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Airfield Maintenance

First Edition 2022
Airports Council International (ACI) advances the collective interests and acts as the voice of
the world’s airports and the communities they serve, and promotes professional excellence
in airport vmanagement and operations.


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ISBN: 978-1-990290-38-1
©2022 Airports Council International. All rights reserved.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 2

Author: ACI World Safety and Technical Standing Committee

Contributors: P.P. Singh (Delhi International Airport Limited, India)

Ian Redhead (Kansas City Aviation Department)
Juan Manuel Pérez y Gil de la Serna (Air Partners Consulting)
Rolf Liebscher (Fraport AG, Germany)
Steven Yiu (Hong Kong International Airport)
Jo Lary (Pavement Consultants Inc)
Charles Hanson Adu (Ghana Airports Company Limited)
Ibrahima Wane (Aéroports du Sénégal)
Dirk Geukens (Brussels Airport Company NV, Belgium, retired)
Dick Meerman (Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, The Netherlands, retired)
Karima Benadrya (ONDA, Morocco)
Lakshminarayanan (Bangalore international Airport Ltd.)
Fred Lutalo (Civil Aviation Authority of Uganda)
Li Ma Bomholtz (Copenhagen Airports, Denmark)
Søren Gustav Andersson (Copenhagen Airports, Denmark)
Dorte Nygaard (Copenhagen Airports, Denmark)
Danny Boutin (ACI World)
Issa Castro (ACI World)
Georg Paschek, Berlin Airports (TXL/SXF)
Owen Ryan, Aerodromesos (Aerodrome Safety, Operations, Security)
Mohammed Raad (Swissport Saudi Arabia Ltd.)
Sanjay Kumar (Delhi International Airport Limited, India)

Published by: ACI World, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 3

Easy Airside Maintenance

Look to the Cloud. Imagine simplifying your airfield maintenance by digitally

registering your airside assets, electronically scheduling and tracking maintenance,
and recording maintenance and inspection tasks – all in one cloud-based
subscription. You can have all that and more with ALIS, ADB SAFEGATE’s Airside
Location-based Inspection and Service solution.

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* limited time offer

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with ALIS for FREE.
Airfield maintenance is a critical element in ensuring the safety and efficiency of airport
operations. When maintenance activities are completed at the right time and with the right
process, the lifespan of these assets can be either increased or at least maintained as originally
designed. Maintenance programs will also minimize the costs of major failures, reduce the
probability of unexpected infrastructure closures or system failures, and minimize airport
disruptions while improving overall levels of safety.

Delays in essential maintenance interventions can lead to the significant detriment of airside
infrastructure and critical assets, especially pavement and markings, leading to a decrease in
the designed lifespan. Planning and coordination are vital to a successful asset management

The content of this handbook includes a repository of airfield maintenance practices, including
data collection and analysis to allow for data-driven decision-making, information on the
new ICAO pavement classification rating (ACR/PCR), and best practices on maintenance
programmes for pavement, signs, markings, and electrical systems. While remaining
short and succinct, the Airfield Maintenance Handbook provides case studies, as well as
explanations of different methodologies of repairs. This application of the recommendations
and best practices contained in this document must be tailored to the circumstances of each

In the area of staff development, ACI’s Global Training

offers courses relevant to airfield maintenance, via both
classroom delivery and online, and it will continue to
develop additional training in the future.

Special thanks to the members of the Safety Technical

Standing Committee and industry experts who worked
to update this handbook as well as to ADB SAFEGATE
and Shanghai GuiMu Robot Co. LTD, for supporting the
final editing and publication efforts.

Luis Felipe de Oliveira

Director General
ACI World

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 6

Disclaimer................................................................................................................ 2

Acknowledgements.................................................................................................. 3

Foreword.................................................................................................................. 6

1 Introduction........................................................................................................ 10

1.1 Airfield Maintenance Requirements................................................................................ 10

1.2 Safety Precautions............................................................................................................. 10

1.3 Management Responsibilities.......................................................................................... 10

2 Management of Airfield Maintenance................................................................ 12

2.1 Maintenance Plan Strategies............................................................................................ 12

2.1.1 Proactive and Preventive Maintenance................................................................. 12

2.1.2 Ad hoc Maintenance............................................................................................... 14

2.2 Asset Management............................................................................................................ 16

2.2.1 Identification of Critical Assets.............................................................................. 17

2.2.2 Collection of Data on the Performance of Critical Assets................................... 17

2.2.3 Level of Services..................................................................................................... 18

2.2.4 Future Demand........................................................................................................ 18

2.3 Management of Drawings:................................................................................................ 20

3 Pavement Maintenance...................................................................................... 21

3.1 Pavement Surface Evaluation........................................................................................... 21

3.2 Pavement Classification Rating (PCR).............................................................................. 25

3.3 ICAO Overload Criteria:..................................................................................................... 27

3.4 Friction Testing................................................................................................................... 29

3.4.1 Runway Surface Friction Evaluation..................................................................... 29

3.4.2 Maintenance Considerations................................................................................. 31

3.5 Rubber Removal................................................................................................................. 31

3.6 Foreign Object Debris (FOD)............................................................................................. 34

3.7 Pavement Maintenance and Repair.................................................................................. 35

Digital Solution as Part of Life-cycle Maintenance of Airport Pavement..................... 36

3.7.1 Localized Repairs.................................................................................................... 37

3.7.2 Global Preventive Maintenance............................................................................. 39

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 7

4 Markings ............................................................................................................ 42

4.1 When to Maintain............................................................................................................... 42

4.2 Surface Preparation........................................................................................................... 43

4.3 Contaminants to be Removed.......................................................................................... 43

4.4 Equipment to prepare surfaces........................................................................................ 43

4.5 Pavement Marking Removal............................................................................................. 44

4.6 Application Procedures..................................................................................................... 44

4.7 New Markings.................................................................................................................... 46

4.8 Repaint Existing Markings................................................................................................ 46

4.9 Material Requirements...................................................................................................... 47

5 Airfield Electrical Systems Maintenance........................................................... 48

5.1 Apron Lighting................................................................................................................... 48

5.1.1 High Mast Lighting.................................................................................................. 48

5.2 Airfield Ground Lighting (AGL)......................................................................................... 50

5.2.1 Maintenance Strategy and Establishment of a Maintenance Cycle................... 50

5.2.2 Documentation and Record Upkeep..................................................................... 52

5.2.3 Airfield Lighting Photometry................................................................................. 52

5.2.4 Training and Technological Improvements.......................................................... 52

5.2.5 AGL Manual and Reference Documents............................................................... 53

5.2.6 AGL Design for Effective Maintenance................................................................. 53

5.2.7 Technological Advancements and the Impact on AGL Maintenance................ 53

5.2.8 Workshop Facilities and Maintenance Set-up...................................................... 54

5.2.9 AGL Faults and Troubleshooting Procedures....................................................... 54

5.2.10 AGL Faults and Troubleshooting Procedures....................................................... 55

5.3 Maintenance Strategy....................................................................................................... 57

5.4 AGL Control and Monitoring System............................................................................... 59

5.4.1 Maintenance Strategy............................................................................................ 60

5.5 Power Supply Systems...................................................................................................... 61

5.5.1 Airfield Power Supply and Emergency Power Supply........................................ 61

5.5.2 Fixed Ground Power............................................................................................... 64

5.6 Aircraft Visual Docking Guidance System...................................................................... 64

5.6.1 Maintenance Strategy............................................................................................ 65

Visual Airside Maintenance – No Asset Left Behind...................................................... 66

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 8

6 Other General Maintenance............................................................................... 67

6.1 Maintenance of Unpaved Areas....................................................................................... 68

6.1.1 Runway and Taxiway Strip..................................................................................... 68

6.1.2 Runway Ends and Runway End Safety Areas (RESA)......................................... 70

6.1.3 Runway and Taxiway Shoulders........................................................................... 70

6.1.4 Areas Beyond the Runway and Taxiway Strips.................................................... 70

6.2 Snow Removal................................................................................................................... 71

6.3 Night Maintenance............................................................................................................. 73

6.4 Drainage Facility Maintenance......................................................................................... 74

6.5 Grass Maintenance............................................................................................................ 76

6.5.1 Grass Maintenance Policy...................................................................................... 76

6.5.2 Land Use Policy and Grass Cutting....................................................................... 76

6.5.4 Grass Cutting Program........................................................................................... 76

7 Training............................................................................................................... 80

7.1 Objectives of Airfield Maintenance Training................................................................... 80

7.2 Training Content................................................................................................................. 81

7.3 Training Plan....................................................................................................................... 82

7.4 Training Format and Delivery Method............................................................................. 82

7.5 Frequency of Training........................................................................................................ 83

8 Coordination Procedures for Maintenance Activities....................................... 84

8.1 Framework For Coordination............................................................................................ 84

8.2 Initiation of Coordination Process.................................................................................... 84

8.3 Coordination For NAVAIDs Maintenance........................................................................ 86

8.4 Closures/NOTAM – Maintenance During Operations..................................................... 87

8.5 Procedures For Hand Over/Take Over Before/After Maintenance................................. 87

8.6 Procedures for Protection of Sites for Radar and NAVAIDs........................................... 88

Appendix 1 Best Maintenance Practices of AGL at Narita

International Airport: Aeronautical Lighting
Maintenance Centre at Narita International Airport........................................... 90

Appendix 2 Safety Precautions................................................................................................. 97

Appendix 3 Maintenance of Inset lights - A Case Study from

Copenhagen Airport............................................................................................ 101

Appendix 4 Acronyms and Abbreviations............................................................................. 105

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 9

1 Introduction
1.1 Airfield Maintenance Requirements

Airports have a huge range of infrastructure, especially in airside areas, requiring proper
planning and procedures for maintenance activities, ideally without affecting aircraft
operations or jeopardizing operational safety. Careful planning, scheduling, and coordination
of maintenance activities can minimize disruption of normal aircraft operations and
avoid situations that compromise operational safety. An airport operator has the overall
responsibility for all the maintenance activities of its infrastructure. As such, the airport
operator must understand the impact of such maintenance activities on aircraft operations,
both in developing an effective maintenance plan and executing it.

Coordination procedures are essential to ensure safe and seamless operations during the
execution of maintenance activities as such actions affect multiple stakeholders operating at
the airport. Among the key airport stakeholders involved in these coordination procedures are
aircraft operators, ground handlers, air navigation service providers, other concessionaires
and subcontracted agencies working at the airport, as well as various internal departments
of the airport operator. For major maintenance activities, coordination, and approval from
the Civil Aviation Authorities (CAA) may be required. The airport operator should check their
local regulations regarding the need for coordination with the relevant CAA.

1.2 Safety Precautions

Many activities take place airside, within a congested and time-sensitive environment.
While the general principles of workplace health and safety apply to airside maintenance
activities, several additional factors specific to airports and the ground handling of aircraft
must be considered, including the types of accidents, incidents, and other occurrences.
The maintenance plan should carefully examine all safety issues and implement corrective
measures promptly.

The maintenance plan and its related activities should also be consistent with the established
Safety Management System (SMS) processes of the airport. Depending on individual state
regulations, and in accordance with the ICAO recommendation on Safety Management
Systems (SMS), the airport operator may also be responsible for preparing safety-risk
assessments of proposed maintenance activities and ensuring that recommended actions
are taken to mitigate safety risks.
Appendix 2 provides details on the safety measures to be taken in maintenance areas.

1.3 Management Responsibilities

Airport management is responsible for the maintenance of its infrastructure, including the
responsibility to propose, fund, and contract maintenance activities. It is essential that the
airport management is aware of the proactive and ad hoc maintenance requirements of all
their airfield assets.

Even in cases where another entity at the airport carries out maintenance activities on behalf
of the airport operator — for example, AGL maintenance undertaken by a sub-contracted
agency — the airport operator remains responsible for ensuring the construction is undertaken
in accordance with its rules, regulations, and safety practices.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 10

In accordance with ICAO requirements, airport operators have responsibility for the provision,
operation, and maintenance of airport facilities and services under ICAO standards and
national regulations. They are also obliged to provide immediate notices to Air Navigation
Service Providers (ANSPs) and aircraft operators of obstacles, hazards, reductions in levels
of service, closures of airside movement areas, and other conditions that affect the safety
of the airport. These responsibilities are usually defined more specifically and enforced by
individual state civil aviation authorities (CAAs) and their respective national regulations, as
discussed later in this section.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 11

2 Management of Airfield Maintenance
2.1 Maintenance Plan Strategies

Working in an airfield can be hazardous, especially in the aircraft operational areas, hence
planning and execution of maintenance works requires special consideration. It is a good
practice to have scheduled maintenance periods (maintenance windows) based on traffic
levels and local conditions. Planning of maintenance works must be well coordinated
with all the appropriate agencies well in advance on the schedule of the work and safety
considerations to be followed. While carrying out the work, it is essential to ensure that
contingency arrangements are in place for the uninterrupted operation of the airport.

2.1.1 Proactive and Preventive Maintenance

Proactive and preventive maintenance refers to routine regular activities, such as

maintenance activities carried out regularly (daily, weekly, monthly, annually, etc.). Based
on the performance requirements of the airfield infrastructure by user departments (e.g.,
Airside Operations, Ramp Control, etc.) the maintenance departments plan, implement, and
review their maintenance activities. An example workflow is shown below.

User Departments

KPI requirement Notify affected Return facilities KPI performance

parties to service

Departments Review
Maintenance Carry out maintenance profile
Plan maintenance work matching with KPI

Figure 2-1: Maintenance Process

All proactive and preventive maintenance works are to be scheduled in accordance with the

• Manufacturers’ recommendations
• Operation and Maintenance manuals
• Trade practice
• Statutory regulations
• Relevant guidelines from international or local professional bodies

For the proactive and preventive maintenance activities affecting aircraft operations, the
works shall be scheduled in the routine maintenance window, when possible.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 12

A Digital Solution as an Innovative Part of Life-cycle Maintenance of Airport

Part I: Digital airport pavement detection as a new tool in proactive and preventative

As one part of the comprehensive pavement management program at Beijing Daxing

International Airport, full pavement coverage and structural detection data were collected by
Guimu Robot to establish the initial pavement maintenance database for the whole lifecycle
management of the pavement.

Full coverage pavement detection and digital pavement 3D model with distribution map of
detected distress and pipelines, Beijing Daxing International Airport

In addition, regular detection analysis and assessment enable the identification of critical
areas, help assign pavement risk priorities, and guide the optimal schedule for making
necessary repairs.

Based on the in-situ detection data, user departments were able to further plan and carry out
maintenance activities for those pavement areas encountering concentrated distress. More
specifically, for cases of individual distress with rapid deterioration in the life cycle, distress-
level treatment and repair activities should be conducted by the relevant airport department.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 13

Detection results Grouting scheme design

Establishment of distress cards for distress-level management

and deterioration trend tracking

2.1.2 Ad hoc Maintenance

Managing ad hoc airfield maintenance works with airfield/aircraft operations in progress is one
of the most critical decisions to be taken by the airport operator. However, there are currently
no universal instructions or procedures, and each airport operator will make decisions based
on the emerging situation, available infrastructure, and experience. Irrespective of the nature
of ad hoc maintenance, the safety of aircraft and personnel remains the top priority in airfield

A fault or defect in airfield infrastructure which affects the safety of aircraft operations or
personnel is considered an emergency situation for maintenance activities, requiring ad hoc
maintenance. Under such circumstances, the following actions are to be taken:

a) Take immediate measures to safeguard public safety.

b) Coordinate with Air Traffic Control Tower for the rearrangement of aircraft movement,
if required.
Coordinate with Apron Control Centre for the rearrangement of aircraft stand
allocation, if required.
d) Coordinate with the airport stakeholders (e.g., ramp handling operators, baggage
handling operators, aircraft operators, etc.) regarding the airfield work activities.
e) Carry out temporary repairs to restore the system to normal operation if permanent
repair is not immediately possible.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 14

Figure 2-2: Ad hoc maintenance – Emergency taxiway patch repair at Hong Kong
International Airport

Upon completion of ad hoc maintenance, an investigation must be carried out to identify the
cause of the fault or defect to develop a detailed diagnosis and to prioritize further scheduled
maintenance works to repair or replace the failed system components. Also, an analysis of
the fault shall be performed to identify any impacts on the maintenance schedule or other

As stated earlier, ad hoc maintenance works shall be carried out according to the nature
and need of the situation. Nevertheless, from the airport management’s experience of the
potential risks at their airport, a number of faults can be considered predictable, and these
must be listed in the airport’s ad hoc emergency maintenance procedures. The identification
of such issues supports a quicker achievement of operational objectives, including Emergency
Operating Procedures.

As an illustrative example, we can look at a selection of issues most frequently arising in the
maintenance of an Aeronautical Ground Lighting system (AGL), and these will be integral to
the emergency operating processes:

a) Open circuit of the AGL circuit

b) Short circuit of the AGL circuit
c) Failure of the feeder cables
d) Fire in the transformer housing box
e) Return cable failure of the AGL circuits etc.

These examples are among the most cited regular failures of AGL systems which, if adequately
managed through prior planning, would reduce the operational downtime. Although the
specific maintenance approach may vary based on the airport and the circuit layout, these
core issues should be monitored and addressed to support operational readiness and safety.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 15

2.2 Asset Management

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and service standards for each asset shall be agreed upon
with each stakeholder for asset management. To sustain the KPIs and service standards, the
following measures should be included:

• Planning of the acceptance and handover process for new assets and systems.
• Planning and management of maintenance work on assets and systems.
• Planning and management of alternation and improvement works.
• Appraisal and application of new technology, as and when required.
• Attending to system faults and preparing emergency and contingency plans to deal
with such faults.
• Carrying out drills to verify and refine those emergency and contingency plans.
• Regular system reviews to ensure effectiveness and efficiency.
• Conducting capacity studies to ensure availability of sufficient resources.
• Carrying out technical studies with scheme proposals to facilitate operation and
business development plans.

Asset management is a cyclic process. While an asset is put into use for operational
requirements, it needs to be monitored for maintenance and, as operational demand
increases over time, an assessment shall be carried out to ensure that the asset can
accommodate future growth. The assessment may result in capacity enhancement projects,
which may subsequently result in the implementation of an integrated technical solution.
Upon completion of the solutions, the maintenance process for new assets then begins a
new cycle.

Asset Management
• Cost Effective Maintenance
• Zero Crisis
• High Availability
• High Level of Service
• Process Improvement

Implementation Planning
• Interface with Existing Operation • Capacity vs Business Needs
and Systems • Asset Productivity Maximization
• Verification of Design • Overhaul and Refurbishment
• Operation Readiness • Asset replacement
Technical Solution
• Business to Technical
• Feasible Options
• Just-in-time Facilities
• Business Opportunities

Figure 2-3: Cyclical nature of asset management

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 16

An Asset Management Plan shall be developed to achieve the asset management strategy
and objectives across the life cycle activities, including acquisition, utilization, maintenance,
and disposal.

The Asset Management Plan shall define the level of services required and the corresponding
planned actions to be taken. It shall also include the budgeting of capital and operational
expenditure to furnish the funding for the required level of services and also an overview
of future asset replacement requirements so that replacement alternatives and expenditure
smoothing can be planned.

