Werner 1976

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Nuclear Engineering and Design 36 (1976) 367-395

© North-Holland Publishing Comapny


Agbabian Associates, El Segundo, California 90245, USA

Received 22 January 1976

This paper describes those engineering characteristics of earthquake ground motions pertinent to the development of
v~ratory motion criteria at nuclear plant sites. It includes a discussion and evaluation of current techniques used to character-
ize earthquake events and strong motion records, and the geologic factors that influence the ground shaking at a site. In ad-
dition, the paper provides an assessment of the data base on which the engineer must draw when formulating criteria; this
data base includes the current library of strong motion measurements, artificial earthquake records, empirical scaling curves
derived from strong motion records, and soils and geologic data presently available at accelerograph stations.

0. Contents in the siting and design of nuclear plants in the United

States have been set forth by the Nuclear Regulatory
1. Introduction 367 Commission (USNRC) in the Federal Register, Appen-
2. Characterization of strong motion earthquakes 368 dix A, 10 CFR, Part 100 [1].
3. Geologic factors affecting ground shaking at a site 373 This paper provides earthquake engineering funda-
4. Earthquake-motion data base 378
5. Summary 393 mentals and background information necessary for
Acknowledgements 393 one particular seismic design requirement - the estab-
References 393 lishment o f vibratory ground motion criteria at nuclear
plant sites. It is intended for use with two companion
papers: one containing a summary of geotechnical in-
vestigations required for criteria development [2], and
1. Introduction the other providing recommended procedures for using
this information to define vibratory motion criteria at
Of all the design conditions that must be considered a nuclear plant site [3] *. These three papers summa-
when developing criteria for nuclear plants, those as- rize part of a long-range research program, sponsored
sociated with strong earthquake motions are among by the USNRC, for developing an improved under-
the most significant. The potential effects of earth- standing of earthquake ground motions and the be-
quakes on the integrity and safe operation of the plant haviour of soil materials under seismic load conditions
are numerous. First, the vibratory motions induced by [4].
earthquakes apply dynamic loads to the plant struc- The remainder of this paper is divided into four
tures, equipment and piping that are among the largest main sections. Section 2 discusses various methods
that can be applied by natural causes. In addition, the used to characterize earthquakes and the corresponding
ground shaking may cause landslides, subsidence or measurement of ground shaking. Section 3 describes
liquefaction of the soil mass in and around the plant the various geologic factors that influence ground
site. Other earthquake-related factors that must be shaking at a site, as related to the earthquake source
considered in the plant design process are surface
faulting effects and the potential occurrence of seis- * The procedures recommended by these companion papers
mically-induced floods and water waves. Procedures do not, however, represent a USNRC position on methodol-
and requirements for considering each of these factors ogy or on procedures for compliance with the criteria.

368 S.D. Werner / l:)Tgineering characteristics of earthquake ground motions

mechanism, the source-site transmission path, or local sence of instrumental data, the epicenter had been
soil conditions at the site. Section 4 describes the strong established on the basis of observed damage. However,
motion data base that is the cornerstone of the criteria epicentral locations are now typically esthnated from
development process; this base includes the current relative arrival times of seismic wave components at
library of strong motion measurements, artificial earth- various instruments within a seismograph network.
quake records, empirical techniques for representing Neither epicenter nor focus location procedures are
ground motion characteristics that correspond to a precise, due to limitations in the number of reliable
given site and earthquake event, and the soils and recording stations, in the geologic interpretations of
geologic information presently available at accelero- crustal structures, and in the knowledge of local pro-
graph stations. Section 5 summarizes this information pagation velocities in many areas.
and relates it to the determination of vibratory motion It is important to recognize that the epicenter and
criteria for nuclear plants. hypocenter do not necessarily indicate the center of
total energy release of the earthquake - rather, they
indicate the point where the fault slip began. For
2. Characterization of strong motion earthquakes smaller earthquakes, the center of this energy release
and the point where slip began are not far apart; for
The information used by engineers to characterize large earthquakes, these points may be hundreds of
and classify strong motion earthquakes include the kilometers apart. For example, the 1960 Chilean earth-
earthquake epicenter and focus, magnitude, intensity, quake had a slipped fault length of about 950 km
and various parameters for classifying strong motion (600 miles) and an epicenter at the nothern end of the
strength levels. slip, some 480 km (300 miles) from the center of ener-
gy release [7].
2.1. Epicenter and focus of a n earthquake
2.2. Magnitude
Earthquakes generally occur when the strength of
the rock can no longer withstand elastic strain that has The magnitude of an earthquake is intended to be a
built up because of slippage along an active fault. The measure of its size, independent of the place of ob-
location along the fault where this strain is released is servation. It is calculated from measurements on seismo-
characterized by the epicenter and focus of the earth- graphs and is therefore expressed in ordinary numbers
quake. and decimals. Physically, the magnitude has been cor-
The focus, or hypocenter, of the earthquake is the related with the energy released by an earthquake, as
well as with the fault rupture length and the maximum
point within the earth's crust where the initial rupture
fault displacement [6].
of the rocks occurs and the elastic waves from the
At present, at least three different magnitudes are
earthquake are first released. The majority of earth-
in common use for classifying earthquakes: (1) local
quakes recorded in the United States have had shallow
magnitude, based on peak response of a specified in-
focal depths ( 1 0 - 1 5 km) and have occurred in regions
strument; (2) body-wave magnitude, based on the
containing surface fault patterns, such as California.
response amplitude of a particular body-wave type;
In other regions, however, such as the Puget Sound
and (3) surface-wave magnitude, based on the response
area and many parts of the eastern United States,
amplitudes of long-period seismic waves. Each of these
earthquakes are focused at deeper locations within the
earth's crust so that a surface rupture is not observable magnitudes is derived from a well-calibrated instru-
in the field. In the Puget Sound area, for example, ment, some knowledge of the characteristics of the
focal depths are typically about 40 km. This is still rock through which the seismic waves must travel, and
relatively shallow when compared to the focal depths the local conditions at the instrument station [8].
of 500-700 km that have been reported in other parts The local magnitude, defined by Richter in 1935, is
of the world [5,6]. perhaps the most widely used magnitude measure.
The epicenter of the earthquake is the vertical pro- This magnitude M is defined as
jection of the focus onto the earth's surface. In the ab- M = IoglO(A/Ao) , (1)
S.D. Werner / Engineering characteristics of earthquake ground motions 369

where A is the maximum trace amplitude, in microns, Table 1

recorded on a standard Wood-Anderson seismograph Comparison of Rossi-Forel and modified Mercalli intensity
scales [9 ].
located on firm ground 100 km from the epicenter,
and A 0 is the reference trace amplitude (taken as 1/~m ROSSI-FOREL INTENSITY SCALE MODIFIED MERCALLI INTENSITY
(1883i SCALE (1931), WOOD AND
at a distance of 100 km from the epicenter). In prac- NEUMANN
tice, empirical charts are used to correct for epicentral I
distances other than 100 km and for various site con- I Detectedonly by sensitive
ditions at a given seismograph station. instruments.
As noted from eq. (1), each upward step of one The shock felt only by
I II Felt by a few persons at rest,
magnitude unit corresponds to a ten-fold increase in experienced observer under especially on upper floors;
the recorded amplitude A. Furthermore, Richter [6] very favorable conditions, delicately suspended objects
may swing.
has shown that for shallow earthquakes in California,
Felt by a few people at rest; III Felt noticeably indoors, but
the magnitude is related to the energy in ergs released recorded by several not always recognized as a
by an earthquake E, according to seismographs. quake; standing autos rock
III Felt by several people at rest; slightly; vibrations similar
lOgl0E = 11.4 + 1.5 M . (2) strong enough for the dura- to passing truck.
tion or direction to be fV Felt indoors by many, out-
Therefore, the energy associated with an earthquake appreciable. doors by a few; at night some
awaken; dishes, windows,
increases by more than a factor of 10 with each unit IV Felt by several people In doors disturbed; autos rock
increase in magnitude. motion; disturbance of noticeably.
movable objects, cracking
Although the magnitude is a convenient way of of floors. Felt by most people; some
classifying earthquakes, it has certain limitations. First, breakage of dishes, windows,
Felt generally by everyone; and plaster; disturbance of
the magnitude is not a precise measure of the size of disturbance of furniture, all objects.
an earthquake, owing to the nonuniformity of the ringing of some bells.
earth's crust, to the possible effects of the orientation VI Felt by all; many frightened
'vt General awakening of those and run outdoors; falling
of the fault relative to the seismograph stations, and to asleep; ringing of bells, plaster and chimneys;
swinging chandeliers; damage small.
uncertainties in the corrections for seismograph site startled people run outdoors.
conditions. Secondly, the magnitude of an earthquake "hl Overthrow of movable Vll Everybody runs outdoors;
is not a good indicator of the peak ground acceleration, objects, fall of plaster, damage to buildings varies,
ringing of bells, panic with depending on quality of
i.e. the magnitude is a measure of the amplitudes of great danger to buildings. construction; noticed by
low-frequency motions at 100 km from the source, drivers of autos.
whereas peak accelerations are related to higher fre- Vlll Fall of chimneys; cracks in VIII Panel walls thrown out of
walls of buildings. frames; overturning of walls,
quency motions measured at any location relative to monuments, and chimneys;
the source. sand and mud ejected;
drivers of autos disturbed.
IX Partial or4~tal destruction
of some buildings. IX Buildings shifted off founda-
2.3. Intensity tions, cracked, thrown out
of plumb; ground cracked;
In the absence of instrument recordings of ground underground pipes broken.
Great disasters, ruins;
motion, seismologists have described the shaking by disturbance of strata; Most masonry and frame
assigning in.tensity numbers according to various sub- fissures, rockfalls, land- structures destroyed;
slides, etc. ground cracked; rails bent;
jective intensity scales. To describe earthquakes that landslides.
occurred prior to the early 1900s, the Rossi-Forel
XI New structures remain
scale containing ten grades of intensity was typically standing; bridges destroyed;
utilized. However, with subsequent advances in tech- fissures in ground; pipes
broken; landslides; rails
nology, the Rossi-Forel scale became outdated, pri- bent.
marily because an enormous range of intensity was Xll Damagetotal; waves seen on
lumped at its highest level X, and because of certain ground surface: lines of
limitations in its scale descriptions. For these reasons, sight and level distorted;
objects thrown up into air.
a new improved scale was developed by Mercalli in
370 S.D. Werner/ Engineering character&tics of earthquake ground motions

