Hand Well Dump Construction in Biruh Tesfa Kebele 2nd Point 23

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MAY 2023 GC
Project Overview
Project Title: Improving safe water supply in Biruh Tesfa Kebele, Jinka town.

Address: Jinka, Biruh Tesfa Kebele

Tel: +251916184084/+251916875756/+251912428691/+251979810488/+251913589734

Contact person: Wasihun Degu/ Mekete Mechene /Birhanu Ashebir/ Habtamu Lulayehu/ Eyob Dawit

Project location: Biruh Tesfa Kebele

Beneficiaries: Biruh Tesfa community

Project duration: One month

Date of commencement: June 2023

Funding Agency: Participatory in nature

Stakeholders: Biruh Tesfa Kebele community, Biruh Tesfa kebele Administration, AUCBE
office, DTTP group, Jinka University, South omo ZHD, Jinka town
health office, Jinka town water office, Jinka town Municipality and
Project cost :-five hundred twenty seven thousand one hundred twenty seve birr (527,127)


We would like to thank Arba Minch university CBE office for arranging this practical field
training program and giving us the opportunity to go through identification of the actual
community development problems and take part in problem solving activities.

Our special thanks also goes to our supervisors for their unreserved help starting from the
orientation, constructive comments and support throughout this proposal development.

Last but not least, we would like to extend our thanks to Kebele leaders, Health Extension
Workers, school leaders, staffs and the community at large for their cooperation during rapid
assessment and survey.


Project Overview......................................................................................................................................................II
List of table..............................................................................................................................................................V
List of figure............................................................................................................................................................V
Team Supervisors....................................................................................................................................................VI
TEAM MEMBERS.................................................................................................................................................VI
Executive summary...............................................................................................................................................VIII
1. Introduction.....................................................................................................................................................1
1.1. Background.............................................................................................................................................1
2. Statement of the problem................................................................................................................................3
3. Justification of the project...............................................................................................................................4
4. Project Goal.....................................................................................................................................................5
5. Objective.........................................................................................................................................................5
5.1. General Objective...................................................................................................................................5
5.2. Specific Objective...................................................................................................................................5
5.3. General Strategies...................................................................................................................................5
5.4 Problem tree...................................................................................................................................................6
5.5 Logical framework.........................................................................................................................................7
6. Methodology...................................................................................................................................................8
6.1. Target population (Beneficiaries)....................................................................................................................8
6.2. Indirect beneficiaries..............................................................................................................................8
6.3. Procedures..............................................................................................................................................8
6.4. Project Staff/Administration............................................................................................................................9
6.4.1. Governing board............................................................................................................................9
6.4.2. Project Manager.............................................................................................................................9
6.5. Stakeholders analysis......................................................................................................................................9
7. SWOT Analysis.............................................................................................................................................11
8. PROJECT MONITORING AND EVALUATION.......................................................................................13
9. Project risk and mitigation measures.............................................................................................................13
10. Project sustainability plan.............................................................................................................................14
11. Work plan.........................................................................................................................................................15
11. Well Design, Well Head construction Shallow wells...................................................................................16
12. Budget break down........................................................................................................................................17
13. Reference.......................................................................................................................................................18

List of table
Table 1 Supervisors and team members..............................................................................................VI
Table 2 Stake holder analysis of safe water supply project of Biruh Tesfa Kebele, Jinka town, South
Omo Ethiopia 2023..............................................................................................................................10
Table 3 SWOT Analysis of safe water supply project in Biruh Tesfa Kebele, Jinka town South Omo
Ethiopia 2023......................................................................................................................................11
Table 4 Action plan of safe water supply project in Biruh Tesfa Kebele, Jinka town South Omo
Ethiopia 2023......................................................................................................................................12
Table 5 safe water supply project risk and mitigation measures of Biruh Tesfa Kebele, Jinka town
Table 6 Project sustainability plan of safe water supply project of Biruh Tesfa Kebele, Jinka town,
South Omo Ethiopia 2023...................................................................................................................14
Table 7 work plan of safe water supply project in Biruh Tesfa Kebele, Jinka town, South Omo
Ethiopia 2023......................................................................................................................................15
Table 8 Budget break down of safe water supply project Biruh Tesfa Kebele, Jinka town, South Omo
Ethiopia 2023......................................................................................................................................16