Any impact or changes resulting from new risks, future demand, environmental conditions,
etc. will be reviewed regularly to ensure responsive actions are adopted.

Key elements of the Asset Management Plan are:

• Identification of critical assets

• Collection of data on the performance of critical assets
• Level of Services
• Future Demand

2.2.1 Identification of Critical Assets

Airport operators need to identify those assets whose performance is critical to the safe
operation of the airfield and whose failure will result in a dramatic impact on the safety and
operational capabilities of the airport. A good example of such an asset is the lighting control
system that is responsible for the airfield lights. Another example is the airfield emergency
generator, which is responsible for powering the lighting systems in the event of a loss of
commercial electrical power. Navigational aids (NAVAIDs) are a further example of a critical

2.2.2 Collection of Data on the Performance of Critical Assets

Airport operators should collect all operational and maintenance-related data for all airport
assets. This critical data is the foundation for compliance, safety, and operational performance.
A digital approach is essential to ensure the quality of valuable data collection and further
advanced data analysis.

How to digitalize solutions

For any digital solution, the quality of the system’s design will determine whether it makes
life easier or harder for the airport. Well-designed systems directly support safety and can
support major performance improvements. For example, Copenhagen Airport adopted a
Foreign Object Debris (FOD) solution that inspired an increase of 300% in the number of
registered FOD.

Mobility solutions are highly effective tools that can system-support operational processes,
automate decision-making, and simplify the registration of findings/errors. However, two
key elements to ensure their success are user-friendliness and organizationally standardized

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 17

As an example, digital solutions enable the simplification of registration processes, which
supports the core element of user acceptance. If we now look at an example of location
registration, we can assess two scenarios:

(1) The employee registers the airport, the area, and the specific location from a long list
of data:
a. Multiple-step processes
b. Requires expert knowledge and clear business definitions
c. Can cause invalidity of data

(2) The employee presses a button that raises coordinates automatically run against
polygons enriched with location data:
a. One-step process
b. Accessible to anyone
c. Continuous data validity

What are the pre-conditions to any digital solution?

• Master data strategies
• Data validity and data quality
• Access management defined by clear roles and responsibilities

• Systems’ silos must be broken down and standardized organizational solutions built.
• Fool-proof systems for access management, choice selection, and available
information are essential.
• System-support operational processes must be established.
• The importance of registration must be applied consistently.

2.2.3 Level of Services

The objectives of the asset management system are to meet the following performance
• Satisfy the defined KPIs (e.g., system availability, fault response time).
• Maintain availability of spare parts for each component.
• Comply with statutory and regulatory requirements as well as related standards for
the operation of the airport.

2.2.4 Future Demand Demand Forecast

Factors affecting future demand include seasonal factors, an increase in air traffic, new works
in the airport, new aircraft models commencing operations, environmental awareness, new
technology, change in government policy, as well as modifications to applicable legal and
statutory requirements. The impact on the asset management system will be dealt with in
the risk management process.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 18

A sample of demand factors and impacts on service delivery for Airfield Ground Lighting
(AGL) are summarized in Table 2-1, below.

Demand Factor Present Position Projection Impact on Services

Increase in air traffic. Increased workload, still Further increase in air Narrow down the
well managed under existing traffic expected. maintenance window.
asset management practices. Difficult to close some areas
Still capable of meeting KPIs. for maintenance.

New runway project. Project planning stage. Frequent change in AGL Increase the complexity
configuration and assets. and difficulty of routine
asset management works,
eventually affecting the KPI

Technology change – Trial run stage. Expected to be adopted in Increase in material cost.
application of LED light. AGL system to replace the The uncertainty of new
existing halogen light. technology may undermine
the KPI performance in the
early stage.

Table 2-1

Consequently, priority will be given to the future maintenance plan to uphold high availability
to cope with future demand. Demand Management Plan

Demand for new services will be managed through a combination of managing existing
assets, upgrading existing assets and/or providing new assets. Demand management
practices may include non-asset solutions and managing failure.

A sample demand management plan for AGL is summarized in Table 2-2, below.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 19

Service Activity Demand Management Plan

Enhancing preventive maintenance Establish model to determine the need to increase manpower
resources, tools, and equipment.
Establish the maintenance cycle and prioritize the assets requiring
more maintenance while identifying those requiring less.

Using new technology Increase the usage of long-life LED light at remote stand locations.
Usage of long-life LEDs to reduce operational intervention and limit
maintenance needs.
Special asset management application software to track down
failures, common issues, and follow-ups.
Software with holistic approach of maintenance management,
including the in-field photometric tests, cleaning of the fixtures,
torquing of the fixtures using special equipment, etc.

Improving communication with stakeholders Strengthen communication with stakeholders to determine how to
improve the maintenance window.

Table 2-2 Planning of New Assets

The demand growth of the airport shall be forecast with reference to the statistical demand
data. The forecast results shall be used to plan annually for the addition of new assets to
support the airport’s development.

Risk and system assessment shall be performed annually to review and assess:
• Incident frequency compared with the past year
• System lifetime and new technology
• Stock levels and spare part obsolescence
• Performance of additional assets
• Competency of staff and service providers

2.3 Management of Drawings

All the technical drawings and schematics required for airfield maintenance, including
those of the visual aids, should be available at any time for maintenance at the offices of the
department responsible. They should be kept up-to-date and reflect the current situations
onsite. These drawings include but are not limited to:
• Schematics of Markings
• Schematics of Signs
• Aeronautical ground lighting facilities
• Layout of underground cables
• Layout of electrical systems
• Maps of maintenance grids - if available
• Others

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 20

3 Pavement Maintenance
Pavements represent one of the airport’s largest capital investments. To protect that
investment, it is important that the pavements are properly maintained. This chapter describes
methods for assessing pavement condition, mitigating pavement issues, and increasing
pavement longevity by completing pavement maintenance through effective techniques and

3.1 Pavement Surface Evaluation

The most common methodology used to assess existing airfield pavement surface condition
is the Pavement Condition Index (PCI). The PCI methodology is outlined in ASTM International
- Standard D5340, Standard Test Method for Airport Condition Index Surveys. This document
defines distress (defect) types, severity levels, and methods for measuring and recording
distress. The PCI procedure was developed to collect data that would provide engineers
and managers with a numerical value indicating overall pavement condition, reflecting
both pavement structural integrity and surface operational condition. The procedure was
designed to be highly repeatable and was found to be well-correlated with the judgment
of experienced pavement engineers. The assessments can be performed by trained airport
staff, usually a two-person team, and require no specialized equipment. It is recommended
that a PCI assessment be done every three years.

Before collecting any field data, the airfield must be divided into individual pavement features
a process termed “network definition”. Pavement features are defined based on primary
use (runway, taxiway, taxilane, apron, shoulder), construction history, and traffic pattern.
Airfield pavements are divided into discrete features using the guidelines contained in the
D5340 ASTM International Standard. Accurately completing the network definition process
is necessary to ensure the results of the PCI assessment are accurate and are not biased by
including in the same feature pavements that would be expected to perform differently (e.g.,
rigid and flexible pavements are considered together, new pavement and old pavements are
considered together, and lightly trafficked and heavily trafficked pavements are considered

The pavement features used in the PCI procedure are defined as follows:

Network: The entire runway, taxiway, taxilane, apron, and shoulder system is defined as

the pavement network.

Branch: A branch is any identifiable part of a pavement network that has a distinct
function. Airfield pavements, such as individual runways, taxiways, and aprons, are each
considered to be separate branches.

 ection: A section is a subdivision of a branch and has consistent characteristics

throughout its length or area. These characteristics include pavement layer material type
and thickness, construction history, traffic, and pavement condition. A section is the basic
management unit of a pavement network and is that portion of a branch over which a
maintenance and rehabilitation project is likely to be completed.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 21

Sample Unit: A sample unit is an arbitrarily defined portion of a pavement section that
is used when performing detailed pavement inspections using the PCI methodology. It is
the smallest subdivision in a pavement network. For flexible airport pavements such as
asphalt concrete or surface treatment, sample units are about 465 square metres (5,000
square feet) in area. For rigid (Portland cement concrete) airport pavements, sample units
typically include approximately 20 contiguous pavement slabs.

Each branch and section should have a unique name and the nomenclature should reflect
how the airport refers to its facilities. An example branch, section, and sample unit layout is
shown in Figure 3-1, below.

Figure 3-1: Branch, Section and Sample Unit (example)

A PCI survey is performed by measuring the amount and severity of certain defined
distresses (defects) observed in a discrete pavement area called a sample unit. Table 3-1 lists
both the flexible (asphalt concrete) and rigid (Portland cement concrete) pavement distress
types considered in the PCI method and identifies their most common cause (load, climate/
durability, other). Load-related distresses are apparent where the pavement has been over-
stressed by traffic loads applied to its surface. Climate/durability-related distresses arise due
to exposure to the environment. Other-related distresses are caused by actions not related
to load or climate, such as fuel spills or construction deficiencies. Understanding the cause
of a defect helps to identify the most appropriate repair methodology to use to mitigate the

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 22

Pavement Condition Index Distress Types and Typical Causes.

Flexible (Asphalt Concrete) Rigid (Portland Cement Concrete)

Pavement Distress Related Cause Pavement Distress Related Cause

Alligator Cracking Load Blow-Up Climate/Durability

Bleeding Other Corner Break Load

Cracks: Longitudinal,
Block Cracking Climate/Durability Load
Transverse, and Diagonal

Corrugation Other Durability (“D”) Crack Climate/Durability

Depression Other Joint Seal Damage Climate/Durability

Jet Blast Erosion Other Patching, Small Other

Patching, Large and

Joint Reflection Cracking Climate/Durability Other
Utility Cuts
Longitudinal and
Climate/Durability Popouts Other
Transverse Cracking

Oil Spillage Other Pumping Other

Patching and Utility Scaling, Map Cracking,

Climate/Durability Other
Cut Patching Crazing

Polished Aggregate Other Settlement or Faulting Other

Shattered Slab / Intersecting

Raveling Climate/Durability Other

Rutting Load Shrinkage Cracks Other

Spalling (Longitudinal
Shoving Other Other
and Transverse Joint)

Slippage Cracking Other Spalling (Corner) Other

Swell Other Alkali Silica Reaction (ASR) Other

Weathering Climate/Durability

Table 3-1: Pavement distress types

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 23

To obtain a statistically reliable PCI for a given pavement section it is not necessary to inspect
all sample units in that section. The D5340 standard identifies the number of randomly
chosen sample units that should be inspected based on the total number of sample units in
the section, and the desired degree of reliability.

For each pavement section, the distress data collected are analysed and used to calculate
a Pavement Condition Index (PCI) and to assign a Pavement Condition Rating (PCR) to the
section. A PCR is assigned to a given range in PCI as illustrated in Table 3-2 below.

Pavement Condition Index Range

Pavement Condition Rating
High Low

Good 100 86

Satisfactory 85 71

Fair 70 56

Poor 55 41

Very Poor 40 26

Serious 25 11

Fail 10 0

Table 3-2: Pavement Condition Ratings and Corresponding Pavement

Condition Index Ranges.

The calculations can be done manually using the procedure outlined in ASTM D5340 but, most
commonly, software programs - such as the PAVER™ Pavement Maintenance Management
software - are used to automate the calculation.

The Pavement Condition Rating for each pavement section can be illustrated on an airfield
layout, as shown in Figure 3-2, below. This layout helps airport staff identify areas of
immediate concern and communicate overall pavement condition to management.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 24

3.2 Pavement Classification Rating (PCR)

Figure 3-2: Example Pavement Condition Rating Illustration for an airfield.

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) developed a new pavement strength
reporting system, the Aircraft Classification Rating – Pavement Classification Rating
(ACR-PCRN method. This procedure is described in ICAO Aerodrome Design Manual,
Part 3 Pavements, Doc 9157 third edition, 2022. The new method, effective in July 2020,
will become fully applicable in November 2024. The new protocol is based on the Linear
Elastic Analysis (LEA), on which the Cumulative Damage Factor (CDF) concept will support
airport management toward a predictive approach. This is a change from the current curative
approach, enabling better management of the permissible aircraft operating weights while
preserving the pavement integrity over its full-service life. Unlike the ACR calculation model,
the ICAO does not prescribe a specific PCR calculation model, thus allowing states to use the
procedure of their choice, provided that it remains consistent with the overall parameters and
principles of the ACR-PCR method. Consequently, different PCR calculation models will be
found around the world, and the PCR calculation software may actually implement different
calculation procedures.

With this method, it is possible to express the effect of an individual aircraft on different
pavements with a single unique number that varies according to aircraft weight and
configuration, pavement type, and subgrade strength. Conversely, the load-carrying capacity
of a pavement can be expressed by a single number (PCR) without specifying a specific
aircraft or detailed information about the pavement structure.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 25

The definitions of ACR and PCR are as follows:

ACR is a number that expresses the relative effect of an aircraft at a given
configuration on a pavement structure for a specified standard subgrade strength.

PCR: PCR is a number that expresses the load-carrying capacity of a pavement for
unrestricted operations.

The ACR-PCR system is structured so that pavement with an established PCR value can
support an aircraft that has an ACR value equal to or less than the reported pavement PCR
value. It should be noted that the ACR-PCR system is intended only as a method to report
relative pavement strength, enabling airport operations to evaluate acceptable aircraft
operations. It is not intended as a pavement design or pavement evaluation procedure.

Airframe manufacturers provide the official computation of the ACR value for their aircraft
since the calculation requires detailed information on the operational characteristics of the
aircraft, such as maximum aft centre of gravity, maximum ramp (taxi) weight, Main Landing
Gear general arrangement, tyre pressure, and other factors.

The PCR system uses a coded format to maximize the amount of information provided by the
analysis. The parts of the reported number are:
• Numerical PCR value
• Pavement Type: “F” for flexible, “R” for rigid
• Subgrade strength Category: A, B, C, or D
• Allowable Tyre Pressure: “W” for no pressure limit, “X” for pressure limited to 254 psi
(1.75MPa), “Y” for pressure limited to 181 psi (1.25MPa), and “Z” for pressure limited
to 73 psi (0.5MPa)
• Method used to determine the PCR: “T” for technical and “U” for ‘using aeroplane’

The subgrade strength categories used in the method are provided in Table 3-3, below. These
values should be determined for each facility at the airport using appropriate testing methods
to ensure an accurate PCR is calculated.

Subgrade Support Conditions for ACR-PCR Calculation

Subgrade Support (E Modulus) for Flexible

Subgrade Strength Category
and Rigid Pavements (MPa)
A ≥150
B 100≤ CBR<150
C 60≤ CBR<100
D <60

Table 3-3

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 26

Figure 3-3: Automatic PCI test in progress, courtesy of
Hong Kong International Airport

Figure 3-4: Heavy Weight Deflectometer (HWD) test in progress,

courtesy of Hong Kong International Airport

3.3 ICAO Overload Criteria

Overloading of pavements can result either from loads too large or from a substantially
increased application rate, or both. Loads larger than the defined (design or evaluation)
load shorten the design life whilst smaller loads extend it. With the exception of massive
overloading, pavements in their structural behaviour are not subject to a particular limiting
load above which they suddenly or catastrophically fail. Behaviour is such that a pavement
can sustain a definable load for an expected number of repetitions during its design life. As a
result, occasional minor overloading is acceptable, when expedient, with only limited loss in
pavement life expectancy and a relatively small acceleration of pavement deterioration. For
those operations in which the magnitude of overload and/or the frequency of use does not
justify a detailed analysis the following criteria are suggested:

• For flexible and rigid pavements, occasional movements by aircraft with ACR not
exceeding 10% above the reported PCR should not adversely affect the pavement.
• The annual number of overload movements should not exceed approximately 5% of
the total annual movements, excluding light aircraft.

Such overload movements should not normally be permitted on pavements exhibiting signs
of distress or failure. Furthermore, overloading should be avoided during any periods of thaw
following frost penetration or when the strength of the pavement or its subgrade could be
weakened by water. Where overload operations are conducted, the appropriate authority

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 27

should review the relevant pavement condition regularly and should also review the criteria
for overload operations periodically since excessive repetition of overloads can cause severe
shortening of pavement life or require major rehabilitation of pavement.

Overload Technical Analysis

Overloads in excess of 10% may be considered on a case-by-case basis when supported by a
more detailed technical analysis. When overload operations exceed allowances (as described
in 2.1.1), a pavement analysis is required for granting the proposed additional loads as this
was not scheduled in the initial pavement design. In such cases, the pavement analysis should
determine how the overload operation contributes to the maximum CDF when it is combined
with the actual aircraft mix. Indeed, the ACR as a relative indicator, even if exceeding the
reported PCR, cannot predict how the overload of aircraft will affect the pavement structural
behaviour and/or its design life. This is because it will be strongly dependent on its offset to
the location of the maximum CDF produced by the aircraft mix (critical offset).

The pavement analysis would then determine the number of permitted overload operations
so that the CDF of the entire aircraft mix, including the overload aircraft, remains in the
tolerances agreed by the relevant authority.

Figure 3-5: Taxiway crack-filling work in progress – courtesy of

Hong Kong International Airport

Figure 3-6: Taxiway pavement patchwork completed

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 28

3.4 Friction Testing

Adequate runway surface friction is necessary for the safe operation of aircraft. Runway
friction characteristics will change over time due to several factors. Pavements are subject
to ordinary mechanical wear and tear from aircraft tyres. In addition, contaminants such as
rubber deposits, dust particles, jet fuel, oil spillage, water, snow, ice, and slush can collect on
runway pavement surfaces and cause a decrease in friction. Rubber is deposited in the runway
touchdown areas by the aircraft tyres skidding on landing. Such deposits can completely
cover the pavement surface texture, causing a reduction or loss of aircraft braking capability
and directional control when runways are wet.

Two terms are commonly used to describe the friction characteristics of a runway surface:
micro-texture and macro-texture. Micro-texture refers to the fine-scale roughness contributed
by small individual aggregate particles; it is not readily discernible and provides frictional
properties for aircraft operating at low speeds. Macro-texture refers to the visible roughness
of the pavement surface and provides frictional properties for aircraft operating at high
speeds. Together, these two textures provide frictional properties for the runway surface
under all landing and take-off speeds.

3.4.1 Runway Surface Friction Evaluation

It is recommended that any airport that receives significant jet aircraft traffic conduct periodic
friction evaluations using available, approved Continuous Friction Testing Equipment (CFME).
Table 3-4 below provides the recommended evaluation frequency based on the number of jet
aircraft operations. Since the testing is not time-critical, it should be conducted at a time that
minimizes disruption to airport operations.

Friction Survey Frequency

Number of Daily Minimum Turbojet Aircraft

Minimum Friction Survey Frequency
Landings per Runway End
Less than 15 1 Year
16 to 30 6 Months
31 to 90 3 Months
91 to 150 1 Month
151 to 210 2 Weeks
Greater than 210 1 Week

Table 3-4: Example of friction survey frequency

Note: If more than 20% of the aircraft using a runway end are wide-body aircraft, the operator should select the
next higher level of aircraft landings to determine minimum survey frequency.