1902. This scale was originally developed as a ten-step or intensity maps, reflect the attenuation of damage
scale and was later expanded to a 12-step scale, fol- with distance from the source, and the extent of the
lowing a suggestion by Cancani. Elaborations of the felt area of the earthquake. The shapes and extent of
12-step scale were published by Sieberg in 1923. The the isoseismals may be influenced by the tectonic fea-
modified Mercalli (MM) intensity scale, as used today tures of the area, indicating predominant directions
in the United States, was developed by Wood and along which seismic waves are transmitted and the
Neumann in 1931. The MM and Rossi-Forel scales manner in which the earthquake originates. An inten-
are compared in table 1 [9]. sity map for the 1971 San Fernando earthquake is
Other intensity scales are in use in other parts of the shown in fig. 1 [13].
world. For example, the MKS scale, developed by Subjective intensity scales are an important con-
Medvedev et al. in 1964 [10], is now in use in Russia sideration in those areas where no strong motion
as well as several other countries. The Cancani-Sieberg records exist, particularly where they are the only
[11] version of the original Mercalli scale is widely means for interpreting historical information. As a
used in western Europe and the Japan Meterological result, interrelationships between MM intensity and
Agency (JMA) scale, developed in 1951, has become quantitative measures of the severity of ground shaking,
the standard seismicity scale in Japan [12]. All of these such as peak accelereations, are often used for design
scales are subjective; and except for the JMA scale, purposes. However, the use of intensities in this manner
which consists of seven steps instead of 12, all are sim- results in a number of undesirable shortcomings. First,
ilar in structure to the MM scale. human reaction to an earthquake is dependent on such
Following an earthquake, the assignment of an in- factors as the person's prior exposure to vibratory
tensity to a given location is based on interviews with ground motions and his emotional makeup; these fac-
inhabitants of the area and on observations of damage tors, as well as the ground motions themselves, con-
in the area. For earthquakes occurring in earlier his- tribute to the assignment of an intensity rating to an
toric times, newspaper accounts and passages from area. Secondly, structural damage does not represent a
journals, books and other contemporaneous materials uniform basis for assigning intensities, due to differ-
are used to assign intensities. Assigned intensity values ences in design and construction practices of various
at different locations are then mapped as a series of regions; for example, it is especially difficult to evalu-
isoseismals, or curves that separate regions of succes- ate intensities deduced from earthquakes in underdevel-
sive intensity ratings. These maps, termed isoseismal oped areas, when compared to those from earthquakes
in developed regions. Finally, earthquakes occurring
in sparsely populated areas have been assigned inten-
sities based largely on permanent ground displacements
x /LIMITS OF FELTAREA [ or slope failures that, by themselves, are unreliable
n Fnmclsco N-../ ~ UTAH
measures of earthquake damage. For these reasons,
considerable care is required when using intensities to
M ~ "
estimate ground motions at a site. Further discussion
of MM intensity-ground motion correlations used for
this purpose is provided in subsection 4.3.1.

2.4. Strong motion parameters

The best representation of earthquake ground
motions is the acceleration time history, which pro-
vides a complete record of ground shaking at the in-
strument site. However, for quantitatively comparing
different records and for relating measured ground
Fig. l. Modified Mercalli intensity map - 1971 San motions to potential structure damage, simple param-
Fernando earthquake [ 13 ]. eters are often used to define a given record. A number
S.D. Werner/ Engineering characteristics of earthquake ground motions 371

of the most commonly used parameters - namely, DAMPINGRATIO = 0.05

peak acceleration, velocity, or displacement; response ©
spectra and spectrum intensity; root mean square ac-
celeration; and duration of strong shaking - are dis- -.25.t
cussed below. / \ SPECTRUM

2.4.1. Peak acceleration, velocity or displacement . . . . . \

The peak ground acceleration is presently the most
widely used measure of the strength of ground shaking;
and most of the relatively scarce data regarding C I / 0!3 I 0.5 1 I I L0 ~-- PERIOD,SEC
strength levels of past earthquake motions is provided
in terms of peak accelerations. However, the use of
this parameter to represent an earthquake record has a
number of limitations. First, the peak acceleration is
closely related to maximum forces applied to high fre-
quency systems but not for more typical low or inter-
f -"°"'//
mediate frequency structures. Also, the peak accelera-
tion alone does not lead to good correlations between
the relative strengths of different earthquake records,
r -u"'l l/
nor does it account for the duration or the frequency POINTONSPECTRUM (~) (~) (~
content of the motion [14]. NATURALPERIOD 0.3 SEC 0.5 SEC 1.0 SEC
The strength of earthquake-induced ground shaking DAMPING RATIO 0.05 0.05 0.05
can also be depicted by peak velocity or displacement PSEUDOVELOCITY, LI 13.0 IPS 25.3 IPS 31.6 IPS
measurements, both of which appear to have a more NOTE: 2n
well-defined upper bound than accelerations. In addi- PSEUDOVELOCITY • UmT
tion, the peak displacement and velocity provide an um - MAXIMUM DISPLACEMENT
improved estimate of the effective lateral forces ap- TO BASE
plied by earthquakes to low and intermediate frequen-
- u(t)max
cy structures. Of the two, the peak velocity is general-
ly preferred, as indicated by past studies of earthquake
and nuclear shock records [8,15]. However, both Fig. 2. Construction of response spectra.
parameters are subject to errors arising from the nu-
merical integration of the acceleration records; and
like the peak acceleration, they do not account for the shown in these figures, response spectra can be plotted
duration or frequency content of the ground motions. in terms of spectral displacements, spectral accelera-
tions and frequencies.
2.4.2. Response spectra and spectrum intensity Response spectra are used in seismic design practice
In current earthquake engineering practice, the re- because they reveal the effects of the ground motions
sponse spectrum is widely used for characterizing earth- on the response of a simple structure. Moreover, they
quake ground motions. A response spectrum is a plot can be used to estimate peak responses of complex
of the maximum response of a simple damped struc- structures, although this particular application requires
ture as a function of its natural period or frequency. the use of approximate methods for combining modal
A family of response spectra is typically provided, responses. An additional advantage is that response
each spectrum corresponding to a given damping ratio. spectra provide a means for representing the frequency
The construction of response spectra for an earthquake content of the ground motions.
record is depicted in fig. 2 and tripartite and arithme- A disadvantage of response spectra is that they, by
tic plots of the spectra results are shown in fig. 3. In themselves, do not provide a single numerical measure
addition to the pseudovelocity versus period plots of the relative strengths of different earthquake ground
372 S.D. Werner / Engineering characteristics of earthquake ground motions

t~ The spectrum intensities of 20% damped spectra have

been closely correlated with root mean square (rms)
accelerations of a number of records, although this
damping level is not representative of typical struc-
tures. The primary advantage of the spectrum intensity
is that it correlates the strength of the ground motions
with the peak response of an oscillator in a period
range common to many structures. However, this quan-
tity does not provide information about the duration
of strong shaking.

2.4.3. R o o t mean square acceleration

=, The rms acceleration of an earthquake record is
defined as

[- 1 t d "2 -]1/2
rms = [~-d j0 y ( t ) d t J , (3)

where ~9(t) is the acceleration at time t of the earth-

quake record of total duration t d. The prime advant-
0.. age of the rms acceleration as a measure of the strength
0.1 1 10
PERIOD, SEC of the ground shaking is that it is easily calculated and
is applicable to both deterministic and nondetermin-
(a) Tripartite plot istic earthquake response analyses [14].
The use of the rms acceleration as a measure of the
110 ~ i J I ' i i [ i F i i[,,i,1,1,11
strength of the ground shaking is being recognized by
an increasing number of earthquake engineers. For
88 5, 1O AND 20% OF CRITICAL
example, Arias [17] and Housner [18] have proposed
the use of parameters that correlate closely with the
rms acceleration defined in eq. (3). Arias's approach
considers an intensity factor I defined as
I = rr f y(t)2 dt (4)
22 2g
where g is the acceleration of gravity. Arias has
1 2 3 7 U 15 shown that eq. (4) corresponds to the total energy
PERIOD, SEC stored at the end of the earthquake in a family of
(b) Arithmetic plot linear undamped or moderately damped oscillators of
Fig. 3. Response spectra for E1 Centro (1940) accelerogram, varying frequency. It is nearly independent of struc-
north-south component. tural damping over a wide range of damping levels.
Housner has recommended a two-parameter measure
of the strength of the ground shaking in which one
parameter is the average rate of energy input and the
motion records. To circumvent this problem, the
other is the time interval T during which the average
spectrum intensity of the earthquake record can be
rate is maintained. Mathematically, this is expressed as
used. As originally conceived by Housner [ 16], this
parameter is defined as the area under a pseudovelocity to+T
spectrum of a record between periods of 0.1-2.5 sec.
p: L'(T) _ 1 ( y2(t) d t . (5)
r r J
S.D. Nerner/ Engineeringcharacteristicsof earthquake ground motions 373

Housner interprets P as the 'power' of the earthquake 0.6

motion and a measure of the rate at which energy is

fed into structures; i.e. as a measure of the severity of
ground shaking. He also interprets E(T) as a measure
of the total energy fed into structures by P; thus E(T)
represents the energy available for damage. In place of
P, Housner indicates that the quantity
e ' : [E(T)] 1~2IT (6) TIME, SEC

can also be used since it is representative of the ampli-

tude attained by a damped oscillator and also coin- [ h ELcram0, NS

cides with customary measures of the strength of t~

ground shaking. It is noted that P', as defined in eq.
(6), is quite similar to the rms acceleration defined in 8 °
eq. (3).

