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Topic 3: Principles of High-Quality Assessment

Here’s a simple guide for you in going about the module:

Read and follow the instructions carefully.
Read each lesson and do all the activities provided for you.
Lessons will be uploaded every Monday and submission will be every Friday of the
Perform all the activities diligently to help and guide you in understanding the topic.
Take the Learning Activities after each lesson to determine how well you
understood the topic.
Answer the Self-Assessment at the end of the module to measure how much you
have gained from the lessons. You may answer it via the online link provided
or write your answers on a sheet of paper that you can physically submit, or
you may take a picture of your answers and send it via messaging platforms with
which you agreed with your instructor during the class orientation.
For any query that you want to make about your lessons, contact us through our
messenger group chat, email, Google classroom or feel free to contact us during
consultation hours.

 Introduction

Congratulations!!!! You have just learned the basic concepts in assessment of

student learning and its role in making instructional decisions. The next thoughts or notions,
a teacher may ponder and ask herself, “what kind of students do I have? “, what kinds of
test should I prepare? “, what is the assurance that I will be able to gather valid and
authentic evidences relative to the performance of my students?”, “do I really measure their
performance wholistically?”. In everything that we do, we are guided by rules to follow in
order to attain our goals and objectives toward it. Preparation of assessment tools and
procedures entail set of fundamental rules and standards so as to measure what really our
students are capable of doing at the end of the lesson. The set of fundamental rules and
standards involved in crafting our tests, activities and tasks with the intent to measure the
performance of our learners is called principles of assessment of student learning.
Applying these principles ensure the teacher to achieve the learning objectives of the
lesson. Moreover, it enables the teacher to develop appropriate and varied assessment tools
that will guarantee him/her to gather valid evidences of what students are capable of doing.
What happens to our decisions with regard to performance of our learners if the principles
are not being applied? What if these decisions will be considered by experts and
administrators in making instructional decisions for cascading and implementation in a
classroom, school-based or system-wide context? Quality and sound assessment lead to
better learning outcomes among students and good decisions.

 Learning Objectives

At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. discuss different principles of assessment of student learning;

2. match learning targets with appropriate assessment methods;
3. establish relationship between validity and reliability; and
4. differentiate the different assessment methods.

 Learning Content

Activity 1: Deep Thinking:

Have you tried doing a task without following the standard rules? What happened to
your output? Did you encounter difficulty doing your task? How did overcome?

Principles of High-Quality Classroom Assessment

Principle 1. Clarity of Learning Targets or Outcomes

There three main components of educational process, the learning experiences, learning
objectives and assessment. These three processes is a cycle that goes and on and on where
learning objectives serves as backbone in order to achieve a sound and fruitful learning
experiences among students as a result of relevant and appropriate assessment of
performance. Learning objectives are the targets or outcomes and these are statements of what
the teacher intents to achieve in a particular lesson. They also reflect the knowledge and skills
of what students should acquire and master as a result of instruction. How can a sound
assessment be achieved vis - a - vis the learning targets? Hence, learning targets should

 reflect the degree of emphasis of different topics

 be clear and appropriate
 reflect what the students should know and be able to do.
 be specific/observable
 center on what is truly important

However, setting the learning targets involves important aspects or categories of

learning so as to measure holistically what students are capable of doing. Every individual
develops knowledge and ability to reason out as a manifestation of teaching-learning process.
As a result, learners possess certain skills and intelligences which are significant and
opportunities for assessment and evaluation. Meanwhile, assessing the knowledge and skills is
geared toward identifying the intellectual capabilities or the cognitive domain of learning. But,
are we limited to the development of mind and intellect of learners? What other aspects of
learning are also necessary for assessment? Experts agree that the way learners behave and
how they respond to classroom responsibilities are also vital points for assessment. These
include, knowledge, reasoning, skill and affective.
Before identifying your learning targets, you should first examine the different categories.