As more data are accumulated on the rate of change in runway friction under various traffic
conditions, the frequency of friction surveys should be adjusted to ensure marginal friction
conditions are detected in time to take corrective actions.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 29

Figure 3-7: Surface Friction Tester, courtesy of Hong Kong International Airport

Friction (Mu) values measured by CFME can be used as guidelines for evaluating runway
surface friction deterioration and for identifying appropriate corrective actions. Table 3-5
provides friction level classification for various CFME equipment.

Friction Level Classification for Runway Pavement Surfaces

40 mph (65 km/hr) 60 mph (95 km/hr)

Maintenance Maintenance
Minimum Minimum
Planning Planning

Airtport Surface Friction Tester .50 .60 .34 .47

Airport Technology USA Safegate Friction Tester .50 .60 .34 .47

Dynatest Consulting, Inc.

.50 .60 .41 .54
Dynatest Runway Friction Tester

Findlay, Irvine, Ltd. Griptester Friction Meter .43 .53 .24 .36

Halliday Technologies RT3 .45 .55 .42 .52

Moventor Oy Inc. BV-11 Skiddometer .50 .60 .34 .47

Mu Meter .42 .52 .26 .38

NAC Dynamic Friction Tester .42 .52 .28 .38

Norsemeter RUNAR (operated at fixed 16% slip) .45 .52 .32 .42

Tatra Friction Tester .48 .57 .42 .52

Table 3-5: Friction Level Classification for runway pavement surfaces

Evaluation and maintenance guidelines are recommended based on the friction levels
classified in Table 3-5. The guidelines recognize that poor friction for short distances on the
runway does not pose a safety problem to aircraft, but long stretches of slippery pavement
are serious and require prompt remedial action. Refer to ICAO or local standards for detailed

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 30

3.4.2 Maintenance Considerations

As traffic wears down the runway surface texture, and contaminants build up on the
pavement, friction may decrease to a point where safety is affected. Friction is generally
increased by removing runway surface contaminants. Several methods are available to clean
rubber deposits, other contaminants, and paint markings from the runway surface, including:

• High-pressure water
• Chemical
• High-velocity impact
• Mechanical grinding

Reference should be made to the Rubber Removal section in this chapter for recommended
rubber removal frequency based on the number of turbojet operations and a more detailed
discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of each contaminant removal method.
None of these methods should be used unless the runway is free of standing water, snow,
slush and/or ice. Also, chemical or water impact removal methods should not be used if there
is a danger of the fluids freezing.

After contaminants have been removed from the runway surface, the airport operator should
conduct friction measurements to ensure the Mu values have been restored to within 10% of
those on the uncontaminated centre portion of the runway, and that both measurements are
well within the acceptable friction levels for safe aircraft operations.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Draft Advisory Circular 150/5320-12D, Measurement
and Maintenance of Skid-Resistant Airport Pavement Surfaces is an excellent reference
document that describes the qualities of skid-resistance pavements, friction-related pavement
evaluation techniques, methods for maintaining high skid resistance, along with information
on friction testing equipment, performance specification, and training requirements.

3.5 Rubber Removal

Rubber build-up occurs on the pavement surface in the touchdown zone(s) as aircraft land.
This rubber build-up fills the pavement surface micro- and macro-texture, causing a potential
reduction in skid resistance when the runway is wet, creating a potentially hazardous
operating condition. This build-up must therefore be periodically removed so that a safe
landing surface can be maintained. Rubber removal is generally scheduled based on the
results of friction testing or on a governing agency or airport-prescribed interval. Table 3-6
indicates the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) recommended rubber deposit removal

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 31

Rubber Deposit Removal Frequency

Number of Daily Minimum Turbojet Aircraft Landings Suggested Rubber Deposit

per Runway End Removal Frequency
Less than 15 2 Years
16 to 30 1 Year
31 to 90 6 Months
91 to 150 4 Months
151 to 210 3 Months
Greater than 210 2 Months

Table 3-6: Rubber Deposit Removal Frequency

Note: If more than 20% of the aircraft using a runway end are wide-body aircraft, the operator should select the
next higher level of aircraft landings to determine minimum survey frequency.

Source: FAA Advisory Circular 150/5320-6E (draft). Measurement and Maintenance of Skid-Resistant Airport
Pavement Surfaces.

There are four generally accepted methods used to remove runway rubber:

• Water blasting: This is a process that removes rubber by pumping water through a
rotary device at a specified pressure.
• Chemical removal: This is a process that depends on the use of some form of
chemical-based compound to soften the rubber deposits and put them in a form
that can be separated from the pavement using brushes, brooms, scrapers, or some
other tools.
• Shotblasting: This is a process that relies on a machine that propels some form of
abrasive particle onto the runway surface and blasts away the contaminants.
• Mechanical removal: This process is defined as any mechanical form of rubber
removal that is not covered in the previous three methods. It includes grinding,
milling, wire-bristle brushing, scraping with blades, and other mechanical means to
remove the rubber.

The method selected at an airport can vary for several reasons, including environmental
restrictions, equipment availability, and contractor experience. Additionally, rubber removal
equipment is often proprietary, making it difficult for airport operators to specify an operating
approach that can be used to achieve the desired result. Field experience has shown that if
any method is not properly executed by a qualified and experienced contractor/operator, the
runway surface can be damaged, especially the grooves in grooved pavements.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 32

The following table summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of each of the four
recommended runway rubber removal methods.

Comparison of Rubber Removal Methods

Method Advantages Disadvantages

Water blasting • Process speed • Possible pavement damage owing to

• Reasonable cost “polishing” effect on micro texture
• Environmental compatibility • Damage to grooves in runway pavements
• Ease of vacating the runway in case of • Environmental issue with appropriate disposal
an emergency of residue
• Improved friction due to improved • Ambient air temperature limitations

Chemical removal • Minimal potential for pavement damage • Environmental issue with appropriate disposal
because rubber is softened before it is of residue
removed • Possible damage to asphalt pavements
• Ability to use existing in-house • Rubber not fully cleaned from grooves
maintenance equipment and personnel • Damage to in-house maintenance equipment
• Process speed hoses, etc., from chemicals
• Biodegradable and environmentally • Inability to quickly reopen runway under
benign chemicals rubber removal in an emergency
• Cost

Shot blasting • Re-textures the pavement surface in • Environmental issue with appropriate disposal
addition to removing rubber of residue
• Process speed • Possible damage to asphalt pavements
• Ease of vacating the runway in case of • Process cannot be used in wet conditions
an emergency • FOD hazard owing to embedded shot
• Environmental compatibility • Cost

Mechanical • Improves surface friction characteristics • Environmental issue with appropriate disposal
removal by removing existing polished surface as of residue
well as contaminants • Possible groove damage
• Removes high areas that cause bumps • Slow production
so improves runway profile • Micro-cracking of pavement leading to
• Can use existing equipment to remove accelerated surface ageing
rubber, e.g. – runway sweepers with
steel-tipped brushes

Table 3-7: Comparison of Rubber Removal Methods

Source: Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Synthesis 11, Impact of Airport Rubber Removal
Techniques on Runways.

The ACRP Synthesis provides a more comprehensive discussion of the rubber removal process
and is a recommended reference document that discusses procedures, specifications, and
performance measures in more detail.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 33

Figure 3-8: Runway rubber removal in progress, courtesy of
Hong Kong International Airport

3.6 Foreign Object Debris (FOD)

Foreign Object Debris (FOD) is defined as any object that is inappropriately located in the
movement area, that has the potential to cause human injury, and/or may cause damage
to aircraft or vehicles. Damage from FOD can be costly and an effective program to control
FOD and mitigate the potential for injury or damage is recommended. Such a program is
referenced in ICAO Annex  14—Aerodrome Design and Operations, Chapter 10.2.1, which
The surfaces of all movement areas including pavements (runways, taxiways and
aprons) and adjacent areas shall be inspected, and their conditions monitored regularly
as part of an aerodrome preventive and corrective maintenance programme with the
objective of avoiding and eliminating any loose objects/debris that might cause damage
to aircraft or impair the operation of aircraft systems.

Asphalt and concrete pavements are probably the most common source of FOD on an
airport. Therefore, implementing an effective pavement maintenance program is critical to
the mitigation of FOD. Effective pavement maintenance practices are based on identifying
and locating the surface defects that have the potential to cause FOD (see the section on
Pavement Surface Evaluation) and then selecting the best method and materials to repair the
defect. The methods may be as simple as patching, or as extensive as reconstruction. Refer
to the section on “Pavement Repair and Rehabilitation” for more details.

While discussion of what constitutes a successful FOD management program is beyond the
scope of this document, such a program typically consists of the following four main areas.
• Prevention
- Awareness (existence of the FOD program and management support)
- Training and education (implementation of the FOD program)
- Maintenance
• Detection
- Operations (manual inspections and use of detection equipment)
- Equipment
• Removal
- Equipment
- Operations
• Evaluation
- Data collection and analysis
- Continuous improvement (trending, feedback, incident investigation)

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 34

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Advisory Circular 150/5210-24, Airport Foreign
Object Debris (FOD) Management, provides detailed guidance on developing an effective
FOD management program and can serve as a practical reference.

As previously indicated, the removal of potential FOD from the movement surfaces of an
airport is an important maintenance function of an airport operator. The airport operator
relies on both Airport Operations and Airport Maintenance staff in order to have an effective
FOD control program at the airport. Airport Operations staff are responsible for monitoring
the airfield and identifying potential FOD. If Airport Operations staff cannot immediately
address the FOD problem, they will request assistance from Airport Maintenance. The
airport’s maintenance crews rely on brooms or sweeper trucks to remove FOD from runways/
taxiways and aprons. The airport operator should also have scheduled days and times when
areas of the ramp will be swept. This will allow the aircraft operators, ground handlers, and
tenants that might have equipment parked on the ramps to move the equipment so that the
sweepers can gain access to areas around jet bridges and close to the buildings.

3.7 Pavement Maintenance and Repair

Pavement maintenance and repair typically fall into two categories: localized maintenance
and global maintenance. Localized maintenance includes such actions as cracking sealing
and patching, and is applied over a relatively small, discrete area. Global maintenance
includes processes such as fog seals and slurry seals, which are applied over a larger area.
As pavement rehabilitation activities such as overlays and reconstruction are not considered
maintenance, these are not addressed in this handbook.

To develop a comprehensive pavement maintenance plan, it is necessary to identify the types

of defects/distresses present in the pavement facility and to measure their extent and severity.
The Pavement Condition Index (PCI) methodology is the most common approach used for this
identification. The PCI method is described in Section 3.1 in this chapter. Using the results of
the PCI survey, the cause of the pavement defect can be identified. Understanding the cause
of the defect (load, climate/durability, other) allows the proper repair method and material to
be selected to ensure that the existing defect is corrected, and the pavement deterioration
rate is slowed. It is important to complete the repairs as soon as a need arises so that safe
pavement surfaces for airport operations are maintained, and pavement deterioration is
slowed. All repair activities should include quality control to ensure that repairs are properly
executed, and clean-up activities are completed to remove any potential for FOD.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 35

Sponsored content by

CASE STUDY Digital Solution as Part of Life-cycle Maintenance of Airport Pavement

Part II: Digital quality control for airport pavement maintenance and repair

Upon investigation, the airport runway pavement was found to have a concentrated area
with heavy cracks and shattered slabs. A full coverage structural detection of this area was
carried out to confirm the location, affected area, and depth of the structural distress. Based
on the detection results, a targeted repair scheme, with detailed grouting location and depth,
was then proposed.

The repair scheme design is based on the distribution of detected structural distress

As a part of quality control measures, post-repair pavement detection was conducted to

evaluate the grouting quality. By comparing the pavement structural status before and after
the grouting work, a small pavement area with slight voids was identified. The supplementary
grouting was quickly arranged, thus avoiding the potential need for further work and additional

Pavement structural status (before grouting)

Pavement structural status (after grouting)

Digital comparison of the pavement structural status as part of quality control

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 36

3.7.1 Localized Repairs

Selecting the appropriate method and material for flexible (asphalt) and rigid (concrete)
pavement repairs will depend on the type of damage, climatic conditions, local experience,
and material availability.

For flexible pavements localized repairs typically fall into two categories – crack repair, or
partial and full-depth repair. Table 3-8 provides a quick guide on typical flexible pavement
problems, suggested repairs, and the probable cause of the problem.

Quick Guide for Maintenance and Repair of Common Flexible Pavement Surface Problems

Problem Repair Probable Cause

Weathering/ • Apply surface treatment • Environment

Oxidation • Overlay • Lack of timely surface treatments

Cracks • Remove old sealer material if present • Age

• Clean and prepare cracks • Environmental conditions
• Seal/reseal cracks • Bitumen too hard or overheated in mix
• Joint-heating may be an option for longitudinal • Sealant defects (e.g., incorrect application
cracks when under the direction of an engineer temperature, improper sealant selection,
(operate heaters to avoid excessive heat on the improper crack preparation)

Alligator or fatigue • R
 emove and replace damaged pavement, • Base and/or Subgrade failure
cracking including the base and/or subbase course, if • Overload
required • Under-designed surface course (too thin)

Patches • Remove/replace • Inadequate/improper repair detail/material

• Repair and resurface • Age

Surface irregularities • Remove and replace damaged areas • Traffic

(e.g., rutting, wash- • Surface grinding/milling • Age
boarding, birdbaths)

Loss of skid • Remove rubber/surface contamination • Rubber deposits/surface contamination

resistance • Apply surface treatment • Polished aggregate
• Improper surface treatment

Bleeding • B lot with sand and remove sand prior to • Overly rich mix/low air void content
resuming aircraft operations • Bleeding may be a precursor to other
• E xcessive bleeding may require removal and surface deformities forming, e.g., rutting,
replacement of pavement wash-boarding, etc.

Drainage • G rade pavement shoulders, clear drainage path • Poor maintenance of drainage facilities
• Clean out drainage structures, e.g., edge drains, • Poor maintenance of grade
outfalls, etc.

Table 3-8: Quick Guide for Maintenance and Repair of Common Flexible Pavement
Surface Problems

Source: FAA AC 150/5380-6C

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 37

For rigid pavements, localized repairs typically fall into three categories: crack repair and
joint sealing, full-depth repair, and partial depth repair. Table 3-9 provides a quick guide on
typical rigid pavement problems, suggested repairs, and the probable cause of the problem.

Quick Guide for Maintenance and Repair of Common Rigid Pavement Surface Problems

Problem Repair Probable Cause

Joint sealant • Remove old sealant, clean joints, reseal • Age

damage • Environmental conditions
• Sealant defects (e.g., incorrect application
temperature, improper sealant selection,
improper joint preparation)

Cracks • Clean and seal cracks • Loss of slab support

• Repair/replace slab • Load repetition, curling stresses,
• E valuate adequacy of pavement structure - may shrinkage stresses
require strengthening

Corner breaks • Seal and maintain until full depth patch • Loss of slab support
• Load repetition and curling stresses

Joint spalling • R
 emove lose material, refill with approved • Latent defects, e.g., excessive finishing
product, reseal • Incompressible matter in joint spaces
• Partial depth repair • Snow plough damage

Slab blow up • R
 eplace slab in blow-up area, clean and reseal • Incompressible material in joints
joints preventing slab from expanding

Loss of skid • Remove rubber/surface contamination • Rubber deposits/surface contamination

resistance • Grinding • Age, e.g., surface wear

Drainage • G
 rade pavement shoulders, clear drainage path • Poor maintenance of drainage facilities
• C
 lean out drainage structures, e.g., edge drains, • Poor maintenance of grade
outfalls, etc.

Pop outs • Remove FOD • Material

Patches • Remove/replace • Inadequate/Improper repair detail/material

Table 3-9: Quick Guide for Maintenance and Repair of Common Rigid Pavement
Surface Problems

Source: FAA AC 150/5380-6C.

A discussion on the methods to complete proper repairs is beyond the scope of this handbook
but the references provided contain information on proper repair techniques and material

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 38

3.7.2 Global Preventive Maintenance

Global preventive maintenance is maintenance that is placed over a relatively large flexible
pavement area. This maintenance typically takes the form of some type of surface treatment,
such as fog seals and slurry seals. Surface treatments are not used on rigid pavements. The
global repair type selected should be based on the types of distress observed during the
visual inspections. Figure 3-9, below, illustrates one approach that can be used to select a
global repair method.

Does the pavement Apply Type 3 Global
section have any of the Preventive Maintenance
following distresses? (thin overlay)


Does the pavement

section have any of the
following distresses? Apply Type 2 Global
L, M, H Block Cracking Preventive Maintenance
L, M, H Raveling (slurry seal)
L, M, H Longitudinal &


Apply Type 1
Global Preventive
Maintenance (fog seal)

Figure 3-9: Example flowchart of global repair method

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 39

Global preventive maintenance activities are often applied more than once on a pavement
life span. The application interval is generally selected by observing and recording pavement
performance to determine how long a specific treatment lasts and how long it continues to
slow pavement deterioration. Typically, fog seal applications are required more frequently
than slurry seal applications. Restorative Seal (Fog Seal)

Restorative (fog) seals consist of an application of a bituminous or coal-tar material, typically

emulsion-based, to the surface of a flexible pavement. Restorative seals are also called
rejuvenators or fog seals. Restorative seals are designed to seal the pavement surface
using slow or medium-setting asphalt emulsion further diluted with water. Aggregate, if
applied to provide better pavement friction, is typically medium to fine sand. With correct
application rates, and in some instances the use of sand, restorative seals can generally
provide satisfactory levels of pavement friction.

Restorative seals can serve one or more of the following three purposes:

To seal the surface—Restorative seals can reduce water penetration by sealing small
cracks and porous pavement surfaces. Restorative seals can slow the progression
of raveling and coarse aggregate loss and have been used shortly after paving to
seal areas with low to moderate segregation. The sealing can also slow down the
oxidation and hardening of the asphalt.
To rejuvenate oxidized and hardened asphalt binder—Restorative seals used primarily
to revitalize the surface of the asphalt pavement are called rejuvenators. Rejuvenators
are intended to penetrate the surface of the asphalt pavement and reverse the
oxidation and hardening process in the asphalt. The depth of penetration is usually
only 0.1 to 0.2 inches (2.5 to 5mm). Rejuvenators leave minimal residual material on
the surface and can be re-applied.
To provide protection against fuel spills and oil leak—Aircraft fuels and lubricants are
chemically compatible with asphalt and so can dissolve it and degrade the asphalt
pavement surfaces. Restorative seals that are not compatible with asphalt can provide
protection from the damaging effects of fuel spills and oil leaks.

A restorative seal is a temporary repair, generally lasting one to three years. Slurry Seal

A slurry seal is an unheated mixture of asphalt emulsion, graded fine aggregate, mineral filler,
water, and other additives, which is mixed and uniformly spread over the pavement surface
as slurry. Slurry seal systems are formulated with the objective of creating a bitumen-rich
mortar. These are similar to the micro surfacing process referenced earlier, but the mineral
skeleton is typically not very strong and has limited interlocking of the aggregate particles.
Consequently, slurry seals are applied in thin lifts to avoid permanent deformation by traffic.