2.4.4. Duration of strong shaking -0.3

The duration of strong shaking has for some time O 5 1O 15 20 25
been recognized as an important parameter that can
have a significant effect on the structural damge caused (a) Accelerograms
by earthquake ground motions. This parameter is
80 i , '
closely related to the energy released by the earthquake, DAMPINGRATIO" 0.05
which in turn is dependent on the length and displace-
ment of the slipped region of the causative fault and
on the magnitude of the stress drop that has occurred.
As indicated in section 2.2, a partial measure of these
latter parameters is provided by the Richter magnitude. >
Bolt [19] has suggested that the duration is also de-
pendent on the wave frequency and the distance from !20 I/ \'" ~ ~",.,..sI / / ' ' ' ~ ELCENTRO'NS
the site to the causative fault. Other parameters that
have been shown to influence the duration of strong /
, I I I
shaking are local site conditions and whether horizon- 0O 1 2 3
tal or vertical acceleration, velocity, or displacement
records are being considered [20]. These and other (b) Response spectra
studies are discussed in more detail in subsection Fig. 4. Ground response characteristics from Parkfield (1966)
4.3.2. and E1Centro (1940) records.
An indication of the importance of the duration of
strong shaking was provided in a study by Housner
[21 ] of accelerograms recorded at Parkfield (1966) and similar occurrences, Housner concluded that
and at E1 Centro (1940). As shown in fig. 4, the earthquake excitations with strong motion over short
Parkfield record obviously has a much higher peak ac- durations are not as damaging as might be inferred
celeration and spectrum intensity; however, despite from their peak accelerations or spectrum intensities.
this, the El Centro earthquake caused considerably
more damage to structures in the area. This apparent
paradox is resolved by considering the differences in 3. Geologic factors affecting ground shaking at a site
the duration of strong shaking of the two records; for
the Parkfield record this duration is about 1 sec, as The various geologic factors that affect the earth-
opposed to 15 sec for the E1 Centro record. From this quake ground motions at a particular location can be
374 S.D. Werner / Engineering characteristics of earthquake ground motions

related to the earthquake source mechanism, the from past earthquake events have indicated the poten-
source-site transmission path and local site conditions. tial effects of each of these sets of parameters. For
Studies of measured records and damage observations example, the damage induced in San Francisco during

N Go EN\

(a) Geologic map

(a) Proxirnily of fault slippage events to
accelerograph station
MAY 18 1940

~lAj~,l.. ~ l s v ~ r , ~1c ~2

1A 1B lC 2



(b) I ntensibt map (b) El Centro accelerograms

Fig. 5. Relation between local geology and intensity in San Fig. 6. Relation between source m e c h a n i s m and El Centro
Francisco - 1906 California earthquake [22 ]. accelerograms - 1940 Imperial Valley earthquake.
S.D. ICerner/ Engineering characteristics o f earthquake ground motions 375

the 1906 California earthquake has been correlated Table 2

with local geologic and soil conditions [22]; only Factors affecting earthquake-induced ground shaking (modi-
minimal damage was associated with rock outcrops, fied from ref. [8]).
while very strong shaking was observed on adjacent Category Factor
sand and alluvial deposists and on artificial fill materi-
als along the San Francisco Bay (fig. 5). A similarly Source mechamsm Nature of fault slippage
single or multiple fault break
strong influence of local site conditions on structural
fault type
damage caused in Caracas, Venezuela, during the 1967
Caracas earthquake has been noted by Seed et al. [23]. Source parameters
stress drop
The potential effects of the source mechanism and fault displacement
source-site transmission path on ground shaking have length of fault break
been documented in a study of the 1940 Imperial fault shape
Valley earthquake by Trifunac and Brune [24]; in this, proximity of fault plane
the complex seismic waves generated by multiple fault Spectral properties
breaks that occurred during this event were judged to near-field
have had a significant influence on the overall charac- intermediate field
far field
ter of the resulting ground motions recorded at E1
Centro, about 13 km (8 miles) from the causative Source-site Reflection and refraction along sur-
fault (fig. 6). transmission face and subsurface interfaces
It is clear from these and other examples that the path surface waves
body waves
various factors associated with the source mechanism, impedance mismatches
source-site transmission path, and local site conditions guided waves
can combine in different ways for different earthquakes; surface topography
therefore, these factors require careful consideration material damping
when estimating criteria ground motions at a nuclear Scattering diffraction and attenuation
plant site. A number of potentially significant geologic geometric damping
factors are depicted in fig. 7 and table 2, and are dis- Nonlinear effects
cussed further in the remainder of this section. strain-dependent layer properties

3.1. Source mechanism Local site conditions • Dynamic soil properties

shear and bulk moduli
mass density
Earthquake-induced ground motions are initiated P and S wave velocities
when sudden slip takes place along an active fault and Poisson's ratio
material damping
Surface effects
surface topography
surficial geology
Layering characteristics
impedance mismatches
presence of discontinuities, inho-
I EARTHQUAKE ~ ~I~,TRANSMISSION PATH-- i Nonlinear effects
strain-dependence of soil properties
l ql REGI~

releases stresses that have been stored in the earth's

crust. Recent advances in knowledge have indicated
Fig. 7. Generation and transmission of seismic waves [8]. that this slip process can have an important effect on
376 S.D. Werner /Engineering characteristics of earthquake ground motions

Total fault displacement - The magnitude and

energy released by the earthquake probably are related
to the total displacement along the fault, larger fault
displacements being related to large magnitudes and
to large amounts of energy released. A larger displace-
LEFT-LATERALMOVEMENT RIGHT-LATERALMOVEMENT ment also results in a longer duration of fault move-
(1952 Kern County earthquake) (1906 California earthquake)
ment and in larger amplitudes of long period waves.
(a) Strike-slip fault Length o f fault break - An earthquake of large
magnitude is generated by fault rupture of long length.
The length of the fault break also can have a significant
effect on the duration of strong shaking which in
turn can be correlated with the damage potential of
the ground motions. Differences in the slipped-fault
HIGH-ANGLE REVERSEFAULT LOW-ANGLE REVERSEFAULT length of the 1964 Alaska earthquake (magnitude 8.4
(1971 San Fernando earthquake) (1964 Alaska earthquake)
and slipped-fault length of 725 km (450 miles)) and
(b) Reverse fault the 1971 San Fernando earthquake (magnitude 6.5
and slipped-fault length of 19 km (12 miles)) contrib-
uted to significant differences in the nature of the
ground shaking generated by these two events.
Single or multiple fault breaks - Recent studies of
the 1964 Alaska earthquake and the 1940 Imperial
Valley earthquake have indicated that these events
(c) Normal fault (1954 Dixie Valley-Fairview Peak, earthquake) were generated by a series of multiple fault breaks,
rather than a single break (fig. 6). It is apparent that
Fig. 8. Fault types.
the nature of ground shaking will be different if the
seismic waves are generated by multiple fault breaks
ground motions in the general vicinity of the causative and erratic propagation of the slip boundary, rather
fault [25]. than by a uniform propagation of the slipped area
When an earthquake occurs, its effect can depend with relatively smooth slippage of all points along the
on the type of faulting that generates the seismic fault plane.
waves. Three general types of faults - strike-slip, Fault shape - A large-magnitude earthquake gener-
reverse and normal - are illustrated in fig. 8. Pure ally occurs on an elongated fault area whose length
examples of these fault types rarely occur; rather, the greatly exceeds its width. Small earthquakes, below
displacement of the fault has components both parallel magnitude 6, usually occur over a slipped area whose
and normal to the fault trace. In addition, the fault dimensions are about the same in all directions -
slip typically occurs along an irregular surface rather although some smaller earthquakes, such as the 1966
than a plane, and there may also be branch and secon- Parkfield event, have had narrow, elongated fault areas.
dary faulting [26]. The dimensions of the slipped area will have a strong
Some of the other source parameters that affect influence on the nature of the ground shaking, partic-
the nature of the seismic waves generated by fault ularly with regard to frequency content, duration, and
slippage are shown in table 2. Those of particular felt area of the earthquake.
engineering importance have been described by Proximity o r fault plane - In the central region of
Housner [27], and are summarized as follows: an earthquake, the proximity of the fault rupture to
Stress drop - When fault slippage occurs, the stress the ground surface has a strong influence on the
in the rock across the fault changes from an initial ground shaking. If the upper portion of rupture is
value o 1 to a lower stress o 2. The magnitude of this well below the ground surface, the shaking will not bc
stress drop (a 1 - o2) has an effect on the amplitude the same as it would be if the rupture reached the
of the seismic waves generated. ground surface. The ground acceleration amplitudes
S.D. Werner / Engineering characteristics o f earthquake ground motions 377

