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Arranged by:

1. Aurelia Malika Resdianita (07)

2. Brayona Sistiano Dea A. (08)
3. Bregas Wicaksana N. (09)
4. Daffa Al-Firdaus Widhianto (10)
5. Dian Sinta Khusnul R. (11)
6. Fachrizal Zulfi Ardiansyah (12)

Class XII Science 7



Application of Traditional Games to Learn English

(English assignments as a substitute for practical exams)

Arranged by:

1. Aurelia Malika Resdianita (07)

2. Brayona Sistiano Dea A. (08)
3. Bregas Wicaksana N. (09)
4. Daffa Al-Firdaus Widhianto (10)
5. Dian Sinta Khusnul R. (11)
6. Fachrizal Zulfi Ardiansyah (12)

Approved by:

English Teacher Headmaster

Ekawati Rahayu, S.Pd, M.Pd. Denny Rachmadi, S. Pd., M.Kom.

NIP.19800919200212 2 009 NIP. 19760108 200501 1 004

Table of Contents

Approval i
Table of Contents ii
Chapter 1 Introduction
The background of the study........................................................................................................1
The problems statement...............................................................................................................1
The objective of the study............................................................................................................2
The benefit of the study...............................................................................................................2
Chapter 2 Content
Game description.........................................................................................................................3
Manners and rules of the game....................................................................................................4
Question and dare.........................................................................................................................4
Chapter 3 Closing

Chapter 1

The background of the study

Globalization has resulted in rapid technological developments. Technology that is equipped
with various features makes people want to play gadgets for a long time. This is certainly a
negative impact of globalization that we must avoid. If everyone is busy with their cell
phones, then the level of human interaction will decrease.

In fact, there are lots of fun activities that can be done, for example playing traditional games.
Traditional games are getting dimmer because the younger generation is negatively affected
by the globalization that we have explained earlier. This is certainly not good for the progress
of the nation. Everyone will prioritize individualism, and Indonesian culture will disappear,
swallowed up by technology.

Therefore in this report we try to apply traditional games which of course we have modified
with subject matter that can be applied in the daily learning of students at school. This will
also increase student enthusiasm for learning and the culture of traditional games can still be

The problems statement

Imperceptibly, the times have made our traditional games alienated, forgotten, and even
abandoned by the current generation. Even though traditional games are a part of Indonesian
culture. It is very rare or even almost non-existent for children to be engrossed in traditional
games. Now, they are more familiar with gadgets, smartphones and video games.

Instead of playing traditional games with their peers, today's children tend to be more
preoccupied with themselves. Enjoy watching on YouTube for hours, and not a few of them
are familiar with social media such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, or the like.
Traditional games seem to have no more allure for them to play.

If we compare traditional games with modern games, traditional games tend to be more
varied and challenging to play. The body moves a lot, the brain thinks, and the emotions are
involved. Meanwhile, modern games tend to make a person more passive in moving, even
though the mind and emotions are also involved. So it is not surprising that many children in
this modern era live more individualistic lives and are reluctant to socialize. Very much
different when compared with the lives of children in ancient times.

Moving on to the second problem, which is a problem that most students have experienced.
Bored while studying, because of the monotonous learning methods. So that an innovation is
needed in the world of education.

The objective of the study
Based on the problem statements, the application of traditional games in student learning is
very much needed. The objectives of this study are as follows:
1. Preserving traditional games
2. Eliminate the characteristics of individualism due to playing gadgets too frequently
and growing back the spirit of togetherness
3. Eliminate student boredness during learning

The benefit of the study

In this report the author hopes to contribute ideas to various related parties. The expected
benefits if this idea is implemented properly are:
A. Benefit for society
1. Traditional games will be preserved
2. The growth of togetherness, because students reduce the use of cell phones,
and will eliminate the nature of individualism
B. Benefit for student
1. Interact more with friends
2. Understand lessons in a fun way, and are expected to get maximum grades
C. Benefit for thechers
1. As an idea to teach by applying traditional games in learning
2. As a suggestion to improve the quality of learning

Chapter 2

Our group chose the snakes and ladders game to be applied to learning English. The material
in this game is text type and grammar. We modified this game, by inserting questions or dare
on several boards in this game. Players must collect as many correct answers as possible from
the questions in order to become a winner.

