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We now live in a socially networked universe in which the material conditions for the formation,
circulation, and utilization of knowledge and learning are rapidly changing from an industrial to
an information and media-based economy. Increasingly the emphasis has fallen on the ‘learning
economy’ and on improving learning systems and networks, and the acquisition of new digital
literacies as a central aspect of development considered in personal, community, regional,
national and global contexts. These mega-trends signal both changes in the production and
consumption of symbolic goods and also associated changes in their contexts of use. They accent
the learner’s active co-production of meaning in a variety of networked public and private
spaces, where knowledge and learning emerge as new principles of social stratification, social
mobility and identity formation.

Despite a great deal of time and energy went into digitalisation of the world around us, education
has been lagging behind. A question therefore arises to what extent higher education institutions
should introduce e-learning as part of their programmes. The purpose of this study is to add to
the body of knowledge on e-learning by examining perceptions and intentions of students
regarding e-learning. There are two broader research objectives pursued in order to achieve the
purpose. The first objective is to identify students' knowledge and perception of e-learning, along
with their attitudes and experience with it. The second research objective is to assess readiness of
students to engage in e-learning and determine their willingness to pay for it. This study uses
mixed method research design. First, results of two focus groups are reported, followed by
results of survey on 14 respondents. Results show that, students are in general positively inclined
towards e-learning and would be willing to take online courses. However, there are still some
reservations connected to it and the preference is towards the blended format. In spite of e-
learning's European roots, the majority of students do not want the full integration of Information
Technology into the study process, meaning that the traditional learning methods combined with
IT are preferred

Keywords –

E-Learning, E-Publishing, Education, Youth

E-learning is a popular topic in the education industry. E-learning is a form of teaching in which
the teacher and students interact and learn online through computer-based instruction. E-learning

can be both onsite and online.

This paper will explore the effects of e-learning on student learning. Some research suggests that
e-learning is a more effective form of teaching in some cases. Other research suggests that e-
learning has some drawbacks, such as increased distractions and lack of interaction. The paper
will also explore how to improve the effectiveness of e-learning programs.

-E-learning is a popular topic in education

-E-learning is a form of teaching in which the teacher and students interact and learn online

-E-learning can be both onsite and online

-Effects of e-learning on student learning

-Some research suggests that e-learning is a more

effective form of teaching in some cases

-Other research suggests that e-learning has some

drawbacks, such as increased distractions and lack of interaction

-The paper will also explore how to improve the effectiveness of e-learning programs

Education is a key element in today's society. It is important for people to ensure that they are
educated so they can take full advantage of the opportunities in the world. Education is also
important to those who are in charge of teaching others. Education can help people find success
in a wide range of fields, whether it is in the classroom, at their home, or in the workplace.
Education is also a key element in the success of a nation. It is important to research different
methods of learning, such as e-learning, because there are many benefits that come along with it.
"Education is a key element in today's society."

E-learning is a great way to make education more accessible.

It allows people to learn from the comfort of their own
homes. It is a great way for students to study for exams and prepare for their classes. It also
allows teachers to create digital resources for students.

"It is important for people to ensure that they are educated so they can take full advantage of the
opportunities in the world."

E-learning is an important tool for success in today's society. It is important for people to ensure
that they are educated so they can take full advantage of the opportunities in the world.
Education is also important to those in charge of teaching others, as it can help them find success
in their own field. Education is also a key element in the success of a nation


-E-learning is a new way to learn that is convenient for students and allows for increased
eficiency and access to information.

-E-learning is not only convenient for students, but it decreases the time required to complete
work and decreases the amount of resources required.

-E-learning programs are often interactive and allow for increased engagement in the learning

-E-learning can be implemented into any subject, making it more accessible and available to

-E-learning is a cost-effective way to teach students and create a more personalized learning
E Publication

E learning is a form of education where a student learns in an interactive way. E publication is a

form of publishing where a person publishes content for the public.

E learning and e publication are both forms of publishing which are distinct from each other.

The relationship between e learning and e publication is fairly straightforward. The two are
distinct types of online learning, with e learning being a more specific form of e publication.

E learning is a different process of learning that is based on the online environment. It is a

computer-based learning practice that is the development of web-based educational content and
resources. E learning is often used in conjunction with e publication which can be seen as the
first use of the Internet to publish information.

