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Rajiv Prasad
Works at Amrita School of Business · 2y Quick Astro
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Why is Venus exalted in pieces and debilitated in the sign of Virgo? !!!
This is a very good question. It is always beneficial for students of astrology to
contemplate why a certain planet is exalted or debilitated in a certain house. It Astrology Facts
This is a space to find
gives lot of insights into life if we understand this.
Astrology, Numerology,…

Venus represents our desires, friendship, relationships, sexual and sensual

Free Astrology Pridictions
pleasures, love for beauty and aesthetics, artistic talents in areas like music, To help by explaining that
painting, dancing, writing poetry, wealth, desire for comfort etc. Venus as how vital is the role of…
Shukracharya is depicted as the Guru or Teacher of demons in the Indian
mythology. Why? It is because of the tendency of this planet to give attachment Astrology Learning
towards worldly beauty and enjoyments. Asuras or demons are interested only in
Teaching astrology in
earning and enjoying enormous wealth and power. This uncontrolled desire is
simple language
represented by Rahu, the natural demonic disciple of the Guru Shukracharya
(Venus). On the other hand, Ketu, the other lunar node, is a natural disciple of the Astrology For All
real Guru or Sadguru Jupiter, who teaches morality, ethics, spiritual principles, Astrology should help know
and imparts real wisdom which elevates one spiritually. Jupiter also owns the sign your future without fail.…


Virgo, on the other hand is the sixth house in Kaalpurush horoscope, which
represents conflict, competitiveness, debts, mundane day to day jobs, application
of logic to take care of nitty gritty aspects of life. Virgo is an artisan whereas
Venus is an artist. We can very easily see that the luxurious, talented, comfort
loving and romantic Venus doesn't like the excessively earthy, mundane, hyper-
competitive, worker like and scarcity driven world of Virgo. A naturally rich and
romantic woman like Venus doesn't want to eke out a living working in mundane
places or doing mundane artisan like jobs. It wants to create and enjoy beauty.
So, naturally the ancient Vedic rishis assigned Virgo as it's sign of debilitation.

On the other hand, Pisces is the twelfth house in the Kaalpurush horoscope.
Twelfth house represents foreign lands, expenditures, marital or bed pleasures
etc. It also represents the feet. Venus in twelfth house often gives talent for Messages
dancing or talent in the feet (for example wonderful football players very skillful
with dribbling). Venus loves to travel to exotic places, throw lavish parties for
friends and family (expenditures connection of the twelfth house), and enjoys
bed pleasures tremendously. So naturally it feels very happy in the twelfth house
in general and is exalted in Pisces, the twelfth house of the Kaalpurush
horoscope. Venus being classified as a demonic planet has a natural affinity
towards Rahu, the lunar node that gives a strong connection with all things

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foreign. Twelfth house signifying foreign lands is another reason why Venus feels Connect with others on
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so comfortable here. Quora by beginning a new
People dominated by Venus are artists, dreamers and enjoyers of life. Venus as
the natural significator of wealth and luxury, in twelfth house, gives lot of wealth
to the native because it's very placement in the house of expenditures indicates New message
that it will give lots of wealth to spend lavishly. It is very natural for the main
planet related to Maya (illusion) to do so. This placement indicates that one has
earned this wealth because of one's past karma. Also, Pisces is the sign that
represents oceanic waters of the unconscious mind symbolised by two fish
swimming in opposite directions. This makes Pisces a natural place for dreamers,
artists and contemplators. So, naturally, Venus is very happy in Pisces as well as
the twelfth house.

Now we will talk about some higher esoteric meanings of Venus in Pisces which
is also sometimes seen in very evolved souls, who with this placement are found
to be deeply devoted to God or their chosen deity (ishta devata). Venus also in its
highest sense represents deep love and true devotion towards the one that it
loves. It may manifest as true love for the arts, culture, friends, spouse, as well as
for God or Supreme Truth in this case. It is very noticeable that Venus is exalted
at 27 degrees of Pisces in the last pada (segment) of the last nakshatra Revati.
This is most interesting and very fruitful if one contemplates on its hidden
esoteric meaning. Let us see if we can understand the meaning of this highest
reality of Venus.

