Working Hours and Overtime Policy (English)

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Kamarjuri, Natun Bazar, National University, Gazipur-1704, Bangladesh

Working hours and overtime policy

Date of Policy Preparation t 25.06.2022 Date of Policy Approval t 30.06.2022
Policy Implementation Date t 01.07.2022 Revision Date t 25.12.2025 (1st
Introduction t-
The authorities of BHML Industries Ltd. have fixed the working hours as per the prevailing laws of the
country. The authorities make their production plans in such a way that their weekly working hours never
violate the limits of the country's laws. The authorities close the institution one day a week. Workers
cannot work more than 8 hours per day and 48 hours per week. However, for urgent work, workers can
work up to a maximum of 10 hours a day and up to a maximum of 60 hours a week, but in no case more
than an average of 56 hours a year. The authority has prescribed a standard work schedule, which is
enacted in accordance with the Bangladesh Labor Act. In the context of Bangladesh, there is some
tendency among the workers of garment establishments to nurture the mentality of working on a fixed
salary and staff due to which it is not possible to determine the grade and salary based on the salary
structure of the Government of Bangladesh. Because, if the workers are not available by determining the
grade and salary based on the salary structure of the Bangladesh government, then the organization is
forced to hire workers as a fixed salary and staff subject to certain conditions in the employment letter.
However, the HR department of every organization sets a standard for a certain grade in the minimum
wage policy along with the fixed salary for the minimum 2/3 hours overtime of that grade.
Definition t –
Section-2(4) is considered relevant to define working hours. "working hours" means the hours during
which a worker is under the employer's jurisdiction to work, excluding breaks for meals and rest;
Purpose t –
The authorities of BHML Industries Ltd. keep a watchful eye on the working hours of the workers so that
they do not exceed the limits of the law. For this purpose, this policy has been formulated for the purpose
of regulating the working hours of workers and employees working in factories as per the Labor Act 2006
and the Labor Act Amendment Act 2013 and 2018 and Rules-2015 and Amendment-2022.
Management Representative t -
BHML Industries Ltd. has assigned responsibility to specific individuals/sections for implementation of
the working hours policy. Chief among them is the Human Resource Department. Under the supervision
of the Human Resource Department, Planning and IE Department along with Heads of all Departments
have been entrusted with the responsibility of implementation.
Daily Work Schedule and Breaks t -
The authority has prescribed a standard work schedule, which is enacted in accordance with the
Bangladesh Labor Act. General activities are described below:
Normal/General working hours t -
1. Starts at 8:00am and ends at 5:00pm. However, there is a break for lunch from 1:00pm to 2:00pm.
2. Shift working hours: Two shifts have been introduced in the following sections in this institution. For
example: Security, Auto Knitting, Washing, Auto Color, Wending.
Shifting time t -
1. Starts at 8:00am and ends at 5:00pm. However, there is a break for lunch from 1:00pm to 2:00pm.
2. Evening starts at 8:00pm and ends at 5:00am. However, there is a break for lunch from 12:00pm to
Fixed salary or contract workers and their working hours t -
In the context of Bangladesh, there is some tendency among the workers of garment companies to nurture
the mentality of working on a fixed salary and staff due to which it is not possible to determine the salary
and wages based on the salary structure of the Government of Bangladesh. Because, if you go to hire
workers based on the salary structure of the Bangladesh government and determine the salary, the workers
are not available. In that case, based on Bangladesh Labor Rules-2015 and Amendment-2022, Rule-99(1)
conditions, the organization shall subject to certain conditions and hold a specific grade in the
Kamarjuri, Natun Bazar, National University, Gazipur-1704, Bangladesh
employment letter and calculate 2/3 hours overtime based on the basic of that grade and calculate the
specific pay/ Employs workers as wages and staff. However, the HR department of every organization
sets a standard for a certain amount in the minimum wage policy, along with the minimum 2/3 hours of
overtime of that amount. The list of fixed wage workers is mentioned in the minimum wage policy.
Working hours during Ramadan t -
1. Starts at 7:am and ends at 3:30pm. However, there is a break for lunch from 1.00 pm to 1.30 pm.
2. If there is extra work after Iftar during Ramadan, a break of 30 munities is provided for prayer, Iftar
and rest. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary elsewhere, the daily working hours of an adult worker
shall be eight (eight) hours excluding meals and rest breaks.
Rest or meal breaks t -
If any worker in the establishment –
a) Shall not be obliged to work more than 6 (six) hours a day, unless he is given a 1 (one) hour break for
rest or meal on that day.
b) Shall not be obliged to work more than 5 (five) hours a day, unless he is given a break of 30 minutes
(half an hour) for rest or meals on that day.
