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1. Find the maximum output current that can be drawn at 100% duty cycle from a power source rated at 500A
and 60% duty cycle. Also find current required for welding 8 mm thick steel plate based on data observation
that 10 mm thick C40 steel needs 160 A but it requires 360 A when the plate thickness is increased by 50%.

2. Determine the power for stable arc, optimum arc length, maximum power, and change in welding current
for arc length change from 4 mm to 6 mm for the following cases considering that V in volt, I in A and arc
length in mm:
(I) Drooping V-I characteristic : I  500(80  V ) & Arc characteristics : V  24  4.5l

( II ) Elliptic drooping V-I characteristic with OCV=100 V and SCC=600 A & Arc characteristics : V  20  4l
 50(30  V ) & Arc characteristics : V  20  4l
( III ) Drooping V-I characteristic : I
( IV ) Parabolic drooping V-I characteristic with OCV=100 V and SCC-450 A & Arc characteristics : V  24  4.5l
(V ) Flat V-I characteristic with OCV=80 V and SCC=1000 A & Arc characteristics : V  20  4l

3. SMAW is performed for butt joint of 9 mm2 cross-sectional area on low carbon steel plates (melting
temperature 1500 oC) at 20 V and 100 A current with melting efficiency of 0.75 and heat transfer efficiency of
0.85 using welding electrode of 5 mm2 cross-sectional area. Find (I) Rate of heat generation for the welding (II)
Volume rate of metal welded (III) Welding speed to be applied (IV) Lorentz force for pinching the molten metal
of electrode.

4. GMAW is applied for but joint of two pieces of steel (melting temperature 1427 oC), 150 mm long, 50 mm
wide and10 mm thick along the longer side keeping 3 mm wide gap. The power supply is rated at 200 A with a
20 % duty cycle. The welding electrode has 3 mm diameter and the welding conditions are 220 A and 20 V with
melting efficiency of 0.65 and heat transfer efficiency of 0.90. The volume rate of metal welded is 14000
mm3/min. Find (I) Welding speed and Welding time (II) Current required if welding speed is doubled keeping
other parameters same (III) Rate of heat generation for the welding

5. GTAW is applied for but joint of two pieces of steel (melting temperature 1500 oC) with weld cross-
sectional area of 10 mm2. The welding conditions are 300 A and 20 V with melting efficiency of 0.5 and heat
transfer efficiency of 0.7. Find (I) Rate of heat used for welding (II) Volume rate of metal welded (III) Heat
input per unit length in kJ/mm (IV) Welding current if welding speed is reduced by 20% keeping other
parameters same
6. OAW is applied for but joint of two pieces of steel with weld cross-sectional area of 75 mm2 at a welding
speed of 5 mm/s. The specific energy of melting of steel workpiece is 10.5 J/mm3. It has been found that heat
utilization efficiency is 40%. It is also known that 65% heat of flame is concentrated at 9 mm diameter through
the welding torch. Find (I) Heat power liberated during combustion (II) Heat flux supplied by the torch to
workpiece (III) Volume flow rate of acetylene required for the OAW (IV) Volume flow rate of acetylene
required if welding speed is doubled

7. Two sheets (melting temperature 1793oC) each of 2.0 mm thick are welded by resistance spot welding using
10 kA current for 0.25 s with interface resistance of 200  Ω. The density of spot welded nugget is 8000 kg/m3,
Latent heat of fusion= 300 kJ/kg, specific heat= 500 J/kg oC and ambient temperature= 293 oK. Find (I) Volume
of cylindrical nugget formed (II) Mass of spherical nugget formed extending up to full thickness of each sheet
(III) Welding time if current is reduced by 50% (IV) Percentage of total energy utilized for forming weld

8. A flier plate with velocity 540 m/s is used to weld steel plates. The velocity of sound in flyer plate material is
5000 m/s. Find the angle between flyer plate and target plate if the detonator is RDX for which detonation
velocity is 8200 m/s. Also find the flyer plate velocity if the angle between flyer plate and target plate is kept at

9. A cone-shaped part is to be fabricated using SLA process. The radius of the cone at its base= 35 mm and its
height = 40 mm. The layer thickness = 0.20 mm. The diameter of the laser beam= 0.22 mm, and the beam is
moved across the surface of the photopolymer at a velocity of 500 mm/s. Compute the time required to build the
part, if 10 seconds are lost each layer to lower the height of the platform that holds the part. Neglect post curing

10. A hollow prototype of square cross-section of dimension 100 mm outer side and 80 mm inner side is to be
fabricated using FDM with 0.25 mm layer thickness. The FDM head moves in the X-Y plane at 200 mm/s
speed. Find the time of part building neglecting the reposition time of head.

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