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occurred under any government. Her Padmavati and Khilji. This, it appeared, B.J.P.

’s pet antagonists: leftist univer-

point was that, back then, she was able was too great a slight against Hindu sity professors, the Congress. “The
to appeal to a tribunal, which certified honor. A B.J.P. politician announced a Kashmir Files” has already triggered a
the film for release. “It was frustrating reward for beheading Deepika Padu- riot, and one B.J.P. leader given to ca-
and expensive, but at least there was a kone, who played Padmavati. A posse of sual calls to shoot “anti-nationals” urged
way of getting the decision reversed,” young, angry Rajput men stormed onto his Twitter followers to watch the film
she said. Last year, the government abol- the film’s set, found Bhansali, and roughed “so that there is no Bengal Files, Ker-
ished the tribunal. Now the only re- him up; then they destroyed film equip- ala Files, Delhi Files tomorrow.” Modi
course available to censored filmmak- ment and, in a later incident, burned praised the film as another bursting of
ers is litigation. down part of the set. According to Bhan- the liberal bubble; B.J.P. leaders distrib-
The B.J.P. exhibited another skill as sali, he had to finish shooting “Padmaa- uted free tickets. After “The Kashmir
well: an ability to whip up its base—its vat” under the protection of fifty-two Files” became one of the highest-gross-
Internet bruisers, rank-and-file cadre, policemen. “At one point, I thought, ing releases of 2022, Nikkhil Advani
and ideological allies—into a frenzy so Enough. Change my profession. I can’t told me, filmmakers naturally wondered
coördinated that it came to resemble make films anymore,” he said later. if this was the kind of thing people want
popular sentiment. When Aamir Khan, The B.J.P. often ascribes these events to watch. “Now that it has worked,” he
the versatile star of several of Bolly- to fringe elements or faceless Hindu said sardonically, “let’s all make this kind
wood’s highest-grossing films, admit- “patriots.” But the number of such in- of nationalistic, jingoistic cinema.”
ted, in 2015, that he was worried about cidents makes filmmakers assume that
growing intolerance in India, a social- they’re seeing a bigger transformation, n Mumbai, the quotient of Bolly-
media backlash began against Snapdeal,
an e-commerce platform that Khan had
in which the average member of their
audience now truly likes everything the
I wood celebrity is highest in Bandra,
a western suburb shaped like a piece in
endorsed on billboards and in TV spots. B.J.P. likes, and abhors everything it a jigsaw puzzle. The stars who appear
Within months, Snapdeal decided not abhors. For anyone with hundreds of elsewhere in the city on movie posters
to renew his contract; even this year, millions of rupees riding on a movie, reside here, amid narrow, winding roads,
Khan pleaded with audiences not to a director of lavish blockbusters said, weathered Portuguese churches, and
spurn a new film because of his past re- these are tectonic confusions. “When chic bars that they can never visit. Sal-
marks. In 2020, one director told me, an someone thinks of a movie idea—not man Khan, an actor who has spent most
actor friend was put through the wringer just me but other people who think of of his career playing a square slab of
of a boycott campaign on Twitter. “When themselves as liberals—they think, Is muscle, lives in the same apartment
I saw that, I went and deleted all my it O.K. if my hero is a Muslim?” he building where he and his two broth-
posts about politics,” he said. “I had a told me. “But the darker question is: Is ers—both actors now—grew up. Not
film coming out, and they’d have defi- there even an audience out there for far away, the actors Kareena Kapoor and
nitely used my tweets against it.” this kind of movie?” Saif Ali Khan, the children of stars them-
Ignoring the mob felt increasingly “The Kashmir Files” has proved par- selves, occupy several floors of an apart-
unwise. In 2016, Sanjay Leela Bhansa- ticularly vexing. Released earlier this ment block. The drivers of Mumbai’s
li—a reserved, bearded director known year, the movie purports to be based on black-and-yellow taxis ritually point out
for maximalist costume dramas—started true events: the brutal eviction, begin- these landmarks as they pass by.
making “Padmaavat.” Bhansali was dra- ning in 1989, of tens of thousands of Mumbai’s worst-kept secret lay a
matizing a legend: the story of Padma- Hindus from the Muslim-majority val- few doors from my hotel, down a road
vati, a Hindu queen from the Rajput facing the sea. Shah Rukh Khan lives
caste, who is so renowned for her beauty with his family in a villa the size of a
that Alauddin Khilji, the Sultan of Delhi, small hotel, set back from a pair of heavy
attacks her husband’s kingdom to ab- gates. Above a wall surrounding the
duct her. Bhansali shot “Padmaavat” with compound, Khan has erected a black
his usual grandiosity: cavernous palaces, metal fence with a platform, where he
scenes teeming with extras, rich palettes sometimes materializes, in sunglasses,
of fabric. Toward the end, Padmavati and to greet the fans thronging the side-
her handmaidens are besieged by Khil- walk to glimpse him. The pavement
ji’s army. Instead of submitting, they dress is never empty; even late at night, re-
in red and stream through the palace, ley of Kashmir. At least two hundred turning to my hotel, I’d see a few strag-
like blood through an artery, to leap into Hindus were killed, according to gov- gling devotees taking selfies, talking
a pit of fire—a happy ending, in the moral ernment data, but the movie inflates quietly, or just gazing at Khan’s house
universe of the Hindu right. Khilji is the number to four thousand. Armed in the dark. In those moments, noth-
portrayed as half-mad, lustful, and a com- insurgents were responsible, but, im- ing demarcated the gulf between their
mitted carnivore, stereotypes of the In- plicitly or explicitly, the film blames worlds—between fan and celebrity, out-
dian Muslim brought to life. many others for enabling the tragedy sider and insider—more vividly than
Before the film’s release, though, a and for lying about it afterward. Un- the black metal fence.
rumor leaked of a love scene between surprisingly, they include some of the One morning, a man with a polite

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