
Matrix if you like, either by creating a virtual window intended. You, on the other hand, can break the security
or display screen and viewing it like a camera, or by that keeps people from meddling with the way nodes work.
overlaying device and host information on your normal The creators of the nodes are not pleased with this behavior
vision. Your persona can go anywhere in the Matrix using and new forms of security software have been developed to
this view. You can even enter hosts, although your deal with the likes of you. It is called Intrusion
icon will appear jerky and slow compared to a VR user Countermeasures, or IC.
in the same node.
When in AR, you use your normal Initiative
You do not take biofeedback damage, like COLD-SIM VIRTUAL REALITY
from the attack of Black IC. If your attention is really In cold-sim VR, you’re meshed with the Matrix through
focused on your AR display and not your surroundings, simsense filters. This means your brain is protected
your gamemaster may impose a –2 penalty on from dangerous signals, but it makes things a bit slower
any Notice tests you make to notice things going on for you because all data is analyzed by your sim module
around you in physical space. before it reaches you. Your body relaxes and your
Augmented Reality is a digital overlay on the real world meat senses are blocked, as though your body were
(hence, Augmented). When a chummer looks through asleep. You see the Matrix as though you were really
his AR device (Normally contact lenses or glasses. there, soaring among the icons. In cold-sim VR, the
Cyber eyes also have built-in AR software), these hacker’s body is lifeless and limp, unable to defend itself in
digital images called Augmented Reality Objects, or any way. The hacker enters the matrix space and can only
ARO’s, enhance the world around him. When he see nodes and devices. Once in VR, the hacker gets two
enters a restaurant, a menu pops up in his field of initiative passes per turn. Switching between AR and
vision, allowing him to mark off his order by touching it, VR is an action. If the hacker is dump shocked, he is
for example. Naturally, Hackers have modified their AR returned to AR mode instantly. Whenever you take
software to better suit their illicit needs. They are made biofeedback damage, it is Fatigue damage
resistant to the spam ARO’s that inevitably pop up in
everyone’s field of view. They also have a handy program HOT-SIM VIRTUAL REALITY
that makes everything that is wirelessly connected distinct Hot-sim VR is like cold-sim VR, only the filters are off.
somehow, either by making it glow brightly, giving it a You are flooded with simsense signals that can even affect
red outline or some other form of indication. This your limbic system, so you can not only see, hear, and
allows the hacker to instantly know what devices in his touch the Matrix, but you can feel it. Hot-sim uses the same
field of vision that are hackable. simsense signals as better-than-life chips, which makes it
dangerous and even addictive (see Addiction), but you
VIRTUAL REALITY can’t get a closer, more intuitive connection with the
This is the real rush, chummer. Once you go into VR Matrix. When you are in hot-sim VR mode, you get 3
mode, you leave behind your body and enter the digital Initiative Passes. You cannot go pass the maximum of 4
space. While you are in VR your body is unconscious Initiative Passes . You receive a +2 bonus to all Matrix
and limb, drooling ever so slightly. Your mind and actions, and you take biofeedback damage as
thoughts are in the Matrix. Physical damage.
The matrix can look like anything, depending where
you go. There are many digital nightclubs and secret MAKING CONNECTIONS
matrix lodges around. Generally though, the Matrix is a The Matrix is a different environment, one that runs
black void filled with icons that represent nodes. The parallel with the real world while being deeply connected
“ground” below is a grid of lines, and the “sky” is black to it. When you’re flying through the virtual
as well. Each of these nodes can be interacted with in night, there are some things that work a bit differently
some way. than they would if you were flying through the physical
Normally there are constraints build into Commlinks to night. Aside from gravity, that is.
limit the amount of information fed into your brain. This
would protect people from dangerous neurofeedback, NOISE
at the price of slowing their matrix activities. Being a Noise is the static on the wireless Matrix. There are a
hacker, you have no time that and the first thing you do lot of things that can mess with your signal, like nearby
is to override the parental controls. This is called Hot electronics, natural and artificial dampening, and even
Sim, and allows you to literally operate at the speed of cosmic background radiation. It may seem as if traffic

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in the Matrix is instantaneous, but ask anyone who has
played an online game with someone a few continents
away—there is a noticeable delay compared to playing
someone next door. When decisions are being made
in the blink of an eye, every speed difference matters.
The farther you are away from an icon in real life, the
harder it is to communicate with it, whether your intentions
are harmful or benign. Noise can be reduced
with noise reduction, which can be provided by a few
different pieces of hardware and software (see Street
The most common source of noise is distance from
your target, but there are other causes, as listed on the
table. There are also spam zones and static zones to
deal with. A spam zone has so much traffic (often
commercial in nature) that everything gets processed
Static zones are areas with either a lot of electromagnetic
blockage (like an underground tunnel, labyrinth
of sewers, or ruins of a steel office building) or far away
from civilization (the middle of a desert, the north pole,
adrift in the Pacific, etc.).
To figure out how noise is affecting you, start with
the noise level from real-world distance to your target
and add the noise level from any other applicable
situations, then subtract any noise reduction you are using.
Any positive noise level you have left over is a negative
modifier to your actions. Noise never applies
to defense or resistance tests.

Some Matrix actions are illegal, making them more
risky than legal actions. The Matrix was built with security
in mind, but of course they couldn’t make it hacker-proof.
The list of illegal actions is pretty simple: all
Attack and Sleaze actions are illegal. The risks that go
with them depend on just what you’re trying to do.
If you fail a Probe [sleaze] action, the target’s Firewall
software detects the intrusion and places a mark on you. A
device immediately informs its owner, a host launches
IC. If the target already has three marks on you, it doesn’t
get another, but it still does the informing and launching.

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using and the host you were in (if you were in a host),
OVERWATCH SCORE so you might have to deal with some real-life security
AND CONVERGENCE forces coming to track your ass down.
The greatest ninjas in the world can’t walk through the Your gamemaster keeps your Overwatch Score a secret
desert without moving some sand, and the best hackers from you. You can use the Check Overwatch Score
in the world can’t hack the Matrix without leaving tiny action or the Baby Monitor program to keep tabs on
clues to their passing. GOD and the demiGODs are on your OS. You could just wing it, too, if you’ve got a good
the lookout for these kinds of clues, but luckily the Matrix memory (and the gamemaster is nice enough to tell you
is a really big place, with plenty of places to hide. how many hits your targets get. Which, honestly, she
They’re good, though, and they’ll get you eventually. The shouldn’t be, but we don’t control everything).
more hacking you do, the easier you are to find. Of course, G-men, security spiders, IC, and other users who
are officially sanctioned by GOD never rack up
an Overwatch Score, even if they’re really misbehaving.
Such is life on the Matrix. And in the meat world, too,
come to think about it. Convergence does something
slightly different in hosts (Host Convergence,),
but once you poke your head out the demiGOD hammer
will fall.