(c) shall not be obliged to work more than 10 (ten) hours daily including overtime, unless he is given two
breaks for rest or meals in that day.
Working hours for women workers t -
1) No woman worker shall be allowed to work in the establishment between ten o'clock at night and
six o'clock in the morning without her permission. If work is required for any reason, follow the
instructions below. If a female worker is to be made to work between 10 (ten) o'clock at night and
6 (six) o'clock in the morning, the written consent of the said worker must be taken as per Form-
2) The aforesaid consent shall remain in force for a period of 12 (bar) months unless revoked by
written application by the concerned female worker.
3) In case of withdrawal of consent, the female worker shall apply as per Form-35(a).
4) The information of the consent of the female worker to work in the night shift should be stored in
the register as per Form-36.
Notice of working hours of adult workers and its preparation t -
1) In every establishment, a notice shall be displayed in accordance with the provisions of Section-337
clearly stating that the adult workers employed therein will work at any time and shall be kept neatly in
the establishment.
2) The time shown in the said notice shall be fixed in advance in accordance with the provisions of this
section and shall be such that the workmen working during that time are not employed in contravention of
the provisions of section-100, 101, 102, 103, 104 and 105.
3) In cases where all the adult workers of an establishment have to work during the same hours, the owner
shall fix the hours normally.
4) In cases where all adult workers of an establishment are not required to work at the same hours, the
owner shall divide such workers into different groups according to the nature of their work and determine
the number of workers in each group.
5) The team which does not have to work in any turn system, the time when the team has to work, will be
specified by the owner.
6) Where a team is required to work in shifts, and the relays are not subject to indefinite periodic change
of turn, the owner shall specify the time at which the relays of each such team shall work.
7) Where a team is required to work in shifts, and the relays are subject to pre-specified periodic shift
changes, the owner shall draw up a scheme of shifts in which it is known which team's relay is to work at
what time of day.
8) Two copies of any notice relating to working hours under this policy shall be sent to the Inspector for
approval before the commencement of work in any establishment.
9) If any worker appears to work half an hour after the scheduled working time of any organization, then
the owner can refuse to employ the said worker for that day's work.
Extension of working hours t -
Kamarjuri, Natun Bazar, National University, Gazipur-1704, Bangladesh
The working hours of any adult worker working in the said establishment shall be arranged in such a way
that the working hours of the worker under section-101 do not extend beyond ten hours except for meal
and rest breaks.
Reservation of working hours t -
Daily working hours are stored through electronic data. Everyday workers, employees and officials save
their working hours through their punch cards. During the recruitment period in the organization every
selected candidate is given an idea about their working hours. Also, the work schedule is posted on notice
boards and visible places on the floor to give the workers an idea about the daily schedule of the
Weekly Working Hours t -
1) No adult worker shall or may be employed in any establishment for more than 48 (forty-eight) hours
ordinarily in a week;
2) However, subject to the provisions of Section-108, any adult worker may work more than 48 (forty-
eight) hours in a week in any establishment. Provided that the total working hours of any such worker
shall not exceed 60 (sixty) hours in any week, and shall not average more than 56 (fifty-six) hours per
week in any year.
Additional work t -
Additional work is optional, not mandatory. If someone wants to do extra work, the authorities should not
stop him. This additional working time is a maximum of 2 hours per day and 12 hours per week. In no
case shall this overtime limit exceed 12 hours per week. Overtime is never encouraged by the authority
but in case of emergency work may be done for up to 2 hours maximum with the permission of the
worker. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary elsewhere, the daily working hours of an adult worker
shall be 8 (eight) hours excluding meal and rest breaks. Provided that the worker shall be made to work
up to 10 (ten) hours a day subject to payment of higher allowance as per the provisions of Section-108.
Provided further that in that case the consent of the said worker shall be given and he shall be informed at
least two hours before the commencement of overtime work. Provided further that if any agreement or
settlement or custom existing in an establishment with regard to hours of work and overtime and higher
remuneration is more favorable to the workman, the same shall continue. Provided that the owner shall
not make any deduction from his wages for any such rest break for the purpose of section-101(d). The
workers employed in the industries and works mentioned in sub-rule (2) by the owner shall not be made
to work more than 10 (ten) hours including daily overtime. If any worker leaves the factory late after 5:00
and if it exceeds 25 minutes and exceeds 26 minutes then the worker will be treated as 30 minutes
overtime and if it exceeds 45 minutes and exceeds 46 minutes then the worker will be treated as 1 hour
Method of calculation of general rate of superannuation t -
(1) In the absence of any agreement to the contrary between the employer and the worker, the general rate
of hourly wages payable to the worker for overtime work in accordance with section 108 shall be
calculated as follows, namely:-
(a) in the case of a workman employed on daily wages, 1/8th of his daily wages;
(b) in the case of a worker employed on a weekly wage basis, 1/48th of his weekly wages; And
(c) 1/208th of his monthly wages in case of a worker employed on monthly wage basis.