1. Knowledge learning target is the ability of the learner to master substantive subject
matter. This involves the acquisition of facts, concepts, theories. In other words, learning
targets that fall under this category when reflected as test items should only require
students to recall or retrieve from their memory.
2. Reasoning learning target is the ability to use knowledge and solve problems. This involves
explaining, justifying, or finding solutions to a problem to name a few. Under this category,
learners use their knowledge about a certain concept, idea or theory to defend or justify
or solve a given problem. This is not a mere retrieval of facts but usage of these facts to
demonstrate deeper understanding of these facts.
3. Skill learning targets is the ability to demonstrate achievement-related skills like laboratory
experiments, cooking demonstration, dancing, and other performance-based tasks.
4. Product learning target is the ability to create achievement-related products such as
written reports, designing a lesson plan, creating model representations of real objects,
oral defense, drawings and paintings works, and so on.
5. Affective learning targets is the attainment of affective traits such as attitudes, values,
interests, and self-efficacy. This learning target is often assessed using a different
assessment tool as they cannot be measured like first four categories hence making this
learning target more complicated to assess but is of equal importance with the rest.

Principle 2. Appropriateness of assessment methods

The previous principle emphasizes that an individual develops different aspects or

categories of learning which include the knowledge, reasoning, skill and affective. Now, let us
think of how we can be able to assess these categories of learning. Familiarity with information,
facts and reasoning power of a learner may be attained through the following assessment

 supplying short answers or completion type

 selecting answers or multiple choice
 matching concept or matching type
 true or false and
 essay
The above assessment tools are objective type of tests or the traditional method. This is
the first assessment method that we will consider in this module. Can these methods
adequately and efficiently assess the knowledge and skills of learners? How about the inner
layer of the knowledge and skills of learners? As teachers and assessors of learners’
performance, let us not limit our assessment methods to objective type of tests. Let us go
beyond this paper and pencil technique in order to assess “what students are capable of doing”
at the end of instruction. Nonetheless, if teachers should only focus on “what students are
capable of knowing.” We might be assessing only the outer layer of learners’ knowledge and

What assessment methods are necessary and applicable towards attaining sound judgment
and decision about learners’ performance? Perhaps, let us look at how learners demonstrate the
knowledge and skills. Also, how they perform a specific skill, ability and capability. Likewise,
their expertise in producing outputs as an indication of learning. What could be more
appropriate toward the objective on assessing the authentic performance of learners, that is,
beyond familiarity on information and facts? Thus, alternative procedures or methods are
possible for assessment of how students are able to demonstrate skills. Alternative assessment
methods are performance-based or authentic which include creation of products and
demonstration of learners’ skills and creation of products. You will learn more about
performance-based, authentic or alternative assessments methods when you will enroll
Assessment in Learning 2 next semester. For simplicity and without lost of generality, let us use
performance-based as the second assessment method and is an alternative to objective type of
tests. It has two classifications, oral psychomotor skill without a product and written
psychomotor skill with a product.

Moreover, it is also essential to develop oral communication among learners. Although, it

can be developed in demonstrating certain skills such as in speaking in the form of delivering a
speech and in debate activities. Hence, oral questioning is also an alternate assessment in the
form of informal questioning or interviews. This the second assessment method identified in this

As teachers we can draw other manifestations of learning through documenting how

students react or respond to activities during their engagement. Documenting how learners
perform their tasks can deepen teachers’ sources of information on what went right or wrong in
the learning process. Learning outcomes in skill area and behavioral changes in personal-social
development are difficult to evaluate with the use of paper-and-pencil test. What assessment
method should a teacher do toward these concerns? Indeed, observation is also great
supplement to paper-and-pencil test or traditional assessment methods. It can provide various
and adequate information as regards performance of learners. Teachers can consider doing
informal or formal observations through the following techniques which include, anecdotal
records, rating scale and checklist to document their observations. Let us consider observation
as the third assessment method in this module.

Is there any other means by which teachers can gather information that may contribute to
learners’ performance? Are these information observable? Certainly, there are information
particularly on non-cognitive that are observable or not observable depending upon the
learners. Based on our experiences, there are traits or qualities which may not be observed
from learners that may affect their learning. These traits may be in terms of learners’ work
habits, social attitude, interests, scientific attitudes, appreciations and adjustments. What
assessment methods may be suitable in gathering these traits and qualities As learners, you
might have experienced participating in data gathering of some research undertakings through
accomplishing a questionnaire or inventory that is meant to determine students’ attitude,
anxiety, or perception on a certain situation. Questionnaires and inventories are also
assessment methods and these are considered as self-reports.