Slurry seals are used to correct surface defect/distresses, such as raveling and coarse
aggregate loss, weathering, and slight cracking, and improve pavement friction. They are also
used as a preventive maintenance treatment to seal pavement surfaces from the intrusion of
water and slow surface oxidation, weathering, and raveling. Slurry seals are best placed on
structurally sound pavements that are in good condition with little or no cracking or rutting

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 40

and perform best on surfaces with uniform characteristics. If defects such as moderate or
severe raveling, cracking, or rutting occur frequently, the section is probably not a viable
candidate for slurry sealing. Working cracks, such as transverse cracks, can be sealed either
before or after the slurry seal application.

When used as a preventive maintenance treatment, a slurry seal can prolong pavement life
span by three to six years. When used to restore or improve pavement surface characteristics,
for example, to restore pavement friction, slurry seals can last three to seven years.

The asphalt emulsion used in slurry seals is typically cationic and contains about 60 to 65% of
residual asphalt. The slurry mix contains 9 to 10% of asphalt. Coal tar-based emulsions that
protect against fuel spills and oil leaks are also available in some markets.

The aggregate used for slurry seals is crushed high-quality dense-graded aggregate. Its
gradation generally follows one of the three gradation types; Type I, II, or III, recommended
by the ISSA. Type II gradation can be used for aprons and low-volume taxiways and Type
III gradation for runways. Type III gradation has 70 to 90% of aggregate passing No. 4 sieve.
Mineral filler, typically Portland cement or hydrated lime, is used to control the curing time of
the mix (the break time of the emulsion). The thickness of a slurry seal application is set to a
slightly greater thickness than that of the largest aggregate particle in the mix.

• Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Advisory Circular 150/5380-6C, Guidelines and
Procedures for Maintenance of Airport Pavements
Airport Cooperative Research Program, (ACRF) Synthesis 22, Common Airport
Pavement Maintenance Practices

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 41

4 Markings
This chapter provides the standards for surface markings used on airfield pavements, such
as runways, taxiways, aprons, and paved airfield roadways. Moreover, this chapter describes
marking methodologies, methods for assessing marking condition, and increasing marking
longevity by completing marking maintenance using proper techniques, materials, and

The Airfield Marking Handbook, prepared by the Innovative Pavement Research Foundation
(IPRF) under the Airport Concrete Pavement Technology Program (ACPTP), is an informative
tool to understand and manage airfield markings and it should be part of the technical library
of any airport.

4.1 When to Maintain

Visibility and clarity of paint markings are important both day and night. Maintenance of
markings will take place whenever the visibility of the markings has been reduced by deposits,
which usually results from:
• Rubber deposits
• Algae
• Fungal growth
• Rust staining

Determination of when to maintain will normally depend on:

a) Inspection of markings to determine status of markings. This is done by regular
recording of the condition of the markings during visual inspections made during
daily inspections.
Scheduled maintenance; This is pre-determined maintenance to be done after a
certain period (e.g., bi-annually or quarterly).
c) The rate of use (e.g., the number of landings or take-offs).

All painting of runways and taxiways should be performed during dry weather when weather
conditions are appropriate (i.e., temperature, fog, wind, etc.). Before painting, all surfaces
should be cleaned and made free of any dirt, grease, oil, or any other material that could
affect the paint from adhering to the pavement (this process is normally called surface
preparation). It should be noted that paint should not be applied to Portland cement concrete
pavements until the concrete area that is to be painted is clean of all construction material.
A high-pressure water washer, metal brushing or sandblasting may be used to remove this
construction material.

All paint should be mixed according to the instructions provided by the manufacturer and
applied using a marking machine at a recommended rate of 9 to 10 square metres per gallon
or as indicated by the paint manufacturer. This marking machine shall be suitable for applying
traffic paint. The use of thinner is not permitted when painting runways and taxiways.
Following the painting process, all runways and taxiways painted should be protected until
the paint is dry and ready to accept traffic (this time may vary depending on the type of paint
being used as some types of paint have a faster drying time than others).

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 42

4.2 Surface Preparation

Contaminants (such as rubber, dust, loose paint, oil, dirt, etc.) reduce the bond between the
paint and the pavement. It is therefore imperative that the surface is cleaned of contaminants
using adequate cleaning methods, such as water blasting, scrubbing, shot blasting, and
mechanical sweeping.

For pavement markings to adhere to the pavement surface the surface must be prepared prior
to the application of new markings. Airfield markings can quickly become a maintenance
problem when they are repeatedly painted over without adequate cleaning.

As previously mentioned, water blasting is regarded as a best practice method of surface

preparation. When asphalt is repainted without cleaning the surface, the multiple layers of
paint can crack, causing premature deterioration of the asphalt.

Some airports give applicators limited time periods, mostly overnight, to maintain the
markings. It is not unusual for some airports to repaint all the markings three or more times
per year. Some of the reasons cited for not performing proper surface preparation include
the following:
• A lack of equipment.
• Difficulty in coordinating surface preparation operations and achieving schedules.
• The amount of time required to prepare the surface.
• Interruption to airport operations.

4.3 Contaminants to be Removed

• Curing compound: A curing compound is sprayed on new concrete to produce a

moisture-resistant membrane. If markings are to be applied, the best practice is to
remove the membrane first.
• Rubber deposits: Rubber builds up on the touchdown zone of a runway surface. At
some airports, the removal of rubber deposits may be scheduled to be performed
monthly, but the centreline markings are typically repainted once every week or two
weeks. This is not, in fact, a good practice, but is followed as the visibility of the
runway centreline is a critically important priority.
• Loose and flaking marking material: This is the most common condition affecting
surface preparation.
• Algae: Algae grow in warm, humid, environments, particularly on surfaces that have
light traffic.
• Rust discolouration: When remarking rust-discoloured markings, cleaning them to
remove as much of the rust deposits as possible is a best practice.
Oil, jet blast residue, and similar substances: Whenever these substances are
encountered, removing them before applying new markings is a best practice.

4.4 Equipment to prepare surfaces

• Water blasters
• Shot blasters
• Grinders
• Sandblasters
• Brooms, Vacuum Equipment/Air Compressors

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 43

4.5 Pavement Marking Removal

The extent of marking removal is based on the reason for conducting the paint removal.
Different types are defined in Table 4-1, along with the recommended degree of paint removal:

Types of Marking Removal Degrees of Removal

Obsolete markings and changing marking patterns 95-100%

Seal coats or other surface treatment 80-80%

Marking build-up and for excessive layers 85-90%

Changing paint colours 90-95%

Incompatible materials 85-100%

Table 4-1: Markings type and recommended degree of removal

If pavement damage begins to occur with one method, the process should be stopped, and
the engineer/inspector should consider other methods or combinations of methods that may
achieve the desired result without causing damage to the underlying pavement.

4.6 Application Procedures

The following equipment is normally used for the application of the paint:
a) Mechanical paint-marking machine for cold application
b) Hand-painting tools (brushes, scrapers, rollers, etc.)

Figure 4-1: Line-marking painting, courtesy of Hong Kong International Airport

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 44

Figure 4-2: Taxiway marking in progress,
courtesy of Hong Kong International Airport

Figure 4-3: Retroreflective test of markings,

courtesy of Hong Kong International Airport

Figure 4-4: Skid resistance test of markings,

courtesy of Hong Kong International Airport

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 45

The successful application of airfield markings requires knowledge and experience across a
wide range of areas, including standards, specifications, equipment, materials, procedures,
and quality control. There are two scenarios for applying airfield markings:
• Installing new markings on a new surface.
• Maintaining existing markings.

4.7 New Markings

Before the full application of airfield markings, it is a good practice to produce a test strip to
establish a thickness/visibility standard for all markings.

If the new pavement is Portland cement concrete, removing the curing compound is vital to
ensure a proper bond of the marking material to the pavement. To avoid gas bubbles erupting
through the paint, material manufacturers recommend a wait period of 8 to 12 weeks before
applying markings to new concrete.

4.8 Repaint Existing Markings

“Repaint” means painting over existing markings after cleaning the surface. Application on
different pavement types varies as follows:

• Concrete. If concrete is new or unmarked, epoxy performs well and is highly durable.
Solvent and waterborne paints perform well. Waterborne paints have been steadily
advanced, including better polymers developed to improve the bond of the material
to the pavement and provide greater flexibility and elasticity of the marking. If the
waterborne marking is installed correctly, its life expectancy should be two years or
longer, depending on the volume of traffic.

• Asphalt. Most materials bond well to asphalt, but asphalt is more susceptible to damage
due to the different stresses of the coatings on the surface. While thermoplastic is a
popular material for highways because it melts the asphalt and bonds to it as both
the surface and the marking cool, the situation is more complicated for airfields.
Thermoplastic markings are effective for use on the airport’s vehicle roadways,
taxiway lines, runway holding position markings, and apron markings but, as per
the FAA Technical Report DOT/FAA/AR-TN08/22, Evaluation of Thermoplastic Marking
Materials, “until further notice, preformed thermoplastic surface markings are not
to be within the runway proper because of the significantly lower friction readings
recorded on such markings as compared to dry unmarked pavement”.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 46

Figure 4-5: Installation of thermoplastic markings
at Toronto Pearson International Airport

4.9 Material Requirements

The most common specification for paints used on airport runways and taxiways is the
FAA Federal Specification Standards TT-P-1952E, including requirements on composition
and prohibited materials. The non-volatile portion of the vehicle for all types shall be
composed of a 100% acrylic polymer. The manufacturer shall certify that the product does
not contain mercury, lead, hexavalent chromium, chlorinated solvents, hydrolysable chlorine
derivates, ethylene-based glycol ethers and their acetates, nor any carcinogen, as defined in
29 CFR 1910. 1200.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 47

5 Airfield Electrical Systems Maintenance
5.1 Apron Lighting

Apron areas where aircraft park for loading or unloading passengers, mail, cargo, fueling,
parking or maintenance need to be lit effectively. Sufficient lighting not only helps staff in
their apron activities (e.g., handling cargo, catering, and fueling) to read the information
correctly and move around safely, but it is also reassuring for passengers waiting at the gate
to board because they can see that safety and security protocols are being maintained.

Figure 5-1: Apron Lighting, courtesy of Hong Kong International Airport

5.1.1 High Mast Lighting

The apron relies on high mass lighting

(HML) as the major light source. In
general, high mast lighting consists
of a high mast pole with mounting
frames, floodlight luminaries and the
associated power distribution system
and control system, including the
power distribution panels and pillar

Figure 5-2: High Mast Lighting

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 48 Maintenance Strategy

Maintenance Program
An HML Maintenance Program (as shown in Table 5-1) includes checking and, where
necessary, corrective actions. This program shall be reviewed regularly against the equipment
manufacturer’s operation and maintenance manual and the airport’s actual service records.
The program shall be amended where necessary to ensure that the required service standards
are maintained.

Item Asset/Task Frequency Work Scope

1 Inspection of Daily • Check lamp outage; replacing lamps if required

Quarterly • Check operation and condition of lamps; replace/repair if necessary

Bi-annually • Clean lens and check aiming angle

Annually • Inspect light controller functionaries

• Check turn and plug-in connections for cleanliness and good electrical
• Check relays for serviceability; cleaning of replacement
• Check contacts for corrosion and wear; cleaning or replacement
• Check relay cabinet condition including proper weather seal
• Check for moisture, cleanness, mechanical damage; cleaning, drying,
and repairing
• Check fuses and fuse sockets; cleaning and spraying sockets and
replacing fuses
• Check relay cabinet outside condition

2 Inspection of Monthly • Inspect light controller function

Pillar Box

3 Lux Level Annually • Measure the illumination level to fulfil the recommendation from ICAO
Measurement Annex 14 as below:
- Horizontal average illuminance above 20 lux with a uniformity ratio
(average to minimum) of not more than 4:1
- Vertical average illuminance above 20 lux at a height of 2m above
apron with a uniformity ratio (average-to-minimum) of not more
than 4:1

After each • M
 easure the illumination level (Lux Level) to check if the lux level is
incident in the higher than 20 lux, and the average-to-minimum ratio is lower than 4
stand when
the HMLs are
activated at
that moment

Table 5-1: Maintenance program for HML

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 49

5.2 Airfield Ground Lighting (AGL)

The Airfield Ground Lighting (AGL) system provides visual guidance to pilots during landing
and take-off, as well as when manoeuvring around the airport.

Figure 5-3: Airfield ground lighting system

5.2.1 Maintenance Strategy and Establishment of a

Maintenance Cycle

A holistic approach towards the maintenance

management of airfield electrical systems is essential
in covering all the key parameters of AGL maintenance
activities, including product selection, management of
spares, adherence to OEM procedures, technological
advancements, life of the fixture etc.

To achieve this, the establishment of a maintenance

cycle is a key process that is defined by several
important factors. For example, although the Category
I runway lighting system does not mandate in-field
photometric testing, it may be necessary once in three
to four years to use this process to identify and assess
for degraded performance. This deterioration may
not necessarily be due to operational issues, such as
improper maintenance or lack of spares but actually
due to jet blast, particularly in the touch-down zone.
In these circumstances, typical runway edge lighting
declines in performance if left unchecked, resulting in
degradation of the outer lens. This highlights the value
Figure 5-4: Approach lighting of regular visual inspections.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 50

Figure 5-5: Degraded outer lens due to jet blast vs new lens

Another simple example is the lamp failure in a PAPI unit whereby, in a two-lamp PAPI unit,
even one lamp failure can lead to non-compliance. Lamp failures can be reduced by replacing
the lamp before it reaches the end of its stated lamp life, such as replacing it at 800 hours in
the case of a stated lamp life of 1000 hours. Factors such as the brilliance of the PAPI lights
operating at that airport based on the visibility conditions, the landing direction etc. should
also be considered, but this simple procedure is an effective element of the maintenance
cycle. As AGL products are mostly imported and require a lead time based on the annual
consumption and maintenance pattern, a core strategy is the maintenance of adequate
spares for the AGL system.

Adapted to the specific needs of each airport, a comprehensive maintenance cycle supports
the optimum utilization of airport resources and influences all aspects of operations, from
human resources to the management of spares.

A typical sequence in establishing the maintenance cycle:

Executing the maintenance as per OEM recommendations

Performance monitoring

Review on analysis of failures vs maintenance frequencies

Establishing and carrying out maintenance

as per the maintenance cycle

Figure 5-6: Establishing the maintenance cycle

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 51

5.2.2 Documentation and Record Upkeep

Record keeping is an essential part of an AGL maintenance strategy, enabling the tracking of
the performance of the AGL system and the monitoring of its ageing and any maintenance
works carried out. This includes specific records, such as pre/post maintenance inspections
to provide the trend of the insulation resistance values and the weak loops of the AGL circuits.
Other critical records include the torque management of the inset fixtures, PAPI ground
calibration, photometry calibration reports, and checklists, among others.

5.2.3 Airfield Lighting Photometry

While airfield lighting may appear to be compliant under basic visual inspections, this may be
deceptive as several factors can cause weaknesses or even failures in performance, including:
• Contamination by dust
• Rubber deposits
• De-icing fluids
• Misalignment of the optics /lens
• Ageing of the fixture
• Ageing of the lamp
• Degradation of the optics
• Improper maintenance
• Jet blast impacts
• Improper installation

As stated earlier, performance monitoring against the standards of the photometry calibration
needs to be done for CAT I conditions to establish the maintenance cycle. Industry suppliers
provide an extensive range of product options to support the quality and efficiency of airport
maintenance programs but realistic budget parameters must be established in line with the
airport’s resources and operations. This is especially important with regard to the number of
movements and slot availability affecting the in-pavement fixtures.

5.2.4 Training and Technological Improvements

Technically qualified manpower is an important factor in effective maintenance management.

Training should be given at regular intervals to technicians and engineers, based on the
competency levels required in day-to-day maintenance works and include both theoretical
and on-the-job training on different AGL systems. Test bench training with AGL systems
for demonstration of its operation and functionality should be made available as part of the
ongoing assessment of the technical abilities of the workforce.

Figure 5-7: Testbench with AGL Systems

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 52

5.2.5 AGL Manual and Reference Documents

The AGL department should have a maintenance manual, reviewed yearly or when a new
installation is added to the system. The manual provides the clear maintenance management
strategy of the airport, including the details of all installations, the 4Cs (Colour, Candela,
Coverage, and Configuration) of the installations, construction of the product, fault rectification
procedures, and serviceability standards. Drawings of the circuits should be maintained by
the AGL team for all the circuits, including for use in emergencies. Other reference manuals
and standard references, such as local regulatory requirements, international document
references pertaining to AGL systems, and AGL maintenance documents pertaining to other
standards, will also be part of the immediate reference documents for the AGL teams.

5.2.6 AGL Design for Effective Maintenance

The development of maintenance activities is influenced by the design of the airfield lighting
system. AGL cables should be installed using a pit and duct system as part of effective
installation methods. The design shall ensure that no two different circuits shall be in
a single transformer housing box. In manholes where feeder cables are passed through,
enough spacing must be maintained to ensure separation and prevent complete loss of AGL
circuits due to fire or any other issues. Fire prevention measures, with separators or any
other equivalent mechanism, must be implemented and the transformer housing box shall
be easily accessible, with adequate space for maintenance needs.

The installation of transformer housing boxes, including their distance from the runway
centreline, must allow for maintenance access at all times. This is especially important at
higher-traffic airports, where the availability of maintenance slots may be more limited.

The identification of maintenance needs and requirements is a key element to be considered

when designing an AGL system.

5.2.7 Technological Advancements and the Impact on AGL Maintenance

The evolution of LEDs in the AGL field, including manufacturers offering a comprehensive
range of new AGL fixtures for runway and taxiway lighting, has driven numerous changes -
and challenges - to the planning of maintenance needs. Although the quality and reliability
of these new fixtures have frequently been proven to be strong, some industry experts still
have reservations about the shift to new fixtures. These concerns are principally based
on the numerous changes seen in product design, including manufacturers’ focus on the
increasingly compact design of the fixtures. While this reduction in bulk potentially offers new
advantages over conventional AGL fixtures, new options must also demonstrate longevity in
performance. Concern at the pricing levels of fixtures and spare parts is a further constraint
as financial management is invariably a serious concern for airport operators.

Despite these concerns, several operational and maintenance advantages are achievable
using LEDs, especially as the demands of optical section maintenance are comparatively
lower than those seen on conventional systems. Although maintenance activities and
frequencies are unchanged, the longer life of LEDs can actually reduce the required level of
operational intervention by the maintenance team during operations. Due to the compact
design and standard array of LEDs, vibrational loads impose a comparatively lower impact
on the orientation of the lamps. In current market conditions, the warranty on LED fixtures

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 53

is typically provided in the range of two to five years. Fixtures with long warranty periods
might be considered more reliable options in terms of return on investment and the airport
must assess a balanced approach to the required investment and the projected operational
advantages. In making this important assessment, feedback from the other airports should
be incorporated into a careful analysis of the strategy.

5.2.8 Workshop Facilities and Maintenance Set-up

AGL maintenance requires a dedicated maintenance structure for carrying out daily works,
focused specifically on the issue of AGL. A range of general tools, including lamp testing
equipment, is required along with a selection of OEM-recommended tools for the maintenance
of specific fixtures and several essential tests, such as leakage testing and lab photometry
calibration to ensure the integrity of the fixture before installation.

