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Directions (1-100): In each of the questions given below four words are given in
bold. These four words may or may not be in their correct position. The sentence
is then followed by options with the correct combination of words that should
replace each other in order to make the sentence grammatically and contextually
correct. Find the correct combination of the words that replace each other. If the
sentence is correct as it is then select option (5) as your choice.
1. ‘The fact that a claimant(A) has convictions for disbelieve (B) of dishonesty does
not mean(C) that a jury must offences (D) him.’
1) A-B 2) B-D 3) C-A 4) Both A-B and C-D 5) No replacement required
2. ‘What is sought(A) now to be done is to ask the court to overturn a conviction(B)
because he made a evidence (C) not to call decision (D).’
1) A-B 2) B-D 3) C-A 4) Both A-B and C-D 5) No replacement required
3. ‘One of her teachers was found court (A) of negligent later(B) in a French guilty
(C) but his conviction was homicide (D) overturned.’
1) A-B 2) B-D 3) C-D 4) Both A-C and B-D 5) No replacement required
4. ‘According to the relativist(A), belief and conviction window (B)out of the fly (C)
because truth is, as it were, too cheap(D) to care about.’
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) Both A-C and B-D 5) No replacement required
5. ‘Australia must be met with the full provide(A) of England’s conviction, and only
victory(B) in the coming weeks(C) will force (D) that.’
1) A-D 2) B-D 3) C-D 4) Both A-C and B-D 5) No replacement required
6. ‘Yet it vindicate (A) to the credit of the commitment (B) that she has tried to
goes (C) him with rare conviction and author (D).’
1) A-D 2) B-D 3) C-D 4) Both A-C and B-D 5) No replacement required
7. ‘You can then get away with the lie(A) by telling it with audience (B) conviction
and plausibility(C) that your enough (D) believes you.’
1) A-D 2) B-D 3) C-D 4) Both A-C and B-D 5) No replacement required
8. ‘The least (A) is given with so much(B) conviction that you have to believe(C) him
or at answer (D)believe that he believes it.’
1) A- D 2) B-D 3) C-D 4) Both A-C and B-D 5) No replacement required
9. ‘She subsequently(A) pleaded guilty to and he was found guilty of possession(B)
of cannabis intent(C) with resin (D) to supply.’
1) A- D 2) B-D 3) C-D 4) Both A-C and B-D 5) No replacement required
10. ‘It is usually said that there is no age(A) below which, as a matter(B) of law, a
child(C)cannot be guilty of contributory negligence(D).’
1) A- D 2) B-D 3) C-D 4) Both A-C and B-D 5) No replacement required
11. ‘He had first (A) guilty on the pleaded (B) day of his trial to the lesser offence(C)
of theft, but that plea was not accepted by the Crown(D).’
1) A- B 2) B-D 3) C-D 4) Both A-C and B-D 5) No replacement required
12. ‘The Reds had been guilty(A) of a few away (B) defensive errors of their own,
especially calamitous (C) from home, this season(D).’
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) Both A-C and B-D 5) No replacement required