Devices have a universal data connector, which is the
global standard for connecting devices together for
power and data exchange. If you have a cable, you can
connect to the device directly. Cyberdecks and datajacks
come with a meter of built-in retractable microfilament data
cable, or you can always buy a cable for about
five nuyen per meter (some devices, especially those
installed in buildings, are connected by cables to mitigate
noise). When you use a direct connection, you ignore all
noise modifiers and modifiers due to being on different
When you start using the Matrix after a fresh boot, grids or the public grid. It’s just you and the device.
you’re as pure and innocent as the driven snow (at least Some devices don’t have wireless capability. Usually this is
as far as the demiGODs are concerned). The moment because the person who bought the device
you perform an illegal action (Attack or Sleaze), you get couldn’t afford one that was less than ten years old, or
an Overwatch Score, or OS, that your gamemaster uses because they thought they’d be more secure without
to track how much evidence you’ve been leaving in your wireless. These devices are called throwbacks.
wake. When you perform an Attack or Sleaze action, Throwbacks can’t be accessed by wireless connection, so
your OS increases by the number of hits the target gets they can’t be controlled remotely or get a wireless bonus
on its Notice test. for being connected to the Matrix. They still have universal
The Overwatch Score also increases as time goes by. data connectors, so you can connect to them (and hack
If the demiGODs have time to analyze your activities, them) by jacking in directly.
they’ll notice traces of your passing and will start to get
closer and closer. Every fifteen minutes after you first PANS AND WANS
start tallying an OS, it increases by another 2D6 (rolled If you want extra protection for some of your devices, you
by the gamemaster in secret). can slave them to your commlink or deck. Your
When your Overwatch Score hits 40, the jig is up. commlink (or deck) can handle up to (Device Rating)
The nastiness that follows is called convergence. The slaved devices, becoming the master device in that
grid’s demiGOD converges on your trail, and then the particular relationship. The group consisting of your
fun begins. First, they hit you for 3d12 Matrix damage, slaved devices plus your master commlink or deck is
which you resist normally. Then they force your persona called a personal area network, or PAN.
to reboot, erasing all of your marks and dumping you Slaving gives a weaker device some added protection.
from the Matrix (causing dumpshock if you were in VR at Whenever a slaved device is called on to make a defense
the time). As if that wasn’t enough, they also report your test, it uses either its own or its master’s rating for
physical location to the owner of the grid you were just each rating in the test. For example, if your slaved

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smartgun is the target of a hacker’s Brute Force action, it Different grids have different demiGODs that monitor
would use its Device Ratings Firewall Usually 2, or your traffic and keep an eye out for security, which occasionally
commlink’s, whichever is higher in each instance. If causes a bit of lag across grids. When you’re
a slaved device is under attack via a direct connection (as attempting a Matrix action against a target on another grid,
through a universal data connector), however, it cannot you take a –2 penalty. If you want to avoid this penalty,
use its master’s ratings to defend itself. you’ll have to hop to the target’s grid. If you have access to
There are risks to slaving devices. Because of the the grid you want, you can just use a Grid-Hop; otherwise
tight connections between the devices, if you get a you’ll have to get your access by the Brute Force or Hack
mark on a slave you also get a mark on the master. on the Fly Matrix actions. Note that this penalty doesn’t
This happens even if the slave was marked through a apply when you’re inside a host; it’s only imposed when
direct connection, so be careful about who you give you’re out on a grid.
your slaved devices to. This doesn’t work both ways;
if you fail a Sleaze action against a slaved device, only EXAMPLE
the device’s owner gets the mark on you, not the master Pistons and /dev/grrl are on the public grid during
too. a big run against NeoNET. On their way into the corp’s
There are also wide area networks, or WANs, with offices with the rest of their team, they analyze some
multiple devices slaved to a host. A host can have a of the building’s devices and note that, as they suspected,
practically unlimited number of devices slaved to it, but the building is on NeoNET’s global grid. They
because of the direct connection hack you rarely see could stay on the public grid, but that would cause a
more devices than can be protected physically. If you –2 dice pool penalty when targeting devices across
are in a host that has a WAN, you are considered directly grids (not to mention the public grid penalty of –2), so
connected to all devices in the WAN. they agree to hop grids. /dev/grrl has access to that
Only devices can be slaves, masters, or part of a PAN. grid through her lifestyle, so she simply Grid-Hops
In a WAN, the slaves must be devices, and the master and is now on the NeoNET grid. Pistons doesn’t have
must be a host. any grid subscriptions, so she uses Hack on the Fly to
make the hop, with a –2 penalty for being on
EXAMPLE the public grid.
Tesseract wants to protect Crunch’s HK-227 from
any hacking attacks. Its Device Rating is 2, which is very THE PUBLIC GRID
poor for defense. If a competent hacker comes along, The public grid is the Matrix’s Barrens. It provides the
Crunch is going to be in trouble. To keep him safe, world with just enough access to let the corporations
Tesseract slaves the gun to his deck. He has his Cyberdeck claim that the Matrix is still free. Data traffic from paid
Rating of 8 meaning the weapon is protected by his global and local grids is given priority over information
Cyberdeck. Now an enemy hacker is going flowing to and from the public grid, so connection
to have trouble landing a serious blow, at least before times are slow and unreliable. As a result, all Matrix
Crunch does. actions are performed at a –2 penalty when
you’re using the public grid, even in a host
You need a grid to access the Matrix. The grid you’re
on changes the look of the Matrix slightly, and it also
can affect your interactions with other icons. There are
three kinds of grids in the Matrix: the public grid, local
grids, and global grids.

On a typical shadowrun, you’ll only be dealing with one
or two grids, aside from the public one. Most likely,
there will be the one you’re typically on (probably your
local or public grid) and the one that your targets are
on. It’s usually fairly obvious which grid your objectives
are using. All the devices and people in a Shiawase facility
will be using the Shiawase global grid, for example, while a
thrill gang is probably on the public grid,
and local law enforcement on the local grid.

