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Dual-enzyme cascade amplification electrochemical biosensor for human

papillomavirus based on DNA nanoflower structure
Hongzhang He a, 1, Lingjun Cheng a, 1, Yinghao He a, Jiaming Chen a, Liang Song b, c,
Yuanyuan Yang a, Yun Zhang b, c, d, *, Zhenyu Lin e, **, Guolin Hong a, ***
Department of Laboratory Medicine, Xiamen Key Laboratory of Genetic Testing, The First Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen University, School of Medicine, Xiamen
University, Xiamen 361005, China
State Key Laboratory of Structural Chemistry, Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fuzhou 350002, China
Xiamen Key Laboratory of Rare Earth Photoelectric Functional Materials, Xiamen Institute of Rare Earth Materials, Haixi Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Xiamen 361021, China
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Analytical Science of Food Safety and Biology, Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Analysis and Detection for Food Safety,
Department of Chemistry, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou, Fujian 350116, China


Keywords: The lack of large-scale human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA screening is a major contributor to the high incidence
DNA hydrogel and mortality of cervical cancer in economically undeveloped areas. The development of sensitive, rapid, and
DNA nanoflowers low-cost screening techniques is urgently needed. Here, DNA nanoflowers encapsulating glucose oxidase and
Electrochemical biosensor
horseradish peroxidase (GHDFs) were synthesized by one-pot rolling circle amplification, and then the GHDFs
Enzyme cascade catalytic amplification
Human papillomavirus
were used as the cargo of DNA hydrogel and applied for HPV DNA detection. When target DNA was present, the
DNA hydrogel cross-linking structure was disrupted, releasing GHDFs, which then catalysed the oxidation of
glucose and tetramethylbenzidine in a cascade, generating a significant electrical signal. Signal intensity had a
linear relationship with the logarithm of target DNA concentration in the range of 10 fM-1 nM with a detection
limit of 3.76 fM. The detection time of the proposed biosensor was 25 min, which was suitable for large-scale
HPV DNA screening in economically underdeveloped areas and provides a blueprint for the detection of other
DNA of interest.

1. Introduction equipment and skilled personnel. As a result, these regions have the
highest number of cases in the world, accounting for approximately
Cervical cancer is a malignant tumour caused by persistent infection 90%. Therefore, the development of a sensitive, rapid, and affordable
with human papillomavirus (HPV). Among gynaecological tumours, HPV nucleic acid detection strategy for cervical cancer screening is ur­
cervical cancer ranks second in the world in incidence and mortality, gently needed.
seriously threatening women′ s health [1]. Cervical cancer can be largely Electrochemical biosensors have been widely developed due to their
affected by screening, which reduces the risk of death. Compared with advantages of fast signal readout speed, affordable sensing element and
other methods, the most effective cervical cancer screening method is simple sensing platform [4], which are expected to address this chal­
HPV nucleic acid detection [2,3]. Currently, the main clinical HPV lenge for the development of practical HPV screening strategies. The low
nucleic acid screening methods are PCR and Hybrid Capture 2 (HC2). concentration of HPV DNA in cervical swab samples poses a challenge to
However, these methods are time-consuming, and many developing and the accurate diagnosis of early HPV infection [5]. To achieve the
economically underdeveloped regions still lack the required specialized required detection sensitivity, amplification techniques such as