List of figure
Figure 1 Problem tree for safe water supply project in Biruh Tesfa Kebele Jinka town south Omo
Ethiopia 2023........................................................................................................................................6
Figure 2 Logical model of safe water supply project in Biruh Tesfa Kebele jinka town, South Omo
Ethiopia 2023........................................................................................................................................7

Team Supervisors

Table 1 Supervisors and team members





No Student name Department Responsibility
1 Mekete Mechene Reproductive Health Team Leader
2 Bereket Wube General Public Health Member- time keeper
3 Birhanu Ashebir General Public Health Rapporteur Team Leader
4 Endrias Bochele General Public Health Member
5 Wasihun Degu General Public Health Member
6 Gedion Germo General Public Health Member
7 Getahun Gebeyehu General Public Health Community Mobilization Team Leader
8 Habtamu Lulayeh General Public Health Member
9 Tenaw Melese Reproductive Health Member
10 Hussen Beshir General Public Health Member
11 Nemia Seid Reproductive Health Member
12 Firehiwot Fassika Reproductive Health Member
13 Dereje Retta General Public Health Member
14 Eyob Dawit Reproductive Health Logistics and Fundraising Team Leader
15 Rahel Elisa Reproductive Health Member
16 Ayalineh Kebede General Public Health Member
17 Wendimagegn Abebe General Public Health Member
18 Mihret Zemedu General Public Health Member
19 Yohanis Negash General Public Health Member
20 Yihun Tariku Reproductive Health Member
21 Bezahun Bergena General Public Health Member
22 Botta Enkias General Public Health Member
23 Alemu Ganmay Reproductive Health Member


CBE = community based education

DTTP = Developmental team training program

EC = Education communication

FGD = Focus group discussion

HDA = Health developmental army

IEC = Information education communication

JMP = Joint monitoring program

MDG = Millennium development goal

NTD = Neglected tropical disease

SDG= Substantiable Development Goal

SSA = Sub- Saharan Africa

UHEW =Urban Health extension worker

UHEP = Urban health extension program

UHEWS =Urban health extension workers

UNICEF = United Nations International fund

WASH = Water sanitation and hygiene

WHO = World health organization

Executive summary

Background: - Sustainable development goal 6 (SDG 6) envisions universal, sustainable,

and equitable access to safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene. SDG 6 also emphasizes
the imperative of protecting and efficiently managing water resources and the need to address
wastewater management. Access to safe drinking water is a fundamental precondition for the
enjoyment of several human rights. Treating water and safely storing it in the home are
commonly referred to as “household water treatment and safe storage” or treating water at the
“point of use”.

Objective: - To reduce morbidity and mortality related to water borne diseases Biruh Tesfa
Kebele Jinka Town, South Omo Ethiopia 2023 GC
Methodology: - The direct beneficiaries of the project will be Biruh Tesfa community,
Our preliminary assessment was conducted with the active involvement of the community.
Based on the finding of qualitative and quantitative study, the team made detailed discussion
with community for prioritization of the problem then finally prioritizations of the problems
were made by prioritization criteria.

Strategies: - Community mobilization, interpersonal communication, resource

mobilization, and intersectoral collaboration will be done.

Work plan: - Starting from June 11- July 29, and the project will be handover for respective
stake holders.

Budget: - To conduct this project the required total budget is estimated to be 527,120 ETB.

1. Introduction
1.1. Background

Sustainable development goal 6 (SDG 6) envisions universal, sustainable, and equitable access to
safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene. SDG 6 also emphasizes the imperative of protecting
and efficiently managing water resources and the need to address wastewater management. The
need for risk-informed planning to ensure the long-term security and safety of water sources is
more essential than ever Rapid and effective WASH interventions are critical for saving the lives
of children across a range of crises and complex humanitarian situations due to conflict, forced
migration, disease outbreaks and public health emergencies, acute and chronic malnutrition, and
natural disasters (1).

Access to safe drinking water is a fundamental precondition for the enjoyment of several human
rights, including the rights to education, housing, health, life, work and protection against cruel,
inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. It is also a crucial element to ensure gender
equality and to eradicate discrimination. Lack of access to safe drinking water and sanitation also
has serious repercussions for the right to health. Every year, some 1.8 million children die of
diarrhoea and other diseases caused by unclean water and poor sanitation, a number that dwarfs
the causalities associated with violent conflict, according to UNDP. Collecting water from
distant water points also has severe health implications, notably for women and children. Besides
the heavy burden of carrying water, women and children are also exposed to water contact
diseases such as schistomiasis. The fact that women and children do the bulk of the water
collecting also affects their education and other productive activities (2).