depend more on the proximity to the faulting process reach the ground surface, they must be transmitted
than on the magnitude, especially in the near-field. through the overlying soils. These soil deposits can
consist of complex sequences of sand, gravel, clay and
3.2. Transmission path f r o m source to site silt, all of which are highly nonlinear and inelastic. As
a result, local soil conditions can exert an important
When slippage occurs along a fault plane, energy is influence on the seismic waves transmitted from the
released in the form of seismic wave emissions as well rock to the ground surface. This potential influence
as heat. These seismic waves propagate away from the of local soil materials has been described in a number
causative fault through the geologic layers. The pri- of studies, such as those by Whitman [28], Seed [29],
mary types of waves that transmit energy from the and others.
causative fault are P waves (dilatational components) For a site with horizontal, well-defined layers and
and S waves (shear components). Secondary waves with incoming seismic waves in bedrock having wave-
may exist at interfaces between different strata lengths comparable to the horizontal extent of the site,
(Stonely waves) and at the ground surface (Rayleigh the primary mechanism for transmitting horizontal
waves). Horizontally-propagating Rayleigh waves are ground motions to the ground surface is vertically-
characterized by long period motions, and are usually incident shear waves [29]. Furthermore, these shear
important only at distances greater than those of waves are not strongly influenced by the effects of in-
interest for strong motion earthquakes [6]. homogeneities in the subsoils or by slight irregularities
The seismic waves that propagate from the source in the geometry of the layer boundaries. For this case,
to the site are influenced by numerous parameters one-dimensional analytical techniques can be used to
related to the geometry and material properties of the estimate horizontal earthquake motions over the entire
transmission path, as indicated in table 2. Along this depth of the soil profile. If these conditions are not
path, both P and S waves are reflected and refracted met, however, the effects of the overlying soil on the
as they encounter the different layered interfaces, ground motions are considerably more complex and
resulting in interference with or strengthening of the the resulting site-response analyses must be treated as
waves as they propagate from the source of energy a two-dimensional wave propagation problem. A more
release. Irregularities in the transmission path, such as detailed discussion of soil profile modeling is con-
variations in surface topography and discontinuities in tained in the companion paper by Werner [3] *
the subsurface layer geometries and properties, greatly Some of the variables that influence the effects
complicate the reflection and refraction processes af- that local soil conditions will have on the ground
fecting these waves. shaking at a site are outlined in table 2. Among the
In addition to undergoing modifications as various more important variables are the following:
materials are encountered along the transmission path, Depth to rock - Correlations between structural
amplitudes of the seismic waves are also modified as a damage and the depth to rock at sites with similar soil
result of geometric spreading effects. Additional at- conditions have indicated that high-rise buildings with
tenuation occurs because of the dissipative properties low natural frequencies have sustained the greatest
of the subsurface soil and rock materials. Because of damage when sited on deep soil deposits. In contrast
this latter effect and the general nonlinear character- to this, shorter and stiffer buildings with higher
istics of these subsurface materials, the seismic wave natural frequencies have been most vulnerable when
energy is also dependent on the amplitude and fre- located on shallower deposits. This suggests that the
quency content of the wave motions generated at the depth to rock affects the frequency content of the
* It is noted that site-dependent vertical ground motions are
3. 3. Local site conditions automatically computed when two-dimensional analysis
techniques are used. One-dimensional site models for pre-
dicting vertical motions on the basis of P-wave propagation
The seismic wave energy arriving at a site is carried have occasionally been used; however, these procedures are
primarily in the P and S waves transmitted through still under development and involve considerable uncertainty,
subsurface rock materials. In order for these waves to primarily in the definition of appropriate soil properties.
378 S.D. Werner/ Engineering characteristics of earthquake ground motions

seismic waves transmitted to the ground surface [23]. be converted to intensities and peak accelerations.
Nonlinear stress-strain properties o f soil materials There are numerous uncertainties associated with con-
- Past studies of soil materials have indicated that versions of this type, some of which are discussed in
their effective modulus decreases and material subsection 2.3.
damping increases with increasing soil strain levels Since 1933, accelerograph networks around tile
[29 ]. Because of these strain-dependent material prop- world have expanded to include almost 3000 oper-
erties, the amplitudes and frequency content of sur- ating instruments, most of which are in Japan, the
face ground motions have been correlated with the United States, Russia and Yugoslavia. The United
strength of the subsurface input motions: i.e. an in- States has about 700 accelerographs, most of which
crease in the amplitudes of the input motions causes a are located in California because of the predominant
reduced characSeristic frequency of the ground surface seismic activity in that region, as shown in fig. 9 [31 ].
motions and a reduced amplification (or even an at- These instrument locations represent a diverse set of
tenuation) of the input motions as they are transmitted ground and geologic conditions; some are on rock and
through the overlying soil layers [14]. many others are on soil sites that correspond to a wide
Geometry o f layers and ground surface As dis-
cussed above, the degree of inclination of the layers or
the presence of significant topographic features can
greatly influence reflection and refraction processes
and the complexity of waves transmitted to the ground
surface. For example, if the soil layers are sharply in-
clined, horizontal ground motions can no longer be
attributed solely to vertically-propagating S waves
but instead arise from complex interactions of P waves,
S waves and secondary waves.

4. E a r t h q u a k e - m o t i o n data base

Data presently available to serve as a basis for esti-

mating earthquake-induced ground motions at a (a) Strong motion accelerograph network as of 1975
nuclear plant site consist of observational and instru- (Matthiesen [311)
mental records of past earthquakes, artificial earth-
quakes, empirical scaling relationships based on past
records, and various soils and geologic investigations.
Each of these data sources is described below, to pro-
vide background for subsequent discussions of the r,%
factors involved in the estimation of seismic input
criteria (section 5).

4.1. Records o f past earthquakes

Strong motion accelerographs of the general type • BEINGBUILT ~ .~-J ~- ~ \~

• PLANNED ~ ~ \ ' ~ ~-~
currently in use were first designed and installed in
1933, and the Long Beach, California, earthquake of
that year provided the first strong-motion accelero- (b) Nuclear plant site locations as of June 1975
(ERDA [321)
grams [30]. Prior to that time, earthquake records
consisted solely of documented effects of damage and Fig. 9. Accelerograph locations compared with nuclear plant
personal accounts of felt effects which, in turn, could site locations in the United States.
S.D. Werner I Engineering characteristics o f earthquake ground motions 379

variety of local geologic, topographic and subsoil con- 1971 San Fernando earthquake. Smaller numbers of
ditions. In important seismic regions, arrays of accelero- ground motion records were obtained from earth-
graphs have been installed to study local effects. For quakes in the Borrego Mountains (1968), Lytle Creek
example, there are several horizontal arrays of accelero- (1970), San Francisco (1957), Kern County (1952),
graphs extending across the San Andreas Fault in Parkfield (1966), and various earthquakes near E1
California, as well as downhole vertical arrays to mea- Centro.
sure earthquake motions at various depths. Unfortu- This set of measured records provides a vital source
nately, as shown in fig. 9, there is relatively little in- of information regarding the basic characteristics of
strumentation in the central and eastern United States, earthquake ground motions. However, it still contains
where the most nuclear plant sites are located [32]. some important gaps. For example, the shaking in the
The current library of strong motion records from immediate vicinity of the causative fault for a great
earthquakes in the United States is contained in the earthquake (magnitude 8 or more) has never been re-
results of an extensive data processing program that corded. Also, relatively few recordings in the epicentral
has been carried out since 1969 at the California areas of magnitude 7 earthquakes have been made in
Institute of Technology (CIT). In this, raw accelero- the United States (Olympia, Washington, 1949; and
grams obtained in the field are first digitized using
automated image processing techniques. Numerical
corrections are then introduced, and include instru-
ment transducer calculations to extend high frequency
response, and digital filtering to reduce digitization
noise. Other corrections include smoothed time data OCT. 2
LM-5.z %-4.8~ v --,- I
and baseline filtering to compensate for the finite w
I ~"V-Vl JAN
23.,.19~ //~"~i"I-Vl d
record length and initial condition uncertainties. The
final result is a corrected accelerogram that represents
the acceleration of the instrument base within a fre- N ~ ~~AR~EA~
quency range of 0.06 and 25 Hz. These accelerograms
are then integrated to produce velocity and displace-
ment records; response spectra and Fourier spectra are
also calculated. All of these data are available from CIT
E (~ .~)km V
and various government agencies in the form of (a) Moderateearthquakes
printed reports, punched cards or magnetic tapes [33].
To date (1975), the CIT program has processed
DEC. 16, 1811
more than 200 records (corresponding to more than
600 acceleration components) from various free-field
sites or basements of tall buildings and other struc-
tures *. These records were obtained during 57 earth-
quakes that have occurred in the western United

APRIL18, 1906

/ IIl'V-~--t"~"'~l~

States (predominantly California) from 1933 to 1971.
Some ! 00 of these records were measured during the /v,X: rv'-v,, \,,,' ,, i l
* These records can be considered to represent m e a s u r e m e n t s
of free-field ground shaking. N u m e r o u s other records ob-
tained and processed in the same m a n n e r were measured in
the mid-to-upper floors o f buldings and therefore include
structure amplification effects. T h e total n u m b e r o f free
field and structure response records processed to date at (b) Large earthquakes
CIT is nearly 400, with a b o u t 250 records measured during
the San Fernando earthquake and a b o u t 110 additional Fig. 10. Comparisons o f felt areas from various regions o f
records from the Borrego Mountains earthquake. United States [ 34 ].
380 S.D. Werner / Engineering characteristics of earthquake ground motions