* Correspondence to: No.155 Yangqiao Road West, Fuzhou, Fujian, People’s Republic of China.
** Correspondence to: No.2 Xue Yuan Road, University Town Fuzhou, Fujian, People’s Republic of China.
*** Correspondence to: No.55 Zhenhai Road, Xiamen, Fujian, People’s Republic of China.
E-mail addresses: (Y. Zhang), (Z. Lin), (G. Hong).
These authors contributed equally to this work
Received 8 July 2022; Received in revised form 12 August 2022; Accepted 16 August 2022
Available online 18 August 2022
0925-4005/© 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
H. He et al. Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical 371 (2022) 132532

nanomaterial amplification [6], enzyme-catalysed oxidation amplifica­ μM), GOx (50 mg/ml), HRP (25 mg/ml), phi29 DNA polymerase (1000
tion [7], target cycle amplification [8,9], DNA self-assembly amplifica­ U/ml) and dNTPs (1 mM) and incubated at 30 ◦ C for 20 h. GHDFs were
tion [10] and isothermal amplification technology [11] have been then purified by centrifugation at 10,000 g for 10 min and further
widely used. The high efficiency of enzyme-catalysed oxidation, high washed three times with ultrapure water. Resuspend the purified GHDFs
specificity for catalytic substrates, and mild reaction conditions make an in ultrapure water and store them at − 20 ◦ C.
enzyme-catalysed oxidation signal amplification strategy one of the
most popular methods used in electrochemical signal amplification 2.3. Preparation of hydrogel encapsulated with GHDFs
technology. This method has been frequently applied to realize sensitive
detection [12,13]. For example, Yuan et al. developed a photochemical Strands A or B and 6 wt% acrylamide were mixed at 37 ◦ C and
electrochemical (PEC-EC) dual-mode biosensor of miRNA-21 by using vacuum dried for 10 min to remove air. Then 0.2% TEMED and 0.2%
the cascade catalytic amplification of glucose oxidase mimic enzyme APS were added, mixed well, and dried for 15 min to form P-SA (poly­
and peroxide mimic enzyme [14]. This strategy achieves good sensi­ acrylamide A strand) or P-SB (polyacrylamide B strand). Then, P-SA, P-
tivity. However, the distance between the two enzymes is relatively far, SB, GHDFs and 1 ×NEbuffer 2 were mixed well, heated at 60 ◦ C for 30
and there is a shortcoming of ineffective diffusion of the reaction sub­ min, and then slowly cooled to room temperature to form DNA
strate, which fails to give full play to all the advantages of enzyme hydrogels.
cascade catalytic amplification. Therefore, detection sensitivity can be
further improved by bringing the two enzymes into close enough 2.4. Construction of HPV electrochemical biosensor
DNA nanoflowers (DFs) have been proven to be a desirable scaffold The gold electrode (AuE) was polished to a mirror surface with a
for enzyme cascade catalysis due to their porous material structure and mixture of 0.30 and 0.05 µm Al2O3 and water, and then ultrasonically
high loading efficiency [7,15]. Apart from that, studies have reported cleaned with anhydrous ethanol and ultrapure water in turn and blow
that the negatively charged DNA phosphate backbone may also enhance dried with N2. Various concentrations of target DNA sample were added
enzyme activity [16]. More importantly, it has been shown to be stable to the encapsulated GHDF hydrogel prepared above. After incubating
even in harsh environments, including nuclease treatment, high tem­ the mixture at 25 ◦ C for 15 min, the supernatant of the hydrogel was
perature, and urea treatment [17]. For example, Yan et al. prepared DFs pipetted and mixed, 2.5 µl of the supernatant was pipetted onto the
by rolling circle amplification (RCA) with simultaneous coencapsulation preprepared gold electrode, and the mixture was dried to construct an
of glucose oxidase (GOx) and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) [7] and electrochemical biosensor interface at 10 min.
realized highly sensitive target detection.
DNA hydrogels have attracted extensive attention because of their 2.5. Electrochemical assay procedure
