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THE COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN (CLUP) - without precluding consultation with

refers to a document embodying specific component LGUs.

proposals for guiding, regulating growth and In the absence of a Provincial Land Use
development of a city or municipality. It is Plan/PPFP, other higher-level plans may serve as
comprehensive because it considers all sectors bases for the formulation, such as the Medium-
significant in the development process, i.e., Term Development Plan, Regional Physical
demography, socio-economic, infrastructure Framework Plan, metropolitan or other cluster
and utilities, land use and local administration, area development plans (i.e., MIMAROPA,
within the territorial jurisdiction. CALABARZON, etc.)

Rationale for the Formulation/Revision of a The planning area is defined by the

CLUP: cities'/municipalities' political boundaries. This
● To guide the orderly development of a includes all component barangays and the
city/municipality to promote the health, city/municipal waters extending 3 km. from
safety, welfare and convenience of the shoreline for coastal LGUs. Thus, the CLUP shall
population, cover both land and water resources of the
● To promote sustainable development; city/municipality.
● To preserve special natural features and
environmentally critical areas; The CLUP covers a planning period of 10 years at
● To translate socio-economic policies into the minimum. It may be reviewed every 3 years
physical policies and plans; coinciding with the term of the Mayor and other
● To provide guidelines for the locally elected officials, for their appreciation
appropriate use of natural resources; and for continuity of plan implementation.
● To allocate land for settlements, The CLUP document includes:
industries and other urban uses on land (1) The Comprehensive Development Land
least suitable for agricultural and Use Plan,
farming uses; (2) Zoning Ordinance, and
● To serve as basis for reclassifying and (3) Sectoral Studies (a documentation of the
converting land; supporting studies that were
● To reflect changes in the goals and undertaken to arrive at the resultant
objectives of the community. CLUP).

Approaches to CLUP Formulation The Comprehensive Land Use Plan - contains the
1. Integration of Barangay Development Plans Vision/Mission; Goals, Objectives, Strategies; the
(Bottom-Up Approach) – Under the LGU Code of Concept/Structure Plan (text and map); the Land
1991, the Local Development Councils, in the Use Plan (text and map); Priority Programs and
case of barangay, the Barangay Development Projects.
Councils are tasked to prepare Barangay
Development Plans to be submitted to the The Zoning Ordinance (Z0) -contains the
Sangguniang Barangay for review and approval. regulations affecting uses allowed or disallowed
in each zone of district, and the conditions and
2. Top to Bottom Approach – In the absence of deviations legally allowed from the
barangay and municipal development plans, the requirements of the ordinance.
local planners adopt the top to bottom approach
to planning. In this case, the Provincial Land Use The Zoning Map - enacted by the LGU and duly
Plan/Physical Framework Plan (PPFP), if ratified and authenticated by the approving
available, may serve as basis and framework for body (Sangguniang Panlalawigan/HLURB) which
the formulation and updating of the CLUP is an integral part of the Zoning Ordinance. It is
the graphic presentation of the zone rational and logical basis for the
classifications/designations, location and adoption of management controls
boundaries of the districts/ zones that were duly designed to limit development to the
established in the zoning ordinance. assimilative capacity of a resource.
1.3. Committed Lands Analysis - identifies
The Sectoral Studies - contain the following locations where excess community
major sections: Demography service capacity exists and where cost
(Physical/Environment); Social Sector (Housing, of additional distribution for each new
Health, Education, Protective Services, Sports Customer is no greater than the value
and Recreation, Social Welfare); Economic of increased efficiency in producing the
Sector (Industry, Commerce, Agriculture, service.
Forestry, Tourism); Infrastructure and Utilities 1.4. Market Forecasts - attempt to project
(Transportation, Power, Water, Communication, future land development. Simple
Solid Waste Management). forecasts rely on projections of past
trends, population and economic
Land Use Planning Tools and Techniques: growth along with information on
1. Developability Analysis - deals with development regulations, land use
determining the accurate information plans, and forthcoming development
about the supply of available and within proposals, to estimate the location,
the LGU jurisdiction to prepare a land type, amount, and cost of future
use plan. development.
1.1. Land Suitability Analysis (LSA) - is an in-
design evaluation method for planning 2. Perceptual Analysis - relies on people's
areas that retain important natural perceptions which are important
environmental features. The outcome determinants of travel behavior, locational
of the valuation depends to a large choice, social relationships, and political
extent on expert judgment based on actions.
scientific knowledge. This evaluation 2.1. Legibility - refers to the clarity of its
method is not comprehensive but spatial organizations and ease with
rather limited to alternative sites within which people can "read" its structure.
a specified study area for a particular 2.2. Attractiveness - degree to which it is
land use or set of land uses. - i.e., positively perceived. From a non-
industrial suitability based upon slope, professional perspective, visual quality
highway access, availability of water must be the most important influence
and sewer. on how people experience and respond
1.2. Carrying Capacity Analysis - is the to urban areas and planning initiatives.
method of studying the effects of 2.3. Symbolism - refers to the meanings
population growth and urban that people attach to various parts of
development on ecological systems, the urban area.
public facility systems, and 2.4. Quality of Life- is a synthetic perceptual
environmental perception. Carrying measure based on resident rating of
capacity analysis determines the point local trends of change over time in such
at which a resource's function will be factors as open space, urban design,
reduced to an unacceptable level. It crime, traffic, schools and housing
provides a factual basis for a affordability.
community's comprehensive plan
provisions that promote resource
protection and give the community a

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