13. ‘I know she says the boyfriend she secret(A) tipped off the press(B) after she had
revealed(C) her guilty betrayed (D) in her sleep.’
1) A-D 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) Both A-C and B-D 5) No replacement required
14. ‘Where once(A) it was society’s guilty secret, now there is a concerted racism (B)
to trawl for and publicise(C) any hint of effort (D).’
1) A-D 2) B-D 3) C-D 4) Both A-D and B- C 5) No replacement required
15. ‘Homosexuality was his other(A) guilty secret, which he kept sight (B) from public
hidden (C) until he was in his seventies(D).’
1) A- D 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) Both A-D and B- C 5) No replacement required
16. ‘It is only when we learn(A) of his guilty secret and hidden background(B) that
the casting(C) provokes deep reservations(D).’
1) A-D 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) Both A-D and B- C 5) No replacement required
17. ‘I have often noted(A) transits to Uranus in this house(B) denote a time when
guilty exposed (C) and hidden vices are secrets (D).’
1) A- D 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) Both A-C and B-D 5) No replacement required
18. ‘The young (A) at Glasgow High Court(B) found him not guilty of two other
charges(C) of abusing a third boy and a jury (D) girl.’
1) A-D 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) Both A-C and B-D 5) No replacement required
19. ‘Soldiers weapons (A) flak jackets and police (B) with automatic wearing (C)
replaced unarmed armed (D) at checkpoints in Suva.’
1) A-D 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) Both A-C and B-D 5) No replacement required
20. ‘Armed area (A), alongside unarmed colleagues(B), carried out a search of the
nearby officers (C) and the woman(D) was found.’
1) A-C 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) Both A-C and B-D 5) No replacement required
21. ‘It would be more(A) efficient if the central matter (B) just admitted that it was
wrong(C) to fire on unarmed civilians and put the government (D) to rest.’
1) A-C 2) B-D 3) C-D 4) Both A-C and B-D 5) No replacement required
22. ‘As will have been deliberate (A) from the above, the Crown’s defenceless(B) was
that here there was the seen (C) stabbing of an unarmed and case (D) woman.’
1) A-C 2) B-D 3) C-D 4) Both A-C and B-D 5) No replacement required
23. ‘A Tory poster(A) parodied his defence policy by showing(B) an unarmed British
soldier(C) with his hands raised(D) in surrender.’
1) A-C 2) B-D 3) C-D 4) Both A-C and B-D 5) No replacement required
24. ‘It extension (A) the cause was an overheated appears (B) power strip connected
to an air conditioner, which caught(C) on fire and ignited(D) a carpet and a
1) A-B 2) B-D 3) C-D 4) Both A-C and B-D 5) No replacement required
25. ‘The fire(A), believed to have started when a cigarette ignited petrol(B), began in
the shed behind the district (C) of the Maxwell family in the Poleglasshome (D) of
the city.’
1) A-B 2) B-D 3) C-D 4) Both A-C and B-D 5) No replacement required
26. ‘The large(A), mushroom-like fire(B) was caused by a massive plume (C) which
ignited over 100 cars(D) at a scrapyard at Dunsink Lane, Finglas.’
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-A 4) Both A-B and C-D 5) No replacement required
27. ‘While(A) it may not be possible to predict(B) when fires are measures (C) to
ignite, it certainly is possible to work out remedial going (D) such as replacing old
plant machinery.’
1) A-B 2) B-D 3) C-D 4) Both A-B and C-D 5) No replacement required
28. ‘Then the flame (A) exploded, sending a wave of jeep (B) and debris ripping through
the front of the hotel(C) and igniting a fire that destroyed most of the building(D)
within an hour.’
1) A-B 2) B-D 3) C-D 4) Both A-C and B-D 5) No replacement required

29. ‘The newspapers are full(A) of information about the apocalypse - greenhouse
gasses(B) will ignite massive fires, submerge (C) the ice caps, and melt (D) half
the planet.’
1) A-B 2) B-D 3) C-D 4) Both A-C and B-D 5) No replacement required
30. ‘But the one on the put(A) floor did ignite a fire inside(B) the room which the
hotel staff is still sort(C) of struggling to first (D) out.’
1) A-D 2) B-D 3) C-D 4) Both A-C and B-D 5) No replacement required
31. The concrete (A) farmer leaders (B) welcomed the apex court’s move to acknowledge
the right of farmers to non violent protests, but asserted(C) that their agitations
will continue until a protesting (D) solution is found.
1) A-B 2) A-D 3) All correct 4) B-C 5) C-D
32. President Valdimir Putin said media reports that Russian state security agents
had poisoned opposition politician Alexei Navalny were part of a US-backed plot(A)
to try to target(B) him, saying Navalny was not important(C) enough to be a
1) B-D 2) A-C 3) C-D 4) All correct 5) A-B
33. Following the future (A)return of almost 2kg of moon rocks by its Chang’e 5
robotic probe, China is preparing for successful(B) mission that could set the
stage(C) for an eventual lunar base to host human explorers (D), a top space
1) A-C 2) A-D 3) A-B 4) C-D 5) All correct
34. President Emmanuel Macron tested (A) positive for corona virus on Thursday, his
office said prompting (C) a track and trace (C) effort across Europe following
meetings between the French leader and EU heads of government in recent (D)
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) All correct
35. In an target(A) pro-environmental measure(B), the UP state government has set
aambitious (C) of constructing 1500kms of roads in the state with the help
of(D)single-use plastic by the end of current financial year.
1) A-C 2) A-D 3) B-C 4)All correct 5) C-D
36. As the basis of democracy (A) is public opinion, the press ‘is a handmaid of
democracy’ and in every modern popularize (B), having a democratic form of
government, political parties own and publish(C) newspapers and journals and
through them they try to state (D) their programmes.
1) C-D 2) B-D 3) A-B 4) C-D 5)All correct
37. The Federal Reserve on Wednesday recovery(A) to keep funnelling cash into
financial markets until the US economic vowed (B) is secure, a promise of long-
term help that fell short of hopes (C) of an immediate move to shore up (D) a
resent pandemic-related slide.
1) A-C 2) A-B 3)A-D 4) B-D 5) All correct
38. The sensex and Nifty sprinted (A) to all-time highs for the fifth session for the
trot (B) on Thursday, in fuelled (C) with global markets after the US Fed’s
accommodative stance further tandem (D) risk-on sentiments.
1) B-D 2) C-D 3) All correct 4) A-C 5) A-B
39. To be able to hunt(A) yourself with ease and grace (B), you must have a large
vocabulary(C), otherwise you will have to express(D) for words and in nine cases
out of ten, you will not succeed.
1) A-B 2) B-D 3) A-D 4) All correct 5) A-C
40. Rearranged (A) highest court on Thursday banned (B) Russia from international
sports competitions(C) for two years including the sports (D) Tokyo Olympics.
1) A-D 2) C-D 3)All correct 4) A-B 5) B-C