Figure 5-8: Workbench and storage for spares and consumables in the
workshop at IGA, Istanbul Airport

5.2.9 AGL Faults and Troubleshooting Procedures

Serviceability requirements of the AGL system rise with any increase in the category of
runway operations, including the need for rapid action on faults, such as lamp failures.
Airports with a high number of movements, CAT II/III operations, and fewer maintenance
slots, should adopt an advanced control and monitoring system for the instant identification
of lamp failure. This would reduce the time and resources required both for inspections and
workshop actions.

Other notable faults include circuit failures due to open circuits or short circuits of the
AGL primary cables, and CCR failures. Most airports use the segregation of the faulty area
technique to locate these faults, but stronger strategic planning before identifying these faulty
areas would decrease fault rectification times to a minimum. Additionally, the introduction of
test pits in the circuit would support the faster identification of a faulty area, as shown below.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 54

Figure 5-9: AGL serviceability system

To support this approach, spare loops of primary cables and connector kits must be made
available at all times for use in emergencies, as well as tools recommended for AGL application.

5.2.10 Maintenance of In-pavement Fixtures

Compared to elevated fixtures, in-pavement fixtures require additional maintenance

procedures. The AGL maintenance team must be trained in understanding these additional
needs as part of the critical importance of in-pavement fixture maintenance.

When several makes and models of fixtures are used on an operational runway, care must be
taken to understand the specific maintenance requirements of each manufacturer. In order to
continuously improve the quality of maintenance, the collection of data for each in-pavement
fixture is necessary. Examples of the recommended static data content an airport should log
are listed below:
• Fixture manufacturer
• Fixture type/function
• Location of fixture
• Fixture identification number
• Maintenance program identification

Data collected during maintenance should include:

• Inspection date, names of staff involved
• Type of inspection (visual, bolt tightening torque verification, light intensity verification,
• Capsule fixation
• Result of the inspection
• Identification of torque wrench used
When an off-site inspection includes a general refurbishment of the position, its maintenance
log should be reset.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 55

Categorisation of observations is necessary to identify and monitor any trends. The following
are examples of typical observations:
• Damages on fixture from snow removal equipment
• Damages on fixture from push-back operations
• Capsule edge above pavement surface
• Capsule edge below pavement surface
• Capsule edge bent
• Capsule is moveable
• Part of capsule cast material is damaged/disintegrated
• Pavement around the capsule is damaged/disintegrated
• Missing bolt
• Bolt turned >45 degrees to obtain correct tightening torque
• Bolt cannot obtain correct tightening torque
• Inadequate light intensity
Based on high-quality, comprehensive data collection, trends can be derived and, if necessary,
illustrations of current status can be created. An illustrative example is shown below:

Figure 5-10: Example of a trend analysis

The maintenance program should be developed using a risk-based approach to reflect the
criticality of the area where a fixture is located, e.g., divided into high, medium, and low risk
• High-risk area includes fixtures on runways and runways exits, including stop bars
but excluding edge fixtures.
• Medium-risk area includes fixtures on manoeuvring area taxiways and runway edge
• Low-risk area includes fixtures on apron taxiways.
The critical aspects of maintenance, such as torquing of bolts, selection of the right bolts,
consumables to be used etc., should be clearly understood before the execution of works on
the operational runway. A case study with more details on the maintenance of inset lights is
provided in Appendix 3.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 56

5.3 Maintenance Strategy

Maintenance Program
A Maintenance Program, as shown in Table 5-2 below, includes checking and, where
necessary, corrective actions. This program shall be reviewed regularly against the equipment
manufacturer’s operation and maintenance manual and the airport’s service records. The
program shall be amended, where necessary, to ensure that the required service standards
are maintained. The designed schedule, exampled below, should be reviewed in line with
OEM and established maintenance cycles and documented in the AFE manual for audit and
maintenance references.

Item Asset/Task Frequency Work Scope

1 Inspection of Daily • C
 heck system for burnt-out lamps and report for maintenance service if
Runway/Taxiway any discrepancy found
2 Maintenance of Daily • Replace the defective light and adjust any misalignment
Bi-annually • Check fasteners of each light unit; tightening as required
• Check lights for corrosion; painting or replacing rusted parts
• Cleaning or replacing reflector of each light unit (if applicable)
• Cleaning or replacing glass of each light, if necessary
• Check lamps of the whole system; replacing of the unserviceable lamps
or entire fixture
• Adjust elevation setting of required
• Check horizontal alignment and adjust if required
Annually • C heck plug connections for cleanliness and faultless contact if required;
cleaning or replacement of dirty parts, if required
• Check light fittings and their supporting structure for adequacy of
fastening and for corrosion and rust; tighten fasteners; painting or
• Check general condition of the whole system, record results
Un-scheduled • C heck elevation setting and the horizontal alignment (if applicable) of
the light units after severe storms; adjust, if required
• Check light units for obstruction by grass (not applicable for inset lights),
removing any obstacles found
3 Maintenance of Twice • C
 heck elevation setting (vertical angle) of the light units; adjust if
Visual Approach monthly necessary
Slope Indicator • Cleaning of spreader glass, filters, and lamps
Quarterly* • Perform bulk replacement of PAPI lights
Annually • A djust and replace lamps, if required
• Check supporting structure and the foundation of each unit and repair,
if required
4 Maintenance Twice weekly • Check tightness of the lights and fittings to the seats
of Runway • Replace glass of each light for wear and tear
Threshold and
8 months* • Perform bulk replacement for Runway Threshold
Runway End
Light 10 months • Perform bulk replacement of Runway End Light

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 57

Item Asset/Task Frequency Work Scope

5 Maintenance of Bi-weekly • Check lenses for cleanliness, clean if required

Inset Lights: • Re-tightening of the light fitting, if require
Runway Centre
Bi-annually • L ight output of all lights within the system, including measuring and
Line Lights and
recording results
Touchdown Zone
• Check lights for cleanliness inside and outside; cleaning, if required
• Check electrical connection of the lights; tighten; spray with contact
agent, if required
• Check alignment of lights; adjusting, if required
• Check prisms and filters; cleaning or replacing as required
• Check sealing compound; reseal, if required
Un-scheduled • C
 heck top parts of the lights two to four weeks after replacement and
tighten, if required
6 Maintenance of Bi-weekly • Check lenses for cleanliness; clean, if required (for stop bar light only)
Inset Lights: • Re-tightening of the light fitting, if required (for stop bar light only)
Runway Exit Bi-annually • Check or replacing prisms and filters
Lights and Stops
• Check sealing compound and reseal, if required
Bar Lights
• Sample checking of light output for Taxiway Centre Line Light, including
measuring and recording the results; cleaning of the lenses
10 months • Perform bulk replacement for stop lights and runway exit lightst
Un-scheduled • Tightening top parts of the lights two to four weeks after replacement
7 Maintenance of Bi-weekly • Inspection of elevated approach lights
Approach Lights
Bi-annually • Clean the elevated approach lights
Annually • C
 heck light fittings and their support structure for adequacy of fastening
and for corrosion and rust
• Check general condition of the whole system and record result
• Check alignment
8 Maintenance of Bi-weekly • Inspection of the strobe lights
Strobe Lights
Bi-annually • Clean strobe lights
• Check the function of the control and operation of the lights are in
correct sequence and frequency
• Check the supply boxes, control and supervision box, and its electrical
Annually • C
 heck light fittings and their support structure for adequacy of fastening
and for corrosion and rust
• Check general condition of the whole system and recording result
• Check alignment
9 Maintenance of Bi-weekly • Check lights for cleanliness; clean, if required
Runway Guard • Check the light fitting for tightness; retighten, if required
Annually • C
 heck electrical connection of the lights, spray contact agent, if
• Check alignment

Table 5-2: Example of an AGL maintenance program

* The frequency depends on the brilliancy level it is being used at and the number of hours operated on respective
landing direction. The identified needs are to be established as part of the maintenance cycle.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 58

Figure 5-11: AGL maintenance work in progress

5.4  GL Control and Monitoring


The AGL is controlled and monitored

by the AGL Control and Monitoring
System, which is composed of
workstations and Programmable
Logic Controllers (PLC). The system
is normally controlled by Air Traffic
Control (ATC) controllers, located
in the Aerodrome Control Tower,
or the Backup ATC Tower in case of

Figure 5-12: Maintenance of approach lighting in


Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 59

Figure 5-13: Example of AGL Control System Architecture:
Istanbul International Airport

5.4.1 Maintenance Strategy

Maintenance Program
A Maintenance Program, as shown in Table 5-3 below, includes checking and, where
necessary, corrective actions. This program shall be reviewed regularly against the equipment
manufacturer’s operation and maintenance manual and actual service records. The program
shall be amended, where necessary, to ensure that the required service standards are

Item Asset/Task Frequency Work Scope

1 Inspection and Daily • Correcting or repairing malfunctions as and when required

Monthly • V erify the function of AGL control panel
of AGL Control
and Monitoring • Record operating status of the AGL control panel
System • Check control equipment for proper operation on each brightness step
• Visual inspection on workstations, PLC
• Keep all control equipment clean
• Record PLC working status
Annually •  heck system for cleanliness and moisture; cleaning and drying
• Check general condition of the whole system, and record results
• Swap Master and Standby unit to maintain serviceability
• Check general condition of the equipment
• Perform workstation health check
• Perform functional check on PLC by activation of lighting and PLC
redundancy test

Table 5-3: Example of a maintenance program for

AGL control and monitoring system

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 60

5.5 Power Supply Systems

5.5.1 Airfield Power Supply and Emergency Power Supply

The airfield high voltage (HV) / low voltage (LV) electrical system is the main power distribution
network for airfield systems. It is connected to the local power supply network (e.g., CLP
Power Hong Kong Limited is the local power supply company for Hong Kong International
Airport). The HV/LV electrical system consists of 11kV switchgear, HV cables, 11kV/380V
distribution transformers, LV electrical switchboards and associated equipment.

An emergency power supply system with LV generators serves as an alternative power supply
system for essential airfield systems. Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) and Uninterrupted
Power Transfer (UPT) systems are installed to enable automatic power transfer between the
local power supply network and the emergency power supply system in case of emergency. System Hierarchy

The following example of a system hierarchy is from Hong Kong International Airport:

HV/LV and Emergency

Power Supply System

Power Supply

Switchboard Cable Cable Generator

Transformer LV Generator
Switchboard Switchboard
E&M Interlock

Figure 5-14: Example of a system hierarchy Maintenance Strategy

The following maintenance program shall be reviewed regularly against the equipment
manufacturer’s operation and maintenance manual if any, and actual service records. The
program shall be amended where necessary to ensure the required service standards are

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 61

Item Asset/Task Frequency Work Scope

1 HV Switchboard Bi- • C
 heck for any abnormal temperature rise and hissing sound of the
annually switchboard and components
• Check the switchboard for signs of damaged or loose fittings
• C
 heck all indication lights/bulbs, meters, and over-load protection relays
and replace faulty parts where required
• C
 heck whether the switch handle, lifting trolley and spare fuses are
available and in good condition
Annually • C heck and record the operating status of all switches
• Visual inspection of insulators and carry out necessary testing and replace
any defective components as required. Investigate for signs of dusting or
contamination on insulating surfaces and discoloration due to overheating
and ensure that terminations are secure
• Check and calibrate all the measuring meters
• M anually operate tripping device of each protective circuit to check
• P erform interface and functional test. Check operation of all associated
switch gears. Rectify any abnormalities found
• P erform supply transfer tests in connection to LV emergency generators,
LV switchboards and LV distribution panels/boards. etc. Check operation
of all associated switch gears. Report the testing results and rectify any
abnormalities found
• P erform supply transfer tests in connection to LV emergency generators, LV
switchboards and LV distribution panels/boards, etc. Check operation of all
associated switch gears
2 HV/LV Bi- • Check the operator station for obvious signs of physical damage
Transformers annually • Check all indication lights/bulbs
• Check the output voltage
Annually • C
 heck and record unit and winding temperature and general condition of
the transformer
• C
 heck temperature sensor, remote indication and alarm (if any) for proper
functioning, adjust and calibrate where necessary
• Observe any abnormal hissing sound from the transformer and report
• Carry out earth loop impedance tests
• C
 arry out functional test of the associated exhaust fans by virtue of the
associated temperature sensor control switch
• C
 arry out trip function test between HV switchgear and temperature sensor
control switch
• Carry out insulation resistance test for transformer windings

3 LV Switchboard Monthly • C
 heck for any abnormal temperature rise, vibration, hissing sound or
notable smell of the switchboard and components
• Check and record the supply voltage
Bi- • C
 heck LV terminal connection bushings are not damaged, and bushings are
annually clean
• Check the tightness of the earthing system connections
• Check and record the operating status of all switches
• Check and record the reading of all voltage/ampere meter
• C
 heck for any burnt out/faulty components such as protection fuses,
meters, relays, cards, electronic parts, etc.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 62

Item Asset/Task Frequency Work Scope

3 LV Switchboard Annually • C
 heck operation of automatic change-over mechanism
• Visual check for any sign of overheating or oxidation at cable/busbar joints
• Check and calibrate all the measuring meters
• Carry out tripping device functional test
• Carry out ductor test
4 DC Battery and Monthly • O bserve any abnormal hissing sound and overheating from the charger and
Charger System battery
• Use battery tester to check the battery terminal voltage and internal
resistance. Replace defective battery or rectify the charger as required
• Check the condition of contact points for any sign of oxidation or
• Check indication lights and replace as required
• Check for any burnt out/faulty components such as protection fuses,
meters, relays, cards, electronic parts, etc.
• Check the condition of control fuses and charging current and voltage
• Check the battery electrolyte level and top up with distilled water if required
• Check the charging voltage and current
Annually • C heck condition of all electrical wiring and components for damage and
rectify as necessary
• Check the battery electrolyte level and top up with distilled water if required
• Carry out comprehensive functional test on the charger unit
• Measure the terminal voltage of individual battery
5 HV Cable Annually • C
 heck for any loosened cable clamp and re-tighten fixture if necessary
• C
 onduct thermos-scan analysis to check for any overheating, deterioration,
damage, or abnormality
• Perform ductor test
• Carry out ultrasonic measurement
• C
 arry out insulation resistance test and dielectric test to ensure the
apparatus is in good insulation condition
6 HV Bus Duct Bi- • E xamine all monoblocs for signs of dirt accumulation, discharge marks, and
annually tracking paths
• E xamine busbar joints and insulation for signs of deterioration and
discharge marks
• Perform ductor test
• Perform insulation test for busbar
• Carry out ultrasonic measurement
7 LV Cable Annually • C heck for any loosened cable clamp and re-tighten fixture if necessary
• Conduct thermos-scan analysis to check for any overheating, deterioration,
damage, or abnormality
8 LV Bus Duct Bi- • C heck for any loose cable clamp and re-tighten fixture if necessary
annually • Conduct thermos-scan analysis to check for any overheating, deterioration,
damage, or abnormality
• Carry out insulation resistance test

Table 5-4: Example of a maintenance program for the power supply system

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 63

5.5.2 Fixed Ground Power

The Fixed Ground Power (FGP) system is designed

to provide a reliable and controlled supply of 400Hz
power at 200V to the aircraft when aircraft are parked
in the stands with their engines shut down. This power
is used to support the aircraft’s onboard electrical

Figure 5-15: Fixed Ground Power System Maintenance Strategy

Maintenance Program
The following maintenance program shall be reviewed regularly against the equipment
manufacturer’s operation and maintenance manual, if any, and actual service records. The
program shall be amended where necessary to ensure the required service standards are

Item Asset/Task Frequency Work Scope

1 Fixed 400Hz Monthly • C

 heck conditions of indication signal
Ground Power • Clean all moving parts, lubricate if necessary
Supplies • Check cable with aircraft for any damages, repair or replace if necessary

Quarterly • Check the ventilation system of FGP plant room

• Clean the exterior of the control panel
• Check condition of indication signal

Annually •  heck cable tray, cable supports, and trunking

• Check wiring for any loose connection, tighten if necessary
• Check the tightness of all bolts and connections
• Check the control circuit wiring for any loose connection, tighten if
• Check condition of all screws, wearing parts, and chain and wheels of the
driving motor
• Check the cable and connector for any damage

Table 5-5: Example of a maintenance program for fixed ground power systems

5.6 Aircraft Visual Docking Guidance System

The Aircraft Visual Docking Guidance System

(VDGS) consists of displays, laser-scanning units,
and operator control panels. It serves to guide
the docking of aircrafts to the parking position.
A signal will be displayed to guide the pilot for
left and right steering as well as the stop position
when approaching the parking stand.
Figure 5-16: VDGS

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 64

5.6.1 Maintenance Strategy

Maintenance Program
The following Maintenance Program should be reviewed regularly against the equipment
manufacturer’s operation and maintenance manual, if any, and actual service records. The
program shall be amended where necessary to ensure the required service standards are

Item Asset/Task Frequency Work Scope

1 AVDGS Weekly • Inspect the display unit front glass cover and scanning unit cabinet front
and side windows
• Clean the cover and windows if necessary
• Check the alignment of the system and adjust the alignment if required
• Check the emergency stop
Monthly • C
 heck waterproof rubber sealing of the display unit and operator control
panels, repairing if required
Bi- • V acuum-cleaning the inside of the display unit• Check the cable and
annually connector for any damage
Annually • C heck electrical connections for corrosion, wear and tear, tightening and
replacing if necessary
• Check function of relays (if provided); cleaning or replacing
• Structure of the system and the function of all mechanical parts; repairing
if necessary

Table 5-5: Example of a maintenance program for AVDGS

Figure 5-17: Maintenance of AVDGS at Hong Kong

International Airport

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 65

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Visual Airside Maintenance – No Asset Left Behind

Airside operations depend on many different pieces of equipment – for conciseness, let us
refer to them as assets – to keep the airport operating safely and efficiently. For every asset,
there is a specific set of maintenance instructions, maintenance cycles, inspections, and
corrective maintenance. Keeping track of those assets, their maintenance schedules, and
performance data is a challenge every airport must manage.

These tasks are typically tracked using paper-based work orders, but manually inputting
orders for each asset is not an effective long-term solution for the parties involved. Now,
airports have digital asset management solutions to streamline airfield maintenance by
allowing them to visualize their assets, track maintenance orders, and detect patterns.
Digital solutions give maintenance managers and technicians a better understanding of their
airfield’s status for more efficient planning.

Executing a digital asset management solution, including the visual mapping of asset data
using geofencing technology and satellite imagery, requires building blocks that can be
implemented in various stages or tiers.

Tier 1 – Your Airside Digital Twin

When visualizing the assets on site, each digital asset must represent the actual site with the
correct reference. Adapting your maintenance management system to the ever-changing
airside landscape is essential, as is having the flexibility to view, update, and remove assets
according to airport policy. If the asset in the system is not a digital twin of what is outside, it
will quickly generate issues in reporting, viewing, or auditing.

