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British Journal of Orthodontics

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The Assessment of Antero-posterior Dental Base


D. Millett B.D.Sc., F.D.S., M.Orth. & J. F. Gravely L.D.S., M.Ch.D., D.Orth.

To cite this article: D. Millett B.D.Sc., F.D.S., M.Orth. & J. F. Gravely L.D.S., M.Ch.D., D.Orth. (1991)
The Assessment of Antero-posterior Dental Base Relationships, British Journal of Orthodontics,
18:4, 285-297, DOI: 10.1179/bjo.18.4.285

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British Journal t~{ Ortlwdontics/Vnl. 18/1991/285-297

The Assessment of Antero-posterior

Dental Base Relationships
Department of Child Dental Health, Leeds University Dental School, Clarendon Way, Leeds LS2 9LU
Received for publication July 1990

Abstract. The reliability and validity offour methods ofassessing skeletal pattern ( Reidel's method, Eastman
correction, Bollard's method, and 'Wits' analysis) from cephalometric tracings have been examined, and the
levels of agreement between them investigated. The possibility of the Y-axis length and SN- Y-axis angle
having a bearing on the skeletal pattern was also examined. Strong correlation was found between the four
methods considered. Ballard's method correlated very closely with Reidel's method, and like 'Wits' method, is
not as unreliable as previously reported. Measurement of the SN- Y-axis angle was not found to be ofbenefit to
the assessment of the anteroposterior dental base relationship. Reidel's method, which is the easiest to apply, is
recommended as the method of choice, and routine application of the Eastman correction is not recommended.
Index words: Skeletal Pattern, Cephalometric Analysis, Reliability, Validity.

Introduction Literature review

The anteroposterior relationship between the Angle ( 1907) provided one of the first assessments
maxillary and mandibular dental bases is defined as of jaw relationship. Although his method is not now
the dental base relationship. It is sometimes called used to assess skeletal relationships, it is a conve-
the skeletal pattern, the jaw relationship, or the nient method of recording the anteroposterior
sagittal apical base relationship (Houston, 1975; relationship of the teeth. He believed that first
Chang, 1987; Jarvinen, 1981). permanent molars, bearing a constant relationship
Not only does the skeletal pattern play a great to their dental bases, could be used to assess a
part in occlusal development, but it also imposes sagittal jaw relationship. Angle classified three main
limits to the amount of anteroposterior movement groups, 'based on the mesio-distal relations of the
of the incisor teeth during treatment. Variations in teeth, dental arches and jaws, which primarily
the size of the jaws and their position relative to the depend upon the positions mesio-distally assumed
cranial base, may alter the skeletal relationship by the first permanent molars on their eruption and
(Reidel, 1952; Steiner, 1953; Hussels and Nanda, locking'. By assuming that the position of the upper
1984). first permanent molar was stable, he reasoned that
Great importance has been attached to the the relationship between the upper first permanent
evaluation of the sagittal apical base relationship in molar and the lower first permanent molar reflected
orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning (Bal- the relative degree ofprognathism or retrognathism
lard, 1951; Moorrees, 1953; Mills, 1970). This may of the mandible to the maxilla. Angle's classifica-
be affected clinically by an overall profile view of the tion is widely used today as a classification of
patient (Barnett, 1975), but a more accurate impres- malocclusion, perhaps primarily due to its conve-
sion may be given by palpation of the anterior nience, but it is well known that the first permanent
surfaces of the basal part of the jaws with teeth in molar relationship is very rarely an accurate reflec-
occlusion (Mills, 1987). A better assessment may be tion of skeletal pattern.
made by the use of lateral skull radiographs. Simon (1926) developed a system of gnathosta-

• Present address: Department of Orthodontics, Newcastle upon Tyne Dental Hospital, Richardson Road, Newcastle upon Tyne
NE2 4AZ.
030 1·228X/91/008000 + 00$02.00 ,1~: 1991 British Society for the Study of Onhodontics
286 D. Millett and J. F. Gravely BJO Vol. 18 No. 4

