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The periodic short term rise and fall in TIDES

the sea level is known as Tide. It is

gravitational interaction of earth, sun,
and moon. Since the produced aue hasthe a
pronounced influence on the tides. mOon is closer to the earth, it
Thare are three major forces
Rotation of earth also aids the
causing an occurrence of tides they are
Moon s gravitational pull
" Sun s gravitational pul.
Centrifugal force which acts opposite to gravitational pull of the earth.
Types of Tides
1. Based on Position ofMoon and Earth
Spring Tide: It occurs during the full moon and new moon days when the sun, the
and the earth are in the same line twice cach lunar month all year long, without regard to
the season.
Neap Tide: It occurs when the moon is in its first and last quarter, the ocean waters pet
drawn in diagonally opposite directions by the gravitational pull of sun and earth resulting
in low tides.
2. Types based on frequency
Semi-diurnal Tide: This is the most common tidal pattern, featuring two high tides and
two low tides each day.
Diurnal Tides: Only one high tide and one low tide each day. The successive high and loy
tides are approximate of the same height.
Mixed Tide: Tides having variations in heights are known as mixed tides. They generally
occur along the west coast of North America and also in the Pacific Ocean.
3. Types based on magnitude Spring Tide
Perigee: When the moon s orbit is closest Lunar Tkde Solr Tioe

to the earth, it is called as perigee. During

this period, unusual heights of high and low
tide occur
Apogee: When the moon s orbit is farthest
from the earth, it is called as apogee. Tidal New a o n Ful Moon

ranges will be much less than average

height during this period.
Perihelion: It is the position where the Neap Tide Third Qurter moon

earth is closest to the sun (around January Luny Tde

3rd). Unusually high and low tides occur at

this time.
Aphelion: It is the position where the earth Solr Tde
is farthest from the sun (around July 4th).
Tidal ranges will be much less than the First Quarter moon

average height during this period.

Stages of Tidal Changes
High tide is the stage when the tidal crest arrives at a particular location on shore, raising the
local sea level.
Low tide is thestage when the trough arrives, lowering the local sea level.
Flood tide is a rising or incoming tide between low tide and high tide.
Ebb tide is a falling or outgoing tide betwcen high tide and low tide.

Factors Controlling the Nature and Magnitude of Tides

The movement of the moon in relation to the carth
Changes in position of the sun and moon in relation to the carth.
Uneven distribution of water over the globe.
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Iregularitics in the configuration of the occans.
For Example: Funncl-shapcd bays greatly
channelled into bays and estuaries they are called tidal tidal magnitudes. When the te
Characteristics of Tides
The tidal bulges on wide continental shelves have greater height.
In the open ocean tidalcurrents are relativelyweak.
When tidal bulges hit the mid-oceanic islands, they become low.
The shape of bays and estuaries alonga coastline can also magnify the intensity of tides.
Funnel-shaped bays greatly change tidal magnitudes. Example: Bay of Fundy Highest tidal
The large continents on the planet, however, block the westw ard passage of the tidal bulges as
the Earth rotates.
e Tidal patterns differ greatly from ocean to ocean and from location to location.

Importance of Tides
have shallow water which is a
Navigation: High tides are helpful for the tidal ports that
constraint for the big ships toenter.
Example: Diamond Harbour in West Bengal and Kandla in Gujarat are examples of
such ports.
high tides also help in fishing. Many more fish come closer to the shore during
Fishing: The plentiful catch.
the high tide. This enables fishermen to get a sediments and in removing polluted
desilting the
Desilting: Tides are also helpful in
from river estuaries.
potential source of tidal energy which is harnessed by
currents are a very
" Tidal energy: Tidal large scale and to some extent in India as well.
many developed countries on Durgaduani in Sunderbans
Example: A 3MW tidal power project was constructed at
of West Bengal. fresh water.
temperature that is low than that of
Saltwater freezes at a
Keep harbor unfreeze: frOzen in Winter, the warmer seawater rushes into the
the rivers are
In cold regions whereas
harbours to keep it free from freezing. water that makes habitable climatic
stirr the ocean
Calm climatic conditions: Tides planets.
on the
and balance the temperatures

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