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Advanced Manufacturing

of Nuclear Components
Accelerating the harmonized development of
codes and standards

Cooperation on Reactor Design Evaluation and

Licensing Mechanical Codes and Standards Task Force
Title: Advanced Manufacturing
of Nuclear Components
Produced by: World Nuclear Association
Published: September 2022
Report No. 2022/004

© 2022 World Nuclear Association.

Registered in England and Wales,
company number 01215741

This report reflects the views

of industry experts but does not
necessarily represent those of any
of the World Nuclear Association’s
individual member organizations.

Foreword 1

Abbreviations and acronyms 2

Technical nomenclature 3



Executive summary 4

1. Introduction 5

2. Advanced manufacturing for nuclear applications 6

2.1 Electron beam welding 6
2.2 Hot isostatic pressing 6
2.3 Diode laser cladding 7
2.4 Additive manufacturing 8
2.4.1 Directed energy deposition 8
2.4.2 Powder bed fusion 9
2.4.3 Cold spray 9

3. Nuclear advanced manufacturing insights 10

3.1 Engie 10
3.1.1 Project overview 10
3.1.2 Codes and standards related challenges 11
3.1.3 Regulatory related challenges 11
3.2 Rosatom RusAT 12
3.2.1 Project overview 12
3.2.2 Codes and standards related challenges 13
3.2.3 Regulatory related challenges 14
3.3 NAMRC/NuScale Power 14
3.3.1 Project overview 14
3.3.2 Codes and standards related challenges 15
3.3.3 Regulatory related challenges 15
3.4 European cooperation – NUCOBAM project 16
3.4.1 Project overview 16
3.4.2 Codes and standards related challenges 17
3.4.3 Regulatory related challenges 17
3.5 EDF – Framatome 17
3.5.1 Project overview 17
3.5.2 Codes and standards related challenges 18
3.5.3 Regulatory related challenges 19
4. Enabling supply chain innovation 20
4.1 Context and business models 20
4.2 Bringing advanced manufacturing to the nuclear industry 20

5. Conclusion 22


Contributors to the report

Technical Author & Project Coordinator

Ronan Tanguy, World Nuclear Association

Industry Project Contributors

Damien Couplet, Engie Tractebel
Ekaterina Svistunova, Rosatom RusAT
Mejido Hajjaj, EDF
Oliver Martin, EC Joint Research Centre
Steve Jones, NAMRC
Thomas Geneves, Framatome

Supply Chain Working Group Contributor

Nathan Paterson, World Nuclear Association

Byung-Chan Na, World Nuclear Association
Cécile Petesch, CEA
Damien Couplet, Engie Tractebel
Frédéric Beaud, EDF
Nawal Prinja, Jacobs
Steven Lawler, Frazer-Nash Consultancy


The World Nuclear Association’s Cooperation in Reactor Design Evaluation

and Licensing (CORDEL) Working Group was established in 2007 to promote
the development of a worldwide regulatory environment where internationally
standardized reactor designs can be widely deployed without major design
changes due to national regulations.

The Mechanical Codes and Standards Task Force (MCSTF) of the CORDEL
Working Group was set up in 2011 to collaborate with the Standards
Development Organizations Board and the Multinational Design Evaluation
Programme (MDEP) Codes and Standards Working Group (CSWG) on the
international convergence of mechanical codes and standards related to the
design of nuclear power plant components important to safety. The MCSTF’s
collaboration with regulators is now through the Committee for Nuclear
Regulatory Activities (CNRA) of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA).
The MCSTF has focused on three areas: qualification of non-destructive
examination personnel; fatigue analysis and design rules; and non-linear
analysis design rules.

Abbreviations and
AFCEN Association française pour les règles de conception, de
construction et de surveillance en exploitation des matériels des
chaudières électro-nucléaires (French Association for the Rules
Governing Design, Construction and In-Service Inspection of
Nuclear Plants)
AFCN Agence fédérale de contrôle nucléaire (Belgian Nuclear
Regulatory Agency, Federaal Agentschap voor Nucleaire
Controle, FANC)
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASN Autorité de sûreté nucléaire (French Nuclear Safety Authority)
ASTN American Society for Testing and Materials
BPVC Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
CEA Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives
(French Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission)
CNRA NEA Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activities
CNSC Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
CORDEL Cooperation on Reactor Design Evaluation & Licensing Working
Group of the World Nuclear Association
EC European Commission
EPRI Electric Power Research Institute
FOAK First-of-a-kind
IRSN Institut de radioprotection et de sûreté nucléaire (French Institute
for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety)
ISO International Organization for Standardization
MCSTF Mechanical Codes & Standards Task Force of the World Nuclear
Association CORDEL Working Group
Nuclear Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre
NEA Nuclear Energy Agency of the OECD
NUCOBAM Nuclear Components Based on Additive Manufacturing (SNETP)
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
RCC-M Règles de conception et de construction des matériels
mècaniques des ilots nucléaires PWR (Design and Construction
Rules for the Mechanical Components of PWR Nuclear Islands)
RCC-MRx Règles de conception et de construction des matériels
mécaniques des installations nucléaires hautes températures,
expérimentales et de fusion (Design and Construction Rules
for Mechanical Components of Nuclear Installations: High-
temperature, Research and Fusion Reactors)
RusAT Rusatom Additive Technologies
SDO Standards developing organization
SNETP Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform
UK ONR United Kingdom Office for Nuclear Regulation
US DOE United States Department of Energy
US NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission
WGCS NEA Working Group on Codes and Standards

CAD Computer-aided design
NDE Non-destructive examination
NDT Non-destructive testing
PWR Pressurized water reactor
R&D Research and development
SMR Small modular reactor
SSC Structures, systems, and components

Table 1. Advanced manufacturing initiatives and collaborators 21
Table 2. SSCs produced by advanced manufacturing techniques 21

Figure 1. Electron beam welding of SA508 Gr3.Cl 2 steel (NAMRC) 7
Figure 2. Diode laser cladding processing of a pressure vessel lower
dome (NAMRC) 8
Figure 3. Fuel debris filter and pump impeller produced using powder
bed fusion (RuSAT) 9
Figure 4. Electron beam weld of 100mm SA508 Gr3.Cl 2 steel (NAMRC) 15
Figure 5. Piping elbow manufactured using HIP process (EDF/Framatome) 19

Executive summary

Advanced manufacturing techniques are of great interest to the nuclear

industry as they enable the realization of complex designs, whilst improving
the quality and safety of components and reducing the time and cost involved
in their manufacture. These techniques have seen rapid development and
deployment in many industries but their applications to nuclear power are
still at an early stage. Such applications include the repair of equipment or
replacement of parts in existing plants, the procurement of new components
or manufacture of integral products. These may have nuclear safety functions
and may form integral parts of the reactor pressure vessel, notably for small
modular reactor (SMR) projects.

The interest in nuclear applications of advanced manufacturing was confirmed

by a survey of members of the World Nuclear Association’s Cooperation in
Reactor Design Evaluation and Licensing (CORDEL) Working Group. National
regulators such as the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, UK Office for
Nuclear Regulation and the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, as well as
other international organizations, have also shown interest in the topic and are
aiming to set requirements and guidelines to review the emerging applications
of the technologies to the nuclear industry. Standards developing organizations
(SDOs) are launching committees to prepare standards supporting these
manufacturing techniques (e.g., the ASME Subgroup on Materials, Fabrication
and Examination).