tics, which related the dental arches to the skull

using a three-dimentional co-ordinate system based
on the median sagittal plane, the Frankfort plane
and the Orbital plane. Simon did not claim that the
teeth bore a constant relationship to these planes,
but implied that in a well balanced face, the orbital
planes should pass through the cusps of the upper
canine teeth. Orientation of
The validity of Simon's classification was ques- A· B line to
tioned by Sved ( 1931 ), who demonstrated that Facial Plane
minor errors in locating the Frankfort plane could
have a major effect on the orientation of the orbital
plane and on its relationship to the teeth. Further-
more, the orbital plane did not bear a constant
relationship to the upper canine teeth, even in
individuals with excellent occlusions and well
balanced faces. Simon's classification was notable
in that it focused attention on the importance of an
independent assessment of the skeletal and occlusal
relationships, which are not always concordant. FIG. I Down's analysis.
Hell man ( 1921 ), Si mon ( 1926), and more recently
Hixon (1956) recognized the need to differentiate
between dental alveolar and skeletal discrepancies, Reide/'s analysis ( 1952)
and to evaluate the respective contributions to- Rei del ( 1952) suggested that the difference between
wards the creation of the malocclusion. the angles SNA and SNB (Angle ANB), might be
The introduction of cephalometry provided a used to classify the anteroposterior dental base
method of recording, measuring and quantifying relationship, Points A and B being taken to be the
skeletal morphology, and of relating skeletal factors most anterior points on the surfaces of the apical
to occlusion. The method was developed indepen- bases of the maxilla and mandible, respectively, and
dently in 1931 by both Broadbent and Hofrath, and SN as a representation of the anterior cranial base
has since remained fundamentally unaltered. (Fig. 7). The anterior cranial base is included,
Cephalometric methods were adopted by several because the general slope of the face in relation to
workers in the U.S.A., notably Brodie (1941), the cranium is critical in the interpretation of the
Downs ( 1948; 1952), Rei del ( 1952), Wylie and assessment, and the sella-nasion line enables the
Johnson ( 1952), Margolis ( 1953), Moorrees (1953), facial slope to be determined. Classification of cases
Steiner (1953), Coben (1955), and Graber (1958), is based on the following:
and in Europe by Bjork (1947). Skeletal class
Angle ANB
There are, for example, approximately 50 meth-
2-4'' I
ods of assessing dental base relationships presently
greater than 4 o II
available. Some of these focus attention on dental III
less than 2°
structures, some embrace a comprehensive dental
and skeletal assessment, and others even incorpor- This method of assessment, although widely used,
ate prediction of growth changes. One of the earliest has been criticized in as much as points A and Bare
comprehensive analyses was that devised by Downs points on the alveolar processes, rather than on the
( 1948, 1952) who, with the aid of lateral skull dental bases. Growth and orthodontic treatment
radiographs, related the maxillary and mandibular may produce variation in these points due to
dentitions to the cranial base. In this method, the alveolar rather than skeletal changes (Steiner, 1953;
relationship of the deepest points on the concavity Bjork, 1954).
of the profile labial to the apices of the upper and Furthermore, angle ANB is affected by the size of
lower incisor teeth (which he labelled Points A and angle SNA and is thus dependent on the length and
B, respectively) is assessed using the Facial Plane cant of the sella-nasion line: despite these objec-
(N-Pog) as a reference. Downs provided a measure tions, angles SNA and SNB are generally assumed
of the anteroposterior relationship of the jaws using to give a reasonable estimate of prognathism or
the angle subtended by a line through Points A and retrognathism for each jaw.
B from the Facial Plane (Fig. l ). Freeman (1950) demonstrated the variation
BJO Nor•ember /99/ Antero-posterior dental base relationships 287