When you have a digital copy of your airfield, different parties can be given access to register
a status, maintenance, or observation in the system to trigger the right action to handle it.
As intelligent as your digital airfield is, there will always be assets where manual registration
is necessary. Consider a faded runway marking or a damaged wind cone. See it – report it -
have it resolved – have it visualized! See it, report it and have it resolved.

Tier 2 – Digital Maintenance Registrations

Once you see the assets and their tasks, you can glean more value from those tasks. It’s not
only that a task is performed, and the asset is in good condition, but also about acquiring
additional data from the task. Using the map and filters, you can discover patterns by location
or asset type that were previously hidden. Performing detailed data registration per asset –
even down to the bolt for each light – gives greater visibility into each asset’s status and
history and will aid in your airfield risk mitigation journey.

For example, registering the torque applied to a fixation bolt allows you to determine what
the residual torque was on that fixation point to know if it was still adequately tightened
or not. This second tier of intelligence enables airports to make data-driven decisions and
begin “predictive” maintenance scheduling rather than using a fixed preventive maintenance
schedule, which can be unnecessarily costly.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 66

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Tier 3 – Connection Synergies

The next step is to find synergies by connecting your visual asset management and
maintenance system to other valuable systems to bring out the synergistic values. This is
also the time to think about cybersecurity and unwanted changes to your systems. Take every
precaution to ensure systems are safe when communicating with different parties. Please do
not assume you have a more secure system simply because it is hosted on-site. Cloud-based
solutions are often more quickly patched for vulnerabilities, updated, backed up, and have
the newest password policies and 2Factor authentications, contributing to a safer solution.

Once connections are secure, it is also crucial to think about the data you want to share
between the different parties. Interfaces or integrations can be complex and costly, so find a
good balance between what is valuable and what is manageable. A successful interface can
be a simple asset status exchange to trigger someone to look at the third-party system and
take the proper action. Remember that airport maintenance has many assets to manage, and
over-complexifying system interfaces will not have the desired effect. Better to have an easy-
to-understand holistic view that triggers the right action with the right person.

Tier 4 - The IoT Asset Layer

Soon, airports will be able to collect additional data and get advanced insights into assets
via sensors and other IoT functionality. Gathering sensor data from assets opens many
possibilities, such as an analysis that shows the root cause of why assets are failing. Data
can also show airports where to find cost savings and highlight trends to streamline asset
maintenance, leading to a higher return on investment and a safer airport.

A low-cost sensor reading can have high-cost savings. Take the performance of an inset light,
for example. Preventive maintenance can suggest when to schedule a photometric test but
knowing the inset light’s actual LED performance allows a better decision as to whether the
asset needs to be replaced, if additional cleaning should be performed or if the prisms should
be replaced.

Because these digital asset management
solutions display the assets on a map,
airports can easily see which assets
require maintenance, register that
maintenance, and provide the different
assets’ maintenance status, needs, and
history. When the map is paired with
filters that allow airports to analyze
desired asset types, locations, etc., and
additional metrics collected by sensors,
then airports have a holistic view of what
is essential, what is planned and what
needs to happen airside.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 67

6 Other General Maintenance
6.1 Maintenance of Unpaved Areas

Maintenance of unpaved areas is an essential part of the aerodrome maintenance program.

Maintenance of these areas is critical for the safety of the aircraft operations as well as
complying with ICAO Annex 14 specifications.

The following unpaved areas form the most critical part of the aerodrome in terms of
maintenance requirements.
• Runway and Taxiway Strip
• Runway End Safety Area
• Runway and Taxiway Shoulders
• Areas beyond the Runway and Taxiway Strip areas

6.1.1 Runway and Taxiway Strip

The runway and taxiway strips provide an area that must be kept clear of objects or hazards
that may endanger aircraft moving off the runway or taxiway. The runway and taxiway strip
consist of graded and non-graded portions. ICAO Annex 14 provides the specifications for
runway/ taxiway strips in terms of length, width, and grading requirements. The maintenance
program should consider the following aspects for runway strip maintenance.

(a) Grading of the strips - The surface of the strip should be flush with the runway and
taxiway, runway shoulder, and stop way surface. The graded portion of the runway
and taxiway strip should be capable of supporting the most critical aircraft that the
associated runway or taxiway is intended to serve with minimum structural damage
to the aircraft.

(b) Mowing of the grass - The grass should be mowed regularly and the height of the
grass on the runway and taxiway strip should be kept at a level that does not provide
attractants to birds or wildlife. The mowing itself often attracts birds, hence adequate
precautions for controlling bird activity should be made while mowing machines
operate during the daytime, such as increased use of crackers or bird repellent etc.
If possible, mowing may be carried out either during the night or during the period
when the air traffic is at its minimum.

(c) Works on Runway Strips – As far as possible, maintenance works on runway strips
should be avoided during runway operation. However, if this is not possible, work can
be permitted on portions of the runway strips considering the type of operations of
the runway as mentioned below.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 68

Instrument Runway Instrument Runway
Non-Instrument & Non-Precision Runway
Cat-I & II Cat-III

Zone-1 Zone-II Zone-III

Up to 23m (21m (Extends from outer (Applies only to
for Code 1) from edge of Zone-1 till non-precision
Runway Edge graded portion of runways; extends
strip) from the outer edge
of Zone-II to 150m
from centreline)

- Work permitted - Work permitted - No restriction - No work should be - All equipment
only on one side of only in case - Care must be permitted within should be outside
the runway, with of cross wind taken to ensure the OFZ when the the obstacle-
an obstacle limit of component below; that the work runway is in use. free zone, all
9m2. 15 Kts for code 4 and the vehicles - All equipment and personnel should be
- Trenches up to and 10 Kts for code associated with the personnel should be withdrawn from the
28m2. 2, 3. work should not outside the obstacle- movement area

- Obstacle height - Unrestricted interfere with the free zone.

not above 1m and Construction. operation of radio
propeller/ engine - Trenches parallel navigational aids.
pods clearances. to runway to be
- No plants or minimum.
vehicles in this - Overall height of
zone. the excavated
material limited to
- Construction
equipment should
be mobile and
kept within normal
height limits

Table 6-1: Example of zoning to allow works on runway strip

(d) Works on Taxiway Strips - The work on taxiway strips may be permitted as long as
the work is not affecting the safety of aircraft operations and the minimum separation
distances between the taxiway centreline and obstacles (as specified in table 3-1 of
Annex 14 Volume 1) are maintained. The height of the excavated material should be
kept to a minimum. If the minimum separation distance is not possible, the operation
of the aircraft should not be permitted until the work is completed and all plant,
machinery or vehicles are removed from the site.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 69

6.1.2 Runway Ends and Runway End Safety Areas (RESA)

The RESAs should be capable of adequately supporting any aircraft which overruns or
undershoots the runway and should be clear of all equipment and installations that are not
frangible. It is recommended that the soil at a depth of 15cm below the finished strip surface
be prepared to have a bearing strength of California Bearing Ratio (CBR) value of 15 to 20. The
intention of this underlying prepared surface is to prevent the nose gear from sinking more
than 15cm. The top 15cm may be of a lesser strength, which would facilitate the deceleration
of aircraft.

Work in RESA
Runway operations should not be permitted when works are carried out in RESA. In cases
where this is not possible, the option of displacing the threshold/end may be considered,
providing that the runway strip and minimum length of RESA are maintained. In which case,
any plant or machinery should be below the obstacle limitation surfaces for the displaced

Apart from the RESA, the runway ends are subject to significant jet blast which may result
in soil erosion. These surfaces should be paved to mitigate the soil erosion effect. It is
recommended that the width of such surfaces should be equal to the width of the runway and
the shoulder. The strength of these paved surfaces should be able to withstand occasional
passage of the most critical aircraft. Periodic inspections should be carried out for assessing
these surfaces.

6.1.3 Runway and Taxiway Shoulders

Runway or taxiway shoulders are provided to overcome the problems of overhanging engines
ingesting FOD from outside the runway edges and jet blast eroding the surface adjacent to
the runway or taxiway edges. The runway and taxiway shoulders can either be paved or

The prepared shoulders should have full grass coverage with no loose gravel or other material.

The maintenance program for runway and taxiway shoulders should include a program
for periodic inspections to ensure the serviceability of the surface and that there is no
deterioration of the surface that could lead to the generation of FOD.

The surface of the shoulders that abuts the runway and taxiway should be flush with the
runway surface.

6.1.4 Areas Beyond the Runway and Taxiway Strips

Unpaved areas beyond the strip greatly affect wildlife management and obstacle control.
These areas need special attention to ensure that there is no vegetation that attracts birds or
wildlife, which could threaten the safety of aircraft operations.

Periodic surveys of these areas should be carried out to ensure that any vegetation or trees
have not grown above the defined obstacle limitation surfaces and to ensure that hazards
from birds and wildlife are mitigated. If required, the plantation of vegetation that repels
birds or wildlife should be carried out and a program for pruning the trees and vegetation
should also be in place to avoid infringement of the obstacle limitation surfaces.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 70

6.2 Snow Removal

Airport operators that are required to address snow removal on their airfield are presented
with a unique challenge since the type of contamination (snow/ice) will vary depending on
the geographical location of the airport. For example, the type of winter precipitation that the
airport operator has to deal with in Philadelphia, PA. is mainly snow, while the type of winter
precipitation that the airport operator has to deal with in Kansas City, MO. includes ice.

The airport operators are required to have a document in their Airport Operations Manual that
outlines the number and pieces of equipment available in the airport fleet and how they will
address snow removal on the airfield. This plan normally contains a drawing of the airfield,
including the associated runways and taxiways. The plan will also outline the priorities of
taxiways that will be cleared, depending on which runway is being used, to allow aircraft to
taxi to and from that runway. This plan, including the different priorities, is usually decided
with inputs from the air navigation service provider (Aerodrome Control Tower). The snow
plan is usually shared and reviewed with the airport’s tenants at the beginning of each snow

Depending on the type of winter precipitation experienced, an airport operator’s snow plan
can use mechanical devices, such as brooms, snowploughs and snow blowers, chemicals (in
a solid or a liquid form), and sand. A combination of sand, chemicals, and mechanical devices
is sometimes required to remove the contamination from the movement and non-movement
areas and thus increase the friction levels on these areas.

If the winter precipitation event consists of dry snow, the airport operator is usually able
to remove this contamination from the movement surfaces using only brooms. If the
precipitation event consists of predominately wet snow, a combination of brooms, ploughs,
and blowers will be required. The brooms and ploughs are used to remove the contamination
from the main tracking areas and pile is on the sides. The blowers are then used to blow these
piles from the surfaces into the grassy areas.

Liquid chemicals are usually used to pre-treat the pavement surfaces when freezing
precipitation is expected, so that the ice will not be able to bond with the pavement surfaces.
The chemical is usually applied to the pavement surfaces using a chemical truck. This truck
looks very much like a water
truck, with a boom attached to
the back. The boom is designed
to be a spray applicator and
can discharge the chemical
at different application rates,
depending on the situation. In
the case where the runway is
grooved, sand is sometimes
applied immediately after
the chemical to prevent the
chemical from simply running
off the runway. When using
solid chemicals, this tactic is
usually applied in cases where
the ploughs or the brooms
have not been able to remove
Figure 6-1: Plow and sweeper unit, courtesy of
compacted snow from the
movement areas.
Istanbul International Airport

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 71

Figure 6-2: Runway Plow and Sweeper, courtesy of
Istanbul International Airport

Figure 6-3: Runway de-icing sprayer unit, courtesy of

Istanbul International Airport

Figure 6-4: Snow blower

truck, courtesy of Istanbul
International Airport

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 72

6.3 Night Maintenance

Maintenance activities are carried out during the night at airports where there is a high
density of traffic during the day or non-availability of runways due to operational reasons or
night curfews.

AGL maintenance is also carried out during night hours to check the serviceability and
brightness of the lamps. The airport operator may, based on the local conditions, determine
the activities which are not prudent to be conducted during the night due to the safety of
aircraft operations and personnel working, i.e., work at runway undershoot areas, grass
cutting works, etc.

A Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) should be circulated to all relevant parties regarding the night
maintenance activity. Preparations for maintenance activities should be planned well in
advance of the closure period. Adequate precautions should be taken for safeguarding the
closed areas by switching off the visual aids in that area.

In addition to the safety precautions followed during the day, the following measures should
be provided for night maintenance activity:

i) Portable high mast lighting, providing enough luminescence to the work area to
support safety and the quality of work.
ii) Lighted Cross for both ends of the runway, when maintenance activities are carried
out on the runway.
iii) Unserviceability lights: Performing maintenance activities on the airside during night
operations can be a complex and dangerous task, making it vital that the illumination
of the work area and the unserviceability area lighting are not confusing for the pilot
or create a potential safety hazard.
iv) Anti-collision lights on all vehicles.

Figure 6-5: Unserviceabilty lights

Additional measures to protect personnel working at night from insect bites, sleep apnea,
poorly lit surroundings, cold weather conditions, etc., should be ensured.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 73

6.4 Drainage Facility Maintenance

Airports are located on large areas of land, including extensive paved areas. Rainwater can
accumulate in these paved areas and needs to be drained away from the pavement. This calls
for a complex drainage system to be built and maintained.
The drainage system is normally composed of the following:
i) Concrete drainage channels
ii) Manholes
iii) Catchment basins
iv) Pipe drainage
v) Bridges
vi) Culverts

The drainage system determines the following:

i) The rate at which the aerodrome drains after rain or snow. A slow rate of draining will
lead to ponding on the movement area, which can lead to aquaplaning.
ii) Pavement lifetime: Since water contributes to pavement failures and deterioration,
an efficient drainage system for the collection and disposal of surface run-off and
groundwater is vital to the stability and serviceability of pavement foundations.

It is crucial that a program for maintenance of the airside areas (e.g. runways, taxiways, and
aprons) should be established and implemented. The drains should be inspected regularly
and closely monitored after heavy rainfalls.

A schedule for the inspection of the drainage system should be developed and followed. This
schedule should take into consideration the different seasons (such as wet or dry seasons)
and also whether there are construction works nearby as construction works create debris
that may be washed into the drainage system.
The personnel making these inspections must look for distress signals, which include:
a) Water ponding
b) Soil buildup on the pavement edges preventing run-off
c) Soil build-up, erosion and surface run-off on marram roads
d) Eroded drainage ditches
e) Broken or displaced inlet grates or manhole covers
f) Clogged or silted inlet grates or manholes
g) Broken or deformed pipes
h) Backfill settlement over pipes
i) Erosion around inlets
j) Generally poor shoulder shaping and random erosion
k) Bushes/vegetation
l) Any other obstruction in the drainage channels/ditches

Cleaning of the Drainage System

When any of the above issues are found in the drainage system, they should be addressed
immediately. Removal is most frequently done by cutting vegetation, shovelling, or flushing
with water.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 74

Example of a Drainage System Inspection Form

Form No: 001

Date July 2017
Issue No. 001

Drainage Location Type Condition with regard to Action required

Channel growth of vegetation, silt
formation, side erosion
etc. required

Other remarks

Action required

Inspection by

Example of Drainage System Periodic Maintenance Report

Form No: 002

Date July 2017
Issue No. 002

Date Details of Drainage Channel/Pipe/ Details of maintenance work done


Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 75

Figure 6-6: Drainage system

6.5 Grass Maintenance

6.5.1 Grass Maintenance Policy

All airports should have a policy on grass management techniques. This policy should detail
who cuts the grass, how it is cut, and the height to which grass will be allowed to grow before
cutting. Special mention should be given to the height of the grass in the critical areas of
the Localiser and Glide Path, PAPIs, and around signage. The policy sets a range of heights
indicating the minimum and maximum height of the grass in various areas.

In addition, the policy should specify the methods of grass cutting adopted at an airport.
Although ICAO Doc 9137 Part 3 provides guidance, each airport should decide on the grass
maintenance methodology based on its specific conditions, taking into consideration local
issues such as the species of birds and the presence of other wildlife habitat at the airport.
The maintenance actions should not attract wildlife by inadvertently providing a feeding
opportunity or hiding place for them.

6.5.2 Land Use Policy and Grass Cutting

Airports should have a land use policy detailing how land at and around the airport is used.
This helps to reconcile the land use and grass policies and avoids conflict.

6.5.3 Grass Cutting Program

A typical grass cutting program will contain the following: Who Cuts the Grass?

Grass can be cut by the airport authority or through a contracted agency. If contracted, the
roles and responsibilities of the assigned agency should be detailed in the contract. Some
airports allow the cutting and removal of grass for use as animal fodder by local contacts,
enabling the airport to maintain the grass at no or minimal cost.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 76 Zoning of Grass Cutting and Grass Height

The airport’s grass cutting areas should be zoned according to location and the activity at
that location and can be categorized into two principal zones:
i) Airside
• T
 he airside areas may be divided based on the criticality of aircraft operations,
including graded area, Runway Strip, RESA etc., with each area having different
grass heights and different grass species.
ii) Landside
• T
 he grass cutting program in the landside area is intended to manage vegetation
around the airport, which can be a potential habitat for wildlife. Frequency of Grass Cutting

Frequency of grass cutting will depend on:

• T
 he desired height in the location; the shorter the desired height, the more the grass
cutting should be done at increased frequency.
• T
 he species of grass; the faster the grass species grows the more frequently grass
cutting is required.
• .S
 eason; the seasons affect how fast grass grows; for example, the rainy season will
call for more frequent grass cutting.

Example of Grass Height Maintenance (at an airport along the equator).

i) Grass is maintained at 15cm at cutting time and, within the runway and taxiway strip,
is not allowed to grow above 30cm.
ii) Grass is maintained at 5cm at the cutting time and is not allowed to grow beyond
10cm within the critical areas of ILS, localizer, and glide path. Grass Cutting Equipment and Disposal Methods

Grass may be cut using mowers, tractors, hand-held grass cutters or other appropriate

It is important to collect and dispose of the cut grass immediately after cutting as leaving it
will create FOD. Equipment is available that can cut and remove cut grass simultaneously and
this is usually the most effective option to adopt.

Figure 6-7: Grass mower, courtesy of Istanbul International Airport

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 77 Safety During Grass Cutting

Safety of aircraft operations during grass cutting should be ensured, especially when cutting
grass in the runway strip. This will be achieved by applying specific procedures in the different
zones. Below (Figure 1) is an example of procedures that can be adopted.

Work Zones in Movement Area

General. The following zones are established around runways; use of the runway is permitted
to continue whilst works are carried out. Outside the zones, no restrictions need to be applied
other than maintaining the normally required obstacle-free surfaces.
Zone 1. This zone is rectangular. It symmetrically surrounds the runway. Its sides are 45m
from the runway centreline and it extends 60m beyond the runway’s end.
Zone 2. The ends coincide with the ends of Zone 1 (except where there is a clearway, then
the end is extended to include it). The sides are 75m from the runway centreline.
Zone 3. This zone is only required at aerodromes having a runway strip wider than 150m.
It extends to the edge of the runway strip that is 110m or 150m from the runway centreline,
where appropriate.