41. The faster spreading carona virus strain (A) first detected in the U.K. is unlikely
to make vaccines less preventives (B) as of now but the effective (C) may need to
be appropriately altered if more mutations (D) occur over time, say scientists.
1) A-C 2) B-C 3) B-D 4) All correct 5) C-D
42. However, students (A) can be given some practical (B) training in politics inside
the school or college but without letting the influence(C) of outside political parties
interfere (D) in their activities.
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) C-D 5) All correct
43. The major transit hub reopened following an agreement (A) between London and
Paris to allow hauliers stranded (B) in the U.K. to leave the country if they could
produce a negative(C) corona virus test that was less than 72 hours old(D).
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) All correct
44. The Kolleru lake bed village in Krishna and West Godavari district are attractions
(A) with tourists once again, after months of pandemic break and the largest
fresh water lake, which is brimming (B) following the recent(C) heavy rains, has
become the new buzzing (D) for picnickers.
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) A-D 4) C-D 5) All correct
45. A pre-print published recently in Medrxiv has relief (A) the case to use
indomethacine, a drug conventionally (B) used in the treatment of rheumatoid
arthritis, for faster symptomatic advanced(C) and preventing progression (D) of
pneumonia in COVID -19 patients.
1) A-C 2) A-B 3)All correct 4) C-D 5) A-D
46. There are great occasions which inspire gifted (A) men to speak out their mind
and heart in such a manner as to stir (B) the feelings and emotions (C) of the
audience, until the people become one soul which responds of unison (D) of the
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) All correct
47. A security (A)cyberattack on U.S. government agencies has also hit targets (B)
worldwide, with the list of victims still growing, according to researchers,
heightening fears (C) over computers and devastating (D) espionage.
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) All correct
48. The U.K. will head off (A) the EU single market in less than two weeks and time
(B) has all but run out for any agreement (C) to be approved in time to leave (D)a
severe economic shock.
1) A-D 2) A-B 3) All correct 4) B-C 5) C-D
49. Style is the most important part of garment (A) and it clothes the thoughts as
with a writing (B), and the quality (C) of the composition varies (D) according as
the garment is good or bad.
1) B-C 2) All correct 3) A-B 4) C-D 5)A-D
50. Popular health essential (A)Zincovit, which provides supplement(B) vitamins and
minerals, catapulted (C) to the top spot in the domestic pharma retail market for
the first time over in October by becoming the largest selling (D) brand.
1) A-C 2) C-D 3) C-D 4) A-B 5) All correct
51. As night fell in the rescue (A) fragile Himalayas and ecologically (B) work in the
difficult to access (C) areas became more difficult, there were (D) fears they may
be dead. (D)
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required
52. The National Crisis Management Committee was trapped (A) that people told(B)
in the project tunnel were rescued(C) by the Indo Tibetan Border Police while
efforts (D) were on to rescue those trappedin another tunnel.
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required