introduced by different positions of nasion, and

because nasion moves forward with growth of the
frontal sinus, apparent changes in the skeletal
pattern can be recorded, where none in fact has
taken place.
Rei del ( 1952), and Steiner (1953, 1959, 1960)
chose the sella-nasion line as a reference line
because sella and nasion are both located in hard
unyielding tissue, are directly visible in a profile
radiograph and are located in the mid-sagittal
plane, where errors due to displacement through
variation of head position are minimal. The Steiner
analysis (1953, 1959, 1960) involves an assessment
of the position of the jaws in relation to the cranial
base, together with a comparison of these para-
meters with a population of averages. Reidel ( 1952)
found angle ANB to have a mean value of 3·4
degrees with a range of0·5-7 degrees. He based his
study on a small sample of cases with good profiles
rather than on a sample of people with 'normal' (b) Variation in the vertical position of nasion.
occlusion. Stein er ( 1953) found mean values for
angles SNA and SNB of 82 and 80 degrees, method of adjustment is incorporated into the
respectively, his analysis being based on 'normal' Eastman analysis to compensate for variations in
occlusions. Kowalski and Walker (1971) in a study angle SNA; for every degree SNA is greater/less
of 1110 'normal' children, found the mean angle than 81 degrees, half of a degree is subtracted/added
ANB value to be 4·5 degrees at the age of 12-14 from/to the original ANB angle.
years. This angle reduced to 3·5 degrees in adult The position of sella in the cranium can also
males, but remained stable in females. affect the angles SNA and SNB without affecting
angle ANB. This may be verified by relating the
Eastman analysis ( ajier Mills, 1970) maxillary plane to the sella-nasion plane. For
example, if angle SNA is reduced because of a low
Variation in the anteroposterior and vertical pos- position of sella rather than a forward position of
ition of nasion will affect angle ANB, the signifi- nasion, the angle between the sella-nasion plane
cance of which varies according to the size of angle and the maxillary plane will be increased, but angle
SNA (Fig. 2a,b). The severity of the anteroposterior ANB will be unaffected.
dental base discrepancy, when judged by the value
of angle ANB alone may, therefore, be masked. A
Ballard's method ofassessing skeletal pattern ( 1948)
In contrast to Reidel's ( 1952) method of assessing
skeletal pattern, Ballard's (1948) method relates the
lower incisor-mandibular planes angle to the
Frankfort-mandibular planes angle. In 1951, Bat-
lard modified the method by using the maxillary-
mandibular planes angle in preference to the Frank-
fort-mandibular planes angle, the Frankfort plane
being more poorly defined radiographically than
the maxillary plane. In this method, the maxillary
and mandibular incisors are repositioned at stan-
dardized angles to the maxillary and mandibular
plane, respectively. Measurement of the overjet
then gives a measure of the anteroposterior dental
base relationship.
The procedure is as follows:
I. The maxillary, mandibular, and functional
FrG. 2 (a) Variation in the antero-posterior position of nasion. occlusal planes are traced (Fig. 3a).
288 D. MilieU and J. F. Gravely BJO Vol. /8 No. 4

mean LIA of 92·5 degrees, making 96·5 degrees

(the 'corrected' lower incisor-mandibular planes
7. In those instances where the outline of the lower
incisor overlaps that of the upper incisor, the
lower incisor is moved inferiorly along the lower
incisor axis.
8. The 'overjet' is then measured in a direction
parallel to the functional occlusal plane, the
value recorded, and the skeletal pattern assessed
using the following criteria:
Overjet Skeletal class
2-4 mm I
greater than 4 mm II
less than 2 mm Ill
The main drawback of this method is the diffi-
culty in accurately identifying the incisor apices,
especially those of the lower incisors. Several
observers, including Hixon (1956), Backlund
( 1963), Mills ( 1964, 1966), Ben nett and Smales
(1969), K vam and Krogstad (1969), Baumrind and
Frantz (1971a,b), Gravely and Benzies (1974), and
Stabrun and Danielsen (1982) have referred to the
particularly low level of reliability of tracings of
incisor teeth and, consequently, of large errors in
assessment of their axial inclinations. Furthermore,
Ballard's assumption that teeth tilting to the final
positions as they erupt, having a fixed pivotal point
situated one-third of the root length from the apex is
rather speculative. The validity of assessing the
FIG. 3 (a) Angular measurements recorded for Ballard's anteroposterior dental base relationship by this
method. (b) Rotation of the upper incisor about point U2. (c) method was questioned by Houston (1975).
Measurement of the overjet to classify the skeletal pattern.

'Wits' analysis (Jacobson, 1975)

2. The outline of upper and lower incisors are It has been suggested that the vanatwn in the
traced, and points U 2 and L2 located (Fig. 5a,b). anteroposterior position of nasion, the degree of
3. The MMA and UIA are measured and recorded, facial prognathism, the rotation of the jaws, and
for example: MMA = 24 degrees; UIA = 120 variation in the anterior facial height make the use
degrees (Fig. 3b). of the angle ANB as a measure of skeletal pattern
misleading (Taylor, 1969; Beatty, 1975; Jacobson,
4. •On a separate sheet of cellulose acetate paper,
1975). Moorrees (1953) and Moore (1959) have
maxillary, mandibular, functional planes, and
shown that measurements involving reference to the
points U2 and L2 are traced. cranial base do not necessarily provide a reliable
5. This second tracing is then overlaid on to the first expression of anteroposterior jaw relationship in
tracing, and the upper incisor is rotated about the dento-facial complex. 'Wits' appraisal of jaw
points u2 until it forms an angle of 109 degrees to disharmony employs the functional occlusal plane
the maxillary plane. The outline of the upper as a reference plane because it is common to both
incisor is then traced on the second tracing. maxillary and mandibular dental bases. By using
6. The lower incisor is then rotated about point L2 this method, rotation of the jaws relative to cranial
until it assumes its 'corrected' angle to the or extracranial reference planes in no way affects the
mandibular plane. For example, if MMA is 24 overall assessment of the severity of jaw dishar-
degrees, which is 4 degrees less than the mean of mony. It is intended not as a single diagnostic
28 degrees then 4 degrees would be added to the criterion, but as an additional measurement which
BJO Nm·emh<•r /991 Antero-posterior dental base relationships 289

