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Sandra Haro

de ingles
"comidas tipicas de el salvador
group 1
katherine zuleyma mancia
clara yaneli cueyar
jenifer vanesa ortiz
norma cristina diaz
¿Qué haremos hoy?

este dia les hablaremos de la comida

tipica que son las enchiladas, un platillo
que por lo general lo comemos por la
tarde acompañadas de un cafe o soda
¿Qué necesitamos?

spicy chile ground spice

soft hard

¿Cómo lo haremos?

we will begin with the preparation of the tortillas:

1-we cook 2 pounds of corn after we wash it i take it to grind when

lets have the masa the we prepare whith spices minced, salt.
then we make the tortillas and the we fry in enough oil very
hotuntil that this be well toasted.
preparation of the salsa

2-we buy a dollar worth of tomatoes, wash them, cook them with
onio, 3 garlic, 4 hot chili peppers. once cooked, we turn off the heat,
let it cool and put everything in the blender, we mill add salt to
taste and thus we have the sauce.
3-i bought a dollar of grated cheese, i got home and put it in a
the eggs
-we put 5 eggs in a pot
we put a liter of water in the pot
we put fire approximately for about 10 minutes we let
them boil after that time we put out the fire
we pour ice water to cool them down
we take them out and peel them already peeled all the
eggs we cut them
Sandra Haro

preparation of the beans

We wash them, we put it to cook, once

cooked we crush them and fry them.
Sandra Haro

When everything is ready, we put

the beans on top, we put the
avocado, the egg, the cheese and
finally the sauce, and they are
ready to eat.

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