However, challenges remain in demonstrating the quality and reliability of

materials produced through advanced manufacturing techniques under
both normal and accident conditions. Qualification methodologies are being
developed to overcome these issues and enable the codification of advanced
manufacturing techniques. The development of these codes and standards in
a harmonized manner is essential for factory-based international deployment
of SMRs.

CORDEL’s Mechanical Codes and Standards Task Force (MCSTF) therefore

proposes that more efforts and resources should be put into collaborative
projects that aim to develop and advance new proposals for advanced
manufacturing techniques to code development committees. This will
accelerate their development and enable codification to support reactor
deployment schedules. More standards developing organizations should adjust
their approach to codification, as AFCEN have done, to promote innovation.
The nuclear industry also should engage early with regulators and work
alongside them to develop common approaches to the regulation of advanced
manufacturing techniques and their use within the nuclear supply chain.

1 Introduction

This report presents ongoing and The report features three main
completed advanced manufacturing sections: an overview of advanced
projects in the nuclear industry. The manufacturing techniques that
challenges faced by these projects are being considered for nuclear
regarding the application of codes applications; a selection of advanced
and standards as well as in obtaining manufacturing nuclear projects and
regulatory acceptance could serve as the challenges they encountered with
examples for the wider integration of regard to codes and standards, and
advanced manufacturing techniques regulation; and the advances and
into the global nuclear supply chain. innovations needed within the nuclear
These projects were carried out in supply chain.
Belgium, France, Russia, UK and
USA and cover a variety of regulatory Finally, the report provides
regimes and codes and standards. recommendations for the nuclear
industry to adopt advanced
manufacturing techniques and
benefit from their many advantages.

2 Advanced
manufacturing for
nuclear applications
2.1 Electron beam for small modular reactors (SMRs)
in a factory setting could cut welding
welding times by a factor of 10 (2) and costs
Electron beam welding is a fusion by 85% (3).
welding procedure that uses a stream
of high kinetic energy electrons to
bond two materials. The electrons
2.2 Hot isostatic pressing
impact the parent materials, thereby Hot isostatic pressing (HIP) is a
heating them instantaneously so that manufacturing process that uses a
they melt and flow together. The way combination of high temperature and
the materials are bonded, notably pressure (>1000°C and >100MPa)
without the need for a filler, means to densify powdered materials into
that electron beam welding provides near-net-shape parts or components.
extremely strong and accurate welds. This reduces the need for both
machining and welding, offers the
The electron beam is produced by possibility of complex shapes of
a cathode, heated by a tungsten components while also providing
filament to the point that it emits materials with homogeneous and
electrons. The resulting electrons fine microstructures, which tends
initially have very low kinetic energy to improve material properties and
(in the eV range) and must be inspectability for large components
accelerated by electric fields and compared to powdered material
focused by magnetic fields until without HIP. Machining is not
they reach the power density levels completely eliminated however, as
required to melt the parent materials it is required to remove the skin
(of the order of 107 W/mm2 ) (1). The hardening effect seen by powder
whole process must take place in a metal HIP and to achieve the final
vacuum to prevent the electrons from surface finish.
colliding with gases. This requirement
limits the applications of electron The HIP process follows five key
beam welding as large components stages. Firstly, metal powder of
require proportionally large vacuum the required specification must be
chambers. Recent advances have procured, for nuclear applications
enabled the electron beam to be this is typically 316L stainless steel,
enclosed within a vacuum box placed grade 91 steel, SA508 or Tristelle
by the side of the parent materials, 5183 steel with an appropriate
thereby negating the need for the particle size distribution and
whole workpiece to be placed within morphology. The second stage is
a vacuum chamber. the design and fabrication of the
canister which is to be loaded with
Electron beam welding has great metal powder, and which provides
potential for nuclear applications not the shape of the component that is
only due to the strength, accuracy, being manufactured. This is the most
and depth of its resulting welds but challenging part of the process as
also to the much shorter welding not only does the canister have to
times and automation. The Nuclear account for shrinking of up to 30%
Advanced Manufacturing Research during the HIP process but many
Centre (NAMRC) has estimated welds must be performed manually.
that using electron beam welding to The third stage is the loading of the
manufacture reactor pressure vessels canister, during which it is vibrated

Figure 1. Electron beam welding of SA508 Gr3.Cl 2 steel (NAMRC)

to remove any gaps, thereby sections that are exposed to

maximizing the packing density of the challenging environments and
powder. The HIP cycle is the fourth conditions. Diode laser cladding
stage, during which the canister (DLC) is a recently developed
and powder are exposed to very alternative to arc-based classic
high temperature and pressure for methods (manual metal arc,
two to four hours. The final stage is gas tungsten arc, gas metal arc,
the removal of the canister either by submerged arc, etc.) which offers
machining or via acid pickling (4). many advantages over the previously
mentioned methods due to the
Nuclear applications of HIP include reduced amount of cladding material
the manufacture of large Class 1 required, a smaller heat-affected
nuclear safety components such as region and a faster cladding process.
reactor vessel heads, steam plenum
and their access ports and transition DLC uses a high-power diode laser
shell sections. HIP can be used to (order of 10kW) to melt a powdered
produce lingots of material that can metal onto the surface of the
be further extruded into plates or component where it then cools and
other shapes. HIP has also been forms the protective cladding. DLC
employed to immobilize radioactive
enables the production of very high
waste products and encapsulate
quality cladding layers which have
spent fuel (5).
low porosity, very low dilution, and a
uniform surface (6).
2.3 Diode laser cladding
Weld overlay cladding is a commonly There are many potential nuclear
used process to protect metal applications for DLC on safety-
components from corrosion and classified components such as the
wear. A layer of corrosion-resistant reactor pressure vessel, nozzles,
alloy is welded over component primary circuit pipes and other

components that are subjected to the possibilities for designers to improve
harsh corrosive environments found the mechanical performance of parts
within a nuclear reactor. while reducing their weight.

DLC is also sometimes referred to as Multiple additive manufacturing

diode laser overlaying. processes exist, however this
report only covers those that have
2.4 Additive applications to produce structural
components for nuclear plants.
Additive manufacturing, also 2.4.1 Directed energy
commonly known as 3D printing, deposition
is a technique that constructs Directed energy deposition (DED)
objects by depositing material layer uses a nozzle to deposit melted
by layer as opposed to traditional material (typically metal powders or
techniques that typically create parts wires) onto a surface upon which it
via the removal of surplus material solidifies as it cools. The nozzle is
in processes such as machining mounted on a multi-axis arm that
which are referred to as subtractive can move along the x, y, and z axes
manufacturing. This means that less (7). While it is possible to use DED
material is required to manufacture to produce complete parts, it is more
parts using additive manufacturing, commonly used to repair or add
thereby reducing the costs involved additional material to existing parts.
and the amount of waste generated.
The additive manufacturing process DED is also known as laser-
is controlled by computers that engineered net shaping, directed light
typically work directly from a CAD fabrication, direct metal deposition
file thereby enabling the creation of and 3D laser cladding when a laser is
precise geometric shapes. This level employed as the heat source. Other
of control allows manufacturers to heat sources can also be used, such
create objects that were previously as electron beam welding, plasma arc
impossible to produce opening new or shielded metal arc welding.

