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August 2023


Marquette University, Department of Philosophy, Milwaukee, WI |

Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, August
Affiliated Faculty, Center for Race, Ethnic, and Indigenous Studies, Marquette University,
Milwaukee, WI, August 2020–present
Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Metropolitan State University of Denver,
Denver, CO, August 2019–July 2020

Ph.D. in Philosophy, University of Maryland, College Park, 2014–2019
Thesis: Disadvantage in Context: From Microaggressions to Healthcare Policy
Committee: Samuel Kerstein (Chair), Dan Moller, Rachel Singpurwalla, and Peter Carruthers
M.A. in Philosophy, University of South Florida, 2012–2014
B.A. in Sociology with a minor in Philosophy, Florida Atlantic University, Magna Cum Laude,

Ethics (especially Applied Ethics and Bioethics), Social Epistemology, Philosophy of Race

Feminist Philosophy, Animal Ethics

While at Marquette University:
1. “Responding to Microaggression with Irony: The Case of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz.” (With
Sergio Gallegos Ordorica.) Journal of Social Philosophy. (in press) (Online first, 2023).
2. “Pushed to the Edge of Knowing: Microaggression and Self-doubt.” Journal of Applied
Philosophy, vol 39, 4 (2022): 645-663. (Online first, 2022).
3. “Believing on Eggshells: Epistemic Injustice Through Pragmatic Encroachment.” (With Julius
Schönherr.) Philosophical Studies, vol 179 (2022): 593-613. (Online first, 2021)
4. “Moral Encroachment and the Epistemic Impermissibility of (Some) Microaggressions.”
Synthese, vol 199 (2021): 9237-9256.
5. “Verbal Microaggressions as Hyper-implicatures.” The Journal of Political Philosophy, vol. 29, 3
(2021): 375-403. (Online first, 2020)
6. “Should Biomedical Research with Great Apes Be Restricted? A Systematic Review of
Reasons.” (With Bernardo Aguilera and David DeGrazia.) BMC Medical Ethics, vol. 22, 15

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While at Metropolitan State University of Denver:

7. “When Is the Promotion of Prenatal Testing for Selective Abortion Wrong?” Kennedy Institute
of Ethics Journal, vol. 30, 1 (2020): 71-109.

8. “Is It Time to Phase Out the Use of All Nonhuman Primates in Invasive Research?” (with
Bernardo Aguilera) The Handbook of Bioethical Decisions, vol. 1, Chapter 32, 2023.
9. “McLeod’s Conscience in Reproductive Health Care: Fiduciary Duties Beyond Reproductive Care,
the Role of the Pharmacist, and the Harms and Wrongs of Conscientious Refusals.”
International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics, vol. 15, 2 (137-143), 2022.

1. A paper on alienation
2. A paper on alienation and trust
3. A paper on the allocation of scarce medical resources
4. A paper on microaggressions and nurse education (with Francisca Perez)
5. A paper on communication (with Julius Schönherr)
6. A paper on language in clinical care (with Sarah Wieten)

1. Badiou, Alain. “Heidegger’s Parmenides” (with Megan Flocken) in Lee Braver, ed., Division
III of Heidegger’s Being and Time: The Unanswered Question of Being, MIT Press, 2015, pp. 21-38.
2. Badiou, Alain. “Metaphysics without Metaphysics” (with Megan Flocken) in Lee Braver, ed.,
Division III of Heidegger’s Being and Time: The Unanswered Question of Being, MIT Press, 2015, pp.

Regional – Invited
1. “Microaggressions and Messages.” PHLING Workshop Series. Northwestern University,
2. “On Modern Alienation.” St. Norbert College, 03/2023.
3. “On Alienation.” Roundtable at the Midwest Race Theory Workshop. Northwestern University,
4. “Indirect Benefits, Race, and Double Jeopardy in the Allocation of Scarce Medical
Resources.” Center Talks, Center for Values and Social Policy, University of Colorado, Boulder,
5. “Re-examining the Expressivist Objection to the Promotion of Prenatal Testing.” Works-In-
Progress Presentation, National Institutes of Health, Bioethics Department, 10/2018.
National – Invited
6. “On Microaggressions and Alienation.” Social Justice and Oppression Workshop. The
University of Alabama, 04/2023.
7. “Social Utility in the Allocation of Scarce Medical Resources.” Philosophy Speaker Series
(joint event with Public Health). University of California, Merced, 03/2023.