Note: - 52/12*48 hours = 208 hours will make a month. Hourly rate of overtime pay = monthly basic
wage*2*overtime hours/208 hours.
(2) If overtime work is done by a worker employed in an establishment, the owner of the establishment or
any person authorized to do so shall sign the card or slip given to the worker and give it to the worker
after the work.
(3) The account of excess work shall be kept in the register as per Form-34.
Over time t -
In case of working beyond normal working hours, workers are paid overtime wages as described
below t -
Overtime per hour t -
Basic pay and dearness allowance and interim wages x 2
26 days and 8 hours
Allowance for working hours of staff/employees/officers:
Kamarjuri, Natun Bazar, National University, Gazipur-1704, Bangladesh
I would like to add a new HR policy in our company, sent for your approval, any staffs/employees
working extra hours after 7 pm for shipment, whose salary is below 24,000 will be paid 50 per hour. And
only auto knitting section workers requiring shipment who have to work extra hours after 8.00 pm whose
salary is below 24,000 will be paid 50 per hour.
Payment of salary and allowances t -
All workers of BHML Industries Ltd. are paid salary and allowances within 7 working days of the month.
Before disbursing salary and allowances, the authorities record the detailed salary account of each worker
and issue 'pay slip' in Bengali.
Procedures of Communication & Implementation t-
1. Training is arranged to increase the awareness of factory workers/employees about working hours and overtime
2. Factory Welfare Officers during their regular floor visits inform the workers/employees about working hours and
overtime policies. If any complaints/suggestions are received from the workers/employees regarding working hours
and overtime hours policy then the HR department is informed.
3. Overall aspects of working hours and overtime policy are communicated to workers/employees through notice
boards and PA systems.
4. Working hours and overtime policies are discussed in meetings of worker participation committee and mid label
management. Later the workers/employees are informed through the said committee members.
Procedures of Feedback & Control t-
BHML Industries Ltd implements the feedback mechanism through some of its own action plans which are
discussed below :
01. Training is arranged to increase the awareness of factory workers/employees about working hours and overtime
policies. At the end of the training, the training feedback from them is evaluated through the company's own
Feedback system form.
02. The workers/employees are assessed for implementation of working hours and overtime policies during regular
floor visits by concerned floor welfare officers.
03. The factory has a separate compliance audit team. This team implements these policies through regular internal
audits every 3 months according to their own work plan, identifying problems and providing advice to the
administration department in necessary cases and if there is a need to change the policies, presenting the matter to
the authorities and then solving it with the help of the administration department.
04. The Compliance Audit Team conducts their monitoring activities through the Management System check list
every six months and makes a Corrective Action Plan after identifying the Findings. Findings are then resolved.
05. Through notice board
06. Through the PC Committee.
Communication & Implementation t-
Policies, programs and procedures for redressal of any grievances or grievances regarding working hours and
overtime hours issued by the authority are communicated and implemented by or through the following means. The
means of communication and reference are mentioned below:
1. By training workers, employees and officials. (Training Document).
2. Through participating committees. (PC Committee Document).
3. Through notice board (Notice Board of Each Floor).
4. Through the PA system. (PA System Register)
5. through meetings (Mid Level Management Meeting File)
6. By visiting the floor daily. (Welfare Register & Grievance Register)
7. Through Complain box.
Feedback & Control t-
BHML Industries Ltd implements certain policies or procedures through its own action plans which are given
1. Every day the welfare officer corrects the data collected through their own check list.
2| Internal Audit results (Audit Report).
3| Status of corrective and preventive actions (Audit Report).
4| Customer feedback (Buyer Audit Report).
5| Follow-up actions from previous management reviews (Audit Report).
6| Recommendations for improvement (Audit Report).
Kamarjuri, Natun Bazar, National University, Gazipur-1704, Bangladesh
Prepared By Review By Distribution Approved By
By Date & Signature
Md. Abdul Hye Participants Mamode Iqbal Jafer
Manager, Committee COO,
(HR, Admin & Compliance) (Chief Operating Officer)

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