Q1 Test 7mo 2023-2024 VMS

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Dirección: Cdla. Héctor Cobos Uvilla - Durán
2023 - 2024

Student´s name: Grade: Seventh EGB

Teacher´s name: Lic Sofía Zambrano C. Class: A
Area: Foreign Language Subject: English Date:
Assessment of levels of learning achievement Calificación cuantitativa
Indicators: Learners can grasp the main idea of spoken texts set in familiar everyday contexts. (I.3,I.4) (REF (10,00 pts.)

Instrucciones: Lea las instrucciones correctamente y resuelve los siguientes ejercicios. La evaluación consta de 10 ítems.
Dispone de una hora para resolver la evaluación. Mantenga una cultura de orden, evite realizar borrones, tachones y
enmendaduras. Practique el valor de la honestidad académica. Éxitos en el desarrollo de la evaluación.

Activities in the level of learnings archievement is evaluated

1. A) Read the text, then decide if the statements are true or false correctly according to the 2,00 pts
information given. Select the right answer below.
My name is Maribel. I am 12 years old. I am from Canada, but I live in
England with my family. I am a student. I like reading horror stories and
listening to music. My favorite subject is Math. I am in my house now. I am
posting a photograph on Instagram. On Friday I practice rock climbing.

Her name is Cecibel.

She is from England.

She is a tiktoker.
She likes reading horror stories.
Her favorite subject is Art.
She is commenting a photograph in facebook.

1. False, true, true, false, true, true

2. False, false, false, true, false, false
3. True, true, false, false, false, true CORRECT ANSWER _____________

B) Select the correct nationality.

What is your nationality?

I am ___________

A. Australian
B. Ecuadorian
C. Mexican
D. American
CORRECT ANSWER _____________

Ministerio de Educación
Dirección: Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa.
Código postal: 170507 / Quito-Ecuador
Teléfono: 593-2-396-1300 / www.educacion.gob.ec
2. Do the math operation and choose the correct written answers. 1,00 pts

36 29 78 44
+ 51 + 11 - 36 x 4
----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

1. ninety-seven fifty twelve one hundred sixty-eight

2. eighty-seven forty forty-two one hundred seventy-six
3. sixty-seven sixty twenty-two one hundred forty-six

CORRECT ANSWER _____________

3. Match the definition with the correct sentence. 1,00 pts

Definition Sentences

1. Affirmative sentence a. We are not teachers

2. Negative sentence b. Are you ok?
3. Yes / no question c. She is a student

A. 1b, 2d, 3c
B. 1a, 2c, 3b CORRECT ANSWER _____________
C. 1c, 2a,3b
1,00 pts/0,50 pts c/u
4. Listen carefully to your teacher and choose the right answer from the options given.

1. Where did the Spanish conqueror Francisco 2. Did Pizarro order his soldiersto kill
Pizarro attack Atahualpa’s soldiers? Atahualpa?
a. in London. a. No, he did not.
b. in Piura. b. Yes, he did.
c. in Cajamarca. c. None

OPTION 1: 1c, 2b
OPTION 2: 1b, 2a CORRECT ANSWER _____________
OPTION 3: 1a, 2c

5. Unscramble these words to form sentences by selecting the correct answer for each sentence. 2,00 pts

1. lived 2. Quito. 3. has 4. in 5. Eduardo

OPTION 1: 4,2,1,3,5
CORRECT ANSWER _____________
OPTION 2: 1,3,5,2,4
OPTION 3: 5,3,1,4,2

1.favorite 2. food 3. My 4. hamburger 5. is

OPTION 1: 5,2,4,3,1
OPTION 2: 3,1,2,5,4
CORRECT ANSWER _____________
OPTION 3: 3,4,5,1,2

Ministerio de Educación
Dirección: Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa.
Código postal: 170507 / Quito-Ecuador
Teléfono: 593-2-396-1300 / www.educacion.gob.ec
6. Look at the pictures and write the right answer from the options given. 1,00 pts

1 3 4

a. car a. uncle a. volcano a. babies

b. treasure b. bread b. kitchen b. grandparents
c. plane c. family c. playground c. friends

A) 1c, 2a, 3b, 4a

B) 1b, 2c, 3a, 4c CORRECT ANSWER _____________
C) 1a, 2b, 3c, 4b

Habilidades socioemocionales intrapersonales e interpersonales, relacionadas con la formación integral del

Rúbrica y puntaje
1,00 pts. 0,75 pts. 0,50 pts. 0,00 pts.
La respuesta es efectiva y clara. La respuesta es efectiva y clara. La respuesta es un poco clara. No No respondió la pregunta
Evidencia la relación entre ideas Evidencia la relación entre ideas evidencia la relación entre ideas
principales y secundarias. Conecta las principales y secundarias. No conecta principales y secundarias. No conecta
ideas y genera aportes significativos las ideas por lo que no genera aportes las ideas por lo que no genera aportes
relacionados con la vida cotidiana. significativos relacionados con la vida significativos relacionados con la vida
cotidiana. cotidiana.
7. Read the questions and choose the right answer. 1,00 pts.
Do you think that technology contributes to educational development?

Yes, I do No, I do not

This self-evaluation based on what I learned in these module.

8. Reflect I check (✓ ) the box that most applies to me 1,00 pts.

Topics I do it very well. I do it somewhat I can improve. I can’t do it
well. without help.

I can use vocabulary related to

money and treasures..
I can use Present Perfect in
affirmative sentences.
I can give opinions.
I can use verbs in the Past

Domina los aprendizajes requeridos DAR 9,00-10,00
Alcanza los aprendizajes requeridos AAR 7,00 -8,99
Está próximo a alcanzar los aprendizajes requeridos PAR 4,01 - 6,99
No alcanza los aprendizajes requeridos NAR ≤4


Teacher´s name: Lic. Sofía Zambrano Teachers´name: Lic. Carmen Guerrón N. Principal´s name: MSc. Leonor Gavilanes M.
Date: Wednesday 12th July, 2023 Date: Thursday 13th July, 2023 Date: Friday 14th July, 2023

Ministerio de Educación
Dirección: Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa.
Código postal: 170507 / Quito-Ecuador
Teléfono: 593-2-396-1300 / www.educacion.gob.ec

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