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First Quarter


Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Learning Activity Sheet in Science

Copyright © 2020
Regional Office No. 02 (Cagayan Valley)
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This material has been developed for the implementation of K to 12 Curriculum through the Curriculum
and Learning Management Division (CLMD). It can be reproduced for educational purposes and the
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Regional Director : ESTELA L. CARIÑO, EdD., CESO IV, DepEd R02
Assistant Regional Director : RHODA T. RAZON, EdD,CESO V, DepEd R02
Schools Division Superintendent : GILBERT N. TONG, PhD, CEO VI, CESO V, City of Ilagan
Asst. Schools Division Superintendent: NELIA M. MABUTI, CESE, City of Ilagan
Chief Education Supervisor, CLMD : OCTAVIO V. CABASAG, PhD
Chief Education Supervisor, CID : SAMUEL P. LAZAM, PhD
Development Team
Content Editors: AIRYN B. LACCAY MT 1- INHS
CLIFFORD ABAD, MT 1, Gammad ES , SDO Cagayan
LOWELL LAZARO, MT1, Cauayan South CS, SDO Cauayan City LEONARD
GELACIO, MT 1 Cordon CS , SDO Isabela
MARA KARLA S. MACALAN, MT 1, Tuguegarao East CS, SDO Tuguegarao City
Language Editors: MARGARITA B. BALLESTEROS, Education Program Supervisor– SCIENCE Layout
Illustrator: ROLDAN R. RIVERO, Baribad ES, City of Ilagan
Focal Persons: MARGARITA B. BALLESTEROS, Education Program Supervisor– SCIENCE
ESTER GRAMAJE, Education Program Supervisor– SCIENCE, CLMD, DepEd R02
RIZALINO G. CARONAN, Education Program Supervisor–LRMDS, CLMD, DepEd R02

Table of Contents

Competency Page Number

Materials that Absorb Water, - 1-8

Float and Sink, Undergo Decay

Changes in Solid Materials - 9-12

Changes in the Properties of the Materials

when Exposed to Different Temperatures - 13-20
and when Mixed with Other Materials

Changes in Materials that are Useful - 21-25

or Harmful to One’s Environment

Name of Learner: Grade Level:
Section: Date:

Materials that Absorb Water, Float and Sink, Undergo Decay

Background Information for Learners

Matter has different properties, some absorb water, sink and some
undergo decay.
There are different materials in our environment that can be
classified according to their properties. They can be classified based on
their ability to absorb water. Absorb means to take in something, such
as liquid in a natural or gradual way. Some materials can absorb water
more than others. Porous materials are materials having small holes that
allow air or liquid to pass through. For example cotton is very porous,
which makes it a natural absorber of water. While plastic is a non-
porous material, it does not allow water to pass through.

Some materials float or stay on top of water, while some

submerge partway down or sink. Sink means to fall to the bottom of
water while float means to stay on top. Some sink fast, others sink
slowly. Their ability to float or sink depend on their ability to absorb

Matter also undergoes decay which means to be slowly destroyed

into bits. The factors that contribute in the decaying process of the
materials are sunlight, water, soil and the action of bacteria and other
microorganisms. Not all materials decay at the same time. Plants and
animals undergo the decaying process or decomposition. The organic
matter in soil is derived from the decayed parts of plants and animals that
enhance the fertility of the soil.

In this Learning Activity Sheets, this will s help you master the
properties of matter its ability to absorb water, float, sink and undergo

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all
Learning Competency with code

Classify materials based on the ability to absorb water, float, sink,

undergo decay (Quarter 1, Week 1) S4MT-Ia-1

Activity 1 – Oh my Water!
Directions. Group the objects as to porous or non-porous based on their

Porous Non-Porous

 Stone – I don’t have any holes.

 Cotton – Liquids stay with me for a long time.
 Face Towel – I am used to wipe wet materials.
 Coin – I am made of metal.
 Sponge – I have many holes.
 Raincoat - I am made from plastic.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all
Activity 2a – Hang-on!
Directions. Group the following objects as to their ability to sink or float. Write
the name on the correct column.