48 | P a g e
LOCAL GRIDS persona at a time; switching requires you to reboot both
Local grids are available within a specifically defined the device you’re currently on and the device to which
physical area, such as a sprawl or county. You can only you want to shift your persona.
access a local grid if you’re accessing it from the service Some personas are agents, performing tasks on behalf of
area, usually the geographic area with which it is their owners. Agents running alone on a device
associated. For example, the Emerald City local grid is replace the device icon the same way a living user does.
only accessible as long as you’re in Seattle. Outside the If you’re running an agent along with your persona, it
sprawl, the Salish-Shidhe ChinookNet becomes the local appears with its own separate persona, even though
grid. You can still access things on the Emerald City grid, you’re using the same device.
but you’re now working across grids. Each local grid is Each IC program has its own persona. IC programs
usually provided by a AAA or AA megacorp, though the are not connected to devices because they’re only
advertising is a bit more muted than you’d find on the found in hosts (thankfully).
more commercial global grids. Technomancers have a living persona not attached
to any device. A technomancer’s persona exists in the
GLOBAL GRIDS Matrix as long as they’re awake, unless they deliberately
There are ten publicly known global grids, one for each jack out. When a technomancer compiles a sprite, the
of the Big Ten megacorporations. As you’d guess by sprite has its own persona, too.
the name, global grids are accessible all over the world,
even in orbit out to as far as two thousand kilometers MATRIX PERCEPTION
from the surface of the Earth. These grids are full of The Matrix has a lot of stuff in it. Cars, blenders, light
advertising and marketing. Each has its own demiGOD, switches, advertising RFIDs, hosts, and everything wireless
and those groups share security information and Overwatch and/or electronic. You need to be able to find your
Score data freely. The megas don’t agree on target in the galaxy of icons before you can start affecting
much, but they all hate hackers. it; finding an icon this way is called spotting it. Lucky for
you, the Matrix is very helpful in finding things for you.
DEVICES AND PERSONAS You can automatically spot the icons of devices that
Devices and personas are the movers and shakers are not running silent within 100 meters of your physical
in the Matrix. They’re the only icons that actually do location. No matter where you are in the Matrix, your
things (except hosts, which do things internally, but commlink or deck (or your living persona) only has its
let’s stay focused). The difference between the two is own antenna for wireless signals, so this distance is
that devices usually do things in the real world, while measured from your physical location no matter where you
personas do their thing in the Matrix. are in the Matrix. Beyond this distance, you need to make
a Matrix Perception Test (p. 241) to find a specific icon.
DEVICES For all intents and purposes, there is no “physical”
A device in the Matrix is any wireless device in the real distance to any host in the Matrix. You can always spot a
world. Toasters, power tools, vehicles, firearms, fire host from anywhere on the planet without a test, assuming
hydrants, street lights, ear phones, sales and inventory tags, the host isn’t running silent.
doors and locks, commlinks, pet collars, office You can always keep track of your marks, so you can
equipment, snow blowers, thermostats, drones ... if it’s spot an icon you have a mark on without a test, no matter
big enough for a microchip, it’s big enough to house the distance.
enough computing power to be a device. And if it’s a
device, it’s in the Matrix.
Devices have a smaller-than-person-sized icon in
the Matrix. They also have a Device Rating. When is a
device not a device? When it’s a persona!

Personas are the “people” of the Matrix. Some personas
are actually people, users and hackers who are connected to
and using the Matrix. When a person uses a device
to connect to the Matrix, the device’s icon is subsumed
by the persona’s icon, so it’s basically gone from the
Matrix until the persona jacks out. You can only run one

49 | P a g e
you perceive the icon as normal; if not, it stays hidden and
out of reach.
Note that if there are multiple silent running icons in
the vicinity, you have to pick randomly which one you’re
going to look at through the Opposed Test.
Marks can’t run silent because they’re already pretty
hidden, but all other Matrix objects can be switched to
silent running by their owners.

An icon or host might detect you if you perform an Attack
or Sleaze action on it. The exact way they can detect you
depends on what you’re doing to it.
If you succeed with an Attack action, your target
may make a Computer Test vs ½ of your Hacking Skill to
becomes aware that it is under attack by another icon, but it
doesn’t automatically spot you. It will most likely
actively search for you on its next action, although it
will almost always alert its owner to the attack and (if
it’s a host) launch IC, depending on the owner’s
preferences and the gamemaster’s judgment. If you fail
with an Attack action, you are not noticed, because
you failed to affect your opponent (Note Illegal Actions
and GOD ).
SPOTTING DURATION On the other hand, if you succeed in a Sleaze action,
Once you’ve spotted an icon in the Matrix, you continue to you do not increase your visibility. If you fail a Sleaze
spot it even if it initiates silent running. There are action, however, your target immediately gets one free
two ways you can lose an icon. If the icon successfully mark on you (or its owner does if your target is a device).
uses a Hide action against you, you lose it and need to This means it spots you right away, along with the whole
try to spot it again. If the target reboots or jacks out, owner-alerting and IC-launching thing.
you also lose the icon.
RUNNING SILENT Want to get into a club where you’ve already paid the
You can switch your commlink, deck, other device, cover charge? Show the guy at the door the stamp on
or persona (including your living persona, technomancers) the back of your hand. Want to get into a foreign country?
to silent running. This reduces your traffic Show the border guards the visa stamp on your
to and from the Matrix, but it doesn’t stop it entirely. virtual passport.
Running silent makes it easier to avoid detection, but The Matrix works the same way. If you can show
harder to use the Matrix as a whole. a device or host or whatever that you have the right
Switching to silent running is a Simple Action. Running mark, you can go where you want to go. In Matrix lingo,
silent imposes a –2 modifier to all of your “mark” is an acronym for Matrix authentication
Matrix actions due to the processing power needed to recognition key, which is part of the protocol that devices,
cover your tracks. personas, files, grids, hosts, and so on uses to identify
If you’re trying to find an icon that’s running silent (or legitimate users. Only personas may mark icons.
if you’re running silent and someone’s looking for you), When you’re hacking things, putting your mark on it
the first thing you need to do is have some idea that a encourages that thing to recognize you as legit. It’s no
hidden icon is out there. You can do this with a hit from guarantee—just as a sharp-eyed border guard can nail
a Matrix Perception Test; asking if there are icons running your visa for being fake, and hosts are sometimes not
silent in the vicinity (either in the same host or within 100 fooled by your hacked mark—but the more marks you
meters) can be a piece of information you learn with a hit. get on something in the Matrix, the more likely it is that
Once you know a silent running icon is in the vicinity, you’ll be accepted as a viable user, or even an
the next step is to actually find it. This is done through administrator. Still, security-minded Matrix operators will
an Opposed Computer vs Computer Test. If you get a hit, often have agents or even spiders constantly using Matrix
Perception to look for unauthorized marks on sensitive

