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Bullying is generally defined as an intentional act that causes harm

to others, and may involve verbal harassment, verbal or non-

verbal threats, physical assault, stalking, or other methods of
coercion such as manipulation, blackmail, or extortion. It is
aggressive behavior that intends to hurt, threaten or frighten
another person. An imbalance of power between the aggressor
and the victim is often involved.everyone has different
personalites. some peoples way of breaking the ice between them
and a new friend is by teasing or annoying them. this can help
lighten the atmosphere and help them get comfortable with each.
so Peggy and Maddie could have had the same intentions and
meant no genuine harm to Wanda but instead, was just an
attempt to get Wanda to feel comfortable around them.(hoda)
● Its clearly mentioned in the story that the absence of Wanda was
first recognized by Peggy and Maddie, and this shows that they care
about her.
● It's also clearly written in the story that Peggy was a kind of girl who
protected small children from bully. This shows that a person with
such behavior cannot be a bully.
● The story clearly says that Peggy and Maddie never made Wanda
cry, moreover Wanda is a shy girl so the tendency to cry for such
kind of girl is high when she is getting bullied
● Moreover, Maddie also knows the pain of being poor as she has felt
it by herself, so she was just curious to know the number of dresses
she possessed. And it's clearly written that Maddie felt very sorry for
when Wanda was asked such questions.Maddie also really wished
that Peggy would stop the questioning . ( Emin)
● They even appreciated her drawing which makes it very obvious that
they weren't jealous that she won the price instead they were happy
for her
● In the story it is mentioned that Maddie and Peggy , spent an
afternoon writing Wanda a letter after she had left , if their true
intentions were really to hurt her feelings ; they wouldn’t have made
an effort to try to get in contact with her .

A person who bullies will never admit that what they did was wrong
because for them bullying is a type of entertainment. Maddie and
peggy felt bad when Wanda left school because they thought it was
because of them. They just wanted to know the truth, whether Wanda
really had 100 dresses or not but they never wished to hurt her. They
both never made her cry as well. ( Dhanica)
In the letter written by Wanda to peggy and maddie is mentioned that
she wanted to give 2 of her drawings to them. She made those drawing
with utmost effort but was ready to give it to them because she never
thought of them as bad girls. Even if in the point of the readers view
peggy and maddie may seem as bullys to Wanda they were 2 girls she
liked and wanted to be close with.
She was never mad at whatever they said. Also she left the school
because the kids made fun of her name. Maddie and peggy never made
fun of her name they just asked the question of how many dresses she
had. So by looking at all of this we can understand that maddie and
peggy can't be considered as bullets instead two girls who wished to
get closer to Wanda in there own way which might have seemed a little
rude but Wanda understood their intentions so she never hated them.

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