Game description
Snakes and Ladders is a board game for kids that is played by 2 or more people. The game
board is divided into small squares and in some squares a number of "ladders" or "snakes" are
drawn to connect them to other squares. This game was created in 1870.

Each player starts with his piece in the first square (usually the square in the lower left
corner) and takes turns rolling the dice. Pawns are executed according to the number of dice
that appear. If players land on the bottom end of a ladder, they can immediately go to the
other end of the ladder. When they land on a box with a snake, they must drop into the box at
the bottom end of the snake. The winner is the first player to reach the last square.

Snake & ladder board that we have modified

Manners and rules of the game
Manners and rules of the game
1. The game will be played individually
2. The order of play will be determined by "hompimpa"
3. Everyone plays in a predetermined order
4. The person playing will roll the dice
5. If the dice that falls shows the number 5, then it must run 5 squares on the game
6. When a player rolls a 6 on the dice, they have another turn. If not, then the turn falls
to the next player
7. If you stop at the bottom of the ladder, you can go up according to the length of the
ladder, if you stop at the tail of the snake, you have to go down to the mouth of the
8. Then, if it stops at the board that says "Q/D", the player is allowed to choose the
question or dare that has been provided
9. If the answer is correct, you will get 1 point
10. If you answer incorrectly, points will not be deducted. And these questions may not
be answered by other players
11. For example, player 1 stops at board number 5 and chooses dare, then player 2 who
stops at board number 5 can only choose a question, and the next player who stops at
board number 5 cannot choose because the previous player has answered
12. The winner is not determined by who reaches 100 first. However, it is determined by
who answered the most questions correctly

Question and dare

A. Number 5
1. Question :What are the important things that must be in a job application
2. Dare :Make 2 sentences using correlative conjunctions!

B. Number 12
1. Question :What words are included in coordinating conjunctions?
2. Dare :Make a caption!

C. Number 21
1. Question :What is the pattern for changing the present continuous to the
passive form?
2. Dare :Act as if you are giving announcements to other people!

D. Number 38
1. Question :What is the function of coreelative conjunctions?
2. Dare : Sing a happy song in the chorus with a sad expression!

E. Number 45
1. Question :Expressing what is currently taking place is a feature of
2. Dare :Act as an influencer promoting a product!

F. Number 51
1. Question :Was and were are to be for what tenses?
2. Dare :Describe yourself in 3 words!

G. Number 66
1. Question :What are 5 examples of narrative stories?
2. Dare :Make an example of the present perfect tense!

H. Number 79
1. Question :What are the types of expository text? Explain!
2. Dare :Make an active sentence, and change it into a passive

I. Number 82
1. Question :No entry, unless staff. Using what conjunction?
2. Dare :Please explain how to cook fried rice!

J. Number 93
1. Question :What is the difference between description text and
report text?
2. Dare :Mention 16 tenses in English!

Chapter 3

Based on the explanation in the previous chapter, it can be concluded that:
1. Globalization can have negative impacts, namely:
a. The emergence of individualism
b. The fading of national culture
2. Innovation in learning is needed to reduce student boredom because of the
monotonous way the teacher teaches
3. The application of traditional games in learning has a very positive impact, namely:
a. The culture of traditional games will be preserved
b. Students can understand lessons easily because of the fun way of learning

To complete this report, we will provide a number of suggestions that might help fill in the
gaps. Are as follows:
1. Be selective about the effects of globalization, don't be affected by negative impacts
2. Teachers must have innovation to teach
3. All Indonesian people are required to preserve Indonesian culture

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