50 | P a g e
icons (and like security guards in the meat world, these at least in the Matrix, is something that
are the people who tend to get taken out first when is registered with both the device (or other icons) and
shadowrunners come calling). the grids, so it’s a bit more involved than just putting a
There are three ways to get a mark on an icon. The “Property of [blank]” sticker on it. When a commlink is at
first is the legitimate way: the icon invites you to add a the store or in a warehouse, the commlink’s owner is
mark. For example, when you pay the cover to get into its manufacturer (although sometimes stores get ownership
the host of Dante’s Inferno, the host sends you an invite of their goods before the buyer does). When you
to mark it so you can enter and join the party. The other buy that commlink, the store or manufacturer transfers
two ways are by hacking, both Matrix actions: Brute ownership to you.
Force (the loud way) or Hack on the Fly (the sneaky way). Corporations and governments use this registration
In the Matrix, whether in AR or VR, putting a mark on system to keep track of their equipment. A security
something is usually a very literal action. You approach guard’s weapon might be in her holster, but its owner is
the icon of your target and slap your personalized mark the corp that employs her. This makes it relatively simple
on the thing. Most passers-by won’t see your mark; it to track down thieves, deserters, and looters—at least,
takes a Matrix Perception Test [Computer] to see that kind the ones who can’t hack what they steal.
of detail. The owner of an icon can intentionally transfer ownership
When you put a mark on something, your mark appears to another persona in a process that takes about
on the target icon. Your mark is only visible to you a minute. If you steal a smartgun without transferring
(without the aforementioned Matrix Perception Test). You the ownership, the gun will still behave as though its
can choose its look, as long as it meshes with your own owner is the guy you stole it from (which can lead to
persona icon (per Matrix protocols). For example, if your complications if the owner comes looking for it). That
icon is a house cat, your mark might look like a small means changing ownership is a high-priority action any
paw print. If you appear as a ninja in the Matrix, your time you steal a wireless-enabled item. You can illegally
mark might look like a shuriken buried into your target. change a device’s owner with a Hardware toolkit and
You can put multiple marks on a single icon, up to a an Extended Hardware (12 hours, less 1 hour per raise)
maximum of three (unless you’re an owner; see below). test. A glitch on that test results in the item sending a
Different Matrix actions require different numbers of report to the authorities.
marks on your target. Changing ownership of a file is somewhat easier.
Marks only last a single Matrix session and are deleted Your best bet is to use Edit File to copy it (the copy’s
when you reboot. This is rarely an issue for most owner is you) and then delete the original, again with
devices because they almost never need to reboot, and the Edit File action.
when they do the hosts and other services usually have Note that you can’t change the owner of a persona
a standing offer, so re-marking them takes seconds. or a host. So sorry, chummer—you can’t steal an entire
Hackers, by contrast, reboot regularly to avoid detection Stuffer Shack with a quick hack
by GOD and the demiGODs, and they don’t exactly get
permission to place most of their marks. If the demiGODs MATRIX ACTIONS
converge on a hacker (perish the thought), they As you’ve no doubt guessed from the name, Matrix
erase all of the hacker’s marks in the process. actions are only available in the Matrix. That’s not to
Your marks are specific and connected to your persona and say that they’re the only actions available in the Matrix.
whatever you’ve marked, so you can’t just give Matrix actions are special because certain rules
them out for others to place or transfer them to other apply to them, like noise and the Overwatch Score.
people. You can give other personas permission to mark This section is a list of Matrix actions. This list covers
devices you own with the Invite Mark action. a lot of the rules for handling what you can do in the
digital world, but of course they’re not the only things
OWNERS you can do in the Matrix. If you want to try something
Every device, persona, host, and file has an owner. This is that isn’t handled by these rules, like tweaking your icon
a special relationship that offers special privileges. Each to imitate a fashion trend or creating a distracting VR
Matrix object can only have one owner, but you can own display out of datastreams, your gamemaster will let you
as many Matrix objects as you like. The owner of a device, know what kind of test you should attempt.
host, persona, or file can always spot it in the Matrix. For For example, a device that an owner sets and forgets, like a
all intents and purposes, owning an icon is the door lock, uses its Device Rating as defense pool against a
same as having four marks on it. Control Device action.
Owning a device and being its owner aren’t necessarily the
same thing, although they usually go together. Ownership,

51 | P a g e
BRUTE FORCE welder calls for a Nautical Mechanic test. All actions you
Marks Required: none take while controlling a device use either the Autosoft
Test: Cybercombat vs. Firewall limit for that action or your Skill rating, whichever is lower.
You can use this action to mark a target without obtaining If there is no test associated with the action you want the
the normal permissions you need. This is the device to perform, you must succeed in an Electronic
action for hackers emphasizing their Attack over their Warfare vs. Firewall test to perform the action.
Sleaze, making it related to Hack on the Fly. You can use this action to control multiple devices
If you succeed in this action, you place one mark on at once. If you are the owner of all devices being
it. You can have up to a maximum of one mark per commanded and they are all being commanded to do
Rating. exactly the same thing, taking this action costs nothing
Before rolling, you can declare that you are trying extra.
to place more than one mark. If you try for two marks Otherwise, you must give each order as a single action.
in one shot, you take a –4 penalty on the attempt. If you try This action is a Sleaze action whenever you use your
for three marks in a single swipe, you take a –6 dice pool Sleaze in the test, which incurs the same risk
penalty. of Overwatch Score and consequences of failure as all
You can also use this action to hop to a grid for which Sleaze actions.
you don’t have legitimate access. The defense in this case
is 4 for a local grid or 6 a global CRACK FILE
grid. If you succeed, instead of putting a mark on the Marks Required: 1
grid, you hop to that grid immediately. Using Brute Test: Hacking vs. Protection Rating
Force to hop grids successfully doesn’t alert the grid or You remove the protection from a file, making it
its demiGOD the way most successful Attack actions do. readable. This action doesn’t need to be performed on a
file that isn’t protected, of course.
Marks Required: Owner CRASH PROGRAM
Test: none Marks Required: 1
You change the target’s icon to one that you have Test: Cybercombat vs. Firewall
a copy of or have designed yourself. Changing an icon You overload part of your target’s memory and scramble
doesn’t change the results of a Matrix Perception action, one of its running programs. You need to specify
but might fool personas who don’t take the time to inspect which program you’re trying to crash; you can learn what
your new look. You can target your own icon, if your target is running either with a Matrix Perception
you like. action or by observing the program in action. If you
succeed, the program is scrambled: it ends and cannot be
CHECK OVERWATCH SCORE restarted until the device it was running on is rebooted.
Marks Required: none DATA SPIKE
Test: Electronic Warfare v. 6 Marks Required: none
You find out how close the grid is to converging on Test: Cybercombat v. Firewall
you. Checking the OS is an Illegal action, so the defense You send harmful instructions to a persona or device,
against it will add to your OS. If you succeed, the causing Matrix damage to the target. Your attack
gamemaster tells you what your OS was when you started has a Damage Value equal to the rating of your Attack
the action. program, this damage is Matrix damage. It is resisted with
the target’s Neural Toughness.
Marks Required: varies usually Rating DISARM DATA BOMB
Test: Various Marks Required: none
You perform an action through a device you control Test: Software v. Data Bomb Rating
(or at least control sufficiently), using your commlink or You attempt to disarm a Data Bomb that you have
deck like a remote control or video-game controller. The detected (usually as the result of a Matrix Perception
dice pool of any test you make using this action uses the action). If you score any net hits, the Data Bomb is
rating of the appropriate skill and attribute you would use removed and deleted. If not, the Data Bomb activates,
if you were performing the action normally. For example, causing its damage and possibly destroying any file to
firing a drone-mounted weapon at a target requires a which it was attached (assuming it was set to destroy the
Gunnery test, and using a remote underwater file).