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National – Refereed
8. “A Review of Reasons for and against Restricting Invasive Research on Great Apes:
Implications for Research, Theory, and Policy” (with Bernardo Aguilera and David
DeGrazia). American Society for Bioethics and Humanities, Virtual Conference, 10/2020.
9. Panel on “Disparities in Access to Organ Transplantation and Scarce Medical Resources.”
American Society for Bioethics and Humanities, Pittsburgh, PA, 10/2019.
10. “Scarce Resource Allocation, Double Jeopardy, and the Contemporary U.S.” The 4th Latinx
Philosophy Conference in conjunction with the APA Society for Mexican American
Philosophy, Marquette University, 05/2019.
11. “Wronging Extant Disabled People: A New Defense of the Expressivist Objection to
Prenatal Testing.” American Society for Bioethics and Humanities, Anaheim, CA, 10/2018.
12. “Microaggressions: Failures and Prospects.” Minorities and Philosophy, New York Chapter,
New York University, 10/2018.
13. “Microaggressions.” Annual Kent State University Philosophy Graduate Student Conference,
Kent State University, 03/2018.
14. “Civic Alienation: (Moral) Emotion or (Moral) Mood?” Roundtable on Latina Feminism, John
Carroll University, 05/2017.
15. “Civic Alienation: (Moral) Emotion or (Moral) Mood?” The 2nd Latinx Philosophy
Conference, Rutgers University, 04/2017.
16. “Rationing Lifesaving Resources: An Intersectional Approach.” Roundtable on Latina
Feminism, John Carroll University, 05/2016.
17. “Virtue Ethics, Empathy, and Intersubjectivity.” Society for Phenomenology and the Human
Sciences (in conjunction with The Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy),
Loyola University New Orleans with Tulane University, 10/2014.
18. “Pedagogy in Kant: Freedom from Cowardice and Laziness.” Association of Philosophy
Teachers 20th Biennial Conference on Teaching Philosophy, College of Saint Benedict at Saint
John’s University, 08/2014.
International – Refereed
19. “Microaggressions, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, and the Value of Irony” (with Sergio Gallegos
Ordorica). Extending New Narratives Monthly Works-in-Progress Seminar for Early Career
Researchers, funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and
twelve Partner Institutions, 03/2021.
20. “A New Defense of the Expressivist Objection to Prenatal Testing.” Postgraduate Bioethics
Conference. King’s College London, 07/2018.
21. “Inequality, Social Worth, and Allocating Scarce Lifesaving Resources in the U.S.”
Postgraduate Bioethics Conference, St. Catherine’s College, Oxford University, 09/2017.

1. A Commentary on Carolyn McLeod’s Conscience in Reproductive Health Care: Prioritizing Patient
Interests (invited). The American Philosophical Association, Central Division, 02/2022.
2. A reply to Erick Ramirez’s “Ecological and ethical issues in virtual reality research: A call for
increased scrutiny.” The 3rd Latinx Philosophy Conference, Rutgers University, 04/2018.

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3. A reply to Alexander Guerrero’s “Difficulty and Responsibility.” The 1st Latinx Philosophy
Conference, Columbia University, 05/2016.


1. 2023 Way Klingler Early Career Fellowship, Marquette University, 2023 (a one-semester release
from teaching and $2000 in operation costs).
2. Summer Faculty Fellowship, Office of Research and Innovation, Marquette University, 2022
3. Summer Faculty Research Fellowship, Center for Transnational Justice, Marquette University,
2021 ($3,500).

At Marquette University
Phil 3770: Feminist Philosophy (advanced), Spring 2023
Phil 6330: Problems in Ethics: Applied Ethics (graduate-level), Fall 2022
Phil 1001: Foundations in Philosophy (intro-level), Fall 2020, Spring 2021 (virtual,
synchronous); Fall 2021 (in person); Fall 2022 (in person)
Phil 1001H: Honors Foundations in Philosophy (intro-level), Spring 2022, Spring 2023
Phil 4320: Contemporary Ethical Problems (advanced), Spring 2022
Phil 6959: The Philosophy of Microaggression (graduate-level), Fall 2021
Phil 4335: Biomedical Ethics (advanced), Fall 2020 (virtual, synchronous)
At Metropolitan State University of Denver
Phi 345D: Philosophy of Race (advanced), Spring 2020
Phi 1010: Introduction to Philosophy, Fall 2019, Spring 2020
As Main Instructor at University of Maryland
Phil 308Y: Philosophy of Race (advanced), Winter 2019 (online), Spring 2019 (online)
Phil 209A: Bioethics: Regulating Right and Wrong (intro-level), Spring 2018
Phil 409B: Existentialism; Right and Wrong (advanced), Fall 2016, Summer 2017 (online)
Phil 140: Contemporary Moral Issues (intro-level), Summer 2016
As Teaching Assistant at University of Maryland
Phil 100: Introduction to Philosophy (Dan Moller), 2017
Phil 209J: The Rights and Wrong of Killing People (Peter Carruthers), 2017
Phil 209A: Bioethics: Regulating Right and Wrong (Kelsey Gipe), 2016
Phil 140: Contemporary Moral Issues (Samuel Kerstein), 2015
Phil 233: Philosophy in Literature (Jerrold Levinson), 2015
As Teaching Assistant at University of South Florida
Phh 2000: Introduction to Philosophy (William Goodwin), 2014
Phh 2000: Introduction to Philosophy (Michael Morris), 2013
Phil 3633: Biomedical Ethics (Roger Stanev), 2013
Phil 1401: Science and Society (Roger Stanev), 2012


Referee for The Philosophical Quarterly, Journal of Ethics & Social Philosophy, and others
Organizer, Latinx Philosophy Conference, 2019-2021

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Center for Race, Ethnic, and Indigenous Studies Advisory Board, Fall 2022–present
Philosophy Executive Committee, Fall 2022–present
Philosophy Graduate Committee, Fall 2021–present
Interdisciplinary Latin American and Latinx Studies Program Advisory Board, Fall 2021–present
Philosophy Undergraduate Advisor, Spring 2021–Spring 2022
Philosophy Undergraduate Committee, Spring 2021


Faculty Senate, Committee Member 2019–2020
Hispanic Serving Institution Implementation Team, Committee Member 2019–2020

French: fair writing and excellent reading proficiency
Spanish: native language (fluent speaker, highest reading and writing proficiency)

Samuel Kerstein, Professor and Chair
Department of Philosophy, University of Maryland, College Park

Dan Moller, Professor

Department of Philosophy, University of Maryland, College Park

Alex Guerrero, Professor

Department of Philosophy, Rutgers University

David DeGrazia, Elton Professor of Philosophy

Department of Philosophy, George Washington University

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