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TOPIC: Some people think that parents have a great influence on their children.

Others believe that the media is a bigger influence.

In today's digital age, children tend to be fascinated with and inclined to use social media
for searching and learning. This marks a significant change as some people believe that
parents' involvement and education are the best ways to nurture and teach their children.
On the other hand, others argue that using social media can impact children's behavior.
Here are my thoughts on these two cases.

Firstly, the influence of parents on children's behavior is greater because parents are the
primary figures that children constantly observe from a young age. Therefore, children
learn their actions from their parents. For example, in a recent survey, parents of teenagers
reported that they were mostly successful in encouraging their children to communicate
and engage with them regularly. This is because parents have instilled social norms, polite
behavior, and respect for elders by demonstrating greetings and polite responses when
interacting with adults. They have taught them essential aspects of personal development
in the best possible way.

Secondly, it is evident nowadays that children are extremely curious and tend to spend their
time on TV or social media platforms. When they become engrossed in these platforms,
they often perceive what they see as the norm. This can have a significant impact,
especially if they start at an early age. For instance, in a trendy city, parents often provide
mobile phones to their young children due to their busy schedules, resulting in the children
observing and picking up vulgar language and incorporating it into their interactions with
peers at school. They perceive it as appropriate behavior.

In conclusion, I believe that the negative influence of social media and mass media can
overshadow parental teachings. Therefore, I think the impact of social media will be greater
if children frequently encounter negative news. Children should instead observe and learn
valuable lessons from their parents.

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