52 | P a g e
EDIT FILE For example, an IC program has marked both you
Marks Required: 1 and your buddy. You roll your Computer opposed by the
Test: Computer v. Firewall IC’s rating to erase its mark on your icon. You need three
Edit File allows you to create, change, copy, delete, or marks on your buddy’s icon to erase the IC’s marks on him,
protect any kind of file. The defender against this test is but he isn’t
either the host holding the file or the owner of the file (if the sharing type, so he’s on his own for now.
it’s not on a host). Each action is enough to alter one detail
of a file—a short paragraph of text, a single detail of ERASE MATRIX SIGNATURE
an image, or two or three seconds of video or audio (you (COMPLEX ACTION)
and your gamemaster can work out what exactly “one Marks Required: none
detail” means). Your gamemaster may impose penalties Test: Computer + Resonance [Attack] v. (Signature
on the test if your edit is particularly intricate or tricky. If Rating) x 2
you want to perform a continuous edit, such as removing You eradicate a Matrix signature that has been left by
your teammates from a video feed, you need to perform a Resonance being, such as a technomancer or a sprite.
this action once per Combat Turn for as long as you If successful, the signature dissipates. You need to have
want to keep the edit going. a Resonance rating to attempt this action; unlike other
If you use this action to copy a file, you are the new actions that need Resonance, this one’s a real Matrix
file’s owner. If the file you want to copy has protection Action, and an Attack one to boot, so you risk Matrix
on it, this action automatically fails. If the file has a Data damage and Overwatch Score when you use it.
Bomb, the Data Bomb goes off on you (so try to remember
to scan files before you open them).
You can also use this action to set protection on a
file if you’re its owner. To protect a file, make a Computer]
test. The number of hits you get becomes the rating of the
protected file. A protected file cannot be read, changed,
deleted, or copied until its protection is broken.

Marks Required: 1
Test: n/a
You enter a host that you have a mark on and your
icon appears there, or you leave a host you’re already
in. There is no test for this action: a host allows anyone
to enter if they’ve got a mark, and anyone inside can
exit. The host might not be so welcoming once you’re
inside, of course, and some IC has the ability to keep you
trapped in a host until you can break out.
When you leave a host, you return to the grid from
which you entered.

Marks Required: special
Test: Computer v. Firewall
You eradicate a mark that has been placed on your
persona or on another icon. To perform this action,
you need three marks on the icon from which you are
erasing a mark. You do not, however, need a mark on
the icon that placed the mark in the first place. You
can try to erase two marks in the same action at a –2
penalty, and three marks in one go at a –4 penalty; if you
go for more than one mark, all of the marks must be on the
same icon and from the same icon. You can’t use this
action to change the target’s owner.

53 | P a g e
Black IC is not as forgiving. Black IC is illegal in most
places in the world, and you will only run into it when
the node’s owner has something important to hide.
Black IC sends powerful pulses through your
connection, and tries to kill you via cyber induced
stroke. That’s right, Chummer. If you run into this drek,
you your body convulses, you bleed from every hole in
your face and you die. Tough shit.

In this rule set, every piece of electronic equipment is either
a Device or a Node. A Device is a small, autonomous unit
in the matrix, such as a Drone or a Smartgun system. A
Node is a more substantial matrix entity, which can control
other Devices or Services. Services are programs that do
certain things on a Node, while IC is specialized defensive

A Service is a piece of complicated software that
manipulates things. A Service could control all security
cameras in a corporate facility or store data on all
employees. Services must be connected to Nodes,
who direct and protect them. A Service cannot be
hacked on its own.
Services are often used by Nodes to control a lot of
Devices. An example would be a Service that controls
all the cameras. These Devices must be identical to be
controlled by a single Service. In other words, the
Camera Control Service cannot also control the
Drones and Turrets. If a Device controlled by a Service
is hacked, the Service detects this immediately.

Devices are things in the real world that has some sort
of wireless functionality. Examples include Drones,
security cameras, Smartgun systems and Vehicles.
Devices are generally autonomous and they have a
limited functionality. Devices can be governed by
Nodes, which is often the case in regards to


IC is a form of intelligent software made to ruin a A Node is a collection of devices or services. This
Hackers day and protect valuable data and services. could be a person’s Commlink, the security system in
As soon as the program senses that a Hacking attempt a Corp building, a data haven or anything complex
is made, it springs into action. IC comes in two really. Nodes are often, but not always, protected by
varieties; White and Black. IC. Generally, if a system is complicated enough to
White IC is the legal kind that everyone can buy. When warrant IC, it’s a node. If it governs more than one
it triggers, it sends a jolt down your spine and sends thing, it’s a node.
you tumbling out of the Matrix and back to the real
world. This is called a Dump Shock, and it is most IC
unpleasant. It does not kill you, however. Although you IC, or Intrusion Countermeasures, are digital entities
might want to sit down while the migraine goes away. that use specialized programming to seek out and

54 | P a g e
destroy any intruding software or hacker. IC are the not exceed the Cyberdeck’s rating. In that case,
only entities besides hackers who can attack and the Attack’s damage is done on the initial turn, and
damage other matrix entities. the Poison’s damage is applied on the subsequent
IC comes in two major varieties: White and Black. turn
White IC can only stun, while Black IC can overload a
hacker’s equipment enough to cause permanent brain ATTACK
This is the basic chip used to disrupt digital
entities. It allows the Decker to do 1D8 damage
against a Digital entity as part


CYBERDECK COMPONENTS The total price of a Cyberdeck is equal to its rating, plus
A Cyberdeck consists of many different components. For any components you add to it when making it. Buying
the sake of keeping the complexity down, the a Cyberdeck elsewhere costs a lot more than making your
number of components have been boiled down to the own, since there’s not a lot of people making them.
essentials. The actual Shadowrun system has more Also making Cyberdecks is, well, illegal.
detail than this. During character creation, you get the Cyberdeck at Street
The main difference between Commlinks and Cyberdecks Price
is that in service of security, Hardware and Software
is locked down and requires technical knowledge to
change or upgrade.

