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Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)

1. 2nd largest after UN (total members 57 as of now), 1969.

2. Slogan  “Collective voice of the Muslim Ummah”
3. Aims and Objectives:
i. To enhance and consolidate the bonds of fraternity
and solidarity among the member states.
ii. To safeguard and protect the common interests and
support the legitimate causes of members.
iii. Support the restoration of complete sovereignty and
territorial integrity of Member states under
occupation because of Aggression.
iv. Increase active participation in the global politics
economics and social decision making.
4. Organizational Structure:
i. Islamic Summits/ Conference of kings and Heads of
States and Governments:
a. Highest authority
b. Main decision making
c. Meet 03 after years.
ii. Council of foreign Ministers (CFM):
a. Meets once a year.
b. Implement  Passing Declarations
iii. General Secretariat:
a. Administrative organ.
b. Various departments/ Subsidiary bodies
(Economic affairs + Education
Department + Humanitarian Affairs).
5. OIC and Pakistan:
i. Founding member of OIC.
ii. Modes of engagements:
1. Economical:
a. Remittances  KSA and UAE
b. Procurement of Hydrocarbons (OIL)
c. Friendly Loans.
2. Political:
a. OIC’s platform utilize for KASHMIR
issue (Support the restoration of complete
sovereignty and territorial integrity of
Member states under occupation because
of Aggression)  CFM Meeting in
Pakistan March, 2022  Islamabad
1. Final settlement of Kashmir
Issue in accordance with UNSC
2. Call to India to reverse its
unilateral and illegal measures
taken in 2019.
3. Halt and reverse attempts to
alter the demographic
structure and to redraw
electoral constituencies.
3. Security:
a. The only Nuclear Muslim Country.
b. Army capacity building OIC major
members armies.
6. Issues/ Challenges of OIC:
i. Unresolved issues based on the Principles of OIC.
(Support the restoration of complete sovereignty
and territorial integrity of Member states under
occupation because of Aggression)
1. Kashmir
2. Palestine
3. Middle East (Proxy wars in different Muslim
ii. Muslims interest Protection (Human rights 
Muslims Prosecute +Ethnic Cleansings + Genocides)
1. Kashmiris
2. Palestinians.
3. Syrians
4. Yemenis
5. Uyghur Muslims (China)
6. Rohingya Muslims (Myanmar)
7. Indian Muslims
iii. Security Issues (deteriorating security situation 
Middle East)
iv. Difference of interests of Muslim Countries:
a. KSA vs IRAN (Middle East Proxies)
b. Not united on Common Causes (Palestine
Cause  Abraham Accords, 2020 
Israel Diplomatic Relations Normalize
(UAE, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco) +
KSA air space open Israel.
V. Economic issues:
i. Developed Muslim Countries issues:
a. Over-reliance on Hydrocarbons
 Economies  Non-renewable
energy source  deplete 
Economical shift - Focusing on
Tourism and IT.
ii. Developing Muslim Countries issues:
a. BOP deficit + Recessions + Poor Economies
+ Debts embroiled.

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