Kern County, California, 1952). The same is true of as the best available basis for defining strong ground-
potentially damaging shocks of lesser magnitude; shaking characteristics throughout the country.
strong motion records have been measured near the
causative fault during only a few lower-magnitude 4. 2. Artificial earthquake records
earthquakes, such as San Fernando (1971) and Imperial
Valley (1940). As discussed in subsection 4.1, there is a lack of
Another important gap in the present collection of strong motion measurements close to epicentral areas
strong motion records is associated with the complete of potentially damaging earthquakes of moderate-to-
lack of such measurements in the eastern and central large magnitude. Furthermore, variations in the char-
United States. Because most of the recorded seismic acteristics of ground motion records from comparable
data for the United States have come from California, earthquakes around the world have been noted. As a
the characteristics of the accelerograms will tend to result, a much larger sample of records is required to
reflect the particular seismologic and geologic condi- adequately define the properties of strong ground
tions of that region. The general conditions in shaking.
California are substantially different from those of To partially fill the gaps in the current collection of
the east and midwest. For example, felt areas from strong motion records, researchers have utilized the
eastern earthquakes are more extensive than for com- theory of stochastic processes to generate ensembles
parable sized earthquakes occurring in California (fig. of simulated earthquakes. These artificial earthquake
10) and, in addition, large earthquakes occur much records embody the basic properties of strong-motion
more frequently in California [34,35]. Furthermore, records, as indicated from available data and from
the current tectonic forces in California are dominated engineering judgment regarding subsequent events.
by the San Andreas fault system, a strike-slip fault Both stationary and nonstationary random processes
more than 960 km (600 miles) long that represents a have been used to generate these artificial records,
zone of slippage of the Pacific plate northward past although nonstationary random processes are general-
the North American plate. No comparable fault system ly recognized as being required, particularly for
exists elsewhere in the United States and, in fact, there modeling smaller earthquakes [39-41 ].
is a general lack of understanding of the earthquake- Perhaps the most widely used artificial earthquake
producing mechanisms in regions other than California, records are those developed by Jennings et al. at the
owing to a scarcity of records and to a general lack of California Institute of Technology [39]. The formula-
surface faulting when earthquakes have occurred * tion of these records is based on the observation that,
Further research and measured data are required to at distances sufficiently far from the causative fault so
evaluate the extent to which earthquake motions in that the details of the fault displacement are not re-
the east and midwest might differ from those in flected in the ground motion measurements, a com-
California because of differences in the geology and ponent of recorded ground acceleration usually appears
tectonics of these areas. Until such additional infor- to be a random function having the following charac-
mation is provided, the current collection of ground teristics:
motion records, primarily from California, must serve (a) The time-dependent variation of earthquake
ground motions consists of an initial segment of rapid
* Some notable studies o f the seismic characteristics of regions increase to high amplitudes, a segment of uniformly
other than California have recently been made, although strong shaking at these high amplitudes for a certain
these studies do not yet confirm the causes and mechanisms
duration, and an attenuating final portion of the
o f earthquakes in these regions. For example, Sbar and
Sykes [36] have suggested that a n u m b e r of the seismic
belts in the East m a y be due to intraplate tectonic effects (b) The frequency content of the motion described
that are associated with the same forces that cause move- by a smoothed Fourier spectrum indicates the fre-
m e n t of the North American plate and spreading of the sea quency ranges in which the major part of the energy
floor beneath the Atlantic Ocean. Nuttli [37] and Mitchell
[38] indicate that the slower rate of a t t e n u a t i o n of earth-
quakes in the east and midwest could be related to the dis- (c) As illustrated by digital computation, the struc-
persion of short-period Rayleigh waves. ture modal responses excited by the ground acceler-
S.D. Werner/ Engineering characteristics of earthquake ground motions 381

Table 3
Description of artificial records developed by Jennings et al. [39].

Simulated Type of earthquake motion Strength of earthquake Total Duration of

earthquake duration strong motion
type (sec) (see)

Represents upper bound for ground motions 150% as strong as average spec- 120 29
expected near causative fault during earth- trum intensity of 1940 El Centro
quake having Richter magnitude of 8 or
Models shaking close to fault in magnitude equal to average spectrum intensity 50 11
6 to 7+ earthquake (e.g. 1940 El Centro of 1940 El Centro records
and 1952 Taft)
Simulates motion expected in epicentral equal to average spectrum intensity 12 2
region of magnitude 5 to 6 shock (e.g. 1957 of 1957 Golden Gate records
San Francisco and 1935 Helena, Montana)
D Models shaking close to fault of very shallow maximum acceleration scaled to be 10 0.5
earthquake of low-to-moderate magnitude equal to that of Parkfield record
(e.g. 1966 Parkfield, and 1972 Stone (0.5 g)

ations also consists of a time during which the ampli- on past records that reflect ground shaking, primarily
tude of vibration initially rises, followed by a duration in California and the far west.
of strong vibrations and a period of gradually attenu-
ating vibration. 4.3. Empirical scaling curves derived from prior strong
The procedure used by Jennings et al. to derive ar- motion records
tificial earthquake records is to first generate a random
white noise process whose duration is judged con- The determination of vibratory motion criteria for
sistent with the magnitude and fault distance for the a nuclear plant involves, at several stages, the use of
earthquake type being simulated. This random process empirical scaling curves developed from prior strong
is filtered to produce the desired frequency content as motion records. Such curves can serve as an aid in
specified by comparisons with existing real records. estimating peak accelerations and durations of poten-
The filtered function is then shaped by multiplying tial ground shaking at the nuclear plant site. In addi-
by an amplitude-shaping function that produces an tion, they can guide the specification of subsurface
initial rise in the accelerogram, an attenuating tail, and rock motion characteristics to be used as input to site-
a strong central portion. Artificial earthquake records response analyses.
developed by this process are described in table 3 and It should be noted that these empirical curves are
fig. 11. based on a limited number of available earthquake
This method of generating earthquake motions records that, as discussed in subsection 4.1, corre-
enables the engineer to construct artificial records that spond primarily to events in California and some other
represent earthquakes of specified magnitudes at spec- far western states. Also, the curves generally involve
ified distances from the fault. In addition, he can gen- correlations either with intensity or with magnitude
erate several ground motions that correspond to speci- and causative fault distance, although the interrelation-
fied input criteria and can thereby perform response ships between these parameters and ground motion
calculations that account for statistical variations. How- characteristics cannot yet be defined with certainty.
ever, most artificial records generated to date do not Therefore, empirical curves for estimating ground
consider local site conditions and are generally based motion characteristics must be used with care and
382 S.D. Werner Engineering characteristics of earthquake ground motions


'0 100 120 160 ' 0 4 8 12 16 24 28 32

(a) Type A (b) Type B


~.l 11111111

6 8 10 12 14 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

(c) TypeC (d) Type D

Fig. 11. Artificial earthquake records [39].

interpreted with sound engineering judgment. 4.3.1. Peak ground surface motions
The following subsections summarize several of the A number of empirical correlations of peak ground
more significant empirical relationships used to esti- surface motions with intensity and with magnitude
mate earthquake ground motion characteristics• This and distance have been developed• Generally, nearly
summary is limited to consideration of the peak ac- all of these correlations have considered peak horizon-
celeration, velocity, and displacement and the dura- tal accelerations, with only limited studies of peak
tion of strong shaking; empirically-obtained spectrum velocities or displacements. Also, until recently, few
shapes for use in describing the frequency content of data on vertical motions have been available, and as a
earthquake motions, also an important characteristic, result, current design practice has been based on a
are discussed in detail in the companion paper by peak vertical acceleration that is some fraction, usually
Werner [3]. two-thirds, of the peak horizontal ground acceleration.
S.D. Werner/ Engineering characteristics of earthquake ground motions 383

The development of systematic and sophisticated
programs for cataloging and processing strong motion 500
records measured in the United States has led to
readily available and reliable information regarding
horizontal velocities and displacements and vertical
motions (subsection 4.2.1). As a result, attempts have I00
been made to correlate these parameters, as well as
horizontal accelerations, with intensity and with
magnitude and distance..
4. 3.1.1. Peak ground response-intensity correlations.
Current design practice for nuclear plants often uses
interrelationships between MM intensities and quanti-
tative measures of the severity of ground shaking,
most typically the peak horizontal acceleration. A
number of these horizontal acceleration-intensity cor-
relations are shown in fig. 12 *. The scatter of these 1.0

various correlations clearly indicates the uncertainties

associated with the use of intensities for design pur-
Of the various studies leading to the correlations
shown in fig. 12, perhaps the most comprehensive was 0.0
recently carried out by Trifunac and Brady [46]. This EQUIVALENT MM INTENSITY
study, based on 187 sets of strong motion records in
the western United States, considered horizontal and HERSHBERGER (1965)
vertical accelerations, velocities, and displacements,
rather than horizontal accelerations only. In addition, CANCANI (1904)
~'~'-"- ISHIMOTO (10W)
the various records considered by Trifunac and Brady - - SAVARENSKY AND KIRNOS (1955)
were classed according to local site conditions at the MEDVEI)EV, ET AL. 11963)
accelerograph station, and were then used to develop KAWASUMI 119511
................... P~ERSCHMI'n" (1951)
correlations between peak ground response and MM
intensity for each condition **. Mean correlations COULTER,ETAL. 1441
between ground response and MM intensity are shown BEEOWAVERAGESOILMATERIALOR MAN-MADEFILL
in fig. 13; in addition, data scatter bands were devel- ABOVEAVERAGEFIRM BEDROCK
oped by Trifunac and Brady for each correlation and - - NEUMANN1451
should be considered in design applications of their
results. The following trends are indicated by the
Trifunac-Brady data: (1) for a given MM intensity, Fig. 12. Correlations of earthquake horizontal acceleration
the peak horizontal response exceeds the peak vertical versus intensity.
response; (2) peak accelerations recorded on hard