Figure 2. Diode laser cladding processing of a pressure vessel lower dome (NAMRC)

2.4.2 Powder bed fusion or dielectric substrate to a high-
Powder bed fusion (PBF) uses speed jet (300 to 1200 m/s) of small
a laser, an electron beam, or a particles (1-50 μm) accelerated by
thermal print head to melt and means of a supersonic flow of a
fuse a powdered material (metal or compressed gas.
polymer) into a shape. A thin layer of
This process is based on the
the powdered material is spread by
acceleration of particles via the
a roller before being exposed to the
injection of a compressed gas into a
heat source that melts it to fuse it to
de Laval nozzle. This gas is generally
the layer beneath it. Excess powder
preheated to temperatures that can
is then removed before the steps are
reach 800°C to increase the speed at
repeated for the next layer.
the nozzle outlet.
Several additive manufacturing
The particles remain in the solid state
techniques are categorized as PBF
and are deposited at high speed
but differ by the method used to
on a substrate. The formation of the
apply the heat. These are direct
deposit is carried out by stacking
metal laser melting, direct metal laser
particles which undergo a very
sintering, electron beam melting,
significant and very rapid plastic
selective heat sintering and selective deformation on impact.
laser sintering.
The method can be attached to an
2.4.3 Cold spray industrial robotic arm or a manual
Cold spray is a solid state additive system and has attractive portability.
manufacturing process developed By using multiple passes, the
in the 1980s. Dynamic cold gas possible deposition thicknesses are
spraying, more commonly known as greater than those obtained from
cold spray, is a process for making layering processes and by direct
deposits by exposing a metallic deposition.

Figure 3. Fuel debris filter and pump impeller produced using powder bed fusion (RuSAT)

3 Nuclear advanced
manufacturing insights
3.1 Engie manufacturing process can deliver
the required component in a
3.1.1 Project overview
reproducible way, and that both its
Within the Engie group, Tractebel properties and quality will comply
and Laborelec have been involved with the demands applicable to the
in the development of additive relevant nuclear safety classification.
manufacturing for several years,
principally using powder bed fusion The additive manufacturing process
(PBF) technology. has been optimized to produce a
material with equivalent properties
This technology is already employed to material produced with traditional
outside of the nuclear industry, but processes (e.g., forging), that
its use is not yet widespread within also satisfies typical C&S. Further
the nuclear industry, notably for
research and development (R&D)
the manufacture of safety related
are still needed to identify the type
pressure components. Engie aims
of tests that must be performed on
to produce specific ad-hoc pieces
specimens and on the final product
as replacements for components
to confirm that the required quality
in operational nuclear power plants
has been achieved. The material’s
that are either obsolete or difficult to
response to long term degradation
procure. Obsolescence can occur
mechanisms such as fatigue,
for several reasons; either because
thermal ageing, and exposure to
the original manufacturer is no
ionizing radiation must also be
longer in business, the component
proven to be acceptable.
has been discontinued, the cost
of the component has become
Tractebel and Laborelec are
prohibitively expensive, or the lead
active contributors to the SNETP
times have increased to the point
NUCOBAM project, an international
of being incompatible with plant
operational needs. project supported by the European
Commission and funded by the
PBF is a mature technology which Euratom H2020 programme.
has been mastered by Laborelec. NUCOBAM is covered in more detail
The principal challenges in the in Section 3.4.
implementation of PBF in the nuclear
industry reside in the design, and the In another project, for a Belgian
qualification of both the process and NPP, Tractebel also made innovative
the final product. use of materials and manufacturing
techniques that are not
Challenges arise for the design if commonplace in the nuclear sector:
the original detailed drawings and steel piping was replaced with piping
specifications cannot be found. This made of glass reinforced epoxy.
is unfortunately the case for some This required an equally strict and
components that were procured extensive qualification programme
over 40 years ago, for which it is to demonstrate the quality of the
not always possible to gather all the product, of its fabrication and its
information needed. In such cases, installation on site, which employed
new requirements must be developed, chemical bonding instead of
based on current regulations, welding. The main challenges
practices for equivalent components, faced during this project were the
and using reverse engineering. limited availability of regulations
and applicable nuclear specific
Qualification is required to standards for such materials and
demonstrate that the PBF their application to nuclear piping.

3.1.2 Codes and standards cover all specificities of additive manufacturing processes. A large
related challenges manufacturing. ASME is currently amount of experimental data is
ASME BPVC is the mandatory code working to develop criteria for the therefore required to substantiate the
for the construction and in-service qualification and acceptance of qualifications, a significant part of
inspection of safety related pressure additive manufacturing components which has not yet been gathered.
equipment for Belgian NPPs. The use for pressure equipment. Work is in In the light of this lack of data and
of other codes is allowed provided it progress to define requirements for uncertainties, examinations and
is supported by code reconciliation nuclear applications. testing play an increasingly important
studied and the AFCN have role in confirming the quality of the
approved their use. In Belgium, the use of components manufactured component. Traditional
produced by additive manufacturing examination methods such as
The use of glass reinforced epoxy for safety related components non-destructive testing (NDT) may
piping is based on an ASME code must be approved by the Safety be difficult to implement or might
case, which was adapted to Belgian Authorities. The lack of established not always be appropriate as there
needs following discussions with code or standard makes it difficult are also material properties that are
the regulator. Specific instructions to identify the criteria that the specific to the additive manufacturing
were developed in Belgium, Licensee or the manufacturer must process which must be verified.
based on recommendations from meet and equally what could be Further development of testing
the manufacturer and industrial acceptable to the Safety Authorities and examination technologies and
standards specifically relating to the to maintain the same level of their related acceptance criteria is
material. quality and reliability provided by therefore required.
a component manufactured by
The qualification process for traditional means. An internationally The chemical and mechanical
the glass reinforced epoxy was recognized code or standard, or properties of materials produced
developed by Tractebel and was at least a guidance, supported by by additive manufacturing at the
based upon the following: strong technical justifications, would point of manufacture have been well
assist the implementation of additive studied and characterized for some
• Manufacturer’s instructions and
manufacturing technology into the
experience for the material metals, but knowledge will need to
nuclear industry.
• ASME code case and other be developed regarding its long-term
industrial standards integrity. Further R&D must therefore
Many parameters can affect the
be conducted to demonstrate
• Analysis, bibliography study and final quality of a product fabricated
that the components produced
experience feedback regarding using additive manufacturing
by additive manufacturing satisfy
the behaviour of the material in a techniques. Multiple experimental
requirements with regards to ageing
nuclear environment results are therefore needed to
and the degradation mechanisms
identify the impact of each parameter.
they are subjected to whilst in service
A specific in-service inspection Work completed to date has so
in a nuclear environment, thermal
program was also defined far provided such data for widely
ageing, fatigue, and irradiation. This
considering the degradation employed metals (e.g., stainless
research and demonstrations will
expected on this material, based on steel 316L), but gaps remain for
form part of the qualification file of for
scientific analysis, and learning from other metals. Another aspect
equipment produced using additive
experience. to be considered is that each
manufactured component is unique
The use of components or material and, because of its shape and
obtained from additive manufacturing build plan, could present different 3.1.3 Regulatory related
for nuclear safety related equipment characteristics to those of another challenges
is not yet exhaustively regulated in component produced by the same The general principle in Belgium
the nuclear C&S. additive manufacturing process. is that, if a new manufacturing
technology is to be used, it must
Some requirements exist for Qualifying processes remains be approved by the national
other AM technologies (e.g., challenging as rules must be regulator, the Agence Fédérale
welding, powder metallurgy / hot simultaneously generic whilst de Contrôle Nucléaire (AFCN).
isostatic pressing) but they do not covering all specific aspects of the The Licensee (Plant Owner) and