and SN-y-axis angle having a bearing on the

anteroposterior dental base relationship is investi-

Methods and materials

A sample of 60 cephalographs was selected at
random from the record files of orthodontic
Occlusal Plane
patients currently under treatment in the Orthodon-
'Wits' Measurement
tic Department at the Leeds Dental Hospital. All
films were traced with the right side of the patient's
face orientated towards the X-ray tube and the left
side nearer the film, with the central ray passing
through the porion-porion axis. Each radiograph
was traced on to a cellulose acetate sheet by the
same operator (D.M.) using fluorescent tracing
screens to provide illumination. Fifteen cephalo-
FIG. 4 'Wits' measurement. metric landmarks were located, marked, and identi-
fied with a pencil. The relevant lines and angles were
may be incorporated in cephalometric analysis to drawn and measured using standard equipment. No
assist in the assessment of the degree of antero- further reference was made to the tracings or
posterior jaw disharmony. Perpendicular lines are cephalographs for at least 2 weeks, when the
drawn to points A and B from the functional procedure was repeated. Thus, two tracings of each
occlusal plane (which is drawn through the region film were obtained, each performed on a separate
of maximal cuspal interdigitation), labelled AO and occasion with an interval of at least 2 weeks between
BO, respectively (Fig. 4), and the assessment of tracings. This procedure was adopted to eliminate
anteroposterior dental base relationship made by memory bias.
determining the position of point BO relative to
point AO.
A skeletal I dental base relationship is defined as Anatomical landmarks recorded
point BO lying within 2 mm of point AO (thus The following anatomical landmarks were recorded
having a range of 4 mm, from -2 to + 2 mm). From on the tracings (Fig. 5a,b).
this, it follows that a skeletal II relationship is
defined as occurring when point AO is greater than N-nasion: the anterior point of the suture at the
2 mm anterior to point 80, and a skeletal Ill junction of the frontal and nasal bones in the mid-
relationship where point BO is greater than 2 mm sagittal plane.
anterior to point AO. S-sella turcica: the centre of the pituitary fossa
of the sphenoid bones located by taking the mid-
point of the greatest diameter.
Aim of the study
A-point A: the deepest point on the maxillary
The aim of the present investigation is to assess the profile between ANS and the alveolar crest.
reliability of four methods of assessing skeletal
B-point B: the deepest point on the mandibular
Pattern from cephalometric tracings and to deter-
profile between the pogonion and the alveolar crest.
mine the level of agreement between them. The
cephalometric analyses investigated are: U!-upper incisor tip: the incisal tip of the most
prominent maxillary central incisor.
(I) measurement of the angle ANB, after Reidel
(1952); U2-upper incisor ph•ot: the point, one-third of
the root length from the apex of the tooth, about
(2) the Eastman adjustment analysis, after Mills which the tooth is assumed to tilt.
U3-upper incisor apex: the tip of the root of the
(3) the 'conversion' method described by Ballard maxillary central incisor with the most prominent
(1948); crown.
(4) the 'Wits' appraisal of jaw disharmony de- Ll-/ower incisor tip: the incisal tip of the most
scribed by Jacobson (1975). prominent mandibular central incisor.
In addition, the possibility of the y-axis length L2-/ower incisor pivot: the point, one-third of
290 D. Millet! and J. F. Gravely BJO Vol. 18 No. 4

PNS-posterior nasal spine: the most posterior

point in the median plane on the bony hard palate.
Go-gonion: the junction between the posterior
border of the mandibular ramus and the lower
border of the mandibular body located at the point
where the bisector of tangents to these borders
meets the angle of the mandible. Where two man-
dibular borders were projected, an 'average' border
was drawn and the constructions related to this.
Ar-articulare: the projection on a lateral skull
radiograph of the posterior outline of the condylar
process onto the inferior outline of the cranial base.
Me-menton: the most inferior point on the
mandibular symphseal outline.
Gn-gnathion: the junction between the anterior
border of the mandibular symphysis and the lower
border of the mandibular body located at the point
when the bisector of tangents to these borders meets
the mandibular symphysis.