1. raft

2. Balloon

3. Spoon

4. Basketball Ball

5. Glass

6. Paper Box

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all
7. key

8. Pencil

9. Paper Clip

10. Marble

Float Sink

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all
Activity 2b: Loop a Word

Encircle 5 materials that float and 5 materials that sink from the word grid
below. The answers may be found horizontally, vertically or diagonally.

b o a t a b c d e l
a f g c h i j k i l
m m r o c k n f o s
b w p i q r e s t r
o e u n v v w x y o
o r z s e a b c d s
e c f s g h i j k s
l s t y r o p o r i
m n w o o d o p q c
r s t h a m m e r s

Activity 3 -Will I Decay or Not?

Direction: Write D if the material undergoes decaying process and X if not.

1. 6.

plastic log

2. 7.

fish bone animal


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all
3. 8.

basket of
leaves fruits

4. 9.

twig dead animal


clay jar flower


Science 4 Learner’s Materials and Teacher’s Guide by

Lelani R. Abutay et. Al
LM pages 2 - 10
TG pages 2 - 11

1. I learned that

2. I enjoyed most on

3. I want to learn more on

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all
Answer Key

Activity 1 – Which Materials Absorbed Water and Which Do Not?

(Porous) WATER
Cotton Stone
Face Towel Coin
Sponge Raincoat

Activity 2a - What materials float and what materials sink?

Float Sink
Raft Glass
Balloon Key
Ball Marble
Pencil Paper Box
Clip Spoon

Activity 2b: Crossword puzzle

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all
b o a t a b c d e L
a f g c h i j k i L
m m r o c k n f o s
b w p i q r e s t r
o e u n v v w x y r
o r z s e a b c d s
e c f s g h i j k s
l s t y r o p o r i
m n w o o d o p q c
r s t h a m m e r S

Activity 3

1. X 6. D
2. D 7. D
3. D 8. D
4. D 9. D
5. X 10. D

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all
Name of Learner: Grade/ Level:
Section: Date:


Changes in Solid Materials

Background Information for Learners

Solid has definite shape and volume. It has different

characteristics/properties such as size, shape, color, texture, and mass. It can be
changed through many ways like cutting, tearing, folding, twisting, bending,
stretching, pressing, coloring, crumpling and melting.
Solid materials can be bent, pressed, hammered and cut. When bent,
pressed, hammered and cut these materials may change their size and shape. No
new material is formed. Only the physical appearance of the materials is
changed. Bending, pressing, hammering and cutting of solid materials is applied
in situations like bending of steel bars/iron in industry, jewelry making, making
of kitchen utensils and the like.

Learning Competency with code

Describe changes in solid materials when they are bent, pressed,

hammered or cut (Quarter 1, Week 2-3) S4MT-Ie-f-5

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all
Activity 1: Loop a Word

Search the changes that solid materials undergo which are listed in the box. The
answers may be found horizontally, vertically or diagonally.

bent B A pressed
b c h d e fhammered
g h cut
I E j k a l m n o p
Q R n s m t u t u c
V w x t m y z a b c
D E f g e h i j k l
m N o p r q r s t u
v w p r e s s e d x
y Z a b d c d e f g
h I j k l m n o p q
r S t u v w x y z a

Activity 2 –Change me!

Directions. Read carefully each situation. Underline the materials that

underwent change and write on the blank the process on how it was changed.

1. Teacher Ana asked her pupils to make a model of animals using a clay.

2. Felix tried to fit his 50-bill inside his pocket.

3. Carlo accidentally stepped on the banana that fell on the ground.

4. Nina used rubber band to tie her hair.

5. Lea shredded the paper to recycle it.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all
Activity 3: Bent, Pressed, Hammered or Cut?