E learning is a process of learning designed

primarily to be conducted online. It
emphasizes collaboration and the use of
digital media and technologies. It is often
offered as an alternative to traditional
education and training. Students in an e
learning environment are usually referred to
as "learners" or "students."

E publication is the first use of the Internet to publish information. This can be seen as the first
use of the Internet to publish information. It is often used in conjunction with e learning which
can be seen as the first use of the Internet to publish information.

E learning is a process of learning designed primarily to be conducted online. It emphasizes

collaboration and the use of digital media and technologies. It is often offered as an alternative to
traditional education and training. Students in an e learning environment are usually referred to
as "learners" or "students."

There is a large body of literature on the subject of e-learning and e-publication. This paper will
review this body of work through the lens of learning theory and instructional design.

 -E-learning refers to the use of computer-mediated instruction and learning, involving

educational activities conducted primarily with computer-supported tools and resources.
 -E-publication refers to the use of digital media for the mass dissemination of information
in print, audio, video, or interactive formats.
 -E-learning and e-publication are part of a larger set of conditions of increasing scholarly
and educational activities and communication channels.
 -E-learning and e-publication are commonly associated with changes in the way students
and scholars interact and learn from each other.
 -E-learning and e-publication offer opportunities for more intimate and authentic
interactions with people and resources.
 -E-learning and e-publication are not simply technological advancements and the means
of distributing information in an electronic format.
 -E-learning and e-publication are the result of complex social, cultural, and political
changes that have occurred in recent decades.
 -E-learning and e-publication are often used as a means of democratizing knowledge and
making it accessible to a wider audience.
 -E-learning and e-publication are often considered as means of strengthening the
democratic values of literacy and universal education.

A review of the literature on e publication and e learning found that e publication is not a new
trend, but rather a new version of print publication. One study found that people who prefer e
publication are motivated to read because they can read as much as they want, when they want,
and how they want, and because they can also access it on any device.

The review also found that e publication has been found to be more cost-effective than
traditional print publication, and that it can lead to changes in the publishing industry.

The review concluded that e publication has the potential to make the publishing industry more
innovative and efficient.

The review also suggests that a more in-depth study is needed on the effects of e publication in
different countries.

-E-Publishing is a mode of publishing where digital versions of books, journals, magazines,

newspapers, and other materials, such as data and images, are available via the internet.
-E-learning is the process of education that uses information and communication technologies to
provide people with knowledge and skills.

In this age of digital media, e learning and e publication are quickly becoming popular
alternatives to traditional educational methods. E learning and e publication are now the most
widely used methods of education. The use of e learning and e publication is rapidly increasing
because of the convenience, time and money saving benefits associated with these methods.

*The e learning and e publication methods of education can be used in the following manners:





*The most widely used methods of education are:


-E Learning:

-E Publication:



Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to add to the body of knowledge on e-learning by examining
perceptions and intentions of students regarding e-learning. The context of this study is Slovenia,
a country in Central Europe that has an established national strategy for enhancing e-learning
(Gaebel, et al., 2014). However, especially the largest universities have not yet incorporated e-
learning fully into their programmes.

Research Questions

The main research questions of this study addresses are:

(1) How do students perceive advantages and disadvantages of e-learning compared to traditional
way of learning?

(2) What are students’ attitudes towards e-learning?

(3) What is the readiness of students to participate in elearning?

Research Objectives

There are two broader research objectives pursued in order to answer these research questions.
First, based on empirical study involving students in higher education identify students'
knowledge and perception of e-learning, along with their attitudes and experience with it. Second
research objective is to assess readiness of students to engage in e-learning and determine their
willingness to pay for it. This study uses mixed methods to obtain answers to the research
questions. First, results of two focus groups are reported, followed by results of survey on 104

Most of them quickly responded to association with convenience, while some went deeper with
specific brands or tools in e- learning. Few thought that, e-learning is not effective at all.
Speaking of convenience, the majority was not fond of home studying and preferred faculty
environment as it provides less distractions. Minority shared opinion on home as less stressful
and more relaxing environment in which they thrive.

