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Aana 3 irreversible: 1-3-10 (checkpoints or regulatory steps where the regulatory enzymes take


Nadh equivalent to 3 atp

Glucose 1 phosphate= metabolism of glycogen (degradation of glycogen) byerjaa isomerized la

glycogene 6 phosphate w bekammel bl glycolysis

Step1: phosphorylation of glucose irreversible, consumption of 1 atp, exergonic delta G stand=

-7.3 lal 2 l l phosphate l lateraux donc gamma phosphate huwe l byeshteghel

Yaane phosphorylation lal glucose endergonic w atp hydrolysis hiye exergonic delta G -16.7
jam3 l tnen by hexokinase double substrate enzyme

Cofactor l kinase= mg2+ ou mn2+ houwe hat bl reaction mg2+ byelzo2 abel aal Atp la yaamlo

Atp=4 negative charges donc mg2+ interact with 2

Hexokinase: inhibe par glu6ph but glucokinase is not w kamen huwe bas l shaghlto ynazel
mostawa l sokar bl dam yaane active when gluco aale bl dam (kerml l stockage)

Glucokin et gluco6phosphatase mawjoud kamen bl kidney bas aham shi bl liver kermel na3mal
release lal glucose bl dam

Reaction2: aldose ph la cetose ph by phosphoglucose isomerase specific for glu6ph and

fructo6ph endonergic reversible delta g 1.7

Reaction3: fructo6 ph to fructose1,6 bisphosphate by pfk1

Spontaneous, exergonic delta g -14.2 btshbah awl reaction w hiye rate limiting step of
glycolysis (major point control

Reaction 4: by aldolase mn fructo1,6 la dhap ph w gap3 ph w byo2ta3 liaison ben 3 w 4

endonergic w delta g 23.8

Reaction5: bythawal dhap la gap la yfout bl pathway (2 nd phase) by triose phosphate isomerase

Phase 1: 5 reactions preparatory

Reaction 6: coenzyme la nad+ w phosphorylation bas ma khasa bl hydrolyse lal atp w inorganic
phosphate w ma jeye men hydrolyse lal atp oxidation w phosphorylation lal gap3 la 2,3
biphosphglycerate w reduction lal nad+ shelna
Enzyme liaison b sh taba3o bi gap3 hemiacetal bond so it catalyzes the transfer oh 2H from
substrate to nad+ (exergonic delta g -10,3) baada besir thioester bond w hiye ktir energetique
w bton2ata3 la taatina energy la tnzed l phosphate(endergonic delta g 11.8) donc net equation
delta g +1.5

Bl conditions physiological normal ma bekoun fi aana hg2+

Reaction 7: hydrolysis of bi…. highly exergonic and provide phosphate

Reaction 8: the enzyme have on its active site histidine that helps modifying the phosphate w
aana phosphate bl active site

Reaction 9: enolase remove water by 2 steps awal shi h+ baaden oh- oxidoreduction c3 more
reduced c2 more oxydize

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