Direction: Identify whether the materials can be bent, pressed hammered and
cut. Describe the changes that the material undergoes.

Materials Bent Pressed Hammered Cut Description

copper wire √  √ √ Change in shape
and size
Stone   √  Change in shape,
size and texture
plastic ruler
paper clip
metal spoon
rubber slippers
block of wood
empty tin can (lata)
piece of hollow block
sheet of galvanized
piece of paper
piece of cardboard
candy wrapper
piece of cloth
corn kernel
bottle cap (tansan)


1. I learned that

2. I enjoyed most on

3. I want to learn more on

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all

Science 4 Learner’s Materials and Teacher’s Guide by

Lelani R. Abutay et. Al
LM pages 29 - 37
TG pages 36 - 48

Answer Key

Activity 1: Loop a Word

b a b c h d e f g h
i e j k a l m n o p
q r n s m t u t u c
v w x t m y z a b c
d e f g e h i j k l
m n o p r q r s t u
v w p r e s s e d x
y z a b d c d e f g
h i j k l m n o p q
r s t u v w x y z a

Activity 2 –Change me!

1. Teacher Ana asked her pupils to make a model of animals using a clay.

2. Felix tried to fit his 50-bill inside his pocket.


3. Carlo accidentally stepped on the banana that fell on the

ground. pressing

4. Nina used rubber band to tie her hair.


5. Lea put the paper into a shredder.


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all
Activity 3

The teacher is given the discretion to consider different answers of the


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all
Name of Learner: Grade/ Level:
Section: Date:

Changes in the Properties of the Materials when Exposed to Different

Temperatures and When Mixed with Other Material

Background Information for Learners

A material undergoes changes when exposed to a certain condition such as

temperature or when mixed with other materials.

Temperature is the degree or intensity of heat present in a substance or an

object, especially as expressed according to a comparative scale and shown by a
thermometer or perceived by touch. Some materials may change their size,
shape, texture and form when heated. When heated, solid materials change to
liquid. When cooled, liquid materials are change to solid. The materials
(crayon/chocolate/butter and margarine) change their form from solid to liquid
when heated. They also change in size, shape and texture. The materials change
back to their form from solid to liquid when cooled.
Mixture is formed when two or more materials are combined. It can be
classified into heterogonous and homogenous mixture. Homogenous mixture
is formed when solid and liquid materials mixed with other solids and liquids,
cannot be distinguished from each other and the resulting mixture looked the
same throughout, like mixing a table spoon of salt in a glass of water and
combining iodize salt and refined sugar.
When solid materials mixed with liquid it dissolved completely, some spread
evenly and changed their size, shape and color. When two liquid materials
combine some mix completely.
In heterogonous mixture solid and liquid materials are mixed with other
solid and liquid, each of the mixed materials can be easily identified or
distinguished from one another such as halo-halo or pinakbet. While when
water and oil combine their properties do not change but form two layers. The
oil particles are suspended on top of the water.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all
Learning Competency with code

Describe changes in properties of materials when exposed to certain

conditions such as temperature or when mixed with other materials (Quarter 1,
Week 4-5) S4MT-Ig-h-6

Activity 1: What Happens to the Materials when Heated and when


What you need:

margarine candle chocolate pan

What to do:

Note: Ask for help from your parents or adults with you at home in
performing this activity.
1. In a pan, put small amount of margarine and heat for a few seconds,
observe what happens. Then do same procedures for chocolate and
2. Complete the chart provided.

Physical Changes to Describe the

Materials State of Materials Materials
Materials When Heated When cooled
solid, change in
sugar solid liquid
size and shape

Activity 2: What Happens to Solid Materials when Mixed with other Solid

What you need:

sand and pebbles

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all
rice grains and corn
instant coffee and creamer
salt and pepper
white sugar and salt
flour and baby powder
powdered detergent and salt
iodized salt and monosodium glutamate (vetsin)
paper clips and staple wire
flour and creamer

What to do:

1. Prepare one table spoon of each of the material listed in the table.
2. Using a spoon, mix or combine the pairs of solid materials (listed in the
table) in the mixing bowl or any plastic container.
3. After mixing the materials, observe what happens. You may also touch
the resulting mixture. Record your observations on the table below by
checking the proper column.

