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Ksenija Čogurić

Scene I

The stage is set as an apartment, towards the right there is a wall that separates the living
room and the hallway. In the hallway, facing the audience on the complete edge of the stage
there is the front door. In the living room there is an armchair and a little coffee table, and a few
plants here and there. To the right of the armchair, behind it, there is a window through which is
shown a fall scenery.

Relaxing jazz music plays. Laurie confidently enters in the middle of the crowd, walking between
them down towards the stage. Unlocks the front door and comes into the apartment. Sets her bag
on the floor next to the door, facing the crowd.

Music slowly turns off. Silence. Laurie looks around the room, thinking. Turns around, sees
Tristan’s shoes set on the other side of the hallway. Confused. A sad blues song starts playing.
Walks into the living room, lights slowly turn up and focus on the armchair, looks at the armchair
and stops. Laurie stands shocked by the view. Tristan is sitting in it, dead. His left hand is
hanging down, his right is holding a syringe and it rests on his lap. His skin is really pale. She
runs up to him and checks his pulse, nothing. She sheds a tear and drops down on the floor,
kneeling while looking at him. Holds his left hand. She kisses it. Looks confused. Rushes around
the room searching for a letter or a clue why he killed himself, finds an envelope on the floor, but
it was empty. Holds her head and stomps around the room madly. Drops down on the floor next to
him again, sobbing.Sadly. Cries more while holding his hand. The lights and the music slowly turn

Scene II

The apartment is set up the same, except the window shows a spring scenery, flowers blooming
on the trees. On the coffee table there are a few dirty dishes, and a wrapper of ramen noodles.
The plants are now dead and dry. Lights slowly turn on on Laurie. She is wearing an old t-shirt
and old pajama pants, her hair is messy, tied in a bun.

Laurie stands up and walks around the room sadly, then looks out the window. Turns towards the
audience and looks at herself. A jazz song starts playing, it sounds kind of awakening. She looks
at the chair sadly and then turns away. Leaves the stage to the left. Lights dim and the music is
still playing. Laurie enters the stage from the same direction, now dressed nicely, brushing her
hair. Stands facing the crowd and slowly starts smiling. She walks out the front door and goes
out through the audience.

Scene III

A cafe. A relaxing blues song is playing. There's a bar with a few stools, on one of them is sitting
Trevor, sipping on his drink. Laurie enters the stage from the left. Looks at Trevor, sits by the
bar. She orders herself a drink. The music turns up and they start conversing, pantomimic. The
lights and the music fade as Laurie is laughing with Trevor.

Scene IV

Trevor’s apartment. The front door and the hallway are now set on the opposite side of Tristan’s
apartment. In the middle there is a small living room with a couch, a chair, a carpet and a window
showing fall scenery. To the right there is a bedroom with a bed, which side is facing the crowd.

A nice blues song plays as the lights follow Laurie. She enters from the audience carrying a
bottle of wine and a cake. She comes into the apartment, sets her bag next to the front door,
facing the crowd. Looks around, remembering what happened with Tristan. Music fades. She
walks into the living room, no one is there, she looks nervous, she is getting flashbacks. She is
confused. FInally she walks into the bedroom and there is Trevor laying on the bed with another
girl. Laurie looks at them for a few moments, then runs out and grabs her bag and leaves waltzing
slowly and sad through the audience. Starts crying, still slowly walking between people. Lights
follow her out.

Scene V

Tristan's apartment. Now showing the same living room on the right instead of the hallway, and a
bathroom on the left. Now the plants are alive and the window is showing fall scenery. In the
bathroom there is a medicine cabinet with a big mirror, above the sink. The mirror is angled, so
that when Laurie looks at it, the audience can see her reflection.
A sad jazzy song starts playing. The lights slowly turn on and Laurie is walking around the living
room, still sad. She looks at the crowd for a few seconds. She walks to the bathroom and looks at
the mirror, then opens the medicine cabinet and gets a little purse with a big letter T on it. She
walks back to the living room and sits on the armchair. She opens the purse and sets everything
on the table. It’s a set, all you need to prepare a syringe of heroin, it was Tristans. She injects a
few into her left arm and rests her head back. The lights are only shining on her and slowly
turning off. Her hand drops down on the side of the chair, she is in the same position as Tristan
was, with syringes on her lap. The lights completely turn off but the music is still playing for
about 20 seconds after the curtain closes, then the music stops.

The end

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