Majority, including also the bigger group of those who preferred faculty to home, said that time
convenience would be that factor. Those with more academic interest added new information and
the ability to re-listen could improve their knowledge and therefore final grade. The group
agreed that, a variety of courses is a must and that the infrastructure should allow for play, pause
and rewind controls of an interactive course that tracks progress and has all the theory in one
place. Next, the participants were asked if e-learning should be conducted through an app or a
website, and they agreed that, probably the best solution would be to offer both. Further on they
all agreed that, e-learning has a big advantage in organisation of a course (time, place, lecture
length, etc.,) but that there is the disadvantage in form of a lack of human touch and professors
opinion or help. Based on the previous experience, everyone really liked gamification factor of
elearning, but some noticed issues with sound quality in videos that were recordings of a class in

The group of international students remained divided when discussing the possibility of taking
exams at home versus faculty. It should be noted that, few seemed to be a bit confused as most
was concerned with (lack) of possibilities of cheating instead of the exam taking itself. Finishing
up the discussion, it was asked if this type of education could eradicate traditional concepts of
education, and just little over half of the group agreed, while the minority strongly disagreed.
Nevertheless, the respondents mostly agreed they would partake in e-learning class/program if
government decided to offer it. The domestic students almost did not have any experience in
distance education or e-learning, so the majority of the respondents connected the word e-
learning to the word “online courses”. More than a half of the students answered, they prefer to
study at faculty because they can work harder in the environment.
Asian e-learning and distance education tradition is quite new: a lot of the first open universities
were established in 1970s. From the beginning, there was not a lot of attention paid to the quality
of education provided by the new study trend, until in between 1990 and 2005 when the national
accreditation agencies were formed. In Asia, distance education has remarkable growth. Asian
learning market is probably the most abundant for different distance education forms: open
universities (public and private), virtual universities, online programs – everything is present
here (Jung, et al., 2013). Asian countries governments pay much attention to e-learning:
Singapore scales-up good practices of e-learning among teacher community. Hong Kong
government creates digital classrooms equipped with wi-fi, while in Taiwan government is more
focused onteaching technology, and for Beijing government, the infrastructure for curriculum
delivery is much more important, they provide digital resources and e-textbooks geared to school
curricula (Kong, Looi, Chan, & Huang, 2016). In India, e-learning has become increasingly more
popular due to higher digital literacy and in part due to governmental pushes made by
Department of Electronics and Information Technology (Why E-Learning Has a Promising
Future in India, 2016). As far as outsourcing goes India is a one of the most popular destinations
as they offer high flexibility and competitive pricing as well as highly motivated workers mostly
fluent in English and ready to offshore the time zone differences (Too Many e-Learning
Companies In India – How To Find The Best? – e-Learning Industry, 2015).

This study addressed attitudes and intentions of students towards e-learning. Results of this research
indicate that, international students have more experience with e learning than domestic students.
Although Slovenia is a country with an established national strategy for enhancing e-learning, and while
smaller competitors have established e-learning programmes, the leading business school in the country
still delivers its programmes in a traditional way with lectures taking place at the school premises. Results
show that, students are in general positively inclined towards e-learning and would be willing to take
online courses.

However, there are still some reservations connected to it and the preference is towards the blended
format. While in focus groups foreign students seem to be more interested in distance learning
opportunities than domestic, the difference did not show on a larger sample. What is also interesting is
that in spite of e-learning's European roots, the majority of students do not want the full integration of IT
into the study process, meaning that, the traditional learning methods combined with IT are preferred

Research results provided an insight into attitudes and intentions of students in the context of Central
Europe and are based on a non-representative sample, which is one of the major limitations of this
research. The findings obtained should be verified on a larger representative sample. However, the
purpose at this stage was to get initial insights and understanding of students' perceptions and attitudes in
the environment where e-learning is not very developed. The results are also context specific. The
attitudes of the students towards e-learning might vary depending on the type of university and the region;
the students which might have to travel a lot between home and university could be more inclined
towards it.

The school where research took place is in process of incorporating e-learning. For successful
implementation another research should be conducted on students taking test courses in order to
find out how students liked the online materials (additional explanations in the forms of videos,
puzzles and quizzes to practice for exam and so on). After that, the faculty could decide whether
to introduce some courses in fully online form, or just keep the partially online courses.

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