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India's constitution

It is one of the most comprehensive and detailed constitutions in the world. It was adopted on January
26, 1950, and since then, it has been amended multiple times to reflect the changing needs of the
country. The "silent features" you referred to might be those aspects of the constitution that are not
explicitly mentioned in the text but are implied or inferred from its provisions. Here are some of the
silent features of India's constitution:

1. **Federal System with Unitary Bias**: India follows a federal system of government where powers
are divided between the central government and the state governments. However, during emergencies,
the constitution provides for a strong center, giving it unitary features.

2. **Parliamentary System**: India has a parliamentary system of government where the President is
the head of state, and the Prime Minister is the head of government. The real executive authority rests
with the Council of Ministers headed by the Prime Minister.

3. **Fundamental Rights**: The constitution guarantees fundamental rights to all citizens, which
include rights to equality, freedom, and protection against discrimination. While these rights are not
absolute, they are enforceable by the courts.

4. **Directive Principles of State Policy**: The constitution includes Directive Principles of State Policy,
which are guidelines for the government to establish a just and welfare state. Although these principles
are not legally enforceable, they are fundamental in the governance of the country.

5. **Single Citizenship**: Unlike some federal systems, India has a single citizenship, providing equal
rights and privileges to citizens across the country.

6. **Independent Judiciary**: The constitution establishes an independent judiciary with the Supreme
Court as the apex court, which has the power of judicial review to interpret the constitution and protect
the fundamental rights of citizens.

7. **Secularism**: Though the term "secular" was added through the 42nd Amendment, the
constitution was designed to uphold the principle of secularism, ensuring religious freedom and the
separation of religion from the state.
8. **Universal Adult Franchise**: India's constitution grants universal adult suffrage, allowing all citizens
above the age of 18 to vote, regardless of gender, caste, religion, or economic status.

9. **Flexible Constitution**: While the Indian constitution is detailed, it is also flexible and amendable,
enabling it to adapt to changing times and circumstances.

10. **Independent Election Commission**: The constitution provides for an independent Election
Commission responsible for conducting free and fair elections at all levels.

11. **Emergency Provisions**: The constitution contains provisions for the declaration of three types of
emergencies – national emergency, state emergency (President's Rule), and financial emergency –
during extraordinary situations.

12. **Panchayati Raj System**: Although not explicitly mentioned in the original constitution, the 73rd
and 74th Amendments introduced the Panchayati Raj system, providing for local self-governance at the
grassroots level.

These are some of the key silent features of India's constitution that contribute to its unique character
and functioning. The constitution continues to be a living document, evolving with the nation's progress
and societal changes.

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