In 2010, about 56% of the global population (5.9 billion people) had access to piped water
supply through house connections or to an improved water source through other means than
house, including standpipes, spring supplies and protected wells. However, about 13% (about
900 million people) did not have access to an improved water source and had to use unprotected
wells or springs, canals, lakes or rivers for their water needs. In Ethiopia only about 3% of water
resources are used, of which only about 11% (0.3% of the total) is used for domestic water
supply (3).

More than 840,000 people in low and middle-income countries die due to inadequate water,
sanitation and hygienic problem every year, and it accounts about 58% of total diarrheal death.
Poor sanitation is believed to be the major cause for 280,000 of these deaths. Diarrhea remains a
major killer but it is mostly preventable. For example, safe water supply, sanitation and hygiene
could prevent the deaths of some 360,000 children aged under 5 each year. Open field
defecation perpetuates a vicious cycle of disease and poverty. The countries where open field
defection have the highest number of deaths of under 5 year children as well as the highest
levels of malnutrition and poverty, and big disparities of wealth (3).

Treating water and safely storing it in the home are commonly referred to as “household water
treatment and safe storage” or treating water at the “point of use”. Although household water
treatment is not new, its recognition as a key strategy for improving public health is just
emerging. For centuries, households have used a variety of methods for improving the
appearance and taste of drinking-water. Even before germ theory was well established,
successive generations were taught to boil water, expose it to the sun or store it in metal
containers with biocide properties, all in an effort to make it safer to drink (4).

It must be clear, however, that people relying on unimproved drinking-water sources who apply
an appropriate household water treatment method are still not considered to have sustainable
access to safe drinking-water. Doing so would absolve the providers of their responsibility to
provide safe drinking-water and in effect transfer this responsibility to consumers (5).

In Ethiopia there were using unimproved water sources for drinking purposes is common. Spatial
variation of unimproved water coverage was observed with high coverage at Amhara, Afar,
Southern Nations Nationalities and People and Somalia regions. Disparity in unimproved water
coverage between wealth quintiles was also observed. The reported point-of-use water treatment
practice among these households is only 6.24% (6).

The Jinka town tape water bacteriological analysis showed that 34% of the water samples were
acceptable but need regular check-up, and the rest 66% are either unacceptable or glossily
polluted (7). Biruh Tesfa kebele is one of the kebeles’ in Jinka town and has problem with water
supply, hygiene and sanitation. We get unprotected spring water that cause water related disease
to the community so that we have a plan to improve this spring water area.

2. Statement of the problem

Lack of safe water, sanitation and hygiene remains one of the world’s most urgent issues. Water-
related improvements are crucial in meeting the development goals, reducing child mortality, and
improving health in a sustainable way. In addition, they induce multiple social and economic
benefits, adding importantly to enhanced well-being (8).

From global population 2 billion people who still lacked safely managed drinking water in 2020
included 1.2 billion people using basic services, 282 million using limited services, 367 million
using unimproved sources, and 122 million drinking surface water.

More than 840,000 people in low and middle-income countries die due to inadequate water,
sanitation and hygienic problem every year, and it accounts about 58% of total diarrheal death.
Poor sanitation is believed to be the major cause for 280,000 of these deaths. Diarrhoea remains
a major killer but it is mostly preventable. For example, safe water supply, sanitation and
hygiene could prevent the deaths of some 360,000 children aged fewer than 5 each year (8).

Ethiopia like many other countries in Sub-Saharan Africa has low levels of water, sanitation and
hygiene facilities and practices. The national coverage figures for access to safe rural water
supply within 1.5km are quoted to be 41% and access to safe urban water supply within 0.5 km
to be 78%. Sanitation coverage is quoted to be 18% in rural areas and 57% in urban areas. It has
been reported that 60% of overall diseases is related to poor sanitation and hygiene in Ethiopia

Ethiopia is one of the developing country in which most of its population (85%) mainly depends
on agriculture. Different factors like; lack of professional, population awareness about the
problems of waste disposal, adequate and necessary medical equipment, in accessible health
facility and low health seek behaviour leads to the community to have low health status
Communicable disease, nutritional problems, maternal and child health problems are the major
challenging health care related problems in Ethiopia.