53. There were fears ofevacuated(A) in human settlements downstream (B), including
in heavily populated (C) areas. Many villages were damage (D) and people taken
to safer areas.
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required
54. On the proposal (A) to form an asset reconstruction formulation (B), she it would
not be a bad bank but a company(C) to address the problem of banks’ non-
performing (D) assets.
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required
55. It had said it “plans to addcargo(A) cargo aircraft to scale up SpiceXpress’ existing
(B) capacity and transform (C) it into a full-scale freighter more(D) service”.
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required
56. The loan covenants (A) letter has a special sanction (B) clause, under which the
permission (C) of the lenders is mandatory before taking (D) such decisions.
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required
57. These are being grown (A) ground-up and will become production (B) digital
properties for L&T when they go into valuable (C) and scale up in a couple (D) of
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required
58. An extension to the PSC in existing (A) terms will help us invest (B) more and
region (C) to generate value for the continue(D) and the nation.
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required
59. PNB currently does not have the election (A) NRC strength and is therefore
looking (B) to get another shareholder (C) director through Board approval route
after requisite (D) of such a director by the shareholders of the bank at an EGM.
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required
60. the committee on the ground situation (A) as well as the actions taken (B) by
them after the incident to evacuate (C) people and to contain the damage caused
(D) by the flooding.
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required
61. It has started a newinterest(A) called Space Enterprise Encouragement and
Development for supporting (B) promising small business concerns and start-ups
interested (C) in developing products and services in the areas of programme (D)
for ISRO.
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required
62. The Council said that it is concerned (A) of a higher cost for value-added
garments(B) including fabrics, made-ups and products (C) as a result of the hike
(D) in the customs duty.
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required
63. we look forward to the continuance(A) of the common understanding (B) and
cooperative players (C) between market approach(D) and the RBI during 2021-22.
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required
64. Relaxing of some of the investing (A) set out for sovereign funds conditions (B) in
infrastructure sector will hopefully(C) see more foreign funds moving in to this
segment(D) .
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required
65. a lot of people (A) are in need of work and businesses are working (B) under
capacity both in the sectors (C) and the services goods(D) of the economy.
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required

66. The Finance Minister did mention (A) in the Budget speech that we would be
revised(B) forward with a coming (C) approach to the FRBM and that will happen
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required
67. It is important to rejected(A) that the market has already started (B) bidding a
higher rate of interest(C) for market borrowing and RBI has mention (D) all the
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required
68. Uncertainty in international(A) crude prices coupled with petrol(B) excise tax
duties on higher (C) and diesel will also adversely affect the fuel inflation (D).
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required
69. The Gross State Domestic Product of the State, which was employees(A) in the
double digits (B) over the past few years, has taken (C) a big hit and the salaries
of growing(D) were also cut during the lockdown phase.
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required
70. Having (A) an additional shareholder director on a Board is useful for Banks like
PNB as all shareholder (B) directors are counted as independent directors for the
purpose (C) of compliance with SEBI regulations (D) for listed entities.
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required
71. we also cannot have a situation (A) where we think they have government dues
(B) which they have not paid, clear (C) our policy says that they should because
(D) the government dues.
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required
72. the engineering students(A) will not just be useful for courses (B) but also
professors teaching (C) in other institutes to understand (D) the needs of
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required
73. the revival of growth critically (A) depends on the elimination of the revenue (B)
deficit and strong private sector investment and accommodative(C) rather than
an consumption (D) monetary policy stance or a further reduction in policy repo
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required
74. The Budget has also made itprofits(A) for foreign funds to move from other
jurisdictions (B) to the GIFT City IFSC, without having (C) to pay capital gains tax
on notional easier(D) on the books.
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required
75. This may seem absurd (A) to the conventional Operations managers (B) but
Mukherjee certainly (C) wants to provoke (D) you to think.
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required
76. India is not lagging behind (A) in 5G ecosystem development efforts with continued
serve(B) on technology and solution development that would focus (C) as
accelerators for ramping up impending (D) roll outs when the time comes.
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required
77. The government’s largehigher(A) on capex along with spending (B) commodity
prices is going to see demand (C) improving for many listed (D) companies.
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required
78. the RBI perception (A) that the market borrowing programme will be conducted
(B) in a non-disruptive achieved (C) with longer maturity accompanied by lower
interest rate will not be manner. (D)
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required

79. The Government has initiated (A) a budget preparation discussion (B) and has
been holding process (C) on various sectoralallocations (D).
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required
80. Though India churns out lakhs of engineering (A) students every year, reports
have pointed (B) out that over 80 per cent are practical (C) as they lack technical
and unemployable (D) knowledge.
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required