Solid Materials Can you still Did the Is there a

identify each solid resulting change in the
material in the mixture look property of
mixture the same each solid
throughout? material in
the mixture?
Yes No Yes No Yes No
1. sand and

2. rice grains and

3. instant coffee
and creamer
4. salt and
5. white sugar
and salt
6. flour and

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all
7. paper clips
and staple
8. salt and vetsin
9. powdered
detergent and
10. flour and
baby powder

Activity 3 : What Happens in Solid Materials when Mixed with Liquid


What you need:

sand and water ginger and rubbing alcohol
salt and vinegar coffee and water
flour and cooking oil malungay leaves and water
pepper and vinegar drinking glass
vetsin and vinegar spoon

What to do:

1. Get a clean drinking glass.

2. Using a spoon, mix liquid materials identified in the table.
3. After mixing the materials, observe what happens.
4. Record your observations.

Solid Material mixed with Did the solid Changes Observed

the Liquid Material material when solid and liquid
completely materials are mixed
dissolve in the
liquid material?
Yes No
1. sand and water
2. salt and vinegar
3. flour and cooking oil
4. pepper and vinegar
5. vetsin and vinegar
6. ginger and rubbing
7. coffee and water

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all
8. malungay leaves and

Activity 4 :What happens in the Liquid Materials when Mixed with Liquid

What you need:

soy sauce and cooking oil drinking glass

soft drinks and water spoon
vinegar and water

What to do:

1. Get a clean drinking glass.

2. Using a spoon, mix liquid materials identified in the table.
3. After mixing the materials, observe what happens.
4. Record your observations.

Did the 2 liquid Changes

Liquid Materials Mixed materials observed when 2
with Liquid Materials completely mixed? liquid materials
Yes No are mixed
soy sauce and cooking oil
soft drinks and water
vinegar and water

Activity 5 : Fact or Bluff

Write FACT on the blank if the statement is correct and BLUFF if it is incorrect.

1. When materials are heated, they change their size, shape, texture
and form.
2. When butter is heated, its color and shape remain.
3. Chocolate and candle do not change their form from solid to liquid
when heated.
4. Some materials undergo changes in their properties when
exposed to different temperatures.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all
5. When heated, some materials in solid form change to liquid and
go back to their original form when cooled down.
6. When two or more materials are combined, mixture is formed.
7. Solid materials can be mixed with other solid materials.
8. Mixed materials can be identified depending on the appearance of
the resulting mixture.
9. When oil and water are put together it formed homogeneous mixture
10. It is a heterogeneous mixture when the mixed materials cannot be
identified from one another.

1. I learned that

2. I enjoyed most on

3. I want to learn more on


Science 4 Learner’s Materials and Teacher’s Guide by

Lelani R. Abutay et. Al
LM pages 38 - 48
TG pages 48 - 61

Answer Key

Activity 1
Changes to Describe the
Physical State
Materials Materials Materials When
of Materials
When cooled
solid, change in
sugar solid liquid
size and shape

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all
margarine solid, change in
solid liquid
size and shape
candle solid, change in
solid liquid
size and shape
chocolate solid, change in
solid liquid
size and shape
candle solid, change in
solid liquid
size and shape
crayon solid, change in
solid liquid
size and shape

Activity 2, 3, 4

The teacher is given the discretion to consider different answers of the


Activity 5 :Fact or Bluff

1. Fact
2. Bluff
3. Bluff
4. Fact
5. Fact
6. Fact
7. Fact
8. Fact
9. Bluff
10. Bluff

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all
Name of Learner: Grade/Level:
Section: Date:

Changes in Materials that are Useful or Harmful to One’s


Background Information for Learners

Some changes in the materials are useful to the environment, while others
are harmful. Useful changes include cutting of piece of cloth for handkerchief
and clothes, cutting and shaping pieces of wood or lumber into chair, changing
wood into charcoal for cooking. Harmful changes include burning of old tires
and plastic or trash, throwing of kerosene and detergents into the sewage and
When garbage materials such as empty bottles, plastics, toxic wastes,
chemical from factories and others are dumped into the soil or land and water,
they become polluted.
Polluted land serves as breeding places for flies, cockroaches, and rats.
These pests carry germs that cause diseases, hence hazardous to one’s health.
Growing plants is not also possible in polluted lands.
Likewise polluted water is contaminated with germs, and can cause
diseases. It can also affect the living organisms such as water plants and aquatic
When the surrounding air is blanketed with smoke from factories and
motorized vehicles, ashes and other dust particles, it becomes polluted. Polluted
air causes skin itchiness, lung infections, cancer and other respiratory diseases.
Some changes in the materials are harmful to the environment. They may
pollute land, water and air. To keep our surroundings clean and to prevent or
minimize pollution in our environment, people are encouraged to do 5R’s
(Reduce, Re-use, and Recycle, Repair, Rot).
Burning of garbage such as plastic materials, rubber, and other wastes is
also harmful to the environment. Many items in household garbage when
burned release dangerous chemicals. These pose health risks for people
particularly those with asthma and other heart and lung ailments.
Because the smoke is close to the ground, it can also settle on fruits and
vegetables making them not good for humans and other wildlife. The smoke and
toxins that enter the air also contribute to the greenhouse effect and global
warming. To prevent or minimize the effect of burning of garbage or wastes,
Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all
waste segregation should be done, and the 5 R’s should be practiced.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all
This, in turn, changes weather patterns, which leads to other
environmental concerns. Cutting down of trees also causes soil erosion. Many
animals native to forests also lose their habitats. Cutting down of trees is
prohibited. To solve the problem on deforestation, planting of trees
(reforestation) should be done.

Learning Competency with code

Identify changes in materials whether useful or harmful to one’s

environment (Quarter 1, Week 6-7,) S4MT-Ii-j-7

Activity 1: What are the changes in the Materials that are Useful and
Harmful to the Environment?

Direction: Complete the chart below by putting a check in the proper


Changes in the materials Effects of the changes in the

materials to the environment
Useful Harmful
recycling of old clothes
shaping pieces of wood into chairs
burning of old tires
throwing of detergents into the
changing wood into charcoal for

Activity 2: Useful or Harmful?

Direction: Read the following statements carefully. Draw a happy face

when the change is useful to the environment and sad face if harmful.

1. cutting a piece of cloth to be made into face mask

2. making compost from fruit and vegetables peelings
3. kaingin or burning of forest
4. cutting of wood/lumber into chair
5. changing wood into charcoal for cooking
6. throwing of dead bodies of animals in the river
Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all
7. throwing of waste in the bodies of water

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all
8. excessive use of chemical fertilizer
9. recycling plastic cups as display materials
10. making old tires into flowerpots

Activity 3 : Picture Analysis

Direction: Study the pictures below and identify 5 useful and 5 harmful effects to
the environment that might result from cutting down trees.

Before cutting down trees After cutting down trees

Useful result to the environment

Example: Lumber into chair

Harmful result to the environment

Example: soil erosion

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all
1. I learned that

2. I enjoyed most on

3. I want to learn more on

Science 4 Learner’s Materials and Teacher’s Guide by
Lelani R. Abutay et. Al
LM pages 49 - 56
TG pages 61 - 71

Answer Key
Activity 1 : What are the changes in the environment that are useful and
1. useful
2. useful
3. harmful
4. harmful
5. useful

Activity 2: Useful or Harmful

1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.
Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all
5. 10.

Activity 3: Picture Analysis

The teacher is given the discretion to consider different answers of the


Prepared by


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all

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