FIG. 5 (a) Cephalometric landmarks recorded (1).

Cephalometric lines and planes recorded
The landmarks recorded were used to construct
lines representing the following (Fig. 6):
I. Se/la-nasion line: anterior cranial base-the line
joining sella and nasion (S-N).
2. Maxillary plane: the line between the anterior
and posterior nasal spines (ANS-PNS).
3. Functional occlusal plane: the line joining the
mid-point of the overlap of the mesio-buccal
cusps of the first permanent molars and the
buccal cusps of the premolars or deciduous

(b) Cephalometric landmarks recorded (2).

the root length from the apex of the tooth, about
which the tooth·is assumed to tilt.
L3-lower incisor apex: the tip of the root of the
mandibular central incisor with the most prominent
ANS-anterior nasal spine:· the tip of the bony
anterior nasal spine in the median plane .. FIG. 6 Cephalometric planes and lines recorded.
BJO Nor•emher /99/ Antero-posterior dental base relationships 291

4. Mandibular plane: the line through menton and determined by the intersection of the lower
gonion (Me-Go). incisor line and the mandibular plane (L 1-L 3/
5. Y-axis: the line joining sella and gnathion. Go-Me).
Angular measurements were recorded to the nearest
0·5 degree.
Other cephalometric constructions
6. U,-U3: the line joining the upper incisor tip and
upper incisor apex. Linear measurements recorded
7. LrL3 : the line joining the lower incisor tip and The following linear measurements were made (Figs
lower incisor apex. 3, 4, and 6):
I. 'Overjet': after Ballard's 'conversion method'.
Angular measurements recorded 2. 'Wits' Measurement
The following angles were measured (Fig. 7): 3. Length ofy-axis

I. SNA: the included angle determined by sella, Linear measurements were recorded to the nearest
nasion, and point A. 0·5mm.
The mean of the two recordings made for each
2. SN B: the included angle determined by sella,
method was used to classify the skeletal pattern. For
nasion, and point B.
the purpose of this investigation, the. ranges pre-
3. ANB: the difference between angles SNA and viously quoted for Reidel's method were adopted
SNB. for initial classification of the case and applied
4. SN-y-axis: the angle formed by the S-N plane subsequently following the Eastman correction.
and the y-axis. The overjet measurements previously given were
5. M M A-maxillary mandibular planes angle: the used to classify the cases following Ballard's conver-
acute angle formed by the intersection of the sion, and the distance between points AO and 80
maxillary plane and the mandibular plane used to classify the cases following the 'Wits'
(ANS-PNS/Go-Me). analysis.
The 60 cases were then ranked, using the range
6. Gonia/ angle: the obtuse angle formed by the previously given for each method of analysis on a
intersection of the lineAr-Go and the mandibu- scale of increasing order through Class Ill to Class I
lar plane (Ar-GojGo-Me).
to Class 11.
7. U.I.A.-upper incisor angle: the included angle
determined by the intersection of the upper
incisor line and the maxillary plane (U 1-U 3/ Statistical analysis
ANS-PNS). Coefficients of correlation were calculated for each
8. LIA-/ower incisor angle: the included angle of the four methods of assessing anteroposterior
dental base relationship and SN-y-axis angle andy-
axis length (Table 2).
The 60 cases were ranked, according to the result
of the four analyses on a scale of increasing value.
Spearman's rank correlation coefficient was then
calculated for each of the four methods of analysis,
Sn-y-axis angle and y-axis length (Table 5).