The motherboard, if you will. This system
determines the rating of the Cyberdeck, and also
accounts for Memory, both working and storage. A
Cyberdeck cannot contain more components that
its rating.

These specialized chips are made to resist
attempts to disrupt the Cyberdecks function. They
consists of some code and a lot of electronic safety
measures. Each point of Hardening built into a
Cyberdeck increases the users Matrix Toughness
by 1.

These highly illegal chips are used to fry other
decker’s brains. Each chip allows the Decker to do
1D8 damage to an opposing Decker as part of an

This chip feeds a steady stream of self-replicating
garbage data into a digital entity. As part of an
attack, it allows the Decker to do 1D6 damage to a
digital entity, which repeats itself the next round.
This damage can be combined with the Attack BUILDING & UPGRADING
damage, provided that their combined rating does Building your own cyberdeck is cheaper than getting

55 | P a g e
someone else to do it for you. It also gives you a nice chummers to see what you’re doing in
dollop of street cred amongst your fellow Deckers. there.

To build a Cyberdeck, you need the tools and the Commlinks are the primary computers of the 2070’s. These
know-how. And some time on your hands, work like supercharged smartphones and are capable of
obviously. doing any communication and computing one would
The Know-how of building Cyberdecks consists of expect, including, but not limited to:
Hacking to program them, and Repair: Electronics  Real time video calls
to put them together. Using those skills, you can  Searching and finding information in the matrix
make a Cyberdeck with a rating equal to the lower  Show and interact with augmented reality objects, ARO’s
of the two skills, provided you have the tools  Save enough data to last a lifetime
available. They come if different grades, representing their ability to
The tools needed to build a Cyberdeck are covered withstand IC (and other hackers). Each Commlink comes
with a pair of glasses or contacts, and a pair of gloves or
by a Repair: Electronics workshop or facility. With
fingertip patches for using AR. Keep in mind that a
a Workshop, you can build Cyberdecks with a
commlinks with a rating lower than 2 cannot be used for
Rating equal to half your skill. With a Facility, you
matrix combat. Rating 0 Commlinks have cheaply made
can build Cyberdecks up to your skill level. A
software, and they are laughably easy to hack. Getting into
Toolset can do basic repairs, but is insufficient for them takes a single success, and they never raise an alarm.
actually building from scratch.
For example, Slamzilla the Decker has a D8 in SOFTWARE
Hacking and a D6 in Repair: Electronics. He has Of course, a commlink by itself is useful for your average
greased some palms and sold some favors to get wageslave. If you’re going to run the shadows, you need to
access to his friends Facility for Repair: Electronics. load up that commlink with some real software. A
All things considered, Slamzilla can now build a Commlink can run a number of software points equal to its
Cyberdeck with a rating of 6. If he only had a rating.
Workshop, he would be limited to Cyberdecks with
a rating of 3. DAMAGE SOFTWARE
These nifty programs can damage the running code of
SPECIAL COMPONENTS Matrix entities and take them out of commission.
These components are pretty specialized, and they Several damage programs can be loaded to a
commlink, but you can obviously only use one at a
don’t come in ratings like the others.
time. Each point adds a dice to the damage pool.
 Chip Burner: This component lets you
Black Hammer: 1D8. Damages hackers
burn data to optical chips. Handy if you
Poison: 1D6 for two rounds. Damages digital entities
need to exchange information in a Attack: 1D8. Damages digital entities
discrete way.
 Response Increase: This complicated AVOIDANCE
piece of circuitry is modern art, nothing Avoidance Software helps the hacker avoid being the
less. Installing this baby into your target of Cyber Attacks. Each point of Avoidance
Cyberdeck gets you an additional increases your Resistance by one.
Initiative pass that stacks with everything
else you might have. Yup, that’s a max of HARDENING
4 initiative passes. Hardening software helps the commlink withstand the
 Hitcher Jacks: Each of these allows destructive power of IC and other hackers. Each point
another chummer to ride shotgun when adds one to your Matrix Toughness.
you hack. They can’t do anything but look,
so you can work in peace. SMARTLINK
 Vidscreen Display: A roll-up display lets This nifty piece of software allows the Shadowrunner
you do rudimentary stuff without the to connect his Smartgun system to his Commlink. The
hassle of jacking in. It also allows Smartlink software only has to be purchased once

56 | P a g e
 Control of a Node also grants control of the
Devices and Services connected to it.

 Software running on Nodes performing a
single task.
 Counts as a connection, like a Device
 Examples include File storage and Security
Camera Control.

 Security entities made to deal with intruders
 Able to attack other Matrix entities
 White IC stuns, Black IC kills
 Considered Nodes
 Can have as many linked devices as it wants.
 Can be hacked


The most common Node in the world is the Commlink.  Still able to act in the real world
Everyone has one, and it is considered a node equal to its  One initiative pass
rating. All Commlinks include a pair of contact lenses or Virtual Reality (VR)
glasses, and a pair of gloves or fingertip patches. Each  Only able to perceive and interact with the
commlink is the center the user’s Personal Area Network, Matrix
or PAN. The Commlink is the node, and everything  Real body unconscious and defenseless
connected to it is either a Device or a Service.  Two initiative passes per turn.
For example, Ernie the Rigger could have the following
devices connected to his Commlink: MATRIX RULES
1. Fly-Spy minidrone
The rules for hacking depends on whether the Hacker is
2. Nissan Dobermann combat drone
trying to access a Device or a Node. Devices require only
3. Smartgun-capable Sub Machinegun
one roll to gain access, while Nodes require more time and
4. Nissan Bulldog Jeep (customized, of course)
skill. Once access has been established, the hacker can
If Slamzilla the Hacker were to gain access to Ernie’s
Commlink, he would also gain access to all his connected issue commands to the system.
Devices. This would be most unfortunate. Slamzilla could
also attempt to hack each of Ernie’s devices independently, GENERAL RULES
such as his combat Drone. Either way would allow There are a few general rules that characters other than
Slamzilla to control the Drone. hackers may interact with at some point.

Devices A command is a single sentence that makes sense to
 Autonomous intelligent items the Device in question. If the command cannot be
 Can be connected to Nodes interpreted by the Device, the device does nothing.
 Drones, Smartgun systems, Vehicles, ATM’s, Issuing a command is not an action it itself, but the
etc. Device might spend one or more actions completing
the command. Examples includes telling a drone to
Nodes open fire on its former owner, or telling a Smartgun
 Larger systems system to eject the clip. The game master is
 Can manage a number of Devices and encouraged not to be obtuse with the commands. We
Services assume the characters know what they are doing.
 Protected by Intrusion Countermeasures.

