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Parth Dinesh Mehta, Sandeep Kumar Paul, Manoj Sahni*



Originalni naučni rad / Original scientific paper Adresa autora / Author's address:
UDK /UDC: Department of Mathematics, School of Technology, Pandit
Deendayal Energy University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India
Rad primljen / Paper received: 23.10.2021 email: manojsahani117@gmail.com

Keywords Ključne reči

• functionally graded materials (FGMs) • funkcionalni kompozitni materijali (FGMs)
• thick-walled cylinder • debelozidi cilindar
• stress-strain • napon-deformacija
• modulus of elasticity • modul elastičnosti
• thermal conductivity • toplotna provodljivost
• thermal expansion • termička ekspanzija
Abstract Izvod
In this paper, an attempt is made for modelling of non- U ovom radu je izveden pokušaj modeliranja nelinear-
linear thermoelastic stress analysis for cylinders made up nom analizom termoelastičnog napona za cilindre od novi-
of innovatively graded material with ceramic at inner surface jih kompozitnih materijala sa keramikom na unutrašnjoj
and metal at outer surface. Material properties of function- strani, i metalom na spoljnoj strani. Osobine materijala cilin-
ally graded cylinder namely, Young’s modulus, density, and dra od funkcionalnog kompozita, na pr. Jungov modul elas-
coefficient of thermal expansion are varied in radial direc- tičnosti, gustina i koeficijent termičkog širenja su promen-
tion in a power law form. Using equation of equilibrium for ljive veličine u radijalnom pravcu, koje se menjaju po ekspo-
an axisymmetric cylinder, the relation between stress-strain nencijalnom zakonu. Primenom jednačine ravnoteže za aksi-
and strain-displacement, effect of elasticity modulus, coeffi- jalno simetričan cilindar, analiziraju se: veza napon-defor-
cient of thermal expansion, temperature, density on rotating macija i deformacija-pomeranje, uticaj modula elastičnosti,
functionally graded cylinder under internal-external pressure koeficijenta termičkog širenja, temperatura i gustina na roti-
and centrifugal body force is analysed. The study provides rajući cilindar od funkcionalnog materijala, pod dejstvom
solution for radial and tangential stress, and radial displace- unutrašnjeg-spoljašnjeg pritiska i centrifugalne sile. Istra-
ment in closed form. The objective of our analysis is to živanje daje rešenje za radijalni i tangencijalni napon, i za
conduct material comparison for the performance of func- radijalno pomeranje u zatvorenom obliku. Cilj analize je
tionally graded cylinders with different material combina- poređenje materijala u smislu performansi cilindra od
tions under different pressure conditions. Results for thermo- funkcionalnog materijala sa različitim kombinacijama vrste
mechanical radial and tangential stress, and displacement materijala pod različitim uslovima pritiska. Data je disku-
are discussed with their graphical presentation. The outcome sija grafički predstavljenih rezultata termomehaničkih radi-
of our analysis leads to an observation that functionally jalnih i tangencijalnih napona, kao i pomeranja. U zaključ-
graded rotating cylinder made up of Al-SiC or Al-ZrO2 has ku primećujemo da cilindar od funkcionalnog materijala
a better response to thermomechanical loading conditions. tipa Al-SiC ili Al-ZrO2 ima bolji odziv na uslove termome-
haničkog opterećenja.
INTRODUCTION the delamination process arising due to thermal expansion
mismatch in the material body with two functional surfaces,
Over the last few years, an innovative class of materials,
namely, ceramic and metal. Recently, Mehta et al. /1/ inves-
known as functionally graded materials (FGMs) have gained
tigated the effect of material properties mismatch in sand-
a tremendous popularity in the community of material scien-
wich cylinder with inner layer of functionally graded mate-
tists due to its peculiar property of providing a smooth grada-
rial and outer layer made up of composite material. The
tion of material properties between the metal and ceramic
study provided numerical solution for variation of thermo-
interface. Functionally graded materials are made up of metal
mechanical stresses under the effect of varying material
matrix reinforced with ceramic as function of position. Due
properties namely, elasticity modulus, thermal conductivity,
to such a heterogeneous mixture of metal and ceramic from
and coefficient of thermal expansion on pressurized sand-
one surface to the other, a smooth variation of material prop-
wich cylinder. Dini et al. /2/ provided exact solutions for a
erties can be achieved. The motive behind such a variation
rotating sandwich disk subjected to magnetic and thermal
of material properties from metal to ceramic phase is to
loading. The study outlined the effects of internal heat gener-
enhance the overall material performance under high temper-
ation, convection heat transfer and angular velocity on func-
ature conditions. The enhanced material properties can avoid


