SSW 224. Meaning of Internship-1

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As it is a standard practice in the learning process of any academic programme in institutions
of higher learning, learners are usually exposed to the practical side of what they are learning
in the lecture halls.
Apart from it being a core requirement for one to be able to graduate from an institution of
higher learning, the main purpose of internship/attachment is usually to expose learners to
relevant skills and experiences of the workplace. “It is a structured, credit-bearing work
experience in a professional work setting during which the student applies and acquires
knowledge and skills. It involves the application of learned skills in an organization related to
the students’ major. An Industrial Attachment should challenge the student to examine the
values of the organization involved in the experience, and to assess the student’s education as
it relates to the Industrial Attachment.” (Makaa, 2018)

According to Makaa, the importance of internship/attachment includes

 Exposing the student to demand and challenges of the work place.

 Gaining of practical experience.
 Gaining of working ethics.
 Helping the student acquire self-reliance skills.
 Contribute to local industry.
 Develop work-based skills.
 Establish industry networks and contacts .It has been said many times: ‘it’s not about what
you know; it’s about who you know’. While it is vital to know how to perform the required
tasks for a particular job, having a good set of industry contacts behind you can be just as
vital in helping you find and secure a job after you graduate.
 Improve your cross-cultural communication skills.
 It will give you a competitive edge over graduate with no work experience.
 You will get to meet different people in your future career path.

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