Hence, there four different assessment methods, performance-based, oral questioning,

observation and self-reports. These are summarized below:

1. Performance-based

1.1 Oral of psychomotor skill without a product – is an assessment method that require
a learner to demonstrate a skill without a product such as oral presentation (speech,
debate, recital, drama, reading, etc.), dancing, playing sport games, using a
microscope, repairing an engine, keyboarding, etc.

1.2 Written or psychomotor skill with a product – is an assessment method that requires
leaners to produce an output such as written compositions (reaction paper, concept
paper, research paper, journals, etc.), projects (geometrical shapes, realia,
album/scrapbook, etc.), written report, lab report, journals, portfolios, bookcase,
project plan, exhibitions (slogan, poster, ), reflections, graphs, charts, tables,
illustrations, spreadsheets, wed page, podcast, etc.

2. Oral questioning – this method of assessment may be in the forms of oral questioning,
examinations, conferences, interviews, etc.

3. Observations – it may be informal or formal.

4. Self-reports – are instruments or procedures that are meant to gather individual’s traits
or qualities that may affect his/her learning. These instruments are in the forms of
attitude survey, sociometric devices, questionnaires, inventories, etc.

Thus, there is no doubt that holistic assessment of learners’ performance may not be
achieved given the various assessment methods from different point of views, from different
learning domains (cognitive, affective and psychomotor). Also, from traditional to alternative
assessment methods and from knowledge and skills to actual demonstration of skills or creation
of products of learning.

You will learn more about principle 2 in Chapter…

Principle 3. Assessment should be balance

As a teacher, we are always confronted with the question, what kind of test do I need to
prepare? However, did I also consider the qualities and situations of my students? These are
some of the challenges that we need to emphasize in identifying our assessment methods or
procedures. It is always evident that students in a class may be classified as low and high
ability. Also, some are actively participating while others are not and they also differ in sex or
gender. Moreover, every individual has three learning domains, namely: cognitive, affective and
psychomotor, that is, toward development of intellectual abilities, interests, attitudes, values,
appreciation and acquisition of motor skills. The first quality is cognitive in nature while second
to fifth are on affective domain and the last is psychomotor. Furthermore, Howard Gardner
stressed that every individual has multiple intelligences. These intelligences are (verbal-
linguistic, logical-mathematical, bodily-kinesthetic, visual-spatial, musical-rhythmic,
intrapersonal, interpersonal, physical world-natural, existential-spiritual).

Indeed, there a lot of situations, qualities and traits that may be considered in crafting
assessment tools or procedures. What is important is that assessment should consider the level
or degree and type to which learners possessed or experienced some kind of qualities, traits or
situations. It is not too easy nor too difficult. We also give chance for students in the lower
group or with low ability to be evaluated and may enhance the assessment level of students in
the upper group or with high ability. Thus, assessment should be balance. It should reflect the

 a balanced assessment sets targets in all domains of learning (cognitive, affective, &
Psychomotor or domains of intelligence (verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, bodily-
kinesthetic, visual-spatial, musical-rhythmic, intrapersonal, interpersonal, physical world-
natural, existential-spiritual)
 involvement of all students in the class (both who volunteered & those who don’t, high
and low ability, students who are near and far from the teacher, and both male and
 makes use of both traditional and alternative assessment.

Principle 4. Assessment should be valid

Does the test mirror the lesson or topic? What is the primary basis in crafting a test? A
test being balance emphasizes the fact that it should be based on the ability level of students.
However, considering this principle, what is the assurance that we prepared a test that is
reflective of the lesson/topic? Suppose it is not. What happens to the results of the test? Is it
worth for drawing instructional decisions? What will be the consequences on the part of the
learner? Certainly, a sound decision that emanates from a test, that is, based from the lesson
that took place in the classroom. What kind of test must be prepared to allow sound decision? A
test that intends to measure what is supposed to be measured is said to valid. Thus, a test
must be valid. It is a characteristic that refers to the appropriateness of the inferences, uses,
and consequences that result from the assessment. It is the most important criterion of a good
assessment instruments. There three ways of establishing validity of the test. These are: face
validity, content validity and concurrent related validity.

Ways of establishing validity

Face Validity – this is done by examining the physical appearance of the instrument.