* Fig. 12 was developed from an original compilation of data rock were higher than those recorded on alluvium; (3)
from refs. [42] and [43] with the inclusion of additional peak velocities were only marginally higher for
acceleration-intensity correlations from refs. [44 ] - [46 ]. alluvium sites, particularly when data scatter effects
** As discussed subsequently, a lack of subsurface soil property
measurements at accelerograph site locations results in con- are considered; and (4) peak displacements recorded
siderable uncertainty associated with the classification of on alluvium sites were higher than for the other site
accelerograph records according to local soil conditions. conditions considered.
384 S.D. Werner/ Engineering characteristics of earthquake ground motions

SITE-DEPENDENT-- SITE-DEPENDENT-- Housner [48] developed correlations between upper

1. . . . . . . . . . . . . ~-o.2L_ HeRIZONTAL
. .
. . f i bound estimates of peak acceleration, magnitude, and
distance to the causative fault (fig. 14(a)). Housner's
O.IL:- ~'" ~~ [-INTERMEDIATEJ'~-.
INTERMEDIATE \ :1 correlations have been perhaps the most widely used
-ROCKx .~...1.::I in design applications; however, his estimate of tiLe
~-'v'-A'LuvluM~ maximum acceleration for a magnitude 8+ earthquake
~0 00l It I , I = I , I , I ,/ ta. e~J
II IV Vl VIII X Xll V VI VII V Vl VII (0.5 g) is now considered somewhat low because of
MM INTENSITY MM INTENSITY the larger acceleration levels recorded during the 1971
SITE-DEPENDENT-- SITE-DEPENDENT-- San Fernando earthquake. Of particular significance
101~ , , , ' ~, ~1
was Housner's assessment that peak accelerations from

1- F
a magnitude 6.5-7.0 earthquake might not be signifi-
cantly lower than those from a magnitude 8+ event;
> [E I ..,,~...-C°HARD FALLUVlUM~ this concept is still advocated by earthquake engineers
today, as discussed below.
o l' ' . . . . . . . ''" ~. ~' " ' (EIm~'-~',
.ivwv.lxx. % v, w, v w w, Numerous other peak horizontal acceleration-mag-
nitude-distance correlations have been made. For
ALL DATA ~ HORIZONTAL VERTICAL example, in 1965 Blume [49] extended Gutenberg
ioo~~ ..... , ..... | . . . . ,
~" ~ I INTERMEDIATE I V INTERMEDIATE 'I and Richter's original work to include the effects that
]O ~ I- ALLUVIUM'., ~u,e4 local site conditions, epicentral distance, focal depth,
and magnitude can have on the peak acceleration.
--! 11I' w/~!EIIIC:LI ~-"
~: 5~HARD~__
~ - ~ ' ~~I L ' ' ~ fALLUVIUM\
~ t k~
At about the same time, Kanai [50] developed similar
o. , "- A. . . . .
correlations including local site effects in terms of a
II IV Vl VIII X XII V Vl VII V Vl VII site's fundamental period when subjected to vertically-
propagating shear waves. Somewhat later correlations
NOTE: DATASCATTERBANDSFOREACHOFTHESEGROUNDRESPONSE- were made by Milne and Davenport [51] in 1969 and
by Esteva [52] in 1970. The Milne-Davenport study
FOR DESIGNPURPOSES. indicated that acceleration-magnitude-distance rela-
tionships based on records from the western United
Fig. 13. Mean correlations of ground response versus intensity
[46]. States do not apply to eastern Canada, where the felt
areas of earthquakes are much larger. Esteva's study
considered hypocentral distances rather than epicen-
tral distances in his correlations with acceleration and Peak ground response-magnitude-distance magnitude (fig. 14(b)); his correlations were based
correlations. primarily on data used in the Gutenberg-Richter and
The current library of strong motion records has Housner studies.
also been used to relate peak ground motions to the The 1971 San Fernando earthquake has had an im-
magnitude of the earthquake and to the distance from portant impact on correlations of this type because of
the site to the earthquake source. These interrelation- the large amount of data that was obtained and the
ships have been widely used in seismic design applica- high peak acceleration levels that were recorded.
tions, and representative correlations are summarized Examples of correlations that were developed since
in the paragraphs that follow. this event are those of Cloud [53] and Page et al. [54]
(a) Peak horizontal acceleration - general site (figs. 14(c) and 14(d)). These correlations indicate
conditions. The first systematic attempt at correlating that peak accelerations recorded during earthquakes
peak accelerations with magnitude was carried out in in the magnitude 6.0-6.9 range are not significantly
1956 by Gutenberg and Richter [47]. This correlation different from those induced by earthquakes in the
used an empirical curve for attenuation with distance magnitude 7.0-7.9 range. Similar trends are noted in
to reduce all recorded accelerations to equivalent ac- the ground response-magnitude-distance-site condi-
celerations on bedrock at the epicenter. In 1965, tion correlations carried out by Trifunac and Brady
S.D. Werner / Engineering characteristics of earthquake ground motions 385

l i I n i
~I000F = ] G • -

l •

)\\ •
~=z0- 7 -
I ,O~,A,G,.3.0-ZLOG,~"" ~ ' ~ X
,o1--o.o, o S~M,O, RANGEO~~,GN,7OOE .\\
80 N / I- ,,.9 ..\'
0 ,0 20 30
40 50 60 70
/ : :07;69 .\
(a) By Housner 1481 't -'°'®'G' I t I . I
0.0' 0. ,0 l. 0 ,0 ,00 1000


I el I el I"lllll I I I I I III 1.0[-- • I

• o o
0.52 G
lO ~.,~ • --
o •
~ \ ~ . . . . • . o.•,-

~ ~ .~..'. 0o

- ,
. .~.
,,, ,;.


0., 'i'" ,&
- .., . *,\ gig
" oN I
• • 0008
'O-I _Z • ~ •0 • a " 1230e0'BM(R + 251"2 • ..',..,:
-- • o41 • D

- • • ° • 0.01 • . ~,-

• 5.0-5.9
• go
• 6.0-6.9
• 7.0-7.9

10 °1 I I I11 0.001
10 100
10 '0 2 103

.(b) By Esteva I521 (d) By Page et al. I541

Fig. 14. Correlation of peak horizontal acceleration-magnitude-distance.

[55] and described later in this section. Jennings and cantly higher if t h e m a g n i t u d e had instead been as
Housner [56] indicate that peak accelerations recorded high as 8+ *
near the epicentral region of the San Fernando earth-
quake (magnitude 6.5) would not have been signifi- footnote see n e x t page
386 S.D. Werner/Engineering characteristics of earthquake ground motions

shown in fig. 1 5, and indicate spreads of predicted

peak accelerations that are about twice those of the
observed peak accelerations (on a log scale). Most of
the correlations compared by Trifunac and Brady
appear consistent with mean data trends at distances
ranging from 20 to 250 kin. For shorter distances,
where there are limited data, tile predicted peak ac-
celerations diverge substantially from one another.
(b) Peak horizontal accelerations on rock outcrops.
~o. Since subsurface bedrock motions typically serve as
input to site response analyses, they must be estimated
from the geologic and seismologic studies of the region.
in the absence of bedrock motion measurements,
rock outcrop records are often used as guides for
o o.~
defining the peak accelerations and general character-
a. istics of these input motions. Empirical data based on
observed acceleration-attenuation characteristics of
rock outcrop motions are typically applied for this
0.011 purpose.
The work of Schnabel and Seed [57] probably re-
presents the data most widely used for defining the
acceleration level of rock motions at a site. Their work
O. 00Cx
is based on the characteristics of observed and com-
DISTANCE, puted rock motions in the western United States and
NOTE: T6 = FUNDAMENTALPERIOD SITE, SEC Mexico, and is summarized as curves that relate peak
p, VS = AVERAGE SPECIFIC DENSITY AND SHEAR WAVE acceleration to the earthquake magnitude and causative
SOIL DEPOSITS fault distance. Curves of this type were first developed
M = MA6NITUDE by Seed and his associates in 1968 [58]; these curves
R = EPICENTRALDISTANCE were updated by Schnabel and Seed to include mea-
Fig. 15. Comparisons of correlations between horizontal peak surements from the 1971 San Fernando earthquake
acceleration and distance for magnitude 6.5-6.6 earthquakes and other recent events, as well as calculations of rock
[551. outcrop motions. Results of the S c h n a b e l - S e e d study
are provided in the form of average values of peak-
In their recent study, Trifunac and Brady [55] com- acceleration attentuation rates (fig. 16(a)). In addition,
pared a number o f these past correlations, based on a curves indicating the scatter in these attenuation rates
magnitude 6.5 earthquake. These comparisons are are also shown; the scatter reflects the influence of
different source mechanisms, geologic environments
and travel paths (fig. 16(b)).
* They attribute this to the fact that peak accelerations recorded Rock-motion attenuation data for the central
at the epicentral region are most affected by nearby releases
United States have been estimated by Nuttli [37,59].
of strain energy. However, the accelerograph sites near the
epicenter of the San Fernando earthquake would have had In the absence of ground motion measurements in this
the same proximity to the causative fault if the length and region, these data are based on highly approximate
width of the faulting had extended over greater distances, correlations between particle velocity and intensity
as would be reflected by an increased magnitude. The dura- for hard rock materials. Results for different frequency
tion of strong motion would have been longer due to a
components o f the seismic waves are shown in fig. 17.
magnitude 8+ earthquake, reflecting the effects of large
fault displacements and more distant sources of energy. As Unfortunately, these data are not in a form that can
noted in subsection 2.4.4, an increased duration of strong be readily'used for scaling input to conventional site-
shaking could increase the structure damage in the area. response analyses; however, they are included in this
S.D. Werner / Engineering characteristics of earthquake ground motions 387