81. The only cronies that the government (A) works for were the questioned (B) of
India, and people (C) a former Congress-led State government’s decision (D) to
invite a ‘crony’ to set up a port.
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required
82. the Centre could adopt (A) the States to incentivise (B) a similar practice to
enhance (C) the confidence of investors in India’s overall debt and fiscal deficit
trajectory (D).
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required
83. He also closely watched(A) the polling process through a network of CCTVs and
gave instructions (B) to the police ensure (C) on duty at the polling booths to be
alert and personnel (D) free and fair elections.
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required
84. We have written (A) to the government of India to include (B) our staff in the list
of frontline (C) corona warriors who are managing (D) the pandemic.
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required
85. The PLA strategy stabilise (A) that India would look to predicted (B) its land
borders and pay more attention (C) to the sea, a development it viewed (D) as
unfavourable for China’s interests.
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required
86. we have assigned a very specific (A) treatment of the resources (B) to urban local
bodies towards infrastructure (C) health improving (D) of primary health centres
and district hospitals.
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required
87. We were the only Finance Commission to have had the opportunity (A) to go to
Leh and see the war happy (B) for the Kargil martyrs and were memorial (C) to
be able to grant them something (D).
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required
88. The Board has approved (A) fundraising to support our strategic (B) intent and
we are in active (C) discussions with potential investors (D).
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required
89. The project would help the company(A) comply with recycling standards (B) while
adopting environmentally (C) technology in the most advance (D) -friendly manner.
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required
90. the drug offered (A) has allowed Serum Institute to use a placebo under the
condition(B) that the participants randomised to the placebo arm could be
unblinded (C) 60 days after the second dose upon request of the participant and
regulator (D) the candidate vaccine.
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required
91. Testing the efficacy(A) of a new vaccine by vaccine(B) it with an already approved
comparing (C) in the control arm is called a non-inferiority (D) trial.
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required

92. We believe that this futuristic (A) area will gain momentum with the arrival of
new molecular (B) materials with improvement (C) mechanical and optical
attributes and exciting (D) of the micro-spectroscopy techniques.
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required
93. We show that the consequences (A) in nORFs do have physiological mutations
(B) and a majority of mutations (C) that are often annotated (D) as benign have to
be re-interpreted.
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required

94. Rocks here have been weakened (A) by natural processes across time and are
vulnerable (B) to intense rainfall as well as human (C) interference, in the form
of house-building and road construction (D).
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required
95. The between (A) also offer clues suggesting (B) that the molecular basis of
insecticide (C) resistance may differ findings (D) sexes.
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required
96. Scientists have unveiled (A) the detailed genome of the malaria mosquito
vector,vital(B) thousands of new genes revealing (C) for the development of genetic
control strategies of disease transmission. (D)
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required
97. We are looking (A) at a double-digit market share across products (B) and sectors
to build upon the deal pandemic (C) we achieved during theclosures(D).
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required
98. The rural economy (A), which fared well in the backdrop (B) of good rainfall, gave
a fillip to HIL as it forayed (C) into new markets, especially (D) in east and south
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required
99. We need to give a degree (A) of stability on availability of expenditure (B) for
meeting capital resources (C) for Defenceis what we came to the conclusion on
this term of reference (D) given to us.
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required
100. They also harassed (A) that some of the candidates were being alleged (B) by the
officials for issuing (C) certificates needed to file nomination (D) papers.
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No change required

1.2 2.3 3.4 4.2 5.1 6.4 7.2 8.1 9.3 10.5
11.1 12.2 13.1 14.2 15.2 16.5 17.3 18.1 19.4 20.1
21.2 22.4 23.5 24.1 25.3 26.2 27.3 28.1 29.3 30.1
31.2 32.1 33.3 34.5 35.1 36.2 37.2 38.2 39.3 40.1
41.2 42.5 43.5 44.3 45.1 46.5 47.4 48.1 49.3 50.4
51.1 52.1 53.4 54.2 55.4 56.1 57.2 58.3 59.4 60.5
61.4 62.2 63.3 64.1 65.3 66.5 67.4 68.2 69.4 70.5
71.3 72.1 73.3 74.4 75.5 76.2 77.1 78.3 79.2 80.5
81.2 82.1 83.3 84.5 85.1 86.3 87.2 88.5 89.3 90.4
91.2 92.3 93.1 94.5 95.4 96.2 97.3 98.5 99.2 100.1

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