150 m
Zone 3 or 110 m

Zone 2 75 m
Clearway if it exists

45 m
Zone 1 Runway

Zone 2

Zone 3

Figure 6-8: Example of mowing zones

Mowing in zone 1:
Mowing should not take place in zone 1 when the runway is in use.
Mowing should be done in the upwind half of the runway strip. When the swaths nearest the
runway are being cut, the mowing circuit should be towards the aircraft landing or taking off
so that the driver can see the moving aircraft.
Mowing in Zone 2:
Mowing may be carried out in daylight hours during the operation of small aircraft, provided
that the crosswind component does not exceed 10kts and the runway is dry.
For movements by larger aircraft or when the crosswind is greater than 10kts or the runway
is wet, the mower should move to the outer edge, or clear, of the zone.
Mowing in the area beyond the approach end of the runway should not be permitted during
aircraft landings. Mowing in the area beyond the take-off end of the runway should not be
permitted during aircraft take-offs.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 78

Inspection and Reporting
Grass cutting should be well managed. This includes having detailed procedures, schedules,
and records. The following is a sample grass cutting schedule and inspection report.
Grass cutting schedule
a) Grass cutting around the critical instrument installation areas is normally done at
intervals of two weeks.
b) Grass within the runway strips is cut at intervals of one month during the dry season
and two weeks during the wet season.

Grass Cutting Inspection Form

Form No: GCIF/001

Title Grass Cutting Inspection Form

Revision Date

Revision Number


Zone Zone Height Height at Grass Removal Remarks

Yes No

Inspection by



Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 79

7 Training
7.1 Objectives of Airfield Maintenance Training

It is important for aerodromes to outline the objectives of a bespoke maintenance management

plan. Staff should not undertake any role within the aerodrome maintenance team without
appropriate training.

Aerodromes with well-managed and researched programs that are delivered by fully qualified
and competent personnel are better prepared and positioned to deal with any maintenance
issues. This chapter helps to plan training content for airfield maintenance management
and personnel. Training standards should meet the best international, national, and local

Training on airfield maintenance is an integral part of any airport’s training program to ensure
proper management of facilities and equipment and reduce the risk of systems failure or
poor performance of any of the airport’s facilities and systems.

Airport proactive and preventive maintenance tasks can be varied, but not limited to:
• Inspections and preventative maintenance of runway, taxiway, apron pavement, and
electrical systems. Addition information in respect of Level 1 and Level 2 inspections
are outlined in ICAO Doc 9981 ─ PANS Aerodromes, Third Edition, 2020.
• Inspection and preventative maintenance on all runway, taxiway, and apron lighting
• Inspection and preventative maintenance of all runways, taxiways, and apron signs
and markings.
• FOD prevention and reduction (Apron and Airfield).
• Pavement surface inspection and preventative maintenance.
• Grass management policy and application at the airport and the monitoring of green
space surrounding the airport.
Maintenance Programme for all aerodrome facilities and vehicles, wildlife, grass
cutting, snow removal equipment, and rescue and fire-fighting equipment.
• Building maintenance.

To address these tasks, the type of training to be conducted for personnel should be
commensurate with the roles and responsibilities of personnel at the airport.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 80

7.2 Training Content

All personnel who have access to the airside require detailed and specific training.

Airside safety basics, as part of its general airfield maintenance awareness training, include:

Aerodrome governance. A general understanding on aerodrome certification,
aerodrome manual, aerodrome licence, aerodrome procedures, international
regulations, national regulations, environmental regulations, aerodrome safety
management system, promulgation of information, health and Safety, accident and
incident reporting and investigation.
• Aerodrome operational procedures and standards. Detailed information on landside,
airside safety, airside security, apron driving, airfield training, radio telephony,
prevention on runway incursions, protection of NAVAIDs, low/reduced visibility, on
the job training, recurrent refresher training, and familiarization program.

Maintenance programs. All practical elements required to support programs,
including the maintenance plan, maintenance schedules, equipment and procedural
use of available equipment, defined on-the-job training, competence checks, recurrent
and/or refresher training, administration program in respect of the specific record-
keeping, and on/off field program.

Reference should be made to ICAO Doc 9981—PANS Aerodromes, Part II, Chapter 1. Training,
Appendix to Chapter 1. Demonstrating Competence.

For engineers and technicians new to the airport sector, an introduction to the working
knowledge of the airport’s regulatory design requirements would be recommended.
Depending on the relevant job description, the following topics should be covered in greater
• Airfield/Taxiway Apron paved surfaces (PCR, friction values, grading/slopes)
• Airfield/Taxiway Apron signs and markings (specifications - size, location, colours)
Airfield/Taxiway Apron electrical systems and lighting (specifications - colours,
intensity, location)
• FOD management and prevention
Airport-specific tools and equipment used for maintenance (as applicable): e.g.,
rubber removal vehicles, light intensity checking equipment
• Function, size and location of navigation aids and ILS
• Function, size, and location of obstacle limitation surfaces. Location & marking of
• Potential hazards related to an infringement of above-mentioned areas/ surfaces
• Potential hazards related to aircraft operations (e.g., ingestion, jet blast, prop-wash,
• Local procedures for planning and coordinating construction and maintenance works
during airport operations
• Principles of safety management and local procedures for inspections, documentation,
and reporting of accidents and incidents

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 81

In respect of the AGL systems, the relevant modules can be as structured as below:
1. Typical AGL installations and functionality
2. Serviceability requirements and standards
3. PAPI design and maintenance
4. Inset fitting maintenance
5. Elevated fitting maintenance
6. Emergency and standard operating procedures
7. Preventive maintenance management of AGL systems etc.

However, these module themes are not restricted and can be further enhanced based on the
needs of the teams.

7.3 Training Plan

It is the airport operator’s responsibility to ensure that an effective training plan is put in place
for all airport staff to enable them to perform their duties safely and efficiently. Additional
information can be found in ICAO Doc 9981, Third Edition, Attachment to Chapter 1, Structure
of a Training Programme.

Each role will entail a specific training plan. Often, in the case of maintenance equipment and
facilities, the training may be practical and on-the-job training.

The plan may include a career progression plan and should entail specific competencies
attached to the job function. The training plan should also include subjects that will support
the development of knowledge and skills of each staff member, including enabling them to
progress into other job functions within the airport as part of their professional development.

Ideally, training plans are developed within organisations by training professionals with input
from each department on the specific training requirements of that department. The plans
should be developed by competent, experienced personnel. The training program should
also be developed in accordance with the airport’s financial and operational capabilities,
making sure that resources are available to develop, deliver and evaluate the plan.

It is important for managers and team leaders to be aware that it is their responsibility to
provide input regarding training programs for their airport staff and, even more importantly,
to evaluate competence levels on an ongoing annual basis.

7.4 Training Format and Delivery Method

While the theoretical self-study of standard operating procedures, manuals, and working
instructions may be sufficient for a general understanding of airfield maintenance, as well
as the use and care of equipment, it is important that theoretical learning is complemented
with hands-on or on-the-job training. This is particularly important for those whose roles and
responsibilities include complex tasks requiring practical skills.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 82

As such, the following is recommended:
Initial training is to be conducted face-to-face; this must include an aerodrome
familiarization piece for each staff member.
• Technical training and competence checks are to be conducted face-to-face.
• Recurrent training may be conducted via an online/digital portal.
• Intervention (corrective) training is to be conducted face-to-face.

Each training must include a method of assessment to evaluate the trainee’s competence to
apply the skills and knowledge on the job to be performed. Assessments may be conducted
immediately following any training received or on the job, with the managers monitoring
performance and the effectiveness of the training.

7.5 Frequency of Training

Recurrent training is usually every 24 or 36 months, depending on the airport’s maintenance

program and the tasks undertaken by its personnel. However, some topics may require more
frequent training. For example, recurrent training every 12 months could be considered for
topics on health and safety, auditing and inspections, and SMS.

Furthermore, ad hoc training sessions may be provided if new material or methods are
introduced that are deemed critical or will have a major impact on airport operations. Post-
incident training is also required.

Training intervals should follow a risk-based approach, with intervals based on an assessment
that considers the following aspects:

• The safety impact/risk associated with a certain activity or a deviation from standard
operating procedures, i.e., the higher the risk, the more frequent the training.
• The frequency of a certain activity, i.e., a less frequent activity might require recurrent
training in shorter intervals (e.g., annual basis) than a frequently performed task
(interval of several years). The complexity of a certain activity, i.e., a complex task
might require a refresher or recurrent training, whereas a simple task could be covered
with a single initial training session.
• Introduction of new technologies, e.g., drones and UAS.

It is imperative that training plans are well documented and reviewed frequently (e.g.,
annually, after a significant facility failure or event, etc.) This evaluation should provide
relevant information and evidence data to guide airport management in how to improve the
airport’s safety program and its effectiveness in supporting operations of the airport.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 83

8 Coordination Procedures for
Maintenance Activities
8.1 Framework For Coordination

Airport operators should put in place policies and procedures for coordinating maintenance
activities to ensure safety as well as to minimize or eliminate any adverse impact on airport
operations. The following framework may be adopted for the coordination process:

i) Pre-maintenance planning involves initiating the coordination process before the

execution of the maintenance activities.
ii) Regular coordination during the execution of maintenance activity.
iii) Coordination of the takeover of maintenance works.

8.2 Initiation of Coordination Process

To minimize disruption of normal aircraft operations and to avoid situations that compromise
the airport’s operational safety, the Airport Maintenance Manager must carefully develop the
coordination plan and coordinate maintenance activities. The coordination plan will include
stakeholder engagement and a clear communication plan as its fundamental components.

The Airport Maintenance Manager and supporting team are responsible for the implementation
of the airport’s annual maintenance program. The safety, as well as the operational impact
of each approved maintenance activity, should be assessed by the Airport Maintenance
Manager. The execution of maintenance activity will impact the stakeholders and airport users
at different degrees, potentially varying from negligible to very significant. Consequently, the
Airport Maintenance Manager needs to identify all relevant key stakeholders who will be
impacted by the maintenance activities. This will include internal key aerodrome stakeholders
such as Airport Operations, Commercial Services (Department responsible for handling
airport tenants, etc.), Aviation Security Departments, etc. and external stakeholders such as
Airlines, Air Traffic Control, Civil Aviation Authority, tenants, contractor/ maintenance service
provider, etc.

i) Coordination meetings should be held by the airport operator in the presence of the
Airport Maintenance Manager and the Airport Safety Manager.
ii) Issues to be discussed and reviewed at such maintenance coordination meetings
should include the following:
• Scope of maintenance activity or works.
• Site/location of maintenance activity, including safety areas and work limits / Set
specific limits for maintenance activity.
• Works program/schedule and window/determination of working times/hours for
maintenance activity. Work should be planned for a time period that will minimize
changes to flight schedules.
• Review of Safety Assessment Plan for maintenance activity in the light of regulatory
safety standards and guidelines.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 84

• If the maintenance activity involves construction or reconstruction, then an effective
Construction Safety and Phasing Plan (CSPP) or Plan of Construction Operation
(PCO) should be developed for maintenance activities and also discussed as part
of the coordination effort. The development of the CSPP includes identifying
the areas of the airport affected by the project; the impact on normal airport
operations, if any, and any temporary changes that are required with respect to
air traffic operations, Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) or other operations;
and how risk will be managed.
 Note: Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) Advisory Circular AC150/5370-2, Operational
Safety on Airports During Construction, provides additional information and
guidance about safety on airports during construction whilst Ghana Civil Aviation
Authority’s (GCAA) publication Guidelines for Preparation of Plan of Construction
Operations also provides useful information and guidance for PCO preparation. A
copy of FAA AC AC150/5370 can be downloaded from the FAA website
The PCO preparation guideline can also be downloaded from GCAA website Similar documentation on CSPP or PCO may be available
from the website of the industry regulator/Civil Aviation Authority of the airport
operator for download.
  (Reference: FAA AC 150-5380-6C-Guidelines and Procedures for Maintenance of
Airport Pavement)
Review of operational impact of maintenance activity and its corresponding
• Notification of maintenance activity – Issuance of NOTAM (if required), Aircraft
Rescue and Fire Fighting notification, notification to relevant key stakeholders.
• Lines of communication among key stakeholders.
• Schedule of periodic review meetings (preferably monthly review meetings or
shorter duration depending on specific needs during the execution of maintenance
work/ activity)
Ground vehicle routes (if required). Establish haul routes and gate access
procedures to minimize the impact on operations.
• Role of stakeholders in ensuring minimal impact.
Meeting with contractors, tenants, and affected parties before beginning the
maintenance activity.
• Inspection requirements.
• Handing over procedures of the facility for operational use after maintenance

iii) The minutes of the meeting should be recorded and distributed to all the attendees.
Minutes should capture all salient issues discussed and various action points together
with persons responsible for same.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 85

8.3 Coordination For NAVAIDs Maintenance

An airport’s visual and radio navigational aids (NAVAIDs) primary function is to assist pilots
in the safe and efficient movement of aircraft during landing, take-off, and taxiing. It is
therefore very important to have all the visual and radio navigational aids working properly
and maintained in good condition. Visual aids used at the airport include indicators and
signalling devices, markings, lighting, signs and markers.

Typical radio navigational aids available at airports include the following:

• Instrument Landing System (ILS), including Localiser (LOC) and Glide Path (GP)
• Microwave Landing System (MLS)
• Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)
• VHF Omnidirectional Radio Range (VOR)
• Non-Directional Radio Beacon (NDB)
• UHF Distance Measuring Equipment (DME)
• Transponder Landing System (TLS)
• Precision Approach Radar (PAR)
• Surveillance Radar Element (SRE)
• Surface Movement Radar (SMR)

Generally, radio navigational aids are owned and maintained by the Air Traffic Control or the
Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) in cases where navigational services have not been decoupled
from the regulatory function of the CAA.

Maintenance of NAVAIDs may impact airport operations and will include routine maintenance
(weekly or monthly), periodic maintenance, preventive maintenance, corrective maintenance
and annual flight checks. It is therefore necessary to ensure coordination among relevant
stakeholders to ensure seamless safe airport operations during the maintenance of NAVAIDs.
Key stakeholders include air traffic control, airport operator, and airlines.

The Maintenance Manager responsible for the maintenance of the NAVAIDs should hold
coordination meetings among the key stakeholders to be impacted by the maintenance
activity. The scope of maintenance activity needs to the discussed, including its impact on
landing and take-off of aircraft, alternative procedures to ensure safety, the window for the
maintenance activity, and whether the NAVAIDs maintenance periods will require NOTAM
initiation. It should also address the requirements of warning notification procedures for
pilots during the maintenance period, such as through ATIS.

Where NOTAMs are required, the Maintenance Manager should liaise with the relevant
department to publish these before the maintenance activity is executed. During the
maintenance period, pilots should be warned that navigation aids on which no identification
appears are not to be used for navigation purposes. Maintenance requirements occasionally
make it necessary to continue radiation of a facility whilst maintenance is in progress
and, under such circumstances, the identification will be removed. Also, there are other
maintenance periods that are subject to the flight inspection program. Generally, all NAVAIDs
maintenance schedules should be published separately by NOTAM.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 86

8.4 Closures/NOTAM – Maintenance During Operations

Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs) are generally published by the provider of aeronautical

information services (AIS) primarily to inform pilots of changes to airports, airways, and
local procedures that affect safety (whether to the crew or those on the ground). When a
significant maintenance project or a construction project is going to be executed on the
airside, the operation conditions of the airport will be modified in one way or the other. The
aviation industry must be informed of these changes through the issuing of NOTAMs.

The issuing of NOTAM for closures and system shut down for maintenance of radio
navigational aids must be coordinated with the airport operator. The airport operator should
establish NOTAM procedures for closures for maintenance during operations. The airport
operator must file and maintain a list of authorized representatives, including their signature,
with the department responsible for publishing NOTAM.

Generally, responsibility for runway closures rests with the airport operator. Only persons
authorized by the airport operator may issue or cancel NOTAMs on airport conditions. Any
person having reason to believe that a NOTAM is missing, incomplete, or inaccurate should
notify the airport operator.

The Maintenance Manager (or the organization responsible for maintenance) should liaise
with the airport operator personnel responsible for managing NOTAM to provide information
on closures, system shutdowns or hazardous conditions or, where relevant, with the agency
responsible for publishing NOTAM so it can issue the notice. The designated airport
operator’s personnel, working with the CAA, must coordinate the issuance, maintenance,
and cancellation of a NOTAM on airport conditions resulting from maintenance activities. The
Maintenance Manager should continually review the accuracy and adequacy of maintenance
NOTAMs and ensure that they are not expired during the execution of the maintenance

For notification of major maintenance activities requiring diagrams and pictorial depictions
which cannot be conveyed through NOTAMs, the option of publishing an AIP supplement
well in advance may be a more effective option.

8.5 Procedures For Hand Over/Take Over Before/After Maintenance

As part of the coordination process, the Airport Maintenance Manager should have in place
procedures for handing over the site or location for maintenance activities as well as taking
over the works when completed. The handing over and taking over process should involve
the participants of all relevant key stakeholders.

The Construction Safety and Phasing Plan (CSPP) or Construction Safety Plan of Construction
Operation (PCO) for maintenance activity should spell out the process for handing over
the site for maintenance. It should outline processes including whether NOTAM should be
issued before the handing over of the maintenance site. When maintenance works have been
completed, the Maintenance Manager and team should assess whether it can be handed
over for safe airport operations. If it can be handed over, then all relevant stakeholders should
be invited for final acceptance. For maintenance activity involving the runway/taxiway/apron,
inspections should be conducted of all work areas that are to be (re)opened to aircraft traffic

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 87

to ensure the proper operation of lights and signs, correct markings, and the absence of FOD.
The Airport Maintenance Manager and airport airside operations personnel, together with
the maintenance contractor, should inspect the work area. Actions that the airport operator
and contactor may consider include, but are not limited to:
• Ensure that all construction materials have been secured.
• All pavement surfaces have been swept clean and are free of FODs.
• All transition ramps have been properly constructed.
• Ensure that visual aids (surface markings, signage, etc) are available for aircraft to
operate safely.
• Ensure that there is no risk of confusion from signage or markings used to guide the
pilots during the maintenance period.

Only, when the airport operator is satisfied that the area is safe for aircraft operations the air
traffic control tower should be notified of the availability of the area for aircraft operations.

8.6 Procedures for Protection of Sites for Radar and NAVAIDs

Airport operators must develop and implement procedures for the protection of radar and
other radio navigational aids and the control of activities and ground maintenance in the
vicinity of these installations. The procedures must include the following:

Interruption of Visual and Electronic Signals of NAVAIDs

Instrument Landing System (ILS) installations’ critical areas must be protected
using pegs and non-metallic cables. Critical areas are identified by both signs and

It is also to be marked on the Airfield Map to aid drivers. Ground vehicle procedures are
to be established to prevent inadvertent entry into ILS-critical areas by a pedestrian
or a vehicle.

Airport Maintenance personnel to ensure that the height of grass and snow in ILS-
critical areas is below a height that may degrade the electronic signals emitting from

Protection Against Vandalism

The radar and navigation sites located outside the critical part of the security-
restricted zone of the airfield should be physically protected by a perimeter fence
from intrusions such as vandalism, wildlife, and theft. Fencing and gate structures
are marked with “No Trespassing” signs.

These areas should be inspected periodically by both the Airport Security Department
and the Airport Operations Department during routine airport perimeter and property
patrols. Works on these facilities are managed by the ATS or CAA.

