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COMMENT as he sees it. According to him, the West things begin to crack. On October 5th,
DIFFERENT WORLDS destroyed the Soviet Union in 1991, but two videos circulated widely on Russian-
Russia came back, defiant and strong. language social media, including in nor-
ussia says that it has expanded. On Now the West wants to destroy Rus- mally pro-war quarters. The videos show
R September 30th, President Vladi-
mir Putin signed a document that os-
sia. “They see our thought and our phi-
losophy as a direct threat,” he said. “That
a crowd of men in uniform. They say
that there are five hundred of them and
tensibly accepted four Ukrainian regions is why they target our philosophers that they were recently drafted. They
as members of the Russian Federation. for murder.” The ultimate goal of the complain of “animal-like” conditions,
The residents of those regions, Putin West—specifically, the United States of having to buy their own food and
said in a speech, “have become our cit- and Great Britain—is to subjugate peo- bulletproof vests, and of a lack of orga-
izens forever.” He made this assertion as ple around the world and force them nization. “We are not registered as part
the Ukrainian Army was liberating ter- to give up traditional values, to have of any detachment,” one man says. “We
ritory to which Russia was laying claim. “ ‘parent No. 1,’ ‘parent No. 2,’ and ‘par- have weapons, but these are not offi-
He was not just trying to snatch pro- ent No. 3’ instead of mother and father cially issued to us.” Meanwhile, some
paganda victory from the jaws of evi- (they have completely lost it!),” and to Russian television propagandists have
dent military defeat; he was laying the teach schoolchildren that “there are been acknowledging Ukrainian victo-
groundwork for fighting for those lands some other genders besides men and ries, and urging Russians to prepare for
ever more aggressively. A week and a women and offer them sex-change a long wait before their country can at-
half earlier, he had ordered the military operations.” Putin has said, repeatedly, tack again.
to draft hundreds of thousands of new that only Russia can save the world It’s too early to make assumptions
soldiers, and had threatened to use nu- from this menace. This is the story of about where these tiny cracks may lead.
clear weapons. a world in which his war in Ukraine— It is not too early, however, to think
A Russia that includes parts, or all, and the draft, and even, perhaps, a nu- about what a future, militarily defeated
of Ukraine and untold other lands is clear strike—makes sense. Russia might look like. This is what
the Russian World, a vague and expan- But when the world shaped by the Alexey Navalny, the opposition politi-
sive idea pioneered by the self-styled feedback loop of propaganda collides cian who has been in prison since Jan-
philosopher Aleksandr Dugin, some of with the world of facts on the ground, uary, 2021, has been doing. The Wash-
whose ideas have been adopted by the ington Post recently published an op-ed,
Kremlin. In August, his thirty-two-year- smuggled out by Navalny’s legal team,
old daughter, Darya, also an imperial- in which he writes that Russia deserves
ist pundit, was killed by a car bomb that to lose the war and that, once it does,
may have been intended for him. Last it must be reconstituted as a parliamen-
week, the Times reported that U.S. in- tary, rather than a Presidential, repub-

telligence believes a part of the Ukrainian lic. This, he argues, will insure that no
government may have been behind the one person can usurp power in Russia
attack. If true, this suggests that the as Putin has.
government puts strong, probably un- Navalny’s op-ed serves to illustrate
founded, faith in the power of the con- Putin’s wisdom, of sorts—the wisdom of
cept of the Russian World. keeping his most important political op-
Putin, in his speech, described both ponent behind bars. Navalny seems to
the Russian World and the larger world have missed a cultural turning point. In

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