the Safety Authorities agree on a As part of Rosatom, RusAT, pays 3D printing modes to be used for
process to qualify and validate the great attention to the development of the nuclear energy sector.
new technology and the obtained additive manufacturing applications • Validation of additive manufacturing
products, including preliminary in the nuclear energy sector. RusAT technologies for the nuclear
qualification tests, surveillance during is currently working on four additive industry.
the manufacturing, examinations manufacturing technologies for
• Design optimization of nuclear
and related acceptance criteria, nuclear applications; powder bed
components to be 3D printed.
and a specific follow-up program fusion, direct metal deposition,
during operation. There is no detailed plasma, and arc wire additive • Development of specific additive
regulation for this approach, and it is manufacturing for printing with metal manufacturing technologies and
based on a case-by-case agreement. wire, and electron beam additive equipment for nuclear applications.
manufacturing. These technologies • Obtaining an approval from
For the use of piping in glass are used for manufacturing of parts regulatory authorities for additive
reinforce epoxy, this process was with complex geometries, such manufacturing as a feasible
followed successfully. as equipment components, spare production method for nuclear
parts for NPPs and fuel assembly applications.
For additive manufacturing, no official components.
discussion has yet started with the RusAT uses additive manufacturing
Safety Authorities, as no real case is Innovative materials enable the to produce critical and non-
envisaged for the moment, waiting production of parts with improved critical components, e.g., powder
for more maturity of the technology properties and lower weight. bed fusion (PBF) technology to
and its qualification in nuclear. As For example, using additive print components with complex
mentioned above, the existence of manufacturing to produce reactor geometries, such as guide cards,
recognized C&S on the topic would vessel internals allows for an dust filters and anti-debris filters.
ease the discussion. increased number of cooling The mechanical properties of parts
channels to reduce heat and printed by PBF equipment are
comparable to those produced via
3.2 Rosatom RusAT consequently extend a component’s
life cycle and increase its reliability. conventional casting methods. PBF
3.2.1 Project overview technology allows RusAT to remove
RusAT’s operations extend across all
Rosatom is currently developing aspects of additive manufacturing, the need for tooling, and reduce
new business areas alongside including the development of the time required for R&D and
its traditional nuclear business, manufacturing, in addition to weight
numerous modes of additive
including wind power, composite reduction as component strength
manufacturing using a variety of
materials, nuclear medicine, waste can be enhanced through complex
materials, such as titanium, stainless
management, oil and gas services, structural elements and internal
steel, heat-resistant steel, powder,
digital transformation, international parts, as well as high utilization of
and wire materials; out-of-pile tests
logistics and additive technologies. powder material.
of check specimens; tests in ion-
accelerator tube, as well as neutron
To unite all Rosatom’s additive Direct metal deposition (DMD)
irradiation testing in a reactor to
manufacturing capabilities, Rosatom technology is used by RusAT for the
confirm characteristics and properties
created a subsidiary; Rusatom – additive manufacture of heavy shields
of 3D printed components.
Additive Technologies, abbreviated with diameters of up to 2 meters and
to RusAT, which coordinates the measuring 1 meter in height. This
RusAT’s is pursuing the following
activities of all Rosatom subsidiaries technology is very useful to produce
objectives with their additive
that are involved in this business. large-sized products with complex
manufacturing projects:
RusAT is focused on four key areas: geometries. The DMD process allows
the manufacturing of 3D printers and • Confirmation of physical, manufacturers to quickly change the
their components, the production mechanical, and corrosive composition of the metal by injecting
of materials and metal powders properties of materials for the different types of metal powders.
for additive manufacturing, the additive manufacturing of nuclear DMD technology is especially well
development of software for additive components. suited to the rapid repair of old or
systems and services, and additive • Adjustment of various additive worn components made of titanium,
manufacturing printing services. manufacturing technologies and steel, aluminium, or copper.

Quality control and qualification differed for traditional methods of The approval of standards for
procedures are essential to all production. These differences are directed energy deposition (DED)
additive manufacturing technologies due to the fact that for a long-time additive manufacturing is planned
employed by RusAT and are not development in Russia and at the soon. A significant effort is currently
only relevant to the components international level occurred in parallel also underway to harmonize Russian
produced with the use of additive and consensus was not reached national standards with international
manufacturing, but also to the with regards to certain topics. RusAT standards, such as ISO and ASTM.
powder feedstock, testing and therefore aims to avoid a similar
process monitoring. RusAT is outcome for additive manufacturing Russian standards currently only
currently working these topics, and and seeks to minimize differences. cover general issues, there are few or
notably examining nuclear specific no requirements for specific products
challenges for parts produced In pursuit of this objective, or specific technologies, even for non-
by additive manufacturing, such RusAT pays a lot of attention to nuclear products. RusAT has identified
as irradiation damage and stress standardization. First, RusAT actively the following main gaps in C&S:
corrosion cracking. contributes to the work of the Russian • Standard terminology is
national technical committee (TC)
insufficient and is not consistently
RusAT has encountered challenges for standardization TC 182 “Additive
implemented in practice.
with regards to standardization of technologies”. RusAT also acts as
additive manufacturing within the a developer of national standards • There are no technical
nuclear energy sector as specific for additive manufacturing in specifications standards for raw
nuclear standards for additive Russia. One of RusAT’s goals is the materials, thus no requirements for
manufacturing do not exist yet. The implementation of best available product performance, packaging,
lack of standards slows down the rate practices from ISO and ASTM and transportation requirements.
of adoption of additive manufacturing standards, as well as development • There are no technical
technologies within the sector. One of national standards in conformance specification standards for
of RusAT’s key objectives is therefore with ISO and ASTM International. products manufactured through a
to prove to the regulatory institutions combination of both traditional and
that additive manufacturing is a In recent years, the focus of RusAT’s additive manufacturing.
feasible, sustainable, and reliable work was standardization of the laser • There are no uniform approaches
manufacturing method that can PBF process. The following Russian for the testing of components or
be successfully implemented in national standards were published as parts, for example production of
nuclear projects. RusAT is currently an output of this work: samples for further physical and
benchmarking the performance • GOST R 57588-2021 Additive mechanical tests.
of parts produced via additive technologies. Equipment for
manufacturing against those • Some AM processes are not
additive processes. General mentioned in standards, so there
produced using conventional methods requirements.
to substantiate the case for including are no standardized requirements
• GOST R 59184-2020 Additive for them.
additive manufacturing within nuclear
technologies. Selective laser • There are no standardized
standards. In addition to this work,
melting equipment. General requirements for additive
RusAT is pursuing regulatory approval
requirements. manufacturing personnel.
for the use of additive manufacturing
within the nuclear sector by • GOST R 59036-2020 Additive • There is a lack of safety standards
undertaking pilot projects that will technologies. Production based
for additive manufacturing.
build a knowledge base and a library on selective laser melting of metal
of application cases. powders. General provisions.
Further gaps will likely be identified
• GOST R 59038-2020 Additive as additive manufacturing and
3.2.2 Codes and standards technologies. Confirmation of the standardization of AM are
related challenges quality and properties for metal still emerging topics for industrial
RusAT strongly believes that products. applications. These gaps should
standardization is an essential • GOST R 59035-2020 Additive be filled as the technologies mature
enabler for the implementation of technologies. Metal powder and experience is gained following
new technologies. Russian and compositions. General sufficient practice and use in
international practices have previously requirements. industrial settings.