57 | P a g e
If the Hacker is hacking using Augmented Reality, the out by scouting whatever node you have in your sights.
hacker gets a single initiative pass per turn. The Scouting a Node is done by rolling Hacking against TN
hacker is also able to abort the hacking at any time to 4. On a success, the Node will let you know what kind
interact with the real world, such as running away or of IC it is carrying. On a Raise, you know exactly how
shooting some drekheads in the face. much IC is in effect. Nodes cannot detect attempts to
If the hacker enters Virtual Reality, the hacker’s body scout them.
is lifeless and limp, unable to defend itself in any way.
The hacker enters the matrix space and can only see
nodes and devices. Once in VR, the hacker gets two
initiative passes per turn. Switching between AR and DEVICES
VR is an action. If the hacker is dump shocked, he is A Device is any system with a rating lower than 4.
returned to AR mode instantly. These systems are normally used in drones, vehicles
and other smart hardware. They cannot be loaded with
BREAK AND ENTER IC, and they do not roll to detect hackers.
The first step is, logically, to gain entry. This is where a lot
of hackers tend to go wrong and bring their team in trouble. NODES
Nodes are a tad more difficult to work with. Any system
IN GENERAL with a rating of 4 and above is considered a Node, and
There are three ways to approach hacking, depending can be loaded with IC of both the white and black
on your situation. If you just want to do forge a single variety. When you try to hack one of these systems, it
command, such as opening a locked door or forging a
rolls its Rating Die against half your Hacking Die every
message, you Spoof. If you want permanent access,
round. A success means that the system has detected
you either go slow and steady, or go in hard, fast and
you. Gaining control of a Node also gives you control
mercilessly by brute force. The former is called
over all the Devices connected to it, either directly or
Probing, and the latter is called Hacking on the Fly
Spoofing simply means sending a bogus signal to via Services.
some device, hoping it sticks. To do this, you roll your
Hacking skill against a TN equal to 2 + half the BEING DETECTED
device’s rating, rounded down. Spoofing represents a When a Node detects someone trying to access it
few tries at something, and failure means that the illegitimately, it will first and foremost run its alarm
device has blocked any further attempts. procedures. This will alert physical security, who will
If you want to gain access by Probing, you spend a come running and try to take you down. The Node will
large amount of time finding chinks in the system’s also load all IC. Once the hacker is out of VR, his
armor and eventually gain access. Success is connection is blocked off from the system, requiring a
guaranteed, mind you. All it takes is time. Half the Deception check to get back in.
systems rating in days (if you’re using AR) or half the
systems rating in hours (if you’re using VR), to be WORKING TOGETHER
precise. The good thing is, nodes only get one shot at
When more hackers work together, designate one as
detecting your presence, and that’s when you execute
lead hacker. The chummer in charge makes his
the first command.
hacking rolls as normal, and the rest make theirs as
The Bad Thing is, once per hour Grid Overwatch Division
cooperative rolls, adding +1 to the lead hackers roll for
or GOD gets a Notice Roll at the Nodes Rating to notice
you. each success and raise. Mind you that a node will
Most of the time, however, spending hours hacking know who is hacking it, including tag-alongs. Don’t
something simply isn’t an option. That’s when you expect to be out of harm’s way just because you were
need to hack on the fly. When you do this, you must “only helping”.
roll Hacking against TN 4 every round, until you collect
a number of successes and raises equal to the rating Detection
of the system you’re hacking. If the system in question  Node rolls rating die vs. ½ Hacking skill.
is a Node, it gets to roll to detect you every time you  On detection, any IC on the network is
roll Hacking. Once you have access, however, it’s all activated
yours.  Once out of VR, the system blocks the
The Rating of a system is always known, since this is connection.
broadcasted publicly. Everything else must be figured

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 Reconnecting to a blocked system requires a o Node attempts to detect at each
Deception check vs Nodes Rating hacking roll

Matrix Actions MATRIX COMBAT

 Scouting a node Matrix Combat is a whole new order of dangerous. Best
 Spoof a Command case scenario is you surviving and gaining access. Worst
 Attempt to hack a Device case scenario is breaking your spine from convulsions.
 Attempt to Hack on the Fly Trust me, Omae, I have seen it happen.
 Issuing commands to more than one Device or MATRIX STATISTICS
service. There is a few statistics that account for doing battle in the
matrix. These stats correspond to their respective stats in
Hacking meat space, such as parry, toughness and so on. These
 Spoof a Command statistics are:
o Roll Hacking vs. 2 + half the device’s  Resistance: The stat that determines your digital
rating rounded down. avoidance.
 Scout the node with a Hacking test against TN  Toughness: Your ability to stand against IC and other
4 (optional) nasty things.
o Success reveals node rating  Damage: The hurt you bring on others in the matrix.
o Raise reveal IC type and strength Pretty straight-forward
 Probe the system (Slow and Safe)  Cyber Attack: Your skill for bringing the digital pain
o Takes one day per ½ rating (AR) / These statistics are the same for all entities in the matrix.
One hour per ½ rating (VR) They are calculated slightly different, however, depending
o Always succeeds on whether you’re alive or a machine. Note that Resistance
o Node gets one attempt at detection, in Nodes is determined by the single highest IC rating, not
when issuing first command. the combined rating of all IC. A Nodes damage is the sum
o GOD gets a chance to detect you once per hour at Node of all the IC it carries.
 Hack on the Fly (Fast and Dangerous)
o Roll a hacking test each round.
o Must reach Successes equal to node
rating to gain access.