Vol. 21, br. 3 (2021), str. 259–265 Vol. 21, No 3 (2021), pp. 259–265
Comparison of material response for thermomechanical stresses  Poređenje odziva u materijalu za termomehaničke napone kod 

tionally graded sandwich disk. As ceramic surface provides Gülgeç /10/ presented an analytical solution for the stress
thermal insulation, corrosion, oxidation resistance and metal field in the above cylinder, whereas Sharma and Kaur /11/
surface provide high toughness and conductivity, together, focused on numerical stress analysis of the above cylinder
functionally graded materials provide the best of metal and using finite element method.
ceramic properties with controlled variation from one surface Kamdi and Lamba /12/ studied FG hollow cylinder made
to the other. These materials play an important role in design- up of alumina ceramic and nickel metal from inner to outer
ing of aircraft structures and pressure vessels that can sustain radius. They provided an analytical solution for an inverse
their structure in high temperature environment and under thermoelastic problem and evaluated thermomechanical
high thermal gradient. With the advent of functionally stresses in isotropic FG hollow cylinder under uniform tem-
graded materials, material scientists have been able to design perature loading. Researchers (Paul and Sahni /13, 14/,
penetration resistant armour plates and bullet proof vests. Delouei et al. /15/) have also studied 2D mechanical, ther-
These materials have applications in various fields such as mal problems for functionally graded materials with cylin-
chemical engineering, automobiles and railway industry, drical and spherical geometry. The outcome of these inves-
medicine and biosciences, energy, optoelectronics, etc. De- tigations helps in understanding and tailoring of design
pending on the nature of loading and working conditions, parameters of functionally graded materials. Yarimpabuç
choice of metal or ceramic matrix can be carried out. Ceramic /16/ formulated a mathematical model for analysing nonlin-
matrix increases the fracture toughness and strength of the ear thermomechanical stresses in functionally graded thick
functionally graded material. Functionally graded cylinders cylinders and spheres under the effect of high temperature
having ceramic composition at inner radius and metal at loading. The material properties, namely, Young’s modulus,
outer radius are used in engine components as cylinder thermal conductivity and coefficient of thermal expansion
blocks and pistons due to its enhanced thermal barrier and considered in the study are graded in terms of both, temper-
wear resistance. Cylinder made up of ceramic rich inner ature and radius of the cylindrical/spherical body. Arslan et
surface and metallic rich outer surface can be effectively al. /17/ investigated spherical containers and pressure vessels
used to sustain the engineering component under high tem- made up of metal/metal composites. Their study focused on
perature loading and temperature gradient over a short period steel/aluminium functionally graded material with power law
of time. This situation where the structure can be under a variation of Young’s modulus and coefficient of thermal
thermal shock occurs in the field of aerospace industry expansion in terms of radius of the body and temperature
during re-entry of space vehicles, experiencing temperature loading on the body. Bouiadjra et al. /18/ investigated ther-
gradients from -73℃ to about 1100℃ in few minutes of modynamic loading response of functionally graded beam
time interval. Kacar /3/ studied plane elasticity for pressur- with exponentially varying material properties in thickness
ized, rotating hollow cylinders, spheres and thin disks. The direction by using Navier solution to derive an analytical
author presented closed form solution for mechanical stresses solution for the displacement field. Attia and Abo-Bakr /19/
for structures made up of different materials with power law presented a parametric study to exhibit the effects of mate-
material gradation. rial and geometrical parameters on FG nanoactuators and
Lin /4/ studied the effect of mechanical load on a rotating proposed a solution for improving mechanical design of
thin-walled functionally graded annular disk with varying micro/nanoactuators made of functionally graded materials.
thickness, elasticity, density, and provided closed form solu- Functionally graded materials have been also explored for
tion for generalized confluent hypergeometric differential their sound absorption capabilities by using polymer-based
equation. Hosseini et al. /5/ considered nano disk made up epoxy as matrix material and jute fiber or hemp fiber as rein-
of functionally graded material with nonlinear thickness in forcement. Fiber reinforced advanced composite materials
radial direction and presented numerical solution for elastic are prospective materials for various engineering applica-
stresses and displacement. Researchers (Maheshwari and tions in automotive, rail, construction and aerospace indus-
Sharma /6/, Mehta and Sahni /7/) have analysed thermome- tries /20/. An analytical solution is derived for the mechani-
chanical stresses in functionally graded rotating disk and cal response of functionally graded cylinders made of five
have found that for disk made up of functionally material is different material combinations and compared the results
a better option than composite materials. Madan et al. /8/ with finite element method using ANSYS APDL package,
presented limit elastic speed and corresponding stresses in a /21/.
sigmoid functionally graded disk. The study highlighted the A detailed review of literature lead to an observation that
importance of limit elastic speed for designing of function- a comprehensive analysis of functionally graded materials
ally graded disk as it affects the onset of yielding in the disk. made up of different ceramic-metal combinations under severe
Yıldırım /9/ conducted a detailed study on effect of anisot- working conditions can address the issues of life cycle and
ropy in polar orthotropic rotating discs for different materials performance for engineering components. As observed from
and presented complementary function method solution for the literature, considerable amount of research has been
elastic stresses under free-free, fixed free and fixed guided carried out on development of mathematical models and
constraints. Some researchers have investigated internally analytical/numerical solutions for thermomechanical stresses
pressurized functionally graded hollow cylinder with uniform in disc, cylinder and spherical bodies made up of function-
heat generation and radially varying material properties (in ally graded material. So, in order to analyse the behaviour
power law form) namely, modulus of elasticity, coefficient of the engineering components under severe working condi-
of thermal expansion and thermal conductivity. Evci and tions, the selection of the material becomes an important