Confidence limits for methods of assessment of

dental base relationships. y-axis length,
and SN-y-axis angle
It was established that the confidence limits within•
which the four analyses of dental base relationship
could be measured from a single measurement
ranged from approximately I degree for angular
FIG. 7 Angular measurements recorded. measurements and 2 mm for ·linear measurements.
292 D. Millet! and J. F. Gravely BJO Vol. 18 No. 4

TABLE I Confidence limits for four methods of assessment of Correlation coefficients for the analyses of skeletal
dental base relationship; y-axis length and SN-y-axis angle at pattern
P= I per cent
The results obtained from the four methods of
Difference between assessing skeletal pattern were compared. The
Single measurements from
Method of analysis measurement two tracings
coefficients of correlation were calculated and
appear in Table 2. It is evident that all four analyses
Reidels Angle ANB ±1·42" ± 1·75' correlate at a probability level of 0·1 per cent, but
method that y-axis length and SN-y-axis angle both corre-
Eastman 'adjustment' ±1·30' ±1·50" late very poorly with the four methods investigated.
Ballard's method ±2·4 mm ±3·25 mm
'Wits' analysis ±1·51 mm ±2·33 mm
y-axis length ±2·44mm
Reliability of assessment of dental base relationship
± 1·55 mm
SN-y-axis angle ± 1·36' ± 1·55' from pairs of tracings
Finding that all methods of analysis inter-corre-
lated at a highly significant level, each tracing was
classified into a skeletal category according to each
The confidence limits for the methods of analysis of method. The results are given in Table 3. The high
dental base relationship appear in Table I from level of consistency in classification into the differ-
which it can be seen that the Eastman ANB ent skeletal categories is clearly seen. For example,
correction method is the most reliable one of those in the Eastman analysis, 35 cases were assessed as
using angular measurements, and the 'Wits' method skeletal 11 from the first tracing and 30 from the
of those using linear measurements. second tracing. Similarly, reasonably high levels of

TABLE 2 Coefficients o_fcorrelation between the four methods ofassessing antero-posterior dental base relalionships, y-axis length, and
SN-y-axis angle

Reidels angle East man Ballard's 'Wits' r-Axis SN-y-axis

Method of analysis ANB method analysis method method ·length angle

Reidels angle 0·760 0·789 0·750 -0·305 0·076

ANB method
Eastman analysis 0·760 0·679 0·62 -0·325 0·410
Ballard's method 0·789 0·679 0·719 -0·260 0·067
'Wits' analysis 0·750 0·622 0·719 -0·290 0·033
y-Axis length -0·305 -0·325 -0·260 -0·290 0·086
SN-y-axis angle 0·076 0·410 0·067 0·037 0·086

TABLE 3 Reliability of assessments of dental base relationship

Number in each skeletal

category Number of
Methods of Skeletal agreement between Reliability Percentage
arfalysis classification I st tracing 2nd tracing two tracings ratio agreement

Reidel's ANB method 2 31 38 31 31 :38 82%

I 18 15 11 11:18 60'Y.,
3 10 9 7 7:10 70"!.,
Eastman analysis 2 35 30 27 27:35 74%
I 14 17 9 9:17 53%
3 11 13 9 9:13 70%
Ballard's method 2 31 36 31 31:36 86'Yt,
I 16 12 10 10:16 62%
3 13 11 8 8:13 61%
'Wits' method 2 26 25 21 21:26 80%
I 20 25 13 13:25 52%
3 13 7 8 8:13 61%
BJO Nm·t•mht•r /YYJ Antero-posterior dental base relationships 293