If you think deeply you will notice that whenever a man is happy he is immersed
deeply in what he is doing. It does not matter whether one is eating something
delicious, watching a delightful movie, a sporting event, playing video games,
reading something interesting, hanging out with friends, or any other activity.
The precondition for happiness of any kind is ‘immersion’, which is a state of
forgetfulness of ‘self’ - the self with small ‘s’. This ‘self’ is the ego, the sense of
separateness from the Divine Ground, the Brahman or the God. Whenever we
lose this sense of separateness by any means, we enjoy the bliss or ‘ananda’
which is our very nature. Venus is the planet which always craves ‘bliss’ or
‘ananda’. It is the planetary deity that rules happiness by providing us with the
opportunity to get ‘immersed’ in any object - be it a thing, a person, an activity
or a God on whom we meditate. So, naturally when we have the grace of this
God of happiness in our twelfth house, it ensures that we do not have to bother
about scarcity of funds when it comes to enjoying through spending on some
sense objects. The only problem here is that when manifesting this tendency in a
lower tone, it may lead to addictions, drunkenness, even psychotropic drugs in
some cases.

But the same Venus, when expressing itself in its highest tone in an evolved
soul’s horoscope, especially when placed in Pisces, and that too when near its
actual degree of exaltation in Revati, it may produce a Self-realized devotee of
the highest order - a devotee saint of the calibre of Mirabai, Radha, Chaitanya
Mahaprabhu and the like. Why is it so? It is so because it being the planetary
deity that signifies happiness, when placed near its place of exaltation, and not
being afflicted by the malefics in any way, and the rest of the horoscope
supporting spiritual enlightenment, this planet can provide happiness of the
highest kind - the paramananda (supreme joy) of ‘immersion’ in the Kshir Sagar
(the Ocean of Nectar or ‘amritam’) also known as the ‘Vaikuntha’, the supreme
abode of the Self-realized beings. It can help one to transcend the ‘self’ for ever
and get ‘immersed’ in the Supreme ‘Self’ - the unitary consciousness of Brahman
- for ever.

It is because of the power of Venus to grant the capacity of love to embodied

souls that even the dry Saturn is said to find the joy of empathy, love and balance Messages
by being exalted in Libra, the sign signifying deep relationships and which is
ruled by Venus. Venus can make even dry Saturn to warm up towards love and
warmth in relationships. Venus in its signification of culture, is the bridge
between the raw and demonic tendencies of Rahu, Ketu, Mars and Saturn on the
one hand and the deep wisdom and enlightenment of the Devguru (Teacher of
Gods) Jupiter. The real and highest power of Divine Love is unlocked by Venus
when it is truly exalted in Pisces in the Revati nakshatra (the last and the highest
nakshatra) in an auspicious horoscope.
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I hope now it is clear why Venus is exalted in Pisces and debilitated in Virgo. The Connect with others on
calculating man (many bankers and investors are Search
Virgo people) in the Add question
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Virgo can never understand the deep mysteries of love which Venus specializes conversation.
in. That calculation belongs more to Mercury, the businessman. Venus is a pure
lover - of joy, beauty, luxuriant expansiveness, and LOVE itself. It is a form of the
great Goddess Mahamaya (the Supreme Enchantress). May we all bow down to New message

her in love and reverence, and pray for Her protection.

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Palms and Charts · Subscribe

Answered by Vikas Suri  · 15h

An astrologer has told me that I have widow yogas in my horoscope.

Can anyone analyse and suggest the remedies? My DOB is 26/06/1994
at 1:15 pm in Varanasi.


Really with this chart unbelievable ! I don't believe in this widow/widower yoga.
These days in astrology, there are so many yogas and doshas, that have been
invented. As per my last count there were around 450 and most of them are just
in the books they do not pan out in real life and infact lead to wrong analysis or a
sectional analysis of the chart where as the complete chart has to be analysed as
all 9 planets are having a impact on your mind at any given time. Now for a
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person to become a widow/widower - either or both of two things have to Connect with others on
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happen - one is you should have bad marriage/spouse related planets and a bad Quora by beginning a new
chart and the other is that your partner should also have a weak chart because conversation.
even suppose you have a bad chart related to your marriage/spouse/life; but
your partner has a strong chart with regards to his spouse/ health/ marriage/life;
then he will not die; but your health might suffer due to the marriage. His chart New message

will protect his health. So you should get married or anyone should get married
after careful chart matching.