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FIGHTING IN THE MATRIX Wounds taken from this damage can very well kill the
Matrix Combat works the same as regular combat, just at Hacker through biofeedback-induced strokes.
another plane of existence. Initiative works as normal for Other Nasty Tricks that IC can throw at you include
people. Entities get a number of initiative passes equal to Dumpshocks, which is violently ejecting you from VR.
Rating / 4, rounded down. Attacks are made using Cyber Going through a Dumpshock makes the Hacker shaken,
Attack against Resistance. Damage and Shaken works as and does 1D8 non-lethal damage for each success and raise
gained on the damage roll.
normal. Nodes and IC roll rating to recover from being
If a Node takes damage, any wounds it would normally
 Initiative and Combat Actions works as normal.
take counts towards the number of successes required to
 Only IC can attack the hacker
take control of it. If the Hacker has already attempted to
hack the node on the fly, these successes stack. Once the
Hacker gains enough successes to take control, they can
 Cyberattack
crash the node as an Action. Rebooting a Crashed node
 Resistance
takes 1D6 minutes per rating, during which it cannot
 Toughness
function. When crashing, any connections to devices are
 Damage
severed until the Node is up and running again.
IC can remain in operation until it has taken a number of  Cyberattack vs. Resistance (“attack”)
wounds equal to Rating / 4. After this point, the IC has  Damage as normal.
been disrupted and crashes. Once the Hacker has gained  Jacking Out requires that the Hacker succeeds on a
control of the Node, he may attempt to trick it into Hacking roll, at a -1 penalty for each IC active
deactivating any IC it has spawned by succeeding on a
Deception check against the Node’s Rating. Damage
Devices are incapable of defending themselves against  White IC stuns, Black IC kills
hackers, and thus cannot participate in Matrix Combat. If  Being incapacitated by White IC results in a Dumpshock.
the Hacker decides to cut their losses and Jack Out to avoid
 Being incapacitated by Black IC works as normal.
getting their brain fried, they must make a Hacking roll at -
1 for each piece of IC currently active. He can also chose to
abort rapidly, making sure he gets out, but taking 1D8
non-lethal damage for each Matrix Entity around him.

Hackers taking damage in the Matrix works differently
depending on which kind of IC we’re talking about. The IC
have a few tricks up their sleeve. Regular Damage is done
via neurofeedback. Electric currents are blasted into your
noggin’, making you disoriented at best
When taking damage from White IC, regard it as Fatigue
damage. This can incapacitate the Hacker, but not kill
Once incapacitated, the Hacker is Jacked Out out of the
matrix by his commlink. Gotta’ love those safety measures.
Technomancers leave VR behind as well, mainly because
they fall unconscious.
Black IC damage causes wounds. What usually happens
from an outsider’s perspective is that the hacker shakes TECHNOMANCERS
violently, bleeds from every orifice in their head and dies.
Technomancers, also known as the Otaku, are a new breed

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of metahumans who are able to perceive and manipulate
the Matrix without the use of commlinks. They sense the
flow of digital information in the same way a Magician
the astral world. Technomancers also use the Resonance
skill to manipulate autonomous entities within the Matrix
known as Sprites. They function similarly to Spirits, and
may be called and petitioned in much the same way
Technomancers also feel the loss of essence in the same
way a magician does. Each point of lost essence imposes a
-1 penalty to all Hacking and Resonance rolls.

Technomancers use the Hacking skill as usual, with a few

changes. First of all, they have no need for a commlink,
and the Technomancer can freely use the Matrix in both
AR and VR mode. The Resonance rating also determines
how many devices the Technomancer can connect to their
digital persona. Technomancers also calculate their Matrix
Combat Attributes a bit differently. See the Matrix Combat
section for information.

Fading is the mental exhaustion a Technomancer is subject
to when using his Resonance skills to manipulate Sprites.
It functions similarly to a magicians Drain, and is likewise
resisted with Spirit. Fading is always Fatigue damage.

Sprites are semi-autonomous entities created by the flow
of data within the Matrix. They are the ghosts in the
networks that answer only to the Technomancer who
compiled them. Similarly to Spirits conjured forth by
Sprites will offer a number of services to the
Technomancer, which they can perform in the digital
Sprites are only able to manipulate the Matrix or entities
connected to the Matrix, such as Nodes, Drones and
Devices. The nature of the services available depends on
the type of Sprite compiled.

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COMPILING Sprites are skilled in manipulating data, and can act as
In order to gain the service of a Sprite, it must first be couriers in the Matrix. Machine Sprites are deeply
compiled. In order to compile a Sprite, the connected to the mechanical devices of the matrix, and
Technomancer must roll a Resonance check against can aid in
the Sprite’s Spirit. Each success and raise on this roll repairing, and defeating, Drones and other electronics.
grants the Technomancer one service. Regardless if Like Spirits, all Sprites are extras who have a D8 in all
the Sprite is compiled successfully or not, the abilities and the Skills listed. Hack and Data sprites are only
Technomancer must resist Fading equal to one, plus able to act in the matrix. Machine Sprites can manipulate
one for each success on the Sprite’s roll. drones and vehicles to which they have access, and can
The Sprite will exist in the virtual space around the use any Autosofts installed on these machines (such as
Technomancer until the Sprite has performed all its
Shooting, for a drone)
services, or 8 hours have passed, after which it will
dissolve into static noise. The service, like with Spirits,
can be any one sentence. The exact skills available to
Attributes: Agility D8, Smarts D8, Spirit D8, Strength D8,
each Sprite is detailed in the Appendices.
Vigor D8
REGISTERING Pace: 6, Parry: 6, Toughness: 6
If the Technomancer wishes to keep a Sprite around
for more than 8 hours, he must register it. Registering HACK SPRITE
a Sprite takes a number of hours equal to 8 - ½  Skills: Hacking, Investigation, Tracking
Resonance rating (ex. 4 hours with a Resonance of  Powers: Suppression, Electron Storm
D8), during which the Technomancer enters a form of  Special: Hack Sprites may engage in Matrix Combat as
meditation in VR, shutting out everything but himself supporting hackers.
and the Sprite.
The Technomancer must roll a Resonance test against DATA SPRITE
the Sprite’s Spirit. A success indicates that the Sprite  Skills: Deception, Stealth, Notice
is registered, and can persist beyond the 8 hour limit  Powers: Cookie, Hash, Stenography, Watermark
until all tasks are completed. Each raise on this test
grants an additional task from that Sprite. After this MACHINE SPRITE
test, no matter the outcome, the Technomancer must  Skills: Repair (Electronics), Repair (Drone), Hacking
resist Fade equal to one, plus one for each success  Powers: Gremlins, Diagnostics, Stability
and raise on the Sprite’s Spirit roll.
A Technomancer can register a number of Sprites
equal to half of his Resonance rating. These Sprites do
not have to remain present in the Matrix around him.
They can return to the resonance and be called back
in the Matrix as an action.

Just as a Technomancer can compile a Sprite into
existence, he can force a Sprite back to the resonance
it came from. Decompiling works like Banishing spirits,
in that the Technomancer rolls a Resonance test
against the Sprite’s Spirit. For each success and raise,
the Sprite lowers its number of tasks by one. If the
tasks reaches 0, the Sprite dissolves into static noise.
After attempting to decompile, the Technomancer must
resist Fade equal to one, plus one for each success
and raise on the Sprite’s Spirit roll.
Sprites are sentient matrix entities that come in three
general forms. Hack Sprites are useful for exploiting
and can aid in Hacking, on their own or as supporter. Data

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