TABLE 4 Comparison rJf' assessments of antero-posterior dental Comparability of assessment of dental base
base relationship by four methods of analysis relationships
Number of cases in each skeletal Having examined the level of repeatability from
category classified from the mean pairs of tracings, the comparability between the
of two tracings analyses was investigated. The mean measurements
Method of analysis Skeletal 2 Skeletal I Skeletal 3 n between the first and second tracings were taken,
and the individual cases re-classified into each
Reidel's Angle ANB 34 15 11 60 category of skeletal pattern for each of the four
method methods of analysis. The results are shown in Table
Eastman analysis 34 16 10 60
Ballard's method 32 17 11 60
4. Classification by the Eastman, Ballard, and
'Wits' analysis 23 24 13 60 'Wits' analyses were compared. It can be seen from
Table 4 that all tend to classify an almost equal
Total number of cases, n = 60. number of cases as skeletal 11.
In this investigation, it was found that by apply-
ing the Eastman 'correction', some cases which were
classified as skeletal Ill by angle ANB (less than 2
degrees) were classified as skeletal I when the
repeatability were obtained for skeletal Ill assess- Eastman 'correction' was applied, reflecting the fact
ments, but less so for skeletal I assessments, i.e. 70 that a low value of angle SNA creates a low value
per cent for Class Ill cases and 53 per cent for Class for angle ANB unless 'corrected' in this way. Four
I cases. Because the standard error of the method cases with a high SNA angle were classified as
for Eastman ANB is 0·48 degree, it follows that a skeletal 11 by angle ANB, but following the East-
case classified as skeletal 11 at the first tracing is man 'correction', were classified as skeletal I.
unlikely to be classified as skeletal Ill from the
second tracing, and this was borne out by observa-
tion. The levels ofrepeatability between the first and Correlation coefficients for the ranking of cases
second tracings are shown for Reidel's method and using the four methods of analysis and y-axis
the Ballard and 'Wits' analyses. All are of a high length and SN-y-axis angle
order, apart from those cases classified as Class I by
Each of the 60 cases was ranked on an increasing
the 'Wits' method.
order using the scale appropriate to each analysis.
In none of the methods of dental base relation-
Table 5 shows that Ballard's method correlates
ship was the level of discordancy greater than I
closer than any of the other methods with Reidel's
category; no case was classified as skeletal 11 at the
ANB angle, the Eastman analysis appearing to have
first tracing and as skeletal Ill at the second tracing
the lowest correlation. Neither they-axis length nor
or vice-versa (as reference to the values of the
the SN-y-axis angle bore any correlation with the
standard errors of each method attests). The per-
ranking of cases in this order.
centage agreement between the first and second
tracings for all methods of analysis of dental base
relationship was high, indicating a high level of
repeatability expect from those classified as Skeletal Discussion
I by Eastman and 'Wits' analyses. A considerable From the foregoing, one may conclude that for
number of these were, however, 'borderline' cases. clinical purposes, where one is mainly concerned

TABLE 5 Spearman rank correlation between thefour methods()( assessing antero-posterior dental base re/mionship, andy-axis length
and SN-y-axis angle

Reidcls angle Eastman Ballard's 'Wits' y-axis S- NIy-axis

Method of analysis ANB method analysis method method length angle

Reidel's Angle ANB 0·712 0·784 0·739 -0·355 0·072

Eastman analysis 0·712 0·645 0·615 -0·377 0·394
Ballard's method 0·784 0·645 0·693 -0·263 0·070
'Wits' method 0·739 0·615 0·693 -0·253 0·003
Y-Axis length -0·355 -0·377 -0·263 -0·253 -0·064
S-N/y-axis angle 0·072 0·394 0·070 0·003 -0·064
294 D. Millett and J. F. Gravely BJO Vol. 18 No. 4

