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The goal of this technique is to activate your Pineal and Pituitary Glands/ Third
Eye. You must realize that the metaphysical experience is the direct result of a
physical process that you force to occur within your body. Begin by laying down in
a safe place. Do a basic meditation to relax your body and clear your mind. Once
you are relaxed, you are going to start squeezing and expanding your brain. Your
brain is attached to muscles and tendons that let you expand and squeeze it. Bring
your focus to your forehead and try squeezing and expanding your frontal lobe.
Concentrate and keep trying until you can get it. Once you can feel it moving then
move to the center of your brain, (this is where the glands are located, the Eye of
RA) and do the same thing. Squeeze then stretch it out, feel it expand as if past
your skull, squeeze, expand... After a few minutes move to the back of your brain
where the Claustrum is located. This is where the Sacred Oil is produced. Do the
same, squeeze, expand over and over. Once you get the hang of it, start doing it in
a wave motion from the front to the back. Continue squeezing and expanding
repeatedly until you can start to feel the fluids moving, such as mucus running
down the back of your throat. Some people, myself included, experience something
that sounds and feels like a crust breaking off the outside of your brain, this is
normal. The objective is to get your brain working, you have never used it like
this before. Once you get the fluids moving you want to push the Oil from the
Claustrum in the back of the brain down the back of the spine, down your nervous
system and back up the front. Using your back muscles, push the fluid down the back
of your spine to the bottom. Squeezing your muscles in your lower area like your
buttocks and sphincter. Then start pushing the fluid up the front of your spine.
Men as well as women have kegel muscles, use these like a pump. Using your stomach
and your chest muscles, continue pushing the fluid up the front of your spine into
your brain, pumping the fluid up the front of the nervous system into the Pineal
and Pituitary Glands, the Promised Land of Milk and Honey. Continue repeating this
pattern, from the front of your brain to the back of your brain, down the back of
your spine to the bottom, and up the front of your spine into your brain. Repeat
this process as long as you can. When I did this I was not staring at a clock but
it felt like an hour. Realistically I would say 15 to 30 minutes. I did it until
all of a sudden I couldn't close my eyes! Not even to blink. This lasted for
several minutes. At first I thought I broke my brain! As soon as I was able to
relax enough to barely close my eyes, I slipped...
Some things to note:
1. I know to a lot of people this sounds weird, (like it's not already weird) but
you need to make sure that the Moon is in your Sun Star sign. The Moon affects the
fluids in your body and helps the Oil be created.
2. The ancient gnostic text talk about sexual abstinence in order to get this to
work. I refrained from having sex for two weeks before I did this.
3. Make sure you are in a good place in your head and that you have pure thoughts.
Because if you don't, you won't go all the way to the end and meet the Light.
4. If this does not work the first time, try decalcifying your brain for six months
and then come back and try again. I put in a reverse osmosis machine under my
kitchen sink for $150.00 and I quit using fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride calcifies
the pineal gland, which is what we are trying to activate.
5. This last one is a WARNING. Working on yourself is PARAMOUNT beforehand so that
you have the best positive experience you can. Also, you need those skills for
afterwards. I was super high for about 2 weeks and then I became insanely negative.
It took a lot of hard work to crawl out of that hole and then maintain the
connection, so you need to be prepared for that mentally. SUICIDE HAS OCCURRED IN
THE UNPREPARED. THIS IS LIFE CHANGING. Make sure you have some good meditation
techniques. Maybe have a friend handy to lean on a little.
In my experience I was granted one wish, I wanted to be emotionally healed from the
damage caused by being an innocent man on death row. I was also gifted with a
vision. The Chrystal Light Being touched my heart in order to heal it so that I
could love my family properly, and it showed me that everyone on Earth has this
Light Being inside of them. Everyone will have their own experience. This is how to
have a true Kundalini Awakening, but it's also called the Anointing of the
Christ/Chrism Oil, the return of Christ is the return of this knowledge to you.
This is what it means to have Christ in you inorder to enter Heaven, it's something
you do while you are alive. Email me at jcchrism at yahoo. com for a free pdf with
more info. Good luck my friend.
I love you❤️

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