Vol. 21, br. 3 (2021), str. 259–265 Vol. 21, No 3 (2021), pp. 259–265
Comparison of material response for thermomechanical stresses  Poređenje odziva u materijalu za termomehaničke napone kod 

criterion. Hence, in our study, an effort has been made to  Y '(r ) 

provide material comparison for functionally graded cylin-  3 + − r  −  '(r ) r − Y (r )r  '(r )T (r ) −
2 4 2

ders under nonlinear thermal loading, centrifugal body force  Y ( r ) 

and internal-external pressure conditions. A mathematical −r 2Y (r ) (r )T '(r ) . (7)
model for thermomechanical stresses in functionally graded Consider internal (ri) and external (ro) radii of the cylin-
materials with different ceramic-metal combinations, namely, der as 20 cm and 50 cm, respectively. The radially varying
aluminium-silicon carbide, aluminium-zirconia, nickel-alu- material properties of FG rotating cylinder are defined as,
mina and steel-zirconia is developed, and an analytical solu- t
tion for radial and tangential stresses and displacement in  r 1
Y (r ) = Yo   , (8)
functionally graded rotating cylinders under nonlinear ther-  ro 
mal loading is presented. t
 r 2
 ( r ) = o   , (9)
 ro 
 r 3
CYLINDER  (r ) =  o   , (10)
We consider an axisymmetric functionally graded cylinder  ro 
exposed to radially varying nonlinear thermal loading, cen- Y     
log  o  log  o  log  o 
 i  , t = −  i  ,
trifugal body force in radial direction and under internal-
where: t1 = −  Yi  , t = −
external pressure. The equation of equilibrium for such an 2 3
axisymmetric rotating FG cylinder with steady state temper- r  r  r 
log  i  log  i  log  i 
ature distribution and radially varying loading condition is  o
r  o
r  ro 
given as /7/, are material gradient parameters. Also, Yo, o and o are
d Young’s modulus, density, and coefficient of thermal expan-
r r +  r −  +  (r ) 2 r 2 = 0 , (1)
dr sion at external radius, respectively. Figure 1 graphically
where: r, , (r),  are radial stress, tangential stress, depicts the behaviour of material properties for functionally
density, and angular speed, respectively. graded cylinder. As seen from Fig. 1, for functionally graded
Applying stress function S(r), an analytical solution is cylinder, decreasing Young’s modulus but with increasing
derived that satisfies the equation of equilibrium given by coefficient of thermal expansion causes decrease in density
Eq.(1), and the relation between stresses and stress function property of the material. Radially varying nonlinear thermal
is given as, loading T(r) for FG cylinder is defined as /7/,
S (r ) dS (r )   r − r k1  r − r k2 
r = and  = +  (r ) 2 r 2 . T (r ) = Tri − Tref + (Tro − Tr i )     , (11)
 +
i i
r dr   ro − ri   ro − ri  
The relation between strain-displacement in functionally  
