National Dialog

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This National Dialogue must have the following characteristics :

1. Sovereignty: the conclusions and resolutions of the latter must be binding on all and be
incorporated in the constitutional, institutional, legislative and regulatory system of the country.

2. Inclusive: Cameroonians from all walks of life and from all social categories must participate
according to the forms of representativeness that must be consensually defined.

3. Participatory: the methodology of dialogue must start from neighborhoods and villages in
order to achieve a large national consultation, in the final phase, bringing together participants
representative of the diversity of the Cameroonian people.

4. Public: The debates must be done in broad daylight, in the sight of everyone. At the local,
regional and national level. This is to take the entire national community to witness and allow
the expression of all currents and sensibilities of the Nation.

5. Facilitation by a group of independent Cameroonian personalities with moral integrity, a

recognized patriotic commitment and technical skills. African personalities who have
distinguished themselves in the conduct of democratic processes and their experience in
crisis mediation can play the role of guarantors of the Cameroonian process.

The real national dialogue must make it possible to cover a variety of subjects that are fundamental to our country.
These include, among others:

1. Solving the problems of our colonial past. Which means:

a. Manage the consequences of our struggle for independence, including the massacre of hundreds of thousands
of Cameroonians by colonial forces in collaboration with those who later ruled Cameroon.
b. Redefine the way we live together in all parts of our territory. This dialogue will have to resolve the Anglophone
question, which is one of its key aspects.
c. Redefine the terms of the relationship between Cameroon and its former colonizers for the future.

2. Redefine the relationship between the citizen and the State. The administration in place before independence had
the task of exploiting the country for the benefit of the colonial powers and subjecting Cameroonians to this objective.
These colonial masters were replaced by an oppressive elite that fashioned themselves in the image of the colonizer.
Our proposal therefore includes redefining the relationship between the State and the citizen in the sense of a State at
the service of the populations, a State that is guardian of the populations, protective and soothing.

3. Redefine the form of the state. The primary wish of Cameroonians is to have more autonomy (decision-making
autonomy and resource autonomy) at the local level to manage their development, without calling into question those
of the prerogatives that can only be granted to the central state. It is necessary to determine what form our State will
take in order to satisfy this imperative of increased autonomy at the local level.

4. Reform the Army and other law enforcement agencies (Police and Gendarmerie). We need to redefine the relations
between the police and the citizens in order to put an end to the colonial vestiges and develop armed forces that are
citizen, republican, at the service of the population and respectful of the Constitution that the Sovereign People will
adopt. We must stop with the abuses and gross violations of human rights that are very often observed in the
relationship between these forces of law and order and the people. More than ever, at the end of this true national
dialogue, the defense and security forces must be forces in the service of the people and not of a ruling clan!

5 - Redefine key systems and institutions. During this real national dialogue, we will discuss:

i. To lay down the principles and constituent elements of the new Constitution for Cameroon. This will constitute
a new social contract between the Cameroonians / es.
ii. Define the elements of an electoral system that guarantees democratic, free and transparent elections.
iii. Establish the framework for key reforms in the executive, legislative and judicial branches for the coming
months and years.
6 - Address the issue of the return of humanitarian and political refugees as well as the amnesty for political
prisoners. To be true, this national dialogue must be able to address some of the issues that have hurt and divided

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