excellent biocompatibility, portability, and programmability. Many
stimu-responsive hydrogels have been designed and frequently applied Electrochemical measurements were performed on a computer-
in biosensors. In this study, a sensitive, rapid and economical electro­ controlled CHI 660 electrochemical system (CH Instruments,
chemical biosensor strategy for HPV DNA screening based on a DF- Shanghai). The three-electrode system contained Au as the working
encapsulated enzyme cascade catalytic amplification system and DNA electrode, platinum as the reference electrode, and Ag/AgCl (saturated
hydrogels was developed. During rolling circle amplification to syn­ KCl) as the reference electrode. During measurement, the prepared
thesize DFs, GOx and HRP were also simultaneously encapsulated into electrodes were immersed in 1 mM PBS containing glucose (4 mM) and
the DFs, obtaining the GHDFs. They were then entrapped as signalling TMB (1.5 mM). Thereafter, the redox signals of glucose and TMB cata­
molecules by the stimuli-responsive hydrogel to construct the HPV lysed by oxidative double enzymes were measured with the ampero­
biosensor. The sensor has been applied to HPV DNA detection in cervical metric curve. The initial voltage was 0 V, the sample interval was 0.1 s,
brush samples. and the running time was 100 s. All electrochemical experiments were
performed at room temperature.
2. Experimental section
3. Results and discussion
Materials and reagents, characterization of GHDFs, etc. have been
described in the Supplementary Material. 3.1. Principle of a double enzyme cascade signal amplification
electrochemical biosensor for HPV detection
2.1. Preparation of ligated DNA template
The highly conserved sequences of HPV16 E6 and E7 genes provide
Slightly modified from the previous protocol [17]. Mix 5 µl of 100 µM excellent targets for large-scale screening of cervical cancer [18,19].
padlock probe and 10 µl of 100 µM primer in 1 × T4 DNA ligase buffer Therefore, HPV16 E6 and E7 sequences were chosen as hydrogel target
(containing 50 mM Tris-HCl, 10 mM MgCl2, 10 mM DTT and 1 mM ATP, DNA sequences. A DNA nanoflower structure encapsulating both HRP
pH 7.5). Subsequently, the mixture was heated at 95 ◦ C for 5 min and and GOx was synthesized by the RCA reaction. The constructed elec­
cooled slowly to 25 ◦ C for 3 h. Later, 0.4 µl of T4 DNA ligase (400 U/µl) trochemical biosensor uses DNA nanoflowers as signal-responsive mol­
was added to the annealed mixture. The mixture was incubated at 16 ◦ C ecules, and DNA hydrogels specifically respond to target DNA as a
for 12 h. The mixture was incubated at 65 ◦ C for 10 min to inactivate the sensing strategy for the rapid and sensitive detection of HPV16. The
ligase. Add 6 µl of Exo I (20 U/µl) and a final concentration of 1 × Exo I principle is given in Scheme 1. Large amounts of GHDFs were synthe­
buffer (67 mM glycine-KOH, 6.7 mM MgCl2, 10 mM 2-mercaptoethanol; sized by the RCA reaction, and then the synthesized GHDFs were trap­
pH 9.5 @ 25 ◦ C) to digest residual padlock probes and primers and then ped by the hydrogel to construct the hydrogel sensors. When target DNA
incubate at 37 ◦ C for 1.5 h. Exo I final inactivation at 80 ◦ C for 20 min. was present, the target DNA can hybridize with the P-SA end and replace
the P-SB through the strand displacement interaction, resulting in the
2.2. Preparation of GHDFs collapse of the cross-linked structure of P-SA and P-SB, releasing the
GHDFs signal molecules encapsulated in the hydrogel. The collapse of
The GHDFs were self-assembled by the rolling circle amplification the hydrogel was proportional to the target DNA concentration. Then,
(RCA) process. Reactions were performed in phi29 DNA polymerase the supernatant containing GHDFs was aspirated and modified on a gold
buffer (33 mM Tris-acetate, 10 mM Mg (CH3COO)2, 66 mM CH3COOK, electrode to obtain an HPV electrochemical sensor. Through the cascade
1% Tween 20, 1 mM DTT; pH 7.9) containing ligated DNA template (22 catalytic oxidation of glucose and TMB by GHDFs, a significant