3.2.3 Regulatory related • Laser heat source processing - component to maintain nearly all its
challenges welding, overlaying and additive chemical homogeneity (~1% losses
The Federal Technical Regulation manufacturing occur through some elemental
and Metrology Agency (Rosstandart) • Modularisation and standardisation vaporisation). The preservation of
is the Russian federal government its homogeneity allows novel heat
• Codes, standards, and
agency that serves as the national treatments to virtually eliminate the
standardization body of the Russian weld’s macrostructure to underwrite
Federation. The federal agency carries the expansion period for in-service
Solid-state forming and bonding
out general management of the inspection.
(SSFB) research into the combined
system of technical committees (TC) use of powder metallurgy and
for standardization based on which In addition to this dramatically
hot isostatic pressing technology
standards are developed. For additive reduced production time, EBW
(PM+HIP), using nuclear grade
uses significantly less energy than
manufacturing the relevant technical structural and corrosion steels, traditional welding processes. In this
committee is TC 182 “Additive provides prospects for increased instance a single pass circumferential
technologies” of which RusAT is an design freedom and modular weld in 110mm thick SA508 Gr3.
active member and contributor. configurations. Concurrently, Cl 2 steel (see Figure 4) resulted
from a performance perspective, in an energy saving of 1.1GJ, or
3.3 NAMRC/NuScale improved directional and through- 303kWhr, and 71kg of CO2 equivalent
Power thickness (Z-grade) properties and emissions (calculated based upon
dissimilar metal bonding capability the UK’s electricity mix) making it a
3.3.1 Project overview is achieved, along with augmented valuable asset to help manufacturers
The Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing inspection characteristics resulting reach their Net Zero commitments.
Research Centre’s (NAMRC) mission from improved homogeneity. Further
is to support the UK Government’s benefits include improved ‘product- NAMRC has also been investigating
delivery of low-carbon and low- to-point-of-use’ ratios, reduced the modularization of EBW equipment
cost electricity through innovative energy, and material utilisation, and which offers game-changing
solutions and creation of a nuclear removing the need for excessive capabilities, not only for nuclear
savvy supply-chain. profile envelopes. components but for production
equipment too, e.g., modular in-
One of its major research and In addition to the SSFB R&D, chamber vacuum systems. Moreover,
development projects is the US DoE NAMRC is applying the use of modular ‘local-to-product vacuum’
sponsored Small Modular Reactor single pass autogenous electron systems further reduce cost and
programme, where NAMRC works in beam welding (EBW) to nuclear lead-times, but such developments
partnership with EPRI and NuScale grade and PM+HIP steel sections have been difficult to translate to
Power. The programme’s aim is to with less than 110mm thickness. first of a kind reactor design, due
reduce the manufacturing cost of a This process offers significant to the perceived performance risk
NuScale SMR reactor pressure vessel benefits including reductions in from current data available in the
(RPV) by 40% and demonstrate the processing times, the elimination nuclear sector. Successes in EBW
feasibility of manufacturing the RPV in of machined groove joint profiles, research completed in the offshore
under twelve months (8) (9) (10). external pre-heating, and hydrogen wind sector, notably at Dogger
bake-out processing. Typical Bank, should also be highlighted to
NAMRC’s research strategy has reductions in processing times (pre- showcase the benefits it can bring to
identified four key advanced heat, welding, and inspection) are the nuclear industry.
manufacturing strands where a greater than 80% for the main RPV
concerted effort in adopting an circumferential weld, assuming a With regards to quantum heat source
integrated programme provides “right first time” output when using processing, NAMRC’s research
significant benefit in reducing costs, conventional arc welding techniques. into laser-based corrosion resistant
lead-times, energy usage and CO2 Autogenous welding methods not overlaying and hard face overlaying
generation, whilst simultaneously only remove the need for filler metal is challenging existing designs and
improving product quality and in- use, thereby reducing the weight methods, where excessive thicknesses
service performance: of the RPV (by around 325kg in are required to achieve acceptable
• Solid-state forming and bonding this example) but also allows the dilution and elemental transfer levels.

Figure 4. Electron beam weld of 100mm SA508 Gr3.Cl 2 steel (NAMRC)

The use of diode laser cladding (DLC) prior to welding or overlaying is be made available to research
produces very low dilution (<10%) showing potential promise. The and technology organizations and
levels, minimized substrate disruption, use of nano and picosecond pulse industry to develop them.
and improved material utilisation width periods produces significant
to form corrosion barriers that are peak-power to remove extraneous Analysis and, where appropriate,
approximately 3mm thick. When materials, so further research in adoption of data and practices
employed in combination with robotic assessing metallurgical degradation developed within other safety critical
articulation, this technology results is needed, but promising results are sectors should be sought, as well as
in reduced distortion, and enables being exhibited. research into probabilistic analysis,
the overlaying of thinner substrates and machine learning systems to
in multiple orientations. These These technologies, combined with migrate from a ‘design by rule’ to a
capabilities provide manufacturers robotic articulation offer significantly ‘design by analysis’ philosophy.
and vendors with additional repair and improved overlaying capability and
rework options. pre-cleaning cycle times, and removes 3.3.2 Codes and standards
the use of harmful chemicals. related challenges
Whilst DLC exhibits deposition
NAMRC is currently developing
rates between three and six times In summary, developing new
a code-case submission into the
lower than established mechanized technology requires the supply-chain
ASME BPVC Section III committee
arc and resistance methods, a to have the appetite and support
to enable the wider nuclear industry
70% reduction in total energy to adopt innovative technologies.
to benefit from the adoption of EBW
accompanied by a CO2 mass It is also important that they have a
in manufacturing. The codification
reduction of 495kg is achieved by comfortable and open relationship
is not the only barrier however,
overlaying a simple 2.8m diameter with regulators, therefore regular
further efforts and funding will
x 3m length strake. However, to updates and the sharing of
be required to reach widespread
embed this technology in the nuclear appropriate historical challenges
industry requires designers and should be sought, this will help deployment notably investment in
regulators to change their mindset innovators assess and address national equipment qualification
on corrosion resistant overlaying similar matters well in advance. facilities to accelerate performance
thicknesses that reflect a dilution and assessments
element transfer criteria rather than Improvements are required to bridge
established oversizing to achieve the gap between industry and 3.3.3 Regulatory related
lifetime passivation. Furthermore, standards developers. Volunteers challenges
NAMRC research involving laser supporting and developing codes Research and development
cleaning technology to remove and standards are needed, and organizations recognize the
surface contaminates immediately funding from government should importance of aligning their R&D