0.8 r i r i i i r 1O I I
0.7 M~6.6 ~ NOTE: M = MAGNITUDE
110° 100° gO ° 80 °
o 0.6

M~5.6 400
~ 0.Ol
~0.3 0.0111

~0.2 M~5.2
O.0001 I I
lO I00 1000

I I I I I ~l'3"ll~'--'l (a) Boundaries of regions (b) 0.3 HZ signals

2 4 6 lO 20 dO 60 100
(a) Average values UNCERTAINTY
g l
0.9 i l i i i I I

~ [}.1
0.8 ~ ) ~ NOTE: M = MAGNITUDE
o. , M-- ,.
~ .01
50 00] REGION2 y
. " REGION3"

M~5.6 ~.,,, O.O001 t I

lO 100 1000 1000

O.3 "%%%\ (c) 1 Hz signals (d) 3 Hz signals

Fig. 1 7 . F r e q u e n c y - d e p e n d e n t rock accelerations for central

United States [59].

~ H H / i T r g p . { ¢ ~ , , ,,, H •H~r HH¢~ Despite this, there have been relatively few attempts
2 4 6 1O 20 dO 60 100
DISTANCE FROM CAUSATIVE FAULT, MILE5 to correlate horizontal velocities and displacements
with magnitude and distance. Perhaps this is due to
(b) Ranges of values
the uncertainties associated with integrating the ac-
Fig. 16. Correlation of peak horizontal rock accelerations with celeration histories; only recently have baseline cor-
m a g n i t u d e a n d d i s t a n c e [ 5 7 ]. rection procedures been developed to modify acceler-
ation records so that more reliable velocity and dis-
summary, since they represent one of the few known placement histories can be obtained [33].
attempts for estimating earthquake motion character- Among the few correlations of velocities or displace
istics in regions of the United States other than ments with magnitude and distance are those of
California and the far west. Ambraseys [60] and Esteva [52]. Ambraseys provided
(c) Horizontal velocity and displacement correla- correlations based on upper bound estimates of hori-
tions. As indicated previously, peak horizontal veloc- zontal velocities (fig. 18(a)), but has indicated that
ities and displacements provide a better measure of within one or two focal depths from the causative
earthquake-induced lateral forces on low-to-intermedi- fault, relatively weak correlations exist between veloc-
ate frequency structures than do peak accelerations. ity, magnitude and distance. Esteva has provided the
388 S.D. Werner / Engineering characteristics of earthquake ground motions

I ! I I I I II I velocity correlations shown in fig. 18(b), and has sug-

gested that the peak displacement d can be obtained
from the peak velocity v, peak acceleration a. and
hypocentral distance in kilometers R, using tile fol-
lowing expression:
aa/v 2 = 1 + (400/R0.6).

\ For most earthquakes, ad/v 2 has values of 5 - 15 ac-

cording to Newmark and Rosenblueth [5].
(d) Trifunac-Brady study. A recent study of the
correlations of peak horizontal and vertical acceleration,
velocity, and displacement with magnitude, distance,
and local site conditions has been carried out by
Trifunac and Brady [55]. This study is based on statis-
| tical evaluations of 187 sets of records from the cur-
| rent CIT library of free-field strong motion measure-
ments (subsection 4.1). It is one of the first investiga-
tions of this type to include vertical as well as horizon-
tal motions.
The Trifunac Brady study used the following ex-

",.\ 100 ~0
pression relating peak ground response, magnitude M,
and epicentral distance R:

(Jkmax] ta0 (Mj ]

l°glotJemax ( = M + l°gloAo(R) -- loglot Vo(M) t , (7)
(a) By Ambraseys 1601
~Ymax ] I~d0(Jl//),/

IXI I III1! I 1 I IIIll~ I I !
M - 2 MA~ilTUOE where Ao(R ) represents the attenuation of amplitude
" M'4
.with distance from the epicenter (fig. 19) and a0(M),
M- 5 xl.6 - 2.5
+3.5 - 4.5 v0(M), and d0(M) are magnitude-dependent (and site-
10-I M " 5 e4.6 - 5.5
_ • • A5.6 - 6.5 dependent) empirical scaling functions for accelera-
a6.6 - 7.5
. • ~, o7.6 - 8.5
tion, velocity and displacement (fig. 20). From their
v - PEAK VELOCITY, CMIS~ studies of the data, Trifunac and Brady concluded
• Am •1 M • MAGIqlTUD4[ that
(a) for distances greater than about 30 kin, all pro-
posed amplitudes vary approximately as 1/R 2, where
R is the epicentral distance;
(b) the peaks of strong ground motion do not grow
linearly with earthquake magnitude; the average
maxima of strong motion acceleration, velocity and
displacement seem to be reached for magnitude
6.5-7.0 shocks; and
(c) for intermediate and small magnitude earth-
I0 102 103
quakes, average peak accelerations for hard rock sites
FOCAL DISTANCE, KM are higher than those recorded on alluvium. For magni-
(b) B y Esteva [521
tudes larger than about 6, peak accelerations recorded
Fig. 18. Correlations of peak horizontal velocity with magni- on the three different site types investigated (hard
tude and distance. rock, intermediate rock and alluvium) are about the
S.D. ICerner/ Engineering characteristicsof earthquake ground motions 389

I0 "I , , I i , , , i , 'bracketed duration' as one that correspond to the

elapsed time between the first and last excursion
levels greater than a certain acceleration amplitude.
Page et al. [54] adopted a definition similar to that of
Bolt, and used 0.05 g as their threshold acceleration
level. Finally, Trifunac and Brady [20] defined the
duration in terms of the quantity
S(t') = f f 2(t) dt , (8)
! lOq
where f(t) corresponds to either the acceleration, ve-

i locity, or displacement history of the ground shaking

and t' is finite or infinite. They deleted the first 5%
and the last 5% of the amplitudes of S(t'), and defined
the duration to correspond to the time interval be-
I0"40 20 dO 60 80 I00 I~0 14} 160 Im 200 tween the start and completion of the remaining 90%.
In addition to differences in the basic definitions
Fig. 19. Ground motion attenuation factor used by Trifunac
of the duration of strong shaking, other differences
and Brady [55].
among the above studies should be noted. For ex-
ample, the more recent studies, such as those of Bolt,
same. For velocity and displacement peaks and magni- and Trifunac and Brady, had considerably more strong-
tudes greater than 6, however, alluvium sites appear motion data to work with than did the earlier studies,
to exhibit larger amplitudes. such as that of Housner *. Also, the variables used to
study the duration of strong shaking differed among
4.3.2. Duration of strong shaking the various studies. Housner considered only the du-
As discussed in subsection 2.4.4, the duration of ration of the horizontal acceleration record as a func-
strong shaking is an important measure of the potential tion of magnitude, whereas Bolt also considered the
damage to structures caused by earthquakes. Past effect of the threshold acceleration amplitude and the
studies have shown that the duration of strong shaking frequency content of the seismic waves. The Trifunac-
is related to the magnitude, the distance from the site Brady study related the duration to the peak horizon-
to the earthquake source, local site conditions, MM in- tal and vertical acceleration, velocity, and displace-
tensities, and the seismic wave frequencies. ment, and considered effects of magnitude, epicentral
When comparing and evaluating various assessments distance, local site conditions, and MM intensity.
of the duration of strong shaking, possible differences With the above differences in mind, duration versus
in the definitions of this parameter, as implemented by magnitude correlations developed from three of the
various investigators, should be kept in mind. For above studies and, based only on horizontal accelera-
example, Esteva and Rosenblueth [61] carried out a tion records, are compared in fig. 21. These compari-
study in 1964 in which they defined the duration of sons indicate that the Housner results are similar to
an 'equivalent' intensity per unit time. Housner [48], the Bolt results for a bracketed acceleration greater
in a paper published in 1965, noted that the time- than 0.05 g, but greatly exceed Bolt's curves for a
dependent energy and vibration level variation consists
of (1) an initial segment in which the energy and * Housner's study of the duration of strong shaking was based
vibration levels rapidly increase to high values; (2) a on 42 horizontal accelerograms from 21 earthquakes that
occurred prior to 1957; in contrast, the Trifunac-Brady
segment of uniformly strong shaking at these high
study was based on 374 horizontal accelerograms and 187
levels; and (3) a period of gradually attenuating vibra- vertical accelerograms from 57 earthquakes that occurred
tion. He defined the duration of strong shaking to between 1933 and 1971. Both studies considered only data
correspond to item 2 above. Bolt [19] defined a from the western United States.
390 S.D. Werner/ Engineering characteristics of earthquake ground motions


0 1 2 011121o11 o 1 z o 1 2 o ~ o lie, O 1
4 5

3 -- T -- ~ 4 --

~ 2-- -- o 3 - - i

Ib) Velocities

o 1 zl01z z 0 11z O 1 2

(a) A c c e l e r a t i o n s


~" 3 b



(C) Displacements
Fig. 20. Site and magnitude classification factors used by Trifunac and Brady [55 ].