with establishing a gross skeletal discrepancy, the cation of the occlusal plane and the additional error
four analyses give very similar results in most cases. involved in drawing perpendiculars to it from
Where differences exist, it is pertinent to ask the points A and B casts doubt on the validity of the
question, 'Which method provides the more valid 'Wits' measurement (Roth, 1982; Jacobson, 1988).
assessment?'. It is also evident that the results of the method are
All methods have their shortcomings (Moyers closely related to the inclination of the occlusal
and Bookstein, 1979). Objection to the methods of plane, and for this reason alone, validity of this
assessment dependent on points A and B are that method must be questioned (Bishara et al., 1983).
these points are located on the alveolar processes, The findings of the present study support Jacob-
and are consequently more affected by treatment son's (1975) view that there is good agreement
procedures than are 'true' skeletal reference points between the 'Wits' appraisal and angle ANB in
(Holdaway, 1956; Baumrind and Frantz, 197la). some, but not all, situations. The 'correction' of
Reidel's method is, however, very reliable because Angle ANB by the Eastman analysis has been
the error pattern of points A, N, and B is mainly in thought to increase agreement with the other analy-
the vertical plane (Baumrind and Frantz, 1971 b). ses. However, if the Eastman correction improved
Moreover, provided there is an awareness that A validity of Reidel's angle ANB, one would expect
and B are strictly speaking alveolar points, this fact the modified 'resultant' ANB difference to correlate
does not invalidate assessments made by this meth- more closely with the result of the other analyses.
od. Methods involving nasion are also open to However, this does not appear to be the case (see
criticism as this area is subject to growth changes, Table 2), and in this study, both Ballard's method
especially during the period of growth of the frontal and 'Wits' analysis correlate more closely with
sinus. Thus, skeletal classification based purely on Reidel's ANB method. Perhaps this is due to the
the value of angle ANB may be misleading because correction being applied even in cases where it is less
of variation in the anteroposterior position of appropriate. The relation of the cranial base (S-N)
nasion, the degree of facial prognathism, the to the maxillary plane must be assessed before any
rotation of the jaws and the variation in anterior correction is considered.
facial height (Taylor, 1969; Beatty, 1975; Jacobson, Jacobson ( 1976) mentioned the difficulties in
1976; Freeman, 1981; Hussels and Nanda, 1984, location of the occlusal plane. Richardson ( 1966)
1986). The present study, however, failed to show demonstrated that both sella and nasion were
any significant correlation between the ANB differ- highly reproducible points. The line sella-nasion is,
ence and the S-N/y-axis angle or y-axis length. The therefore, located with greater consistency than the
sample was, however, fairly small, and was not occlusal plane, and thus, the angle ANB has been
selected to include a high proportion of very and will continue to be widely employed. The 'Wits'
marked discrepancies in dental base relationship. appraisal may be used as a diagnostic aid in
Many investigators, including Taylor ( 1969) and conjunction with other analyses. Results of this
Beatty (1975) have attempted to eliminate the effect analysis correlate well with the other analyses
of these variables by creating more complex angular examined. The nature and severity of a malocclu-
and linear measurements (Jarvinen, 1981, 1986a,b). sion, and the extent to which the positions of the
Angle ANB, the most widely used method of teeth can be altered within the limits delineated by
evaluating anteroposterior dental base discrepan- the relationship of the maxillary and mandibular
cies, depends not only on the anteroposterior dental bases by a simple 'tipping' movement, or a
relationship of the dental bases, but also on varia- more complex bodily movement, can be assessed
tion in the length of the sella-nasion line and angle from a cephalograph. In this respect, Ballard's
S'NA. Too much importance should, therefore, not method may be clinically useful.
be given to angle ANB when considered in isolation The high error involved in tracings of incisor
in clinical practice (Jacobson, 1975; Jarvinen, 1985; teeth and the number of mechanical steps involved
Chang, 1987). It should not, therefore, be consi- in the Ballard 'conversion' method makes one
dered an absolute measure of anteroposterior den- sceptical of its usefulness, but surprisingly the
tal base relationship, but merely a starting point by standard error of the method for Ballard's analysis
providing data which should be checked by other when carried out by the present investigator was
methods. only slightly greater than that of the 'Wits' analysis,
The 'Wits' appraisal, by relating points A and B both methods involving linear measurements. This
to the occlusal plane eliminates cranial landmarks was also borne out by Kenneth (1983) who, in a
and the geometric inconsistencies associated with similar study, examined the usefuless of various
the anteroposterior and vertical position of nasion. methods of assessing skeletal pattern. Furthermore,
However, the difficulty associated with the identifi- Ballard's method correlated closer to Reidel's than
BJO November /99/ Antero-posterior dental base relationships 295

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Identifiable landmarks. Where angle SNA deviates 27-38.
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Naturally, some cases will fall on different sides of and treatment,
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methods of assessing skeletal pattern considered; Baumrind, S. and Frantz, R. C. (1971b)
the correlation being significant at the 0·1 per The reliability of head film measurements 2. Conventional angu-
cent level of probability, suggesting that the four lar and linear measurements,
American Journal of Orthodontics, 60, 505-517.
analyses are intimately related.
Beatty, E. J. (1975)
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Accuracy of angular measurements obtained from radiographic
3. Routine application of the Eastman correction is cephalometric analysis,
not to be recommended, as it did not appear to Journal of Dental Research, 48, 595.
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4. Ballard's method, although very time consum- Longitudinal changes in the ANB angle and 'Wits' appraisal:
ing, provides results which correlate more closely clinical implications,
American Journal()( Orthodontics, 84, 133-139.
With Reidel's method than any of the other
Bjork, A. (1947)
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5. The two linear analyses (Ballard's method and St•ensk Tandlaker Tidsskr!(t, 40 (supplement 5).
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6. The 'Wits' analysis is reputedly unreliable due to Brodie, C. (1941)
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it correlates very well with the other methods Chang, S. E. (1987).
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American Journal ()(Orthodontics, 92, 117-122.
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Coben, S. E. (1955).
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Acknowledgements Variations in facial relationships: their significance in treatment
and prognosis,
We would like to thank Or P. H. Gordon for his American Journal of Orthodontics, 34, 812-840.
telpful advice with the statistical analysis, and Miss
Downs, W. B. (1952)
· Brown for typing the manuscript. The role of cephalometries in orthodontic case analysis and
References American Journal of Orthodontics, 38, 162-182.
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