Content Validity – this is done through a careful and critical examination of the objectives of
assessment so that it reflects the curricular objectives.
Criterion-related validity – this is established statistically such that a set of scores revealed
by measuring instrument is correlated with the scores obtained in
another external predictor or measure. It has two purposes:
Concurrent Validity – it describes the present status of the individual by correlating the
sets of obtained from two measures given concurrently
Predictive Validity – this describes the future performance of an individual by
correlating the sets of scores obtained from two measures given at
a longer time interval.

You will learn more about the process of validity of a test in Chapter…

Principle 5. Assessment should be reliable

Another rule that one has to follow in crafting test items is that the test should be
reliable. A test is reliable if the similar results were obtained after administering it in two
different schedules, that is consistency of scores were obtained by the same person when re-
tested using the same instrument. There are types of reliability: test of stability, test of
equivalence and test of internal consistency.

You will also learn more about the process of reliability in Chapter…

Deep Thinking

Which do you think is appropriate? Assessment should be valid before it is reliable or

assessment should be reliable before it is valid? Justify your answer.


Principle 6. Fairness

A thorough reflection of first five (5) principles will provide a wider and clear
glimpse of what other aspects of test construction should be considered so as to attain
sound assessment of student performance. What other considerations are also
necessary? While it is true that teachers set clear learning targets, the learners must also
have also a strong understanding of it. Thus, the teacher and the learners must be
transparent about their expectations. This will invite learners’ motivation to learn what is
expected of them. What rule or standard is important and relevant toward a sound
assessment and evaluation about learners’ performance along this concern? Hence,
fairness is necessary in crafting test or other assessment tasks and the following are
points to consider to attain this principle:

 Students have the knowledge of learning targets and assessment

 Students have equal opportunity to learn
 Students possess the prerequisite knowledge and skills
 Students are free from teacher stereotypes
 Students are free from bias in assessment tasks and procedures

Principle 7. Assessment should be practicality and efficient

 Teacher familiarity with the method

 Time required
 Complexity of administration
 Ease of scoring
 Ease of interpretation

Principle 8. Assessment should be a continuous process

 Takes place in all phases (before, during & after)

Activities occurring prior to instruction

o Understanding of student’s backgrounds, interests, skills, & abilities as they apply
across a range of learning domains &/or subject areas.
o Understanding student’s motivations & their interests in specific class content
o Clarifying & articulating the performance outcomes expected of pupils; and
o Planning instruction for individuals or groups of students

Activities occurring during to instruction

o Monitoring pupils progress toward instructional objectives
o Identifying gains and difficulties pupils are experiencing in learning and performing
o Adjusting instruction
o Giving contingent, specific, & credible praise and feedback;
o Motivating students to learn; and
o Judging the extent of pupil attainment of instructional outcome

Activities occurring after the appropriate instructional segment

o Describing the extent to which each student has attained both short & long-term
instructional goals.
o Communicating strengths and weaknesses based on assessment results to students, &
parents or guardians.
o Recording & reporting assessment results for school-level analysis, evaluation, &
o Analyzing assessment information gathered before & during instruction to understand
each students’ progress to date and to inform future instructional planning.
o Evaluating the effectiveness of the curriculum and materials in use.

Principle 9. Assessment should be authentic

Features of Authentic Assessment

o Meaningful performance task
o Clear standards and public criteria
o Quality products and performance
o Positive interaction between the assessee and assessor
o Emphasis on meta-cognition and self-evaluation
o Learning that transfers

Principle 11. Assessment should have positive consequences

 On Student
Assessment should have a positive consequence to students, that is, it should
motivate them.
 On teachers
Assessment should have a positive consequence on teachers, that is, it should help
them improve the effectiveness of their instruction

Principle 12. Assessment should be ethical

 Teachers should free the students from harmful consequences of misuse and overuse of
various assessment procedures such as embarrassing them and violating their right to
 Teachers should be guided by laws and policies that effect their classroom assessment.
 Administrator and teachers should understand that it is inappropriate to use
standardized student achievement to measure teaching effectiveness.