Now in your case what I see is yes your Venus is enemy position in the 11th
house; yes your Mercury is retrograde in the 10th house; Yes your Saturn even
though in its lord house is retrograde and it is in the 6th house; yes your Jupiter
is retrograde in the 2nd house; but you also have Mars well placed in your 9th
house(Non manglik); Son well placed in your 10th house; Rahu and most
importantly Moon excellently placed in your second and fifth houses respectively.
OK I can see that Ketu is ill placed in your 8th house. What all this tells me is that
you will have a high profile marriage; you could be married to a person settled
overseas or doing a high profile job and it could unravel or there could be failure
of the marriage and related legal trouble and YOUR health might suffer. But all
that could be saved if you get married by careful chart matching. There is
nothing more than that that I see in your chart; so please get this thought out of
your mind as soon as you can and get married by way of careful chart matching
otherwise your marriage could fail and there could be related legal/ child custody
issues and damage to your health.
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PrahladaRao K · Follow
Studied at PhD in Mechanical Engineering · 21h

How do the different aspects of Saturn act on one’s life, or what is the
meaning of Saturn aspects? Messages


All planets aspect the 7th house with full impact strength , including
Saturn. In addition to the 7th aspect, saturn has two more aspects: the
3rd and 10th house

Look at the following example chart of Saturn aspects

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Cancer ascendant born with Saturn in the 7th own house (of capricorn).
Saturn's 3rd aspect falls on 9th House(of Pisces,) Jupiter

Saturn another aspect, 10th aspect falls on Ketu in Libra

Saturn's 7th aspect obviously falls on cancer ascendant

Saturn, when placed in 7th house, casts his aspects on 9th, ascendant
(lagna) and 4th house. Saturn play major role in influencing the results
of 7th, 9th, ascendant and 4th house significances

Remember :Saturn predominantly gives the results of 7th house of

Capricorn. Next comes the results of aspects on 9th, ascendant and 4th
house. The results of 8th house Aquarius are very least predominant.
The 8th house results are influenced by moon's aspect, in the
example chart above the

Saturn in 7th house influence various aspects of life such as marriage,

love life. Saturn aspects on 9th has influence on father, wealth,
auspicious deeds. Saturn aspects on ascendant will influence health,
physical body. Saturn aspects on 4th house influences mother's health
Create Space longevity, property, home etc

Look at the following same example chart again with Leo ascendant
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Now Saturn is 6th lord in 6th house for Leo ascendant and aspecting
8th, 12th and 3rd Houses. Saturn results dominate the 6th house to the
full extent and equally on 8th, 12th and 3rd Houses.

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Aaskplanets · Follow Messages

Studied Vedic Astrology · Apr 27

What happens if Guru and Shukra are in the same house in a

Sh. KN Rao says- 80% of Vedic Astrology predictive techniques are hidden in
stories of our Puranas etc. Few of such stories of Jupiter (Brihaspati) & Venus
(Shukra) when they were together (in same house) in short are- 1. Brihaspati (more)

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Palms and Charts · Subscribe
Answered by Vikas Suri  · 14h
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When will I get married? Will I get a working spouse? My DOB is
November 5, 1993 at 2:20 am in Kandla, Gujarat.
Sun is debilitated, Jupiter enemy positioned, Mercury retrograde and Venus well
placed in your 3rd house. So the 3rd house is very powerfully populated. Rahu
and Mars are in your 4th house; Saturn is sitting in its lord house but it is your…

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Posted by Bhavana Sharma  · Apr 27
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Hello, My name is Bhavana Sharma and I was born on 13th July 1992 at 9.15am
in Mumbai. I have had a horrible life experience. I am suffering from PTSD,
Bipolar disorder and Anxiety and a lot of physical ailments too.. I have had 2…

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