graded cylinder /2/ is given as, where: Tref, Tri and Tro are reference, inner and outer temper-
du u ature, respectively. Also, k1 and k2 are temperature gradient
r = and  = , (3) parameters, respectively.
dr r
where: r, , and u are radial and tangential strain, and dis-
placement, respectively.
In order to obtain the compatibility condition between
strains and displacement in an FGC, we eliminate u from
above set of Eq.(3), and can be written as,
 r =  + r  . (4)
Radial and tangential thermomechanical strain compo-
nents in FG cylinder under plain strain can be expressed in
terms of Young's modulus and stresses using Hooke’s law
/3/, given as
r = [ r −  ] +  (r )T (r ) , (5)
Y (r )
 = [  − r ] +  (r )T (r ) , (6) Figure 1. Dimensionless material properties.
Y (r )
The temperature loading with a nonlinear distribution
where: Y(r), (r), T(r), and  are Young’s modulus, coef. of profile over the radius of FG cylinder is depicted in Fig. 2.
thermal expansion, temperature, Poisson’s ratio, in respect. Here, k1 = 1 and k2 = 2, provides a complete quadratic ther-
Using Eqs.(2), (5) and (6) in Eq.(4), we obtain, mal distribution profile. The pressure boundary conditions
d 2S dS  Y '(r )   Y '(r )  in FG cylinder can be described as given below:
+ r 1 − r  + S  r −1 = −  (r ) 2 r 3   r (ri ) = −qi and  r (ro ) = −qo . (12)
dr dr  Y (r )   Y (r ) 


Vol. 21, br. 3 (2021), str. 259–265 Vol. 21, No 3 (2021), pp. 259–265
Comparison of material response for thermomechanical stresses  Poređenje odziva u materijalu za termomehaničke napone kod 

Using Eqs.(3) and (6), radial displacement, radial and

tangential components of thermomechanical strains can be
obtained. Tangential stress under thermomechanical loading
can be calculated as,
t1 + m − 2 t1 − m − 2
 t1 + m   t1 − m 
 = C1  r
2 + C2  r
2 + C3 (t2 + 3)r t2 + 2 +
 2   2 
+C4 (t1 + t3 + 1)r t1 +t3 + C5 (t1 + t3 + 2)r t1 +t3 +1 + C6 (t1 + t3 + 3)r t1 +t3 + 2 +
  2
+ o r t2 + 2 . (16)
In our analysis, functionally graded cylinder is rotating at
angular speed  = 650 rad/s, under the effect of internal pres-
Figure 2. Temperature distribution profile.
sure qi and external pressure qo conditions. The cylinder is
Using Eqs.(8)-(11) in Eq.(7), we get the stress function, subjected to radially varying temperature as given by Eq.(11)
S(r) as, in which temperature parameters are given as Tref = 0°C, Tri =
t1 + m t1 − m 0°C, and Tro = 300°C. Table 1 presents material properties:
S (r ) = C1r 2 + C2 r 2 + C3r t2 +3 + C4 r t1 +t3 +1 + Young’s modulus, density, and coefficient of thermal expan-
+C5 r t1 +t3 + 2 + C6 r t1 +t3 +3 .
sion at inner and outer surfaces of FG cylinder.
Here, C1 and C2 are constants of integration. The other Table 1. Material properties for FGMs, /2/.
constants C3, C4, C5, and C6 are given as,  
Yi Yo  