Other airport maintenance personnel should also observe and report any unusual or
suspicious activity in the area around these facilities.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 88

As part of the safeguarding process, development applications or crane/tall
equipment permit applications both within the airport and in its surroundings should
be assessed for impact upon the radar installations and NAVAID signals (electronic or
visual). Assessments are usually carried out by ATS specialist teams and objections
are raised, if required.

Facilities that have been determined by the CAA to derogate the operation of
electronic or visual NAVAID or air traffic control facilities shall not be constructed on
the airport. The airport shall notify the CAA if aware of any changes in construction
plans or equipment.

iv) Permits to work on the airfield in the vicinity of navigational aids are only issued
following consultation with ATS.

v) Both airport personnel and personnel responsible for the operation and maintenance
of NAVAIDs will monitor construction activity on the airport to prevent the interruption
of visual and electronic signals of NAVAIDs.

Inspections and Coordination of Excavations

In addition to the normal preventive and service maintenance visits by ATS or
CAA maintenance personnel, these facilities are scrutinised by Airport Operations
Personnel in the normal course of the daily airport inspection program.

If Airport Operations personnel become aware that a NAVAID’s operation is

compromised or has become inoperable, Airport Operations personnel will issue
the appropriate NOTAMs and notify the ATS or CAA as appropriate.

Maintaining power to NAVAIDs shall be a consideration in all maintenance or
construction activities. Before conducting any excavation work, the power cables
should be located and avoided.

viii) If it is necessary to temporarily disconnect power to any portion of the NAVAIDs, the
Airport Operator will coordinate with the ANSP or CAA personnel before commencing
the disconnection process. For ATS or CAA-owned facilities, ATS/CAA will issue a
NOTAM describing which NAVAIDs are inoperable and the expected length of time
they will be out of service.

ix) The airport operator must be informed of planned or actual interruptions in service
or unreliability, and also the return to normal operation of en route and terminal aids
to air navigation.

Key Reference Materials:

i) Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) Advisory Circular AC 150-5380-6C-Guidelines and
Procedures for Maintenance of Airport Pavement (Page 2)
ii) Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) Advisory Circular AC 150/5370-2, Operational Safety
on Airports During Construction
iii) Ghana Civil Aviation Authority’s (GCAA) publication, Advisory Circular AC-AD-034
Guidelines for Preparation of Plan of Construction Operations (PCO)
iv) Aerodrome Design Manual - Part 3 Pavements (Doc 9157 – Part 3) (Chapter 8)

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 89

Appendix 1
Best Maintenance Practices of AGL at Narita International Airport:
Aeronautical Lighting Maintenance Centre at Narita International Airport
(Photos and text courtesy of Narita International Airport)

At Narita International Airport, aeronautical lights are provided for Cat IIIB and Cat I operations,
which need to be highly reliable and provide continuous visual guidance. The airport has
approximately 14,000 light fixtures, including approach lights, runway edge lights, runway
centreline lights, etc. To maintain the optical and electrical properties required of each type of
aeronautical light, all light fixtures on the runway and taxiways are inspected by patrols and
undergo regular inspections and detailed inspections at fixed intervals. Lights are serviced
and repaired or replaced altogether, depending on the service life of the bulb to ensure that
the functions are maintained to the level required by the facility. Detailed inspections involve
on-site repairs and servicing of lights that have been replaced to restore their functions to
the prescribed level. The airport’s aeronautical lighting maintenance centre dismantles the
lights, cleans all the component parts and removes any rust, replaces defective parts, and
then tests the insulation resistance and light distribution.changes to flight schedules.

Major Maintenance Equipment

Light Fixture Washing Machine

Light fixtures removed from the runways and taxiways are washed by the Light Fixture
Washing Machine. Hot water (temperature of 75ºC), is sprayed at the surface and flange of
the light fixture, taking approximately three minutes to wash each light fixture.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 90

Light Fixture Dryer

After a wet-type leakage inspection is completed, light fixtures are dried by the Light Fixture
Dryer. Since the dryer’s introduction in 2014, it has reduced the drying time and improved the
working environment.

Overhauled light fixtures are

tested with the leakage detector
to make sure that each light fixture
has been assembled accurately.
Various pressures are applied to
the light fixtures according to the
fixture type.

Overhauled light fixtures are

tested with automated light
distribution measuring equipment.
Three types of equipment are
installed to enable the measuring
of distribution of a wide range of
types of light.

Dry Type Leakage Detector

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 91

Light fixtures that have passed inspection
are stored in an automated storage retrieval
system, which can accommodate 2,350 boxes.
It instantly selects the required light fixtures
through computer management.

Automated Storage
Retrieval System

Vertical Carousel Storage System

Components such as light bulbs, optical units, and filters are stored in the Vertical Carousel
Storage System, with 44 sections of shelving. The software automatically retrieves the
selected items for picking.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 92

The Maintenance Processes
Light fixtures removed from the runways and taxiways are held in Maintenance Room 1
(Figure 1). After the light fixtures are washed in the light fixture washing machine, they are
conveyed by the automated storage retrieval system to Maintenance Room 2, located on the
2nd floor.

Tools and instruments and maintenance are stored in the Tool and Instrument Room and
light fixtures for replacement on-site are completed in this room.

Maintenance Room 1

Tool and Instrument Room

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 93


Vehicles which carry light fixtures and tools used for on-site maintenance and the light
measuring vehicle are parked here, positioned with direct access to the restricted areas so
that the site can be reached as soon as possible in case of emergency.

Light fixtures are dismantled in Maintenance Room 2, where they are cleaned and rust is
removed, defective parts are replaced, and the light fixtures are then reassembled to be re-
used. The overhauling process restores the light fittings to the prescribed standards. The
Wet Type Leakage Detector and the Light Fixture Dryer are installed in this room. Facilities
such as the workshop, rust removal room, paint shop, and drying room are all concentrated
in this location to improve efficiency in maintenance.

Maintenance Room 2

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 94

Testing Room

The Testing Room holds various instruments, such as the CCR (Constant Current Regulator),
which supplies a stable current to aeronautical lights in the room. Regular training sessions
are held here to support the team’s professional skills.

The Light Distribution Measuring Room 1 is 22m long to measure the light distribution of
inset and elevated light fixtures, and PAPI (Precision Approach Path Indicator).

Light Distribution Measuring Room 1

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 95

The automated light distribution measuring equipment used exclusively for taxiway lights
and sequenced flashing lights is installed in Light Distribution Measuring Room 2.

Light Distribution Measuring Room 2

Inset and elevated light fixtures are measured in the Light Distribution Measuring Room 3.
Light fixtures that have passed inspection are then stored in the Automated Storage Retrieval

Light Distribution Measuring Room 3

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Appendix 2 - Safety Precautions
Smoking on the airside and around maintenance areas should be prohibited. Smoking
is also not to be permitted inside any maintenance vehicle on the airside.

Food and/or Beverage

Consumption of food and beverages on the airside by contractor personnel should
be prohibited. Food and beverage consumption should only be allowed in designated
areas determined by the contractor and airport operator.

Personal Electronic Device Usage

Use of mobile phones or any other personal electronic devices (PEDs) should be
prohibited on the airside. The use of two-way radio communication during all phases
of construction is recommended unless the airport operator authorizes the safety
manager or contractor supervisor otherwise.

Operation of Metal Tracked Vehicles/Equipment

Vehicles or equipment with metal tracks (e.g. excavators) should not be driven or
parked on asphalt or concrete surfaces at any time because they can potentially
damage such surfaces. The contractor should transport vehicles and equipment
with metal tracks to and from the construction area on flatbed trailers.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

It should be mandatory for all maintenance personnel to wear appropriate PPE on
the airside and in construction areas. Appropriate PPE consists of:
• High Visibility Vests
- Reflective jackets.

• Reinforced Safety Shoes

- Exposed metal parts (spikes, etc.) should be prohibited.
- Open shoes, sandals, or sneakers should be prohibited.

• Ear Protection (depending on the work to be performed)

- Wearing of earmuffs or earplugs should be mandatory.

• Glasses/Goggles (depending on the work to be performed)

• Safety Masks
- These should be mandatory when working in hot conditions and where
dust/toxic/dangerous goods are present.

• Mitts/Gloves (depending on the work to be performed)

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• Safety Harnesses
- These should be mandatory for work being performed at heights above
- They should be connected to a suitable and secure anchoring point with an
independent lifeline.

• Hard Hats (depending on the work to be performed)

• Protective Clothing (depending on the work to be performed).

- Coveralls, uniforms, etc.
- Deteriorating uniforms or work clothing and shorts should be prohibited.

Safety Cones
Safety cones are cone-shaped markers that can be placed on the airside to identify
maintenance/hazardous areas or to redirect traffic temporarily, in a safe manner. The
following specifications for safety cones are recommended when conducting construction
on the airside:


Height 70 – 90cm (28 – 36in)v

Weight ≥ 4.5kg (10lb)

Colour Orange

Location To enclose the entire construction area and/or hazardous

areas on the main and/or general aviation apron
Amount One (1) cone at intervals not exceeding 4m

Other Features Each cone is to have white reflective stripe(s)

Note: Safety cones are not to be used on the manoeuvring areas.

High-Density Drums
High-density drums are cylindrical markers which are not to be used on the movement
area but can be placed in other airside areas surrounding maintenance/hazardous areas.
The following specifications for high-density drums are recommended when conducting
construction on the airside:


Height 85 – 95cm (33 – 37in)

Weight ≥ 11.3kg (25lb.)

Colour Orange

Amount One (1) drum at intervals not exceeding 10m

To be fixed with a steady red light indicating an
Lights unserviceable area
Location To enclose the entire construction/hazardous area
- To be frangible
Other Features
- To have white reflective stripe(s)

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Low-Profile Barriers
Low-profile barriers are low, rectangular-shaped markers filled with water that can be placed
on the airside to identify maintenance areas, hazard areas, or to redirect traffic temporarily
and in a safe manner. The following specifications for low-profile barriers are recommended
when conducting construction on the airside:


Height 20 – 30cm (8 – 12in)

Weight ≥ 117.9kg (260lb.)

Colour Orange
To be fixed with steady red lights indicating an
Lights unserviceable area, at intervals not exceeding 3m
Should enclose the entire construction and/or hazardous
Location area on the main and/or general aviation apron
- To be frangible and filled to maximum capacity
Other Features - To have unserviceability flags affixed
- To have reflective sheeting

Water Barricades
Water barricades are high, rectangular-shaped markers filled with water that are placed on
the airside to identify maintenance/hazardous areas or to redirect traffic temporarily and
in a safe manner. Any type of barricade or barrier used on the airside must comply with
international standards and has to meet those standards’ basic requirements for markings,
colours, and conspicuity. It must also meet the basic weight requirement (i.e. it must be filled
with water or sand) in order to be able to withstand jet blast in airside areas.
Note: Using filled water barricades very close to aircraft manoeuvring areas is not recommended as they are not
frangible in nature and can cause potential damage to aircraft during a collision. The following specifications for
water barricades are recommended when conducting construction on the airside movement area:


Height 55 – 65cm (22 – 26in)

Weight ≥ 306.2kg (675lb.)

Colour Alternating orange and white

To be affixed with steady red unserviceability lights at
Lights intervals not exceeding 3mat intervals not exceeding 3m
- To be placed at both ends of a temporarily closed
manoeuvring area
- To enclose the entire construction and/or hazardous area
on the main and/or general aviation apron
- To be frangible and filled to maximum capacity and able
Other Features to withstand wind speeds ≥ 25kt
- To have reflective sheeting

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Safety Mesh
Should the maintenance area potentially produce FOD (e.g., demolished concrete), install
safety mesh. The following specifications for safety mesh are recommended when conducting
construction on the airside:

Between a minimum height of 0.6m and a maximum height
of 1.5m

Colour Orange

To be fixed with steady red unserviceability lights at

intervals not exceeding 3m
To enclose the entire construction and/or hazardous area on
Location the main and/or general aviation apron

Other Features Shall be frangible

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 100

Appendix 3
Maintenance of Inset lights - A Case Study from Copenhagen Airport

Description of a critical runway lights event at Copenhagen Airport

Over a period of a year, several FOD events involving runway inset lights occurred at
Copenhagen Airport. In four cases the inset lights (upper parts) were found lying on top of
the runway surface and, in one of these cases, the inset light was still in position but bolts
had come loose.

The Safety Services Office at CPH initiated an internal safety investigation, including external
expert assistance. The key aims were to identify possible causes, learn from the incidents,
prevent a recurrence, and improve safety.

Concurrently, a technical investigation was initiated with the same main focus.

The overall goal was to control the situation as quickly as possible, sustaining safety at all

All events were handled according to the procedures in place and included: runway closure,
immediate inspection of the area involved, preliminary troubleshooting, implementation
of required adjustments, as well as thorough inspection before re-opening the runway in

Immediate mitigation
Until it was identified why the runway lights came loose, an inspection of all runway inset lights
within the high-risk area was imposed as a mitigating action. The method and frequency of
light inspection was risk-assessed and continuous improvements were implemented. Initially,
the frequency was every 48 hours. After several weeks, the light inspection frequency was
changed to seven days and this schedule remained in place for almost a year. The frequency
change was risk-assessed before implementation.

To safely transfer a runway light back into a normal inspection routine, a strict control regime
was introduced to define whether a specific runway light would successfully pass inspection:
• If rejected, the runway light was returned to a more frequent inspection for at least
two cycles.
• On passing the higher inspection frequency, the runway light would advance to the
next frequency level. Eventually, the position would reach the normal inspection
The control regime adopted a risk-based strategy to reflect the criticality of the area where
a fixture was located. The areas were divided into; high, medium, and low risk, and the
maintenance and inspection levels were determined respectively:
• The high-risk area included fixtures on runways (excluding edge), runway exits, stop
• The medium risk area included fixtures on manoeuvring area taxiways and runway
• The low-risk area included fixtures on apron taxiways.

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This principle, which was named ‘Hypercare’, was applied to all inset lights and remains in
force as a new normal. The principle is described further, later in this section.

Registration and recording of every individual light inspection and action taken were initiated
as a means to contain the risk. Evaluation and trending based on the new, continuously
growing data set enabled troubleshooting and planning the way ahead based on verified

A certified laboratory was tasked to conduct thorough analyses and tests to identify any
causes leading to the problem of inset lights coming loose. Additionally, the laboratory
was tasked to verify the inset light manufacturer’s design specifications and maintenance
instructions in support of a future sustainable maintenance regime.

Design Verification and Highly Accelerated Limit Tests were conducted to test the robustness
of the inset lights based on extreme conditions: a combination of 6-axed random, high-
frequency vibration, and temperatures between -55ºC and +85ºC. Interestingly, some tests
were taken to a level equalling that of a simulated rocket launch.

Test scenarios were based on specifications from a report, LED Airfield Lighting System
Operation and Maintenance, provided by Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) and
FAA in 2015.

The main conclusions from the test were:

• Overtightening is most likely to have caused the bolts as well as the Helicoil (threads)
to twist and come loose, reducing the lifespan of the runway lights.
• The cleanliness of joints is crucial.
Upper and lower parts from an inset light should always come from the same
• The test and analysis of the bolt joint concluded that the margin between the specified
tightening torque and the state where ‘floating’ arises is minimal. It is therefore
extremely important to comply with the manufacturer’s specifications.
• An inset light that is correctly installed into the capsule (lower part) is very robust. In
the laboratory, all bolts passed the thorough stress tests when installed correctly.
• Based on the technical conclusions, it was decided to replace 2,114 capsules (lower
parts) in the high-risk area.
• Replacement of capsules when the temperature is above 10⁰C is a prerequisite for a
robust and long-lasting result.
To ensure the correct and adequate future maintenance of inset lights, all relevant staff has
been trained accordingly. The technical investigation, laboratory test results, and learnings
have been shared with the group as part of that training focus.

A New Normal
When several makes and models of fixtures are used on an operational runway, adequate
care must be taken to understand the maintenance requirements of each manufacturer.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 102

To continuously improve the quality of the maintenance program, the gathering of data for
each in-pavement fixture was integrated into the program. Data elements are collected and
maintained in two categories: static and transaction data, as follows:

On-site static data:

• Identification number
• Manufacturer
• Type/function
• Location
• Maintenance programme identification

On-site transaction data:

• Inspection date
• Type of on-site inspection (visual or physical)
• Visual inspection result
• Physical inspection result
• Identification of torque wrench used

The observations made during the inspection should be predefined to facilitate the analysis
of the collected data. The following are examples of typical observations:
• Damages on fixture from snow removal equipment
• Damages on fixture from push-back operations
• Capsule edge above pavement surface
• Capsule edge below pavement surface
• Capsule edge bent
• Capsule is moveable
• Part of capsule cast material damaged/disintegrated
• Pavement around the capsule damaged/disintegrated
• Missing bolt
• Bolt turned >45 degrees to obtain correct tightening torque
• Bolt cannot obtain correct tightening torque
• Inadequate light intensity

When an off-site inspection includes a general refurbishment of the position, its maintenance
log should be reset.

Hypercare principle (Copenhagen Airports)

The Hypercare principle is realised according to the table below. The principle is implemented
depending on the capsule status: refurbished/new or existing. The quality of the existing
capsules is, in principle, unknown and this makes necessary a relatively high inspection
frequency. It has yet to be decided if and how an existing capsule can accommodate a
“normal” state.

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 103

Care level/Area Commissioning Observation Verification Normal

13 weeks
High risk (new capsules) Pass criteria 2 weeks TBD

4 weeks
Medium risk (existing capsules) Pass criteria TBD TBD

4 weeks
Low risk (existing capsules) Pass criteria TBD TBD

The commissioning pass criteria is a successful general verification of the installation,

including verification of the bolt-tightening torque. Satisfactory pass criteria will move the
process to the next frequency level for a predefined number of iterations and, eventually, the
position will move to the defined “normal” state.

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Appendix 4
Acronyms and Abbreviations

ACN Aircraft Classification Number

ANSP Air Navigation Service Provider
ATS Air Traffic services/ Automatic Transfer Switch
AGL Airfield Ground Light
ACRP Airport Cooperative Research Program
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
CCR Constant Current Regulator
CFME Continuous Friction Measuring Equipment
CNS Communication Navigation and Surveillance
CAA Civil Aviation Authority
FOD Foreign Object Debris
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FGP Fixed Ground Power
HML High Mast Lighting
HWD Heavy Weight Deflectometer
HV High Voltage
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
ILS Instrument Landing System
KPI Key Performance Indicator
LED Light emitting diode
LV Low Voltage
NOTAM Notice to Airmen
NAVAID Navigational Aid
OFZ Obstacle Free Zone
OLS obstacle Limitation Surfaces
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
PAPI Precision Approach Path Indicator
PPE Personnel Protection Equipment
PCN Pavement Classification Number
PCI Pavement Condition Index
PCR Pavement Condition Rating
RESA Runway End Safety Area
SMS Safety Management System
SOP Standard Operations Procedures
UPT Uninterrupted Power Transfer
VDGS Visual Docking Guidance System
WIP Work in Progress

Airports Council International | Airfield Maintenance Handbook 2023 105

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