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Department of Mathematics

School of Accountancy, Management, Computing and Information Studies

Baguio City, Philippines

Learning Reinforcement 1
Preliminary Term
Second Semester, 2022 - 2023

Name : DESIPOLO, Shereniel Mae D.

Course and Year : BS Architecture 1

What is the role of Mathematics in your field?  Explain in not less than 150 words

Mathematics is used by everyone in their daily lives. So, I could say that math is a very essential
tool we use here at Architecture. Without this, we couldn’t make a plan for the buildings we wish to
design. Mathematics in my field is very common since we had to deal with the measurements of
everything we design. This also could help us to compute for the spaces needed in a building so that
people may be comfortable once they use it. We also use this to determine the best shapes we could rely
or inspired of when thinking of a reference in our design projects. It also helps us to measure our designs
accurately. Math will help us to design any structures effectively and close to perfectness. It is indeed a
helpful tool for us so that we can do our works more neatly and accurate to be built in our surroundings.

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