3. Justification of the project

Currently the health problems are mainly classified as communicable, non-communicable

and injuries. Most of the communicable diseases related to poor sanitation practice are the
most common public health problems across the world particularly in developing countries
that are responsible for considerable morbidity and mortality. According to latest WHO
report, of the 4.5 billion people who do not have safely managed sanitation, 2.3 billion still
do not have basic sanitation services.
This problem is common in Ethiopians’ different cities and town, therefore, the rationale of
this project is to resolve the sanitation and hygiene problems and helps to protect Biruh Tesfa
Kebele community from those common communicable diseases resulted from improper
spring water usage.

4. Project Goal

 To reduce morbidity and mortality related to water borne diseases Biruh Tesfa Kebele
Jinka Town, South Omo, Ethiopia

5. Objective
5.1. General Objective

 To construct a hand well pump and increase awareness on water treatment practice Biruh
Tesfa Kebele Jinka Town, South Omo Ethiopia, 2023 GC.

5.2. Specific Objective

 To construct hand well pump to reduce contamination of water sources.

 To perform water quality assessment
 To rise community awareness on household water treatment system

5.3. General Strategies

 Community mobilization
 Interpersonal communication
 Resource mobilization
 Inter-sectorial collaboration

5.4 Problem tree

Increase morbidity and mortality related

to water borne disease

Water contamination

Animals defecate in the No purification system at

Solid waste dumped in to the
spring home level

Households are not aware No tablet/other

The spring has no protection
of the danger waste instrument to treat
and it is not fenced
dumping water

No public No basic infrastructure Information gap

about how to
program available treatment water cause

Figure 1 Problem tree for safe water supply project in Biruh Tesfa Kebele Jinka town south
Omo Ethiopia 2023.

5.5 Logical framework


Site clearing and Site cleared and

Sand preparation

Gravel Reduce
Availing necessary Availed material morbidity
Cement and
material Hand well
PVC pipe pump
related to
Stone water
Constructing hand Constructed hand borne
Trained man well pump diseases
well pump.

Daily labourer
Fencing spring water Fenced spring
Union (fitting) box water box

Lock and key Established Developed
Establishing hand
committee ownership
Nipples well pump

Figure 2 Logical model of safe water supply project in Biruh Tesfa Kebele jinka town, South
Omo Ethiopia 2023

6. Methodology

6.1.Target population (Beneficiaries)

The direct beneficiaries of the project will be Biruh Tesfa community, Our preliminary
assessment was conducted with the active involvement of the community. Moreover, community
leaders, religious leaders, school administration, Kebele administrative and health facilities were
consulted while developing the project proposal and supported by survey. The commencement of
the project will be sustained with the involvement of these key informants as they are the
cornerstone of the project.

6.2. Indirect beneficiaries

The indirect beneficiaries of this project will be Jinka Town at large.

6.3. Procedures
The project team or DTTP group members discussed the project topic based on rapid community
assessment by using qualitative study (document review, environmental observation, FGD and
key informant interview) in kebele and supported by survey. Based on the finding of qualitative
and quantitative result the team made detailed discussion for prioritization of the problem then
finally prioritizations of the problems were made by prioritization criteria.

Accordingly, the problem of improper utilization of spring water, poor latrine coverage and
utilization, poor solid and liquid waste disposal management were findings from the quantitative
assessment and put as major problem area by stakeholders. Moreover, these problems were
prioritized by criteria of magnitude, feasibility, severity, government concern and community

Specific target populations were identified based on the identified problem. The identified
problems will be presented. For each target population, information dissemination will have
made on the importance (aim) and benefit of project through their representatives. A debriefing
will be held by project manager, DTTP team leader and other DTTP team members will be

presented and discussed with all representatives of stakeholders. All the action plans and the time
frame within which the activities are to be implemented will be presented.
To analyse water quality sample will be collected from the spring by using sterile plastic sample
bottle having a capacity of 500 ml. During sampling onsite measurements for that parameter
which is affected by atmospheric change including pH, dissolved oxygen, Electrical
conductivity, and turbidity and water temperature will be measured. Sample will be transported
to Jinka Regional laboratory for bacteriological analysis not later than six hours, which will
based on the determination of E.coli to check whether the water source is faecally contaminated
or not.