outputs and outcomes towards be reduced as a result. This latter that are intended to be used for
advancing solutions to convince example is one such reason for an safety-classified SSCs in nuclear
national regulators of their safety and improved engagement with vendors installations are no exception. The
reliability to function as prescribed. and regulators in understanding more qualification methodology that will
An increased transparency of matters clearly the ‘true’ effects that arise be developed from the NUCOBAM
that have affected delays in reactor from plant operation. project is intended to ensure that
deployment, which subsequently additively manufactured components
increases the public’s perception 3.4 European comply with nuclear codes and
of the nuclear industry being costly, standards. At the end of the project,
unsafe, and bureaucratic, would cooperation – the NUCOBAM consortium plans
significantly improve its efficacy. NUCOBAM project to submit the completed and
Access to critical data from not only 3.4.1 Project overview final version of the qualification
national databases but a global methodology to nuclear codes and
The NUCOBAM (Nuclear Components
repository via an anonymized standards committees and working
Based on Additive Manufacturing)
platform would help researchers groups with the aim of incorporating
project involves a consortium of 13
and designers to overcome those the qualification methodology into
European organizations and is led by
three key issues that could improve nuclear codes and standards.
the French Alternative Energies and
turnaround times in producing code
Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
cases. Therefore, an incentivized The NUCOBAM consortium issued
through the Sustainable Nuclear
initiative should be considered that a first draft of the qualification
aids developers and the supply chain Energy Technology Platform (SNETP). methodology within the first year
in identifying, navigating through, The four-year project started in of the project, based primarily on
and overcoming common priorities, October (11). consortium members’ practical
based on past exploits and future experience with L-PBF, existing
activities in moving to a standardized The scope of the NUCOBAM project guidance and standards on additive
resolution, which would reduce the covers additive manufacturing manufacturing (also from non-nuclear
barriers to market and the public’s qualification for nuclear applications, industries) and requirements from
perception of a ‘nuclear premium’. specifically laser powder bed fusion nuclear codes and standards.
(L-PBF) as it is the most widely
The use of advanced technologies and commonly used additive The qualification methodology will
such as PM+HIP would, for example, manufacturing method in several be refined throughout the project
reduce the level of cold work into industries and therefore the one for based on results from the project’s
a product or component through which the greatest amount of practical test programme and possible new
the progression of near net shaped experience is available. NUCOBAM guidance, so that a final version of
forming methods. Furthermore, consortium members own and run the qualification methodology will be
combining this with the use of additive manufacturing equipment and available at the end of the project
technologies capable of completing provide the additively manufactured (October 2024). It also accounts
overlaying or dissimilar weld metal bulk material and components for the for requirements in traditional
joints (DWMJs) with one chemistry project test programme. manufacturing nuclear codes
type applied with low-stress-low and standards. These elements
distortion technologies, will improve The main goal of the NUCOBAM have guided the structure of the
resistance to certain premature failure project is the development of methodology and helped define
mechanisms, e.g., intergranular a qualification methodology or its chapters: metallic powder
stress corrosion cracking, primary process for additively manufactured procurement & assessment of powder
water stress corrosion cracking and components for usage as safety- characteristics, qualification of the
underclad cracking. However, other classified structures, systems, and additive manufacturing process,
issues that may occur as barriers components (SSCs) for nuclear the additive manufacturing process
to applying such technology could installations. All safety-classified itself and quality control monitoring,
be the lack of understanding that SSCs in nuclear installations must post-heat treatment of additive
may arise from the effect of induced comply with stringent regulations manufactured components, inspection
cavitation on and across DWMJs through nuclear codes and & tests of material, component
overlayed surfaces, and the level standards. Components produced finishing, non-destructive examination
of protection/longevity that may via additive manufacturing and (NDE) of the finished components.

There remains some uncertainty (e.g., AMS 7000A) and the American nuclear installations will be however
on the level of detail to which each Welding Society (e.g., AWS D20.1/ considered through an end-user-
aspect should be covered in the D20.1M) are also referenced in the group and through the regulatory
qualification methodology and on current draft of the qualification texts. Several regulators have
how prescriptive the final qualification methodology. lately published documents on
methodology should be for all their expectations towards the use
these aspects. The required level of The development of a qualification additive manufacturing such as the
documentation for all these aspects methodology or process for additively ASN and US NRC (11) and these
(process qualification in particular) manufactured components for use will be considered in the further
also still requires (re-)consideration. as safety classified SSCs for nuclear development of the qualification
The NUCOBAM consortium expects installations is the main goal of the methodology.
that the test results will help to resolve NUCOBAM project.
these issues.
Nuclear codes and standards do not
3.5 EDF – Framatome
The additive manufacturing of cover additive manufacturing yet. In 3.5.1 Project overview
bulk material and components for the case of the ASME BPVC several Framatome, part of the EDF group,
the project test programme and code cases related to additive designs and manufactures nuclear
preceding tasks (e.g., powder manufacturing exist (e.g., ASME CC steam supply systems, equipment,
procurement and characterization, 20-254). As previously mentioned, it services, and fuel. It is currently also
agreeing on process parameters) is the aim of the NUCOBAM project developing advanced manufacturing
required extensive discussion and to issue a qualification methodology processes.
coordination efforts by the involved for additively manufactured
NUCOBAM partners. components so that they comply with The combined use of powder
the requirements of nuclear codes metallurgy and hot isostatic pressing
3.4.2 Codes and standards and standards. (PM+HIP) has been studied for
related challenges several years through both internal
The nuclear codes and standards Additive manufacturing itself and and collaborative projects. This
that are followed in the project and to related aspects (e.g., component technology provides significant
which the qualification methodology design, documentation needs, advantages compared to traditional
is primarily aligned to are RCC-M powder characterization, inspection manufacture such as enhanced
and ASME BPVC Section III (code & testing) are well covered by material properties and improved
modifications will also be proposed existing standards, for example inspectability while also being more
to RCC-MRx). Besides these, ISO/ASTM 52900. The NUCOBAM time and cost efficient. PM+HIP
the NUCOBAM consortium also consortium does not see an also facilitates design improvement,
considers, to a lesser extent, codes immediate need to supplement as nozzles can integrated into
for non-nuclear pressure vessels, these documents. The challenges of parts rather than being welded
notably EN 13445, for requirements additive manufacturing are technical, on. The development programme
on pressure vessels in general, since notably the determination of which led by EDF and Framatome
EN 13445 is referenced in nuclear machine and process parameters addressed the creation of material
codes and standards with RCC-MRx to apply to achieve a stable and data files that cover stainless
being a prominent example of this. repeatable additive manufacturing steels, low alloy steels, and hard-
process. facing materials. The programme
In the qualification methodology showed that nuclear components
significant references are made 3.4.3 Regulatory related such as pipework (see Figure 5),
to existing standards for additive challenges pump impellers and bi-metallic
manufacturing, primarily the ISO/ Technical support organizations junctions can be manufactured
ASTM 52900 standard and additional to safety authorities such as the using PM+HIP. This has led to a
ASTM standards related to additive IRSN are involved in the NUCOBAM commercialization programme that
manufacturing (e.g., ASTM F3184, project, however regulators is currently supported by parametric
F3434, F3303, F3301, F3122, F2971). are not directly involved. Their studies on the influence of powder
Standards and guidance documents expectations with regards to the composition, process related defects
on additive manufacturing by the use of additive manufacturing to and weldability on the outcome of
Society of Automotive Engineers produce safety-classified SSC for PM+HIP manufacturing.

Laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) • Optimization of the manufacturing the relationship between operating
is a promising process for the process to produce coatings with parameters and the quality of
manufacture of small components, the required structural properties manufactured parts. Initial work
spare parts, and specific tools. The (density, adhesion, surface has enabled the development of
following topics are being explored roughness, microstructures, etc.). optimized toolpaths (ex-nihilo or from
for L-PBF: • Behaviours of the components CAD files) for a given part geometry.
• Development of skills in additive while subjected to in-service As the manufactured parts must
manufacturing oriented design. conditions (mechanical properties, have no metallurgical nor mechanical
defects, EDF and Framatome
• Identification and control of key corrosion resistance, etc.).
developed instrumentation with real-
manufacturing parameters, with • Development of specific coatings time temperature control. The surface
the support of the supply chain, for the parts (properties, gradient, temperature of the part is monitored
and the use of gloveboxes for etc.). using bi-chromatic pyrometers and
machining irradiated materials. • Use of the process for the repair of infrared cameras and is provided
• Compilation of data files for components and parts. as an input to the welding robot
materials of notable interest (316L, so it automatically pauses its work
Alloy 718, 17-4 PH, uranium). The scope of these feasibility until a target temperature has been
• Identification of process specific studies must be expanded however, reached. A subsequent initiative
defects and development of NDE to include qualification and examining toolpath correction is in
techniques. controllability, as needed for nuclear progress as the path the robot takes
industrial applications. Work on the can diverge from the programmed
Framatome has led the introduction development of fuel prototypes for a toolpath. Work is therefore ongoing
of additively manufactured fuel nuclear research reactor is underway, to implement a way to adapt
components into operating nuclear for example. programmed work to the actual
power plants, such as material situation during the process.
test rods for Gösgen or channel Wire arc additive manufacturing is
fasteners at Browns Ferry, and for the final advanced manufacturing The development of wire arc additive
the replacement of worn parts (valve process under consideration as it has manufacturing is supported by
handle for example). Framatome was potential for the repair, modification the Additive Factory Hub initiative
also the first industrial company to and even manufacture of large parts. that brings together major French
produce uranium fuel using the L-PBF industrial entities and by the French
process. Framatome has developed As wire arc additive manufacturing government through the France
a roadmap for the deployment of fuel builds on well-established welding Relance post-Covid-19 recovery plan.
components which should lead to expertise, its development path is
use of such components in outages shorter and focuses on the following 3.5.2 Codes and standards
in the mid-to-late 2020s. Framatome points: related challenges
is also an active contributor to the • Identification of appropriate The supply and manufacture of
NUCOBAM project (see Section 3.4). welding wires for low alloyed steels nuclear equipment is carried out
and austenitic stainless steels either according to the RCC-M
The cold-spray process has been nuclear code or to European
identified as a potential solution for • Management of heat input and harmonized standards depending on
repairing (instead of replacing) metal distortions through numerical its safety classification.
parts, and as a suitable solution to simulations
3D print nuclear fuel. EDF R&D and • Production of welding programmes The RCC-M code does not currently
Framatome acquired a cold spray from CAD files taking deposition contain any technical specifications
facility in 2019 to study the process. rules into account relating to the use of advanced
Objectives have been defined for manufacturing processes. European
the examination of a wide range of EDF R&D and Framatome have standards relating to pressure
materials, such as stainless steels, dedicated additive manufacturing equipment also do not include
titanium alloys, copper alloys, laboratories equipped with tungsten advanced manufacturing processes.
carbides, and uranium alloys. For inert gas welding and gas metal arc
each of these, the following studies welding processes. Current research Given the growth of these new
will be undertaken: aims to develop an understanding of processes and their advantages in

terms of component quality, cost The principal difficulty with these lifetime (ageing, corrosion, etc.).
and manufacturing time, actions new processes and in particular Ongoing projects (NUCOBAM, EN
have been taken to incorporate their additive manufacturing is to define 13445-14) seek to address these
codification and standardization the qualification methodology as points, in relation to the qualification
into RCC-M code and European well as the parameters that can methodology and in-service
standards. affect the quality of the component performance.
(grade, process, machine used, heat
With regard to the RCC-M code, treatment). It is therefore necessary to: 3.5.3 Regulatory related
a paragraph (M 116) has been • Define the material requirements in challenges
introduced in the 2020 edition terms of chemical composition and The use of advanced manufacturing
to allow the specific use of a mechanical characteristics, (PM+HIP and additive
manufacturing process that is not manufacturing) for classified nuclear
• Guarantee the mechanical
currently referenced in the code. This applications will require prior
characteristics in the volume of
paragraph requires the provision the component and therefore validation by EU notified bodies and
of a procurement specification, a the representativeness of the the nuclear safety authority (ASN).
justification for the use of the material acceptance tests, Notified bodies were also informed of
and a qualification process/procedure. PM+HIP projects in progress.
• Ensure the controllability of the
Parts produced according to this
new paragraph will enable AFCEN to Projects relating to the qualification
accumulate feedback and experience • Ensure the weldability of the of new processes aim to integrate
and ultimately enable it to introduce components, notified bodies as early as possible,
technical specifications for advanced • Define any additional requirements to work alongside them and ensure
manufacturing into the code. applicable to nuclear pressure that the qualification will able to pass
equipment. conformity assessments.
With regard to European standards, a
draft standard (EN 13445-14) related In addition to the definition of the EDF has chosen to initially use
to the manufacture of pressure qualification methodology, the use additive manufacturing for non-safety
equipment components by additive of additive manufacturing in the related on-site use-cases. This will
manufacturing methods is being nuclear industry requires data related enable it to compile technical data
developed and is scheduled for to the materials and their behaviour from manufacturing and in-service
publication in 2024. in service and through the plant’s experience before extending its use
to safety-classified use-cases. This
approach would allow EDF to work
alongside suppliers in this goal, and
provide IRSN with feedback over time.

Figure 5. Piping elbow manufactured using HIP process (EDF/Framatome)

4 Enabling supply chain
4.1 Context and 4.2 Bringing advanced
business models manufacturing to the
Advanced manufacturing methods nuclear industry
have the potential to enhance The application of advanced
the nuclear industry supply chain manufacturing methods in the
by optimizing the production of nuclear supply chain can provide
high-quality components, which significant opportunities for both
are, in some cases, quicker to suppliers and licensees.
produce, more cost-competitive
and have better material properties Enhanced performance and
than conventionally produced design characteristics
components. This could enhance
With the use of advanced
the performance of existing plants
manufacturing methods such
and the ability to manufacture
as additive manufacturing,
SMRs, advanced reactors and
equipment suppliers will be able
microreactors. Ultimately the
to provide components with
potential efficiencies gained
complex geometries that can have
by implementing advanced
additional structural stability, less
manufacturing processes may
use of material and additional
significantly reduce capital costs.
functions such as built-in filtration,
Within the existing fleet there are
compared with conventionally-
some supply chain challenges
produced components. Advanced
related to access to replacement
manufacturing can support quicker
parts for obsolete components and
design development through
for warehouse inventories.
mock-ups and prototypes that have
more design and performance
To enable the adoption of advanced
characteristics to the end design.
manufacturing techniques, since
around 2010 there have been
Use of new materials and lean
significant public and private
manufacturing process
investment in programmes designed
to bring advanced manufacturing Advanced manufacturing methods
methods into the nuclear supply provide new fabrication, assembly,
chain. These programmes have built surface treatment possibilities and
upon the lessons and insights from even hybrid material structures.
the earlier deployment of advanced These can enable new suppliers and
manufacturing techniques in other collaborations to enter the nuclear
industries such as aeronautics, oil and industry, reduce the time needed
gas, transport, and industrial tooling. to manufacture nuclear equipment
compared to traditional methods, and
Further uptake of advanced support enhanced quality assurance
manufacturing methods within the with greater predictability in the
nuclear supply chain will be driven by manufacturing process.
combining them with other innovative
practices such as advanced Enhanced equipment health
computational analysis, modelling, monitoring and predictive
and simulation to accelerate maintenance
the qualification of advanced The ability to have complex
manufacturing processes for key geometries with integrated sensors
nuclear components. within equipment or systems
will provide operators with the
potential for real-time information