(GPa) (GPa) (g/cm2) (g/cm2) 10 10–6
Material –6
o (3 + − t1 + t2 )
C3 = − , (1/°C) (1/°C)
rot2 (t22 + 6t2 − t1t3 − 3t1 + t1 + 8) Al-SiC 410 70 3.2 2.7 4 23.1 0.25
Yo o t3 Al-ZrO2 151 70 5.7 2.7 10 23.1 0.3
C4 = −  Ni-Al2O3 380 180 3.8 8.5 7.4 13 0.3
t1 +t3 2
ro (t3 + t1t3 + 2t3 + t1 + t1 ) SUS304-ZrO2 151 210 5.7 7.8 10 12 0.3
  Tr − Tri   Tr − Tr  2 
  Tri − Tref −  o  ri −  o i
r  ,
  r −r  (r − r )2  i 
  o i   o i  
Yo o t3
C5 = − 
rot1 +t3 (t32 + t1t3 + 4t3 + 2t1 + t1 + 3)
 Tr − Tr  Tr − Tr  
 o i
− 2 o i
r  ,
 ro − ri  (r − r )2  i 
  o i  
Yo ot3  Tr − Tr 
C6 = −  o i
 ri .
rot1 +t3 (t32 + t1t3 + 6t3 + 3t1 + t1 + 8)  (ro − ri )2 
Using Eq.(2), thermomechanical radial stress r can be
obtained as,
t1 + m − 2 t1 − m− 2
 r (r ) = C1r 2 + C2 r 2 + C3r t2 + 2 + C4 r t1 +t3 + Figure 3. Radial stress: qi = 0.5 GPa, qo = 0, Tref = 0, Tri = 0, Tro =
t1 +t3 +1 t1 +t3 + 2 300°C,  = 650 rad/s.
+C5 r + C6 r . (14)
Here, C1 and C2 are constants of integration obtained from Figure 3 presents variation of radial stress under internal
boundary condition Eq.(12), given as pressure, qi = 0.5 GPa in FG cylinder made up of different
  yy zy  y − z material combinations of ceramic and metal properties at
C1 = 1 − 2 1 2− 1 1 2 and C2 = 2 1 1 1 , (15) inner and outer radial surfaces, respectively. It can be
y1 y12 z2 − z1 y1 y2 y1 z2 − z1 y2
observed that radial stress constrained to pressure boundary
where: condition is compressive at inner radial points and becomes
1 = −qi − C3rit2 +3 − C4 rit1 +t3 − C5rit1 +t3 +1 − C6 rit1 +t3 + 2 ; tensile over the radius of the cylinder. This tensile nature of
2 = −qo − C3rot2 + 2 − C4 rot1 +t3 − C5 rot1 +t3 +1 − C6 rot1 +t3 + 2 ; radial stress can be attributed due to radially varying body
force (r)2r. Moreover, it is evident from Fig. 3 that cylin-
t1 + m − 2 t1 − m − 2 t1 + m − 2 t1 − m − 2
der made up of aluminium-zirconia (Al-ZrO2) has the lowest
y1 = ri 2 ; y2 = ri 2 ; z1 = ro 2 ; z2 = ro 2 ; magnitude of radial stress, whereas cylinder of nickel-alu-
and m = t12 − 4 t1 + 4 . mina (Ni-Al2O3) is exposed to highest magnitude of radial
stress among the other material combinations.


Vol. 21, br. 3 (2021), str. 259–265 Vol. 21, No 3 (2021), pp. 259–265
Comparison of material response for thermomechanical stresses  Poređenje odziva u materijalu za termomehaničke napone kod 

FG cylinder is tensile for all material combinations and

follows a decreasing trend from inner to outer radial points.
Tangential stress in FG cylinder graded with aluminium-
zirconia has lowest magnitude at inner radial points, but
along outer radius of the cylinder, it has higher magnitude
in comparison with cylinder made up of aluminium-silicon
carbide FG material combination. As observed from Fig. 7,
FG cylinders graded with nickel-alumina and steel-zirconia
are exposed to higher magnitude of tangential stress. A high
tensile nature of tangential stress at inner radial surface as
compared to outer surface is due to compressive behaviour
of radial stress at inner radial surface of the cylinder.

Figure 4. Radial stress: qi = 0, qo = 0.5 GPa, Tref = 0, Tri = 0, Tro =

300°C,  = 650 rad/s.

Figure 7. Tangential stress: qi = 0.5 GPa, qo = 0, Tref = Tri = 0,

Tro = 300°C,  = 650 rad/s.