H. He et al. Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical 371 (2022) 132532

Scheme 1. Schematic illustration of DNA detection based on GHDFs for hydrogel biosensors. (ⅰ) The synthesis procedure of GHDFs; (ⅱ) The construction of a
hydrogel biosensor based on GHDFs as signal molecules.

electrochemical signal can be detected. This has some relationship with 3.2. Comparison of the signal amplification
the target concentration. By this means, a sensitive electrochemical
biosensor for HPV detection can be designed. To evaluate the superiority of the proposed signal amplification
strategy, mixtures of HRP and GOx, mixtures of HRP, GOx and DFs,
GHDF- catalysed glucose and TMB amperometric current signals were
recorded. The results are shown in Fig. S3. Under the same experimental

Fig. 1. Optimization of the experimental conditions. (A) Concentration of SA-SB dsDNA; (B) percentage of acrylamide; (C) response time; (D) pH value. The con­
centration of target DNA was 100 pM. Each data point is the mean of three repeated measurements, and error bars represent the standard deviation.

H. He et al. Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical 371 (2022) 132532

conditions, compared with the free enzyme, the electrochemical signal 3.76 fM. As shown in Table 1, compared with the previously reported
generated by GHDF catalytic oxidation was 2.81 times that of the free HPV biosensor, this strategy has a lower detection limit and shorter
enzyme, indicating that the encapsulated double enzyme improved the detection time (25 min), which is attributed to the amplification effect
catalytic oxidation efficiency due to the cascade amplification [20] of the double-enzyme cascade in the DNA nanoflowers and the contin­
effect. uous catalytic oxidation of the substrates, which greatly amplifies the
signal and shortens the detection time.
3.3. Optimization of the experimental conditions To further study the anti-interference performance of the sensor in a
complex environment, the response signals of HPV genotypes 18, 31, 51
To obtain the best analytical performance of the sensing platform, and 58 with similar pathogenicity to HPV 16 were experimentally
four experimental parameters that most influence this sensing strategy compared, and the specificity of the HPV16 biosensor was evaluated. In
were optimized. As shown in Fig. 1A, when the concentration of SA-SB addition, the concentration of the above interfering DNA sequence was
dsDNA was between 50 μM and 150 μM, the S/B (signal blank ratio) much higher (100 times) than the target DNA concentration. As shown
value increased with increasing crosslinking concentration. The S/B in Fig. 2B, the analysis results of the solution containing the interfering
value peaked when the concentration of DNA crosslinking was 150 μM. DNA sequence were basically consistent with that of the blank sample.
In the range of 150–250 μM, the S/B value decreased with increasing These results show that the DNA strands that make up the hydrogel
SA-SB dsDNA concentration. Therefore, the optimal concentration of specifically recognize only the HPV 16 E6 E7 gene, and do not recognize
SA-SB dsDNA was 150 μM. The percentage of acrylamide is also a key other interfering sequences, even when the concentration of the inter­
factor in the stability of hydrogels. In Fig. 1B, S/B increases with the fering sequence was 100 times the concentration of the target sequence.
increase of percentage, peaked at 6%, then as the percentage increase Therefore, the electrochemical biosensor based on hydrogel-
gradually, S/B value smaller and smaller. Consequently, the percentage encapsulated GOx-HRP DFs has a good ability to identify target DNA
of acrylamide under optimal sensor performance in this study was 6%. in actual detection scenarios.
Fig. 1C reveals that S/B increased with the response time from 5 to
15 min, while decreased with the extension of reaction time from 15 to 3.5. Clinical sample analysis
25 min. Therefore, the sensor response time was set to 15 min Fig. 1D
demonstrates that the electrochemical signal peaked at a pH of 5.5. To further evaluate the applicability and reliability of the proposed
Accordingly, we obtained the maximum GHDF catalytic activity at a pH method, we used this strategy to detect HPV 16 DNA in cervical brush
of 5.5. Therefore, the final optimization condition of the pH value was specimens. As shown in Table S1, the recoveries detected by the sensor
set to 5.5. were 91.40%− 112.46%, and the RSD was 3.39%− 8.45%. These results
confirm that electrochemical biosensors can be used in biomedical
3.4. The performance of the hydrogel sensor for DNA analysis research and have great potential for clinical analysis. The sensor has