6.4.Project Staff/Administration
6.4.1.Governing board
Board Members are DTTP team leader, rapporteur team, logistic and fundraising, senior
supervisors, kebele leaders and community representatives (members). This committee is
responsible for sanctioning the operation of the service, providing feedback on operation, and
serving as an available link to the local community and project staff.

6.4.2.Project Manager

The DTTP team leader will be the project manager and s/he is responsible for overseeing project
development and operation, establishing and maintaining links with local government agencies
and budget.

6.5.Stakeholders analysis

For the successful accomplishment of a project, analysis of stakeholders has paramount

importance. Literally defined, Stakeholders are people affected by the impact of an activity &
people who can influence the impact of an activity whereas Stakeholder Analysis is a continuous
process that should engage different groups, as issues, activities, and agendas evolve. Cognizant
of this, the following bodies are found to be our stakeholders for our project we are proposing

S.No Stakeholders Role in the Project Interest in the Their likely reaction Their Communication
Project & Impact Influence Strategies
1 Biruh Tesfa Active involvement in To supervise and Active participation High Face to face
kebele the implementation and takeover the project Sense of ownership
Table 2 Stake holder
community campaign Resistance to fund analysis of safe water
raising supply project of Biruh
Tesfa Kebele, Jinka town,
2 Biruh Tesfa Project assessment, To alleviate sanitation Project failure High Face to face,
South Omo Ethiopia 2023
Kebele DTTP planning, coordination, and hygiene problems
group implementation, M &E Implementation of
3 Arba Minch Approval, Funding and Takeover DTTP Good feedback High Letter , face to
University monitoring and program to diagnoses M& E of the project face
CBE office evaluation of the project and solve sanitation
and hygiene
4 Jinka town Give professional To improve the health Follow sustainability High Letter , face to
water office consultancy community of the project face
Logistic supply activities
5 Jinka town Planning implementation, To solve sustainability of the High Letter , face to
municipality monitoring, evaluation environmental project activities face
and availing materials sanitation problem
6 Biruh Tesfa Community mobilization Improving water sustainability of the High Letter , face to
Kebele supply of community project activities face
7 JKU Funding and monitoring Takeover DTTP Good feedback High Letter , face to
and evaluation of the program to diagnoses M& E of the project face
project and solve sanitation
and hygiene
8 NGOs and Integrate the project with Fill community Material support Medium Letter, face to face
other their plan sanitation and hygiene
7. SWOT Analysis

Table 3 SWOT Analysis of safe water supply project in Biruh Tesfa Kebele, Jinka town
South Omo Ethiopia 2023


 Multi-disciplinary background of  Inappropriate time utilization by team

DTTP team members members.
 Committed team members
 Enough man power

 Having supportive supervision from
Arba Minch university  Cost Inflation on construction materials
 Committed different governmental  High cost of supplies
institutions  Time constraint
 Supporting policy on hygiene and  Budget (Financial) constraint
sanitation  Community reluctantness
 Active participation of the community
 Support from different development
organizations and NGO’s
 Presence of urban health extension
 Health development army at
community level
 committed municipality staff for

Table 4 Action plan of safe water supply project in Biruh Tesfa Kebele, Jinka town South Omo Ethiopia 2023

Problem Objective Strategy Activity Responsible Resource Time frame M&E

bodies indicators
-Low coverage -Improve clean -Community -Construction -DTTP -Time -June 11- July -#of households
of safe water
and safe water mobilization hand well pump members 29/2023 get safe water
supply for
household supply -Involving -Kebele leaders supply
consumption power
stakeholders -HEW

-Poor water -Create -Health -HE on -DTTP -Time -June 11- July - # of HE on
treatment at awareness on -Human 23/2023
information materials members homemade
home level homemade power
water treatment dissemination homemade -HEW -Community water treatment


The Arba Minch university CBE committee, Biruh Tesfa Kebele DTTP group supervisors,
Biruh Tesfa Kebele leaders and communities, oversees the overall implementation of this
project and all activities pertaining to it. The group shall submit periodic reports to respective
and recommended bodies. Periodic supportive supervision of supervisors will be held to
follow every activity that will be undergone.