Part I. Multiple Choice

Directions: Read and analyze each item carefully. Encircle the letter of choice and use the
space provided for to justify your answer.
1. Mrs. Cruz is designing a test for her class in TLE. The assessment objective of one
of her topics is “to perform skirting and table setting”. Under what category of
learning target does the assessment objective fall?
a. Knowledge c. Product
b. Skill d. Affect
Justification: _______________________________________________________

2. Which of the following learning targets fall under Knowledge?

a. to draw the graph of a linear function
b. to develop a lesson plan
c. to identify the parts of a microscope
d. to create a model of the different three-dimension figures
Justification: ______________________________________________________

3. A Mathematics teacher is planning to test the ability of her students to derive the
formula in finding the equation of a parabola. What assessment method should
she use?
a. Questioning c. Performance-based
b. Observation d. Essay

4. What is the most appropriate method is assessing students’ interest and behavior?
a. Self-report c. Interview
b. Observation d. Reflection/Essay
5. Which of the following is not a good match?
a. Knowledge and Performance-based Test
b. Affect and Essay Test
c. Skills and Objective Test
d. Reasoning and Oral Question
Justification: _______________________________________________________

Part II.
Deep thinking:
1. Directions: Analyze the given situation and answer the questions in essay form.
During this pandemic, tests are conducted online using Learning Management
System (e. g., google classroom, etc.) where students take it remotely
without the presence of the teacher. Discuss briefly how will you ensure validity and
reliability of test results.

2. Directions: Differentiate the following types of test using your own words.

1. objective and subjective tests


2. Performance-based

3. Oral questioning

4. Observation

5. Self-reports


The following are learning tasks that will empower your understanding of the
different lessons found in this module. Answer them truthfully and extensively. Answers
to these tasks will be posted and submitted in your Schoology account.

Activity 1: Recall & Reflect

One of the most important principles of high quality assessment is clarity of learning
outcomes. Recall if these learning outcomes are being communicated to you by your
teachers before the lesson discussion and ahead of the administration of tests. Write an
essay on the importance of communicating lesson and assessment targets to learners
and emphasize on its effect on your performance. Use the box below.
Activity 2: Search & Sort
Use the internet to look for sample lesson plans in your field of specialization. Examine
the learning targets/outcomes or lesson objectives. Classify them whether they fall under
Knowledge, Reasoning, Product or Affective learning targets. Write the learning targets
using the space below.

Knowledge Reasoning Product Affect

Learning Task #3 Match-maker

List 10 learning targets (you may search for syllabi or lesson plans in the internet).
Identify what assessment method is the most appropriate and the least appropriate
assessment method in each learning target. Justify why the method is least and most
appropriate. Use the table below.
Learning Target Assessment Method Justification
1. Least Appropriate:

Most Appropriate:

2. Least Appropriate:
Most Appropriate:

3. Least Appropriate:

Most Appropriate:

4. Least Appropriate:

Most Appropriate:

5. Least Appropriate:

Most Appropriate:

6. Least Appropriate:

Most Appropriate:

7. Least Appropriate:

Most Appropriate:

8. Least Appropriate:

Most Appropriate:

9. Least Appropriate:

Most Appropriate:

10. Least Appropriate:

Most Appropriate:

Activity 4
Answer the following questions completely:
1. Explain why validity implies reliability but not the reverse.
2. How does the validity and reliability of a test affect the performances of learners
and teachers?
Activity 5
Narrate your experience of unfair assessment. Write how did it affect you and how did
you overcome it? Choose a pair and share your experience.



The following are learning tasks that will empower your understanding of the
different lessons found in this module. Answer them truthfully and extensively. Answers
to these tasks will be posted and submitted in your online account.

Activity 1: Recall & Reflect

One of the most important principles of high-quality assessment is clarity of learning
outcomes. Recall if these learning outcomes are being discussed to you by your teachers
before the lesson discussion and ahead of the administration of tests. Write an essay on
the importance of communicating lesson and assessment targets to learners and
emphasize on its effect on your performance. Use the box below.

Activity 2: Search & Sort

Use the internet to look for sample lesson plans in your field of specialization. Examine
the learning targets/outcomes or lesson objectives. Classify them whether they fall under
Knowledge, Reasoning, Product or Affective learning targets. Write the learning targets
using the space below.

Knowledge Reasoning Product Affect

Activity 4
Answer the following questions completely:
1. Explain why validity implies reliability but not the reverse.
2. How does the validity and reliability of a test affect the performances of learners
and teachers?
Activity 4
Narrate your experience of unfair assessment. Write how did it affect you and what did
you do to overcome it? Choose a pair and share your experience.


Activity 5
Narrate your experience of having a negative consequence of your tests in the past. Write
how did it affect you and how did you do to overcome it? Choose a pair and share your


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