Under these optimized conditions, the sensor performance was

Table 1
studied by detecting different amounts of HPV E6 and E7 genes. As Analytical performance comparison with other HPV 16 biosensors.
shown in Fig. 2A, the current increases with the concentration of HPV 16
Detection limit (mol L− 1) Time (min) Technique Reference
DNA. The illustration in the linear graph shows a linear relationship
between the current magnitude and the logarithm of the target con­ 2.00 × 10− 103.5 PCR + Electrochemistry [22]
1.75 × 10− 70 Electrochemistry [23]
centration in the range of 10 fM-1 nM. The linear relationship is 13
1.50 × 10− 120 Electrochemistry [24]
expressed as follows: 4.03 × 10− 14
180 Electrochemistry [25]
2 1.50 × 10− 50 Electrochemistry [26]
ΔCurrent= 176.84+65.78lgCHPV16 R = 0.997 3.00 × 10− 11
240 Electrochemiluminescence [27]
2.39 × 10− 60 Electrochemistry [28]
Where ΔCurrent is equal to the current generated by the target DNA 2.30 × 10− 9
47 Electrochemistry [29]
concentration minus the blank signal current. R is the correlation coef­ 7.60 × 10− 15
320 Electrochemiluminescence [30]
ficient. By calculating the mean signal plus three times the standard 3.76 × 10− 15
25 Electrochemistry This work
deviation from the blank sample [21], the limit of detection (LOD) was

Fig. 2. (A) Correlation between amperometric current and HPV16 concentration. The insert picture is the fitting curve between ΔCurrent and the logarithm of
HPV16 concentration. (B) Selectivity of the biosensor, 100 ×CHPV16 = CHPV18 = CHPV31= CHPV51 = CHPV58= 10 nM. The error bars show the standard deviation of
three replicate determinations.

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Yun Zhang is currently a full professor in the University of Chinese Academy of Science.
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Hongzhang He is presently pursuing for his master’s r degree in laboratory medicine in
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Zhenyu Lin is currently a full professor in College of Chemistry at Fuzhou University

Lingjun Cheng is presently pursuing for his Ph.D. in laboratory medicine in Xiamen
(China). He obtained his B.S. degree in polymer material and engineering from Beijing
University. His research focuses on electrochemical biosensor for disease forewarning &
Institute of Technology (China) and PhD in analytical chemistry from Fuzhou University.
He joined the Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Analysis for Food Safety & Biology
at Fuzhou University since 2007. Subsequently, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow in
Yinghao He obtained a M.S. in laboratory medicine from Xiamen University and now Graduate School of Environmental Studies & School of Engineering, Tohoku University
works in the department of laboratory medicine at the First Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen (Japan). He is a 2013 recipient of the National Science Fund for Outstanding Young
University. His research focuses on electrochemical biosensor and electro­ Scholar and a 2014 recipient of Natural Science Found of Fujian Province for Distinguished
chemiluminescence biosensor. Young Scholar. His research focuses on biosensors for food safety analysis and disease
forewarning & diagnosis.
Jiaming Chen obtained a Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry from Fuzhou University and now
works in the department of laboratory medicine at the First Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen Guolin Hong is a professor at Xiamen University School of Medicine and the head of the
University. His research focuses on biosensors for food safety analysis and disease fore­ department of laboratory medicine of the First Affiliated Hospital at Xiamen University. He
warning & diagnosis. obtained a Ph.D. from Xiamen University. His research focuses on biosensors for disease
forewarning & diagnosis.

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