9. Project risk and mitigation measures

Table 5 safe water supply project risk and mitigation measures of Biruh Tesfa Kebele, Jinka
town 2023

S.   Predicted Predicted
No risks chance of Mitigation strategy
1 Community Low  Community sensitization and developing sense
participation of ownership among community members
and acceptance  HDA leaders and Kebele leaders will own the
related risks program starting from assessment (doing with
role model)
 Benefit of the project will be advocated with
each involving member in different approaches
2 Stakeholders Medium  Communicating the findings with detail briefing
participation  Implementing the intervention together
and support
related risks
3 End of High  Follow monitoring tool among the project
implementation implementation members, to enhance efficient
period before use of time.
finalizing the  Assigning job description for each DTTP team
projects members
 Close follow up of all the activities to be
performed by each project implementation

10. Project sustainability plan
Table 6 Project sustainability plan of safe water supply project of Biruh Tesfa Kebele, Jinka town, South Omo Ethiopia 2023
No  Proposed Action point Key Activities Responsible body Partners to engage Target date Indicator
1 Hand over the project -Coffee -The Kebele -The Kebele administration, At the end of the Number of hand-overed
activities ceremony administration, UHEWs & HDA, community influential, project project activities
program and other stakeholders and UHEWs and DTTP team implementation Functionality of the
panel DTTP team finished project
discussion with
2 Linking all the activities of Implementing  DTTP project  Kebele administration, Throughout the Number of linked project
the project with the the intervention implementation team  Health development project activities
community members, HDA with them  The Kebele army, implementation
leaders, stake holders, administration,  HEWs and DTTP project
kebele administrations and  UHEWs implementation team
3 Use locally available Design all the The Kebele administration, The Kebele administration, Throughout Number of project
resources and materials for project works HDA, UHEPs, other Health development army, implementation activities accomplished by
the implementation of the based on locally stakeholders & DTTP team UHEPs, other stakeholders phase of the locally available materials
project available and DTTP team project and simple technology

11. Work plan
Table 7 work plan of safe water supply project in Biruh Tesfa Kebele, Jinka town, South Omo Ethiopia 2023

no Description of activities 1th week 2nd week 3rd week 4th week
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

1 Proposal approval
2 Conducting meeting
session with different
3 Soliciting funds from
different sectors and from
the community
4 Awareness creation on
water handling, treatment
and water related diseases.
5 Purchasing material and
equipment for the project
6 Constructing the hand well
7 Undertake water sample
for laboratory analysis
8 Preparing the project for
phase out and handover
the community
9 Evaluation
10 Monitoring
11 Reporting

11. Well Design, Well Head construction Shallow wells

12.Budget break down
Ite Description Unit Quanti Unit Total
m ty cost cost
1 General

1.1 Mobilization from Jinka to Biruh Tesfa Ls 1 700 700

1.2 Site preparation, rig up and rig down Ls 1 1000 1000
2 Bore hole drilling in any formation

2.1 Drilling in all formation; the first 6m with M 30 4000 120000
12’’rock roller bit and the remaining with
10’’ hammer bit (rookro) up to 30m
3 Supply and installation of materials
3.1 Retrievable 12 inch temporary surface M 5 1000 5000
3.2 casing steel
65/8 inch UPVC blinding casing M 20 7000 140000
3.3 65/8 inch UPVC screen casing M 10 6500 65000
4 Well completion work
4.1 Supply and packing well stored river M3 5 3000 15000
4.2 Supply and place puddle clay seal 2m Ls 1 500 500
4.3 colman
Well cleaning and development Hr 4 2000 8000
4.4 Grouting with mass concrete up to 5m Ls 1 7000 7000
4.5 Well head construction as design Ls 1 20000 20000
5 Pump type
5.1 Supply and installation of Afridev hand No 1 80000 80000
6 pump
Chemical and biological test Ls 1 7000 7000
7 well completion drilling report one and no 1 10000 10000
supervision and followup from the
beginning, which is professional expert
for the existence of water casing
arrangements and coordination for final
Total of the well 479,20
Contingency 10% 047,920

Total grand total 527,12

Table 8 Budget break down of safe water supply project Biruh Tesfa Kebele, Jinka town,
South Omo Ethiopia 2023

Activities performed this week

 Community conversation to collect resource from the community and they decide to
contribute 10 % of the total budget which is 52,000 ETB and money collection receipt
printing is on going
 Project proposal were submitted to stakholders(South Omo Zone Adminstration,Jinka Town
Mayor office,AFD,JU.Soth Omo Zone water Mine Department) to mobilize resource and
they were reviewing our documents and we are waiting for their response in the coming
 Construction Site cleaning with the community in Biruh –Tesfa kebele .

Image cleaning camain

Image CC


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