on performance which will allow Table 1. Advanced manufacturing initiatives and collaborators
preventive maintenance and possibly Project/initiative Collaborators
autonomous operations. Such
Advanced Manufacturing and Materials Generation IV Forum
functionalities are considered key
Engineering Task Force (AMME-TF) (12)
areas of the operational strategy of
several SMRs and advanced reactors. Pump impeller replacement at Krško nuclear Siemens, Nuklearna Elektrarna
plant (13) Krško (NEK)

Faster and more consistent Roadmap for Regulatory Acceptance of Nuclear Energy Institute
manufacturing processes Advanced Manufacturing Methods in the Nuclear
Energy Industry (14)
leading to high-quality products
National Lab 3D Prints Key Component for Kairos Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
When coupled with advanced
Power’s New Molten Salt Reactor (15) Kairos Power
modelling and simulation of the
manufacturing process, there Westinghouse 3D printing trials reveal cost Westinghouse Electric Company
savings for all reactor types (16)
are considerable opportunities
to enhance the qualification and Transformational Challenge Reactor Program (17) Oak Ridge National Laboratory
quality assurance of manufactured 3D-printed nuclear fuel elements (18) Gösgen Nuclear Power Plant,
equipment. This would ultimately Framatome
improve the cost competitiveness of Binder jet printed refractive materials (19) Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation,
high value and traditionally long lead Oak Ridge National Laboratory
time components.
These, and other collaboration both public and private funding in
Enabling collaboration and projects and initiatives, highlight the the project deployment.
competitive supply chain offerings following points: • Public funding of industrial
Public and private investment in • Early regulatory involvement in the development programmes within
collaborative projects have advanced projects lowers the time taken to national laboratories are accelerating
considerably since around 2015. reach the demonstration phase. the near-term commercialization of
In addition to the projects outlined advanced manufacturing methods.
• Near-term demonstration projects
in Section 3, the following sample
collaborations highlight how several should be focused on components
There is a growing interest in using
organizations involved in the of lower risk/safety function and
some SSCs that are fabricated
nuclear supply chain are working design complexity. using advanced manufacturing
towards greater use of advanced • When the scope includes clear techniques in the nuclear industry.
manufacturing techniques in the industrial outcomes, there are The table below presents examples
nuclear industry. greater opportunities to leverage of such SSCs:

Table 2. SSCs produced by advanced manufacturing techniques

Item Advanced manufacturing process Material Manufacturer
Pump impeller Powder bed fusion Metallic (not specified) Siemens (13)
(selective laser sintering)
Powder bed fusion 316L RuSAT
Valve (body) Additive manufacturing Stainless steel Neles (20)
(not specified)
Thimble plugging device Powder bed fusion 316L Westinghouse (21)
Channel fastener Powder bed fusion 316L Framatome (22)
Vessel cladding Diode laser cladding Stainless steel & nickel alloys NAMRC
Large and small vessels Powder metallurgy - hot isostatic 316L, SA508 NAMRC
pressing, electron beam welding
Heavy shielding Direct metal deposition Metallic (not specified) RusAT
Terminal block Powder bed fusion 316L Engie Laborelec
Debris filter Powder bed fusion Metallic (not specified) RusAT

5 Conclusion

The wide variety of applications compatible with existing ASME and

presented in this report demonstrate AFCEN requirements is another
the potential of advanced promising avenue for harmonization.
manufacturing techniques to reduce
costs whilst enhancing performance The industry partners that have
and safety in the nuclear sector. contributed to this report aim to have
Advanced manufacturing could common principles for qualification of
address some of the current advanced manufacturing techniques.
nuclear supply chain challenges Harmonized or equivalent codes and
such as production of spare parts, standards for these technologies
obsolescence issues, reverse would enable manufacturers to
engineering, and component produce components for multiple
modernization. markets thereby creating more
resilient supply chains and would
Despite the differences with enable the export of production line-
non-nuclear industries that have built small modular reactors.
successfully implemented advanced
manufacturing, such as aeronautical, Additionally, advanced manufacturing
transport and the power sector, would provide a solution to the
introducing these techniques into current supply chain challenges
nuclear supply chains should require such as long lead times, warehouse
similar approaches. inventories, as well as to issues
concerning obsolescence and
Components produced using component modernization. The
advanced manufacturing techniques development of digital technologies
have already been put into operation will complement the deployment of
in nuclear reactors; however these advanced manufacturing techniques
are small components that do not – notably artificial intelligence,
have safety-classified functions such which will support the prediction of
as debris filters, channel fasteners advanced new material properties
and thimble plugging devices. Their and assist in optimizing advanced
lack of safety function has enabled manufacturing methods (23).
them to be deployed whereas
large Class 1 components must The development of codes
await codification and regulatory and standards for advanced
acceptance before they can be manufacturing will help to build
introduced into nuclear power plants. regulatory confidence in this area.
Prescriptive regulators require the
Many parties are currently working codification of the techniques to
on developing both nuclear and incorporate them into their regulations
non-nuclear codes and standards and goal-based regulators require
for a wide variety of advanced the vendor to demonstrate the safety
manufacturing techniques. There cases of the engineering rules. Wider
would be potential cost savings in discussion on the different regulatory
coordinating these efforts, notably approaches and associated
to resolve technical challenges challenges facing emerging reactor
regarding qualification. An initiative designs can be found in the CORDEL
aimed at sharing the underpinning report, Different Interpretations of
principles of qualification at the ISO Regulatory Requirements (24).
level appears feasible based upon
previous experience. The NUCOBAM The current gaps in codes and
project’s approach of developing standards present an opportunity for
a qualification procedure that is harmonization: aligning international

code requirements for advanced
manufacturing would help to ensure
the success of the global SMR
market. Furthermore, without them,
the economy of series production
that SMRs promise are unlikely to be

CORDEL therefore recommends the

following actions:
• Organizations engaged in reactor
design and reactor materials
research should dedicate
enough resources to accelerate
the development of codes and
standards to align codification with
their deployment schedules.
• SDOs should adopt the AFCEN
approach outlined in Section
3.5.2 to enable their codes
and standards to allow the
use of unreferenced advanced
manufacturing processes.
• The nuclear industry should
support collaborative international
projects to develop harmonized
advanced manufacturing
techniques aligned to multiple
codes and standards.
• Regulators should work
collaboratively with the nuclear
industry to develop common
approaches to the regulation
of advanced manufacturing
techniques and their use within the
supply chain.


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