bracketed acceleration greater than 0.10 g. Trifunac- the Housner and Bolt results for magnitudes less than
Brady results are presented for alluvium and hard rock about 6; at higher magnitudes, they fall below the
sites and epicentral distances ranging from 10 to 50 Housner curves and the Bolt curves for a bracketed
km. Their durations for the alluvial site tend to exceed duration of 0.05 g. The Trifunac-Brady curves for
S.D. Werner / Engineering characteristics o f earthquake ground motions 391

40 ¸
z 3O

• 10 30[- ~C~ IINTER ~ - | IMEDIATE/'\ I
-50 • [;ED';"_."k, ] l
L %:~ IROCKf- \ / i " 1
• 10 1OF • --..\J-HARD
J L .... HARD-l
i,,- O/ I I I I I / I I I ~1 I / / I I I I I /
0" I I I I
(a) Duration of acceleration
.... BRACKETEDACCELERATION>O.1O G " I- W , N , R - ~..4-... ~ , H TME
- ' 'v~~' ,\ ALLU~
Fig. 2 I. Duration of strong horizontal acceleration versus ~ ~I-HORIZONTAL J- ROCK~'~'~,:, ALLLiVlUg' R O C K ~ |
~101_ I_HARD ~ "~ _ HARDj '
magnitude and distance. | ROCK~ ROCK/
I I l I I I I I I I I l I I l l LI !
hard rock sites are generally comparable to Bolt's
(b) Duration of velocity
results for a bracketed duration of 0.10 g. Each set of
results indicates an increase in duration with increasing
The influence of the distance from the earthquake 50~ ,,...~.~.I~
source on the duration of strong shaking has been
studied by a number of investigators. Generally, the
trends obtained from these studies are dependent on ~s
the particular manner in which the duration is defined. /R,~,,,, / / R ~ ~, , , , !
For example, Trifunac and Brady indicate that, for a ,, , v v i v . , x x . ...vv, v.,xx,, ,, ,vv, v,.x xl,
given earthquake magnitude and site condition in the
western United States, the duration will increase with (c) Duration of displacement
increasing distance from the fault (fig. 21). They attri- Fig. 22. Trifunac-Brady [20] mean correlations of duration
bute this trend to dispersion effects, whereby signals with site intensity.
of different frequencies travel at different wave veloc-
ities, thereby spreading the strong-motion segment of
the ground motion history. In this regard, it is noted frequency seismic waves attenuate more strongly with
that the Trifunac-Brady definition of duration as pre- distance than do low frequency waves; therefore, he
viously described, is not sensitive to the absolute am- reasons that the mean duration of shaking, according
plitudes of the ground shaking; rather it is most closely to his definition, should attenuate in the same manner.
related to the time distribution of the ground shaking This trend is opposite to that obtained by Trifunac
over the entire length of the record. In contrast to and Brady; yet both appear plausible in view of the
this, Bolt's definition of duration is based on the time differing definitions of duration used in the two studies.
span between the first and last excursions greater than Trifunac and Brady also correlated the duration
a prescribed acceleration threshold; i.e. his definition with MM intensity and site conditions. Mean correla-
is sensitive to the absolute amplitude of the ground tions from their results are summarized in fig. 22 and,
shaking. Bolt then notes that the amplitudes of high together with the data-scatter effects indicated in the
392 S.D. Werner / Engineering characteristics of earthquake ground motions

Trifunac-Brady paper, indicate the following trends: site under seismic loads. For example, the primary
(a) The duration of strong motion tends to decrease sources of soils data thus far having been boring logs
with increasing MM intensity, regardless of whether and foundation reports associated with mineral ex-
accelerations, velocities or displacements are con- ploration and deep water wells, or civil works projects
sidered. Trifunac and Brady attribute this trend to dis- and large buildings located near or at the accelero-
persion effects and to more pronounced scattering for graph station. However, because of the nature of these
longer travel paths. soils data and the specific needs they are intended to
(b) For a given MM intensity, the average duration fulfill, they are often neither complete nor accurate
of strong motion for an alluvium site is about twice enough to adequately describe the dynamic behavior
that for a hard rock site. of the soil profile. For example, Hansen et al. [62]
(c) When all data are considered, regardless of site compiled existing geologic, soil, and seismic informa-
conditions, the mean duration of strong shaking is tion from 78 accelerograph sites in California, and
marginally greater for vertical motions than for horizon- concluded that only 2 of the 78 sites had subsurface
tal motions. information sufficiently complete to permit a
thorough analysis of earthquake ground motions.
4. 4. Soils and geologic investigations at accelerograph Because of such shortcomings in the knowledge of
stations site conditions at accelerograph stations, a number of
recommendations have been made to various state and
When predicting earthquake motions based on national legislative bodies in the United States re-
local soil properties at a site, it is important to con- garding appropriate remedial measures. For example,
sider soil and geologic characteristics at locations of the Joint Committee on Seismic Safety in the State of
prior strong motion measurements and the degree to California has recommended to the California State
which these characteristics have been studied in the Legislature that '... greater effort and appropriate in-
past. The paragraphs that follow briefly describe the strumentation should be devoted to studies of the ef-
availability of soils and geologic data from prior earth- fects of topography and the character of geologic
quake recording sites. material on the distribution and amplitude of strong
Of the approximately 400 records obtained to ground motion' [63].
date (1975) in the United States, more than half have Unfortunately, most recommendations along these
been recorded in upper levels of high-rise buildings; lines have either not been implemented or are being
therefore, they include the effects of the building re- cfirried out on a low priority basis. One of the few
sponse as well as the response of the local soil deposits. known cases in which subsurface instrumentation has
The remaining records of free-field earthquake motions been used to evaluate dynamic effects of soil materials
represent a diverse set of ground and geologic condi- was at Union Bay in Seattle, Washington. A three-level
tions. Most of these records have been measured on accelerometer station was installed at this site in 1965
soil deposits and therefore include the modifying in- and was subsequently used to measure soil transmission
fluence of the underlying soil materials. Only a few characteristics and motion from minor earthquakes
measurements have been obtained on rock outcrops. and distant underground nuclear events [64].
No subsurface measurements of ground shaking dur- In addition to studies of the type conducted at
ing strong earthquakes have been obtained. Union Bay, some attempts have been made to describe
For most accelerograph stations located on soil subsurface soil conditions at various recording stations.
deposits, data on soil properties and geologic condi- For example, site descriptions for a number of seismo-
tions are often limited or nonexistent. Many stations scope and accelerograph stations were published in
have no available data, and the site description simply 1962 on the basis of shallow borings, well drilling logs,
consists of the statement 'soil of undetermined charac- and other less detailed sources of subsurface data [65].
ter'. Where data describing geologic and soil conditions Although a general indication of site condition is
at accelerograph stations are available, they have been provided, much of the data is not sufficiently reliable
obtained from a variety of studies, most of which were for determining dynamic site response characteristics.
conducted without concern for the behavior of the A similar catalog of strong motion site conditions was
S.D. Werner / Engineering characteristics o f earthquake ground motions 393

prepared following the 1971 San Fernando earthquake and completeness of information describing the geolo-
[66]. Shallow refraction surveys were conducted at gy and local soil conditions at the accelerograph
many sites and provided substantially improved shear stations. Empirical correlations between ground re-
wave velocity data for depths up to 100 ft. However, sponse, MM intensity, magnitude, distance, and local
shear wave velocities and other soil properties ob- site conditions have been developed from this data
tained for deeper layers at these sites are less reliable base, and can provide impoJtant information for use
and are still not adequate for dynamic response analy- in formulating criteria. However, evaluation of results
ses. from a particular correlation should be based on the
A more recent and comprehensive program for number and type of records used in its development,
conducting soils investigations at accelerograph whether the correlation includes the most recent
stations is presently being carried out by a Shannon strong-motion data, how the data were processed to
& Wilson/Agbabian Associates joint venture for the develop the correlations, and the statistical scatter in
USNRC [67]. It consists of field investigations and the data. All of these considerations will enable the
laboratory tests of the subsurface soil materials at engineer to utilize the strong-motion data base to its
selected stations. In addition, background information best advantage, permitting proper application of the
regarding the regional geology and seismic history for data and interpretation of its results.
these various sites is also included. Only now are initial
results of this investigation becoming available.

5. Summary This paper is excerpted from a recent report by

Shannon and Wilson, Inc., and Agbabian Associates
The development of vibratory motion criteria for [4]. The report was part of a USNRC program directed
a nuclear plant site must be based on sound earth- toward expanding the current technology associated
quake engineering fundamentals and current informa- with predicting earthquake ground motions and the
tion regarding earthquake-induced ground motions. behavior of soil materials subjected to earthquakes.
This paper has related these concepts to the characteri- Significant contributions to the report were made by
zation of earthquake events and ground motions, the M.S. Agbabian, J.W. Workman and G.A. Young of
geologic factors that affect ground shaking at a site, Agbabian Associates; and I. Arango, R.P. Miller,
and the current strong motion data base. H.H. Waldron and S.D. Wilson of Shannon & Wilson,
Ground shaking at a site is an extremely complex Inc. H.B. Seed of the University of California,
process that cannot be predicted with certainty by Berkeley, was special consultant. Assistance and direc-
current methods. The many geologic factors that affect tion in preparing the report was provided by J.
ground shaking - such as the source mechanism, Harbour of USNRC, technical monitor for the joint
source-site transmission path, and local site condi- venture.
tions - combine in different ways for different earth-
quakes. To illustrate this point: measurements and
damage observations from past earthquakes have, in References
some cases, indicated a strong dependence on local
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