Figure 5. Radial stress: qi = 0.8 GPa, qo = 0.5 GPa, Tref = Tri = 0,

Tro = 300°C,  = 650 rad/s.

Figure 8. Tangential stress: qi = 0, qo = 0.5 GPa, Tref = Tri = 0,

Tro = 300°C,  = 650 rad/s.
Physically, it can be interpreted that tangential stress in
FG cylinder is countering the effect of radial stress along the
radius of cylinder, together with rotating body force. Hence,
Figure 6. Radial stress: qi = 0.5 GPa, qo = 0.8 GPa, Tref = Tri = 0,
rotation of cylinder at high value of angular speed will cause
Tro = 300°C,  = 650 rad/s.
higher magnitude of tangential stress along the radius of the
As observed from Fig. 4, under the effect of external cylinder. Tangential stress in FG cylinder under external
pressure, qo = 0.5 GPa, radial stress is compressive towards pressure, qo = 0.5 GPa is presented in Fig. 8. Here, the tan-
outer radial surface but importantly, FG cylinder made up gential stress in FG cylinder made up of Al-SiC is of the
of Al-SiC and Al-ZrO2 have extremely small difference of lowest magnitude throughout the radius of the cylinder.
magnitude of radial stress in comparison to their response Under the pressure difference at radial ends, i.e. high
under internal pressure case. internal pressure - low external pressure, and low internal
Figure 7 presents tangential stress under internal pres- pressure - high external pressure (Figs. 9-10), FG cylinder
sure, qi = 0.5 GPa, in FG cylinder with ceramic at inner and is exposed to lower magnitude of tangential stress as compared
metal at outer surface. It can be seen that tangential stress in to internal and external pressure cases, respectively.


Vol. 21, br. 3 (2021), str. 259–265 Vol. 21, No 3 (2021), pp. 259–265
Comparison of material response for thermomechanical stresses  Poređenje odziva u materijalu za termomehaničke napone kod 

Figure 9. Tangential stress: qi = 0.8 GPa, qo = 0.5 GPa, Tref = Tri = Figure 12. Radial displacement: qi = 0, qo = 0.5 GPa, Tref = Tri = 0,
0, Tro = 300°C,  = 650 rad/s. Tro = 300°C,  = 650 rad/s.

Figure 10. Tangential stress: qi = 0.5 GPa, qo = 0.8 GPa, Tref = Figure 13. Radial displacement: qi = 0.8 GPa, qo = 0.5 GPa, Tref =
Tri = 0, Tro = 300°C,  = 650 rad/s. Tri = 0, Tro = 300°C,  = 650 rad/s.

Figure 11. Radial displacement: qi = 0.5 GPa, qo = 0, Tref = Tri = 0, Figure 14. Radial displacement: qi = 0.5 GPa, qo = 0.8 GPa, Tref =
Tro = 300°C,  = 650 rad/s. Tri = 0, Tro = 300°C,  = 650 rad/s.
As observed from Fig. 11, displacement under internal displacement is found to have lowest magnitude. As seen
pressure, qi = 0.5 GPa in rotating FG cylinder under nonlin- from Fig. 12, under the effect of external pressure, qo =
ear temperature loading and compressive internal pressure, 0.5 GPa, FG cylinder made up of Al-SiC performs better as
increases from inner radial points to outer radial points. It displacement at outer radial point (u = 0.717932 cm) and
can be noted from Fig. 11 that FG cylinder graded with throughout the radius of the cylinder is found to be lowest.
aluminium-silicon carbide has the lowest magnitude of dis- Also, as depicted from Fig. 12, FG cylinder made up of Ni-
placement along the radius of the cylinder as compared to Al2O3 is exposed to higher displacement throughout the
other material combinations. At outer surface of FG cylinder radius of the cylinder. Figures 13-14 present displacement
made up of aluminium-silicon carbide and steel-zirconia, in FG cylinder under high internal - low external, and high


Vol. 21, br. 3 (2021), str. 259–265 Vol. 21, No 3 (2021), pp. 259–265
Comparison of material response for thermomechanical stresses  Poređenje odziva u materijalu za termomehaničke napone kod 

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Vol. 21, br. 3 (2021), str. 259–265 Vol. 21, No 3 (2021), pp. 259–265

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